Where in the world did this ticker come from? UPDATE NEW TRIP REPORT STARTED!!!!!

Oh, how scary! I had no idea they were having bad weather down there! Tornadoes scare me more than anything else. Glad it is all over and done with now. :hug:
so sweet about andrew buying you the bath bombs for v-day! and i hope your mom feels better....being tired and sore at disney is the worst! and disney blisters are just horrible. i got one once and it was no fun!

crazy about the tornadoes! we were at disney during hurricane hannah in september 2008. it ended up not coming very far inland, so basically it was just a bunch of rain. but i did my research before we left and found out that all of disney's hotels are hurricane-proof, as in the winds won't damage them. now that doesn't go for tornadoes, but it does mean that unless a tornado directly hits a hotel there, you're probably gonna be okay. glad the storms have passed though....always scary!

When Connor mentioned that our GA groundhog did not see his shadow, I said, "But Puxatawny Phil did." His response was, "Mom, our groundhog is closer to us so he is going to be more accurate." :lmao:

:lmao: tell connor i totally agree!!!
When Connor mentioned that our GA groundhog did not see his shadow, I said, "But Puxatawny Phil did." His response was, "Mom, our groundhog is closer to us so he is going to be more accurate." :lmao:

Completely logical, so bring on the sunshine!

We shall title this post :

"There's no place like home"

in some cases "home" can mean Disney in others "home" can mean home home! In this case, home means Home Home- make sense? Although Andrew had a great time, he is looking forward to coming home, to his room, his Dog and his parents, of course!

With the tornadoes safely behind them we all breathed a sigh of relief! Poor Andrew is terrified of weather! I remember a few years ago they had tornado safety drills in school. The children were then supposed to go home and have a mock drill with their family. Andrew briefed us on what we were to do and proceeded to conduct the drill. Oh and my mom happened to be over at the time. Next thing you know there's my mom, DH, me ,the dog and Andrew all standing in the shower looking at each other, trying not to laugh because this was supposed to be a serious thing!

Ok...... Last Sleep in Dinsey :sad2:.

Right now Gran and Andrew are having their last sleep in their beautiful hotel room located in the beautiful Port Orleans hotel. ( I only know of this beauty because Memom was thoughtful enough to come by and post some beautiful pictures!)

I spoke with Andrew early this morning and he let me know that today they were heading back to his favorite of all parks, Magic Kingdom. He quickly followed with "we will be leaving promptly at 3:00pm because thunderstorms are coming at that time" . Oh , I said, exactly at 3:00pm huh? What if you are in the middle of enjoying a ride or show, he said nope - we are out of there. The boy is petrified of weather- and in this case it was a good call.

They had a great day- well half-day to us professional dis-ers at MK. They rode Buzz, IASW, The jungle Cruise, POTC and a few others.
They chose to eat lunch at Casey's. They each had a hot dog and fries and brownie for dessert ( sorry Brooke- no Corn Dog Nuggets on this trip either!)

After that it was just about 3:00pm and they hightailed it outta there. My mom said that as soon as they walked through the gates, it started to thunder, and the rain started to pour!

Shortly after that is when I got the panicked call form Andrew about the Tornadoes. I played it soooo cool on the phone, I kept telling him that I was looking at a live weather map and that they were in the "yellow". Meanwhile the doppler over Disney was a frighteningly BRIGHT RED :scared1:. Those of you that do not study weather the way my 10 year old does, and has taught me, RED IS BAD BAD BAD! It was sure scary looking, as I was on the phone with Andrew, DH called on the cell to tell me that he just heard a tornado was spotted outside of Disney. UGh!

