"Not so" Live Report (With Photo's) DL, NY, WDW, DCL & NASA Done - U.S. in progress

It's amazing how spoilt we get....I'd been loving the last 10 days and wondering what DizOz did next. And then we got the pictures for the first couple of days.

I'm now sitting here reading Day 11 and I want to see photographs with the descriptions. :lmao:

Sounds like you had a great day at TL. Can't wait to hear about V&A. It's one of those places I think will definitely be a once in a lifetime visit (and hit to the wallet).
Thanks PrincessinOz,

TL was good but must say not as good as BB.

Anyway onto V&A

We walked into the checkin area which is shared with Citricos. The Maitre d showed us inside. The Queen Victora room is just inside the front door. The door opens and you are shown intoi a smaller private room. Tonight there was 3 tables. At the end a party of 6 and to the side a party of 4 and our table for 2.

We are seated and introduced to our server Debbie.

She explains the menu to us, its a 10 course tasting menu with the option to add 4 other courses. It also comes with the optional wine pairing. I asked her how big the serves were of the wine and she told 2oz.

I chose to have the wine pairing thinking 20z is quite small. DW chose not have the wine. Also the optional additions included Australian Marron. Turns out the New Zealander's on the larger table took most of the serves so there was only one left. As an aussie decided to be patriotic and add that to my menu and share with DW.

The sparkling wine was poured for the first course and Debbie also poured a glass for DW. So much for 2oz glasses the champagne fulte was 3/4 full. I am not one for sparkling wines but this was very nice.

The first course came out and it was a piece of art. The scallop with quails egg and caviar was sensational. DW refused to eat egg so I managed to score 2 quails eggs, so soft and delicate. I just split the egg and let the yolk pour over the scallop.

Next course was an adventure. First they bring out burners and 2 copper saucepans to cook with. I thought this was a crab dish??

Anyway Debbie comes back and fills us in. There are 3 olive oils and three salt and herb combinations to choose from to have our croutons cooked at the table. She explained the differences of each and which one the chef recommends. Who were we to argue with the chef so we chose the recommended ones.

They cooked the croutons there and placed them on the plate with the meal and serve it. Oh my god I have never tasted croutons like this before. More than just adding texture to the food the taste complimented the crab and caviar.

The wine with this dish was a Sancerre from France. The glasses weren’t getting any smaller. It was a white wine a little fruity for me but nice and complimented the food nicely.

As we had our 2 DD being looked after by our friends we were a little worried how long we maybe. I thought it maybe 2 hours, Debbie advised the tasting menu went up to 4 hours or as fast as we wanted. Oops.

Next was the lamb dish very nice very different to what you get anywhere else. The wine was a blended white wine again a full glass. Not sure if I will be able to walk out of this place.

That next dish again is an experience and a bit of theatre. It is salmon cooked table side on a heated rock. The flat rock comes out in a copper fry pan and the salmon and sea salt etc are carefully placed on the rock and cooked to perfection in front of you. It is served with Sake from Japan. The pure flavour of the sake was divine.

Next we had the Marron dish. The Marron flavours were so nice and fresh as if picked from the seas off Australia that morning. DW and I shared the dish and I think it was well worth the extra money.

Next was a mushroom and truffle ragout. I love my mushrooms and with the added decadence of the truffles made this a great dish and one I could have gone back for more. The wine was a Pinot Noir from California. Usually not a fan of Californian wines but this was not bad.

By this stage my wines were starting to back up.

Next came the smoked Elk and again more theatre. The Elk was served in a bowl with a plate at the bottom, When the placed the plate on the table they pour liquid into the bowl. It must have had dry ice at the bottom as smoke started to rise from the bottom of the plate. The elk (first time I have ever had it) was beautiful. The subtle smoked flavours and the meat was so tender.

The wine was a french red which was full of flavour with a hint of cherry coming through. Very nice again a full glass.

Next came the Wagyu and it was simply perfect. The meat was so full of flavour and so tender it melted in your mouth. I could have had a few plates of this as it was so nice. The cabernet sauvignon was nice but a little soft for me.

Next was a presentation of the cheese and fruits and jams etc. We got to chose what we wanted. I had a nice assortment of blues and cheddars with a nice glass of port.

This was followed by more deserts with a pave and chocolate mousse and gelato. By this stage I could barely fit anymore in. But DW who is a desert nut loved it.

