That Pirate Stole My Tiara: The Pre-Trip Report

So...Tink got to thinking.

(Never a good thing.)"

Hey, now, Tink thinking can = sunshine and joy. And I say that in all seriosity.

...Well, mostly. :rotfl2:

Tink got to thinking about posting a chatty type thread on the CB (Community Board). One for us to chat in and make EVEN MORE new friends (and potential Lapu Lapu Fabby Fest members).

What do y'all think? I don't mind creating the thread and posting a link on here and in my siggie and then y'all could do the same and we'd all be on the same Bat Channel at the same Bat time and we'd only have ONE place to catch up on our non-trip chitty chat, leaving PLENTY of room on our PTR/TR threads.

I was thinking we could call it:

"The Fabby LapuLapuettes: Welcome. Have A Pineapple. "

Fabby! And Fabbo! (not to be confused with Fabio). You post, and I will come. :thumbsup2
I don't know if this will help, but DH & I actually liked San Angel Inn. ::yes::

It's kind of more authentic Mexican than tex-mex, so it's not really spicy, and we really enjoyed it. It was a couple of years ago when we last went, but I think we had a chicken mole dish, which was delicious. Kind of a chocolate based sauce - it's not as weird as it sounds! It's really good! :thumbsup2

We have a pretty authentic Mexican place near us so if it's like that then I think I'd be ok. What's funny is, I put up a post on the dining boards saying that I've only heard bad things and I'm getting all sorts of replies from people saying they enjoyed it! Maybe I'll keep it after all. We shall see.

Your tpre-rip report is addicting! I can't believe I just sat here and read however many bajillion pages long it is - but I can't WAIT to read what actually happens when you get to WDW!

HI! Welcome! I'm an addiction! That's AWESOME!

Well. Unless somebody goes into rehab (NOAmyWinehouse).
What about Beaches N Cream or Cape May Cafe????? The buffet at Cape May was yummy!
Allow myself to introduce...myself. My name is TK, and I'll be your dining guru.

Seriously? Seriously. I've tried SO HARD to avoid the whole ADR changing scenario. Really, I have. I have enough drama in my non-dinners-three-months-from-now-life. I don't need any victual drama to boot.

And yet, sadly, here I am.

Intensely considering a change in ADRs.

I am afloat on the sea of indecision.
Welcome to my life!:rotfl2:

("I'll never let go, Jack.::shiver:: I'll never let go. ::more shivering::Oh look! A boat!::lets go::

I mean, I can't eat the ambiance, you know?
Sadly, no.

And so, I'm at that crossing of the roads. That point of no return. The re-making of an ADR.
It's a dangerous world out there for a toy...I mean, a Tink...I mean a Tinkertoy...oh, you get the idea.

And even though there are probably no fewer than 20 other options, I am still at a loss. Here's why:

Coral Reef: I've heard so-so reviews and I'm not a seafood lover. I know they have other stuff but...meh.
Coral Reef - Excellent food! You want a good review, I offer one. I go against the grain! I stand up and proudly say, I have never ever had a bad meal here. Or a bad dessert. Yum, yum. And there are lots of things on the menu besides seafood. And the atmosphere that you were soooo wanting in Mexico...well, it's not the same, but it is really, really cool. This has become a must do for the TK family.
Rose & Crown: Nothing on here screams to be ingested (though the Guinness is probably begging to be imbibed by Missy). I like the idea of the steak and fish, but I don't know. Nothing thrilling.
Haven't been there in years. Meh about the choices.
Biergarten: While the atmosphere sounds totally appealing NONE of the food sounds good to me. Wurst and kraut are not my style.
No desire to sit with people I don't know...and inflict my three year old on them. ;)
Chefs de France: In my experience (which isn't much) French foods are heavy. And while I can get past this, again, nothing on this menu calls out to me. Except the escargot. And the only thing they are saying is, "SAVE ME!"
Okay, my mom and nana love Chefs. They have to eat there every single trip, and my mom is not a "heavy" food type of gal. Let me ask her what was on the menu when she was there in May, and get back to you.
Nine Dragons: This is a slight possibility. The honey-sesame chicken sounds delish and they have some savory appetizers. This one is maybe in the running.
Alas Nine Dragons...I loved you well. The honey-sesame chicken is delish, but this restaurant is slated for renovations through both our stays. On the info websites, it says open in November. My mom asked when she was down there and they said sometime September. :confused: If you really want this one, just try to call, and see what they say...they won't book ADRs if it's not open. I really, really love Nine Dragons. It's right up there with Coral Reef for us.
Restaurant Marrakesh: This would've been my choice but it has been vetoed by Missy. And considering she only made ONE restaurant request and let me do all of the other planning, I feel I have to honor this.
Walked out. 'Nuff said.
Teppan Edo/Tokyo Dining: Ok, first and foremost, can someone explain to me the difference between these two restaurants? Their menus seem very much the same. We have a fabulous Japanese steakhouse in Providence (Oki's) and I love the food, the concept, everything really...but the ginger. So this one is also in the running...if I can figure out the difference.
I believe the difference is that at Teppan Edo, you are seated at a square table with other diners, and the chef is in the hole in the middle of the table, similar to hibachi dining. The chef prepares the various and sundry foods you'll be eating, all for your viewing pleasure. At Tokyo dining, you are seated only with your party, and waited on "normal" restaurant style.
And then there are the choices in the Epicot resorts area, of which, only a couple appeal to me:
Big River Brewing Works: Missy's a beer-lover so I think she'd get a kick out of this and they have a decently sized menu. I'm not sure if they participate in DDP and no nothing about their reputation. Anyone have any info?
Never been. My guru skills have failed you...I hang my head in shame.
Yachtsman Steakhouse: I'm a steak kind of gal and I've heard good things.
OOOOOOO!!!!!! Eat here, eat here, eat here. Seriously, one the best meals I've ever had in the World and the world. They have a way of making their steak, and I don't remember the process, something to do with oak grilling, and it's a particular kind you can only get in Florida, and oh it's sooooo good. I would regale you with the story of when we ate here, but I think I'll e-mail you and not hijack the whole thread.

