Prayers for Bobby

I watched the movie on youtube, it's in 10 difference parts but it's a decent enough picture, so if you missed it try to look there.:surfweb:
I must say that Scott Bailey - the actor that played David was great to look at. He even has an incredible photo on the imdb website ... WOW.
Scott Bailey also seems like a really great guy! Did you read his essay on the movie?


Yes, Prayers for Bobby will air on LIFETIME starting Jan 24th but the title is more than just clever wordplay: it is my heartfelt truth! It feels like a miracle that such a timely and meaningful film has come to fruition and I am beyond honored to have been a part of it.

FROM REAL LIFE STORY TO BOOK TO FILM: Prayers for Bobby is based upon the true story and critically acclaimed book by Leroy Aarons about a young gay man, Bobby (played by a heartbreaking Ryan Kelley), who because of his religious beliefs and family pressure, sets out to cure himself of being gay. The attempted cure tragically ends with his suicide which instigates questioning by his mother, Mary Griffith (played powerfully by Sigourney Weaver), of her blind-faith regarding homosexuality. She eventually becomes a gay rights activist and attempts to break this cycle of needless tragedy by telling her story. Mr. Aarons read bout Mary's heartbreak in an article in his local paper, contacted her and she shared with him Bobby¹s journals which chronicled his struggle. From that moment on, Mr. Aarons knew he had to write this story.

Twelve years ago, a young gay man who had recently "come out" to his own family came across this book at a bookstore in West Hollywood. This man was so moved by the story that he enlisted his producing partner in the journey to make it a movie for all to see. For eleven years they doggedly pursued the development of the movie at multiple studios and networks all the while handing out copies of the book to anyone interested. I received a copy after having luckily run into these men in the frozen yogurt aisle in Ralph's grocery store. I wept like a baby while reading it and have since become a friends with and a huge fan of Chris Taaffe and Daniel Sladek, the passionate executive producers of this film, great guys, and two of the most remarkable human beings I have ever met!!

Last April , the movie was green lit at Lifetime and Sigourney Weaver was set to star as Mary Griffith. I was lucky enough to audition for and eventually get to play the role of David, Bobby's loving boyfriend who represents hope in the embodiment of a young gay man with supportive parents who is at peace with homosexuality. In June, I flew out to Detroit for 3 weeks to play the most meaningful role in my career, act with amazing actors such as Sigourney and Ryan, play my first gay character and for the first time in my life: kiss another guy!


I will never forget the energy and emotion on the set while filming Prayers for Bobby. The poignancy and importance of this story fueled a reverence and passion amongst producers, actors and crew alike which resulted in the most visceral movie-making I have ever experienced! Many people involved had experienced similar hardships "coming out" and all were united in wanting to open hearts and minds toward an understanding of homosexuality.

It was admittedly a learning experience even for me, an actor, living in Hollywood, with many close gay friends. I learned that the suicide rate is 4 TIMES higher amongst gay teens than straight teens. I also learned that homosexuality is definitely not a "choice" or "preference" or even something that can be taught yet it is widely feared and viewed askance! Hopefully, films like this can reveal the ongoing discrimination for what it is, show examples of how life can be, and by doing so provide a beacon of hope to homosexuals and their families.


This past November we elected the first African American President of the United States of America. In that same election, California passed Proposition 8 which basically repeals the right of homosexual marriage. In the 60's the interracial parents of our new President Barack Obama were not legally allowed to marry, segregation was rampant, and the 14th amendment of the U.S constitution, in particular the guarantee to equal protection under the law, was denied to African American citizens. This same 14th amendment is being denied to our homosexual citizens today and I feel it is an extremely prescient time to stand up and express my disapproval. I am reminded that "All it takes for evil to flourish is for enough good me to do nothing!" As an actor, I am doing what I can by portraying characters like David and promoting films such as Prayers for Bobby which have the power to educate, enlighten and save lives.


I am Scott Bailey, proud American, actor, writer, artist, engineer and the kind of guy who strives to stand up for what is right and to be a part of the solution instead of part of the problem. I try to live by the principle my grandfather, Bill J. Bailey, instilled in me: "Always leave a place better off than when you arrived." I am a descendent of John Alden who came over on the Mayflower and I can only imagine the kind of courage it took to risk life and family in the pursuit of the freedom we now enjoy. I am also a huge admirer of our founding fathers who risked their own power, wealth, and lives to stand up against a tyrannical government.

Growing up I had few examples of homosexuality: Liberace, Robin Williams in The Birdcage, Seinfeld's oft repeated stance "not that there is anything wrong with that...", and the occasional "that's gay!" comment. I don¹t even remember knowing any gay people until I moved to Los Angeles. I do, however, remember the first time I heard the comment "that's so gay!" when I was with a gay friend. I remember it because I felt a sense of injustice and later embarrassment for not saying anything. Thereafter I decided that I would never "not say anything" again!! Today, I know enough gay people to know that there is no difference, they are as "normal" as anyone else and simply have a different sexuality.