At that point I asked Andrew if I could talk to Gran, he said she was napping! OMG! She seriously must have been wiped out from 5 days of Disney with a 10 year old, a blister, a bum hip and a hurting knee! Poor thing! I asked him to gently wake her up. When she got on the phone I started asking her about how the hotel was set up, was there a room behind her so that if they got in the tub there was protection behind them? I suggested she grab some pillows and go in the bathroom. She said I was nuts and gave the phone back to Andrew. He told me that she was going outside to check the weather- I told him to tell her to lick her finger and hold it up to the sky!!! What the heck was she going to check! The radar was RED! Anyhow that was pretty much the drama- and it all ended as fast as it started. It is just tooo scary being that far away from your child in any kind of situation! I am glad he is coming home tomorrow- I miss my little man!:love:

So tonight they have their last sleep, tomorrow the Un-magical bus tag will be dangling on their door knob. They will have their last Disney breakfast and use up their last dining credits. Wishing them a safe trip home! They are due to land at 3:10 pm tomorrow- which is approximately the exact same time I will be able to start breathing again.

Have a great night!

Up next- All the awesome trip...ahem...hotel Pics and souvenir pics.
Andrew and I would get along famously! I am all about the weather, too, and know exactly how horrible it is when the radar map shows red. Poor kid! I bet you can't wait to give him a big hug tomorrow! :hug:
I am just like your son when it comes to weather!! Where I live we had a few ba thunderstorms 2 summers ago and I don't think I'll ever be ok during a thunderstorm again:eek:
so sweet about andrew buying you the bath bombs for v-day! and i hope your mom feels better....being tired and sore at disney is the worst! and disney blisters are just horrible. i got one once and it was no fun!

crazy about the tornadoes! we were at disney during hurricane hannah in september 2008. it ended up not coming very far inland, so basically it was just a bunch of rain. but i did my research before we left and found out that all of disney's hotels are hurricane-proof, as in the winds won't damage them. now that doesn't go for tornadoes, but it does mean that unless a tornado directly hits a hotel there, you're probably gonna be okay. glad the storms have passed though....always scary!

:lmao: tell connor i totally agree!!!

Thanks for the good "blister" wishes- she wore flip flops on the last day at Mk and said she felt 100% better!

Now as for the tornado- yikes that was seriously frightening! I would think that the only hotels that are potentially tornado proof in Disney would be the CR and BLT- maybe the Lodges- but not even sure about that. It is good to know that they are all Hurricane proof though - if that question ever comes up in a Disney Trivia Game ;) ......I will be a ringer!

Andrew and I would get along famously! I am all about the weather, too, and know exactly how horrible it is when the radar map shows red. Poor kid! I bet you can't wait to give him a big hug tomorrow! :hug:

This fear all started so innocently- he was watching Nickelodeon early one morning back in 2005- I checked the line up and it was safe to leave on. Dora and such. Wellllll who knew that Linda Ellerbee was going to cut in with one of her "specials" to help children cope with Hurricane Katrina! Npot sure if you have ever seen one of these but she basically sit with children and talks about their fears and emotions. Well up until that point I had deliberately chosen not to expose Andrew to those types of tragic events. He ended up watching most of the show like this :scared1:. It was pretty graphic too, they did show people stuck on the roof tops, children lost from their family, etc... From that point on- literally, he developed such an irrational fear of weather. I say irrational because he was afraid to go to his big brick city school ( at the time we were living in NY) during the winter because he thought a Hurricane was going to come in. It was rough for a while and I wouldn't let him watch the weather. We actually had to have him work with the school counselor. She was amazing, gave him these little tiny worry sticks/dolls that he could wear in a little pouch around his neck. She also told me to educate him on weather, let him watch the weather channel and really learn about it. That did help it to become at least more rational, like no hurricanes are coming to NY in January- maybe a Blizzard :scared1: but no hurricanes. Anyhow that little beastie fear still lies dormant in him and every so often- such as the other night- it will come out again. I just have to be there to kind of reassure him and talk him through it - and sometimes fib a little. To this day- I am not a fan of Linda Ellerbee ( to put it mildly) - I am sure she is a sweet sweet lady and is doing a lot to help children-and technically this was not her fault- but she basically ruined my little guys innocent view of the world for a few years!

Ok- I'm done rambling!

hey we will be there the same time!! i'm in!! can't wait to hear more!!

Yeah! Welcome to my report :welcome:. I just subbed over on your report but havent had a chance to read it yet. ow fun, we can count down together!

