Biggest Loser 11 Spring Team Challenge--for Losers and Maintainers

I HAD to go shopping. my pants are Hanging off me! I hit Kohl's with a 30% off and did well. I have worn a 14 for years. I went in to get 12s and needed a 10!!! SOOOOO Happy! i almost cried in the fitting room!! Texted DH at work! :lmao: I also got an adorable dress on the clearance rack! It is a MEDIUM!!! Did you read that MEDIUM!!!!!!! :banana: I also got M shirts!!! :dance3:

Can you tell I am excited? Thanks everyone for your support!:flower3:

Have a great weekend everyone!!

Oh my GOSH! That is REALLY exciting! I can so relate to that feeling! WTG!! :banana:

OK, I can pretty much guarantee that I won't be on more than once tomorrow!

I've got to go to work for a bit and hopefully not have to stay as I still have a lot to do before tomorrow night. I have one tub of things packed for tomorrow! I thought I'd just use tubs so the stuff will stay dry and all together.

My mom's appointments are at 2 and 3 tomorrow. She and my sister are going to go to a different main doctor after tomorrow after some things that the doctor said/did that they were not happy with. They are going to see the doctor my dad saw and the same radiology oncologist. After I get the phone call tomorrow I have to call my brother, my AUnt and two church friends of my mom's. I also have to pick up Ash early to have her orthodontist consult at 1:30. It's going to be a crazy day!

I hope to try and sleep until 6:20 tomorrow since I'm not sleeping tomorrow night! I hope to get to the relay by 5 to get the tents and other stuff set up. Really looking forward to spending time with my team. They seem really awesome!

Well, we're watching the Bruins game and it's intense! I also feel I need something to eat!

I'll try and stop in on Saturday at some point!

TTFN :tigger:

Hope you get it all done today! Sounds like a busy day!

Best of luck at Relay. Hopefully the weather will cooperate. I walked on a Relay team in MA for about 10 years and we NEVER had rain once. Guess we were really lucky!

Good Friday morning Teams. We made it to the end. Today is the last weigh in for this challenge. Good luck to everyone.

I missed coming on yesterday. The boards were down in the morning and then I had a dinner to go to in the afternoon.

I am moving very slow this morning. I couldn't go to yoga last night and I think my body is rebelling. I ache all over. it will get better as I get moving this morning.

Dh is going camping this weekend so it is going to be quiet around here. I hope to get some things done around here. My only obligation this weekend is something for church on Sunday morning.

I have lost any time I had to get some things done this morning. Have to get ready for work .

Have a happy and healthy day.

And we missed you yesterday too! Glad the weather held out for the camping so that you can enjoy your "me" time this weekend. Enjoy the new sewing table!

Pam, not sure why I'm feeling so hungry lately.popcorn:: I go through that sometimes. I know last week I ate a lot while I was home so it could be my body adjusting back to more normal sized portions. Could be hormones, stress, you name it! I also tend to start off the day doing very well only to be ravenous later. I think I need more calories earlier in the day. And, more discipline later :rotfl:

Hopefully it will work itself out! Maybe you could find some new filling foods that are light in calories to help out when the "hungries" come attacking!

Well, friends, I hope you are all coming back for the Summer challenge. I am looking forward to staying in touch and hearing everyone's travel stories and having some place to vent when I get stressed with my transition back to the States. Have a great day and a great weekend and I will see you again on May 31st:cool2:


I hope we are all back for the summer challenge too! I LOVE our group!

:cool1::cool1:That is so exciting. I totally remember that size 10 changing room moment :lmao:

Busy day here today too. DH was home sick yesterday, haven't seem him that sick in years. Thankfully he is feeling better today and has gone to work. I walked around with a can of lysol all day hoping to keep the rest of us bug free.

Nick has an away game this afternoon that we can't go to since Colby has a home game. I'm expecting some new equipment to arrive this morning for Nick so I will meet him at school with some hot food and new equipment before the bus takes off. I need to pick up a watermelon and get that cut up for Colby's team for half time. I also need to get a bunch of things done around the house plus a few phone calls that need to be made.

Glad Dh is mending quickly. Thank goodness for Lyson!!

Good luck to both boys this afternoon!

I'll be back later................P
Good morning everyone!!

I want to thank each and everyone of you here for all the support and inspiration I have recieved through this spring challenge. I have read every post along the way, and though I don't always have the time I'd like to chat here, whether you're sharing your struggles or celebrating your successes, you have made a difference to me. I have smiled, laughed out loud, and cried with you, and feel so blessed to have found such a wonderful group of friends to travel this journey with.:hug:

We do have a GREAT group here and you are a big POSITIVE part of it!! :hug:

On the weight loss front, I ended up with a 0.4 loss for the challenge. It was a wake up call to see 209.8 on the scale this morning. Way too close to going back up to another decade. Not happy with myself since in feb I had seen 202.8, so I put 7 pounds back on since the princess half.
So what am I going to do about it? Well, make a plan, a pjlla plan. I have written out an exercise plan for the next 4 weeks taking me to my 5k june 15th and it's hanging on my fridge. I use little check boxes, and do not like when I don't fill them in. I cleaned off my kitchen counter, and will leave my food journal there where I will not put something in my mouth before I write it. Have a paper journal I keep in my pocket at work, and will copy it into the notebook after work.

