Disboutiquers Part 21 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

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WOW!!! Thanks Andrea, I really like the freshly picked website. I think i'll take my time and go through this one. One question though can I just use some cute fabric instead of an actually pillowcase?

Yes, most people use fabric rather than an actual pillowcase :)
WOW!!! Thanks Andrea, I really like the freshly picked website. I think i'll take my time and go through this one. One question though can I just use some cute fabric instead of an actually pillowcase?

I am not Andrea but yes you can use some really cute material and not use a pillow case.

Josette don't tell me I mixed up the names again:scared1: They told me 40 was the new 30yr olds please tell me they didn't lie
WOW!!! Thanks Andrea, I really like the freshly picked website. I think i'll take my time and go through this one. One question though can I just use some cute fabric instead of an actually pillowcase?

Absolutely -- I think that's what most people actual do. I see others have answered you as well. And with using your own fabric you can also add a band of different fabric around the bottom for some variety.

I pretty much started sewing a year ago and was going to start with a pillow case dress, but I never did. I just dove into some other patterns from YCMT. If you are interested in making pants or capris (or shorts) the Easy Fit Pants is a fabulous pattern that is very simple. It might even be easier than doing a pillow case dress.
You made that with the inexpensive Brother machine?! All mine does is gather dust! :rotfl:

LOL yes that was the first thing I had made with it. first applique and I did all of it with no pattern. Just saw an outfit I liked and eyed it and cut the material and sewed. first time I had sat at a sewing machine since 9th grade home-economics.

I read Heather Sue's applique tutorial and went from there.
This is probably not the best place to post this question, but I figured SOMEONE on here would know!!! Where can I find a yellow lei similar to what Lilo wears for my DD??????????????? And a red hibiscus hair clip?????
This is probably not the best place to post this question, but I figured SOMEONE on here would know!!! Where can I find a yellow lei similar to what Lilo wears for my DD??????????????? And a red hibiscus hair clip?????

Have you tried Oriental Trading Company? That is where we got all the stuff we used for my DD's 'luau' birthday party a few years ago...or if you have a Party City place, they might have them too!

Just curious do most of you ladies own Brother 60-stitch CS6000i Computerized Sewing Machine found at walmart for 147.54 ? Would you considered this a good starter machine? Never sewn before but would like to give it a try and see where it goes.
That's the machine I have and I love it! I've had it for almost 3 years and have had no problems. I also have a Viking embroidery machine. But, I don't like to sew on it.

Thank you for the compliment, Teresa. I am wearing this blouse for the photo; I think they coordinate nicely


My mom still has to make hers--a long sleeve tunic similar to my blouse in the same fabric but coral in color.
You look so pretty! I love the shirt! The little dress is adorable, too!

Thank you for your support. Did you happen to take a sewing class? Also when you made the girls first dresses was it on a sewing machine? Trying to decide on taking a sewing class or play with it and see how it goes. The kids will be back in school Aug. 9 so i'll have a lot of time on my hands
I just wanted to chime in and say that you probably don't need a sewing class. Most of us didn't take one- we just asked lots of questions and learned as we went.

:wave: Hi!!! Boy, it seems like I just saw you a few hours ago...
Weird, huh? ;)

Thanks April and Teresa- you confirmed what I knew in my heart- it would have depleted our emergency fund quite a bit, but not completely- but since we're still paying down debt it would have still felt like borrowing; and I knew it wasn't right. So we told them today we weren't going to get it. I know someone will love it and give it a good home. Hopeflly you won't mind that once a year or so I agonize over it again LOL.
:hug: That was a hard decision. But, it sounds like you made the right one. Financial peace is better than any embroidery machine!

Hi everyone, i am not new to the DIS, but new to sewing! I have self taught myself recently, and just completed my first 2 tank tops (pattern from YCMT) for our upcoming long disney weekend (we leave Thurs!) thought i would share!

This one is mine - (i also have a matching purse!)

This one is for DD9 - did the XXS jr. size on the pattern, and we are staying at AKL, so DD picked this fabric.. I am also going to be doing a matching one for her AG doll. :)

Please excuse the quality of the pics, i took them on my iphone..

Hope to learn lots here - can't wait to do more tops for our Nov. Disney trip!!!
I love that you made one for yourself with a matching purse!! These are great! I hope you come back after your trip and keep sewing with us!
You guys are going to look so pretty! Will you share the picture here after you have it taken?

I sure will! Hopefully my mom gets some free time to sew soon so we can make our appointment! LOL

Hi everyone, i am not new to the DIS, but new to sewing! I have self taught myself recently, and just completed my first 2 tank tops (pattern from YCMT) for our upcoming long disney weekend (we leave Thurs!) thought i would share!

This one is mine - (i also have a matching purse!)

This one is for DD9 - did the XXS jr. size on the pattern, and we are staying at AKL, so DD picked this fabric.. I am also going to be doing a matching one for her AG doll. :)

Please excuse the quality of the pics, i took them on my iphone..

Hope to learn lots here - can't wait to do more tops for our Nov. Disney trip!!!

These are really great!

I love all of the beautiful dresses that have been posted lately! Someday I will learn how to do ruffles!

I have made several pillowcase dresses and pillowcase tops lately, but I keep forgetting to have the girls stop long enough to take their photos. Tyler also has some new Cars shorts with pockets that he loves.

Here is Hayley building a UFO at Lowes in her new monkey dress. She is obsessed with monkeys.



Then one of my husband’s coworkers wanted a KU dress for her niece.