So, that's where I'm at. I'd rather not leave the Epicot area and I really, really don't know if it would be worth giving San Angel Inn a shot. What's a girl to do?


I ask you, my dear DIS friends, what to do. I may also mosey on over to the dining board to leave a post there for advice too. Just someone, please help me with this gastronomical decision!!!

If you're not opposed to a place that has the potential to get a little loud, might I recommend the Flying Fish? I know you're meh about seafood, but again, they have other items here as well. This is a 2 credit, but there's also Spoodles. I've eaten at both and really enjoyed both.

I hope I've given you for thought...tee hee.
What would be your plans for Franconia? I love NH.

I was thinking about going to the Flume and then maybe taking the tram up Cannon Mountain. However, one of my friends at work reminded that bike week is starting at Laconia this weekend, so that kills the idea of Fraconia. There are usually just too many bikers on the rodes without helmets during bike week. :scared1: ( For those of you not from NH, we don't have a helmet law.) It took me almost a year to get used to driving next to motorcyclists without helmets when I moved up here.

So, now I am deciding between driving up the coast of Maine for the day or heading down to one of the casinos. I may make up my mind tomorrow morning when I see how early I get up. Early = casino, not so early = Maine

By the way, on San Angel Inn, I enjoyed it when I ate there last year. It's not like most of the mexican places near me, i.e. not tacos, fajitas, enchilliadas, etc, but I enjoyed my meal.
But alas, I have not heard one, single, solitary good thing about this restaurant except for the ambiance. And I can't, in good faith, waste a TS credit on ambiance alone.
I'll give you three good things about San Angel...

1.Ambience. Sorry, but it IS that good!
2. Margaritas. The ebst I've ever had. ::yes::
3. Chips & salsa. WIth teh margarita. Whilst enjoying the ambience.

But stay away from the rest of the menu. Is what I'm sayin. :scared:

Coral Reef: I've heard so-so reviews and I'm not a seafood lover. I know they have other stuff but...meh.
I'm iffy about CR too, though I've never eaten there. I LOVE seafood... but I live 4.5 miles form the freaking FL beach - I can GET good seafood here!

Rose & Crown: Nothing on here screams to be ingested (though the Guinness is probably begging to be imbibed by Missy). I like the idea of the steak and fish, but I don't know. Nothing thrilling.
I've been really pleasantly surprised at R&C. Everything I've ordered has been super - salad, cheese plate, samosas, soup.... beer, beer, beer. ;)

Big River Brewing Works: Missy's a beer-lover so I think she'd get a kick out of this and they have a decently sized menu. I'm not sure if they participate in DDP and no nothing about their reputation. Anyone have any info?
No info., but this: Bleeeh. :crazy2:

Yachtsman Steakhouse: I'm a steak kind of gal and I've heard good things.
::yes:: It is good! :thumbsup2

V - where are you. Sell this girl on weinersalad!:thumbsup2
:rotfl2: Apparently, that's a tough sell! But I will say, Tink, that they have a lot of options that don't include nitrates - salmon, rotisserie chicken, roast beef, roast pork, etc.