I can totally understand the frustration about not being down more at the end of the challenge. For my sake, I wish the challenge ended the day I left for Disney. That would have been perfect! Instead, I end this challenge up significantly! It is super aggravating.

If it is too much work to transfer the info into your journal at the end of the day, just tape the pocket page into the journal. I do that sometimes if I find myself away for a day and forgetting my journal. Sure, its not as pretty.... but it saves time!

My goal for the summer challenge is to get to ONE-derland again, so 10 pounds, and after my 5k in june I will follow a training plan for the half in september.

I'm waiting for you here in ONE-derland! Come join me!!N

Now, this all may be null and void when the world ends tomorrow.:rotfl2:

Congratulations to everyone who has stuck with this challenge, through all the ups and downs. :cheer2:
:grouphug:A big group hug for all the stress and worries so many have been going through. Prayers that everything works out and we all have a fantastic, peaceful and happy summer.:goodvibes


Enjoying the marathon

Life is like a marathon. We run and run, not knowing where (or how far) the finish line lies. We focus so intensely on prolonging the race but sometimes--despite our best efforts--the race is cut short. Too often we don't relish the path of and enjoy the details instead of just pounding the pavement of life. What personal boundaries can you expand to help you enjoy your life? Today meditate on the simple joys: a warm bath, reading a book to a sleepy toddler, or spending quality time with your family and friends. All of life contains bumps in the road such as losing your job or an unforeseen illness. But it is up to us to determine the quality of our lives. Remember, we don't always determine the distance, but we can determine the path.

You can't do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth. - Shira Tehrani (I don't know who this person is but they did come up with this good quote that is all over the internet).

What a great way to look at this!!

QOTD Friday May 20 Will you do something today to enjoy the simple joys of life? And if so, will you share it, either before or after it's done? :hippie:

I'll be back later with replies.

I'll think about this one and get back to you!

I I'm with you Pamela, at work and a little frantic. I've pretty much done everything I can do on the big project this week, now I just have to hope all the pieces I've sent out come back, and everyone is really responsive -- which I don't have a good feeling about. I guess we'll see how the day plays out...

I find it MOST stressful when I have to rely on OTHERS to pull through for a project that is on my shoulders, so I know how you are feeling.

QOTD Friday May 20 Will you do something today to enjoy the simple joys of life? And if so, will you share it, either before or after it's done?

Today I'm going to listen to a DIS Podcast segment while I enjoy my lunch of hummus, peppers, carrots, dates, and veggie chips. For me, that is a simple joy -- eating a healthy meal while being entertained. But for something not involving food -- I'm reading a funny paranormal romance, and I'm going to make sure I have some time for a few chapters tonight. :lovestruc

Thanks, Lisa -- what a great question!

Maria :upsidedow

I'm enjoying my healthy lunch salad while I am DISing here! But I need to hustle and be off to recess in about 2 minutes!!

It sounds like a lot of us could benefit from writing down our goals and our plan to achieve them before we move to the next challenge. So I offer a challenge to everyone:

Over the next week think about your goals for the Summer Challenge and how you plan to achieve them. Write them down somewhere-- in your journal, post them here, put them on a sticky, put a note on the refrigerator etc. Summer can offer unique challenges for some of us so how will you deal with those challenges. Put it in writing so you can look at your plan everyday!


I'll work on mine later and try to post it.

Love to see it!S

o on this last official BL weigh in day I am happy to be able to say:


I wasn't sure if I was going to make it but my weight every morning this week has been a definite 25 pound loss! I like to see the same number consistently for a few days before I feel it is "real". My personal weigh in day isn't until Sunday so I am kind of hoping that maybe I will actually be a little further down. A little birdie is telling me that if I am good today and tomorrow then it probably will be.:rolleyes1

I can not thank everyone here enough. The friendship and accountability and just having someone to share with every day has been wonderful (especially since none of my IRL friends have noticed YET!) I can't even remember the last time I was at this weight. It was probably at least 5 years ago. This summer will be the most challenging time for me so I am hoping I will be able to continue to get here every day and read and check in. That will be on my list of goals!

I still have a very long way to go, but from my highest weight ever last year I have now lost 42 pounds and 25 (maybe 26;) ) since Jan 1st. Losing 10 pounds six more times now seems really doable.

Have to run and grab a shower but will try to get back later.


I am SO PROUD of you!! That is just AWESOME! :cool1::banana::yay::dance3::cheer2: You deserve ALL of the happy smilies!!

