Your Disney Pet Peeves

Basically for me it all boils down to:

People who are rude, mean, insensitive and inconsiderate, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or home town. I don't understand why people can't just be nice, wait their turn, follow directions, put their trash in the trash can, not spit on things, and just generally be sensitive to others around them.

For me, this is not just limited to WDW . . . however, it does tend to be more offensive when I am there, perhaps because I hold myself to a higher standard of behavior when in such a Magical place and expect others to do the same . . . it just feels so WRONG for someone to be rotten on (what I consider to be) Hallowed Ground.

I have to say though . . . that for every person behaving badly in WDW . . . there is at least one other who is going out of their way to be nice . . . so I think cosmically it balances out.

Mainly, I just feel sorry for those people who can't lose themelves in the Magic and Wonder of the place, and insist on making everything about THEM . . . I want to be in the middle of the row . . . I am hungry / angry / upset / tired . . . I want to see the parade . . . well so does everyone else, and you are no more entitled to those things than they are (especially since most of them ARE following the rules), so just be respectful of those around you, please.

How sad for them that they are so focused on what they might be missing that they forget to appreciate what they are experiencing.

Sorry for being so preachy. :guilty:

Oh yeah . . . I also hate heelies! :rotfl:
It is both on a sign AND stated overhead that there is no flash photogrphy allowed on Pirates. You must have just missed it. I puroposely looked and listed during my last trip, and they do tell you and there is a sign.

Someone on our boat one time took a picture with a flash, and a CM got on the speaker and said.."no flash photography please"

-Lastly...people who stand too close to you in line. It doesn't matter how close to me you stand, it won't make the line move any faster.

Absolutely!! I *hate* that. There's an inch and a half of space between me and the person behind me, so the person behind me feels the need to make it half an inch. Wow, I guess he'll get to the CM who stops him from getting on the ride... .1 second sooner.

Cutting in line is probably my #1 peeve. It's Disney, you gotta wait in line, so be respectful and make the process as painless as possible. Don't cut, don't crowd, and don't be a jerk.
We were at World Showcase waiting for Illuminations one cold evening in February. We had found seats on a bench with a few other adults and waited more than 40 minutes for the show to begin.
About 10 minutes before, these 4 tall young people came right in front of us at the railing and began posing for pictures (with Spaceship Earth in the background). This went on and on.
They were, I'm pretty sure, speaking Portuguese, and I told my DH that I'd bet my bottom dollar they weren't going to move once the show started. He gave me a funny look, but I was right. They had already decided to stand there -- blocking the view of all the people behind them. The picture taking was for our benefit -- as if they were just passing through and thought it a good spot to take pictures. Yeh, right.

Something similar happened to my mom and I a few years ago. We were sitting in Mexico waiting for Illuminations, and we'd been there an hour+. They were perfect seats, but there was a gap between our bench and the fence. I mean... a gap big enough for our feet and, maybe, bags. Suddenly this full tour group comes up, and the tour guide shoves all the kids (and some of the adults) into the gap. Of course they're all standing, b/c there's no room in the gap for them to sit, and they're practically in our laps!

We tried to talk to the tour guide, but she acted like she couldn't understand. Now, come on. A *tour* *guide* conducting tours in the US who doesn't speak English!? How practical (or realistic) is that?? We ended up moving, but it was about 5 minutes before the show so there were no good spots left.
One of my pet peeves is the way some people dress. It's Florida, I know it's hot, but I do not need (or want) to see that much skin. ... This bothers me everywhere, but especially at a family place like WDW..
I agree with this both in the parks; and in the restaurants where the dress code is rarely enforced/become so lax so that people go into a nice place straight from a long day in hot, humid Florida. Other peeves already mentioned: smoking in non-areas; camera/flashe warnings being ignored; cutting in; stroller & wheelchair issues; people not looking where they're going.
People who are rude, mean, insensitive and inconsiderate, ... I don't understand why people can't just be nice, wait their turn, follow directions,... and just generally be sensitive to others around them. Oh yeah . . . I also hate heelies! :rotfl:
Yup, those guests who are SHOCKED to encounter lines, crowds, rules and weather and kind of make everything miserable around them. [rant] It's that attitude of "We're paying $$ to be here, so the crowds should part and everything should be our way and we should always have a seat and never have to wait" without regard for the other 20,000 folks there.. no patience, no understanding, no getting over oneself. [/end rant]
Oh yeah . . . I also hate heelies! :rotfl:[/QUOTE]

