Vaccine- Autism link proven to be a FRAUD!

The little girl died from encephalopathy which could be cause from many different things per "Encephalopathy may be caused by infectious agent (bacteria, virus, or prion), metabolic or mitochondrial dysfunction, brain tumor or increased pressure in the skull, prolonged exposure to toxic elements (including solvents, drugs, radiation, paints, industrial chemicals, and certain metals), chronic progressive trauma, poor nutrition, or lack of oxygen or blood flow to the brain. The hallmark of encephalopathy is an altered mental state. " Unfortunately this little girl's death may or may not have been caused by the MMR. I am so sorry for her parents but encephalopathy could happen in any number of instances. And Mitochondrial disease is quite hard to diagnose. Just ask the parents who have been dealing with the myriad of symptons their kids have.

Well as you said "might or might not have been caused by MMR" and I think it was in her case that the Drs all sat in the room and asked questions (or maybe it was another's little one who died after the MMR vaccine from encephalopathy so maybe I am wrong sorry) they asked did she eat anything new? go out of the country? exposed to sick children? etc. The father said "she did have her vaccine a week ago" and the doctors all got up and looked at each other and left the room. The dad had no idea what was going on. He kept asking his wife "what just happened?"
So when someone chooses not to vaccinate its reasons like this. Its not that they are being selfish or neglectful. That is what gets me outright mad. I am not trying to persuade anyone to not vaccinate, I am just trying to defend my reasons b/c when I say "I don't plan on vaccinating my next child with certain vaccines" people automatically think its just because I dont want to and I am putting my child at risk. No thats not that case at all.
mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, phosphate, sodium phosphate, neomycin, phenol, acetone, horse blood, pig blood, cowpox pus, rabibit brain tissue, dog kidney tissue, monkey kidney cell, chick embryo, serum etc..

all sounds like healthy and safe stuff I want injected into my child! :thumbsup2

Let this be a reminder to you that should never comment on another poster's spelling. It will only come back to bite you in the....
Well as you said "might or might not have been caused by MMR" and I think it was in her case that the Drs all sat in the room and asked questions (or maybe it was another's little one who died after the MMR vaccine from encephalopathy so maybe I am wrong sorry) they asked did she eat anything new? go out of the country? exposed to sick children? etc. The father said "she did have her vaccine a week ago" and the doctors all got up and looked at each other and left the room. The dad had no idea what was going on. He kept asking his wife "what just happened?"
So when someone chooses not to vaccinate its reasons like this. Its not that they are being selfish or neglectful. That is what gets me outright mad. I am not trying to persuade anyone to not vaccinate, I am just trying to defend my reasons b/c when I say "I don't plan on vaccinating my next child with certain vaccines" people automatically think its just because I dont want to and I am putting my child at risk. No thats not that case at all.
One specific child who previosly had a poor rection to avccine choosing not to revaccinate is one thing, suggesting that vaccines are unsfae for the general population is another entierly. It makes perfect sense in the case of the one child, but how should that be extrapolated to an entire population. It is like saying, well this child is allergic to soy so soy must be bad for all children. No oneshould ever give achild any soy. It makes no logical sense. If you are not trying to convince anyone not to vaccinate, then what exactly ARE you trying to do here? The way I see it, and this is just my opinon, is that choosing not to vaccinate YOUR (hypothertical your) child becuase of something that happened to ONE or just a few other children is irresponsible decision making, unless they share some sort of common predisposition, allergy ect. The incidence of complicaiton with vaccines in less than 3%. That is less than for most of the drugs we use every day for our children. If you give a child motrin for a fever, then your risk of compliction is greater than the risk from an MMR vaccine. I just don't see well, one or two children have ahd bad reactions as a valid reason for refusing a vaccine, when the lareger health threat is so daunting. Again, personal opinion, but I think that many of those the choose not to vaccinate do so becuase they can rely on mass immunity to shield their children so they don't have to take the risk. If that mass immunity were gone and ther was a real threat of contarcting asomething that was killing children, I think many would change their minds.

