*CLOSED*MOVED*Disboutiquers Part 11 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes we sew

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Here are a few pictures of some customs I don't think I posted before our trip. The 7 Dwarfs skirt took FOREVER to make! :rotfl: Let's just say as she grows, it will be getting ruffles.



Luke's bowling shirt. He really would not hold still at all for photos this day!



The girls' Cinderella outfits: (Lily's is a CASE of one Stacy made for Kristine's Aisling) It has Suzy, Perla, Jaq, Gus and the birdie embroidered on 5 of the squares.


Jayden's Valentine's Day outfit, I CASE'd the minnie dot capris from Cathy:


I think that's it. I will get a TR going when I get photopass photos back.
OK I skimmed and love all of the cute outfits...some of you just keep sewing and sewing.....you're all amazing!

I hope you are feeling better Steph :sick: !

Someone asked about a cute New Look pattern for her little girl. I have the same one but never got around to using it before my girls outgrew it.
I would maybe suggest you try Carla's A-line dress. It does require about 3-4 inches of hand stitching right at the end but it is really cute and full! I hope that helps!

I love you all :love: so I hope no one leaves the group!!! :flower3:

My poor DD was getting better from bronchitus and pneumonia. When I picked her up from school today she was one :eek: big red rash....poor child can't catch a break. So back to Urgent Care for more steroids. Yeesh....it was either an allergic reaction to meds or a rash due to virus.

And....now I am sick. Not that bad...just an aching, cold, sorethroat and fever. I am going to hit the hay early and try to sleep this off. :yay:
I have been so sick, I think Tom brought the flu home on the plane from when he was out of town. This is the first time in two days I have been upright for more than a few minutes.

I am sorry your are sick.
We have been battling it all weekend too.
I think I am at least done with the fever part...I hope, its exhausting isn't it.
Hang in there :hug:

THIS JUST NEEDED TO BE REPEATED! If there is one thing that I have learned THE HARD WAY - it is that we may not all always agree, but it is worth it to get over our differences so that we don't cheat ourselves out of the joy that comes from being in a group like this. Not every day is good. Sometimes there are several days that aren't good. That's ok. Turn off the computer and walk away. But don't cheat yourself out of the joy that may be here tomorrow. There is no amount of frustration that is worth it!

Nicely put. Thank you.

Well I was off of the boards for most of the day and I was about a dozen pages behind when I got back. WOW! I skimmed through, great stuff everyone. Loved that animal kingdom outfit. And the nemo shirts with shorts are super cute. Everything in the storybook fabric is seriously cute. I am sure I missed a few things. But you guys always inspire me and I look forward to seeing your creations and sharing my own.
Here are a few pictures of some customs I don't think I posted before our trip. The 7 Dwarfs skirt took FOREVER to make! :rotfl: Let's just say as she grows, it will be getting ruffles.



Luke's bowling shirt. He really would not hold still at all for photos this day!



The girls' Cinderella outfits: (Lily's is a CASE of one Stacy made for Kristine's Aisling) It has Suzy, Perla, Jaq, Gus and the birdie embroidered on 5 of the squares.


Jayden's Valentine's Day outfit, I CASE'd the minnie dot capris from Cathy:


I think that's it. I will get a TR going when I get photopass photos back.

Ok, I need to get better at sewing because your work just blows me away. I love the bowling shirt. Where did you get the fun fabric. The 7 dwarfs is just too cute and the capries with the mickey/minie kissing. Too cute. I am just amazed. Your work is beautiful!
I just love the butterick pattern that I used for dragon shirt and then these shorts. It was too easy, and comes from me.

Here he is with his fish outfit. I believe the problem is that the fabric is dark blue and the shirt is mostly light blue?
Those look great and you got them done so fast. I like them.:thumbsup2

OK I skimmed and love all of the cute outfits...some of you just keep sewing and sewing.....you're all amazing!

I hope you are feeling better Steph :sick: !