Lastly came the coffee and again more theatre. These 2 double pot contraptions are brought out. At the top was the coffee and at the bottom the water. Underneath wasa open flame. As the water heated the water pressure forces the water up into the top pot with the coffee.

The coffee was one of the better cups I had for the whole trip.

Towards the end of the night the chef Scott Hunnel came out and came around to each table. Our 2 DD love watching disney travel shows especially Sam Brown so we have seen Scott a number of times on TV. So we got a picture with Scott for the girls.

Also we each got a personalised menu with our names and wines etc on it and DW got a long stemmed rose as well.

In the end the bill was approx US$750. Expensive but as I said a once in a lifetime experience and truly worth every cent.


Croutons being cooked at the table


Salmon cooked at the table


The smoked Elk



The Coffee







The Menu (Will scan a better copy this week and post it)
HEre are a few pics of the yankees game.


Outside the stadium as we are about to enter


Our seats



George Steinbrenner memorial unveiled that night


Before the game, the national anthem





The ground and the game
DizOz - those are great pictures! I'm going to have to hock the house if I want to have dinner at V&A. But from the looks of things - it sure seems worth it!

Day 11 Last full day at WDW

We all had a bit of a sleep in today after the late night.

As we were headed off on the cruise I had the pleasant taks of doing work all day while the family and friends went off to DHS.

Didn't worrying me too much as it my least favourite park. We were going to go to Jiko for dinner but the kids really wanted to see Fantasmic. After getting advise from one of the cast memebrs earlier in the week we re-arranged everything and booked in at the Brown Derby.

I had to stay behind and complete some work a bit disappointed but at least I could go on the cruise without any guilt of work left undone.

I was expecting them back after 9pm as Fantasmic started at 8pm. Around 7.30 they burst through the door. Unfortunately Fantasmic wasn't even on that night, the cast memebr got it wrong.

Thye were a little disappointed but that was tempered by the fact they managed to get on TSM just before closing but it was close. They were next in line when a group with special after hours access came though, over 100 of them.

Apparently the Brown Derby was nice surprising as DW hated it last time we went a few years back, me I loved it.

Well we had an early night as we were ehading off in the mroning on our Disney Cruise.
V&A sounds amazing!

Wow, you had great seats at the Yankees game!

We never got to see Fantasmic either. We missed it at both Disneyland and DHS :(. Oh well, next time!

Look forward to hearing about your cruise :).
V&A sounds amazing!

Wow, you had great seats at the Yankees game!

We never got to see Fantasmic either. We missed it at both Disneyland and DHS :(. Oh well, next time!

Look forward to hearing about your cruise :).

Thanks Ehsmum,

I managed to see Fantasmic years ago at DL when I was in the states on business. The 2 times we have gone as a family we have missed it both times. Determined next time we camp out all day. Also missed WOC this time round as well.

Any onto the cruise.

We packed our bags and had the Bellman come to our oom to collect them. Our friends were ready as well so we had him take their bags as well. All the bags had pre-printed ID so the next time we saw them was outside our Stateroom on the boat.

Somehow he maanged to get them all on his trolley, every last inch was taken up.

We went down stairs and had an hour or so to kill so we went to the arcade and used some free vouchers we had. The kids large and small had a great time on guitar hero, see picture at the bottom.

We took a seat by the bridge where the creek starts inside the atrium at WL. Great just watching the world go by, new people arriving and others leaving.

The DCL lady arrived and we went over and checked in. We had to sign a declaration no one was sick with flu or stomach bug symptoms.

The DCL bus arrived and we all got on. Same as DE except it has decals that make the windows look round like portholes on a ship.

The bus was full so I sat with DW I was a bit worried as she gets car sick.

The ride to the port took around an hour and on the way they palyed a video about the ship, ports and some dsiney cartoons. Before long KSC appeared on the horizon so we knew we were close. You can see the large Assembly building sticking out on the horizon.

Over the bridge and we were pretty much at Port Canaveral and the Disney Wonder appeared. We did a big circle around and eventually pulled in to the Terminal Building.

Cast members come on board and give their instructions about how to checkin if you are US or non-US citizens. Then off we went through the doors and through security. Once we got through there we headed up the excalator to the checkin area.

As non-US residents we had our own line to checkin. We completed our details online and signed our agreements regarding charging ect so check in was pretty easy. Next was our photo so everytime we got on or off the boat we needed out key cards our picture would flash up on the screen.

