Biggest Loser 11 Spring Team Challenge--for Losers and Maintainers

First of all I want to THANK YOU ALL for your love and support the past few weeks! It has been of a tremendous help to me!

I have some positive news to share FINALLY!!!!:cool1:

My mom will start radiation on Monday. They can still come visit this summer. She will probably have chemo when they return to NC end of July/early August. The lesions are localized and haven't spread anywhere. They expect her to be in remission with in the year!

I got the news right after arriving at the Relay for Life last night! It made the beginning so special to me to get that promising news. It was a wonderful inspiring night! The 13 other ladies I walked with are now life long friends! They were all so concerned and caring. We all had our personal reasons for being there! I walked over 15 miles total. I walked in groups and by myself listening to music or just listening to the sounds from the highway. The weather turned out almost perfect! About 2am we had fog and mist! But with the hundreds of luminarias lit around the inside and outside of the track it was just breathtaking!

I got home at 5:30 and went to sleep for about 3 hours until Brian woke me up to get ready for the soccer games. The weather was quite warm this morning! Ashleigh scored her first goal of the season! She has improved so much this season and she's really loving the game!

We then went to the British Beer Co for lunch courtesy of Brian's work. Ash got a special drink. I had a mudslide to drink! I don't plan on eating much of anything the rest of the day!

I'm EXHUASTED and my feet and thighs are KILLING me! Going to lie on the couch and watch the Bruins game and chill. Ash just went to a friend's house and Izzie is in the back yard drawing with chalk. Brian had to go to work as they are having some electrical issues but he also did the dump run though he left a box of cardboard at the top of the stairs.

That's it for now!

TTFN :tigger:
AHHH!!!! Did I really kill the thread? WOW!!!!

Pray that my car doesn't need major repairs!!!! It's been squeaking like crazy and it's not the breaks! I'll have to stop at the shop on Monday to check it out!

Guess I need to think of other ways to save money! YIKES! I have a bunch of stuff to take to the consignment shop this week so that will go in our Disney fund bottle!

I slept about 90 minutes on the couch and Brian mowed the lawn! Listened to my beloved Bruins fall apart! Brian and Izzie are playing Lego POTC. I will play after they go to bed.

Going to talk to Ash about cancer tomorrow. We didn't want to ruin her day and she also might have trouble sleeping if we told her later in the day. I wanted to also tell her that my parents dog is not coming this summer but my mom said wait. I hope she's not changing her mind as the issues the dog has are too much for the two of them to deal with along with Mom's treatments.

Hoping to go to church in the morning. May try to go at 8 if I can get up. Or go to 10 and leave right after communion. Got hair and make up to do on both kids for photos.

Have a great rest of the night!

Don't forget those weigh ins! This is the last one so you want to make it count! I will have a BIGGGGGG GAINNNNNN as I just couldn't get things under control this week! I hope to start working out regularly again this week. Maybe I'll start on Monday.

TTFN :tigger:
First of all I want to THANK YOU ALL for your love and support the past few weeks! It has been of a tremendous help to me!

I have some positive news to share FINALLY!!!!:cool1:

My mom will start radiation on Monday. They can still come visit this summer. She will probably have chemo when they return to NC end of July/early August. The lesions are localized and haven't spread anywhere. They expect her to be in remission with in the year!

I got the news right after arriving at the Relay for Life last night! It made the beginning so special to me to get that promising news. It was a wonderful inspiring night! The 13 other ladies I walked with are now life long friends! They were all so concerned and caring. We all had our personal reasons for being there! I walked over 15 miles total. I walked in groups and by myself listening to music or just listening to the sounds from the highway. The weather turned out almost perfect! About 2am we had fog and mist! But with the hundreds of luminarias lit around the inside and outside of the track it was just breathtaking!

I got home at 5:30 and went to sleep for about 3 hours until Brian woke me up to get ready for the soccer games. The weather was quite warm this morning! Ashleigh scored her first goal of the season! She has improved so much this season and she's really loving the game!

We then went to the British Beer Co for lunch courtesy of Brian's work. Ash got a special drink. I had a mudslide to drink! I don't plan on eating much of anything the rest of the day!

I'm EXHUASTED and my feet and thighs are KILLING me! Going to lie on the couch and watch the Bruins game and chill. Ash just went to a friend's house and Izzie is in the back yard drawing with chalk. Brian had to go to work as they are having some electrical issues but he also did the dump run though he left a box of cardboard at the top of the stairs.

That's it for now!

TTFN :tigger:

I am so glad to hear this tracey. That is great news. The walk sounded wonderful and probably just what you needed at this time. I want to hook up with a team for next year. It sounds like an amazing event and Im not sure why I havent done this sooner.:confused3

Wow the weekends have been very quiet here. I hope everyone is outside finally enjoying spring. I know I have been.

My kiddos are having a sleepover at my parents tonight so mike and I took advantage and went and had dinner together. We shared a stromboli so although it wasnt the best choice it was in a small portion. I also had 2 glasses of beer (light). Not a usual for me but boy did it taste good. We ate outside on the patio and really enjoyed our alone time together.:love:

Of course now we are home and I am on here and he is watching tv upstairs. Wow we really are turning into an old married couple.:rotfl2:

Talk to you all tomorrow.
Today was an okay day. I ate much less than most of the people at the party, but still way too much. I don't feel so good, so I'm guessing I ate too much with milk in it. I have another party to go to tomorrow, but I may skip it. I'll go to the ceremony, but I may skip the reception part. It all depends on how I am feeling in the morning and-and this is a big and-if I can find something to wear. I've gained so much weight that nothing "nice" enough for tomorrow's event fits. I'll have to run to Kohl's or TJMax tomorrow and see what I can find. I hope one of them is open early enough-and has something. Black pants would be fine if I can find any. AHHH. I'm so frustrated. Between the stress eating, my parents' eating habits, and the different events I have scheduled, my weight is going up and up. Okay vent over.

Off to find out when TJ Max opens.

Tracey: :banana: for good news!
My eating is not at all under control and I'm not planning to try to reel it in until after next weekend's camping trip. Between starting my new job on Monday, a full week of Lacrosse and concerts there is no way that I will eat normally.

