Biggest Loser 8 Fall Challenge -- for losers and maintainers!

Welcome to a couple of our new members, labordefam3 and willonlyflytodisney. I will add your names to the list as soon as I can. The disboards seem a little slow tonight so it might be be until tomorrow.

I enjoyed reading everyone's motivations. They are heart warming and inspiring. Some of them made me feel proud and others made me feel a little selfish.

Jumping on quickly to read about your motivation! Thannsk for sharing :goodvibes

I love this quote by HallsInTheKingdom:
I know everyone has different motivations, but the bottom line is we NEED to do this for ourselves, and for our future. Keep moving, keep drinking that water, and keep having fun living this beautiful life!

This is a great quote by HallsInTheKingdom. I liked what she said about internal motivation and external motivation.

What motivates you on your weight loss journey?

I want to be healthy. I want to be able to do activities with my family without feeling embarrassed.

My niece (9) introduced me her friend the other day at the park, and the little girl whispered in my niece's ear, "Wow, she's fat." I felt awful.

:hug: to you, steelpens. I am sure that careless remark did hurt. That little kid will be surprised the next time she sees you!

I'm so bummed! I don't think I will be seeing the premier tomorrow night! We leave early early wednesday morning (have to wake up at 4:30!) so we are all going to bed early and right after work I will be going to my meeting and doing all my last minute running around and grooming! I will have to wait for a week to watch it! Oh well, at least we are able to record it!


Well, it's a bummer to miss the premier but really, I would rather be going to Disneyland!

What motivates you on your weight loss journey?

I had lots of time to think about my answer to this questions today. Originally my motivation for this weight loss was in response to getting injured last year and developing such a bad, bad case of plantar fasciitis. It hurt a lot, went on for months longer than it should have because I did not go in and get the giant needed poked in the bottom of my foot and get physical therapy sooner. So for 7 months, I limped everywhere. I had 2 Disney trips that I limped all over. I skipped things because my feet hurt too much. I basically felt that at 48 I was getting too old and fat to go to Disneyland, my favorite place in the world. This was a place that I did not want to find myself in.

Then this year I have been participating in these challenges. My feet feel better but I can tell they can start hurting again any time in response to my weight and what I am doing. I felt very strong when I was DL a couple of weeks ago and walked for miles and miles (I kept track with my pedometer). This was exciting for me to be stronger even though my weight loss wasn't as much as I had hoped.

So that brings to my weight loss motivation now. And I hope that I don't sound too selfish because they are all pretty much for me. I cannot continue to live my life in this unhealthy state. I have high blood pressure, asthma and am at risk for all sorts of scary things. I cannot continue to look for clothes to wear in my full closet only to find nothing that fits. It starts the day on a sour note. I cannot continue to be so worn physically from my day, that I cannot meet my commitments to my son and husband because I am just too tired. And people are nicer to you and treat you differently when you are not obese. I sometimes feel at school functions that other Moms don't want to talk to me because fat could be catching. :confused3

I can be a better spouse, a better Mom, and feel better about myself if I get to a healthier place in my life.

So that is my motiviation. It will benefit my family and other aspects in my life but ultimately, it is for me.

Have a great OP evening all!
My head is spinning - the weekend was full-on crazy here. I helped paint a set on Saturday, Sunday was the start of the Sunday School year and my book club meeting and I had 8 miles to get through. It ended up being on the TM which is never as much fun. Today was one thing after another!

Now for the QOTD - I don't even remember where I left off with these! I wrote a post last week that got eaten by the computer, so I'm just going to start here:

Friday QOTD: my screen name is my first name with my previous last initial. I've since changed my name but the old silent K lives on in my screen name. I know it's not the most fun, creative or savvy, but I do like it when people's screen names contain their first names - it makes it easier to remember who is who, to some degree.

