Your work keys

Nope I just have a swipe card. I have a few for filing cabinets but I keep them in my desk.
I've had a key card for the last 30 years. My last employer did give me a master key for all the inside office doors since I worked overnight shift in case there was a fire alarm so I could get in and check for fire before the alarm company called the fire department. They avoided a $250 false alarm fee that way. Although the last boss didn't know I had that master key until my last day. He wasn't happy about that. Oh well.
Oh, I do have a "peg" to unlock car keys from the key board if I need to use a company car.
I have a similar looking set up, no car key though. I'm a teacher and have different keys for several outside doors, many classrooms, the workroom, the church as I set up for school masses (Catholic school). I've color coded them with nail polish to help!
DH's RFID key card will get him anywhere he wants to go in any company building stretched over 5 production campuses.
I have a similar looking set up, no car key though. I'm a teacher and have different keys for several outside doors, many classrooms, the workroom, the church as I set up for school masses (Catholic school). I've color coded them with nail polish to help!

My company car isn't real sporty
I have a key to the (huge) office building and a badge to get into the office...and no job. My entire department moved to Maine at the beginning of June.

I have to go in sometime soon and give it all back... sometime.
I actually have two sets of keys.

One for the office side of my job - includes keys for entry, office door, locked storage, & 3 separate filing cabinets (total of 6 keys).

The bar keys include - entry door, office door, mailbox, safe key, freezer key, iPod key (my boss insisted that it be secured to prevent theft) and a few that I am not sure what they go to. (I think there ere 8 - 10 keys)
2 keys One to main office 8 1 vehicle key. Other than that passcode to office & buildimg passcode
Back in '99 I was a CSR for Eckerd Drugs. My work keys consisted of probably 30 keys. I only used about 4, didn't even know what the rest were for
I have one key. It used to be a master key but they have changed all the locks in the last few years so it opens only one door now. I'm good with that. I really didn't have the need/clearance to have it, it was just the only one they had at the time. I'm down to just a volunteer position and they have let me keep the one key :) It's a small school and we are all like family.
Last year I worked in two schools. I had two key/swipe cards to get into the buildings, two keys (one for a classroom, one for my office), another key for the staff bathroom. Another key to get into the back of the building, and two file/cabinet keys.

So, two swipe cards with my photo, and 6 keys.
All I have is a key fob. When I had a part time job at U-Haul, I carried 3 more keys though. One for the front door, one for the bank drop box, and one of the padlocks on the back of the trucks.
I have a key to the front door, a key to each of our three storage buildings, and a key to the cabinet where we keep the money. The only one that's on my keyring, though, is the front door key. All the others are on a separate ring.


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