Bring Back the TTA Soundtrack!

I haven't read through the entire post, so pardon if this has already been mentioned. How many of you remember that there have been several soundtracks to TTA over the years (or for those of us old-timers, the WEDWAY Peoplemover)? Some have been good, some not so good, but none of them last forever. I actually liked the one prior to the last one the best (with ORAC-1 the Commuter Computer and "that really soaked my circuits!"). If you don't like this incarnation, there will be another one. That goes for most of the attractions - over the years they will be tweaked, updated, and in some cases, completely gutted and re-done or removed completely. You have to keep your expectations in line with this reality. It doesn't mean that we don't miss an attraction when it's gone (I'd love one more chance to ride Horizons!), but we have to deal with it and move on. Even if Disney were to get rid of the new narration because of complaints (which I doubt they will) the odds of getting the old one back would be slim - they would either tweak or re-do the new one.

TTA is my favorite MK ride. It has been for years, since the Peoplemover days. I've lived through many changes on that ride, and I'm sure I'll make it through this one - I'll find out for sure next week.
I haven't read through the entire post, so pardon if this has already been mentioned. How many of you remember that there have been several soundtracks to TTA over the years (or for those of us old-timers, the WEDWAY Peoplemover)? Some have been good, some not so good, but none of them last forever. I actually liked the one prior to the last one the best (with ORAC-1 the Commuter Computer and "that really soaked my circuits!"). If you don't like this incarnation, there will be another one. That goes for most of the attractions - over the years they will be tweaked, updated, and in some cases, completely gutted and re-done or removed completely. You have to keep your expectations in line with this reality. It doesn't mean that we don't miss an attraction when it's gone (I'd love one more chance to ride Horizons!), but we have to deal with it and move on. Even if Disney were to get rid of the new narration because of complaints (which I doubt they will) the odds of getting the old one back would be slim - they would either tweak or re-do the new one.
TTA is my favorite MK ride. It has been for years, since the Peoplemover days. I've lived through many changes on that ride, and I'm sure I'll make it through this one - I'll find out for sure next week.

Indeed, there have been changes on this attraction during its history. [And, yes, we also still call the ride the "People Mover." Furthermore, we respectfully acknowledge the WED represents Walter Elias Disney.] The problem with this change is that it is devoid of creativity, magic and imagination. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, memorable about this new soundtrack.

Earlier changes to this attraction's soundtrack have never been universally condemned as this one has been (and yes, we recall all the conversations we've had with fellow guests and CMs about this ride over the decades long before the creation of DISboards).

When you ride this attraction next week identify one cute, creative or memorable line that you will remember in years to come. There are none. Absolutely none.

But when you ride it you will conjure up those wonderful expressions of the former soundtrack. And that underscores the need for this attraction to reclaim its magic. Tom Morrow will agree.
I haven't read through the entire post, so pardon if this has already been mentioned. How many of you remember that there have been several soundtracks to TTA over the years (or for those of us old-timers, the WEDWAY Peoplemover)? Some have been good, some not so good, but none of them last forever. I actually liked the one prior to the last one the best (with ORAC-1 the Commuter Computer and "that really soaked my circuits!"). If you don't like this incarnation, there will be another one. That goes for most of the attractions - over the years they will be tweaked, updated, and in some cases, completely gutted and re-done or removed completely. You have to keep your expectations in line with this reality. It doesn't mean that we don't miss an attraction when it's gone (I'd love one more chance to ride Horizons!), but we have to deal with it and move on. Even if Disney were to get rid of the new narration because of complaints (which I doubt they will) the odds of getting the old one back would be slim - they would either tweak or re-do the new one.TTA is my favorite MK ride. It has been for years, since the Peoplemover days. I've lived through many changes on that ride, and I'm sure I'll make it through this one - I'll find out for sure next week.

Agreed. TTA is my favorite ride. I LOVED ORAC-1:love:.

I like this new soundtrack and I hate the implication that anyone who likes the new soundtrack doesn't appreicate Disney magic.
I am still protesting the Tiki Room, Stich, Mr. Toad and above all Journey Into Imagination and I agree that Judy Dench's SM is flat, but I like the current TTA soundtrack. I absolutely hated the last soundtrack. I had no idea people were so attached to it...

