Casey Anthony THE VERDICT IS IN at 2:15 EST Thread #5

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Morning all. :)

A female bodyguard is going to be on the "Today" show this morning that stayed with her I think while out on bail.... should be interesting.


Aug 2008 for 9 days… Tracy Mclaughlin bodyguard in Anthony home.

No one looked for Caylee for the 9 days, ICA didn’t want to talk about her, she wanted to have fun, liked the media. She blew up and Leonard(bounty hunter guy) when they would push to find Caylee.

“Everyone is acting like everything is normal except George. He can’t do it. It is driving him deeper into his grief. I feel so sorry for him. Cindy is dancing around the issue. She knows not to push Casey and she is handling it very well. It feels like a game. “

She also went on to mention that when the remains were found and ICA was told they were on Suburban Dr. she broke down and had to be taken to medical and medicated.

I think the reason why no one looked for her those 9 days is because they knew that Casey knew where she was. They were hoping if they handled her with kid gloves, gave her a little nudge, she might be inclined to give a couple hints as to where Caylee was.

It is clear even in the jail house videos that she was the one in control..

The family dynamics are fascinating here. Sadly I think this whole tragedy will tear apart George and Cindy.

As someone else said, George is clearly torn apart, and each day, as he battles with JB, it is clear he no longer wants to protect his daughter. Cindy clearly still wants to protect ICA, and is even willing to perjure herself to do so. I think the prosecution bringing someone to rebutt her testimony that she was not at work that day will do serious damage, and show that Cindy is lying.

While I don't care much for Crystal Holloway/River Cruz/Liar Liar Pants on Fire or whatever her name is, I do think there is a possibility that she and George had something going on. Why else would he send a message that he needed her is his life? A little too personal for "just a volunteer".

Here's the thing though. If we could just get George to admit that he did in fact say that he thought it was an accident that spiraled out of control, we could easily clear up any doubt that he himself was somehow involved in the accident. I believe he said that, meaning he thought there was an accident with Casey and Caylee at the hands of Casey, not himself. That's his thought process, and it doesn't mean that ICA didn't purposely kill Caylee, it means that George thought at the time that she had an accident. It would take any doubt away that there was some stupid accident in the pool that George covered up.

Praying for the jury to have their eyes open be able to see where the evidence is pointing......:goodvibes

It would be interesting if the reason why Cindy suddenly was trying to protect ICA is because ICA told her she might be pregnant? Just a thought.

And as far as River Cruz. I agree with everyone else. There was one text, and it didn't seem sexual. I think he probably did have an emotional affair, especially with what was going on wih Cindy.

I don't think he had any knowledge that it was an accident. It seems like from the testimony and his own on the stand, that he wanted to BELIEVE it was. Because to think anything else would be admitting that his daughter murdered his beloved granddaughter.

I saw the end of the bodyguard's interview this morning.

When they told Casey they found remains the first time she just smirked at them and went back to her cell. The remains were not Caylee.

When they told her they found remains that turned out to be Caylee she became so hysterical they had to bring her to medical.

She knew exactly where Caylee was all along. :sad2:

Was the bodyguard ever interviewed on the witness stand?
Why is it that when Baez argues he just sounds like a whining kid.. Its not fair, we couldn't do it.. waaah waah waah. Even when having good arguments, he just sounds like a spoiled child.
No. I think all her statements would be considered hearsay.

That's a shame, she lived in their home for 9 days and observed Casey just wanting to have a good time, be in the limelight and NOT look for Caylee.
I have been watching the morning talk show and they are all saying, now of George testimony shouldn't be allowed siince they feel he lied under oath, but didn't the women Krystal Hollaway lie under oath as well?? Why not throw her testimony out as well

I don't get it either.

I guess they think her lies are not as bad.:confused3
Why is it that when Baez argues he just sounds like a whining kid.. Its not fair, we couldn't do it.. waaah waah waah. Even when having good arguments, he just sounds like a spoiled child.

He way over his head, he should have turned the case of to Mason, I bet Mason was boiling over the whole pet burial thing
No. I think all her statements would be considered hearsay.

But doesn't it testify as to her character?

I think it is amusing to opening the live stream his morning to see Jose whining about.. "but this shouldn't be included.. its gonna ruin my case!"
I think there will be no court today...

W-H-I-N-E-Y... this is all one great big surprise that the State is going to have rebuttal witnesses. If there was an issue with witnesses it should have been addressed last night and instead of his meeting with Geraldo he should have been taking depositions...

What an idiot.
Why is it that when Baez argues he just sounds like a whining kid.. Its not fair, we couldn't do it.. waaah waah waah. Even when having good arguments, he just sounds like a spoiled child.

Don't chemists (toxicologists) know what organic and inorganic material? Isn't that what the periodic table is all about?

Baez is being a butt. This "surprise" game that he plays is so fake.

It is not fair that they have proof. Wahhhhh.
Don't chemists (toxicologists) know what organic and inorganic material? Isn't that what the periodic table is all about?

Baez is being a butt. This "surprise" game that he plays is so fake.

It is not fair that they have proof. Wahhhhh.


Jeff Ashton: "If we can just stop this and get back to some actual work!" (maybe not word for word LOL) Gotta love him!
Imaginary problem = magical thinking!!! Baez is as crazy as Casey :rolleyes1
After this is over I wouldn't be one bit supurised Baez doesn't flip off the prosection lawyers even not more then that lol
I'll sure be glad when this trial is over. Someone could declare war on us and we'd never know, because of the 24 hour coverage of the trial by all the news channels.

"There are real problems and imaginary problems. I hope this is a real problem, because if I find out it is an imaginary problem...."

Get 'em Judge! A Baez verbal smack down!
Are you kidding me with this? This is NOT a circus, Baez! JBP is very angry! I love that he threatened them with working Sunday. And Baez is so freaking smug about it. Baez, at this point, doesn't know the difference between real and imaginary. He's been drinking the Casey kool-aid for too long.
Judge Perry sounds like he has a cold. Of course I didn't turn it on until 9am so I am lost now ugh.
I actually missed the part of finding the other remains when she smirked and went back to her cell.

I rewatched the video and they didnt tell her the remains were Caylee they only told her they were found on suburban dr when she freaked out. Which did showed she knew it was Caylee there the entire time.

Here is the online video of the entire interview

Yes, I said the remains turned out to be Caylee, not they told her it was Caylee, but she already knew that, didn't she?

I forgot to add that the first remains that she smirked about and went back to her cell where the ones found at Blanchard(sp?) Park. I guess this is why I found your statement confusing at first.
Baez is either a great attorney or an idiot. I'm not sure which. I'm leaning toward an idiot with no soul.
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