What is not opinion however is that when enough parents make that decision, we are going to see how long thier principles hold in the face of massive child mortality.
Every parent who thinks vaccines are "bad" needs to travel to a third world country where children die every day in unnecessary numbers from preventable diseases because they haven't had access to vaccines. Parents in lots of countries stand in line ALL DAY LONG in order to get these lifesaving vaccinations for their children. You talk about being in the shoes of a parent of an autistic child (I've seen in first hand in my DH's niece) but I think you should spend the day in the shoes of a parent in a country where vaccinations are difficult to get and where there are epidemics of these diseases so you can really learn the facts and quit listening to heresay.

You know the saying "ignorance is bliss", well in this case "ignorance" is dangerous to everyone.
One specific child who previosly had a poor rection to avccine choosing not to revaccinate is one thing, suggesting that vaccines are unsfae for the general population is another entierly. It makes perfect sense in the case of the one child, but how should that be extrapolated to an entire population. It is like saying, well this child is allergic to soy so soy must be bad for all children. No oneshould ever give achild any soy. It makes no logical sense. If you are not trying to convince anyone not to vaccinate, then what exactly ARE you trying to do here? The way I see it, and this is just my opinon, is that choosing not to vaccinate YOUR (hypothertical your) child becuase of something that happened to ONE or just a few other children is irresponsible decision making, unless they share some sort of common predisposition, allergy ect. The incidence of complicaiton with vaccines in less than 3%. That is less than for most of the drugs we use every day for our children. If you give a child motrin for a fever, then your risk of compliction is greater than the risk from an MMR vaccine. I just don't see well, one or two children have ahd bad reactions as a valid reason for refusing a vaccine, when the lareger health threat is so daunting. Again, personal opinion, but I think that many of those the choose not to vaccinate do so becuase they can rely on mass immunity to shield their children so they don't have to take the risk. If that mass immunity were gone and ther was a real threat of contarcting asomething that was killing children, I think many would change their minds.

What is not opinion however is that when enough parents make that decision, we are going to see how long thier principles hold in the face of massive child mortality.

Right. There will always be children who should not be vaccinated. That's why we need the rest of the herd to be protect them and everyone else.

Not vaccinating a child who is at risk is completely different than this dangerous anti-vaccine bandwagon that is endangering the entire population, and they spouting "facts" that are completely false to justify their decision, and trying to scare other parents into following them.

I mean SERIOUSLY...saying vaccines don't prevent disease!!! This is frightening.
Right. There will always be children who should not be vaccinated. That's why we need the rest of the herd to be protect them and everyone else.

Not vaccinating a child who is at risk is completely different than this dangerous anti-vaccine bandwagon that is endangering the entire population, and they spouting "facts" that are completely false to justify their decision, and trying to scare other parents into following them.

I mean SERIOUSLY...saying vaccines don't prevent disease!!! It's so ignorant it's frightening.
Exactly. I would think that parents whose kids CANNOT be vaccinated would fully support the vaccination of all other children. It is the immunity of "the herd" that keeps their child safer.
One specific child who previosly had a poor rection to avccine choosing not to revaccinate is one thing, suggesting that vaccines are unsfae for the general population is another entierly. It makes perfect sense in the case of the one child, but how should that be extrapolated to an entire population. It is like saying, well this child is allergic to soy so soy must be bad for all children. No oneshould ever give achild any soy. It makes no logical sense. If you are not trying to convince anyone not to vaccinate, then what exactly ARE you trying to do here? The way I see it, and this is just my opinon, is that choosing not to vaccinate YOUR (hypothertical your) child becuase of something that happened to ONE or just a few other children is irresponsible decision making, unless they share some sort of common predisposition, allergy ect. The incidence of complicaiton with vaccines in less than 3%. That is less than for most of the drugs we use every day for our children. If you give a child motrin for a fever, then your risk of compliction is greater than the risk from an MMR vaccine. I just don't see well, one or two children have ahd bad reactions as a valid reason for refusing a vaccine, when the lareger health threat is so daunting. Again, personal opinion, but I think that many of those the choose not to vaccinate do so becuase they can rely on mass immunity to shield their children so they don't have to take the risk. If that mass immunity were gone and ther was a real threat of contarcting asomething that was killing children, I think many would change their minds.