On a positive note I got a bunch of exercise today. We pulled the cover off my parents pool and power washed it. We cut down a tree that was hanging over their barn. There we so many branches to haul around the barn and load onto a trailer. We also mowed the lawn. I did the push mowing and we have some steep hills. This evening we had a lacrosse game with my brother's family on the lawn. Not sure who came up with the rules, but I certainly was sweating :yay:
Tracey WOOHOO!!!!!!!! That is great news!!!! Continued prayers to mom through treatment. Make sure she finds a support group! I know it helped my friend and her husband a lot.
I'm glad you had a great day at Relay!
Congrats to Ash!!!!


today didn't start out as I had planned.
I had planned to get up at 9, I got up at 11:30.
I had planned to eat blueberry morning for breakfast, I had 1/2 a yogurt that tasted weird.
I had planned to get a ton of house work done, we spent waaaayyy to much time at the new Lowe's, but it's a really nice store!
I had planned to get the bathroom fan fixed so it wouldn't leak from the roof. That we did get done, or at least we hope. We'll find out when it rains again. LOL

According to my pedometer I walked 4794 steps. It will probably be at 5000 before I go to bed.
I need to get on the treadmill and see what it is when I work out. I'd like to get the 10,000 - 15,000 a day.
I also need to see what it's like at school too.

Over all it was an ok day, well at least until I got DS14's progress report. :headache:
Pamela, don't be surprised if DS suddenly reduces the amount of texting to DD.

I hope everyone has a great Sunday!! I'm headed to bed!
Tracey-that is wonderful news on your mom. I'm so glad to hear that, and hope her treatments go smoothly. The relay sounds amazing, and so uplifting. I bet you're tired. Hope you can relax a little and enjoy the rest of the weekend. :goodvibes

Disney1990- So sorry to hear about your mom. It's got to be so difficult when they don't remember you. :hug: I hope she adjusts to her new surrounding quickly. I am sure it is so much harder on you than her. Hang in there. I hope you are feeling better soon too.:goodvibes

LTS- Congratulations on making GOAL!! :cool1: I am so happy for you, and remembering back to the beginning of this challenge, it all started with making better choices. I was amazed you went out for mexican and ate no chips. And look at you now. Happily in ONE-derland, 25 pounds down. We all can be inspired by you, and I know I need to think about the choices I make, and make better choices if I want to see the success you have had. So thanks again for the inspiration.

Pamela- I can't think of any other trip suggestions for you and ds, but if you do the western ma Six flags thing, i know there's the basketball hall of fame, and I believe a baseball museum out the springfield way. My brother's out there, and we have done a couple easy hikes, I can find out the mountain, but one was very cool, and at the top was an old hotel from the early 1900s that we could explore. I hope to do the Cape in august, and take the ferry over to the vineyard and bike over there. There's lots of campgrounds on the cape too. I've heard good things about lake Compounce too. Have you kayaked before? Maybe it's time for the total mystery trip you talked about. I laughed at you and Maria's talk about it all being downhill once they outgrow Storyland. :rotfl2:

Lisa- Thanks for posting the qotds last couple days. I love the piece you posted on the marathon. So very true, and we do need to enjoy the simple joys in life.
I had read that and friday night, we went for a bike ride, and as we were riding when there were no cars, I could hear michael singing, and I thought, this is what it's all about. He was just enjoying the ride. Though later that night, when he told me he was making up naughty words to go with the song he learned in school, all I could do was laugh. Gotta love them boys.
Hope you have a good run today, and you really need to take it easy the whole week with your race next weekend. ;) Remind the boys of that if they try to push you.

Karen- Hope you enjoy your weekend with Brady. He sounds just adorable. I right there with you wanting to be more successful the next challenge, and am feeling determined to follow through this time. We can do this!! Hey, I think you share a birthday with LIsah 0711!! We'll have to have a party here that day.

Dave-Glad to hear Caleb is doing well, and all your family seem to be doing well also. Continued prayers for all of you. :goodvibes

Deb- You're camping trips sound like so much fun. I should try to camp more often, but I get cranky in a tent if the weather doesn't cooperate, so we usually just get to old orchard once. I envy your camper.

Lindsay-Glad you're enjoying the weekend too. It felt so nice to be outside most of the day yesterday. Michael said as he was getting ready for bed, amazed, " wow, I hardly watched any tv today." Lol. guess the tube's been on way too much lately. I don't have a MIL, but watched my sil's with my mom, and know they bit their tongues many times to keep the peace. It's an interesting dynamic, and I look at michael, and hope that when the time comes, I remember all the things that my mom did with my brothers and sil's and will not be like that. She could be very demanding and needy. I think I'm more like my grandmother, her husband died young, and she was very independant. I'm gonna go with that. :rotfl: Glad the world didn't end and you got a night alone with dh. You guys are such romantics. ;)

CC-:hug: Sorry you've been having a rough time. I hope you're able to find something nice to wear and that might help you feel better about yourself. Remember, every day is a new day, and if you're not as good as you wish you were, it's ok, it's all part of your journey, and hopefully we learn lots along the way. I was just thinking, if I had kept all the weight off when I was in my 20s the first time I did ww, I never would have met all of you here. We need to enjoy the ride. So go get yourself something to wear that makes you feel good!! You deserve it.

Maria- Hope you were't swooped up during POTC last night. I'm still here, so I guess that's good. :thumbsup2 That would have been fun to see you at the Salem half. Maybe I'll stay motivated after sept and run the newton one with you. It would be so cool to run down heartbreak hill. I just need to get through the next 4 weeks and do a 5k again.

Buffy -14 sounds like a fun age. My sil has ds14 and dd 16, and she seems very frustrated lately. Tough ages. Hang in there. Hope today is a better day!!

Hello to everyone I've missed this morning.

Rose, Sue, and Nancy- Hope you're all enjoying your tropical paradises!! So jealous here!!

We had a very fun day yesterday. We ended up taking a nice long bike ride yesterday afternoon, and stopping by my brother's and visiting for a bit, stopped by an ice cream stand too, but had frozen yogurt. We watched a movie last night before bed, and today we have another baseball game. I'm on call today, but the doc on with me is one who will call hours ahead of the need to be there, so I hope I'm fine to get him to and from his game. A friend of ours might come too, otherwise my sister will pick him up for me.