Someone asked about a cute New Look pattern for her little girl. I have the same one but never got around to using it before my girls outgrew it.
I would maybe suggest you try Carla's A-line dress. It does require about 3-4 inches of hand stitching right at the end but it is really cute and full! I hope that helps!

I love you all :love: so I hope no one leaves the group!!! :flower3:

My poor DD was getting better from bronchitus and pneumonia. When I picked her up from school today she was one :eek: big red rash....poor child can't catch a break. So back to Urgent Care for more steroids. Yeesh....it was either an allergic reaction to meds or a rash due to virus.

And....now I am sick. Not that bad...just an aching, cold, sorethroat and fever. I am going to hit the hay early and try to sleep this off. :yay:
Poor baby! I sure hope she gets to feeling better soon.:hug:
Forgot one of the boys' although I did make this shirt before for Drew's Big Give:

I am really ashamed to say that I have not worked on many of these Big Gives, even though I have truly wanted to. I read their stories and my heart aches for them and all that they have to endure. I can't imagine what it's like to have a child so sick but, for a completely different reason, I can imagine the fear of losing a child. I live with that fear on a daily basis. For well over a year now I have been fighting to keep my son here with us. Our battle continues and every night when I tuck him in I wonder how many more nights I will be able to hold him. It is a paralyzing feeling for me and one that I would never wish on another person. It is an emotional roller-coaster of ups and downs & twists and turns. The thought of losing him is unbearable, every time I think about it I can't help but think of the Winkler family and many of the other Big Give families. It is for this reason that I find myself wanting to participate in more Big Gives. I really feel bad that I have not done more already but that is about to change. To all of you who continue to organize these Big Gives and to all those who participate, thank you...you are a true inspiration. I just love this board!!
:hug: :hug: :grouphug::hug::hug: I can't imagine what you must go through on a daily basis. I'm still praying for your family.



Luke's bowling shirt. He really would not hold still at all for photos this day!



The girls' Cinderella outfits: (Lily's is a CASE of one Stacy made for Kristine's Aisling) It has Suzy, Perla, Jaq, Gus and the birdie embroidered on 5 of the squares.


Jayden's Valentine's Day outfit, I CASE'd the minnie dot capris from Cathy:


I think that's it. I will get a TR going when I get photopass photos back.

I love everything! I feel so privileged to see the Snow White outfit in person!! It is beautiful!

Luke looks adorable in his bowling shirt! Tessa thinks so, too. ;)
Here are a few pictures of some customs I don't think I posted before our trip. The 7 Dwarfs skirt took FOREVER to make! :rotfl: Let's just say as she grows, it will be getting ruffles.



Luke's bowling shirt. He really would not hold still at all for photos this day!



The girls' Cinderella outfits: (Lily's is a CASE of one Stacy made for Kristine's Aisling) It has Suzy, Perla, Jaq, Gus and the birdie embroidered on 5 of the squares.


Jayden's Valentine's Day outfit, I CASE'd the minnie dot capris from Cathy:


I think that's it. I will get a TR going when I get photopass photos back.

First off, Jammy...I am in the process of making a 7 dwarfs outfit. I may chicken out on the dwarfs and just buy the patch versions of them. Yours came out beautifully!!!!! :banana: I am askeered of all the sewing to make them! I love the bowling shirt and Valentines too. Tell Jayden I love her capris!!!! :love: Great job MOM!!!! Note to self...I gotta get the girls a white petticoat thingy...Lily's is so cute! :cutie:
THIS JUST NEEDED TO BE REPEATED! If there is one thing that I have learned THE HARD WAY - it is that we may not all always agree, but it is worth it to get over our differences so that we don't cheat ourselves out of the joy that comes from being in a group like this. Not every day is good. Sometimes there are several days that aren't good. That's ok. Turn off the computer and walk away. But don't cheat yourself out of the joy that may be here tomorrow. There is no amount of frustration that is worth it!

