How old were you when you first

When I was 13, I was allowed to have mimosas with christmas day brunch. Of course it was more orange juice than champagne for years. I was also allowed small tastes of drinks at family parties.

I think my parents did me a favor since I had already tasted things I had no desire to go out and get drunk in high school.
From a fairly young age (don't remember but probably 6?) I used to have a tiny glass of wine with Sunday lunch. Had my own teeny little glass. Apart from that didn't drink till I was a teenager probably 16 or 17 pretending to be 18 in bars (legal age here). Think I got actually drunk once.

Don't drink at all now as I'm allergic to alcohol (seriously!) and have been since my mid 20s. But once I started driving at 17 I seemed to be everyone's taxi driver so I rarely drank at all.

Never been bothered by alcohol either way. Others seem very bothered that I don't drink at all though - seems to really upset them which is bizarre!
I grew up always allowed to have a sip or two of whatever my parents were drinking.

Beyond that, the first time I ordered a drink and had the whole thing myself I was 15 or 16--it was the year I lived in Spain. I was out at a club area with friends from school, it was perfectly legal. I had gin and Fanta Limon mixed and could not taste the gin. I had two before it hit me and then I HATED how I felt. It is the only time I have been not just tipsy but drunk and I really totally dislike the feeling of not being in control that gave me.

My friends were shocked it hit me so hard and they walked me around on the beach and got me waters for hours until I felt better. I never did throw up and was not hung over the next day. In fact, I have never gotten sick from drinking or been hung over and to this day that is the most alcohol I have had at one time. I do like to have a glass of wine with dinner or in the evenings now, and the occasional mixed drink.
My parents were not regular drinkers, but mom always made Brandy Slush for the family Christmas party. We were allowed a sip or two of that. YUM. I also remember trying a sip of beer from my dad. :sick:
The first time I was tipsy was at 14 when my BFF's mom remarried and I stayed the night with her and an aunt when they left on their honeymoon. Her aunt was only a few years older than us, maybe 20, and let us have wine coolers. We got pretty tipsy.
21. I remember my friends making a big deal about taking me out for my 21st birthday, so we went to a bar. I had no idea what to order because I had never drank before. I remember having a strawberry daquiri. I know, stand back! :lmao: and then they had me do a shot of something, I don't remember now what it was. But it was pretty uneventful. Not much of a drinker, then or now.
I'm such a dork, in HS my friends drank, I freaked out and had my dad come pick me up!!!!

But I had one sip of beer when I was like 18/19 in college - spit it back out. I didn't drink enough to get drunk til I was like 22? Not to say I don't ever get drunk but I'm really not a big drinker. And when I do, i can't taste the alcohol or I won't drink it.

My brother on the other hand... he drank in HS all the time. Heck somone gave hime a beer bong for a graduation present (the worst part was my parents allowed it)
I was 14, the summer before high school and we drank Boone's Farm wine at $1.24 a bottle. Although I told my kids I was 17 and a senior high school.
I'm not going to tell them of my Southern Comfort experience at 15. :sad2:
I would say summer before high school. It used to be quite easy back in the day to stand outside the liquor store and give a stranger money and ask them to buy you beer. It just boggles my mind that we did stuff like that!!!!
I never knew the dangers of alcohol as a child or teen really,nothing was said about drunk driving and never knew you could actually die of alcohol poisoning.
My friend lost her 14 year old daughter last year when she drank on the beach at night, passed out, the tide came up and she drowned. She was a fabulous girl and excellent student who had never been in any kind of trouble. It might very well have been her first time trying alcohol. Kids really need to be warned.
I was 14, the summer before high school and we drank Boone's Farm wine at $1.24 a bottle. Although I told my kids I was 17 and a senior high school.
I'm not going to tell them of my Southern Comfort experience at 15. :sad2:

ROFLMAO--We used to get Boones Farm Apple wine when I was a kid--it was cheap! We also used to get Tango- it was like a premixed vodka and orange juice thing.
I don't recall the first time I drank but I know we drank in high school (before that we used to take sips from the bar my dad had in our basement playroom but never drank-just sips of each one!) because I remember standing outside deli's with friends asking people to pick up a 6 pack for us...back them people did it, was not a big deal-would NEVER do that for anyone now though! My friends boyfriend was a diabetic so we used to use one of his syringes and inject Vodka into oranges and eat those at lunch time in the school cafeteria!
My 16th birthday (drinkin age was 18 way back then) we went to a local bar- I drank so many 7 & 7's (only mixed drink I knew the name of and that was because of Saturday Night Fever LOL) I walked outside and puked all over the sidewalk in front of the bar- BLECH! Felt so bad the next day thats the last time I let myself get that drunk!!
Probably 2 or 3. We were allowed sips of our parent's drinks early on. As we got older, for holidays we were allowed a small glass of wine-probably around age 10 or so. It was never a big deal in our house so when all of our friends were partying in high school we thought it was pretty stupid. I was drunk for the first time when I turned 19 in college-legal drinking age then. I went out for my first "bar" drink at 18 in Wisconsin, which was the legal age back then. We had one drink and went home just because we could. :lmao:
I would say summer before high school. It used to be quite easy back in the day to stand outside the liquor store and give a stranger money and ask them to buy you beer. It just boggles my mind that we did stuff like that!!!!

True. It wasn't considered a big deal to drink, back then. I remember in High School, on the weekends, we used to make something called "Purple Jesus". We'd go to the beach and everyone would bring a bottle of booze (rum, vodka, wiskey,... It didn't matter) and a bottle of Grape Juice. It would all go in one big bucket, all mixed together.
Probably around 16 or 17 and it was one shared can of beer. The legal age was 18 then, so that was the extent of my taste-testing until I turned 18.
21 - I had a little bit of the complimentary bottle of champagne the hotel gave us on our wedding night.

DH will be 31 next month and has never had alcohol.
Well, there's a picture of me drinking out of a Schmidt's beer bottle - and I am about 6 months old ;)

My parents always let me sip their beer, have wine/champagne at holidays or with dinner, etc. My dad had a beer with dinner every night...

I have always been around alcohol and can't recall there ever being a "first time".

We are very open with our kids and alcohol. we let them sip if the want, they can have some wine with holiday meals, if they want, etc.

I come from a lonnnnng line of closeted grandma died of it....and so I figure I am not going to hide it from my sons. I will inform them and hope and pray they make the correct decisions..
That I can remember 18 (thats the legal age over here) that I don't remember, my mother said I had a slug of champagne when I was 10 months old. Rarely drink at all now. Normally just on holiday and a glass of champagne at christmas and New year.
My 21st birthday. I got some fruity drink at a restaurant. I still haven't tried beer. Alcohol never appealed to me, and it still doesn't.
I was 18. Legal drinking age in my state was 21

Very first time I drank Boonesberry Farm wine. That stuff was nasty.

Now days, I barely drink at all. Can't even remember the last time I took a sip of alcohol.


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