I did well with eating yesterday, and have tracked everythign since friday. I made chicken, broc,ziti this morning to bring for my friend who's coming home from Ireland today. That way she or dh won't have to worry about dinner, and they can just relax. I made a big batch, so we'll have half here, for dinner the next few nights. What's that saying, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. I definitely need to make a meal plan to help me stay on track. I should visit the meal planning thread. I've got the exercise plan.

Hope you're all enjoying the weekend, and are able to enjoy a little fresh air and sunshine.
Since Lisa so nicely posted the past few days, I'll post a sunday qotd. Not nearly as inspiring, but I'm trying to get planning more.

Sunday qotd- Do you plan your meals for the week, and what do you have planned for tonight, and or the week ahead?

I've got my chick,broc, ziti. Depending on how hungry ds is, it should last 3 nights.
But Im not bitter.:rotfl2: Its really not the money but just the point. his mom has not done much for us or mike since I have met him but yet when she needs something he drops everything to help. I know and honor the respect we need to have for our parents but she is just erks me sometimes. Ok MIL vent over.

Hi Lindsay! :wave2: :hug: for the in-law trouble. I feel the same way about my whole family -- I drag everyone around clinging to my skirts and when I'm down they don't help me up, they step all over me! :rotfl: I just tell myself I'll never feel bad about doing what I think is right. :rolleyes1

First of all I want to THANK YOU ALL for your love and support the past few weeks! It has been of a tremendous help to me!

I have some positive news to share FINALLY!!!!:cool1:

Hooray for positive news, Tracey! :yay: My BIL is about three weeks into his treatment and it seems to be going well and not making him too sick. I hope that your Mom's treatment goes just as smoothly and quickly. There will still be some more of the roller coaster but just take it one day at a time! :flower3:

Today was an okay day. I ate much less than most of the people at the party, but still way too much. I don't feel so good, so I'm guessing I ate too much with milk in it. I have another party to go to tomorrow, but I may skip it. I'll go to the ceremony, but I may skip the reception part. It all depends on how I am feeling in the morning and-and this is a big and-if I can find something to wear. I've gained so much weight that nothing "nice" enough for tomorrow's event fits. I'll have to run to Kohl's or TJMax tomorrow and see what I can find. I hope one of them is open early enough-and has something. Black pants would be fine if I can find any. AHHH. I'm so frustrated. Between the stress eating, my parents' eating habits, and the different events I have scheduled, my weight is going up and up. Okay vent over.

Oh, CC, clothes frustration! :headache: :hug: Can you make a plan to deal with these events and other things? Plan your meals -- let your family eat their own stuff. Plan your own exercise and relaxing time. I think that you will feel better if you have a plan and a strategy to deal with what is going on rather than letting it "happen."

My eating is not at all under control and I'm not planning to try to reel it in until after next weekend's camping trip. Between starting my new job on Monday, a full week of Lacrosse and concerts there is no way that I will eat normally.

On a positive note I got a bunch of exercise today. We pulled the cover off my parents pool and power washed it. We cut down a tree that was hanging over their barn. There we so many branches to haul around the barn and load onto a trailer. We also mowed the lawn. I did the push mowing and we have some steep hills. This evening we had a lacrosse game with my brother's family on the lawn. Not sure who came up with the rules, but I certainly was sweating :yay:

You are very active, Deb, more so than a lot of so-called active people and I know you can get your eating back to where it needs to be. I think that you are smart to not try to control eating the first week of a new job where who the heck knows what will happen. Hope that you will have nice weather for camping! :sunny:

According to my pedometer I walked 4794 steps. It will probably be at 5000 before I go to bed.
I need to get on the treadmill and see what it is when I work out. I'd like to get the 10,000 - 15,000 a day.

Glad that you had a good time at the Lowe's and got so many steps in today! :thumbsup2 Sorry about the old progress report thing. :hug: I had a little talk with DS this week about the problem of a lack of time to bring grades back up this close to the end of the year. :mad:

Sunday qotd- Do you plan your meals for the week, and what do you have planned for tonight, and or the week ahead?

I've got my chick,broc, ziti. Depending on how hungry ds is, it should last 3 nights.

::yes:: Planning is what helps us progress and will get us where we need to be. "WISHing" is good but the plan helps those good intentions turn into reality! :goodvibes

I don't plan for the whole week usually about three or four nights. Sometimes the plan is driven by what is in the freezer or what we have going on that week. I always try to have something easy for Monday. Tonight is short ribs from the Jiko recipe that will cook for 7 hours! :eek: I have veggies for roasting and mashed potatoes to go with that. Tomorrow is turkey kielbasa and roasted veggies. That is as far as the plan goes for now. I do plan breakfast and lunches for work for the week on Mondays.

Is that chicken/broccoli/ziti on the recipe thread? I think I need to check that out! Sounds yummy!

Thanks for posting a QOTD today, Kathy. Hope you enjoy the baseball game. I never know whether I'm supposed to hope you get called in or not so I'll just hope you get a winning lottery ticket! :thumbsup2 :rotfl:

Have a great day all!
Since Lisa so nicely posted the past few days, I'll post a sunday qotd. Not nearly as inspiring, but I'm trying to get planning more.

Sunday qotd- Do you plan your meals for the week, and what do you have planned for tonight, and or the week ahead?

I've got my chick,broc, ziti. Depending on how hungry ds is, it should last 3 nights.

We are not good about planning ahead. I usually pick up a bunch of fresh meats once a week and we work off those, but not planned out. I have planned out meals for camping next weekend, mostly because I need to get all the supplies when I run errands later this morning. I'll get home and marinate, repackage and throw what might spoil into the freezer of the camper. I just won't get a chance to run errands later in the week as our nights are booked solid.
Thanks Lisa and Kathy and everyone else for all the support! I was just getting ready to plan out my exercise for now until we leave for WDW and I decided to check in here first. Love all the discussion about planning! :thumbsup2 Exactly what I needed today! :cool1:

Yesterday I spent some time going through some magazines that have exercise routines in them. I'm going to use some of what I found plus some of what I found online this morning in my plan. If I stick to my plan...ahh how great that would be! :goodvibes

I've been thinking about my goals for the next challenge and I know that I want to lose instead of gain. I'm still deciding how much. I'd love to lose 30 pounds before WDW, but that's 10 pounds a month, so more than 2 pounds a week. If I stick to my plan, I could pull it off. :goodvibes I want to, and WDW is EXCELLENT motivation.