Tink got to thinking about posting a chatty type thread on the CB (Community Board). One for us to chat in and make EVEN MORE new friends (and potential Lapu Lapu Fabby Fest members).
Watch out - it becomes addictive... We're on the 5th incarnation of the Team Focker Watch thread and close to needing to start a 6th! :faint:
The idea was born and the park "bag" was bought this past Sunday while the BF and I were here in the city:


Only where this one is white, mine is teal. And it's the perfect size - bigger than a wristlet and smaller than a purse. I'm looking forward to having something just on my wrist and so, well, clutchable.

Love the bag. I'm a complete sucker for cute little bags. I can't carry anything with me, but I love them anyways.

50's Prime Time Cafe: Gimme S'Mores or Gimme Death
I haven't eaten here in years and I'm really looking forward to it!
Appetizer: Beer Battered Onion Rings. Mmmm. Tink likes.
Drink: Mowie Wowie - heavier on the juices.
Entree: Either the Traditional Meatloaf or the Old Fashion Pot Roast. Mmmm. Down home cookin'!
Dessert: Duh. S'Mores

I just love the pot roast at 50's. (As well as the entire place). Love the real cherry diet cokes you can get too. I am so sad this is the one place I'm not going to this year.

Le Cellier: The Cellar. Of Meat. And Cheese Soup. Eh.*
Appetizer: Pretzel bread and Woohoo Canadian Cheddar Cheese Soup. By the way, the Woohoo part isn't on the menu. Eh.
Drink: Water? Not sure. Anyone ever have the Ice Wine? I'm not a wine-person really, but if it's fruity at all I may like it. Eh.
Entree: Le Cellier Mushroom Filet Mignon - and yes, like the rest of the world, and the World, I'm hoping they put the Maple Glazed Filet back on the menu pre-September. Eh.
Dessert: Maple Creme Brulee - this will be my first foray into the world of brulee. Eh.
Luckily I am hitting this one though. Mmmm pretzel bread. I think the soup is okay, but I usually get a different appy. My family & friends think I'm nuts. Just not a huge cheese fan. I never tried the maple glazed filet, and I'm so sad I missed out on it now. I always went right for the mushrooms.

San Angel Inn: O El Restaurante Esperando No El Sucko
This is the ressie I'm most nervous about sucking big time. But I figure it won't really matter to Missy as long as they bring on the tequila.
Appetizer: Nachos
Drink: Frozen Strawberry Margarita
Entree: Plato Mexicano - bring on the beans and cheese! Sorry. That sounds so wrong.
Dessert: Arroz con Leche - dear LORD if any of you ever have the opportunity to have hot rice pudding right out of the pot with cinnamon sprinkled on top, DO IT. (No pressure).

Last year was my first time eating at the San Angel Inn. I'd always wanted to eat there as well. I was close to canceling due to all the bad reviews I had been reading on the dis boards, but am so glad I didn't. It wasn't one of our absolute favorites, but my friend and I both liked it. I had the Puntas de Filete and it was totally delish. The taste of the meat was great, just a bit spicy enough. We were going to go there this trip as well, but my mom really wanted to try California Grill. (And heck, you just can't argue that).

Tutto Italia: Home of the Carbs
If the portions are anywhere as big as my nonna's, fahgeddaboutit. They'll be ROLLING us out.
Appetizer: Prosciutto di Parma - this girl CANNOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES pass on good prosciutto.
Drink: Water. I need to make sure there is ample carb space.
Entree: Bucatini Gratinati - you know that sound that Homer Simpson makes? Insert here.
Dessert: Mocha Tiramisu
I haven't had the heart to try this place since Alfredos left. Luckily I work a block away from the NYC Alfredos so it's easy enough to run over for a fettucini fix.

O'hana: Means Family. And no one gets left behind. Or forgotten. Or underfed.
I was up in the air whether or not to cancel this and just do a Kona dinner too. I'm still feeling a little wishy-washy about it.
Appetizers: Everything.
Drink: Hopefully Lapu Lapu numero dos from the Tambu Lounge.
Entree: Everything.
Ohana actually ended up being our second favorite place last year. (After the Brown Derby). It surprised us as it ended up being a second choice after we repeatedly couldn't get in to Le Cellier. We had later ressies so we were able to watch the fireworks. Also what was nice was that the kids games and activites seemed to be wrapping up just as we got there so it was a quiet dinner. The veggies were delicious, and seriously the whole meal was worth it for the dessert.

Wow, I can't believe how much I've missed on everyone's reports over the past couple of days! The new thread is a great idea.

