"OUR BIG, FAT DISNEYLAND ROADTRIP" The End 4/20 pg. 44 Better Than Cats...

Um said ,You have my word! It's a HUGE billboard right there along the side of the road."Wendy's Beaver, Next Right"...
NOT appropriate for young DISsers, I must say. Next time we go to Vegas i will promise to take a picture as well as the sign that say's
las vegas.
We have some funny sighns here in utah..
i love your tr report so far i am excited and can't wait for our trip to the land .. we should have all the boys in one car and all the girls in one:idea: (i am already including your family with us when we go:rolleyes:
how funny... well love it and can't wait for more ..:love: [
:thumbsup2 Looking forward to more!

Fuel up with some Diet Pepsi with a whisper of cherry and limber up your typing fingers tomorrow!!!!!!!!
I'm glad you're home safe. We caught some of that snow in Reno, and I was thinking of you.
I'm REALLY feeling blue after being home and unpacking and putting away all the clean laundry. So, all your comments are helping me with my temporary "funk".

No need to feel blue: you've got APs, right? Anytime, you could just hop in the car, and presto, 10-12 hrs later, you're back in the magic (I know; my APs are burning a hole in my pocket. Must get back soon-ish!)
Glad you made it home safe and sound! Can't believe you already got your report started, but I sure am glad! :cheer2: :goodvibes
So glad you're home and have given us all a UM fix. Your Riley squozing your hand. How sweet. Can't wait for more.
There's a cute little city in Southern Utah named Beaver. I did NOT take a picture of the restaurant sign that says for all of America to see, "Wendy's Beaver, next right"

I know this place, we used to deer hunt over on Birch mountain, I can’t say that I ever saw the sign you described. I’m not going to say anything more; I don’t want to get in trouble with the moderators.

I have to ask if any of your family accompanied you to the parks?
I was there Sunday and saw a women getting off the Astro Orbiter over in Tomorrowland with a red “University of Utah” sweatshirt on that bore a striking resemblance to you. I was going to approach her and ask her if she was related but decided against it. I decided that if she was or wasn’t related it would probably freak her out and I didn’t want to spend the day in the Security office on the computer showing them your trip reports to prove I wasn’t some kind of stalker.

Looking forward to hearing about the rest of your trip at the West Coast Disney
Feb. 24th -Wakey, Wakey, Eggs ‘n Bakey!!!

When we go to Florida, I have a heckofa time waking up due to my firm internal Utah time. But in California, waking up at 5:30 AM “feels” like 6:30 which is do-able.

So I thought I’d impress my DH by waking early, showering, dressing, and organizing an hour earlier than the alarm. Plus, I simply could not sleep any longer. Mid ready-ing, DH got up and was duly impressed that I was “up-and-atom”. I did my hair and makeup and set out the kids’ clothes to save even more time. One by one, the kids were up and bathed and dressed like well organizational perfection. Here’s my DS8 (Dallen) and DD2 (Norah) posing for daddy while DS7 (Riley) was in the “hairbrushing /tooth-brushing station” with his mama. SOOOOO cute:


Did I mention kids eat free at Holiday Inn? This is a sweet arrangement because the adult entrees were nice and affordable and they insisted our 2 year old also get her own meal. Plus the food was really quite good. Kind of homey stuff is served at the hotel café. I had the low carb omelets which I could only eat maybe half of and a diet coke. DH had an “everything omelet” and OJ. Norah had fruit and yogurt and the boys had “Victory Eggs”(racing themed kids’ menu). Our server was Jose. A different Jose than the night before.

Norah in extreme annoyance that she has to look up at the camera... (We call her "Pissy Missy" often. To which she screams, "NO PISSY MISSY!!!!!!!")


We drove over to the Chip and Dale Parking Lot and were swiftly trammed to the Theme Parks. VERY efficient transportation. I look back and can say that no matter how crowded the parks were, the trams were always only a couple minutes away. Our parking was free because of our new AP’s (it would have been $11 bucks per day…more Fuzzy Disney Math is computing in my noggin. Shoot, $11 could buy a few baked goods???).

Boy, the weather and climate in California could not have been any better if it tried. No dripping wet humidity. Only beautiful blue skies and fluffy white clouds. In fact, I think they make the sky bluer and the clouds fluffier in California! And there was a mental high-five to myself with the extreme lack of LOVE BUGS flittering in my path.

We got in line for the Disneyland park and chatted with a yuppy couple who left their 10 month old at home with the nanny to go to Disneyland. I am of the opinion that magic is not wasted on those who may or may not remember. For me, my babies go with!

DH took pictures, while I waited in line. YES, this was a DL day even though they took pictures in the "R" of California...for Riley.