I did find something to wear. I decided that I didn't need to be as dressed up as I previously thought so I ended up being all set. :)

Off to create my plan.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Hi All,

A quick post before running back to the dance studio for Ash's Irish Step photos and Hip Hop photos. We just got back from taking Izzie for her photo and her photo with her sister.

Wouldn't you know it, Izzie lost a tooth 90 minutes before the photo and it was one of her top front teeth! AHHHHH! It was dangling so I had to pull it! The other top one is also quite loose so the Tooth Fairy will be busy this week.

Slept about 10 hours last night and then the girls and I went to church for part of the service. Came home and ate and then did hair and make-up. It went smoother this year though they both hate having eye liner put on!

Going to do something with chicken for supper tonight. Not sure what yet but it's almost defrosted.

Going to take my car to the shop to find out what the squeaking is all about so that might take up the whole morning before Izzie gets home tomorrow. Ash has Irish step and soccer tryouts tomorrow night.

Guess I'll call my mother before we head back for photos so I'll pop on again later!

TTFN :tigger:
You could camp with us. We try to go several times over the summer. We're going to Moosehillock campground for Memorial Day weekend. They have a themed pool and daily activities. We're going to our favorite campground the weekend of July 22nd. It's in Danville, VT. They are having a competition weekend with planned activities on Saturday. They usually have a mini golf tournament, tennis, free throw basketball, horseshoes,shuffleboard, arm wrestling and it ends with karioke in the evening. We always have tons of fun.

We are also thinking of going to Lake George the first week in August, but haven't firmed that up yet. We'd be up for adding another weekend or two along the way, but haven't picked dates or campgrounds yet.

Actually, I recently heard REALLY GOOD things about Moosehillock. I need to find a few minutes to check them out online!

Much better day!!!!!!!!!

I have no idea how many points I had though. Well, I should be clearer. I had 2 for breakfast, 3 for snack, 7? for lunch, and 4 for snack. That's 16ish. Dinner was at least 5, but doubtfully 13. I don't know for sure though, as my father made the teriyaki sauce from scratch. I know there's soy sauce and rice vinegar in it and he likely put honey it too. The protein was shrimp, which is pretty low in points. The rest of the meal was veggies and rice. Overall, I feel very good about today!

I ended up with 4+ hours of OT this week. The money will be great for WDW. My sister and BIL each have a b-day before our trip, so I'll probably get them each a small gift certificate. Just some spending money so they can buy a coffee or an ice cream. My parents are paying for everything and I'm guessing they would feel awkward asking them to pay for "the little things."

I've done a lot of thinking about moving out of my parents' house and think that I'll be ready in September or October. It's a big deal financially so I do have to think things over carefully. I've been saving, but KWIM.

Well, I'm ready for bed. Nigh all!


You sound so much more positive today! I'm glad about that. And isn't it amazing how keeping control of your eating makes EVERYTHING ELSE seem better??!!

ANOTHER thing we have in common!

Sisters, separated at birth!!:laughing:

Hmmmmmm. Perhaps I should post some truly gruesome photos that might help motivate you to get to the dr???? No, they aren't of my feet, but of me unable to get up off the couch, me in wheelchair unable to walk, me before and after several surgeries, and for extra horror I can see if I can put together a pictorial timeline so you can see my weight balloon up as things got worse and worse because I ignored it and hoped it would go away. . . .:rolleyes1

Make the appointment. :flower3:

I know, I know. But honestly, it comes and goes and just hasn't seemed BAD enough yet to warrant a doctor visit (if you know me, I have to be in pretty bad shape to visit the doctor). But I also know that putting it off won't help.

A friend mentioned her inserts that she has used since she originallly got pregnancy-induced PF. I am going to look into those, once she can tell the the brand. Think they would help????

Had a pretty good day today. Had a lot of fun at DD11's school. They all made "gross" food that looked or sounded terrible but was really all great-- things like dirt cake and kitty litter cake and things with gummy worms. DD made Swamp Water. It turned out great. The fish eggs were cooked tapioca pearls and the kids were truly amazed by them! Here is the recipe P and anyone else that is interested. Would have been great for your Pond unit today!

We just got back from a Percussion Concert at the High School. It was really enjoyable and not really anything like I expected. I was so impressed with the kids.

Yesterday DD11 had her Girl Scout Bridging Ceremony and DD15 had her last band concert-- both at basically the same time. DD15 was really disappointed that I wouldn't be able to make it. We had to split up and DH went with her and I went to the GS event. As it ended up they did the bridging really quick and were done by 6:30 and moving on to the large amounts of desserts and social time. I killed two birds with one stone-- avoided the desserts all together and was able to make girls happy. I got someone else to take DD11 home so she could stay and play and I raced back across town and got to the concert just as the group before hers was finishing.

In the absence of willpower I figure total avoidance is the best strategy anyway! I would have enjoyed some time to sit and relax with my friends but really wanted to get to the concert.

So DH has signed up for a 5K next weekend and I am signed up too! Well, okay, I am signed up for the .5 mile Fun Run (walk in my case). Should be a lot of fun and we are looking forward to cheering Daddy on in his first 5K in about 14 years.:cheer2:

No big plans this weekend. DD15 has been invited to 2 movies so may go see Prom in the early afternoon and then see PotC later in the day. We have swim practice on Sunday. I need to do some major cleaning so I will probably be doing that most of the weekend. And working on my goals for the next challenge.:)

Have a great weekend everyone!

I'm glad you were able to see both of your DD's in their important events. I haven't had to miss much in my kids' lives, but when I have, it is so tough. In 7 years of swim I've only missed one or two meets.... mostly due to Robotics scheduling conflicts. And I've never missed a Robotics event (that said, they only have a few robotics competitions a year, so easier to hit them all!). But it is sad for the kids, I know.

Have fun cheering for DH in his run!! Maybe you could make t-shirts with his picture??

Heard anything about the job yet??

