Your earliest memory?


Oct 19, 2012
I was in my crib, late one night, and I was listening in to a barbeque party my parents were throwing downstairs outside my bedroom window. It was a fascinating night, as it was one where the stag beetles were climbing up the wall outside and launching themselves from my window!

Second was running into my grandma and grandpa's house one day, shouting to my grandma, "where's Grandpa?!". She said, "He's upstairs shaving", so I ran upstairs to the bathroom at the end of the house where the tap was shaped like a fish and finding him half-shaven... I had a special relationship with my grandpa, even if he died when I was very young.

Final earliest memory of sorts was standing singing carols in a neighbouring house with green shutters with my dear Grandpa on my left looking after me. We went back to his house afterward and we played soldiers with a castle I still have in my room :teeth:

Happy days.
I remember Easter when I was nearly three. My baby sister was placed in my arms, and we sat on the floor for a photo. My great-grandfather was standing behind whoever was taking the picture saying, "smile! Smile!" This is also the only memory I have of him as he died later that same year.
Being in London and seeing double decker busses everywhere. I was around three.
I'm not sure, but definitely one of the earliest is crawling around under our coffee table, then raising up and banging my head on the table hard. I still have that coffee table (It's right behind me now).
I remember when my parents brought my twin siblings home from the hospital. I had just turned three. I was upset because I wanted to call them John and Mary. I had a book with characters named John and Mary. The boy had dark hair. The girl was blond. One of the twins had dark hair. The other was blond. It made perfect sense to me.

My parents named them Robert and Rodney. I guess they thought naming one of the boys Mary wasn't a good idea.
i remember my mom rocking me in the rocking chair patting my butt in a rhythm to get me to go to sleep. i was just a baby. i just remember focusing on the rhythm.
Its vague but I defiantly remember

On the day I was born
The nurses all gathered 'round
And they gazed in wide wonder
At the joy they had found
The head nurse spoke up
And she said leave this one alone
She could tell right away
That I was bad to the bone
oh you! you make me laugh! thank you! haha
I remember playing, with other kids, using big cardboard boxes out in the yard of the house we had just moved into. I had just turned 3.
Its vague but I defiantly remember

On the day I was born
The nurses all gathered 'round
And they gazed in wide wonder
At the joy they had found
The head nurse spoke up
And she said leave this one alone
She could tell right away
That I was bad to the bone

Love it :laughing:
Mine is a vivid nightmare I had when I was 2 and still in my crib.

My mom had a friend over. My bedroom was at the end of the hallway, with the door open, and could see the light from the kitchen (where they were chatting) from my crib. I had a crocheted blanket. There was also a full size bed in the room for when I moved on from the crib. I had a fever and my mom had given me medicine and put me to bed early. In the nightmare, I looked over at the full size bed and there was someone in it, under the covers flailing all around. I tried to put the blanket over my head but I could still see because it was a crocheted blanket and had the big holes. Then I started screaming for my mom -- I could see the light on in the kitchen but no one was coming out. Finally after a bit of time I woke up and my mom was there. I thought for while perhaps this was a false memory and this actually happened when I was a little older, but I asked my mom about it 6 or 7 years ago and she verified I had just turned 2 and she remembered the night, and me screaming in my crib when Ms. Paula came to visit.
Running down the hall to tell my Mommy that there were worms in my closet. We lived in South Florida and flooding was a regular occurrence...
I remember sneaking out of my crib when I was at my grandparents' house. I described the layout of the house from my memory to my mom later in life, and she confirmed that my memory was real (my grandparents moved out of that house when I was about 3).
I remember my mom having baked potatoes on the front seat of the car. I was 3. I asked my mom about it when I was an adult. We had bought a new house, and were moving stuff to the new house. She baked the potatoes in the oven at the new house, so they would be ready for dinner when we got back to the old house, which was about 7 miles away.
I just remember staring at them on the seat while standing in the back seat. It was 1960, the car was a 1957 Chevy, and in those days cars did not come standard with seat belts, and nobody had heard of child safety seats.
Okay, Edsels came with seatbelts and child locks on the back doors in that era, and were blasted for having them. Some arguing a car that NEEDED those safety features must be unsafe.
I remember being in Disneyland with my family when I was about 2 1/2. We were right about where the Partners statue is now and my mother was holding me while we watched the fireworks. Tinkerbell didn’t fly that night, someone else did. I asked my mother who the lady was and she told me it was Mary Poppins. I asked her “Who is Mary Poppins?” and she said “She’s a lady from a Disney movie”. No one else in my family remembers it, just me.

I also remember my mother picking me up from day care when I was around the same age. The day care was at the top of a hill and as my mother drove down the hill the passenger side door next to me came open. Scared my poor mother half to death!
Wow! You guys have some early me memories. I think mine were when I was about 4.

I remember stealing and eating someone else's lunch in preschool. Karma got me bc it was so gross I got sick.

Another day I remember my sister waking me up from a nap to tell me the dog was hit by a school bus.
I remember when my sister was born (I was 3.) Or, more accurately, I remember coming home with my dad while my mom and sister were still in the hospital. The neighbors had decorated our house/yard welcoming our new baby. I remember coming home and seeing the decorated house.
I have a lot of memories from being little so I don’t know technically the earliest but I do remember being 2 or 3 at Disney and being carried. Practically the whole time. And now I wonder how the heck my parents did that without dying. :rotfl2:


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