Well... one last bite of lunch and I need to dash to recess!..........P
Well I finished down 10.4 for the challenge, which is pretty good, although I get frustrated that it takes so long to take the weight off! Thanks so much to Rose, Dona, LisaH, CC, Connie, and Tracey for running this challenge, it does help me stay on track. A big congratulations to everyone who made it to the end! :cool1:

I've got a very busy weekend ahead of me, DD5 has 2 birthday parties to attend, DS9 has diving on Saturday and the kids tri on Sunday (its for kids ages 5-14). The rain has prevented us from getting out to train as much as we'd like, but I am just hoping he does his best and is pleased with his performance. We are going out Saturday night to celebrate my birthday (which is on Monday! :goodvibes), and both kids have end of the year programs at school today. I'd like to squeeze in a run somewhere in there. I took 4 days off after the 5K and thought I was recovered, but when I ran yesterday there was still some lingering soreness. I must have really pushed myself!

Happy early Birthday!! Enjoy your busy, busy weekend!

I had better go tackle my long to do list. I'll try to follow along this weekend.

Good luck getting through the list!

**********Okay.... I'm relatively caught up here!

The scale was :scared1: this morning! Not sure why. I am actually UP over a pound from last Friday (and up over my immediate post-Disney weight!!:eek:). It is a bit baffling considering I've stuck STRICTLY with my SB/WW plan since last Sunday morning, but oh well. TOM never came to visit last time and mid-cycle bloating is a definite possibility, but who knows. I didn't have very good workouts these past 5 days, so I'm sure that contributed somewhat.

That said, I put my mind into running last night and pulled out a 5K with a decent time. Considering I haven't actually run any distance for a few months now, I was pleased. I still don't like running, but it is nice to know that I can do it occasionally for a change. And it was different last night because I ran because I WANTED to run, not because I was "supposed" to run or "scheduled" to run. I gave myself permission to stop whenever I wanted and I choose to keep going for a full 5K! :)

I'll be back in a few minutes. Gotta get a movie started for the kiddos. Gonna learn about Pond Life today! :thumbsup2 ........................P
Helllllllooooooooo Losers!!!!

Just a quick pop in to say hey, so.........HEY!!!!

Congrats to all of our losers!
Congrats to everyone who made it this far!

Prayers going up to those who need it!

Need to go weigh in still, but TOM came a smidge early, no wonder my weight was up and my mood was down.

Bought new sneakers today, my others were looking and feeling sad, so I'm hoping to hit the dreadmill tonight since DH is home.
Yesterday DH and I bought iPod nano's that clip to a watch band, it has a pedometer built in so I'm trying to see how accurate it is.
I was hoping to download C25K on it, but apparently the new nanos aren't app compatible as of yet. :sad1: But I'll figure it out, maybe I can set up some kind of alarm system or something. And I plan to email Apple and ask why. It's a 16g iPod, it has the storage and capabilities to have apps.

Anyway. Rambling here to avoid the Twinkies that DD has sitting on the table. I'm trying figure out lunch. Not sure what to have.

I hop everyone has a great day! And a great weekend!
As I was mentioning giving myself "permission" in my previous post, I got wondering if I was the only one who does things like that. I know that Rose has talked before about giving herself permission to end her workouts after 15 minutes if she didn't want to continue.

I have lots of silly "rules" like that for myself and my household. Sometimes when I mention them to people they think that I am kind of strict or a bit anal retentive!! :rotfl: I prefer to think of them as rules that help keep my life more on track!

Like these....

ALL plastic containers must have a lid before they are put away (helps keep from having a cupboard full of containers with missing lids!).

Beds are to be made before I leave for work or before I workout (depending on the day). Tough on days when DH is still in bed when I leave, since I am the only bed-maker in the house! But I will make it when I get home, even if it is 5pm! And I just cannot get on the TM in the bedroom and look at an unmade bed.... makes me nuts!

I will not leave the house with dirty dishes in the sink. Another tough thing in the mornings, especially if the dishwasher is full of clean stuff that I don't have time to put away! When DH had his accident, one of the "little" blessings was that I KNEW that when the house was full of strangers and EMTS and neighbors (before I got there), that at least the kitchen was picked up and the sink wasn't full of dishes! Silly, but at least it made me feel better!

Clothes on the clothesline are NOT to stay out overnight.... don't want to risk getting a load skunked!

Anyhow.... that is just a short list of my "Pamela" rules that I kind of institute for myself. Anyone else have stuff like that that they carry around in their heads? I guess they are my "Rules for a (slightly) organized life!"

Tonight's chicken never got put in the crockpot, so I'm not sure what we will eat tonight. I ended up spending a few minute on the computer following up with some Relay issues and ran out of time this morning. DD and I barely made it to school on time! Not the norm for us.

I will have about 20 minutes at home before we rush out again for swim (normally we don't go home, but DD was running so late she didn't have time to pack up her swim bag). I think I'll throw the chicken in a pan and get it sauteed and then throw it in the fridge. That way, when I get home about 7:30 I can make a quick chicken and broccoli dish for dinner. Sounds like a plan! Maybe an oriental chicken and broccoli with some soy.