Exactly! I hate when I let myself get bothered by something posted on a message board when I'm sure it wasn't intended as a slight to me personally. I do it (I'm human) but find that if I back away from the computer for a bit, it really helps put things in perspective.

ME!!! I even stuff my puffed sleeve dressed with those puffs you can buy for taking a bath with. That way they don't wrinkle when I leave them hang to dry! LOL

What a great idea! I'll have to remember that... if Zoe will ever actually let me put her in something with puffy sleeves again. :rolleyes1

Smocking is soooo popular here! We do have Orient Expressed and Strasburg in town though. Those are both very high end, but I enjoy copying things I see there! LOL[/QUOTE]

Smocked dresses.
Someone said they'd not seen smocked dresses.
Boy, do I feel old here.

Does anyone else remember Polly Flinders dresses and Paul E. Flinders smocked outfits for boys? They were VERY popular and quite expensive when my daughter was little. And of course, every dress had a matching bow. She only owned 1 Polly Flinders dress her whole life. I believe it was about $60.00 in the early 1990s

They were THEN what custom clothing is NOW.
Look at some of them here:

I'm the one who hasn't seen a smocked garment on a child... at least not in person. I haven't heard of any of the brands above, either. I've also never seen a child locally with a bow like those so popular with custom boutiquers.
Ok, I need to get better at sewing because your work just blows me away. I love the bowling shirt. Where did you get the fun fabric. The 7 dwarfs is just too cute and the capries with the mickey/minie kissing. Too cute. I am just amazed. Your work is beautiful!

Thanks April! I got that fabric on ebay.
Here are a few pictures of some customs I don't think I posted before our trip. The 7 Dwarfs skirt took FOREVER to make! :rotfl: Let's just say as she grows, it will be getting ruffles.



Luke's bowling shirt. He really would not hold still at all for photos this day!



The girls' Cinderella outfits: (Lily's is a CASE of one Stacy made for Kristine's Aisling) It has Suzy, Perla, Jaq, Gus and the birdie embroidered on 5 of the squares.


Jayden's Valentine's Day outfit, I CASE'd the minnie dot capris from Cathy:


I think that's it. I will get a TR going when I get photopass photos back.

Such cute outfits Jeanne! I LOVE :love: LOVE the Seven Dwarfs outfit! Did you hand applique all seven of the dwarfs? Yikes! The thought of that :scared1: me to death!

I think we need a close up of Lily's Cindee skirt too! I really want to see those squares!

I love the fabric on the Luke's bowling shirt too! I just found it on :wizard: . Did yours come from Asia somewhere? I have been tossing it around trying to decide about buying it.

OK I skimmed and love all of the cute outfits...some of you just keep sewing and sewing.....you're all amazing!

I hope you are feeling better Steph :sick: !

Someone asked about a cute New Look pattern for her little girl. I have the same one but never got around to using it before my girls outgrew it.
I would maybe suggest you try Carla's A-line dress. It does require about 3-4 inches of hand stitching right at the end but it is really cute and full! I hope that helps!

I love you all :love: so I hope no one leaves the group!!! :flower3:

My poor DD was getting better from bronchitus and pneumonia. When I picked her up from school today she was one :eek: big red rash....poor child can't catch a break. So back to Urgent Care for more steroids. Yeesh....it was either an allergic reaction to meds or a rash due to virus.

And....now I am sick. Not that bad...just an aching, cold, sorethroat and fever. I am going to hit the hay early and try to sleep this off. :yay:

You're not that bad huh? You ache, have the chills, a sorethroat and fever? Are you crazy girl! Go home and get to bed! Hope both of you get better real quick!
Car Seat Sale on Britax at Albeebaby!

I know about a month ago we were talking about car seats and someone mentioned that www.albeebaby.com puts their Britax car seats on sale in February. They are on sale right now if you're interested. I bought two of them for my girls and they were about 12-15% off regular prices. Every little bit helps!
Here are a few pictures of some customs I don't think I posted before our trip. The 7 Dwarfs skirt took FOREVER to make! :rotfl: Let's just say as she grows, it will be getting ruffles.



