Anything ever been stolen from your stroller at Disney?

No, but we don't leave anything of value in it either. We did witness a couple of thieves going through several strollers when we left the Nemo show in AK early. They were small and gray with long furry tails. ;) My son much preferred watching them pilfer snacks from the trays than watching the show inside!
Last week our Umbrella stroller was taken my mistake twice... The first time was in AK, we came out and our stroller was missing and one that looked just like ours was there (only older). We got it back at the end of the day when it was turned in... We wrote our name on it after that and then three days later it was taken at HS and the Cast Members that assisted us, got a new stroller from the front of the park AND also walked around while we went to Disney Jr. and actually found the stroller! They traded it with the people for the one they actually left behind. It was a cheap one for like 15 dollars, so of course EVERYONE had the same EXACT one! :rotfl: Next time I will use a black sharpie before going and draw all over it...
Sometimes I leave my phone and camera and they've never been stolen.

If you're serious,then you're taking a real chance. I had a friend have her entire stroller stolen. The CM's told her there had been a rash of stroller thefts that night in the MK.

Never leave anything you can't live without.
Like I told my wife, "If you are a thief are you going to steal something from a stroller with a skull and crossbones or one with rainbows and unicorns?"

:lmao: We've never had anything taken but only leave things like snack, extra diapers, etc. We have left jackets in a stroller basket without problem. This next trip I will have a bag I'll leave with the stroller with snacks, water, diapers, wipes, ponchos, and a smaller bag to take on rides that'll keep my money, camera, phone, etc.
This is one reason I'll be using my DD's special needs stroller with a pass as she needs it when she goes for long walks as she has Muscular dystrophy though she can walk and run just can't keep up with the other kids( always last even in the pool!),tires and even at soon to be 6 will fall asleep when overly active. I would hate to lose her adaptive stroller as they aren't cheap! Nope, it's staying with us as she's way too big for a normal one..
Thankfully not. I don't know if I'd never paid attention to him or what, but until last summer I never realized that my DH always put his wallet and keys in the basket under the stroller whenever he left it in stroller parking. :eek: I don't think I would've ever known except my mom took our daughter and the stroller to a different area, and I happened to ask DH for his Disney Visa Rewards card to pay for a purchase, but all he had was the little cash he keeps in his pockets.
If you're serious,then you're taking a real chance. I had a friend have her entire stroller stolen. The CM's told her there had been a rash of stroller thefts that night in the MK.

Never leave anything you can't live without.

Entire stroller stolen? At Disney? Geez :confused3
We have never had anything taken from our stroller at the parks. The only thing we leave behind are baby blankets and maybe a jacket or two. Everything else is with us 24/7:headache:
i remember reading on here that someone takes a diaper,a little bit of coke thrown in to soak it and ties it on the handlebar of the stoller to make it look like a blowout diaper!! I thought that was clever, gross BUT very clever.
No, nothing ever stolen

But, while waiting for DH, DD and DS1 to come out of a ride I have seem several times a family start to load a baby into a stroller and then realize it's not theirs ! And then un-load, find their stroller and re-load

I have seen before one person load up a stroller, and have the correct owner come to get theirs and find somebody took it by mistake. I generally think this happens with strollers that look alike.

There was only 1 time I heard or saw and employee fuss at people about leaving things in the stroller. It was at Stiches Great Escape. She was announcing to everybody, make sure everything was actually IN the stroller. No bags hanging on the handles, etc. She said bags handing on the handles are considered unattended bags and would be collected. ( what-eva) Our diaper bag is the style that has the stoller handle hooks and was hooked on our handle. She made it a point to put it in the basket. But she has been the one and only time I've ever heard an attendant make any fuss.
Didn't get anything stolen from a stroller but someone took our refillable mugs out of my ECV basket.:headache:
i remember reading on here that someone takes a diaper,a little bit of coke thrown in to soak it and ties it on the handlebar of the stoller to make it look like a blowout diaper!! I thought that was clever, gross BUT very clever.

That is so old. It's been around for years. If you have been to WDW, you will notice that there are garbage cans all over the place.

Sorry, but if I wanted a stroller that would be the one I would target. They must have something good if they are going to all that trouble.

Just make sure your stroller has your last name somewhere easy so another guest doesn't grab it by mistake. Don't leave anything in it that you would miss.
My DD2's jacket was taken on our first trip a couple years ago. It was in our own personal stroller. Nothing else was taken. It was really, really, record-breaking cold that week, so maybe someone was desperate. :confused3
We never did but we only brought our very cheap stroller and it didn't even have a place to store stuff on it.

I witnessed a Dad stop someone from taking their stroller at the end of Nov. 2010. It was at Peter Pan's Flight. We were all standing in line and the mother noticed someone was looking over their stroller.
Then the people had their kids start to get in it so everyone in line moved out of the way after the Dad yelled at the people to leave his stroller alone and the Dad leaped over the railings to stop the people.

The people ran off so I guess they knew they were stealing and not just mistaking it for their stroller. The Dad stayed with the stroller instead of getting back in line.

I hope they didn't always have one person guarding the stroller after that and missing all the attractions but I wouldn't be surprised if they did that. They had a really nice, fancy stroller.
That is so old. It's been around for years. If you have been to WDW, you will notice that there are garbage cans all over the place.

Sorry, but if I wanted a stroller that would be the one I would target. They must have something good if they are going to all that trouble.

Just make sure your stroller has your last name somewhere easy so another guest doesn't grab it by mistake. Don't leave anything in it that you would miss.

I thought it was amusing and thought I would share. I am not on here everyday like some people to know was is exactly old and not old.
As you can see from my signature we go alot, and when the kids had strollers we never had anything stolen. I even had expensive double strollers.
No we have never had anything stolen, but I nearly walked of with another ladies stroller and her child in the AKL concierge last year. I was fixing a few snacks when I turned round I saw what I thought was my daughters purple stroller. I went to push it away when I saw my husband coming from our room with my DD in her stroller. Luckly I hadn't actually touched the other stroller or I might have been in some trouble!! I spoke to the other mother and told her what I had nearly done and we had a laugh that we both had brought the exact same stroller from the UK!!!
Eight trips with a stroller and <knock on wood> nothing stolen. Of course I don't leave my camera in it, but I have left ponchos, coats, etc...

I have a stroller story-we didn't lose things out of it, but gained things! I was alone with DD in December, last day in the park and taking it easy in MK. We parked her stroller at POTC and I kept telling DD "you need to go to the bathroom before we go in" (of couse she was saying "no I don't.") A few cast members in the stroller area were laughing when I told them everytime we go into POTC, DD has to go to the bathroom as soon as she sees the water. So we went to the bathroom, then on the ride and came out to get the stroller and it had pirate toys and a Mickey Pirate hat in it. I went to the CM and said someone accidentally put items from the gift shop in my stroller. Turns out... IT WAS A MAGICAL MOMENT! :banana: The CM's who were laughing along with us about POTC making you have to potty left some Pirate's Booty in DD's stroller! :banana:
No, but on our last Disney trip, at park close, we were folding up our stroller for the monorail and found a pair of boys England shorts and shirt stuffed in the corner of our stroller basket that didn't belong to our kids. Some little boy must have mistaken our stroller for his and we walked around with his clothes all day!

Sadly there is an English family out there missing clothes for their boy and must think they were stolen out of their stroller:laughing:


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