I am just like your son when it comes to weather!! Where I live we had a few ba thunderstorms 2 summers ago and I don't think I'll ever be ok during a thunderstorm again:eek:

Yikes, I remember some of those storms up in nY. We were right on the border of Queens and LI and there was this one road- i called it storm alley. The day after a bad storm would hit, that road would be covered in downed trees and branches!


I have an update coming up in a few- I'm in the process up uploading pics to post. yipee!

They arrived right on time and Andrew was sooo happy to see his mom and dad waiting for him at the gate! He was wearing some of his new Disney Souvenirs - I have pics coming right up! We went to my mom's for a few- I picked up some Five Guys burgers for dinner- yum! and then we headed back to our house. I must admit that it is so nice having my mom only 5 minutes up the road by car.

First I will post some of the pics that they took of the room and resort. They are pretty pathetic-but I will post them anyway.

Their building 15-Aligator Bayou- they were on the 2nd floor:



Their room # 1557:


My mom apologized that she did not take one when the room was made up.





Around the resort:





Continued on next post…..
More around the resort:




A Disney Horse:


They took a boat one night to Downtown Disney- here are some pics from the Boat:




A cute balloon that none of my height fearing gang will ever venture on!


Approaching DTD:




That is all I got from them! Some of them came out nice- his camera is a cheapy digital and it did pretty well considering. Hope you enjoyed and thanks for looking :-)


On a side note- not trip related but just thought I would share:

I am in the midst of a huge project right now. I am listing all of Andrew's old clothes on EBAY- from ages 6 up until current. When all is said and done- there will be approximately 400 auctions listed!!

In the meantime I have 2 sets of guests coming in next weekend and I need to get my guest room in order.

It currently looks like this:




Since I am not working I thought this would be a great time to tackle this huge project. Well as luck would have it I may have a job offer on Monday, to start on the 17th! It is a great opportunity and if all goes well I will share more details.

Funny story about my friends that are coming in.

My friend Jennifer and her family will be coming in next Thursday and staying until the following Tuesday. She has 2 boys, Nicholas, who is 10 weeks older than Andrew and Dominic who is 5. They will also be bringing their dog, Carmine down as well. They are driving from NY and want to go look at some property…fingers crossed that they move down here.

She is my oldest, very first friend. Here is the funny story........

My mom and her mom, Louise, lived across the street from one another in NY but did not know each other. My mom was pregnant with me and suddenly goes into labor. My dad is nowhere to be found- he drove a taxi in NYC at the time and no cell phones back in the dark ages! My mom looks outside and sees her neighbor sitting on the stoop ( that’s NY for front steps) with her then 1 year old daughter Jennifer. My mom goes outside and introduces herself and lets her know that she is in full labor and cant find her husband. Louise flies up the stairs to go in and get her car keys, and accidentally knocks Jennifer off the bottom step. She is ok, so they think and they go to get in the car. My mom then finds out that Louise’s husband is a car dealer and they will be taking her brand new Cadillac with white leather seats/interior to the hospital! In the back seat Jennifer starts throwing up. They later find out that she suffered a mild concussion from the fall!
We have been best friends since that day, her mom and my mom, Jennifer and I, then Andrew and Nicholas. I was her bridesmaid, she was mine, I am Nicholas’ Godmother, she is Andrews! I haven’t told Andrew yet that they are coming just in case the weather prevents them from getting here- they are driving. Andrew and Nicholas grew up together, and were heart broken to say goodbye when we moved. Fingers crossed that the snow stays put.

I will post all of the souvenir pictures tomorrow- and there was some cute stuff purchased!
Such a shame about how Andrew's weather fears came into being. Mine are a direct result of living somewhere that gets way too many tornado warnings. :sad2:

Andrew did a great job on the pictures! :thumbsup2 Can't wait to see the souvenirs!

Good luck getting the guest room organized!
I haven’t told Andrew yet that they are coming just in case the weather prevents them from getting here- they are driving. Andrew and Nicholas grew up together, and were heart broken to say goodbye when we moved. Fingers crossed that the snow stays put.

I will post all of the souvenir pictures tomorrow- and there was some cute stuff purchased!

Good idea not to tell Andrew. He would be so disappointed if they couldn't come, if he did know.