Yes, I agree with this one whole-heartedly! Our local zoo has signs up for not using them in the kid's play zoo. I wish they would tell them not to use them anywhere. :sad2:
People who have no sense of personal space!
Really, there is no need to get so close to me in a ride queue that parts of you touch parts of me! Back up a step and you'll still get on the ride in the same amount of time!
I hate it when people stand super close to me, but I have a special remedy to make them back off.


Heck, sometimes it gets me a whole cue to myself.
I have to annoys me when I go to WDW and have to "babysit" other people's children.

I am speaking of kids who are not old enough or mature enough to be on their own...and....I am sure you can fill in the rest....

We were on splash mountain 3 years back...when we had 4 teens in the 2 rows ahead of us....they were splashing water at each other...putting their hands all over the sides and rocking the ride...picked up a visor that was floating in the water....flung the water off of that at each other

After fearing for my family's safety...I finally said something to them...and they proceeded to throw water on us. To top things of the teens started to stand up as we went down the big drop!
I'm a spitter. Sorry. I suffer from allergies and post-nasal drip. I can't take anti-histamines because it interferes with other meds I take. I try to blow my nose as much as possible, because with the post-nasal drip, I get nauseous and cough up phlegm. (TMI?). I always try to have plenty of tissues and napkins in my pockets, but occasionally I need to spit. I try to be discrete, and would never spit anywhere where it would come in contact with anybody.
That said, the flash photography on dark rides makes me want to grab the offenders camera and throw it as far as I can. Also, the people who do things that endanger others. For example, I once saw a guy stand up at the top of the lift on Splash Mountain, and was yelling at his son (about 10), "Don't be chicken! Stand up!!". IDIOT! Oh, and the guy was video taping the whole thing! :headache:
for me, its people touching me... not accidentally due to crowding, but people who think, just cause we strike up a conversation in a queue, that you get to touch me. i get this a LOT when i am in my wheelchair. i look young, and my chair makes me look even younger, and people think its okay to pat me or touch me... i know there is limited personal space in a crowd, but WHY do people think its okay to touch me???

also, my wheelchair is NOT a "lean rail." (remember, from timekeeper?) also, PLEASE tell your children NOT to play with my wheels. little fingers + movnig spokes = trip to ER. also, if you see me struggling up a hill, PLEASE do not try to push me without asking. i had an airline attendant seriously injure my hand once doing this. my hands got tangled up in my wheels and i got hurt. i have also had people "move me" when i was in front of a shelf in a store... i am NOT an inconveniently placed shopping cart!

so i guess it comes down to personal space. i respect your space, you respect mine, everything works out.

oh, and if you need to read a map, PLEASE do not stop in front of me. my braking system is my hands, and i dunno if you've ever caught a wheelchair in the achilles before, but it HURTS. use common sense and move off to the side!
This is easy. People who talk, take pictures (flash), or video (w/lighting) on attractions when you are NOT supposed to. I honestly thought I was in a lightning storm on POTC.

This is mine,t oo. Honestly, I can put up with most everything else folks are mentioning (except true rudeness to cm's), but I hate the flashes on POTC and other dark rides.

My other peeve is similar--talking (in a regular voice) during the France movie's music. I understand some folks don't like the movie. Okay, leave. BUt don't treat the movie like it's your television at home! I LOVE the film and want so much to really get into it. I hate the talkers.

Alright, rant over. Getting into disney mode now. Calming down.....

I have to annoys me when I go to WDW and have to "babysit" other people's children.

I am speaking of kids who are not old enough or mature enough to be on their own...and....I am sure you can fill in the rest....

We were on splash mountain 3 years back...when we had 4 teens in the 2 rows ahead of us....they were splashing water at each other...putting their hands all over the sides and rocking the ride...picked up a visor that was floating in the water....flung the water off of that at each other

After fearing for my family's safety...I finally said something to them...and they proceeded to throw water on us. To top things of the teens started to stand up as we went down the big drop!

