OT Attachement Parenting

NemoMOm----My third was a waterbirth after 2 cesareans. If you'd like to chat about risks/benefits of vbacs, pm me. I'd love to talk and share our research and experiences.

Juliet25--I was scared of SSR. I heard bad things about having to walk a gazillion miles to a bus stop, among other things.
If a breastfed child is puking all the time then the child is suffering from a food allergy/sensitivity in the mother's diet or nursing too aggressively. She needs to seek a LC's advice, as spitting up or gassiness is NOT the norm for breastfed children.

Not always. It's not the norm, but it's not unheard of, either. Believe me, we saw nationally-known ped specialists and had every test that existed, and all of the allergy screenings, too. He had GERD, and there wasn't a darn thing we could do to stop it, except give him meds to reduce the acid a bit, and carry a sand pail and three changes of clothes everywhere we went.
totally OT....Just wanted to say the SSR is a beautiful resort...We own there and have stayed there 4 or 5 times now and have never had a problem with busses or walking 142 miles to get to the Carriage house..lol
We always request the Springs section,that is closest to the main pool and food... (we may try the Grandstand section this time). My girls LOVE it and it is nice to be able to walk to DTD. It really is a beautiful and clean resort and the CM's are SOOOO nice.
Maybe check it out next time you are down in WDW.....
Hey SSR isn't so bad! SSR owner here:goodvibes

SSR is a very nice resort. We have stayed there a number of times (more then our home resort of VWL.)

I think the point is that owning at SSR gives you no real advantage of booking 11 months out. SSR is the biggest resort and the easiest to get into at this point, so you don't really have to own there (like BWV, BCV and VWL) to be sure you will get in. It does give the advantage of 10 more years though, and that is great!
I know there are a lot of ssr owners out there. At first, I wanted to buy there because it looks so cute, but after reading a bit and talkin to DH, he really wanted to do AKV. I don't really care where we own to be honest. As a matter of fact, when we go in January, we won't even be staying a AK. We're staying at WL villas because its closest to MK, which is where we spend most of our time. But, I promise some time we will check out SSR!! :)
Hey DisneyPhD, where'd you get your shirts in your sig pic? My inner hippie loves them!! I bet I could even get my dh to wear one!
Hey DisneyPhD, where'd you get your shirts in your sig pic? My inner hippie loves them!! I bet I could even get my dh to wear one!

We made them (with directions found on here Dis boards.) You trace out the Mickey head, baste it in dental floss (will not absord the color) and then rubber band them. We have made a number since then, but those our 1st set seemed to turn out the best. We used the black kids meal plates as our template. Becareful, I made a tank top one that turned out great, but sadly I am blessed with ****age and when I put it on Mickey looked all askew. So the moral of the story is, women don't try it with tight shirts. I made another and it looks better, but I do have to make sure everything is in place, or it looks funny.

They were a lot easier to make then they sounded. I have made so many since them, for people at tie die parties. Oh the Mickey heads I have traced ands basted. :laughing:

Where in the UP do you live? We hope to go up to Mackinaw in a few weeks. I love it up there.
I just read your signature as I was reading your other posts. We have some things in common! I think you are about a week or so ahead of me, my DS is 30 weeks and started weaning last week and is almost done. I too, am thinking of having a vbac, although I'm a little scared;)

Just wanted to say "hi".

Hi! That's neat that our due dates are so close! I'd love to chat VBAC sometime, if you want. I loved mine and I'm looking forward to another one in January. My dd certainly kept me in suspense, though, since she was 10 days past her due date. But it was a great experience. She was 8lbs 15oz, a cute little chunk muffin :)
I'm trying not to get too attached to my due date since I'm pretty sure this one will be late, too (although who really ever knows, right? ;) )
Is your little one 30 weeks or 30 months? If it's 30 weeks, your little ones will be so close in age! Wow!
How have you been feeling? I'm so glad to be in the second trimester now. I'm not as sleepy and I've been able to *mostly* catch up on the laundry :laughing:
NemoMOm----My third was a waterbirth after 2 cesareans. If you'd like to chat about risks/benefits of vbacs, pm me. I'd love to talk and share our research and experiences.
We're planning another vbac (vbavbac? :laughing: ) this January and I would just love a waterbirth.. I'm hoping that it feels right at the time, I think the water would be so soothing.
I do have a question for you more experienced Dis mommies- how do you cosleep while at wdw? The 5 of us will be in a value on our next trip (the baby will be 8 months old)- and I can't quite figure out how we'll be able to cosleep while there. They don't have rollaways, right?
Maybe we could bring a small air mattress for our 5 yr old. Hmm.. ideas? We've been to a value once before and I don't even know where we'd be able to put the air mattress- I don't remember much extra room!
I do have a question for you more experienced Dis mommies- how do you cosleep while at wdw? The 5 of us will be in a value on our next trip (the baby will be 8 months old)- and I can't quite figure out how we'll be able to cosleep while there. They don't have rollaways, right?
Maybe we could bring a small air mattress for our 5 yr old. Hmm.. ideas? We've been to a value once before and I don't even know where we'd be able to put the air mattress- I don't remember much extra room!