Luke's bowling shirt. He really would not hold still at all for photos this day!



The girls' Cinderella outfits: (Lily's is a CASE of one Stacy made for Kristine's Aisling) It has Suzy, Perla, Jaq, Gus and the birdie embroidered on 5 of the squares.


Jayden's Valentine's Day outfit, I CASE'd the minnie dot capris from Cathy:


I think that's it. I will get a TR going when I get photopass photos back.

Adorable!!! My fav is Snow White!!
I have been lurking along and there has been some really nice things posted.

To everyone getting ready to head out to the World HAVE FUN!!!

So I am making my DD a nice little sweatshirt. It is fleece (but not Disney) Anyways, I am using a Burda Pattern. Has anyone tried one of those? It wants me to use a double needle when hemming the bottom. Have any of you used one of those? I am thinking I will just stitch it with a straight stitch, because using the double needle would require a trip to JoAnn's to buy a double needle and a big spool of thread.
Double needles make it look like the hems that are on t-shirts. It is really neat looking, but not that big of a deal. It makes it look like a coverstitch, but to me I want the real coverstitch instead of just topstitching.

Thanks so much!! Both sets a re a combination of patterns. The storybook set has the easy fit pants, and the top is the Bowznstuff triple ruffle halter from YCMT. The "skirt" of the top is just a double layer skirt - no pattern for that.

The Very Hungry Vaterpillar set started with CarlaC's stripwork jumper bodice (simply sweet would work too) and the "skirt" of it is kinda made from a butterick pattern, but I only used it for the curve. I can find what patern it is if you like :)
I'm actually making a dress right now with a big curve on it. Hrm... I bet that would work. I just like how you were able to showcase the different fabrics by making them peek through. Such a great idea!
I've always been scared to make a halter for Hannah because people are kind of conservative around here. I think it is adorable and there is nothign wrong with showing her back. I made a dress that has a V in the back and people scoffed at me saying "She must be cold" and things like that even though it was probably 80 outside!

I liked the reaction to Orange Monster too. I have to say that I like sewing for girls, but I really love sewing for boys. I'm not sure why.:confused3
Maybe because you don't have one? ;)
I can honestly say I have never sewn for a boy other than baby gifts like burpees and bibs.

Smocked dresses.
Someone said they'd not seen smocked dresses.
Boy, do I feel old here.

Does anyone else remember Polly Flinders dresses and Paul E. Flinders smocked outfits for boys? They were VERY popular and quite expensive when my daughter was little. And of course, every dress had a matching bow. She only owned 1 Polly Flinders dress her whole life. I believe it was about $60.00 in the early 1990s

They were THEN what custom clothing is NOW.
Look at some of them here:
Hrm.. I think the smocked dress I just got on ebay is Polly something. I'm going to look now. :)
I never wore smocking as a child. My mom said she had never seen it before I started learning how to. She smocks now too. My great great grandmother smocked too! I wish I had some of her dresses, but apparently she sewed for out and the dresses she made for her daughter were thrown away by her daughter! I was horrified to find out from her daughter that she threw them away! :sad2:

This is one of my favorite websites to shop! A friend of my Mom's told me about it when I was pregnant with Megan. I also keep my eyes out at estate sales for antiques, I bring them home and wash them and press them and hang them on the walls- I started collecting a while ago, but I only have about 5. One is from the early 1800s and has pintucks all across the bodice- I would guess its for about 18 months to age 2. Thats the oldest I have and I can't get it really clean. I dont dare do anything other than handwash it.

i LOVE smocking. I dont think I have the patience for it- it looks like a lot of little stitches and my machine says it smocks, but it also says it serges and the serger stitch on it doesnt work if you want it on the edge of the fabric.