Thinking about a family trip to the movies tomorrow to see the new POTC movie. I'm not a huge fan and wouldn't normally care about seeing it immediately, but our next few weekends are very busy with swim, so this might be our only chance to see it all together. I'll see what is playing at the second-run theater too.... maybe there is something good there that we missed. We also bought a few new movies at Costco this week ($6 off all Pixar movies)..... "Tangled" and "The Princess and the Frog" and "Up. Plus we got new copy of Monsters Inc, since ours doesn't work any more. We could have a family movie night at home. Guess we'll play it by ear.

Yet another rainy day here....:rolleyes: I'm SO tired of it. Maybe we'll get some sun this weekend. Hopefully this will pass and we will have a GREAT Memorial Day weekend. That is really the start of camping season around here.

Speaking of camping, DS cannot seem to figure out what he wants to do for Mother/Son weekend this year. I've made lots of suggestions, but he just doesn't seem very excited about any of them. Any ideas? Something within a 4 hour drive of home, which includes most of MA, about the top 1/2 or 2/3 of Connecticut, most of VT, southern ME, all of RI, and most of NH (and maybe a bit of NY State). We have traveled as far as Montreal, but that was the outside edge of his riding tolerance.

We like to camp together, but aren't opposed to a nice hotel stay either. He likes kind of "typical" boy activities. We've done some rock hunting at a mine, an safari park in Quebec, Old Orchard Beach in ME, and of course, Disney. We aren't big into "active" vacations like lots of hiking or biking or rowing, but wouldn't mind some of this. I love museums (mostly history, not art), but DS isn't a big fan.

I've suggested some camping at the far end of the Cape and some beach activities. I've suggested Martha's Vineyard or Nantucket. I've suggested Coney Island (he loves amusement/theme parks!) with a day trip to NYC. I've suggested Lake Compounce in CT (never been, but Dis folks have highly recommended it before). I wouldn't really care to go to Six Flags, but it may end up being an option.


Helllllllooooooooo Losers!!!!

Just a quick pop in to say hey, so.........HEY!!!!

Congrats to all of our losers!
Congrats to everyone who made it this far!

Prayers going up to those who need it!

Need to go weigh in still, but TOM came a smidge early, no wonder my weight was up and my mood was down.

Bought new sneakers today, my others were looking and feeling sad, so I'm hoping to hit the dreadmill tonight since DH is home.
Yesterday DH and I bought iPod nano's that clip to a watch band, it has a pedometer built in so I'm trying to see how accurate it is.
I was hoping to download C25K on it, but apparently the new nanos aren't app compatible as of yet. :sad1: But I'll figure it out, maybe I can set up some kind of alarm system or something. And I plan to email Apple and ask why. It's a 16g iPod, it has the storage and capabilities to have apps.

Anyway. Rambling here to avoid the Twinkies that DD has sitting on the table. I'm trying figure out lunch. Not sure what to have.

I hop everyone has a great day! And a great weekend!

and HEY right back to you!!

How has your visit with DH been?

DS has the nano with the pedometer, but I've never thought to check it out.

Twinkies are icky.... I have no problem avoiding them.... but Little Debbie Swiss Rolls... like CRACK to an addict! :eek: :rotfl2: Guess we each have our achille's heels!!

I love the comment about PMS and the weight being up and the mood being down! It is SO right about those times!

What kind of sneakers did you buy? I'm still having foot pain, even when wearing my good Aasics.... both my running ones and my walking ones. Guess I need to either get an insert or find another brand. I ran through the pain last night, but by the time I was done it wasn't too noticeable.

How are the sickies? Better??

As I was mentioning giving myself "permission" in my previous post, I got wondering if I was the only one who does things like that. I know that Rose has talked before about giving herself permission to end her workouts after 15 minutes if she didn't want to continue.

Speaking of camping, DS cannot seem to figure out what he wants to do for Mother/Son weekend this year. I've made lots of suggestions, but he just doesn't seem very excited about any of them. Any ideas? Something within a 4 hour drive of home, which includes most of MA, about the top 1/2 or 2/3 of Connecticut, most of VT, southern ME, all of RI, and most of NH (and maybe a bit of NY State). We have traveled as far as Montreal, but that was the outside edge of his riding tolerance.

I'm definitely also in the "permission & rules" school. I have to make our bed before I leave in the morning. I can't turn on the computer until I put my contacts in. I have to put away the load of clothes I washed that day before I go to bed (this one gets broken from time to time...). I can't do a manicure/pedicure until all the chores I had planned get done (I need to rethink this one, I'm not doing myself any favors).

With regards to the mother/son trip -- it's all downhill after they outgrow StoryLand and Santa's Village, isn't it?! :rotfl: I don't have any brilliant ideas, but I'm eager to see what others post. I know ds is looking forward to a day at Water Country, and we like wandering around Portsmouth -- you can have a meal at A Friendly Toast, take a boat tour, visit Strawberry Banke, etc. As long as we make stops in book stores and include an afternoon ice cream treat, ds is good. :confused3

Maria :upsidedow
Pamela ~ No ideas on a weekend getaway Pamela, but........ If you come to CT you better call me!!!!!!!!!!!!
How about Block Island? Newport? NYC would be awesome! We are headed there this summer to meet some West Coast DIS'ers.