Well one down. Many more to get caught up on. Mine included!
We are currently the keepers of an ADR at the San Angel Inn in Mexico in Epicot. I've wanted to eat here since, like, forever. I'm so in love with the Mexican pavilion that it could be considered ridiculous. I love the animal carving in the entrance of the pyramid (though I've yet to buy one). I love the "night time" feeling of the belly of the pyramid. I even loved El Rio de Tiemp pre-rennovation. I'm not saying I thought it should be a Fastpass (NOMaelstrom) or anything but it didn't make me want to vomit either. And, so, I've always been enamored of the idea of making an ADR at the San Angel Inn and requesting a table by the water. As a matter of fact I almost did it as a walk-up on one of my last trips but they were transitioning between lunch and dinner and wouldn't be available for about an hour. And I didn't feel like waiting.

But alas, I have not heard one, single, solitary good thing about this restaurant except for the ambiance. And I can't, in good faith, waste a TS credit on ambiance alone.

Alrighty, Tink. I can NOT - in good conscience - let this one pass. Can't do it. Nah gonna do it...

We ate at San Angel last summer and it may well have been one of the best meals of the week. You are correct in saying the pyramid is cool. El Rio de Los Amigos adds to that ambiance of being in 'the square'. I can't remember what everyone had, but we all thoroughly enjoyed it. as for me, I started off with the nachos(which - in all fairness, were nachos). I savored every bite of the Pollo a las Rajas with its Chicken and chilis and red peppers and cheeeese. Finished it off with a spot of flan, which was also quite yummy in its own deserty way.

Our server was personable and attentive. He shared his plans to road trip to the west coast after his Disney experience and before returning home. I suppose its possible to have a bad experience at any Disney Restaurant but we make it a point to eat in Mexico on almost every trip. It won't work out this June, not for TS, anyhow. We may have to swing through the Mexican CS in an effort to compensate. You're a mature adult, capable of making her own decisions. I must add however, that the Aztec gods have been known to consume errant Disney Diners by fire from on high. Just sayin'. :furious:

Have a good weekend, Tink !
to say that Flying Fish is one of the best restaurants on property. I have no idea why it's so overlooked.

Big River - really just average, maybe even slightly below. Mall food even.

Coral Reef - excellent the two times I've been there but we got serious 'tude from our server last time. Don't know what was up with that, but since it was our first day of vacation I wasn't in the mood to speak to a manager so soon. To be fair, I had gotten off a red eye a mere few hours before, but serious hostile attitude that was not required (or expected, frankly) in the World.

Carry on ....
What about Beaches N Cream or Cape May Cafe????? The buffet at Cape May was yummy!

Thanks for the suggestions. I've decided on something else, but 'preciate the help. :goodvibes

It's a dangerous world out there for a toy...I mean, a Tink...I mean a Tinkertoy...oh, you get the idea.

Tinkertoys - wait, are those the wooden wheel and spoke lookin' doodads?

bike week is starting at Laconia this weekend

:eek: Bike Week. When motel rooms go from $69 a night to $699 a night.

By the way, on San Angel Inn, I enjoyed it when I ate there last year. It's not like most of the mexican places near me, i.e. not tacos, fajitas, enchilliadas, etc, but I enjoyed my meal.

I'll give you three good things about San Angel...

1.Ambience. Sorry, but it IS that good!
2. Margaritas. The ebst I've ever had. ::yes::
3. Chips & salsa. WIth teh margarita. Whilst enjoying the ambience.

But stay away from the rest of the menu. Is what I'm sayin. :scared:

LLast year was my first time eating at the San Angel Inn. I'd always wanted to eat there as well. I was close to canceling due to all the bad reviews I had been reading on the dis boards, but am so glad I didn't. It wasn't one of our absolute favorites, but my friend and I both liked it. I had the Puntas de Filete and it was totally delish. The taste of the meat was great, just a bit spicy enough. We were going to go there this trip as well, but my mom really wanted to try California Grill. (And heck, you just can't argue that).

Alrighty, Tink. I can NOT - in good conscience - let this one pass. Can't do it. Nah gonna do it...

Wouldn't be prudent? ;)

We ate at San Angel last summer and it may well have been one of the best meals of the week. You are correct in saying the pyramid is cool. El Rio de Los Amigos adds to that ambiance of being in 'the square'. I can't remember what everyone had, but we all thoroughly enjoyed it. as for me, I started off with the nachos(which - in all fairness, were nachos). I savored every bite of the Pollo a las Rajas with its Chicken and chilis and red peppers and cheeeese. Finished it off with a spot of flan, which was also quite yummy in its own deserty way.

