Girls-Only Mar 3-7 - On our way to Disneyland!!!!

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Sorry, can't PM when I'm at work...I don't think so.....

They usually do want a make & model with license plate when you check in to any I'm assuming we would need this to get the passes as well. So for our room, we need 2 more free passes: One for Califgirl/Chris & one for Belle Ella/Jessica. Hopefully they will come on & PM the people offering the pass with their car info.
We'll sure miss you Beth.
What ever happened to Barbie Beth? Or Tinkerbites?
No clue about Barbie Beth....last time I saw her was on the Diva Vegas trip in '09. :confused3
Tinkerbites is here! I forgot all about her. She was supposed to go to the trip with Jane since I wasn't going, but then Jane dropped out too and she was just forgotten about. Shoot. :(
Carol: are you bringing extra lanyards -- I can't find mine!
Ok, I am officially having my last minute panic attack! It does not help that my aunt who has early onset alzheimers is being kicked out (in a nice way) of her second care facility because she requires too much aid. She is so young and strong she wants to go all the time, and she keeps running into things and falling down, etc. They have to provide one on one coverage for her every waking hour because she keeps hurting herself. But $6000 a month isn't enough for that, so she has to go. I feel really bad for my cousin and am trying to help her as much as I can but there is only so much a person can do. Live your life today is my motto. Really looking forward to leaving town:)

We are actually staying at the Hojo, and I am certain I can get a parking pass, if anyone wants to leave a car down there. Just let me know.

I know that once we get there, things get pretty busy and sometimes it is hard to remember everything. So, if I owe you any money and I haven't paid you, just remind me:) Also, I wanted to say thank you to all of you ladies that have worked so hard all year long to make all of this happen. It is really an amazing awesome gift of your time and talents and I am very grateful to get to participate. And to all the Divas not coming this year, I am so sorry and will miss seeing you.

Ok, off to finish packing, so maybe I can stop stressing out. To bring a camera, or no, that is the question....
No clue about Barbie Beth....last time I saw her was on the Diva Vegas trip in '09. :confused3
Tinkerbites is here! I forgot all about her. She was supposed to go to the trip with Jane since I wasn't going, but then Jane dropped out too and she was just forgotten about. Shoot. :(

She probably hooked with with one of those hunky dancers.:rotfl:
Guess Tinkerbites will have to wait til next year.
I would love a parking pass if anybody can get an extra (after the other's who posted first) I had not even thought about that. If not...I'll figure something out.

Pin traders...don't forget your pins :)

Happy & safe travels to everybody. I hope to leave work at noon and make it for lunch :)
Callie & Beth - you will be missed (as well as other's who could not make it this year!)

Everybody....take a deep breath.....the fun is about to begin :)
Like Laurie mentioned before I'll be needing a parking pass for the Carousel Inn. I can PM my car info to someone. I wont be arriving until Friday afternoon.

Starting my packing right now.
Just popping in to wish you all a very wonderful trip! :goodvibes

Wishing I was there to wear this:


Make sure y'all throw a great big kiss to my boyfriend from me!


I think I can take care of that, my friend!

I still have two more days of work before I can meet up with you all. :sad2:
But my plan is to meet up at the Plaza for lunch. See you there!
Hi ladies,

Just wanted to wish you all safe travels to DL :cutie:
I'm excited and can't wait to see everyone :) Today is my last day of work for the week and I'm thrilled! I've had a bit of a rough week and just want to relax and have some fun! I really could use a vacation and I'm glad I get to have one!

See you all tomorrow :)
We won't be needing parking but do they ask for a license plate number when getting a parking pass?
Carol, I'll PM you with my information. Thanks. :)

They usually do want a make & model with license plate when you check in to any I'm assuming we would need this to get the passes as well. So for our room, we need 2 more free passes: One for Califgirl/Chris & one for Belle Ella/Jessica. Hopefully they will come on & PM the people offering the pass with their car info.

I'll only need it for Thursday night, so if it's a generic pass, I can just hand it over to Jazz for Friday - Monday

It's just so odd packing for Disneyland, I usually just do day trips.
Can't wait to see everyone.
I would love a parking pass if anybody can get an extra (after the other's who posted first) I had not even thought about that. If not...I'll figure something out.

Pin traders...don't forget your pins :)

Happy & safe travels to everybody. I hope to leave work at noon and make it for lunch :)
Callie & Beth - you will be missed (as well as other's who could not make it this year!)

Everybody....take a deep breath.....the fun is about to begin :)

This trip came up so fast! I'll miss all of you!! Definitely next year!!!:grouphug:
OK - I am starting to freak out since my list of things I have to do before I leave in the morning is a LOT longer than I would like! EEK!

Nobody has PM'd me about getting a parking pass for Carousel. I will be online tonight for another 90 minutes (roughly 9PM Pacific). If you PM me, PLEASE include an email addy or cell # to text message back to you! The email will come from "cocoshmoo" and the text would be from a 916 area code number!
Yay!!! Just wrapping up stuff around here and cleaning the house for the hubby :) I am so lookig forward to tomorrow!!! Hopefully everything fits in my suitcase:wizard:
Just got Jill's PM. I will cover her for a parking pass.
Yay!!! Just wrapping up stuff around here and cleaning the house for the hubby :) I am so lookig forward to tomorrow!!! Hopefully everything fits in my suitcase:wizard:

You aren't packed yet???? :scared1:

And you are on the EARLY flight out! :rotfl2:

But you "youngins" can go without sleep, right?
I'll be at DL on Friday, but I understand this is ladies only event. Have a great time ladies.
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