Mini-goals: I always hope to lose about 1 pound a week - it sounds slow, but it is realistic and I'm not disappointed too often. Over the course of 8 months, it has added up to a significant loss, so even though I'm not usually a BIG loser, in the end, I get there too. :)

I find the 5 pound clippies to be a GREAT reward for losing the next five pounds. I was so excited when I got to the "gold" level this summer!

Sat./Sun. QOTD: I know I do better when I plan the meals in advance, but in reality, it's been a while since I planned out menus for the week. I want to get back in that particular groove soon.

Monday's QOTD: What motivates you on your weight loss journey?

It has changed over time, I must say. I did not feel like myself when I was at my heaviest weight. I ran the WDW Half last January and it was not easy. I resolved to go back in 2010 and blow my time out of the water and look so different people on the WISH team would barely recognize me. Well, that's not realistic since I've posted a few pictures and saw a bunch of people in Disneyland, but I am looking forward to revisiting that course with my fully refurbished body.

I used to say my goal was to be in the healthy weight range but really, I think I have been afraid to set my sights too high. As I get closer to my original goal (which had seemed like an impossible dream when I started), I realize I am not ready to be done with myself. I really want to ditch this "abdominal obesity" and get a waist measurement under 35", for the sake of my ongoing health.

Beyond that, I'm not sure what's keeping me motivated at this point. I am feeling pretty good and I'm in a groove.
QOTD continued:

I just remembered - actually a lot of what keeps me motivated is a desire to keep moving away from where I had been, a place where food had the upper hand and the food I was consuming was doing very little for me besides adding extra pounds- it's a condition that does not go away but must be managed like an addiction. I don't want to go back to that place.

I bought a 30lb bag of dog food today and realized that I was carrying that and more everywhere with me - the thought of running a half marathon while carrying that bag of food! I don't want to go back to that place.
I know what you mean! My ds weighs 45 pounds and I have almost lost that much so I can just pick him up as a reminder of just how far I have come and since I know I have that times two still to lose it is a great reminder of what that weight really feels like and the image of me with my son strapped onto my body twice makes me understand how much better I will feel once I lose that weight! We can do it!

Starting next week, I'll be posting our results to celebrate our progress and recognize our superstars of Biggest Loser 8!

-I don't follow the BL TV version of handling gains. All losses are the simple formula of: (last week - this week) divided by last week (all weights reported as % loss, no individual weights will ever be posted)
Cumulative totals (totals so far) will always be based on current weight to starting weights.

Here comes the disclaimer. I am human and I make mistakes. If you have any questions please contact me.

Here's some stats for our fresh fall start:

# of people saying they were joining up: 92 :thumbsup2 (All Losers, who will be the first Maintainer?)
# of people reporting in with starting weights: 69 :cool1:
# excused (not enough posts yet to send PMs!): 2 :)

As requested:
Breakdown of where we are all at:
# 150lbs or less . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
# over 150 & up to 175lbs . . . . . . 14
# over 175 & up to 200lbs . . . . . . 11
# over 200 & up to 225lbs . . . . . . 17
# over 225 & up to 250lbs . . . . . . 8
# greater than 250lbs . . . . . . . . . 10

Starting next week, I'll update how far we've come in this loss.

We have a very special clippie reserved for our weekly Biggest Loser. Who will be the first to have it for BL8?

This is our weekly reigning Biggest Loser clippie. We have the large version


or use this
followed by

or we have a medium version


or use this
followed by

and we have a small version


or use
followed by

Thanks to ohMom-Molli for these clippies. They were used for a previous BL but we can recycle. Don't they look great![/QUOTE]
Wow, that is so cool to see the numbers! Thanks for posting this! I hope to get into the next lower "weight group" by the end of the challenge!

QOTD continued:

I just remembered - actually a lot of what keeps me motivated is a desire to keep moving away from where I had been, a place where food had the upper hand and the food I was consuming was doing very little for me besides adding extra pounds- it's a condition that does not go away but must be managed like an addiction. I don't want to go back to that place.

