Girls-Only Mar 3-7 - On our way to Disneyland!!!!

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You can fly with wine?! If so I am bringing a bottle! How do you pack it so it doesn't break?

It has to be in your check thru bag, not carry on. I have some neat little neoprene wine "totes" that I bought. Each holds 2 bottles. I put two bottles in the tote, then put it in a 2.5 gallon zip bag (Hefty brand - I get them at WalMart) and then put that in a second zip bag. Pack the whole thing as close to the center of my bag as possible. I've never had an issue. Wine bottle are usually pretty sturdy. Some more than others. I know that "2 buck chuck" is using "thinner" bottles now as are other companies to reduce the environmental impact.

BevMo by me also sells some nifty little bubble wrap bags made for transporting wine. I think they are around $5.
January--glad things are working out and that you will be close. My Mom used to live in Apple Valley--it's about 90 minutes from DLR. Just sayin'

We'll have to plan a Diva Mini-Meet once you get moved!

That is for sure!!:thumbsup2

I second this ;).

And you'll live less than an hour from me so if you need help moving, I have a big boy that can help (I can help a little too :laughing:).
Aw, you are so sweet! I am sure he thinks so too ....I don't have much to move. My brother and Grant will be doing all the manly lifting haha.
Thanks anyway! :hug: We should definitely hang out though since I will be so close!

I'm glad that things are looking up for you, January! Hopefully we'll be able to see each other at a mini meet sometime this year.
HECK yes!!:banana:

Nice to hear from you, looks like things are looking up for you ! I live about 50 minutes west of Victorville.
Thank you!:hug: I am glad I will be near so many Divas! I have been so isolated here in Boise.
Hi January!! Nice to see you around. :hug:I hope things get settled real soon for you!

Thanks Mel!:hug:

Hi January, so glad things are going well for you. Wishing you all the best :)
Thank you so much!
Good to hear what's going on with you. Sorry Brent didn't make things very easy for you to move on. I hope things all work out, I'm sure they will. You'll be a bit closer to me now! About 2 and a half hours which is closer than you were. lol
Anyway, keep in touch. If you get back on Facebook let me know. Take care! :)
Brent has really come around the past month. After getting in trouble with the IRS, I think he finally realized what he did to me and Maddie. He actually had tears in his eyes when he said I can move and he will sign and do anything to make things right. He is even going to start paying child support.:eek: Although I think he has good intentions, I don't trust him 100% that is why I want the papers signed ASAP.

I am off facebook because I have some friends that like to blab a lot of garbage and Grant's mom and sister are on my facebook. His family doesn't know we are engaged yet. We haven't "announced" it although almost everyone else knows. We will announce it to them when are together finally.

January~ Glad to hear everything is working out. :goodvibes
Thank you, thank you!!:hug:

Hi January - I know we have never met but I feel like I 'know' you from posting on this thread. Congratulations on your engagement! I moved to So Cali for my 'prince charming' and I love it! I just drove through your soon to be home this weekend coming back from Las Vegas. Welcome to So Cal!

I am so happy to hear you say that. The past 5 years, since I have been on the boards, I have made a lot of dis-friends and I would post non-stop, go to meets and all that. But the last few years have been very hard and I tend to become anti-social when I have problems. I hide from people so know one knows that my life is in turmoil. But I know that the Divas have my back. :hug: I look forward to meeting all of you in real life soon! Thank you for the welcome!:yay:He is worth the move. I am so happy to have this man in my life, he has been with me in my darkest time and has been patient and kind. I can't ask for more. He has seen me looking pretty haggard too.:rotfl:I guess if he can still call me beautiful after looking like I went through the ringer, he's a keeper!:thumbsup2 ANYWAYS.....


Hope you all have a safe trip and have the best time ever!
So, I just want to make sure I'm all set... I paid for the Meet & Greet, so that means I will for sure have a name badge (I have my own lanyard already), right? Got a tiara, shirts in the assigned colors, stuff for the scavenger hunt, made a picture frame, snacks for 36. I believe I read somewhere that I can pay for the scavenger hunt at the M&G... is this correct? Am I forgetting anything important? I'm getting excited/nervous, and I don't want to show up and not be "on the list" or anything.
January girl I don't post on here too much cuz I am not going on this trip but you know I love ya girl and sure missed you on the trip last year. I am so happy for you and hope to see you on a future trip!!

Congrats on your upcoming wedding and sorry for all the hassles with your ex. I had one of those LOL but I am glad things are working out and sounds like you have a great guy now!!