Polly Flinders is now owned and run by a different company. But the sizing is still the same- runs very small. About 2 sizes if I remember correctly.
Sarah Louise is my favorite- her stuff typically runs big- So if she wears a size 3T, than the 2T is what you want. Quality is supreme, and attention to detail and the feel of the fabric- just cant go wrong. I have a shop near me that sells some Sarah Louise and they are often 40% off- I LOVE that! But she doesnt have the selection that Grammies Attic has
I also like Wil'Beth- prices tend to be more reasnable and sizing is standard
I have 1 CI Castro, also more affordable, but runs small.

I do love Grammies Attic, but her shipping is slow. I wish I lived down there so I could go visit her shop!

it got me thinking about photos of some of the things I have bought from GA-

This is a Sarah Louise
Adorable pictures!!!
I have heard it is okay to soak heirloom dresses that you find in BIZ. My local heirloom shop gets alot of these and she says she soaks them in BIZ to get stains and yellow out. Apparently this is what Martha Pullen does as well. I LOVE MARTHA!!!!!!!!! :love:

I just love the butterick pattern that I used for dragon shirt and then these shorts. It was too easy, and comes from me.

Here he is with his fish outfit. I believe the problem is that the fabric is dark blue and the shirt is mostly light blue?
It is so cute!! I think it matches just fine probably because of the darker blue border on the square.

Here are a few pictures of some customs I don't think I posted before our trip. The 7 Dwarfs skirt took FOREVER to make! :rotfl: Let's just say as she grows, it will be getting ruffles.



Luke's bowling shirt. He really would not hold still at all for photos this day!



The girls' Cinderella outfits: (Lily's is a CASE of one Stacy made for Kristine's Aisling) It has Suzy, Perla, Jaq, Gus and the birdie embroidered on 5 of the squares.


Jayden's Valentine's Day outfit, I CASE'd the minnie dot capris from Cathy:


I think that's it. I will get a TR going when I get photopass photos back.
Omgooses! Those are sooo adorable. Snow White is my favorite!!! I have made outfits with several characters before. I always wonder why I am spending days just on the characters but in the end it is so worth it!! I LOVE IT! I love the outfit with the capris too. So adorable! Your kids are so blessed to have you making their customs!

I'm the one who hasn't seen a smocked garment on a child... at least not in person. I haven't heard of any of the brands above, either. I've also never seen a child locally with a bow like those so popular with custom boutiquers.

I am surprised that you haven't seen any lately. It seems to be so popular. Gymboree even has some smocked things on their site now.
I hadn't seen the bows on any other child in my area yet.
My mom HATES Hannah's bows. I like em and so does Hannah. Now I just need to get better at the freehand applique thing or get a larger embroidery machine. I adore the character dresses you make.
I am trying to not be offended by all the conversation about "smartly" dressed children. I am not winning that battle.
Lauren goes to preschool in leggings and tshirts or sweaters. She is there to play, run, jump, not for a fashion show. Her outfits are typically from Target or Childrens Place but she does have a few Gymboree outfits also. I will not send her to school in dresses/skirts because those are a little more dangerous on the bark mulch covered playground. Does she look clean and presentable? Yes, in my opinion she does.
Who are you to judge what I dress my child in?

Edited to add, there are days Lauren does not match. She may have on orange pants, pink shirt and green shoes. She picked it out herself so I will let her wear it as long as it is weather appropriate.

Oh I truly don't think people were trying to offend you. I think we all are suspect to 'first impressions" and most of that comes from looks. Beauty and clothing say a lot. Do I think that is fair??? NOPE! I have already posted about my daughter wearing a pettiskirt and playing in the dirt. This is how I love her to be. Independant enough to get dirty and wear clothing that I never thought I would buy. SOME people would think I was crazy to dress her in pettiskirts. Some people would think I was crazy to let her dress in pettiskirts and play in the dirt. I just know I'm crazy in love with her.

I love what Shannalee said ( and I quoted her too) " I live by the motto that no one can hurt my feelings. Only I can allow my feelings to be hurt" I think these are great words, have a powerful message in them, and can be used for everyone here.