I bought a 30lb bag of dog food today and realized that I was carrying that and more everywhere with me - the thought of running a half marathon while carrying that bag of food! I don't want to go back to that place.

Thanks for the great reminder of how to visualize what you've lost. I'm not up to a big bag of dogfood yet, but I've lost 2 bags of flour so far this year!;)

When I reached the first 5lb loss, a friend pointed out that it was a bag of sugar gone! :thumbsup2
Since I put a tough Monday question out, I'll take it easy for Tuesday.

Tues QOTD: What's your favourite Disney movie? cartoon, live-action, whatever you like:confused3

I'm sure you could have guessed from my Disname, that mine is JungleBook! But I also love Mary Poppins.:woohoo:, Apple Dumpling Gang, Return to Witch Mountain.:cool1:
Since I put a tough Monday question out, I'll take it easy for Tuesday.

Tues QOTD: What's your favourite Disney movie? cartoon, live-action, whatever you like:confused3

Wow, this is a tough one! I absolutely love Peter Pan for my animated one and I adore Parent Trap (the original, though I like the remake too) for my live action, then of course there is Summer Magic! Tough to choose! Good question!

I do have a couple of designs ready for the Biggest Loser 8 clippie as well, but since calypso has put in the time as well, I was thinking maybe we should have a vote like we did for BL 7.1 - it is always good to have options!

:cool1::banana: its great to have talented people wanting to do this:cool1::thumbsup2
Thanks to both of you (calypso-a-go-go & corinnak):dance3:
Since I put a tough Monday question out, I'll take it easy for Tuesday.

Tues QOTD: What's your favourite Disney movie? cartoon, live-action, whatever you like:confused3

I'm sure you could have guessed from my Disname, that mine is JungleBook! But I also love Mary Poppins.:woohoo:, Apple Dumpling Gang, Return to Witch Mountain.:cool1:

well mine are obviously all the stitch movies, also little mermaid, Nightmare before christmas, :) hehe
Tues QOTD: What's your favourite Disney movie? cartoon, live-action, whatever you like:confused3

Wow, do I have to choose one??

Let's see:
Old School - Fantasia, Mary Poppins, and Rescuer's

New - Cars, National Treasure (1 and 2), and Pirates of the Caribbean (1)
This is a hard question!

I love Mary Poppins, Enchanted, Monsters, Inc., and of course anything with Tigger!

I could go on and on.
Tues QOTD: What's your favourite Disney movie? cartoon, live-action, whatever you like:confused3

Mary Poppins is a favorite. Fully animated is hard b/c there are some many good movies but I'll go with the Lion King (for today). Cartoon features I like are the ones with J. Audubon Woodlore and Humphrey the Bear.

"First you stick a rag, put in the bag, bump bump
Then you bend your back, put it in the sack, bump bump
That's the way it's done, it's a lot of fun, bump bump
Cuttin' capers puttin' papers in the bag"
Tues QOTD: What's your favourite Disney movie? cartoon, live-action, whatever you like

Cinderella - Every girls fantasy!
Game Plan - Elvis music "Rocks" yes, pun intended!
Jo Jo's Circus - I don't know if I ever really figured out if Jo Jo was a boy or a girl! :scared1:
Any Pixar/Disney movie - Just brilliant!
Yesterdays really kept me motivated. Also reliezed most of my walking music is depressing so I need to get more motivating (or happier tunes)

Tues QOTD: What's your favourite Disney movie? cartoon, live-action, whatever you like

Who can pick one?
Mary Poppins was a sunday tradition when I was working in a video store.
Pinnochio because I love Jimminy Cricket
Beauty and the Beast and the Little Mermaid for more modern.

Dumbo and Winnie the Pooh hold a special place because my now teenaged nephew and I used to watch them over and over and over together almost daily.
Good Morning Everyone, I've really enjoyed reading what motivates everyone. I've been lacking motivation lately and hope some of your motivation wears off on me. My reason for losing weight is to be a better/faster runner, but for some reason that hasn't been enough to give up the immediate gratification of treats. I really need to start thinking long term.