Visit with DH has been good, short but sweet. Not sure when we will see him again, probably the 2nd weekend in June.

I don't like twinkies but they are calling my name, so I'd better figure out lunch soon!

I bought new asics, like the ones you had at Disney. I bought one street running pair and I bought the trail runners too. They have more heel support which I need.
Get inserts!!!! I love mine.
I can attest for LTS and myself, get thyself to the Doctor!!! Don't ignore the foot pain. I'm calling today to make my boot appt, haven't had time as of yet to do it.
I hate the end of the school year, it's crazy busy!

Sickies are better! WooHoo!! Only DS10 stayed home today but he is a million times better and not barking anymore.

How's DD?
Hey are y'all going to the DIS movie meet in July? Only 50 spots left and I'm thinking of going with the clan.
I'm definitely also in the "permission & rules" school. I have to make our bed before I leave in the morning. I can't turn on the computer until I put my contacts in. I have to put away the load of clothes I washed that day before I go to bed (this one gets broken from time to time...). I can't do a manicure/pedicure until all the chores I had planned get done (I need to rethink this one, I'm not doing myself any favors).

I try to stick with wash/dry/fold/put away all in one day, but that rule flies out the window often recently!!

With regards to the mother/son trip -- it's all downhill after they outgrow StoryLand and Santa's Village, isn't it?! :rotfl: I don't have any brilliant ideas, but I'm eager to see what others post. I know ds is looking forward to a day at Water Country, and we like wandering around Portsmouth -- you can have a meal at A Friendly Toast, take a boat tour, visit Strawberry Banke, etc. As long as we make stops in book stores and include an afternoon ice cream treat, ds is good. :confused3

Maria :upsidedow

I love Strawberry Banke.... kids not so much. We had a great time at Water Country last year. DD's swim team had a small group day there. I brought along DS and his girlfriend and we had a great day (mostly cause the kids each had a friend and I had grown-ups to visit with)! But I don't love it for myself... but we could work it into a M/S weekend I suppose.

I agree... once they've outgrown Storyland, it's all downhill!!:lmao:

Pamela ~ No ideas on a weekend getaway Pamela, but........ If you come to CT you better call me!!!!!!!!!!!!

You KNOW I would!!

How about Block Island?

What's there??


Would like to do this as a family weekend someday.

NYC would be awesome! We are headed there this summer to meet some West Coast DIS'ers.

We had a family vacation there a few years ago that was cut short by DD's appendicitis. DS never got to see Times Square and he would like to... but I don't think he'd be up for a full-on NYC weekend.

Visit with DH has been good, short but sweet. Not sure when we will see him again, probably the 2nd weekend in June.

Keep the marriage fresh, right??;)

I don't like twinkies but they are calling my name, so I'd better figure out lunch soon!

I bought new asics, like the ones you had at Disney. I bought one street running pair and I bought the trail runners too. They have more heel support which I need.
Get inserts!!!! I love mine.
I can attest for LTS and myself, get thyself to the Doctor!!! Don't ignore the foot pain. I'm calling today to make my boot appt, haven't had time as of yet to do it.

I know that I shouldn't ignore this... especially since I think it is PF and my Mom has had issues with is for years. I guess I'm being a bit of an ostrich and hoping it will go away if I ignore it.

IHow's DD?
Hey are y'all going to the DIS movie meet in July? Only 50 spots left and I'm thinking of going with the clan.

She's just fine. School work has been INSANE this week! Up til 11 or 12 most nights and cutting short her swim practice. Hopefully it will let up soon.

I need to look again at the link for that meet. I'll let you know after I check it out...................P
As I was mentioning giving myself "permission" in my previous post, I got wondering if I was the only one who does things like that. I know that Rose has talked before about giving herself permission to end her workouts after 15 minutes if she didn't want to continue.

I have lots of silly "rules" like that for myself and my household. Sometimes when I mention them to people they think that I am kind of strict or a bit anal retentive!! :rotfl: I prefer to think of them as rules that help keep my life more on track!

Like these....

ALL plastic containers must have a lid before they are put away (helps keep from having a cupboard full of containers with missing lids!).

Beds are to be made before I leave for work or before I workout (depending on the day). Tough on days when DH is still in bed when I leave, since I am the only bed-maker in the house! But I will make it when I get home, even if it is 5pm! And I just cannot get on the TM in the bedroom and look at an unmade bed.... makes me nuts!

I will not leave the house with dirty dishes in the sink. Another tough thing in the mornings, especially if the dishwasher is full of clean stuff that I don't have time to put away! When DH had his accident, one of the "little" blessings was that I KNEW that when the house was full of strangers and EMTS and neighbors (before I got there), that at least the kitchen was picked up and the sink wasn't full of dishes! Silly, but at least it made me feel better!

