The DDA Trouble Free Zone Part 21

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I know lots of people in King George... I know lots of people named Bob. :rotfl: Wouldn't it be a small world if I actually did know him? Do you know what contractor he works for?
HHmm....can't remember.

It would be a small world! Then you could do recon for me! ;) :rotfl2:
This is what he does, taken from their website.

The AEGIS Training and Readiness Center (ATRC) is staffed and maintained by a team of professional military and civilian instructors and technicians who provide training to both enlisted and officer personnel in the skills they will need to operate the United States Navy's most sophisticated warships, the Ticonderoga class cruiser and the Arleigh Burke class destroyer, both equipped with the AEGIS Combat System and the AEGIS Weapons System.
HHmm....can't remember.

It would be a small world! Then you could do recon for me! ;) :rotfl2:

This is what he does, taken from their website.

The AEGIS Training and Readiness Center (ATRC) is staffed and maintained by a team of professional military and civilian instructors and technicians who provide training to both enlisted and officer personnel in the skills they will need to operate the United States Navy's most sophisticated warships, the Ticonderoga class cruiser and the Arleigh Burke class destroyer, both equipped with the AEGIS Combat System and the AEGIS Weapons System.

I bet I have friends or parents of students who know him. If this goes any further we will have to talk! ;)
I need to get ready for work, but thought I would catch up first.

Chris and Nick went to the Klondike Derby which is a Boy Scout event. Nick and 2 other Web 2s were invited to participate as they will be crossing over next month. Apparently is was a good thing that they did go as only 3 boys from the Troop ended up making it and they were the younger boys too. So they had a 6 man team. Nick says there were 9 teams there, Chris thinks it was over 12 :confused3 They had several challenges that they competed in such as using a compass orienteering challenge, fire building challenge, emergency shelter building, Search and Rescue and a bunch more. The amazing part was that our boys, with no adult help, built a fire and started it using flint and steel with just one spark!! All the other teams used a match. The other teams also had tarps in their sleds which our team did not. They used materials that were available in the woods like fallen trees and branches to build theirs and got bonus points for ingenuity. All in all I guess they got a bunch of bonus points and drum roll please.....they took first place. My normally stoic little boy was so happy. Chris said that he did a really good job and helped his team.

I took Colby and Hunter to bowling league. Colby has a 12 average and bowled a 30 his first game and at 41 his second. They didn't even have to retrieve his ball once for not making it all the way down the lane.

After bowling I took them to our town's Winter Carnival. It was fun and it was a nice day to get outside. I think temperatures may have reached the mid 20's. Colby and I took first place in the Parent and under 5 year old sled pulling competetion and Hunter and his partner took 2nd in the 6-9 year old category. They also played broom ball and did a hockey shooting competition. No awards were given for those. I think I got enough exercise for the week :rotfl2:

I need to run now.

Talk to you all later.



Congrats to everyone :goodvibes
I bet I have friends or parents of students who know him. If this goes any further we will have to talk! ;)
Sounds like a plan!

Sorry your BIL isn't giving you and/or WDW the benefit of the doubt. Maybe we will end up with an odd number of travelers and you could put your DS with us! ;)
Wow, what a busy and rewarding day for the Brooks' family!!

I agree!

I just got a phonecall from Date #2. We are getting together for brunch tomorrow!

How exciting!

I spent 2 hours in Kohl's. I found a lot of stuff that looked better on the hanger than it did on me. Since I was by myself I took the time to try stuff on, so at least I don't have to return anything. I bought some shoes in case I go on any interviews. I always wear Crocs, but I am supposed to dress "professionally" for interviews so the Crocs would look stupid. I found the slacks my mom wanted - sort of. She said they were khaki and on sale for $7.99. I found black and navy and they were $34.99. But I bought them for her anyway. She has a terrible time finding things that fit. Hopefully she will just wear them and be happy instead of quibbling with me over the price. (I know she won't. But I can hope.)