Once past security, we had to go activate our Annual Passes. We were second in line and when DH was giving them his birthdate, the dude next to us said, “Hey! That’s MY birthday too!” Coinkidink! Plus, the CM taking our pictures was named Wendy…So I said, “Hey, this must be Coincidence Corner” (we were in the far right corner of the room) …which you had to be there, but it had everyone laughing.

We checked out the Fire Station which has Walt Disney’s apartment on the upper floor. The light is always on for him. I like the fact that this is Walt’s park. His hand touched everything in this the original Disney park.


Main Street is different yet similar to MK. Familiar and sentimental. More homey maybe? I couldn’t place my finger on the difference. It IS shorter than MK, though.

We were on a mission to go do the Indiana Jones ride first. Oh man this is a great ride! It’s rough like Dinosaur in AK but WAY better. The exterior and interior themeing is just awesome! Of course I pulled the bamboo with the sign that says “Do NOT pull bamboo”. I couldn’t possibly walk by that!


I rode with Riley and we got the far right fork in the road, “The Fountain of Youth” choice for eternal youth and beauty, SCORE! I know another choice is “Riches” and I forgot the third one.

Next, obviously, would be the Jungle Cruise!!!! YAY! I laughed inappropriately loud and was amazed at the NEW Piranna killer man eating fish feature! I did NOT know this! I thought, “HOW did I miss THIS all these times????” Apparently, the pirannas are new, whew! We had an “OK” captain. I’ve had better. Much better. And yet again, restrained myself from taking the microphone. That’s “prolly” not good manners.



Ok, WDW/MK folks, Listen Up….The Pirates of the Caribbean is MUCH, much, much better in DL. Oh, yes. It is! That musty POC smell is even better. You board your boat and right there is a dark Bayou restaurant full of Cajun ambiance. There seems to be a better story line too. Maybe it’s just me?




and of course:



Right outside the Enchanted Tiki Room is the Dole stand. Ahhhhh! So we got 3 to share. I STILL wont waste the pineapple-goodness with 2 inches of juice to mix with the whip. People LOVE the floats. I like the simple whip better, though. It’s like a little piece of heaven! It’s like a party in your mouth! It’s soooooo good! The CM even gave my whip a cherry and umbrella!!!!




The Enchanted Tiki Room is very nostalgic too. There was NO Gilbert Godfrey voice to be heard any where! I thought I had a few minutes so I called “DisneyLand Mama” to arrange our meet. But then it started and I was that rude tourist on her cell phone in an attraction! I hate that cell-phone-in-an-attraction-tourist! EEEEK!

Hey, this goddess has MY shape, so I took her picture!

(For the WISH thread peeps. Check her "W" shaped chest!!!! HA!)....

Next time: Tomorrow Land, Innoventions (Formerly America Sings and Carousel of Progress), First Aid station FUN, the biggest corn dog ever, and pixie dust galore!
This time I am going to be first.....

Love the pictures UMA.

The kids look really happy too!!!!! Well the boys to do anyway.

The first aid station, that doesn't sound good......
Always a great read. I have never been to Disneyland, but one day I will take my kids. I have a prissy missy as well---lets just say it is not good when that happens. Keep it up.
Thanks so much for another great installment, UMama...It soooo makes me want to make a trip to DL...I haven't been since early 70's and I'm thinking seriously that we're overdue (and would probably overpack)!

Saw my VERY first concert there, at the ripe old age of 4...Tony Orlando & Dawn...what a rocker my mom was, huh?

Knock three times....everybody - you know the words!!

Looking forward to more!!!!popcorn::
Great pictures UM :cool1: :cool1:

i've never been to DL either so this is a real treat!!

Great photo's I doubt I'll ever get to DL so I can live it through you :yay: And who is that skinny minnie in the photos? :confused3
UtahMama said:
We got in line for the Disneyland park and chatted with a yuppy couple who left their 10 month old at home with the nanny to go to Disneyland. I am of the opinion that magic is not wasted on those who may or may not remember. For me, my babies go with!
Here, here! My DS had a blast at 4 months, 12 months, 16 months, 2 years, 3 years, and 4 years. Different experience each time and always enjoyable!

Wow, is it just me or does Norah seem sooo much bigger/older since the Sept. pics? She really looks like a Big Girl now!

Loving this trip UMama! :thumbsup2
Welcome back! I can't believe I'm already 2 chapters behind! You work fast! :thumbsup2 Great start so far and I love your pictures! I can't believe how big your daughter has gotten since your last TR!!! They sure grow up fast, don't they? So, was Disneyland just like you remembered it? It's been over 20 years since I've been there! (Well, don't I feel old now...) Looking foward to more!

Have a great weekend!
The kids are ADORABLE !!! and I agree with V, Norah looks so grown up !!!

oh and YESSSSSSS.... SQUOZE IS a word !!!! My Lexie DD5, said she squoze our dog the other day when she picked her up, LOL. She uses it all the time, she has her "own" words for words, kwim?, soooo funny!!!


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