Clothes on the clothesline are NOT to stay out overnight.... don't want to risk getting a load skunked!

Anyhow.... that is just a short list of my "Pamela" rules that I kind of institute for myself. Anyone else have stuff like that that they carry around in their heads? I guess they are my "Rules for a (slightly) organized life!"

Tonight's chicken never got put in the crockpot, so I'm not sure what we will eat tonight. I ended up spending a few minute on the computer following up with some Relay issues and ran out of time this morning. DD and I barely made it to school on time! Not the norm for us.

I will have about 20 minutes at home before we rush out again for swim (normally we don't go home, but DD was running so late she didn't have time to pack up her swim bag). I think I'll throw the chicken in a pan and get it sauteed and then throw it in the fridge. That way, when I get home about 7:30 I can make a quick chicken and broccoli dish for dinner. Sounds like a plan! Maybe an oriental chicken and broccoli with some soy.

Thinking about a family trip to the movies tomorrow to see the new POTC movie. I'm not a huge fan and wouldn't normally care about seeing it immediately, but our next few weekends are very busy with swim, so this might be our only chance to see it all together. I'll see what is playing at the second-run theater too.... maybe there is something good there that we missed. We also bought a few new movies at Costco this week ($6 off all Pixar movies)..... "Tangled" and "The Princess and the Frog" and "Up. Plus we got new copy of Monsters Inc, since ours doesn't work any more. We could have a family movie night at home. Guess we'll play it by ear.

Yet another rainy day here....:rolleyes: I'm SO tired of it. Maybe we'll get some sun this weekend. Hopefully this will pass and we will have a GREAT Memorial Day weekend. That is really the start of camping season around here.

Speaking of camping, DS cannot seem to figure out what he wants to do for Mother/Son weekend this year. I've made lots of suggestions, but he just doesn't seem very excited about any of them. Any ideas? Something within a 4 hour drive of home, which includes most of MA, about the top 1/2 or 2/3 of Connecticut, most of VT, southern ME, all of RI, and most of NH (and maybe a bit of NY State). We have traveled as far as Montreal, but that was the outside edge of his riding tolerance.

We like to camp together, but aren't opposed to a nice hotel stay either. He likes kind of "typical" boy activities. We've done some rock hunting at a mine, an safari park in Quebec, Old Orchard Beach in ME, and of course, Disney. We aren't big into "active" vacations like lots of hiking or biking or rowing, but wouldn't mind some of this. I love museums (mostly history, not art), but DS isn't a big fan.

I've suggested some camping at the far end of the Cape and some beach activities. I've suggested Martha's Vineyard or Nantucket. I've suggested Coney Island (he loves amusement/theme parks!) with a day trip to NYC. I've suggested Lake Compounce in CT (never been, but Dis folks have highly recommended it before). I wouldn't really care to go to Six Flags, but it may end up being an option.



You could camp with us. We try to go several times over the summer. We're going to Moosehillock campground for Memorial Day weekend. They have a themed pool and daily activities. We're going to our favorite campground the weekend of July 22nd. It's in Danville, VT. They are having a competition weekend with planned activities on Saturday. They usually have a mini golf tournament, tennis, free throw basketball, horseshoes,shuffleboard, arm wrestling and it ends with karioke in the evening. We always have tons of fun.

We are also thinking of going to Lake George the first week in August, but haven't firmed that up yet. We'd be up for adding another weekend or two along the way, but haven't picked dates or campgrounds yet.
Much better day!!!!!!!!!

I have no idea how many points I had though. Well, I should be clearer. I had 2 for breakfast, 3 for snack, 7? for lunch, and 4 for snack. That's 16ish. Dinner was at least 5, but doubtfully 13. I don't know for sure though, as my father made the teriyaki sauce from scratch. I know there's soy sauce and rice vinegar in it and he likely put honey it too. The protein was shrimp, which is pretty low in points. The rest of the meal was veggies and rice. Overall, I feel very good about today!

I ended up with 4+ hours of OT this week. The money will be great for WDW. My sister and BIL each have a b-day before our trip, so I'll probably get them each a small gift certificate. Just some spending money so they can buy a coffee or an ice cream. My parents are paying for everything and I'm guessing they would feel awkward asking them to pay for "the little things."

I've done a lot of thinking about moving out of my parents' house and think that I'll be ready in September or October. It's a big deal financially so I do have to think things over carefully. I've been saving, but KWIM.

Well, I'm ready for bed. Nigh all!

Twinkies are icky.... I have no problem avoiding them.... but Little Debbie Swiss Rolls... like CRACK to an addict! :eek: :rotfl2: Guess we each have our achille's heels!!
ANOTHER thing we have in common!

Much better day!!!!!!!!!