As we were in a conceirge suite we were escorted through the boarding area where we had a family photo. Then we boarded and as we did they announced our name and some of the crew form what I describe a guard of honor and clap and cheer as you board the boat.

DW was so embarrassed.

We had 10 minutes to wait for our room to be ready so we state wtahcing other families board. Then we headed to our room. We were on deck 8 at mid ship in a one bedroom category 3 suite.

Unfortunately non of our keys would work. Likely our room attendant was walking by so he let us in. Wow what a room.

Inside the front door which has a door bell is the first bathroom. It has a toilet, basin area and a shower.

Inside to the left we had a wet bar area with a fridge, tap, sink glases etc. We had a small round dining table and 4 chairs. Next was the lounge where you had a 2 person couch and 2 chairs and coffee table. There is also a wood vaneer book shelf and hutch where a flat screen Tv sat.

Between the dining area and lounge was a double glass sliding doors that opened up to a bedroom. There was a douuble bed and another lounge chair and foot rest and another flat screen TV. In the wall is a pull down single bed as well.

To the left is a large walk in closet and vanity area with double vanity, a spa bath, toilet and another shower.

Both rooms also had glass sliding doors to a large balcony area that had chairs and table at each end.

Much larger than I expected.

Anyway we freshened up as best we could as our luggage wouldn't arrive for another hour. So we headed up to Goofy Gallery on deck 9. On the way up they were serving cocktails so we all had one kids non alcoholic of course.

The guy who served us became our best friend on the boat and really looked after us. His name was Keon and was from St Vincent. Anyway he took some photo's for us and arranged for some drinks and ice to be delivered to our room. He was great so I made sure we looked after him.

Upon entering the restaurant we were all made to wipe our hands with sanitiser which became the norm all over the ship especially in the food areas. Sanitary conditions were top on the agenda which gave extra comfort.

Coincidentially at the restaurant we ran into our friends up there as well. So we had a nice buffet lunch. A great selection of hot and cold foods. One warning stay away from the sushi it was terrible. Everything else was great.

Our friends daughter is a picky eater so they asked for some plain steamed rice. No problem. They made sure they had it at every meal for her.

After lunch we had a walk around before heading back to the room to prepare for the life boat drill. We put on our life jackets and headed to our designated areas. We waited there for 10 minutes until we were allowed to go. We headed back to our room to grab our video and cameras for the Adventures Away party back on deck 9. So we headed up there and found a great spot at the back of the pool area. The pool was covered and the girls went to the front of the stage area.

Anyway the show started which introduced the different crew types and counsellors for the kids clubs. This was all done to music with a lot of singing dancing and clapping. All the while they had video from at least 6 angles including overhead being shown on the large video screen.

More singing and dancing then the characters are introduced with more singing and dancing. Then a countdown to casting off and more singing and streamers etc. Cast off is a bit of a non event other than the horn blaring which is the disney tune.

After a while they tell you to look to the side and the ship is moving.

After the party we head back down to our room and the luggage begins to arrive. In the room was fresh fruit from the concerige as well as a welcome letter. We set the room up best we could and head off to dinner. As we head out Keon arrives with our ice and drinks. We introduces us to our room attendant who was the same guy who helped us before.

Talk about coincidences his name was Keon as well and he was also from St Vincent.

Off to dinner and the Animators Palate.


DD on our double bed


Sorry little dark but this is lounge area


DD's on balcony


Family with our cocktails taken by Keon



DD at Goofy's


Us in our life jackets


The big screen on deck 9 pool.
WOW! Your pictures and update are making me think about doing a cruise.....

WHAT am I saying! I'm seasick already!
DizOz, V&A WOW! Thanks for sharing the photos. I've often wondered what it was really like. And your cruise photos made me rather nostalgic. I loved our med cruise and can't wait for our next cruise!
WOW! Your pictures and update are making me think about doing a cruise.....

WHAT am I saying! I'm seasick already!


You have to do a cruise. My only regret is not doing a longer one as it has better ports than the 3/4 day cruise.

DizOz, V&A WOW! Thanks for sharing the photos. I've often wondered what it was really like. And your cruise photos made me rather nostalgic. I loved our med cruise and can't wait for our next cruise!


