Your life just fell apart & came back together,what are you going to do next? TR UP!

I'm in. I think it is so good that you have been able to find happiness. Can't wait to hear about all of your planning.
So I just have to put in my 2 cents worth here...since I have met person. :wizard:

He's awesome! :yay: When you see Bob, Jenn and the kids together, it's like..well....perfection. :lovestruc Honestly, I was so, so happy when I finally got to meet Bob in person. I know how heartbroken Jenn was for quite some time and I was worried about her. Kept telling her that it wasn't the end of her life...see Jenn, I was RIGHT!!! :lmao:

As for the rest of you guys......well, you're okay too. Just Kidding!!! You know that I love you all!

I wish you could have stayed longer. I felt like we just got our get together started and then it was over. :sad2:

Ok, sorry to hijack your PTR....go on.....we're listening. popcorn::popcorn::
That pic of your kids is just so lovely!!!!:lovestruc

I think there are a lot of people who have been in a very similar situation as your old one, I know I have. Once you realize just being with someone isn't good enough, a whole new world opens up. A fabulous one, which is obvious from that glowing look on your face :love:

Can't wait to hear more...popcorn::
Ooooooh I just saw where you are from! I am not far, just over the bridge from Philly in NJ :)
Just think, your BFF had probably been patiently waiting for the day that he could come in and rescue you. I sincerely hope this is your happily ever after.
I'm in! :) I'm so glad you found your true love after what you've been through! :goodvibes Your kids are so adorable! :cool1:
Jen you look awesome.

Not that you didnt before, but you look really good in that pic :goodvibes

The shot of the four of you is a great pic. You all look so right together. So happy for you all :thumbsup2
Someday my prince will come
Someday we'll meet again
And away to his castle will go
To be happy forever I know

Some day when spring is here
We'll find our love anew
And the birds will sing
And wedding bells will ring
Some day when my deams come true

I was seriously singing this song in my head when I was reading about you and your DBF. I was reading along with you when all the bad stuff happened but looking back, it happened for a reason. So glad that you are doing better. And you did good.....he's a hottie!
Wow! We have so much in common. I was with the same guy for over 10 years (since high school), even got married to him, but it wasn't until the very end that I realized that we didn't really love each other. We were more like great friends. A year after I got seperated I met this AWESOME and SWEET guy. He has shown me what being in love truly means, and I couldn't be happier. You can always check my PTR to learn more about our wedding and Disneymoon plans. :lovestruc
I will check that out! I love a good love story! I'm glad yall were great friends at least. my ex has decided to make me his enemy. I however will not do that. I have forgiven him and I treat him with kindness. I keep hoping that will make home come around!

Other ways we are alike: I'm also 29, have a few tattoos, LOVE Disney and planning trips, buying scrapbooking stuff :rotfl:(I did make a book for our last Disney trip, but have SO much more books to make). Also somewhat similar, though backward, is that my fiance brought his DD (11) to the relationship, while I brought my two fur babies (cats). :upsidedow

You are so lucky to be going to AKL!! Looks like the most beautiful resort.
I feel SO blessed to go to AKL! DBF saw it and said that is the resort. After looking at the price difference he sid, nah lets just do it, its not that much more:lovestruc i love shim lol How do you like being a step-parent?

I'm in. I think it is so good that you have been able to find happiness. Can't wait to hear about all of your planning.
thank you so much, and welcome :) planning is half the fun!

So I just have to put in my 2 cents worth here...since I have met person. :wizard:

He's awesome! :yay: When you see Bob, Jenn and the kids together, it's like..well....perfection. :lovestruc Honestly, I was so, so happy when I finally got to meet Bob in person. I know how heartbroken Jenn was for quite some time and I was worried about her. Kept telling her that it wasn't the end of her life...see Jenn, I was RIGHT!!! :lmao:
He LOVED you guys too! which I knew he would, but I think even he was surprised at how much he enjoyed Joe's company. and Bob loved how much I could relax and be myself around you! and yes YOU were right! BUT, if you recall, Bob was kinda sorta seeing someone when John left. So I really didn't think I had a chance! Sadly for the other girl, when Bob found out I was single he knew he couldn't be with her... did I mention she is one of his other good friends... AWKWARD! Apparently she understood though.. I still think she hates me..and by think I mean pretty much know..oh well.
As for the rest of you guys......well, you're okay too. Just Kidding!!! You know that I love you all!