Then I went to Hancock on Tuesday for their sale and I found this Nemo fabric on clearance and brought it home with no particular project in mind. Then I decided that it was perfect for an Epcot day so my friend’s children received new Epcot outfits. They loved them! They should be arriving in Orlando anytime now for their 5 day trip! She gave me permission to post this picture. She promises more photos when she returns and she is a disboards member.


Thanks for letting me share!

These all came out adorable!

I am not Andrea but yes you can use some really cute material and not use a pillow case.


I love the colors and your Mickey applique is great! I'm about to start practicing my first appliques.

You look so pretty! I love the shirt! The little dress is adorable, too!

Thank you. :)
I love all the pillowcase dresses and tops, they are so cute! I have been making a lot of easy fit pants lately, so here is one more pair...


Megan wanted a shirt with a picture of her new kitten on it and I am iron on challenged so Heather made it for me. I found this sleepy kitty fabric to go with it and she loves her new pjs!

I am currently in the process of changing her room from nursery to big girl (yes, the child is 8 years old!). I should probably be finished by the time she is a teenager. Anyway, she picked out these curtains that go with her comforter. I sewed black out fabric to the back in the hopes she will sleep in a litter later. It doesn't look totally blacked out, does it?


I need to buy a pretty rod and get my not so handy husband to put it up.

I have one more urgent UFO and then I will almost be caught up! I ran into an old friend who asked if I was still scrapbooking. I told her I can only do one hobby at a time! :lmao:
I love all the pillowcase dresses and tops, they are so cute! I have been making a lot of easy fit pants lately, so here is one more pair...


Megan wanted a shirt with a picture of her new kitten on it and I am iron on challenged so Heather made it for me. I found this sleepy kitty fabric to go with it and she loves her new pjs!

I am currently in the process of changing her room from nursery to big girl (yes, the child is 8 years old!). I should probably be finished by the time she is a teenager. Anyway, she picked out these curtains that go with her comforter. I sewed black out fabric to the back in the hopes she will sleep in a litter later. It doesn't look totally blacked out, does it?


I need to buy a pretty rod and get my not so handy husband to put it up.

I have one more urgent UFO and then I will almost be caught up! I ran into an old friend who asked if I was still scrapbooking. I told her I can only do one hobby at a time! :lmao:

Love the new curtains and the kitty outfit.

I just packed up all the toy story stuff in Dallas' room, well most of it. It was so sad, bad timing with the movie and all. He has so much in there though and he never plays with it. I figure he is probably growing too old to have a little tikes firetruck, mr mike and the like toys sitting around.
How funny- we did the same thing to DS's room last week! We literally cleared out enough stuff to fill our mini van on a goodwill run. But I was sad changing over the decor from cowboy to star wars- gosh, our babies sure do grow up fast, don't they? I've been sewing stuff, but I keep forgetting to take pics; I'll try to get pics of the first day of school stuff by next week.

I love everything posted- Hi to all the newbies! Glad to see ya:cool1:
LOL yes that was the first thing I had made with it. first applique and I did all of it with no pattern. Just saw an outfit I liked and eyed it and cut the material and sewed. first time I had sat at a sewing machine since 9th grade home-economics.

I read Heather Sue's applique tutorial and went from there.

Do you go slow? I guess I need to pull it out & practice. Where did you find the fabric? Our area doesn't seem to have much available.
How funny- we did the same thing to DS's room last week! We literally cleared out enough stuff to fill our mini van on a goodwill run. But I was sad changing over the decor from cowboy to star wars- gosh, our babies sure do grow up fast, don't they? I've been sewing stuff, but I keep forgetting to take pics; I'll try to get pics of the first day of school stuff by next week.

I love everything posted- Hi to all the newbies! Glad to see ya:cool1:

You are doing better than I am. I can't get Miss Pack Rat to give up ANYTHING. I may ship her off for the day with Miss Teresa the next time she is down here, JUST so I can get rid of some stuff in her room!lol
You are doing better than I am. I can't get Miss Pack Rat to give up ANYTHING. I may ship her off for the day with Miss Teresa the next time she is down here, JUST so I can get rid of some stuff in her room!lol

Did you see Toy Story 3? My kids don't want to throw anything away now.:wizard::laughing:
Did you see Toy Story 3? My kids don't want to throw anything away now.:wizard::laughing:

Yes, we saw it LOL. She was a pack rat way before though.(I wait until she is in the shower to throw little scraps of paper away LOL). I told her the other day we had to get rid of some things because she did not have room- she made room LOL
Has anyone ever shipped a package (dress) to Australia? I have someone that wants me to make them a dress...but the shipping looks to be enormous...I got a quick quote on over a hundred dollars! That can't be right...can it?


Just be very careful and do NOT cave and go first class to save your customer money. I was back and forth on sending $200 worth of dresses to Australia. The customer begged for me to go first class so I did. WRONG choice and last time. FOUR MONTHS later I had my first chargeback through Paypal and I was defenseless. You MUST have a tracking number to be able to protect yourself.

And if her name is Leah, and she has a daughter named April..... don't do it under any circumstances. I believe she has done this more than once.

LOLLLLLL lucky my name is Jennifer and my daughters name is Calliope. :rotfl: Nini, I agree please don't take any risks, I would feel terrible if anything happened to your beautiful dresses. I think postage is going to be shocking :mad: so I think I will drag out my machine and start sewing. :eek: I could always have you post them to WDW for me when the time is closer. Thanks anyway your creations are beautiful. :surfweb:
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