You're the first person who said that to me, makes me feel better. Sometimes I admit it to the wrong people & I get this look like I'm Cindy's evil stepmom.

My DH does the ironing too!

Oh it took me a good 2 weeks to accept I was having a girl. Even if we are in the minority about having girls, and that fear, we are still great mommas!

Wait, I'm from MD and I smock. There is a great store that sells smocking supplies as well as finished dresses. Its called Tomorrow's Treasures and is in Crofton. We live in Annapolis and do see some smocked dresses at church and at nursery school special occasions or performances. But I am seeing less than I did when DD9 was younger. Little girls should look like little girls. And for me that means, smocked and boutique style dresses. In our house we have play clothes and party clothes. As far as that mom sending her child to a party in sweats sounds awful. My kids dress way better than me, I'm usually the one in sweats!

Oh you and Aimee are close to each other. I live right near Ocean City, so Annapolis is the "Big City" comparred to us. I can only find smocked items on EBAY!

I had to laugh at that becuase ever since I got my front loaders...I do the same thing. I LOVE the clear doors they have...I have sat wand sadly watched entire loads wash!:lmao: Now that's weird!

Mine is actually a top loader that works like a front loader. It has clear doors on the top. And yes, we did stand there and talk about it:) It is neat!

Oh thank goodness!!! I was really hoping someone else would say they did this too!!! OOOH, a frontloader!! I've never wanted one before, but now that you say this, I'm thinking maybe I need one! It would be really cool if they had a light inside like an oven!

My dryer has a light:) Not that I'd turn it on to watch or anything:)

I live by the motto that no one can hurt my feelings. Only I can allow my feelings to be hurt.

Perfect words !!!

I'll be honest, I cringe some mornings when I see what Zoe's put on to wear to school.
BTW - I honestly can't remember ever seeing a child in a smocked garment in my life. I really like the look but it is not something I recall even seeing in stores in the area... although I don't go to children's boutiques often.

I cringe in what my DD wears sometimes too. It's when she is "close" to matching that bothers me the most. But when she is in a green petti, with orange and black and purple tights, red sparkle shoes and a hot pink camoflage top that I don't worry. I know then that even a man could tell she dressed herself. Ironically enough, that is when she gets the most attention when we go out too. I figure as long as her face is clean...we are good to go most days.

Now smocking is a must. I am so sorry for your loss. Really it seems people either love it or hate it, but to not have seen it is just sad. Want to know what is amazing?? Smocked customs! I posted one that Bengabelle made for us with the Nutcracker smocking for Christmas...stunning!

I have the perfect example that I could go into about the week while I was at disney and being hunted down. I think things were totally taken the wrong way and really hurtful things were said (about me, why I sew and why I post here). Long story short, I just let it go. No need to get all worked up about it.
I sew because I love to! I post here because I love the friendships! Was I hurt! Yes! Am I still hurt! Absolutely 100%. Do I have to let it go. Yep!

I am a total gagger now! I HATE it! I think everywhere we go in the winter time as totally germ infested. In fact, usually before we go to disney, about 3 weeks out, I turn into a germ freak and try my best to not leave the house!

Jessica, I am sorry that you were hunted down. I know how that feels too. Sucks. I am so proud of you for being able to put on your "big girl panties" and show people the person you really are. I cannot imagine anyone thinking you did not have the kindest heart after talking to you and seeing all that you do for the Big Gives. My hat is off to you.

Now about being a germ freak.....do you ever feel the need to take wipes on rides? I have heard that some gross things happen on some rides:)

Smocked dresses.
Someone said they'd not seen smocked dresses.
Boy, do I feel old here.

Does anyone else remember Polly Flinders dresses and Paul E. Flinders smocked outfits for boys? They were VERY popular and quite expensive when my daughter was little. And of course, every dress had a matching bow. She only owned 1 Polly Flinders dress her whole life. I believe it was about $60.00 in the early 1990s

They were THEN what custom clothing is NOW.
Look at some of them here:

I have a friend who has NIGHTMARES about wearing Polly Flinders dresses to church. She says smocking makes her break out in hives. Obviously there is something wrong with her!!!