I thought they did have rollaways, but maybe they don't. We've never needed one.

I've slept with the baby in my arm when we have to be in a non-king bed. A bit uncomfortabe, but better than the alternative of not cosleeping.

Here's another idea, but I'm not sure how crazy it is or if you'd want to do it. In my real life, people give me some mighty strange looks!

My 5 year old won't go to sleep if there's anything going on around him, so we've had to get creative in hotels....here's what we do. Please no tomatos....I'm wearing white! duck:

We take the bedspreads off the beds, and lay them in the bottom of the bathtub. Then, we take a sleeping bag that we brought from home and tell him he's camping, or that he's sleeping in a boat. He LOVES it! He has his private space, he's camping, he's happy! I know its not the most conventional thing, but it works. Now, our problem is that he's gettig a little bigger and it won't be much longer before he outgrows the bathtub. :)
We take the bedspreads off the beds, and lay them in the bottom of the bathtub. Then, we take a sleeping bag that we brought from home and tell him he's camping, or that he's sleeping in a boat. He LOVES it! He has his private space, he's camping, he's happy! I know its not the most conventional thing, but it works. Now, our problem is that he's gettig a little bigger and it won't be much longer before he outgrows the bathtub. :)

Creative. :rotfl: :thumbsup2 Just make sure the water is good and tight turned off.

PORS has pull out trundel beds. BC has day beds. That is it that I know of. I think Con and Poly might have something too since those rooms are older and bigger then many. I have not stayed in a Value yet, but do 4 in a studio often (and have done 5 with a baby.) When we did 5 in a studio at BCV we had my then 3 or 4 year old DD bring her blow up sleeping bag (princess, got at target for around $20.) She loved sleeping on that. We also had DD who was a baby sleep in the pack and play. She would do that for naps, but ended up in the bed for part of the night always. It was cramped. We were used to a king, talk about going down in size. How ever we did have a full size bed for DH and I for 10 years, and 2 pregnancies, (and the 1st year of my youngest DD's life who did sleep with us, even when we really didn't want her to.) So we were kind of used to it.
We made them (with directions found on here Dis boards.) You trace out the Mickey head, baste it in dental floss (will not absord the color) and then rubber band them. We have made a number since then, but those our 1st set seemed to turn out the best. We used the black kids meal plates as our template. Becareful, I made a tank top one that turned out great, but sadly I am blessed with ****age and when I put it on Mickey looked all askew.

Where in the UP do you live? We hope to go up to Mackinaw in a few weeks. I love it up there.

Hmmm...I'm not good at crafty things, but we'll give it a try! I'll search for the thread.

:rotfl: I've got the blessing of ****age too!

We live in Newberry, about an hour northwest of the bridge. I hate it here! My husband was born and raised in Gaylord, and I moved up with Grandma and Poppa when I was 2, so I've been there almost my whole life. We still get to Gaylord on the weekends, since it's only a 2 hour drive. All of our friends and family are there. We moved here last August, so it's been about a year of ****. There is nothing for the kids to do, the closest AP mom is about an hour away, and people look at me like I have 3 heads when they see me wearing William. We moved here after the company my husband worked for closed. He found a good job with better pay, so we're lucky I guess. I just wish it wasn't here.

Whew! How OT can I get!?!? Sorry....
We're planning another vbac (vbavbac? :laughing: ) this January and I would just love a waterbirth.. I'm hoping that it feels right at the time, I think the water would be so soothing.

