In Search of My Body vol. 10 - taking it one paper towel at at time

We're supposed to get to 98* today. It's going to have to hustle to make it. Only 92 here now. The Weather Channel helpfully points out it feels like 99. I will feel it when I ride home.

The running re-entry has gone okay. I plan to build mileage slowly, but need to get on the stick to make January. I had a zero miles week while on vacation. If I feel good this week I'm probably going to flout the 10% rule soon. Plan is Tuesday = speed, Thursday = hills and Saturday is LSD. I've missed my routes, too. Running and biking give me time to really look at things. "Oh, they've decided to replace that sidewalk. That's a new color" sort of things.

I could implement the catch-up-with-Kat plan. That girl is putting in the miles!

Catch-up-with-Kat plan :scared1: That would be too ambitious for me right now Ronda :lmao:

Ugly hot and humid here. Bleh. No workout this a.m. We had to take Stephen's truck in for service this moring and the dealership is about 25 minutes away. Last summer he had it in and we dropped it off and biked home. Now, I adore hilly rides but this route is mountainous. Seriously. As in we drive it and I still can't believe we were crazy/stupid enough to bike it. This morning was just too hot and humid to attempt. I need to be able to function for the rest of the day, not just pass out in the a/c!
Good morning! I've successfully made it through my first week on the wagon. I attempted to weigh in but my scale says I'm down 70+ lbs. I think I need new batteries. It is closer to 4 based on previous weigh ins last week.

Long day here. A funeral and then hopefully welcoming a baby boy tonight.
Good morning! I've successfully made it through my first week on the wagon. I attempted to weigh in but my scale says I'm down 70+ lbs. I think I need new batteries. It is closer to 4 based on previous weigh ins last week.

:lmao: Wowza. That's some wagon, EE! :lmao:

Long day here. A funeral and then hopefully welcoming a baby boy tonight.

:hug: I'll be thinking of you today!
From the misheard lyrics file:
Man, it's a hot one. Like seven midgets in the midday sun.

Yup, seven midgets gonna stick with me all day long. Good run this morning. 3 miles at 80 degrees. I'm sticking with my vampire technique and avoiding the light of day. Hip felt fine and other moving parts are just as I remember them. Start building the miles.

Kelly - I don't have anyone for your bib, but am getting excited for your race. Tick. Tock.

From the misheard lyrics file:
Man, it's a hot one. Like seven midgets in the midday sun.

Yup, seven midgets gonna stick with me all day long. Good run this morning. 3 miles at 80 degrees. I'm sticking with my vampire technique and avoiding the light of day. Hip felt fine and other moving parts are just as I remember them. Start building the miles.

hilarious! :lmao::lmao: Now *I'm* going to be singing seven midgets in the midday sun :lmao::lmao: My daughter had me singing "Secret Asian Man" over the weekend :lmao:

Thank goodness you can get up and out early enough to beat the heat in the morning. It is NASTY out there right now! Downright dangerous in your area I'm betting!
Kelly - I don't have anyone for your bib, but am getting excited for your race. Tick. Tock.


Thanks Ronda! Not long now!

Seven Midgets in the midday sun? Secret Asian man? Which songs are these misheard lyrics from (I'll sing them at work tomorrow and put them in everyones head :rotfl2:)

Sorry for all you guys suffering in the heat! Its 60 degrees here today, and it feels quite chilly! We never get a real Summer :rotfl:

E - Come out to play - I need Kindle advice!

Hope everyone is having a great day :hippie:
Ha! The midgets are from the Santana/Rob Thomas tune Smooth. Secret Asian Man is Secret Agent Man by Johnny Rivers, but it's been covered by lots of artists.

Finally, I am tickled by how many people substitute algebra for Beelzebub in Bohemian Rhapsody. It WAS high school.

Yes, stupid hot. Decent chance for rain tomorrow and high in the upper 80s.

glad to have an indoor, sit down job.
60 degrees. It's currently 100 here with a heat index of 116. My run? Treadmill. :)

MY run? :confused3 to the fridge for another beer :headache:

Ronda - algebra? :rotfl2: I've never heard that before. That's funny. When I was in h.s. I had a friend who thought John Mellencamps "Jack and Diane" said "let the bottle bill come and save our souls" :rotfl: Of course, that's about when we had to start paying a nickel deposit on cans around here
Actually, I only got in a mile. My broken AC luck appears to have followed me.

I swear, my car read 92 when I got back in it after that epic fail, and it felt cooler outside than it did in the upstairs of that gym (where the equipment is). I was dripping sweat before I even started.
Nancy - at that age math's proximity to the devil made it feasible ; )

Kat - Bummer on the gym temp. Sue is always scouting for the TM closest to the fan at the Y.

Storms were popping up all around last night. Some of the distant thunderheads were brilliant in the sun. Just beautiful. It finally started to thunder as we went to bed. Stretch warned us about it for half an hour. From under the covers.

We're headed for StL this evening. Visit family and do some small projects at Sue's mom's.

Drive safely Rhonda! There's more storms headed in today. We watched them as well as the sun was going down last night (I love that when you post it reminds me how close we are geographically!) but they stayed north and we just got a lot of rumbly thunder and puffy crazy looking clouds. Finally caught the rain this morning, and it's much welcomed! It really cooled things down.

I totally don't want to workout this morning, but I know when Dallas wakes up, he'll motivate me. I find it amusing that a 15 (16 in 2 weeks!) year old is motivating my lazybutt. :p

I've been doing 3 miles 3 times a week, but I'm eating poorly. Not junk, but veggie burgers and such, which usually makes me gain weight. I really just need a break from salad all the time, so I need to make sure I'm continuing to MOVE!

Sorry, all about me. How's everyone else this morning? Anyone else get lucky with rain/cooling off? It's been horrible here, I'm so glad it's a bit cooler.
Just a quick pop in. Baby boy has finally arrived! I'm at work and it is killing me. Wishing somebody would text me a picture.
Nancy - I am so envious that you have chips, but put them down. Do I need to break out the whistle?

Ronda - storms in our area have been ridiculous!

I'm on day 10 of being on and survived dinner with my boss last night. Since I give myself 1 splurge night, that was it. Grilled tilapia, broccoli,salad. No dressing, 2 blue moon and we split bang bang shrimp 3 ways. I have even felt like cheating.
Nancy, do it for me! Did you know that if I read that others are eating stuff they shouldn't, I find it very easy to rationalize doing it myself?? So put down the chips or I'm gonna get out the peanut butter! :lmao:
Karen - you helped me remember. I found some powder peanut butter that is only 45 calories. I will let everyone know how it tastes when it arrives.


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