What is not opinion however is that when enough parents make that decision, we are going to see how long thier principles hold in the face of massive child mortality.

Nope, I am simply telling you why *I* decided not to re vaccinate *my* child with MMR. ;) Not trying to persuade anyone to do anything, your child is not my child, I would never tell you how to raise/take care of your child or anyone else on this board. What I am doing though is stating why my choice (my daughter's reaction) to not re-vaccinate her was not a selfish one.
And I am not saying that "all vaccines are bad". As I mentioned before pertusis and polio are 2 things I would not want my kid contracting. But in the case of of MMR where she had that reaction and 95% of the population who receive the 1st dose are FULLY IMMUNE TO IT, why re vaccinate unnecessarily?
Nope, I am simply telling you why *I* decided not to re vaccinate *my* child with MMR. ;) Not trying to persuade anyone to do anything, your child is not my child, I would never tell you how to raise/take care of your child or anyone else on this board. What I am doing though is stating why my choice (my daughter's reaction) to not re-vaccinate her was not a selfish one.
I would do the same with a child who had a poor reaction to a vaccine. I am not questioning that. I also totally get the idea of personal choice regarding our children, but the waters muddy considerably when what one parent chooses for thier child can have deadly consequences for someone else's child. At that point I think we all have a vested interest.

ETA: this issue with MMR is lasting immunity. Yes, 95% of children tested within 1 year of getting the vaccine show immunity, but that immunity wanes as time goes on. By giving booster vaccinations, the body is encouraged to build a stock pile of antibodies, and develops an "immune memory" of the germ. The immunity is much more likely to last into adulthood this way than with a single dose vaccine.
I would do the same with a child who had a poor reaction to a vaccine. I am not questioning that. I also totally get the idea of personal choice regarding our children, but the waters muddy considerably when what one parent chooses for thier child can have deadly consequences for someone else's child. At that point I think we all have a vested interest.

ok so its ok for my kid to suffer and possibly end up in the hospital so your vaccinated child is safe? :confused3
You are asking me to put my child at risk for another reaction so yours could be safe is basically what you are asking.
ok so its ok for my kid to suffer and possibly end up in the hospital so your vaccinated child is safe? :confused3
You are asking me to put my child at risk for another reaction so yours could be safe is basically what you are asking.
no ,n ot at all. You are misreading what i am posting. An individual child with a previous bad reaction should totally not be re vaccianted. Absolutely, no question. The herd immunity is sufficient to likely protect that child. Not a problem. The issue comes in when parents choose not to vacciane based on "vaccines are bad" not any specific need for thier child not to vaccinate. That is needlessly putting everyone at risk. If it happens enough, we will loose herd immunity and children like yours who cannot be vaccinated will be at grave risk. For the vast majority of the population vaccines are safe and effective. I am sorry that is not the case for your child, and I hope that everyone that can vaccinate their children does so that children like yours are portected.
However, It seems to me like you are promoting the idea that no one should vacciante by saying you would not vacciante future children, andposting link after link about bad reactions. These are isolated incidents, and while very tragic, happen to a very small minority of the population with a sensitiviy or allergy to something in a vaccine. They are not a reson not ot vaccinate your child unless that child has had such a reaction, or there is some kind of suspected genetic condition causing the reaction within a family.
Nope, I am simply telling you why *I* decided not to re vaccinate *my* child with MMR. ;) Not trying to persuade anyone to do anything, your child is not my child, I would never tell you how to raise/take care of your child or anyone else on this board. What I am doing though is stating why my choice (my daughter's reaction) to not re-vaccinate her was not a selfish one.
And I am not saying that "all vaccines are bad". As I mentioned before pertusis and polio are 2 things I would not want my kid contracting. But in the case of of MMR where she had that reaction and 95% of the population who receive the 1st dose are FULLY IMMUNE TO IT, why re vaccinate unnecessarily?