QOTD not sure I could pick 1 favorite. I am quite a Nemo fan though. "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming".

Have a great day everyone.
Happy Monday everyone!!! I was very excited this week because I reached the 10% of my weight loss milestone this weekend!! I'm very excited!!!!
congratulations on your 10%!!! That is quite an accomplishment.

I'm so bummed! I don't think I will be seeing the premier tomorrow night! We leave early early wednesday morning (have to wake up at 4:30!) so we are all going to bed early and right after work I will be going to my meeting and doing all my last minute running around and grooming! I will have to wait for a week to watch it! Oh well, at least we are able to record it!

Have a fabulous trip!!:tink: Wish we were joining you!

So that brings to my weight loss motivation now. And I hope that I don't sound too selfish because they are all pretty much for me. I cannot continue to live my life in this unhealthy state. I have high blood pressure, asthma and am at risk for all sorts of scary things. I cannot continue to look for clothes to wear in my full closet only to find nothing that fits. It starts the day on a soar note. I cannot continue to be so worn physically from my day, that I cannot meet my commitments to my son and husband because I am just too tired. And people are nicer to you and treat you differently when you are not obese. I sometimes feel at school functions that other Moms don't want to talk to me because fat could be catching. :confused3

I can be a better spouse, a better Mom, and feel better about myself if I get to a healthier place in my life.

So that is my motiviation. It will benefit my family and other aspects in my life but ultimately, it is for me.
That is not selfish at all. If we don't take care of ourselves, and live a positive, happy life, than we cannot be all that we want to be for our families. The "me" time that is included with the cow really helps to remind me of that face.

I just remembered - actually a lot of what keeps me motivated is a desire to keep moving away from where I had been, a place where food had the upper hand and the food I was consuming was doing very little for me besides adding extra pounds- it's a condition that does not go away but must be managed like an addiction. I don't want to go back to that place.
It is awful when food does have control over us. It really can do such a number on your selfconfidence, and make you feel so weak. This is a good reminder for me, to keep the upperhand. I will not let food control me again.
Wow, that is so cool to see the numbers! Thanks for posting this! I hope to get into the next lower "weight group" by the end of the challenge!

That's another motivator!!

Thanks for the great reminder of how to visualize what you've lost. I'm not up to a big bag of dogfood yet, but I've lost 2 bags of flour so far this year!;)

When I reached the first 5lb loss, a friend pointed out that it was a bag of sugar gone! :thumbsup2
And every pound is a pound of butter.

Tues QOTD: What's your favourite Disney movie? cartoon, live-action, whatever you like:confused3

I just love Bolt. Cinderella and Toyh Story are favorites too. And at the holidays we always watch Mickey's Christmas Carol a few times. It is hard to pick just one.

Jo Jo's Circus - I don't know if I ever really figured out if Jo Jo was a boy or a girl! :scared1:

Funny, I always though jojo was a girl and goliath a boy, never a question.:confused3 I'll have to look at our pictures again.:rotfl:

Our first week is half over. I'm still on track, and hope most of you all are too. I've found if I fall off program for a day or two, as long as I don't let it continue to snowball, and just get right back on, I can still see a loss, or at least a maintain. We all can do this!!:cheer2:
Hmmm, my favorite Disney movie, tough one for me too! Pirates (the first one), Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast...of course after a trip to WDW they are ALL my favorite and I have to come home and watch them. :rotfl:
Since I put a tough Monday question out, I'll take it easy for Tuesday.

Tues QOTD: What's your favourite Disney movie? cartoon, live-action, whatever you like:confused3

That is hard!

I grew up in the 90's so of course I love all those musical classics such as The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Lion King. If I had to chose one of the old Classics though it would probably be Sleeping Beauty.


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