Sorry, I haven't posted my weight in a couple weeks. Life has been crazy and so has my eating pattern. We just had to put my Mom in dementia care at the Nursing Home -- some days are good and some days are very bad. Mother's Day she didn't know who I was. It was a very sad day for me. We just finished getting her apt packed up and most of the contents put into storage. I still have the task ahead of me of going through everything, but I just can't do that right now. In addition, my stomach has been in an uproar. I was just diagnosed in the last 2 weeks with a bleeding ulcer and H. pylori bacteria in my stomach. I am on treatment for both and have to have more tests run in a couple weeks. My weight went up 4 pounds in a week and I was embarrassed by all the junk I was eating. I weighted yesterday and I am back to the weight I was several weeks ago when I reported in. I have finally re focused and ready to try to continue my weight loss journey.

Team Donald

Oh my... that is so much bad news. I'm so sorry about your Mom's decline in health. How sad that she didn't know you on Mother's Day, of all days. And of course, I'm sure that the stress of all of this is compounding and worsening the stomach issues. :hug: I'll be adding you to my prayer list.

Good morning all!

Apparently I need to work on my guest coach skills because I was never able to come back on yesterday to catch up. Sorry about that! :

Don't worry about us! Just glad you are on now!

Pamela, sounds like there are lots of interesting choices in your radius of travel to choose from for your Mom/Son week-end.

I guess we just need to take the time to actually make the decision. It just seems that something else keeps coming up every time I want to stop and talk about it.

I have a half next week-end. We have 5 hours to finish -- I know I can do that! And that is my only goal. I have another local half in September which I should technically start training for next week-end but I'll give myself a couple of weeks off and jump in a week 3 -- that means no run longer than 6.5 in June. I think my joints will like that! January will be here before we know it!

You are unbelievable! So inspiring!

So this morning I will do my 5 miles. DH and I went to Costco yesterday so I don't have to do a big grocery run and I can just stay home tomorrow and take it easy and do :laundy:. Ahhhh! :laughing:

I know the feeling. I keep putting off the laundry in the hopes that I will get a :sunny: day and I can :laundy: instead of using the dryer. But I've run out of hope (and room in the hampers!) so I MUST do laundry today. I think that load #3 is spinning out now.

As I think ahead to what I want to accomplish for the next challenge I found this little article from sparkpeople about 10 tips for starting a wellness program that you might enjoy. A lot of us are doing many of these things already but it doesn't hurt to reevaluate and fine tune!

1. Write out your goals and desires
2. Ask what, when and how
3. Have a plan
4. Start a journal
5. Begin your journey where you’re standing now
6. Take one step at a time.
7. Learn from your setbacks.
8. Spend some time “cleaning house.”
9. Stop comparing yourself to others
10. Reward yourself.

Here is a link to the whole article if you are interested. ttp://

Have a great week-end all!

I love that list! Of course, #3 is my favorite!!:laughing: But I need #7 right now too!!

Just a quick hello and happy weekend!!

Home from a wonderful baseball game where the sun was shining mostly. We went to the park at 8 to fix up the field, they they had pictures, and practice before the game at 10. The game was great, they have pretty much all been nailbiters. They're up, they're down, and this time ds's team won. There's only 4 teams in his division, and his is in 2nd, but he heard the Indians who have beat both time, were getting creamed by the red sox this morning, so maybe they'll stand a chance against them on monday. This is the first year they officially keep score, so it's been interesting, and fun, and the boys really all have been great whether they win or lose.

I'll be back to catch up later. I need to get out and enjoy this sunshine while it lasts!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!

Umm... did you have actual sunshine? We had a bit yesterday in the morning, then it disappeared and we had dark, dark clouds and downpours off and on throughout the afternoon. But the evening cleared again. And now we are back to cloudy, grey skies with the occasional shower or sprinkle today. I am SO sick of it!:headache:

Hi all. Just wanted to say a quick hello.

It turned out to be a beautiful day here today. We got up bright and early at 6am to do a yard sale. The neighborhood was having one so we didnt want to pass up doing it today but it did require nick to miss the first kids run of the season. Ryan was already planned to miss it since he had tball today. I missed ryans game but mike said he did awesome. 3 line drives to the outfield. I think he will be more than ready to move up to coach pitch next year.

It got very warm and sunny out toward the end of the yard sale. I made 21.50 from our stuff and 68.25 for stuff from his nana's house (who passed away this year). We have to split that amount with his mom. Even though I was the one who cleaned out 95% of the apt and boxed everything up and brought it and stored it in my garage. She didnt even want to come down and sit with me at the yard sale. But Im not bitter.:rotfl2: Its really not the money but just the point. his mom has not done much for us or mike since I have met him but yet when she needs something he drops everything to help. I know and honor the respect we need to have for our parents but she is just erks me sometimes. Ok MIL vent over.

Anyway now we are just relaxing and the kids are taking a much needed nap. My mom may be letting the kids have a sleepover but she wants to wait until 5pm to make sure the world is not ending first.:rotfl2: She is such a wack.:rotfl:Otherwise nothing planned for the rest of the day.

I hope you all are doing well.

Bolded statement TOTALLY cracked me up!! :lmao:

Save your yardsale "riches" for something special for yourself!

First of all I want to THANK YOU ALL for your love and support the past few weeks! It has been of a tremendous help to me!

I have some positive news to share FINALLY!!!!

My mom will start radiation on Monday. They can still come visit this summer. She will probably have chemo when they return to NC end of July/early August. The lesions are localized and haven't spread anywhere. They expect her to be in remission with in the year!

I got the news right after arriving at the Relay for Life last night! It made the beginning so special to me to get that promising news. It was a wonderful inspiring night! The 13 other ladies I walked with are now life long friends! They were all so concerned and caring. We all had our personal reasons for being there! I walked over 15 miles total. I walked in groups and by myself listening to music or just listening to the sounds from the highway. The weather turned out almost perfect! About 2am we had fog and mist! But with the hundreds of luminarias lit around the inside and outside of the track it was just breathtaking!

I got home at 5:30 and went to sleep for about 3 hours until Brian woke me up to get ready for the soccer games. The weather was quite warm this morning! Ashleigh scored her first goal of the season! She has improved so much this season and she's really loving the game!

We then went to the British Beer Co for lunch courtesy of Brian's work. Ash got a special drink. I had a mudslide to drink! I don't plan on eating much of anything the rest of the day!

I'm EXHUASTED and my feet and thighs are KILLING me! Going to lie on the couch and watch the Bruins game and chill. Ash just went to a friend's house and Izzie is in the back yard drawing with chalk. Brian had to go to work as they are having some electrical issues but he also did the dump run though he left a box of cardboard at the top of the stairs.