Here are a few pictures of some customs I don't think I posted before our trip. The 7 Dwarfs skirt took FOREVER to make! :rotfl: Let's just say as she grows, it will be getting ruffles.




I think this is the longest multi quote I've ever had!!
I finally got around to uploading pics of the journal for the McIntosh give. I posted the pics on the Big Give board, there are 21 pics so i didn't want to take up that much space here. I just kept getting ideas for pages so I was worried she was going to get a "War and Peace" sized book if I didn't stop. I do like the way it turned out and will be making another one for a give.

Thanks for letting me be a part of the gives (even though I am afraid of a sewing machine) I feel I get so much out of doing it!

Hello everyone! I thought I would stay out of the talk this afternoon once it got out of the ironing and on to the clothing. :rotfl: I respect everyones opinions and I completely understand and can relate to what everyone was saying.

jham- I LOVE the outfits!! Too cute!! The Snow White one was totally worth all of the time you spent on it!

Oh, and the Hungy Caterpiller and fairy tale outfits were just great!! and there was sooooo much more!!! I guess we have all been sewing like crazy. I know in New York you get tired of the winter and look for things to do to get your mind off of it!

Here is what I have been working on. I was starting The Minnie dresses and my machine took a poop :lmao: . So, I ordered a new one and three days later my machine is working again!!! It never fails....anyway, I finally got the Minnie's done! I just wanted to do them simple, so they look like Minnie. I have to make some capris to go with them next.

(My dog had to be in the picture ;) ) I apologize for the horrible pic, I just can't get this camera right:


and I finally made my first flouncy. My D5 LOVED it. Somehow I shrunk the pic, but it's Hannah Montana flannel backed satin. No, I did not make the shirt but I am working on a matching top......My D5 told me she HAD to have one!

I just love the butterick pattern that I used for dragon shirt and then these shorts. It was too easy, and comes from me.

Here he is with his fish outfit. I believe the problem is that the fabric is dark blue and the shirt is mostly light blue?

Now that is just too cool,:love: I love it!
Oh, BTW, my earlier statement has nothing to do with anything said or done on this board, just was a very recent example I thought of. You know I love you all (atleast most days:lmao: ).
Hello everyone! I thought I would stay out of the talk this afternoon once it got out of the ironing and on to the clothing. :rotfl: I respect everyones opinions and I completely understand and can relate to what everyone was saying.

jham- I LOVE the outfits!! Too cute!! The Snow White one was totally worth all of the time you spent on it!

Oh, and the Hungy Caterpiller and fairy tale outfits were just great!! and there was sooooo much more!!! I guess we have all been sewing like crazy. I know in New York you get tired of the winter and look for things to do to get your mind off of it!

Here is what I have been working on. I was starting The Minnie dresses and my machine took a poop :lmao: . So, I ordered a new one and three days later my machine is working again!!! It never fails....anyway, I finally got the Minnie's done! I just wanted to do them simple, so they look like Minnie. I have to make some capris to go with them next.

(My dog had to be in the picture ;) ) I apologize for the horrible pic, I just can't get this camera right:


and I finally made my first flouncy. My D5 LOVED it. Somehow I shrunk the pic, but it's Hannah Montana flannel backed satin. No, I did not make the shirt but I am working on a matching top......My D5 told me she HAD to have one!



:sad2: This morning it was pouring, I drove the kids to the bus stop and was met by a Ambulance, Fire truck, and 3 police cars, The headed down to the Circle in our Subdivision. Tyler came home today and told us a 13 year old boy was hit by a car. We have been fighting with the Bus dept and superintendent since the beggininng of the year about this, The Kids walk down the middle of the road and dont move out of the way.
Here is the Newspaper article.
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