Hope to see you on the boards or FB more and hope to maybe see you on the next diva trip or in the future on one!! ;)
Okay, the countdown has begun!! :cool1:

I started my list and think that I have everything ready to pack tonight when I get home... I am a super planner, but hate packing!!! I have been stressed out because I couldn't find my DL wallet with my AP in it :sad2: I have been searching everywhere for it... Well I go into my bathroom cabinet this morning and found it in my makeup basket :confused3 How did it get in there? I have been in that cabinet every day and it wasn't in there before. We must have a prankster in the house or a ghost :scared1: :laughing:

I will be leaving tomorrow morning after dropping the kids off at school and having breakfast with the DH. I have a box that I will drop off at the Carousel Inn for the M&G snacks/candy.. popcorn:: I will leave it with the front desk clerks for those that want to drop it off before heading out to the parks.

The weather looks great for this weekend!!!

Travel safe Divas! See y'all tomorrow :cheer2:
Wendy, I'm so glad you found your AP! I would have been having a total breakdown if that happened! :eek:

So we can drop off our snacks for M&G at the front desk? Sounds great!

Looking forward to a little California sun after our bit of snow this weekend. :)

Can't wait to meet all you wonderful ladies!!!!!!! See most of you at the M&G.
Tracey- See you and Carrie at the airport, I'll call you!
I need this more than ever after the day I had yesterday!!!!!
So, I just want to make sure I'm all set... I paid for the Meet & Greet, so that means I will for sure have a name badge (I have my own lanyard already), right? Got a tiara, shirts in the assigned colors, stuff for the scavenger hunt, made a picture frame, snacks for 36. I believe I read somewhere that I can pay for the scavenger hunt at the M&G... is this correct? Am I forgetting anything important? I'm getting excited/nervous, and I don't want to show up and not be "on the list" or anything.

Only other thing would be if you are doing any of the meals. Check page 1 for places and times. There has been lots of changes so post if there is any meals you want to be including in.
January, good to hear from you stranger! I'm so glad things are going well.
I'm definitely in for a mini-meet when you get to Calif.

Looking forward to meeting all the Divas tomorrow!
The best laid plans and all of that.....sick kids at home, so instead of packing up tonight, I'm more than likely going to be taking Ethan to urgent care. Then packing, then going to work early, with the van all packed up, getting off at noon and then coming to Anaheim! Can't wait!

Just a head's up....Carousel's free parking is only for one car per room. We need help with that, if anyone has any available!!!
Just a head's up....Carousel's free parking is only for one car per room. We need help with that, if anyone has any available!!!
We won't be needing parking but do they ask for a license plate number when getting a parking pass?
Just popping in to wish you all a very wonderful trip! :goodvibes

Wishing I was there to wear this:


Make sure y'all throw a great big kiss to my boyfriend from me!

Only other thing would be if you are doing any of the meals. Check page 1 for places and times. There has been lots of changes so post if there is any meals you want to be including in.

I checked page 1, and I will be joining in for most of the counter service meals. The only one I want to do that needs an ADR is Cafe Orleans on Sunday evening.

I'm planning on doing Golden Horseshoe and WOC picnic on Friday. Plaza and Pacific Wharf on Saturday. Cafe Orleans for supper on Sunday, and I will be around Monday if there's anything planned.
I checked page 1, and I will be joining in for most of the counter service meals. The only one I want to do that needs an ADR is Cafe Orleans on Sunday evening.

I'm planning on doing Golden Horseshoe and WOC picnic on Friday. Plaza and Pacific Wharf on Saturday. Cafe Orleans for supper on Sunday, and I will be around Monday if there's anything planned.

Hi Marie, the ressie for Cafe Orleans is for 6.....I believe we only had 5 people signed up to go (possibly only 4) it should be fine for you to join us!!!!

I will miss seeing you all so much!!!!!!!!!!

But I know you are going to have a great time! I can't wait until the pics start being posted!!!!! popcorn::

:tinker: Wishing you all safe travels and magical memories!! :goofy: :tigger: :dumbo: :mickeyjum LUVS YA!! :hug:
Gonna miss you too Beth.......was really looking forward to meeting you in person!! (you know I'll be watching the door at the Meet-n-Greet :hug::rotfl:

Got everything packed, other than the laptop & cell now I just sit & watch the clock tick by today. Will spend some quality time with the little ones & say goodbye to them when I tuck them in tonight!! :sad1: Gonna be really weird being away from them for so long......never done that before.

Can't wait to see you all tomorrow!!! :yay:
My boarding pass is printed!!!!!!!

I will be able to do parking for someone - Trish and I will not have a car. I would guess that when you check in you will need the make, model, color and licence plate of the car you are registering to the room.
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