But you did state you would not vaccinate future children, that is reacting without cause, and depending on others to take the very, very slight risk with their children that you aren't willing to take with yours to protect yours.
ok so its ok for my kid to suffer and possibly end up in the hospital so your vaccinated child is safe? :confused3
You are asking me to put my child at risk for another reaction so yours could be safe is basically what you are asking.

That is what you are asking others to do so you don't have to vaccinate, why is it ok for others but not you?
Why You Can't Believe The CDC

Interesting that you believe this, but you do not seem to believe those who proved that the original study that linked vaccines to autism was fraudulent. So it's only fraud if the finger is pointed at those you do not believe?
My next child will not be vaccinated against MMR, Hep A, Hep B because I witnessed the reaction to MMR with my first. I wouldn't want to put my next child through that. And Hep A and Hep B, my child doesn't fall into the risk categories as I am sure many of yours don't either (men have sex w/ men, drugs, etc.) So, yeah I am not pumping that into their bodies for no reason. I am not vaccinated against Hep A and B, nor is anyone from my generation or my parents and we haven't contracted the disease.
My next child will not be vaccinated against MMR, Hep A, Hep B because I witnessed the reaction to MMR with my first. I wouldn't want to put my next child through that. And Hep A and Hep B, my child doesn't fall into the risk categories as I am sure many of yours don't either (men have sex w/ men, drugs, etc.) So, yeah I am not pumping that into their bodies for no reason. I am not vaccinated against Hep A and B, nor is anyone from my generation or my parents and we haven't contracted the disease.
these are the risk factors for hep B. Hep A is much more widespread and can be contracted form any contact with infected fecal matter. You can get it from the handle of a grocery cart, and one child who doesn't wash after going potty can pass it to another. Anything they have touched can pass the disease. I have permenant liver damage as a result of contracting it from a well contaminated with runoff at age 2. I spent 6 weeks getting daily bloodwork done to watch my liver enzyme levels. You are lucky no one you know has had it. There was an outbreak about once every 3-4 years here before the vaccine. It was usually someone who brings it back form Mexico and then it started agian.
And Hep A and Hep B, my child doesn't fall into the risk categories as I am sure many of yours don't either (men have sex w/ men, drugs, etc.)

See, this is why it's sometimes hard to take anti-vac people seriously. Some parents are well-versed and have well thought-out arguments (even if I disagree with them), but some of you obviously haven't done any research into this. If your child EATS, he is in a risk category for hepatitis A. So when you say something like "my child isn't at risk for hep A," or "there is no proof that vaccines prevent disease," or "there is no proof that vaccines don't cause autism," it makes it really difficult to listen to anything else you have to say.
I work extensively with immigrants to the US. Many of them did not have vaccines available. They have witnessed a lot of terrible diseases that we have not. They have lost children to preventible disease. They ALWAYS vax when they get here, and are happy to do it (unless their is a valid medical reason). They know the vax has risks. They KNOW the disease is a greater risk and they KNOW it is nothing to play with. We haven't seen the horrors of those diseases, so we incorrectly evaluate the risk.

As privileged Americans we sit with our great health care, our clean running water, electricity, and computers, and all some of us can complain about is how the evil companies and doctors are trying to poison our children with their evil Western medicine. Meantime thousands and thousands of children die from preventible disease in other parts of the world. I do not care to see children in the US start to die more often from preventible disease. Unless you have a valid medical reason not to (such as a prior reaction), please vax your children.
My next child will not be vaccinated against MMR, Hep A, Hep B because I witnessed the reaction to MMR with my first. I wouldn't want to put my next child through that. And Hep A and Hep B, my child doesn't fall into the risk categories as I am sure many of yours don't either (men have sex w/ men, drugs, etc.) So, yeah I am not pumping that into their bodies for no reason. I am not vaccinated against Hep A and B, nor is anyone from my generation or my parents and we haven't contracted the disease.

You don't get Hep A through sex and drugs, you usually pick it up at restaurants, where someone who handled the food didn't do a good hand washing after using the bathroom. Both DH and I had it (missed 6 weeks of work, lost 20 pounds), and we narrowed it down to where we probably picked it up - WDW. Needless to say, all of my kids were vaccinated!


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