Water is WONDERFUL!!! I can't compare it to a land birth since my first two "births" were unwanted surgical ones. I didn't have any pain, and despite William having a large head, I didn't tear, rip, or have any "skid marks". My bottom wasn't sore or nything afterwards. It was peaceful. I delivered him myself with my midwife watching. She helped with the head, but the rest was all me. It totally rocks that I was the first person to hold him. I pulled him up out of the water, and wow....I get teary just thinking about it. Where's the Kleenex? Anyways, I love to talk birth, but since this is an AP thread, I'll stop now. But if anyone wants to hear more.....just let me know :)

I have a gazillion links about waterbirth, both in hospital and out. I can share if you'd like.
Here it is


I don't think I could live up there either, at least not year round. I have an hard enough time being in metro Detroit in the winter. I really think I have some SAD. DH and I did meet at a camp in Cedarville MI, called Ceadercampus. I would love to take the kids there now, but it books up years in advance, and I would have to talk DH into it.

Your water birth sounds amazing. I am too much of a wimp for it I fear. I do take some comfort at being in the hospital if the need comes up. (remember I lean towards AP lite. ;) ) Very cool though.
Water is WONDERFUL!!! I can't compare it to a land birth since my first two "births" were unwanted surgical ones. I didn't have any pain, and despite William having a large head, I didn't tear, rip, or have any "skid marks". My bottom wasn't sore or nything afterwards. It was peaceful. I delivered him myself with my midwife watching. She helped with the head, but the rest was all me. It totally rocks that I was the first person to hold him. I pulled him up out of the water, and wow....I get teary just thinking about it. Where's the Kleenex? Anyways, I love to talk birth, but since this is an AP thread, I'll stop now. But if anyone wants to hear more.....just let me know :)

I have a gazillion links about waterbirth, both in hospital and out. I can share if you'd like.

HI Dunbar,

Thanks so much for offering to talk to me about vbac. I've done alot of research including videos and thoug I cringe at the thought of recovering after c-section. But I think I'm going to go w/my doc's recommendation of having another c-section. She said that though they normally rec trying for a vbac I just had too many complications::sad2:
HI Dunbar,

Thanks so much for offering to talk to me about vbac. I've done alot of research including videos and thoug I cringe at the thought of recovering after c-section. But I think I'm going to go w/my doc's recommendation of having another c-section. She said that though they normally rec trying for a vbac I just had too many complications::sad2:

Yeah, best to do what you and dr feel comfortable with. It's not for everyone! Off to real life now :(
Your water birth sounds amazing. I am too much of a wimp for it I fear. I do take some comfort at being in the hospital if the need comes up. (remember I lean towards AP lite. ;) ) Very cool though.

Some hospitals offer this, too ;) The hospital where I had my 2yr old had a jacuzzi tub to labor in and my midwife said I could deliver there if I wanted to.
I think there are a lot of freestanding birth centers that offer this as well.
HI Dunbar,

Thanks so much for offering to talk to me about vbac. I've done alot of research including videos and thoug I cringe at the thought of recovering after c-section. But I think I'm going to go w/my doc's recommendation of having another c-section. She said that though they normally rec trying for a vbac I just had too many complications::sad2:

I promise I'm not trying to give you a hard time, but do you agree with your OB? My OB started really pushing for the c/s when I got a little farther along and was recommending a repeat for me, too. He was also concerned that the baby might get too big for a natural (can't say the v-word!) birth, too (I remember him saying- "Well, what if she is 9lbs?" and that makes me laugh now, because she was- and it wasn't a problem at all). I switched to a CNM at 24 weeks and well.. I already mentioned my birth above.
Just wanted to throw it out there that second opinions are often valuable, if it's something you are really concerned about. Even another OB might have a completely different recommendation.
If you're still in the 'gathering information' phase, I would recommend the ICAN (International Cesarean Awareness Network) yahoo group list- amazing women there and a true wealth of knowledge. It can be high volume, so I would recommend signing up for the daily digest.
I also really like the VBAC board at Mothering.com which is at:

And if in the end you decide to go with a c/s I wish you a speedy recovery!! :flower3: Isn't it crazy how fast it's flying by?!?


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