I AM PROUD TO BE A PART OF THIS FILM AND I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT. I am Scott Bailey and I am here to recruit you!! You may recognize that line from Harvey Milk, the first openly gay publicly elected official in the U.S. who recruited people to stand up for their own rights. He then proceeded to lead by example. I'd like to recruit you to watch this film and similarly stand up for what you think is right.

As a straight white guy I think it is right and important for me to stand up for the minority, don't you? I hope I'd have stood up to give my seat to Rosa Parks, don't you? I hope if I'd been a founding father I would have risked my life to create a better future, don't you? I hope if I'd been around during WWII that I would¹ve volunteered to fight for freedom, don't you? In this day and age I am proud to see an African American President, not merely because he is black but because he was the best man for the job, aren't you? I am also very disappointed that anyone in this great country is discriminated against, aren't you? I therefore think it is a moral imperative that movies like Prayers for Bobby are made and seen! DON'T YOU?!
it says on lifetime that you can get the film on iTunes
Not having a good day guys, I just got a call from work not to show up today I'm being laid off. I hope not for to long! Thinks don't look good. I was going to try to stay a Kidani village for one night to try out a DVC resort but there is no way I could do that now, I had to cancel, I was going to rent points from someone but I just can't now. I guess I will have some time on my hands now! I am going to try to go to PFLAG to a meeting they are having on Friday night, And of course on Saturday is my big trip to NY to see my new Dr. I am very nervous about it though! I have been ok except for my job loss, I think I have a new one lined up though.
Not having a good day guys, I just got a call from work not to show up today I'm being laid off. I hope not for to long! Thinks don't look good. I was going to try to stay a Kidani village for one night to try out a DVC resort but there is no way I could do that now, I had to cancel, I was going to rent points from someone but I just can't now. I guess I will have some time on my hands now! I am going to try to go to PFLAG to a meeting they are having on Friday night, And of course on Saturday is my big trip to NY to see my new Dr. I am very nervous about it though! I have been ok except for my job loss, I think I have a new one lined up though.

Ouch. That's not good.

What kind of work do you do? (did you say already?) It's good that you've got some prospects. I'll cross my fingers for you.

And let us know how the PFLAG meeting and doctor's visit go!
Not having a good day guys, I just got a call from work not to show up today I'm being laid off. I hope not for to long! Thinks don't look good. I was going to try to stay a Kidani village for one night to try out a DVC resort but there is no way I could do that now, I had to cancel, I was going to rent points from someone but I just can't now. I guess I will have some time on my hands now! I am going to try to go to PFLAG to a meeting they are having on Friday night, And of course on Saturday is my big trip to NY to see my new Dr. I am very nervous about it though! I have been ok except for my job loss, I think I have a new one lined up though.

Kenman, how'd it go at the PFLAG meeting?
I just got home from NY and everything went very well, It went way better then I thought. I stayed overnight in a hotel because it was about a 31/2 hour drive and my session wasn't till 6:30p. It went well at Pflag as well, as a matter of fact they want me to help them out in 2 weeks with a little party they are having! I said I would. I am felling better about myself. I have had such great support from this site as well. the Dr. wants to see me agin next mont and then again in 3 months. I had but some personal ads out there to find a date I got one eply but he isn't goint to be in town on my trip dates. I still have 3 monts for someone to answer if not I will take you guys up on your offer to meet and talk! I just might any way. I culd really use the friends right now. The main thing I asked my Dr. is why did I choose this. He told me it is born in you, He asked me if I choose to be bald, And I said no, he said well you didn't choose this either. He was really helpful!
I just got home from NY and everything went very well, It went way better then I thought. I stayed overnight in a hotel because it was about a 31/2 hour drive and my session wasn't till 6:30p. It went well at Pflag as well, as a matter of fact they want me to help them out in 2 weeks with a little party they are having! I said I would. I am felling better about myself. I have had such great support from this site as well. the Dr. wants to see me agin next mont and then again in 3 months. I had but some personal ads out there to find a date I got one eply but he isn't goint to be in town on my trip dates. I still have 3 monts for someone to answer if not I will take you guys up on your offer to meet and talk! I just might any way. I culd really use the friends right now. The main thing I asked my Dr. is why did I choose this. He told me it is born in you, He asked me if I choose to be bald, And I said no, he said well you didn't choose this either. He was really helpful!

That's great. I'm glad it's going well for you! :yay:

The group of people here on the DIS GLBT fourm is a great group. You should definitely jump in and participate in some more of our discussions.
Hey, kenman!

You still out there?

Haven't heard from you in a while.