If it's worth anything, they won't keep the current TTA soundtrack forever. I don't know why but Disney loves to change things. I'm sorry so many people are so hurt about this. Would you be happier if they at least brought back Tom Morrow?
I cannot believe they changed this! This is the first time I've heard about this...I'm in shock. This was one of those rides that I HAD to do to feel like I was at Disney. It's just one of those classics that I cannot believe they have changed. :sad1:
My kids always look at me funny when I tell them it's time to ride the Wedway Peoplemover. I think that name may stick in my family forever!
I can't believe they changed the soundtrack. Hopefully they will change it back once they realize how much it means to so many of us. It is going to seem so different when I go on it in December.
Can we print out this thread and snail mail it to the Disney offices?
Would that be OK to do with most people?

I also would very much miss "Paging Mr. Tom Morrow"
I am sad to hear that they have changed the soundtrack, lets hope that they will reconsider. :(
We are HUGE fans of the TTA and were finally able to hear the new audio on Wednesday. I boarded the ride really wanting to like the new version. But wow. That has to be the dullest audio ever. I think it ranks right up there with elevator music.

Has Disney lost their magical touch?? Say it ain't so!! :confused:
We are HUGE fans of the TTA and were finally able to hear the new audio on Wednesday. I boarded the ride really wanting to like the new version. But wow. That has to be the dullest audio ever. I think it ranks right up there with elevator music.

Has Disney lost their magical touch?? Say it ain't so!! :confused:

At least elevator music is melodic. :rolleyes1

But you have raised an important question: "Has Disney lost their magical touch" with this atttraction?

Unfortunately, the answer is yes.

Perhaps Phil Holmes, VP Magic Kingdom Park, might answer your question. He can be reached at WDW Guest Services, P.O. Box 10040, Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830-0040.

"Paging Mr. Morrow, Mr. Tom Morrow!"
I think this is worth repeating: my 10-year-old daughter, who has loved this ride, and coaxed us to ride it at least 4 times per trip, rode it once and decided she never needs to ride it again because "they ruined it." I didn't tell her about the change ahead of time, because I wanted her to experience it and make up her own mind about it.

Once again, from the mouth of a 10-year-old kid who has loved WDW since her very first trip at age 3 1/2: "They ruined it."

I think this is worth repeating: my 10-year-old daughter, who has loved this ride, and coaxed us to ride it at least 4 times per trip, rode it once and decided she never needs to ride it again because "they ruined it." I didn't tell her about the change ahead of time, because I wanted her to experience it and make up her own mind about it.

Once again, from the mouth of a 10-year-old kid who has loved WDW since her very first trip at age 3 1/2: "They ruined it."


When children notice the obvious, adults should take notice...and make their voices heard.
Someone should send a copy of this entire thread to Disney Guest Communications. It is eight pages, and 114 posts on just this one small forum, that equates to a lot of people who aren't happy with the new soundtrack.
Dear WDW Exec:

Just in case you happen to be examining this thread today, it's been one month since we started it (and feel free to confuse it with other threads with a similar concern). It's generated over 3,600 views and 85+ comments. Why? You goofed.

Changes happen all the time at WDW; some work, some don't. And, to be sure, changed attractions have their supporters and critics. But this new soundtrack has been universally condemned for a number of reasons. Read the comments. Just a few, if you don't have the time.

Change doesn't automatically generate magic nor does it reflect imagination. And in the case of the new soundtrack for the TTA , "change" manifests itself as a negative term, one synonymous with boring, lackluster and ordinary.

The former soundtrack, with its multiple voices, its spirited comments, its fun-filled dialogue, its joyful enthusiasm and its Disney-like optimism ("the promise of Tomorrow"), should be restored. At least before Mr. Tom Morrow meets his party from Saturn.

I'm very disappointed to hear this.

My son loves the TTA - we have to ride it almost as much as Buzz.

I'm willing to hear the new for myself but with all the comments I've read, I have feeling it isn't going to go over well.
Yeah this was a big downer. Put this right up there with the stitch show that was basically canned before it started.
I would like to add my voice to the chorus of displeasure towards this change. We go to WDW every year and the new soundtrack has killed one of our favorite attractions.


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