I wish you could have stayed longer. I felt like we just got our get together started and then it was over. :sad2:

Ok, sorry to hijack your PTR....go on.....we're listening. popcorn::popcorn::
UGH, I could have definitely stayed at least a full week! Next year we get to be in Disney together! That is even better! Although, I see a few trips to Ohio well as you coming to see us!

That pic of your kids is just so lovely!!!!:lovestruc
Thank you :)
I think there are a lot of people who have been in a very similar situation as your old one, I know I have. Once you realize just being with someone isn't good enough, a whole new world opens up. A fabulous one, which is obvious from that glowing look on your face :love:

Can't wait to hear more...popcorn::
Am I glowing?? Cause I feel all glowy! I'm glad people can see it too! Thank you! and so many people have been in my shoes, and I was that person that said, no this own't happen to me..not again. I mean for God sake, he asked me to marry h im 6 months prior in Disney World! I was wrong :/

Ooooooh I just saw where you are from! I am not far, just over the bridge from Philly in NJ :)

Just think, your BFF had probably been patiently waiting for the day that he could come in and rescue you. I sincerely hope this is your happily ever after.
I hope the same thing, but I know this my happily ever after. I can not explain any of it, but this happened :idea: and I just know. I have never been more sure of anything! BFF did say that he never thought we could be together since i had John and kids... so he def did want me :love:

I'm in! :) I'm so glad you found your true love after what you've been through! :goodvibes Your kids are so adorable! :cool1:
thank you thank you thank you! I would go what I went through a million times if it meant the same end result! The struggle and heart ache was defintely worth what I have now!

Jen you look awesome.

Not that you didnt before, but you look really good in that pic

The shot of the four of you is a great pic. You all look so right together. So happy for you all :thumbsup2
:hug: Thank you!

Someday my prince will come
Someday we'll meet again
And away to his castle will go
To be happy forever I know

Some day when spring is here
We'll find our love anew
And the birds will sing
And wedding bells will ring
Some day when my deams come true

I was seriously singing this song in my head when I was reading about you and your DBF. I was reading along with you when all the bad stuff happened but looking back, it happened for a reason. So glad that you are doing better. And you did good.....he's a hottie!

hahahah! I think he's gorgeous! I have since 10th grade lol! and what is so funny, it did happen for a reason, and it happened for a reason in the time frame that it did. Bob and myself have grown so much since we have met each other. Had we dated even 5 years ago, we wouldn't have lasted. So God put us together exactly when we were supposed to be! I am grateful for all the good and bad i went through, because it makes me appreciate what I have now so much more!
Happy Sunday everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! My headache is finally gone!:woohoo: Today I am kid free and get to have a whole day with Bob! I LOVE our Sundays together! It really is awesome! Right now he is geeking out with his PS3 and I'm geeking out here on the DISboards! We are perfect for each other lol!

I left you off with the main cast of my trip, and again thank you for all the nice words and compliments! The dis boards really are a great community of people!:hug:

Next up in the cast are two of my favorite people! Who I happened to meet here, on the dis boards!

I met Sophia on the disboards right before my September 2008 trip. We became insta friends and decided to meet in person, as we happened to be going to WDW at the same time! Fate? I think so! Our first meet was DAK, and was a short hour or so. But, we winded up meeting up with them again later on in our trip at MNSSHP!! That was awesome! Not only did I meet Sophia, but I got to meet her awesome husband Joe, and I now call them Jophia:rotfl: After that 2008 trip, Jophia drove to our house in PA to come for Jack's 3rd bday and then we vacationed with them in WDW world again in 2009! This time for a full 10 days and had rooms right next to each other at CSR!!! That was an amazing vacation! Last, but not least, I just went to visit her in Ohio last weekend! We had a blast! As soon as I knew I was going back to Disney I called/texted/emailed/Instant Messaged, and everything else Sophia! I wanted to make sure that they were still doing September! As luck would have it, they are! So while our dates are a little bit off, we will still be able to have a good chunk of our WDW vacation with Jophia again :banana: The two of us planning a trip together... Yall are in for some good PTR reads!


Sophia and I last year in WDW


Joe, Sophias awesome hubs and Kayla last year in WDW! I love this pic to death!