How's it going?
I'm hear! Things are going well for me. I think I met my buddy for my trip! I'm going to meet someone for Dinner, We met online. He is amazing. We been talking a lot and I wants to be first man. He has been so nice to me and I'm sure he is the real thing. we are the same age and close to the same weight . I am going tomorrow to help at the PFLAG meeting, with snacks and such, I'm nervous but it will be good for me. I'm also going next week back to New York for more tratment. I'm doing way better than I ever thought. I'm still in the clost but I think I'm might have found the Key to open the door. And if It don't work out with the guy there is more out there! I owe it all to you guys. I'm really starting to feel good about myself for a change, I'm to important to do anything stupid. Once your dead there is now coming back. And when I'm truly happy being Gay I want to be around to see it. I never truly realized that being Gay is amazing, there is nothing better the being in Love with a man, i just can't wait to find mine. I almost froget I might have found someone here in Pa as well, he wrote me twice now, not to sure on him yet, but he might want to meet, It's a start!
Great news! :thumbsup2

Keep us posted.

And feel free to join in our other conversations on this board. We have a lot of fun here!
OMG-this movie-and this thread! I'm so glad people shared their story. Kenman-I'm happy things are going better for you!

Bobby was a tough film for me too. I cried so hard during that scene where his mother was putting all those scripture verses around the house. Nobody ever did that to me...I did it to myself. Long story short, a relationship ended very badly-my partner lost her job, actually lost her career because of rumors about us. We thought we were being SO careful, and we were-but people made assumptions, and used their financial power to get her fired. (she was a church musician) Someone also dropped a dime to her very homophobic sister and created family problems too. A complete train wreck. She has now renounced the idea that she was ever really gay, that ours was a friendship that she allowed to go too far.

As a result of all that-I got it into my head that if I just prayed hard enough, and acted like other women, I could be "fixed". I thought if my being gay could cause that much carnage, it had to be a bad thing. I prayed until my knees were sore, I went to Mass every day-I even bought skirts and dresses and gave up my beloved jeans and T's for nearly a year. Well, I don't have to tell you guys-but it didn't work. I was just miserable and yes, I wanted to die. Finally, I decided to cut my losses and move out of state, away from everything.

So, here I am in sunny Florida-close to my family. I've never formally "come out" to them-but I've never felt I had to either. They know, they're not stupid. They just don't care-and I mean that in a nice way. It doesn't matter to them what orientation I am as long as I'm happy and healthy.

Thanks for letting me tell that story. After reading the other comments on this thread, I knew you guys would understand.
Thanks for listening to my story. It's wonderful to see people who really care so much about others.
OMG-this movie-and this thread! I'm so glad people shared their story. Kenman-I'm happy things are going better for you!

Bobby was a tough film for me too. I cried so hard during that scene where his mother was putting all those scripture verses around the house. Nobody ever did that to me...I did it to myself. Long story short, a relationship ended very badly-my partner lost her job, actually lost her career because of rumors about us. We thought we were being SO careful, and we were-but people made assumptions, and used their financial power to get her fired. (she was a church musician) Someone also dropped a dime to her very homophobic sister and created family problems too. A complete train wreck. She has now renounced the idea that she was ever really gay, that ours was a friendship that she allowed to go too far.

As a result of all that-I got it into my head that if I just prayed hard enough, and acted like other women, I could be "fixed". I thought if my being gay could cause that much carnage, it had to be a bad thing. I prayed until my knees were sore, I went to Mass every day-I even bought skirts and dresses and gave up my beloved jeans and T's for nearly a year. Well, I don't have to tell you guys-but it didn't work. I was just miserable and yes, I wanted to die. Finally, I decided to cut my losses and move out of state, away from everything.

So, here I am in sunny Florida-close to my family. I've never formally "come out" to them-but I've never felt I had to either. They know, they're not stupid. They just don't care-and I mean that in a nice way. It doesn't matter to them what orientation I am as long as I'm happy and healthy.

Thanks for letting me tell that story. After reading the other comments on this thread, I knew you guys would understand.
Thanks for listening to my story. It's wonderful to see people who really care so much about others.


I think many of us have our own stories about our experiences with our loved ones and families.

Thanks for sharing yours.
Thanks for letting me tell that story. After reading the other comments on this thread, I knew you guys would understand.
Thanks for listening to my story. It's wonderful to see people who really care so much about others.

Thank you for being brave enough to share. :hug: May everything go good with you here in Florida (and on the G&L board)! :teeth: :hug:
So, here I am in sunny Florida-close to my family. I've never formally "come out" to them-but I've never felt I had to either. They know, they're not stupid. They just don't care-and I mean that in a nice way. It doesn't matter to them what orientation I am as long as I'm happy and healthy.

Thanks for letting me tell that story. After reading the other comments on this thread, I knew you guys would understand.
Thanks for listening to my story. It's wonderful to see people who really care so much about others.

Thanks for lettin' us read it. :goodvibes

And Kenman, Darlin', sounds like you're groovin' now. :thumbsup2


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