Next time you go you have to try V&A you won't regret it. We had the night of our lives there. :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

I have also posted some more pictures from WDW on page 3 today.
I'm loving the cruise recap so far! We're thinking of doing a Mexican Riviera cruise in Jan 2012, pretty sure the ship is Disney Wonder :thumbsup2

Was there only the one double bed in your stateroom? Where did you all sleep?

Off to check out the new pics!
I'm loving the cruise recap so far! We're thinking of doing a Mexican Riviera cruise in Jan 2012, pretty sure the ship is Disney Wonder :thumbsup2

Was there only the one double bed in your stateroom? Where did you all sleep?

Off to check out the new pics!


I am jealous. If we had our time over again we would have done the 7 night cruise to the Mexican Rivera.

We had one main bed which was a double. Also a double fold out from the couch which was really comfortable and a single that pulled out from the wall in the main bedroom. Suite was able to sleep 5 in total if needed.

The photos are great! Eagerly waiting more. popcorn::

Coming. DW took so many with camera length ways I am having to go one by one in photobucket and rotate them.

Anyone know a way of doing a mass rotate of photo's in photobucket????:confused3:confused3
First night of the Cruise

We headed off to Animators Palette for dinner just before 6pm. Again we wiped our hands before entering the restaurant.

At this stage of the night all the walls are black and white outlines.

We are seated and intorduced to the Head Server Farook, a very smooth operator. He introduces our server Ion and his assistant Yukiko. Ion is from India later we learnt he was married and had worked on the ship for 7 years. Yukiko was a young Japanese girl.

The server looks mainly after the food and the assistant with the drinks.

Each night there is 3 cocktails of the day from which you can choose.

So we each choose a cocktail to try. I tried the True Colors which had rum, creme de banana, orange juice and strawberries in it. Not bad.

Ion then explained each item on the menu and made his recommendations. I must admit we tried just about all of his recommendations and he was spot on every time.

The meals come out quickly after ordering as the second sitting is in 2 hours time.

Slowly during the night the walls start to change to color and by the end of the night they have a big introduction of the staff with music etc. Everyone claps to the music as the parade through the restaurant.

I had the Tuna Tatare as a starter it was very nice and light. Portion sizes were just right.

Next I had the veal chop and it was moist and tender. I almost picked the bone clean.

I can't remeber what I had for desert.

One of our friends daughter didn't want desert so we were surprised when a palte came out for her with a cover on it. When they lifted the cover on it was the word "NOTHING" written in chocolate.

After desert Kukiko sat with the girls and did some oregami with them making a flower which they all followed along with her to make their own. Each night she did something different. Ion was got in on the act and did a magic trick each night.

To be honest I didn't see any other tables doing anything like that. But it was something the girls and us came to look forward to.

After dinner we headed to the Walt Disney Theatre for the Golden Mickeys. A stage show about all the famous disney movies.

We arrived a little late so we were seated up the back and to the side.

Soon I got a tap on the shoulder and it was my old mate Keon who was serving at the theatre. After a few "Hey mans" and the like it was like greeting a olong lost friend. We order some drinks and snacks for the kids. Thank god we did as it gets very hot in the theatre.

The show goes for just about an hour with a range of different musical numbers. The way they manage the scenery is unbelievable on a ship. Trap doors opened every where and scenery comes flying from everywhere.

Afte r the show we went for a walk around the ship and a night cap. We went and signed the kids into the Oceaneer's club. They each get a GPS devive strapped to their wrist which is water proof and we got a pager.

The kids are scanned into and out of the club and they can contact us anytime via the pager. The kids stayed their for an hour or so and were disappointed when we came back to pick them up for bed.



Out the front of Walt Disney Theatre




The Animator's Palette
Somehow I was religated to the fold out bed which was pretty comfortable. All the girls where in the bedroom which suited me fine as I am an early riser.

As usual I woke early and had a look at onto the balcony, nothing but water.

So I got dressed and went upstairs and got a cup of coffee. There is a hour drink station up on deck 9. Only a hand full of people and staff up and about. The crew where busily getting the deck ready for the day. Great thing about disney and cruises is everyone is so friendly.

Got 2 cups of coffee, saves me heading up again or one for DW if she wakes.

I got back to the room and sit out on the balcony and sip my coffee. Just on the horizon you can barely see land. It turns out to be Nassau.

Within the hour it is quite clear as we get closer. You can clearly see Atlantis Hotel as its the tallest structure on the island.