I have no idea how many points I had though. Well, I should be clearer. I had 2 for breakfast, 3 for snack, 7? for lunch, and 4 for snack. That's 16ish. Dinner was at least 5, but doubtfully 13. I don't know for sure though, as my father made the teriyaki sauce from scratch. I know there's soy sauce and rice vinegar in it and he likely put honey it too. The protein was shrimp, which is pretty low in points. The rest of the meal was veggies and rice. Overall, I feel very good about today!

I ended up with 4+ hours of OT this week.

I've done a lot of thinking about moving out of my parents' house and think that I'll be ready in September or October. It's a big deal financially so I do have to think things over carefully. I've been saving, but KWIM.
Just in this post you sound less stressed. Glad it was a good day. :sunny:

I can attest for LTS and myself, get thyself to the Doctor!!! Don't ignore the foot pain. I'm calling today to make my boot appt, haven't had time as of yet to do it.
I know that I shouldn't ignore this... especially since I think it is PF and my Mom has had issues with is for years. I guess I'm being a bit of an ostrich and hoping it will go away if I ignore it.

Hmmmmmm. Perhaps I should post some truly gruesome photos that might help motivate you to get to the dr???? No, they aren't of my feet, but of me unable to get up off the couch, me in wheelchair unable to walk, me before and after several surgeries, and for extra horror I can see if I can put together a pictorial timeline so you can see my weight balloon up as things got worse and worse because I ignored it and hoped it would go away. . . .:rolleyes1

Make the appointment. :flower3:

Had a pretty good day today. Had a lot of fun at DD11's school. They all made "gross" food that looked or sounded terrible but was really all great-- things like dirt cake and kitty litter cake and things with gummy worms. DD made Swamp Water. It turned out great. The fish eggs were cooked tapioca pearls and the kids were truly amazed by them! Here is the recipe P and anyone else that is interested. Would have been great for your Pond unit today!

We just got back from a Percussion Concert at the High School. It was really enjoyable and not really anything like I expected. I was so impressed with the kids.

Yesterday DD11 had her Girl Scout Bridging Ceremony and DD15 had her last band concert-- both at basically the same time. DD15 was really disappointed that I wouldn't be able to make it. We had to split up and DH went with her and I went to the GS event. As it ended up they did the bridging really quick and were done by 6:30 and moving on to the large amounts of desserts and social time. I killed two birds with one stone-- avoided the desserts all together and was able to make girls happy. I got someone else to take DD11 home so she could stay and play and I raced back across town and got to the concert just as the group before hers was finishing.

In the absence of willpower I figure total avoidance is the best strategy anyway! I would have enjoyed some time to sit and relax with my friends but really wanted to get to the concert.

So DH has signed up for a 5K next weekend and I am signed up too! Well, okay, I am signed up for the .5 mile Fun Run (walk in my case). Should be a lot of fun and we are looking forward to cheering Daddy on in his first 5K in about 14 years.:cheer2:

No big plans this weekend. DD15 has been invited to 2 movies so may go see Prom in the early afternoon and then see PotC later in the day. We have swim practice on Sunday. I need to do some major cleaning so I will probably be doing that most of the weekend. And working on my goals for the next challenge.:)

Have a great weekend everyone!:goodvibes
Sorry, I haven't posted my weight in a couple weeks. Life has been crazy and so has my eating pattern. We just had to put my Mom in dementia care at the Nursing Home -- some days are good and some days are very bad. Mother's Day she didn't know who I was. It was a very sad day for me. We just finished getting her apt packed up and most of the contents put into storage. I still have the task ahead of me of going through everything, but I just can't do that right now. In addition, my stomach has been in an uproar. I was just diagnosed in the last 2 weeks with a bleeding ulcer and H. pylori bacteria in my stomach. I am on treatment for both and have to have more tests run in a couple weeks. My weight went up 4 pounds in a week and I was embarrassed by all the junk I was eating. I weighted yesterday and I am back to the weight I was several weeks ago when I reported in. I have finally re focused and ready to try to continue my weight loss journey.

Team Donald
Good morning all! :goodvibes

Apparently I need to work on my guest coach skills because I was never able to come back on yesterday to catch up. Sorry about that! :flower3:

PrincessNancy, congratulations on the new clothes sizes! :cool1:

Dona, enjoy your quiet week-end! :flower3:

Shawn, have a wonderful time with your friend! :goodvibes I love your goals for the Summer Challenge.

Congratulations to everyone who has stuck with this challenge, through all the ups and downs. :grouphug:A big group hug for all the stress and worries so many have been going through. Prayers that everything works out and we all have a fantastic, peaceful and happy summer.:goodvibes

::yes:: Amen, sister! Your plan for the 5K sounds great!

Maria, enjoy that Johnny Depp therapy! pirate: I think we could all use some! ;)

I found a cute tshirt at Kohls that I bought when I was there with DH last weekend. DD15 looked at it in the bag and came over and said "Mom, I see you have lost an X, way to go!" She went to the top of my Favorites list that night!

Isn't that wonderful that your lost an X?!? :worship: Way to go!