Our server was personable and attentive. He shared his plans to road trip to the west coast after his Disney experience and before returning home. I suppose its possible to have a bad experience at any Disney Restaurant but we make it a point to eat in Mexico on almost every trip. It won't work out this June, not for TS, anyhow. We may have to swing through the Mexican CS in an effort to compensate. You're a mature adult, capable of making her own decisions. I must add however, that the Aztec gods have been known to consume errant Disney Diners by fire from on high. Just sayin'. :furious:

Have a good weekend, Tink !

The ADR soap opera has ended. Based on responses here and to the thread I started the dining board, I'm keeping the San Angel ADR.

And, well, if the food es el sucko then I've lived and learned. And drank. And likely played "Bonk the Unsuspecting El Rio de Tiemp con Donaldo y Los Tres Caballeros Off the Head with el Nacho".

At least it's dark in there so you can't really see what your eating.:)

I'd recomend a tiny flashlight to help you read the menus. Seriously we nearly caught the menus on fire trying to hold them up to the candles to read them.
At least it's dark in there so you can't really see what your eating.:)

I'd recomend a tiny flashlight to help you read the menus. Seriously we nearly caught the menus on fire trying to hold them up to the candles to read them.

:scared1: :rotfl2: OK that must have been something to see!
i love reading your report ! i'm only half way through it but it's way more entertaining than tv !

and i don't care what your boyfriend says, too much disney ?? i worked for disney for about a year -- i worked AT the contemporary resort shops before they took them out, you know, the old jewelry and candy store and pin cart? that's where i worked. in costume and everything. and i went back the year i went home ... and it's now been two years since i've been and i'm dying. i mean, i was at magic kingdom every day for almost a year and i STILL can't get enough. i'm even having my wedding there.

too much? wow ... hmmm ... i am reading your journal and am enjoying it so much !! you have great writing skills !! i'll read bits here and there and i'll pass it on to my disney friends, they're sure to love it. thanks for sharing !!
The ADR soap opera has ended. Based on responses here and to the thread I started the dining board, I'm keeping the San Angel ADR.

And, well, if the food es el sucko then I've lived and learned. And drank. And likely played "Bonk the Unsuspecting El Rio de Tiemp con Donaldo y Los Tres Caballeros Off the Head with el Nacho".


I'm glad you're keeping it! It's on my list for October too. How bad can it be between the ambiance and copious amounts of tequila??? ;) I could have sworn that Disney announced they were building a tequila bar in the pavilion (keeping up on the alcohol-related news, I am) that was supposed to open this fall but I've never heard anything more about it. :confused3
As for counter service meals and snacks, it's really going to depend on where we end up and when. I have some ideas but I'm not tied to anything.
Except a Dole Whip.

They are soo delicious!!!

And a treat from Goofy's Candy Co.

We can vouch for the Mickey gingerbreads, the rice krispy treats, and the giant marshmallows covered in stuff -- all very tasty and all snack credits on the dining plan.

And a churro.

Also, very good -- we enjoyed our churros in Mexico! :thumbsup2

And the Tangerine Daquiri from Morocco.

Perhaps my favorite drink of all time -- so good we had a couple. May I also recommend the Sultan's Colada? We had those in Morrocco, also. Oh, and DH's Kasbah coffee (coffee with some sort of chocolate liquor) was also worthy of mention! :lmao:

And I'm totally coming back from this trip ROTUND. And wasted. Apparently.

Yo Ho!


Apparently that was my goal too and one that I lived up to! :lmao:

I will say that the walking helps keep you sober. ;)

Restaurant Marrakesh: This would've been my choice but it has been vetoed by Missy. And considering she only made ONE restaurant request and let me do all of the other planning, I feel I have to honor this.

I managed to sneak this one in on my family, and I have to admit that you aren't missing much. Get your Morroccan food lust fix at the CS.

Teppan Edo/Tokyo Dining: Ok, first and foremost, can someone explain to me the difference between these two restaurants? Their menus seem very much the same. We have a fabulous Japanese steakhouse in Providence (Oki's) and I love the food, the concept, everything really...but the ginger. So this one is also in the running...if I can figure out the difference.

Teppan Edo, as TK said, they cook at your table. This was by far our favorite and most fun meal of the entire trip. Seriously. We laughed our way through the meal, and the chef that was cooking at our table was a hoot. The food was delicious, too!

Highly recommend this one.
ADR's are going to be the death of me. I love reading all the changes though because it helps me settle (or not!) on places too... Something tells me I'll change quite a few myself as reviews continue to roll in!


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