The grils are finally up and we sit out on the balcony as we get closer.

We head upstairs to deck 9 for breakfast. Its buffet style breakfast at beach blanket buffet. The food wasn't too bad with a great selection to choose from.

We have breakfast then head back to the cabin as we pull into port. Nassau port area is surrounded by colorful buildings very much the carribean feel.

We have a 10am booking for our day at Atlantis. So we pack our bag and head down to the lounge area on deck 3 where we are to meet.

We get there and they are running behind. About 11am we get called and follow the guide off the boat and through the customs checkpoint and to a mini bus that drives us to Atlantis. On the way we get a guided tour of the local attractions. The main claim to fame is the world's only Barcardi Rum shop. We see the parliament building and few other historical sites.

We head over the bridge to the private island community where Atlantis sits.

We head inside and wait for our guide to show us around. Bad mistake as there are shops in the foyer. Immediately DW and friend drop bags and head for the shops.

Thank god the guide came cutting short their shopping. She shows us through the hotel grounds and all the attractions. We have a beach ticket which allows us to use the facilities excluding the water park. By this stage we had seen enough water parks.

The weather wasn't great. It was dark and overcast with a gale blowing.

We decided to look through the aquarium first. Wow it is huge and easy to get lost the way it is set out. They have huge sting rays and a large assortment of fish and other sea creatures on display. It took us well over an hour to go through the different exhibits.

We are all a little hungry so we find a restaurant and have lunch. Burger setc as usual which is included in the ticket.

The girls are desperate for a swim. There were no chnaging rooms other than the toilets so we found a quiet spot and the girls changed.

They ehaded for the lagoon and I headed for the toilets. Lesson make sure you go before you leave the boat. I am pointed to the bar but get there and the mens is closed. So I head back to the restaurant we just ate.

Toilet is packed with people getting chnaged. Finally get out and everything is soaked. It poured rain whilst I was in there. Get back to our group and the girls are in the water and the parents are huddled under a wet towel trying to keep dry.

Finally we had had enough so we gatehred up our things and headed back to the foyer area to catch a bus. We got there and a bus was just pulling out. We were told they come every 20 minutes so we waited in line. The enxt bus came in less than 5 minutes so we hopped on and headed back.

Again a guided tour on the way back. The Barcardi shop got a mention as did the hospital where Anna Nicole Smith died. It was a dingy two storey house.

Arrived back at the wharf, DW and friend decided they wanted to shop so we took the girls back to the boat for a swim in the pool.

We got through customs which is easy just show them photo ID. Then the boat again photo ID and key cards which they swipe to view your photo and record you as being on board.

Must say I didn't think much of Atlantis and is very expensive for what you get. If I did it again I would definitely look for other options whilst in port.

The grils have a swim in the pool. After a while we join them. The water is like a luke warm bath. Given the heat and humidity I was looking forward to a cool dip.

After a swim we head back to our room for afternoon drinks on the balcony. The beers delivered the day before a nice and cold so we have that as well as the cheese and biscuits that were delivered compliments of the conceirge.

The conceirge then calls to make sure everyhting is Ok and if there is anything I needed. Thanked him and said no.

About 5.30 we get ready for dinner, tonight we are at the Parrot Cay. It is a carribean style restaurant, very colorful.

Again Ion and Yukiko are there to greet us as is Farook. We have cocktails again, I had a Melon Majito. So refreshing.

I can't remeber what i had as a starter other than is was recommended by Ion. I also had the chicken and it was unbelievable tender and juicy.

For desert I had the cheesecake creme brulee. I love cheesecake and I lover creme brulee so how could I resist.

Again we got our end of meal entertainment of origami and magic tricks. The girls really looked forward to it.

Tonight we head off to the theatre again this time it is Toy Story the musical. Again a very entertaining show and they way they present the show is amazing.

After the show we went for walk around the ship and then back to the room for an early night as we had an early start the next day.


Pulling into Nassau



The port area







DD at the aquarium





Some of the exhibits




The girls in the lagoon at Atlantis
Nassau looks amazing. As does Atlantis. I suspect it is someplace you have to go to once for the experience.

You are really making me think about signing up for a cruise!
Nassau looks amazing. As does Atlantis. I suspect it is someplace you have to go to once for the experience.

You are really making me think about signing up for a cruise!

