Anything ever been stolen from your stroller at Disney?

I've never had anything stolen, but I take valuables and souvenirs with us on the rides or into a restaurant. This trip my sister is letting us use her Sit n' Stand stroller. I'd hate if anything were to happen to it (not that she'd care since she doesn't need it anymore), so I made tags to attach to--with zip ties-- both sides with Mike Wazowski that says "This stroller belongs to:" Then, I put pictures of our two girls instead of names.

I'll probably add some ribbon to the handle just in case, too. So many people have the same stroller, and it's easy to get confused and grab the wrong one if you're in a hurry. Hopefully, that will help distinguish mine from your's. Like I said, I don't know if it will help, but it never hurts to try.
Of all the times we've been, we've only had one incident - and my oldest son still talks about it to this day!

My daughter's hairbow was bothering her, so we took it off. I'd attached it to something on our stroller, and not thinking, left it there when we parked the stroller outside Journey into Imagination.

When we came out, the hairbow was gone :mad: Seriously - who would snatch someone's hairbow?!?!

My son still gets angry when he talks about it - it ruined a bit of the magic for me.

So, we hope that whoever took it, really really really loves Snow White and is enjoying it :rolleyes:
Last year they stole our whole stroller. Gone! Disney Lost and Found never got it either. How low is it to just steal another family's stroller from the Happiest Place on Earth - also the place you absolutely NEED a stroller for a toddler!
Last year we had our child stolen from a stroller. Disney gave us 2 fast passes and a Donald key chain so it was cool.
I recommend marking your stroller in a way that it would be immediately recognizable. Some of the markings that people leave are small and inconspicious, so that someone who knows where to look can identify their own stroller. Such a mark does nothing to prevent another guest from accidentally mistaking your stroller for their own. The marker should be so obvious that another guest who isn't paying close attention will realize that the stroller is not her own.

I do both. I have it marked with my last name (not common at all) and phone # in visible spots and then I also have it in a non-visible spot.

That way if someone manages to get the visible markers off I still can prove it's mine if I can find it again.

I remember reading about how someone stole their stroller and then they found it and the family was eating their Oreo cookies that were in the stroller. I don't know why the family didn't take the stroller back, maybe they didn't mark it or couldn't prove it was their's.
We have also never had anything stolen, we take our main backpack with us on the ride and always mark ours with a ribbon or bandana. I figure everyone else has as much junk to keep up with as we do and they don't need more.:thumbsup2
In October 2009 I was using a backpack as a diaper bag. It "mysteriously" disappeared (outside Pirates of the Carribean no less!) and was gone for a few days. (Disney was AWESOME and gave us a bunch of baby supplies until we could replenish back at our hotel!). 2-days later it showed up at lost and found with everything there except my nephew's cheapo CD player and a home-made cd of music. It was only a $20 item and he was okay about it. I was more concerned about our autograph books which were also in it but returned with the bag. It was honestly the inconvenience of having it disappear that was the bigger annoyance to me, but Disney saved our day!

Looking forward to a stroller-free trip in June and will be packing lite as it's only dd (8) and I!
We've been to DW 11 times and I guess only the last 5 times with a stroller. Never had anything stolen from the stroller or the stroller as a whole. We did however go to Sea World one time last year and had our refillable mug (that DD2 chewed on the straw) and the little Disney Spray Fan we purchased while at DW. My daughter asked why someone would steal something like that from us when we purchased it. She's 5 and naive, so I told her obviously they needed it more than us. Lesson learned... It really burned me, but it is what it is. I can't imagine someone wanting a cup with a chewed on straw...
On 3 different trips we rented the double strollers. The back pockets were always full of stuff and our big backpack was always left in the seat when we went on rides. Sometimes we would just park in a general area to tour the whole space - like in Fantasyland rather than moving it each ride. Nothing ever seemed disturbed when we returned. They wouldn't have gotten much more than autograph books, pin lanyards, sunscreen, ponchos, snacks, and early on diapers etc, because we didn't leave valuables in the bag. It was worth it to me to leave it rather than to lug it around and I figured if someone needed it bad enough to risk getting caught and kicked out of Disney that they could have it.
There must be something about the living seas! We had a childs umbrella stolen from the bottom of our stroller while we were in the Living Seas.
Last year we had our child stolen from a stroller. Disney gave us 2 fast passes and a Donald key chain so it was cool.

Ha! That's good stuff right there!

We've never had a problem with anything being stolen, and my DW often times forgets to take the camera and other valuables out of our bags...
Not a stoller, but a wheelchair. My nephew is 16 and has Muscular Dystrophy. He can walk and get around very well for short distances, but uses his power wheel chair to get around at Disney and anywhere else that requires a lot of walking. Over his last 2 or 3 trips to Disney he had been collecting character autographs on a Sorcerer Mickey hat. He had it with him at DHS on their last evening in the parks. The family was ready to ride RnR and stuffed the hat down the back of the chair -- between the power box and the chair itself. (It's easier to leave his chair outside the attraction since he can walk through the queue). They parked the chair so that it was facing outward and the hat was not visible. They were gone 10 minutes and when they got back, the hat was gone. They reported it to a CM who generously replaced the hat with an upgraded one (with lights!) and was able to help them get a few autographs that night before leaving the park. They had an early morning flight, so that was the only opportunity they had to get any autographs (not nearly as many as the original hat had). My nephew was so disappointed -- he worked hard over several trips to collect all the autographs on the original hat. The next morning when they woke up, they found out that Mickey had left a pair of his big white gloves at the front desk for him --complete with dozens of character autographs.