That's it for now!


I am so VERY, VERY pleased to hear the good news for your Mom!! It seems like a good sign that they aren't starting the chemo right away!! And I imagine it made your time and dedication to Relay that much more meaningful. It seems like since I signed up to Captain this Relay team, I've gotten nothing but BAD NEWS on the cancer front from friends and family. So depressing. But makes me SO pleased and happy that I am involved with the Relay.

15 miles is impressive. I'm gonna wear my pedometer at mine... we'll see how I do!

AHHH!!!! Did I really kill the thread? WOW!!!!

Pray that my car doesn't need major repairs!!!! It's been squeaking like crazy and it's not the breaks! I'll have to stop at the shop on Monday to check it out!

Guess I need to think of other ways to save money! YIKES! I have a bunch of stuff to take to the consignment shop this week so that will go in our Disney fund bottle!

I slept about 90 minutes on the couch and Brian mowed the lawn! Listened to my beloved Bruins fall apart! Brian and Izzie are playing Lego POTC. I will play after they go to bed.

Going to talk to Ash about cancer tomorrow. We didn't want to ruin her day and she also might have trouble sleeping if we told her later in the day. I wanted to also tell her that my parents dog is not coming this summer but my mom said wait. I hope she's not changing her mind as the issues the dog has are too much for the two of them to deal with along with Mom's treatments.

Hoping to go to church in the morning. May try to go at 8 if I can get up. Or go to 10 and leave right after communion. Got hair and make up to do on both kids for photos.

Have a great rest of the night!

Don't forget those weigh ins! This is the last one so you want to make it count! I will have a BIGGGGGG GAINNNNNN as I just couldn't get things under control this week! I hope to start working out regularly again this week. Maybe I'll start on Monday.


No, you didn't kill it. We are just moving slowly I guess.

I am so glad to hear this tracey. That is great news. The walk sounded wonderful and probably just what you needed at this time. I want to hook up with a team for next year. It sounds like an amazing event and Im not sure why I havent done this sooner.

It is actually a fun thing to be involved with. I walked with a team that my Mom captained for years.... actually, DS was pushed in a stroller the first year we were involved and now he is taller than me, so I guess we've been involved with Relay (off and on) for a long time now. Start looking around now and get involved with a local team or start one of your own. Even if your local Relay is already done for the year, it isn't too early to start getting organized for next year. Most established teams spend 6-9 months fundraising and organizing before their actual event.

Wow the weekends have been very quiet here. I hope everyone is outside finally enjoying spring. I know I have been.

My kiddos are having a sleepover at my parents tonight so mike and I took advantage and went and had dinner together. We shared a stromboli so although it wasnt the best choice it was in a small portion. I also had 2 glasses of beer (light). Not a usual for me but boy did it taste good. We ate outside on the patio and really enjoyed our alone time together.

Of course now we are home and I am on here and he is watching tv upstairs. Wow we really are turning into an old married couple.:rotfl2:

Talk to you all tomorrow.

Sounds like us! DH is taking some vacation time this week and I am working most of the week, but I mentioned to DH that maybe we could spend some time together Tuesday.... but sadly, other than the "obvious" we couldn't think of much to do together!! Kinda pathetic, huh??

My eating is not at all under control and I'm not planning to try to reel it in until after next weekend's camping trip. Between starting my new job on Monday, a full week of Lacrosse and concerts there is no way that I will eat normally.

On a positive note I got a bunch of exercise today. We pulled the cover off my parents pool and power washed it. We cut down a tree that was hanging over their barn. There we so many branches to haul around the barn and load onto a trailer. We also mowed the lawn. I did the push mowing and we have some steep hills. This evening we had a lacrosse game with my brother's family on the lawn. Not sure who came up with the rules, but I certainly was sweating

If I know you, I'm sure you burned a TON of calories this weekend, despite not keeping the calories under control. Plus I'm sure that there might be some stress eating involved as you get nervous about the new job starting tomorrow! Good luck with that! We will all be anxious to hear how it goes!!

today didn't start out as I had planned.
I had planned to get up at 9, I got up at 11:30.
I had planned to eat blueberry morning for breakfast, I had 1/2 a yogurt that tasted weird.
I had planned to get a ton of house work done, we spent waaaayyy to much time at the new Lowe's, but it's a really nice store!
I had planned to get the bathroom fan fixed so it wouldn't leak from the roof. That we did get done, or at least we hope. We'll find out when it rains again. LOL

I know that despite our best laid plans, sometimes "LIFE" gets in the way! Just get back on track as soon as you can!

I love to wander around a good new Lowe's or HD.... I'm a fix-it nerd I guess!

According to my pedometer I walked 4794 steps. It will probably be at 5000 before I go to bed.
I need to get on the treadmill and see what it is when I work out. I'd like to get the 10,000 - 15,000 a day.
I also need to see what it's like at school too.

Over all it was an ok day, well at least until I got DS14's progress report. :headache:
Pamela, don't be surprised if DS suddenly reduces the amount of texting to DD.

Oooooppps! I'll let her know. Sorry about the bad news on the progress report. Makes me think we should be getting ours soon.
I hope everyone has a great Sunday!! I'm headed to bed!

HOpe you had a nice Sunday too!

Pamela- I can't think of any other trip suggestions for you and ds, but if you do the western ma Six flags thing, i know there's the basketball hall of fame, and I believe a baseball museum out the springfield way. My brother's out there, and we have done a couple easy hikes, I can find out the mountain, but one was very cool, and at the top was an old hotel from the early 1900s that we could explore. I hope to do the Cape in august, and take the ferry over to the vineyard and bike over there. There's lots of campgrounds on the cape too. I've heard good things about lake Compounce too. Have you kayaked before? Maybe it's time for the total mystery trip you talked about. I laughed at you and Maria's talk about it all being downhill once they outgrow Storyland. :rotfl2:

I like to kayak okay, but DS had a VERY BAD experience with ocean kayaking a few years ago (just picture wind, waves, DH and DS BOTH tipped over in kayaks, waves taking them away from shore, and people from shore RUSHING to save them.... NOT a good day!:scared1: Praise the LORD we always insist on lifejackets.) I think I might be able to get him to kayak on a very calm lake near shore (in fact, I think he has done that on vacation a few times recently), but not more than that.