Looking forward to your awesome souvenir pictures! :cool1:
What fun pictures!!! And that story...lol, what a great story about how you became friends (except for the concussion part!)
Thanks for sharing pics of Andrew and Gran's trip. Can't wait to see the souvenir pics later! :)
Such a shame about how Andrew's weather fears came into being. Mine are a direct result of living somewhere that gets way too many tornado warnings. :sad2:

Andrew did a great job on the pictures! :thumbsup2 Can't wait to see the souvenirs!

Good luck getting the guest room organized!

He was proud of his pics and couldn't wait to show me. He whipped his camera out at the airport while we were waiting to get the luggage.

Ugh- weather- the good thing is that now that he understands more about it- he can rationalize a little bit better than he used to.

Good idea not to tell Andrew. He would be so disappointed if they couldn't come, if he did know.

Looking forward to your awesome souvenir pictures! :cool1:

It's not looking to good as far as my guests being able to get here :sad2:. One friend is supposed to flying in on Wednesday morning from NY but they are bracing for another pretty big storm starting Tuesday night. We shall see.

What fun pictures!!! And that story...lol, what a great story about how you became friends (except for the concussion part!)

Thanks! He did good- I would have liked some park pics but I will settle for the beautiful hotel pictures that he took. It was nice to see where they were.

thank you for sharing the pictures!!! can't wait to see more!

Thanks! More coming right up....

Thanks for sharing pics of Andrew and Gran's trip. Can't wait to see the souvenir pics later! :)

I am just about to put up my next post. I need a break from ebaying!!
I last left off with promises of Souvenir pictures.....so here you go!

Andrew came off the plane decked out in his some of his super cute Disney purchases!

He had on this little tee….


….I was impressed that he picked it out himself- you should see the stuff that he wears sometimes! He is such a boy and could care less what he looks like!

He had this on his head……


He apparently likes the gators…who knew?

He also had these around his neck…..



The “Andrew” one has temporarily become mine- it is too cute, I wore it out yesterday and a friend of mine loved it and now wants me to get her one with her son’s name. It is actually a piece of leather that is engraved…I have never seen them before.

The famous $12.95 Promo bag…


It is Ginormous! Seriously the thing is huge! It will make a great beach bag- I think I may use this on the days that we head to the water parks. We bring our own towels so I need a nice size bag. It is somewhat like a vinyl fabric. It has nice sturdy handles too! I was excited.

Here is another one with a sugar/pixie thingy next to it- the sugar thing measures 12”- so you could get a feel for how big it actually is!


That leads me to his next souvie- the sugar thingy….


I am proud to say that in his 10 years of existence he has never had one of those before…up until now. And of course Gran felt that one was not sufficient- so he got 2! He ate one of those horrible things as soon as we got home. It was funny because we had passed those machines a million times and he never realized what they were. I love candy but those are just gross in my opinion.

This one was my favorite…….


I had never seen this little guy before- and we are big Pirate fans in this house..so he makes a cute addition to our collection.

Another promo bag…….


this will now become Andrew’s travel/plane/car bag to hold all of his travel necessities. Nintendo DS, travel dvd player, snacks, etc…. It’s a cute bag with lots of pockets. It would also make a great park bag, but I have a designated park bag already ( sorry its not a Vera Bradley Hipster). This one will be Andrew’s, exclusively.

Some Mardi Gras beads that were being handed out at the resort, and a new little key chain friend to be added to the collection…..


the collection- with the new friend added in….


I am sure he will be happy to see a familiar face in that group! Duuuuuude!

Another cool tee shirt that he had to have…..


A Close up….


That comes to the end of their TR…and now I can get back to my PTR.

I have done some shopping, some Disney shopping! I will share all with you next time. Oh and Andrew received some Disney mail while he was away from his Aunt Chrissy. She sent him a little goodie from her Disney Trip this past December. It was sweet of her to think of him...I will share that with you in my next update.

Have a great evening everyone and thank you for hanging with me!
You know I am all about souvenir posts! :banana: All of the goodies Andrew brought home are great! I agree, though, those sugar things just make me cringe!


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