~A XMAS STORY~decorations, crowds, pixies..AND A BLOODY NOSE~ACTUAL UPDATE 11/9 p190

Savanah looks gorgeous! It's one of the places I've always wanted to go....must be part of my Gone with the Wind fascination.:)
Oh wow. I want to go to Savannah now! It's absolutely gorgeous! And Paula Dean's restaurant sounds very yummy. I could really go for some peach cobbler right now... :goodvibes
That food looks waistline expanding for sure!

That area looks so cool! So unlike anything out here in SoCal.....not much in the way of historical houses and the like....:sad2:
If you love Savannah, you would love Charleston even more -- I may be a bit biased though. :laughing:

Mmmm, how I love Lowcountry Boil! In fact, all of your dinner looks delicious!!!

Too bad you weren't able to drink more of your White Russian, but glad you were feeling better after awhile!

Oh, and how I love your picture of the live oak with the Spanish moss -- such a great shot!
oh yummmmm!! The food looks yummy!!! I love a low country boil!!! I would have headed right to that!!!!
If you love Savannah, you would love Charleston even more -- I may be a bit biased though. :laughing:

I LOVE Charleston!!! I spent a day and a half there about 6 years ago and I've wanted to go back . I think if I could move anywhere I would buy one of the old houses in the historic area.......that is if I had a few extra million laying around.
Savannah actually reminds me of towns near to my home..I guess I live on an island so most waterside towns do have similarities.The food...........WOW. I would have felt some pain after as well.Not the lightest fare lol..Looks like a great trip! Did the boys like the beach? :)
I love the mossy trees, they look so "southern" to me. Your fireworks shots look really good. Your Disney fireworks with a tripod should be great.
well you got the sausage in the boil so that counts i guess,

the food looked really good.

and the streets and squares around there are very cool

it was good....and calorie-free. ;) that area is so pretty.

I'd love to visit Paula Deen's, it looks great!

Thanks for the food porn, now I have to go get my sandwich out of the fridge. :)

hope your sandwich was yummy!

Woo-wee, that food looks good!

:lmao: Your food baby..I get those too!

those food babies are the worst! :rotfl:

Savanah looks gorgeous! It's one of the places I've always wanted to go....must be part of my Gone with the Wind fascination.:)

oh, you'd totally love it. and you'd definitely need to do a tour. they are so educational, especially if you like all that old civil war stuff!

Oh wow. I want to go to Savannah now! It's absolutely gorgeous! And Paula Dean's restaurant sounds very yummy. I could really go for some peach cobbler right now... :goodvibes

it really is so pretty. peach cobbler......yum!

That food looks waistline expanding for sure!

That area looks so cool! So unlike anything out here in SoCal.....not much in the way of historical houses and the like....:sad2:

it was! i'm glad that skirt i had on wasn't tight (to begin with). savannah is one of the oldest cities in the united states, so there's a lot of history there. it was one of the few major cities in the south that wasn't burned down during the civil war. but i'm sure socal is nice to! i wouldn't know - i've only flown over it on the way to hawaii. i do want to go to san diego someday though!

If you love Savannah, you would love Charleston even more -- I may be a bit biased though. :laughing:

Mmmm, how I love Lowcountry Boil! In fact, all of your dinner looks delicious!!!

Too bad you weren't able to drink more of your White Russian, but glad you were feeling better after awhile!

Oh, and how I love your picture of the live oak with the Spanish moss -- such a great shot!

i bet! i hear it's gorgeous. the dinner was sooooo good. fattening but good! (isn't that how it usually is?)

oh yummmmm!! The food looks yummy!!! I love a low country boil!!! I would have headed right to that!!!!

it was good! and sooooo filling. i thought i was gonna explode.

Savannah actually reminds me of towns near to my home..I guess I live on an island so most waterside towns do have similarities.The food...........WOW. I would have felt some pain after as well.Not the lightest fare lol..Looks like a great trip! Did the boys like the beach? :)

nope, not the lightest but it was SO GOOD. you will see them on the beach pretty soon. ;)

I love the mossy trees, they look so "southern" to me. Your fireworks shots look really good. Your Disney fireworks with a tripod should be great.

they are so pretty....one of my favorite parts of savannah! thanks! i can't wait to try the camera out at disney (in 14 months!)
i think i've lost some readers! where are you guys? it could be that you just don't give a flip about savannah. :lmao: that's okay though. i will continue going with my little mini-trip for those of you who enjoy it. only 2 days left anyway.

so now we're on to day 2, saturday, october 3rd. i was all ready to hit the beach again but ray's feet were bright pink so he wasn't too keen on that idea. so we decided to go sightseeing instead.

first we headed out to the tybee island lighthouse. in all our trips we had never seen it.


on the way in we saw some pretty butterflies.....



look how pretty the sky was! it would've been a perfect day for the beach. :rolleyes1


here we go!



my calve muscles were sore the next day.

some of the views from the top.....





the heli pad and the shadow of the lighthouse on the ground....