I guess Six Flags is the "Storyland for Teens". ICK.

I had read that and friday night, we went for a bike ride, and as we were riding when there were no cars, I could hear michael singing, and I thought, this is what it's all about. He was just enjoying the ride. Though later that night, when he told me he was making up naughty words to go with the song he learned in school, all I could do was laugh.

:rotfl2:Yup....gotta love our boys!!

I did well with eating yesterday, and have tracked everythign since friday. I made chicken, broc,ziti this morning to bring for my friend who's coming home from Ireland today. That way she or dh won't have to worry about dinner, and they can just relax. I made a big batch, so we'll have half here, for dinner the next few nights. What's that saying, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. I definitely need to make a meal plan to help me stay on track. I should visit the meal planning thread. I've got the exercise plan.

Hope you're all enjoying the weekend, and are able to enjoy a little fresh air and sunshine.

YEAH for the tracking everything! Keep up the good work!

Since Lisa so nicely posted the past few days, I'll post a sunday qotd. Not nearly as inspiring, but I'm trying to get planning more.

Sunday qotd- Do you plan your meals for the week, and what do you have planned for tonight, and or the week ahead?

I've got my chick,broc, ziti. Depending on how hungry ds is, it should last 3 nights.

Well... as you all know, I am a bit of a planner :rotfl: so yes, I plan my meals for the week ahead. That said, I"ve been "winging it" a bit more lately, since my pre-planned menus were made before we decided to try a "lower carb" lifestyle for a while. Some of the meals have been scrapped completely and some have been modified.

Tonight is the frozen salmon patties I've mentioned before (the crusted ones aren't too bad carb wise, but I will have a choice for DH of plain ones or crusted ones.... I'm eating a plain one), plus roasted asparagus. Not sure what else. I'm getting really sick of a plate full of GREEN (broccoli, asparagus, lettuce, spinach, green beans, etc). I need to come up with another (low carb) side dish for tonight. I have some ideas.... need to double check the pantry/freezer to see if I have the necessary ingredients.

Hi All,

A quick post before running back to the dance studio for Ash's Irish Step photos and Hip Hop photos. We just got back from taking Izzie for her photo and her photo with her sister.

Wouldn't you know it, Izzie lost a tooth 90 minutes before the photo and it was one of her top front teeth! AHHHHH! It was dangling so I had to pull it! The other top one is also quite loose so the Tooth Fairy will be busy this week.

At least you have a good way to document her "missing tooth" smile, right??

Slept about 10 hours last night and then the girls and I went to church for part of the service. Came home and ate and then did hair and make-up. It went smoother this year though they both hate having eye liner put on!

I'm sure you needed the sleep after the Relay night!
Going to do something with chicken for supper tonight. Not sure what yet but it's almost defrosted.

Going to take my car to the shop to find out what the squeaking is all about so that might take up the whole morning before Izzie gets home tomorrow. Ash has Irish step and soccer tryouts tomorrow night.

Guess I'll call my mother before we head back for photos so I'll pop on again later!


Let us know what you do with the chicken. Hope that the car repair isn't significant.

***********Afternoon friends!

Well.... let me just say, up front, I'm not feeling very "Biggest Loser-ish" after yesterday. I think we could call it CARB LOADING! I knew I would be eating popcorn at the movies, so I guess I figured I'd just eat any other carbohydrate that got in my way!! I went to bed feeling like GARBAGE and still feel that way right now. Talk about OVEREATING!!!:scared1: What a STUPID thing to do.... and no one to blame but myself. I've been eating SUPER light today and pushing the fluids. Hopefully my system will flush out quickly. I know that the WEIGHT gain is inevitable, but hopefully I can FEEL BETTER soon. Moving on now. :rolleyes:............

New POTC was good, but not superb. But I'm glad we went cause DS really wanted to see it... and it was pouring anyhow and it got us out of the house on a rainy Saturday.

Actually, I must confess,that the reason I am still chatting here is cause I'm avoiding the very long Relay email that I absolutely MUST send out. Too much to do for RELAY.... UGH!

I'm working a lot this week, plus I have a few busy evenings (what's new, right?) and such, so not sure how much I'll be on this week. DD has a swim meet most of Memorial Day weekend too. Don't be too surprised if I'm not on much in the next week or so. I haven't forgotten you all, I promise!!

I'll try to pop on again before bedtime tonight!.....................P
I think I was planning to respond to some posts before Colby interrupted me. It's been a busy weekend, but I think we're in pretty good shape for the upcoming week. It's a challenge finding rides for the kids to all of their activities. I can meet them there, but won't be out in time to take them myself.
Hi Deb! I thought I killed the thread, but I see you're on right now!

GOOD LUCK with the new job tomorrow! I'll be thinking of you!

Well ladies.... I hope you were all SO BUSY enjoying yourselves and your time this weekend, that you were too busy to post and that I DIDN'T actually kill this thread!!:lmao:


Eating was back to normal today... thank goodness. I feel better, but still kind of icky and bloated. Hopefully my system will feel back to normal in a day or two.

I did a few things for Relay today, but never got around to sending out that big email. Need to do that tonight.

Thank you all for the Good Luck wishes for tomorrow. I think I've been through this enough times recently that I'm not even nervous tonight :confused3
Good morning friends.

Well, it's raining again, but it's supposed to get really warm, so that's at least something.

Pamela- amazing you're not too far, and you got rain this weekend. We were partly cloudy, and I must have taken off and put my sweatshirt on about 10 times during the baseball game. When the sun was out it was beautiful, but cold when the clouds went by. No rain all weekend, so i can't complain but it looked like it might many times. I can't imagine why ds and dh wouldn't ever want to kayak again.:scared1: OMG, how frightening. I am not a water person, and last summer, on sebago lake, I tried my bil's kayak, and once I got over the anxiety of floating above water above my head, I really enjoyed it. Of course I have a life jacket, but really was surprised at how peaceful it was. I had thought I would never want to kayak in the ocean, and your story just confirms that. Sorry you had a carbfest, but I have no doubt you have a plan and today is a new day, and you will get back to your healthy routine, and see that disney weight going. I know it's frustrating for you being so near your goal weight how slow it comes off now, but you can do it.:thumbsup2

Lisa-So glad you bil is doing well with his treatment. Hope mil is doing ok too.:hug: She's had so much on her plate. How are you holding up being the rock for everyone? Glad you're able to get your runs in, and keep sane. When I'm on call, I hope not to get called in, but if I do, I think positive and the money is good. Really it's a win-win, either way, but if you're hoping for me, hope the phone does not ring. ;) We won 7 dollars yesterday, but spent 25 since we didn't play for last weeks call. Michael started a vacation fund, 2 of his wdw popcorn buckets for us to save our money, one for coin, one for dollars. He was scouring the house and car last night for spare change, and decided all our lottery winnings will go in there.