OK, so the next two people are supposed to come to WDW as of a couple days ago! I am BEYOND thrilled at the thought of it, and my heart could not be happier!

I was talking to my sister the other day and playing around with ressies on the WDW official site, and I saw that she and my nephew could go, and get the free dining for about $1200, for a week. My nephew is special needs and missing a chromosome, and has mild retardation amongst many many many other problems. My sister is a single mom, and just got her first job.. she really has no business even thinking about a trip, but I suggested it anyways. She was thrilled at the thought and she has said YES, she is going to go. No matter she will go! SO, for now, I am including them in my PTR! The amount of excitemnt of the thought of them coming is beyond words! My nephew is my hearta nd I know he would just LOVE being in WDW! Kids lie him have such an awesome appreication of all the lights and sounds and what not. Maybe that is a generalization, but I know my nephew, and God it would just be such an amazing opprotunity for him!

*I have to interupt right here to share an amazing moment with you all. I called Bob right away when I found my sister might come. I also told him, I'm not gonna get my heart set on it, but that I was really excited at the thought. This sweet sweet sweet man said to me, if you think she can't go for any reason financially and you really want them there, lets drop AKL and stay at a Mod and the difference in price can pay for your sister to come :eek: WHAT!!! This my friends is why I am going to marry this man. This is why in every life after this, I will wait for him and go through a million miseries just to find him again!*

Back to my sister and nephew! Anywho, so as of right now, they are planning to come. I told my sister that i would buy my newphew all the clothes and what not that he will need along the next year. and I am really going to try and make this a reality! My sweet sister even offered to baby sit the kids for us one night, so that Bob and I could have a date night!!!:cloud9: A date night in WDW..OMG.. I can not even think of anything better! Oh, yes I can, my sister watching my kids while we have a date night in WDW! Woot!


My sister and..this is from a couple of years ago..but for the life of me, I can not find any recent pics of her and I together! That my friends is my new mission this year..more sisterly pics!


My sweet, sweet, sweet nephew! His name is Julius, but we call him Juju, or Juju beans! He will be 5 next Monday!!Yes, I was FAT... the fattest I had ever been actually!

OK, now that I got the introductions out of the way, I can give you the what,where, when and why!

But, I'll have to come back later for that one!
That would be so great if your sister and nephew come. He is a cutie pie :cutie:

What an awesome guy Bob is downgrading to assure that they can come :thumbsup2
Oh my gosh, I just got all teary eyed at that update, Bob is a gem!! Who cares waht hotel you would be in if you were all together right?! How sweet! Would be amazing for the cousins to experience WDW together!:cloud9:

Oh and not Burlington, I am in West Deptford. Not far though! :)
I feel SO blessed to go to AKL! DBF saw it and said that is the resort. After looking at the price difference he sid, nah lets just do it, its not that much more:lovestruc i love shim lol How do you like being a step-parent?

Hope eventually things get better with your ex.

I would be lying if I said that being a step-parent is not difficult. She is a GREAT kid and loves me a lot, I just have a hard time finding my "place" in this situation. Not wanting to replace her mom, but finding my "own" role. (I have a hard time sometimes when things are not clear and dry, when there are shades of grey) It doesn't help that she is SUPER EXTRA affectionate and I'm not used to this at all (never hugged my parents passed the age of 4). I'm trying very hard to make it work though, and DFiance is great at helping me at my own pace. :goodvibes

Just read your new update and it looks like you are going to have a great cast. Very happy for you that your sister and nephew are coming. I'm sure it's going to be a magical experience for the both of them.

Ron and I had a date night too when we went last year, it was amazing. :lovestruc Enjoy that little bit of free time. ;)
I really like the picture you posted of us. Remember how we just sorta took off on the guys? :rolleyes1 Was quite fun, eh?

now aint that a picture perfect family picture..minus Jack looking super confused lol

I'm totally coming to the wedding. Even if he hasn't proposed yet :bride:
I might even pack you all up in a box and bring you home with me!
Jenn, glad to hear your headache is all gone -- that is great news. :thumbsup2

I love that you, Bob and the kids iwll be able to spend some of your September 2011 trip with Joe and Sophia.

And how wonderful that your sister and your nephew are planning on joining you. And tell Bob I said he is terrific to offer to step "down" to a moderate (although I know you loved the mod you stayed at last year) and help your sister pay for the trip.


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