Princess I honestly think if I knew what I know now we would have done the Mexican Rivierra cruise instead for 3 reasons:

1. Longer cruise and the ship and crew are fantastic
2. Nassau is not all that great. Sounds nice saying you were there but I think from what we experienced and what other have written better value at other ports.
3. Still get to go to Castaway Cay.

If you get a chance you have to do a disney cruise. You will never regret it.
The night before we arrived at Castaway Cay my old friend Keon found me again at the theatre. We were talking about Castaway Cay and he told me the best spot but most popular is next to the new water slide attraction at the family beach.

He said he would set everything up for us just to go straight there when we are ready in the morning.

We watched as we pulled into port, an entertaining exercise in itself. Whilst the island is beautiful disney could improve or at least clean up the dock area. Looks a little like a dump site.

We went to breakfast at Tritons which is a la carte. I order a omelette with cheese, ham and mushrooms. The girls had bacon and toast and DW pancakes. We also order some fresh coffee, caffee latte. Best coffee we have had on the trip so far.

We got off the boat and headed down the path towards the family beach. It is quite a walk to get there.

The beach is beauitful and the water clear as tap water.

We finally saw the slides which are partially hidden by a break water at end of the first section of the family beach.

Keon true to his word had it all set up. 8 Lounges, 8 chairs, 8 towels and 2 cooler bags full of ice and cold bottled water.

We made ourselves at home and the girls went for a swim, The weather was still a bit overcast and dark clouds but it was hot and humid.

We waited for the slides to open and the girls went for a ride. You have to swim out to the slide but they have life jackets for those who can not swim or under sized.

Kids had a great time there until it was our time to go feed the stingrays.

We headed back down the beach and got our snorkling gear and checked in. At the start they give you a briefing about the stingrays the different types, the fact there barbs have been filed down and the conservation work they do on the island.

Then its time to head into the water. The have 3 or 4 feeding stations set up. We lined up around one which is like a white plastic floating platfrom that the stingrays glide up on and feed.

They have been trained to recognise the shape of mickey's head as the stop to feed. So you are given either a prawn/shrimp or this green slimy substances to feed them. Holding it between your finger with palms face down the stingray swim up and suck the food out of your hand.

It feels like a great big slimy vacuum cleaner.




After feeding them you get to swim around the enclosure as the stingrays swim by. A great experience to have being so close and being able to touch them.

Afterwards we head back to our area at the beach. As part of our package the girls also get tubes and mats to use so we grab a few and they girls get back in the water.

We then headed for lunch at the BBQ just at the back. It is all you can eat with burgers, ribs, salads just about anything else you could want. You sit at picnic tables under cover to eat.

The girls then wanted to go to kids club on the island as they have a number of activities planned for the day.

We dropped them off and then headed back. Keon arrives with a few cold drinks, beer and cocktails for the wives.

We enjoy a few hours lazing about and then decide to head back to the ship. We go by the kids club to pick up the girls but they are in the middle of a treasure hunt. So we take a seat and watch them.

Not sure who was having more fun the kids or the concillor a short bald pommy guy. He was right into his character and the kids loved it.

We headed back to the ship to shower and get ready for dinner. We all clean and our friends pop around for afternoon drinks on the balcony. We then head to dinner at Parrot Cay. Dinner is again beautiful, can't really remember what I had this night. I do know the menu was totally different from the night before.

Service is again first class as the servers cut up the kids meals for them and even peeled DW prawns. How's that for service.


The boat at Castaway Cay, humidty fogged up the lense
DizOZ, I am loving reading your report and seeing the photos. I'm now convinced to do a Disney Mexican Riviera cruise in few years time when we can hopefully afford our next Disney fix after our big trip next year. Getting to L.A. is far more realistic than getting back to the East Coast for us so I'm so pleased Disney has put a ship there and hope they keep one there :banana:
DizOZ, I am loving reading your report and seeing the photos. I'm now convinced to do a Disney Mexican Riviera cruise in few years time when we can hopefully afford our next Disney fix after our big trip next year. Getting to L.A. is far more realistic than getting back to the East Coast for us so I'm so pleased Disney has put a ship there and hope they keep one there :banana:

Travel Mum,

What ever you do try a Disney Cruise it is fantastic especially for families. Our kids loved it and were pampered by the crew. We had to fight them to get them out of the Oceaneers Club. Our initial plan was for them to go there only once when we went to brunch at Palo's.

When we signed them up they asked to stay and the rest is history.


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