I think the operative term here is "mature enough." These teens clearly were not mature. Age isn't really their problem.
I've got the perfect remidy for those "we don't speak english, only spanish" people:

A fluent fiance. :D

My biggest pet peeve are the people who rent the motorized strollers, but don't need them. I think Disney should outlaw motorized scooters except for people who actually are handicapped.

One stupid little teenager almost ran over my three year old. Got into an argument with her father. He called me an "ignorant american." and a few other choice items in spanish.

senile old ladies that scream about how to use the fast-pass system, and then blame others for cutting in line.
bratty, neurotic children on leashes.
and an excess of PDA.

oh i'm SURE i could think of more, hahah.
I've got the perfect remidy for those "we don't speak english, only spanish" people:

A fluent fiance. :D

My biggest pet peeve are the people who rent the motorized strollers, but don't need them. I think Disney should outlaw motorized scooters except for people who actually are handicapped.

One stupid little teenager almost ran over my three year old. Got into an argument with her father. He called me an "ignorant american." and a few other choice items in spanish.


I have to take exception here. How do you know that someone does not need an ecv? By their age? their appearance? or do you have a special built-in radar? I have lupus, Neurofibromatosis, type I, extreme degenerative disc disease, and am in the beginning stages of congestive heart failure----but when I wear slacks, you cannot tell that I have a mobility problem (they cover my braces) and I can get out of the ecv to walk short distances. Could I do a whole day without the ecv? No, I could not even do ten minutes!!! But I look fine--just overweight from cortisone and not being able to exercize. I would give the ecv to anyone who wants it if I could have my health back!!

I cannot tell you how many times people stop unexpectedly in front of me, climb over the ecv to get in front of me, refuse to let me merge with the traffic exiting shows, curse at me for getting on the bus first (I am the last one taken off--I'd trade that too if it were practical:) ) make comments about how it "must be nice" to go to the front of the line (this doesn't happen--I sometimes go to a different area where I usually wait longer than you do for a special ride vehicle) or how they wish they could "ride instead of walking" (believe me I'd trade places in a minute if I could!! my view of people's behinds is not a good one:lmao: .)

Also--teenagers (under 18) cannot rent and are not supposed to be driving an ecv in the parks--so you should have reported him to a cm.

stepping off my soapbox
Just got back this week & I still have a mark on my ankle from a MOM who shoved her stroller into me so hard to move into my parade spot that it left a bruise! I had been standing there (I am 4' 11" so no need to worry that I was actually blocking the view of a child) for about 20 min. enjoying my frozen lemonade (and re-couping from 2 rides on EE back-to-back) waiting for the Mickey's Jammin Jungle Parade. Right as the parade is starting this woman shoves, and I mean shoves her double stroller into me that I almost fell into the path of the parade. I couldn't scoot over, the white tape was right at my foot, and there was a CM there that kept reminding us nicely to stay inside the white lines. Well in this stroller that did manage to push right up to the ropes - were two PRE TEENS!! Of course they weren't content (or comfortable) to sit inside the stroller, they had to get out & push, shove & scream all over me. I must have said "excuse me" firmly many times, but the family didn't speak english. Then the mom physically starts shoving her little girl up by me too! The CM did see this & told the girl & her pre-teen brothers to move back but they claimed not to understand. The mom kept motioning for the kids to move front, move front. We were against the rope already lady!!!! They must have stepped on my feet and made me lose my balance at least a dozen times. I was almost hoping my sticky frozen lemonade would spill all over them. At one point the kids all climbed under the ropes & the CM did tell them to get back. I could tell the CM was just as annoyed as I was. PERSONAL SPACE PEOPLE!!!!!
I hate watching people of any age, grope and kiss each other, in public, but especially in a family oriented place, like Disney. I don't mean a simple peck on the lips or cheek or holding hands or tasteful hugging. I mean full embrace, holding and sensual rubbing and lots of kissing. The long gazes into each other's eyes, while rubbing each other slowly- and inappropriately- and kissing because you won't go back to your room, so everyone gets to see how much in love you are, even the kids standing in line, with you, at Dumbo.

I can deal with or ignore, just about, anything else but, this is the one and only thing that really burns me up :furious:


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