So, sadly, things do get stolen...even from a kid's wheelchair. :sad2:
We've only been twice w/ stroller and kid and so far (knock on wood) we haven't had anything taken. I take the camera bag and small backpack with us on everything. I leave a ziplock w/ a change of clothes for DD and some snacks and maybe a princess dress stuffed in the bottom.

We've left the spray fan, even stuffed animals in the seat (didn't want to soak Minnie on Kali) and it was fine. At AK I had a bag of shoes since we changed to flip flops for Kali. All was fine...maybe we are pushing our luck but we don't leave anything that isn't replacable.

I read about the "dirty diaper trick" I never saw any when we were there.

People really take the refillable cups - how much are those like $15? People are so cheap. :confused: They will pay $50 for a Disney ticket but then steal someone's (used) drink cup?
Not a stoller, but a wheelchair. My nephew is 16 and has Muscular Dystrophy. He can walk and get around very well for short distances, but uses his power wheel chair to get around at Disney and anywhere else that requires a lot of walking. Over his last 2 or 3 trips to Disney he had been collecting character autographs on a Sorcerer Mickey hat. He had it with him at DHS on their last evening in the parks. The family was ready to ride RnR and stuffed the hat down the back of the chair -- between the power box and the chair itself. (It's easier to leave his chair outside the attraction since he can walk through the queue). They parked the chair so that it was facing outward and the hat was not visible. They were gone 10 minutes and when they got back, the hat was gone. They reported it to a CM who generously replaced the hat with an upgraded one (with lights!) and was able to help them get a few autographs that night before leaving the park. They had an early morning flight, so that was the only opportunity they had to get any autographs (not nearly as many as the original hat had). My nephew was so disappointed -- he worked hard over several trips to collect all the autographs on the original hat. The next morning when they woke up, they found out that Mickey had left a pair of his big white gloves at the front desk for him --complete with dozens of character autographs.

So, sadly, things do get stolen...even from a kid's wheelchair. :sad2:

Wow that is horrible. I hope karma got that thief back real good.
Not a stoller, but a wheelchair. My nephew is 16 and has Muscular Dystrophy. He can walk and get around very well for short distances, but uses his power wheel chair to get around at Disney and anywhere else that requires a lot of walking. Over his last 2 or 3 trips to Disney he had been collecting character autographs on a Sorcerer Mickey hat. He had it with him at DHS on their last evening in the parks. The family was ready to ride RnR and stuffed the hat down the back of the chair -- between the power box and the chair itself. (It's easier to leave his chair outside the attraction since he can walk through the queue). They parked the chair so that it was facing outward and the hat was not visible. They were gone 10 minutes and when they got back, the hat was gone. They reported it to a CM who generously replaced the hat with an upgraded one (with lights!) and was able to help them get a few autographs that night before leaving the park. They had an early morning flight, so that was the only opportunity they had to get any autographs (not nearly as many as the original hat had). My nephew was so disappointed -- he worked hard over several trips to collect all the autographs on the original hat. The next morning when they woke up, they found out that Mickey had left a pair of his big white gloves at the front desk for him --complete with dozens of character autographs.

So, sadly, things do get stolen...even from a kid's wheelchair. :sad2:

I'm so sorry that happened to him. But how incredible that they did everything possible to make it better for him! :cheer2:
I'm so sorry that happened to him. But how incredible that they did everything possible to make it better for him! :cheer2:

I know! I thought Disney went above and beyond to make the situation right. It wasn't Disney's fault that it got stolen (and nobody was blaming them -- my DB reported this incident just "for the record" and in case -- by chance -- the thief felt guilty and turned the hat in as "found".). The family was happy when the CM replaced the hat and got them a few "special meetings" with characters to replace some autographs. That was more than they were expecting. Waking up and finding out that Mickey left the autographed gloves for DN was an amazing bonus.
Unfortunately, I did have something stolen one year. I had a fairly nice hat (a bit like a vented safari hat) stolen once out of a rental stroller. It was on top of the stroller with a few other things - a silly cup and some baby toys - obviously it was when our kids were little. I dont remember exactly where it was, but I think it was an inside show which was the reason for leaving the hat. I realize it was my fault for leaving it, but it was disappointing- especially for having to go without a hat until getting another!! WDW sun is a killer. :-)
I don't see how a fake (even if it was real) diaper in a bag would deter anyone. It's not hard to take a bagged diaper and toss it in the garbage as you take off with a stroller.

Because it's gross? And there's 50 strollers right next to it without something gross attached to it?

And it's tied to the stroller's it's not easy to remove without either precise effort (untying the knot) or the potential for spillage. One costs you time..the other potential "biohazard" exposure.

You'd be surprised what social deterrents can accomplish.....


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