THEN I went to the Cingular store where a very RUDE man told me they don't carry that battery, and I am on my own!:furious: The phone says "Cingular" so it is THEIR problem! That model is on THEIR website, and THEIR reps told me it is under warranty. So he said he can't help me, he doesn't have any suggestions for me, I should go buy a battery somewhere else. I told him I will not be stuck with a phone that doesn't work and they need to come up with a solution. I came home and called to report him. The lady I spoke with tried to find a battery, but she struck out. She did say if I have to pay for it through another vendor they will deduct the amount from my bill. See? That sounds reasonable. She also said she can try to contact LG (the phone manufacturer) and see if they have the battery. She was much more helpful than the jerk in the store.
I have an LG phone, Elizabeth, and love it. I've not had any problems with it. Of course, it is just a plain old phone, doesn't do anything spectacular, other than make/accept phonecalls. But that's all I need it for.

I was thinking though, that when I was in WDW without a camera, that if I had a camera phone I wouldn't be pictureless!
Sounds like a plan!

Sorry your BIL isn't giving you and/or WDW the benefit of the doubt. Maybe we will end up with an odd number of travelers and you could put your DS with us! ;)

I wouldn't do that to you all! :rotfl:
Hi Ya Tammi,

I need to take the clumsy award for today :rotfl:

DH and I were going to get groceries today and stopped by the Pharmacy first. I get out of the car and down I go!! Missed a rise in the sidewalk and went down on my knee and elbow (the bad one). DH is getting out of the car to help and someone walking by helps as well. Naturally I was embarassed and my knee really hurt.
Now I have a bandaid on it since I really scraped it good. Plus I hit my hip, so I will be bruised tomorrow. :goodvibes
I checked the WDW site and there are no 2 BR villas available at BCV through them. I really didn't think there would be but thought it would be a possible option. The suite is about $300 more per night than three rooms, so that is not really an option either. Unless I find a DVC owner willing to rent points or having the perfect reservation already made, my sister is on her own!
Hi Ya Tammi,

I need to take the clumsy award for today :rotfl:

DH and I were going to get groceries today and stopped by the Pharmacy first. I get out of the car and down I go!! Missed a rise in the sidewalk and went down on my knee and elbow (the bad one). DH is getting out of the car to help and someone walking by helps as well. Naturally I was embarassed and my knee really hurt.
Now I have a bandaid on it since I really scraped it good. Plus I hit my hip, so I will be bruised tomorrow. :goodvibes

Oh no! I hope you won't be too sore tomorrow, Terry. :hug:
I have an LG phone, Elizabeth, and love it. I've not had any problems with it. Of course, it is just a plain old phone, doesn't do anything spectacular, other than make/accept phonecalls. But that's all I need it for.

I was thinking though, that when I was in WDW without a camera, that if I had a camera phone I wouldn't be pictureless!

I WISH my phone was just for phone calls! It takes pictures, shoots video, is internet and e-mail capable, plays MP3's, etc. All I use it for is phone calls. The man at Radio Shack said the wireless vendors don't want phones on the market that aren't capable of all the other crap, because crap is where they make their money. My old Nokia phone is fabulous, and I actually asked about having the service put BACK on that phone. If the new battery doesn't hold a charge better than the current one then that might be what I have to do.
I need to come up with a better title for my ticker. It was fine for the trip when all of you weren't coming that weekend too. Now I need something more... spectacular!
Hi Ya Tammi,

I need to take the clumsy award for today :rotfl:

DH and I were going to get groceries today and stopped by the Pharmacy first. I get out of the car and down I go!! Missed a rise in the sidewalk and went down on my knee and elbow (the bad one). DH is getting out of the car to help and someone walking by helps as well. Naturally I was embarassed and my knee really hurt.
Now I have a bandaid on it since I really scraped it good. Plus I hit my hip, so I will be bruised tomorrow. :goodvibes
Ouch! I hope you aren't too sore in the morning. Take a long, hot bath and maybe that will soothe you a bit.
I checked the WDW site and there are no 2 BR villas available at BCV through them. I really didn't think there would be but thought it would be a possible option. The suite is about $300 more per night than three rooms, so that is not really an option either. Unless I find a DVC owner willing to rent points or having the perfect reservation already made, my sister is on her own!
Did you check on the DVC rent thread?
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