Hope the swamp juice was a big hit. :cool2: Reminds of a dessert that BIL made with the kids once that looked like a litter box -- only the kids would eat it! :rotfl:

Tracey, enjoy your week-end and try to relax. :hug:

Karen, we'll be having our Kohl's moments sooner than we know! :goodvibes Enjoy seeing your nephew. :love:

ScubaD, so glad to hear that Caleb's treatment is progressing. You've had a good challenge in spite of some big problems, I'm thinking that you will be the WIN! winner this round.

Liesel, sounds like you are making good progress with your running. That 5K base is really important IMHO. Is there a 10K in the fall in your neck of the woods? That might be a good interim goal if you a think it's too soon for a half in the fall.

Buffy, glad that people are feeling better in your house! :flower3:

Pamela, sounds like there are lots of interesting choices in your radius of travel to choose from for your Mom/Son week-end. :thumbsup2

CC, sounds like things are calming down for you.

I have a half next week-end. We have 5 hours to finish -- I know I can do that! :goodvibes And that is my only goal. I have another local half in September which I should technically start training for next week-end but I'll give myself a couple of weeks off and jump in a week 3 -- that means no run longer than 6.5 in June. I think my joints will like that! :goodvibes January will be here before we know it! :tink:

So this morning I will do my 5 miles. DH and I went to Costco yesterday so I don't have to do a big grocery run and I can just stay home tomorrow and take it easy and do :laundy:. Ahhhh! :laughing:

As I think ahead to what I want to accomplish for the next challenge I found this little article from sparkpeople about 10 tips for starting a wellness program that you might enjoy. A lot of us are doing many of these things already but it doesn't hurt to reevaluate and fine tune! :goodvibes

1. Write out your goals and desires
2. Ask what, when and how
3. Have a plan
4. Start a journal
5. Begin your journey where you’re standing now
6. Take one step at a time.
7. Learn from your setbacks.
8. Spend some time “cleaning house.”
9. Stop comparing yourself to others
10. Reward yourself.

Here is a link to the whole article if you are interested. ttp://

Have a great week-end all! :goodvibes
Sorry, I haven't posted my weight in a couple weeks. Life has been crazy and so has my eating pattern. We just had to put my Mom in dementia care at the Nursing Home -- some days are good and some days are very bad. Mother's Day she didn't know who I was. It was a very sad day for me. We just finished getting her apt packed up and most of the contents put into storage. I still have the task ahead of me of going through everything, but I just can't do that right now. In addition, my stomach has been in an uproar. I was just diagnosed in the last 2 weeks with a bleeding ulcer and H. pylori bacteria in my stomach. I am on treatment for both and have to have more tests run in a couple weeks. My weight went up 4 pounds in a week and I was embarrassed by all the junk I was eating. I weighted yesterday and I am back to the weight I was several weeks ago when I reported in. I have finally re focused and ready to try to continue my weight loss journey.

Team Donald

So sorry about your Mom. :hug: I'm glad that are making taking care of yourself a priority because it will help you to take care of others. :flower3:
Just a quick hello and happy weekend!!

Home from a wonderful baseball game where the sun was shining mostly. :thumbsup2 We went to the park at 8 to fix up the field, they they had pictures, and practice before the game at 10. The game was great, they have pretty much all been nailbiters. They're up, they're down, and this time ds's team won. There's only 4 teams in his division, and his is in 2nd, but he heard the Indians who have beat both time, were getting creamed by the red sox this morning, so maybe they'll stand a chance against them on monday. This is the first year they officially keep score, so it's been interesting, and fun, and the boys really all have been great whether they win or lose.

I'll be back to catch up later. I need to get out and enjoy this sunshine while it lasts!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!:sunny:
Hi all. Just wanted to say a quick hello.

It turned out to be a beautiful day here today. We got up bright and early at 6am to do a yard sale. The neighborhood was having one so we didnt want to pass up doing it today but it did require nick to miss the first kids run of the season. Ryan was already planned to miss it since he had tball today. I missed ryans game but mike said he did awesome. 3 line drives to the outfield. I think he will be more than ready to move up to coach pitch next year.

It got very warm and sunny out toward the end of the yard sale. I made 21.50 from our stuff and 68.25 for stuff from his nana's house (who passed away this year). We have to split that amount with his mom. Even though I was the one who cleaned out 95% of the apt and boxed everything up and brought it and stored it in my garage. She didnt even want to come down and sit with me at the yard sale. But Im not bitter.:rotfl2: Its really not the money but just the point. his mom has not done much for us or mike since I have met him but yet when she needs something he drops everything to help. I know and honor the respect we need to have for our parents but she is just erks me sometimes. Ok MIL vent over.

Anyway now we are just relaxing and the kids are taking a much needed nap. My mom may be letting the kids have a sleepover but she wants to wait until 5pm to make sure the world is not ending first.:rotfl2: She is such a wack.:rotfl:

Otherwise nothing planned for the rest of the day.

I hope you all are doing well.


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