Deb- Good luck at the new job today. It's must feel good not to be nervous, and I hope this is the last first day of work you have in a long time.:goodvibes

CC- I think wdw is one of the best motivators out there. I think I need to make a plan for my next potential trip. I think I've been down in the dumps without a future trip in my future, but even if I have a plan for 2 years away, it will be something to look forward. For the past 4 years, I've always come back from wdw with a tentative plan for our next trip in mind. I think losing the next challenge is a great goal, and no matter how much, you will feel better in wdw. :thumbsup2

Tracey- I was just looking at michael's baseball pics through the years and noticing his teeth, and lack of teeth in one. The pics will be cute, and before you know it the tooth fairy won't be coming any more. They grow up so fast. Hope the car isn't too painful on the wallet.:goodvibes

Well, 3 days tracking, though my friend gave us some chocolate yesterday, so I did have a few too many of those, but wrote them down, and am still within my weekly points. I do find work days easier, but at night I need to stay focused. I'll do some wii fit tonight or step while I watch tv since I hit the snooze alarm this morning.

Have a great monday!!:)
Thanks Lisa and Kathy and everyone else for all the support! I was just getting ready to plan out my exercise for now until we leave for WDW and I decided to check in here first. Love all the discussion about planning! :thumbsup2 Exactly what I needed today! :cool1:

Glad that you are feeling better and have plan in place for exercise until you go to WDW! :goodvibes

Hi All,

A quick post before running back to the dance studio for Ash's Irish Step photos and Hip Hop photos. We just got back from taking Izzie for her photo and her photo with her sister.

Wouldn't you know it, Izzie lost a tooth 90 minutes before the photo and it was one of her top front teeth! AHHHHH! It was dangling so I had to pull it! The other top one is also quite loose so the Tooth Fairy will be busy this week.

Slept about 10 hours last night and then the girls and I went to church for part of the service. Came home and ate and then did hair and make-up. It went smoother this year though they both hate having eye liner put on!

Going to do something with chicken for supper tonight. Not sure what yet but it's almost defrosted.

Going to take my car to the shop to find out what the squeaking is all about so that might take up the whole morning before Izzie gets home tomorrow. Ash has Irish step and soccer tryouts tomorrow night.

Guess I'll call my mother before we head back for photos so I'll pop on again later!

TTFN :tigger:

Hope the car isn't anything expensive! :thumbsup2

Well.... let me just say, up front, I'm not feeling very "Biggest Loser-ish" after yesterday. I think we could call it CARB LOADING! I knew I would be eating popcorn at the movies, so I guess I figured I'd just eat any other carbohydrate that got in my way!! I went to bed feeling like GARBAGE and still feel that way right now. Talk about OVEREATING!!!:scared1: What a STUPID thing to do.... and no one to blame but myself. I've been eating SUPER light today and pushing the fluids. Hopefully my system will flush out quickly. I know that the WEIGHT gain is inevitable, but hopefully I can FEEL BETTER soon. Moving on now. :rolleyes:............

Sorr for the derailment, Pamela. :hug: It happens and it's hard to get all excited when the weather has been so darn dreary. I know you'll be back on track in no time.

I think I was planning to respond to some posts before Colby interrupted me. It's been a busy weekend, but I think we're in pretty good shape for the upcoming week. It's a challenge finding rides for the kids to all of their activities. I can meet them there, but won't be out in time to take them myself.

Deb, enjoy your new job and your first week of work! :flower3:

I think this is a good preview of what the summer challenge looks like. This is a busy time of year, too, with all the end of school activities. We are all being pulled in a bazillion directions. Remember, even if you are crazy busy, take a few minutes to take care of yourself, eat right, get some exercise. You will be able to deal with the craziness so much better! :flower3:

And speaking of craziness, I am spending my precious me time this morning fighting to get Microsoft Publisher on the computer for a school project that DS has been working with a friend on. :scared: Thank goodness it isn't due until Wednesday and they have done a lot of the work so this technical thing shouldn't be too bad. I hope! :rolleyes:

I really need to get ahold of myself. The scale is going the wrong way. I don't feel like my eating is out of control but it obviously not what it should be. Heck! I didn't even have any alcohol this week-end to blame. It was that darn trip to Costco. :sad2: Or DH's midlife crisis which is taking a toll on the whole family. :mad: It is a doozy! :confused:

Sigh! Pulling myself back together and getting back on track. Have a great day all! :goodvibes

Mechanic thinks it's the belt but it's wet here this morning so it's not squeaking. Made an appt for Wednesday when it's supposed to be dry. Should only be about $45.

Client rescheduled for 10 tomorrow morning instead of 12:30 so maybe I can get out of there a bit earlier though I'm not counting on it.

Need to get cleaning up this house which is always a disaster after the weekend. Going to wash all the sheets too.

TTFN :tigger:

Send in those weigh ins!!!!! Only have 10 so far!!!!
When I'm on call, I hope not to get called in, but if I do, I think positive and the money is good. Really it's a win-win, either way, but if you're hoping for me, hope the phone does not ring. ;) We won 7 dollars yesterday, but spent 25 since we didn't play for last weeks call. Michael started a vacation fund, 2 of his wdw popcorn buckets for us to save our money, one for coin, one for dollars. He was scouring the house and car last night for spare change, and decided all our lottery winnings will go in there.

Ooo! Smart kid saving for WDW -- you've raised him right! :thumbsup2 Glad that you didn't get called in. :goodvibes

I think that the tracking helps to keep those off plan moments from turning into a total blow-out. As long as you follow your own advice, you will be fine, NEVER GIVE UP! :flower3:

Thought that you all might enjoy this slideshow of motivational quotes from sparkpeople this busy Monday morning! :goodvibes


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