on this day i discovered something new about my husband, who has been my significant other for almost 16 years now (we started dating when i was 17). i was standing out on the viewing deck taking pictures and i went to find him so we could get a picture together. well, he had went back into the lighthouse. i told him to come outside and he just shook his head. i asked him what was wrong and he said he didn't like the height. he has never, ever told me that he's scared of heights!!! he said he's not really scared of all heights, just ones where you're out in the open like that. i asked if he could come out for just a second for a picture and he wouldn't. wow....you learn something new every day.

so i got some lady to take a picture for me.....


the light of the lighthouse....


we made our way back down and ray took a picture at the very bottom looking straight up....


after that we decided to head into savannah to have lunch and see the wienie dog races for oktoberfest. we parked on broughton street (where all the shopping is) and we saw this guy while we were walking to lunch....



continued in next post: http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=34011922&postcount=2712
here's where we had lunch. we had eaten here a few years ago and it was good, plus we were in the mood for a good burger!


i ordered a burger with mushrooms and provolone cheese with sweet potato fries. it was good and those fries were EXCELLENT!


i think ray got a burger with BBQ sauce and cheddar cheese and curly fries.


we then headed towards river street and the wienie dog races. on the way we saw this street performer playing the flute and i thought he was awesome.


more pretty trees....


ray heading down to river street.....


we saw this bassett hound on river street and it was soooooo cute!


then we saw these guys.....they were huge!


check out that black one....he's almost as tall as me.


next stop......it's gelato time!!!! :dance3:


see her scooping my pistachio gelato?




that gelato was SO GOOD!!!! i wish i had some right now.

okay, so this is where i messed up. i thought i had read on the flyer that the wienie dog races were at 2:00. we get down to the park and there's nobody there....at all. it was around 1:45 and i knew that if the races were starting at 2:00, this place would be packed. this was the only person we saw.....


(i don't even want to know what's in that bag.)

at this point i have to share a story with you. labor day weekend 2003 we went to savannah with some friends. my brother, brett (margot's daddy) was 17 at the time and he got hit by a truck while pushing his motorcycle across the road. it happened very late that saturdady night and i got a call from my stepmom at 6:00 sunday morning telling me that he was in the hospital and they were going to have to rebuild his leg. well, of course i couldn't go back to sleep because i was worried sick over him. so i grabbed some coffee and a book and headed down to river street to read while i waited on periodic updates from my family - we were staying 1 block away from river street so it was easy for me to walk down there. anyway, so i'm sitting on the wall of a planter reading for like 20 minutes and then i hear somebody grumbling behind me. i turn around and look behind the bush that's right behind me and there's a homeless guy sleeping back there. :scared1: i didn't even know he was there the whole time! i'm just glad he didn't wake up.

by the way, brett was okay. his leg will always cause him problems but at least he can walk and is alive!

but i digress....

back to my story. so we get there and there's nobody there but our new friend with his greasy bag. well, i go to look at another flyer (they were in all the shop windows) and discover that the wienie dog races were at 10:00, not 2:00! so we had missed them. BUMMER!!!!! :headache:

continued in next post: http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=34011930&postcount=2713
on the plus side, we did get to see the famous waving girl statue. it's located at the extreme end of river street where we had never been before.




ray enjoying the rest of my gelato....


some tug boats taking a break....


look at the new hat shop they have on river street now....


well, no wienie dog races for us. so we decided to head up to forsyth park to get some pictures.

we saw this as we were leaving river street. this woman's hair was seriously hair-sprayed into a triangle on top of her head and she had one WHITE lipstick. it was....interesting.


we parked near forsyth park. check out the street we parked on!





i love this fountain in the middle of forsyth park. so pretty!




hi, ray!






i hate this picture of me but it's good of ray and i love the angle....


i'm gonna stop here tonight. next update we will go to a famous cemetery, have a yummy dinner and go on a ghost tour! :hmghost:
Awww, I could just love on that sweet bassett hound!! My parents use to raise them and they are one of my favorite breed of dogs!
Love the picture of the fountain!! So pretty!! I really, really want to go to Savannah!!
Okay, I have to ask...what does gelato taste like? Is it like a ice cream type of taste?

Chad loves great danes!! He wants one and I told him heck no!! I am not having one of those! I love scooby and all....but I would not want to see "ahem" what would be in my backyard from that horse dog!! :rotfl2:

I really am enjoying your mini-trip of Savannah! :)
i ordered a burger with mushrooms and provolone cheese with sweet potato fries. it was good and those fries were EXCELLENT!


I :love: LOVE :love: sweet potato fries!!!! I get them at Trader Joe's all the time!! :thumbsup2

Those fountain pics are great! Very pretty :upsidedow

anyway...those sweet potato fries....mmmmmmm

that black dog...too big for me...the poop alone would be too much for me too handle.

I'm falling in love with Savannah.
Would you like to borrow my weinie dogs and watch them race?

I don't think I've ever seen someone actually wearing white lipstick before. Yikes!

I love all the moss on the trees...it's just so romantic feeling.
Hi Dawn! I am still here....just lurking and enjoying the report. I would love to visit Savannah someday, looks like such a beautiful city. I would love to go on a ghost tour there as well!


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