In Search of My Body vol. 10 - taking it one paper towel at at time

Gosh, can I remember everyting without multi-quoting. Hmmm.

Liz, I probably suck at communicating. On the first - I'm down a bit and I forgot - simply forgot - how as soon as you make the changes (well me it really was just my move :lmao:) but anyway we all seem to forget that that instantly it all feels better - moving in the better direction. No, not at goal or losing tons but instantly it *feels* better in the body but we have such a feeling like "we've done too much damage" or "it will be months before it shows/feels" etc. it's funny to me how one forgets.

I"m tired. :rotfl2: That was worst than the first time. :rotfl2:

On the second - I hate the scale. The only reason I'm back on the scale is because of Jo and in solidarity with you. Jo said race up. You said something like I don't want a race right now - I want to concentrate on loss and support with that. So I said in my head "okay - okay - okay - okay" everyone is dong something. I'll go back on scale every two weeks. I think this was about six weeks ago.....

Nancy - okay time to tell me so that I understand - could you give a size or a number or a feeling (like running a certain speed - biking a certain distance) something where you're feeling good so that I get it. I know hard to communicate what it feels like.

For instance, I looked at my pictures from my lowest and laughed :rotfl2: the other day. I was so hung up on how high the scale was and how I read on the BMI and how I willl never be *little* that I missed it. Totally missed the point. And won't do that again. I know the size/weight where I feel comfortable and the rest is just added presents.

And by the way - I'm off my computer and boy my computer made me look 10-15 pounds up - it's unreal - yeah for that. I'm on a whole bunch now looking at pictures - it's great little surprise. I used to blame my sister. :lmao:

Kat :rotfl2: One day I will stand before you eating sh!t. :rotfl2::love: At a pretty good size for me. And loving it. ;)

Vroom vroom INdy cars are practising (do you know that I'm still insecure doing Canadian spelling - TOTALLY RIDICULOUS - GET IT TOGETHER LISA!!).

I LOVE fast cars. ANd our Indy is on real streets. Like that makes sense. :rotfl2:
Nancy - because I have a gym right here I'm back to doing my intervals and Jillian's have waned.

This next weigh in (15th) shiould be interesting b/c I read an article by Jackie Warner and she said 20 minutes can work with six days and intensity. So last week I shortened to that - not including warm up, stretching in cool down in that 20. So I do a three minute aerobic hard - and then two weight moves 2times - then three minute aerobic hard and blah blah.

So I didi the six days and then took two days and nowI will switch back and I will do a week of hour long intervals BUT the change is on the non-interval days I've given myself a pass on these hour weeks. If I want to do nada I can. If I choose to do something slow I will. My choice. And then back to the 20 minute every day when I get bored.

But as I said I'm always walking anyway. Destination I mean.

The doctors think you're fine as soon as they discharge you. :rotfl2: Truly. They are idiots. I was back about 6-8 weeks out from surgery and then stopped for a bit because I was constantly exhausted with the working out and my mom. I could hardly think. I was travelling a long way to get to her and showering her etc. Now I'm back on a schedule again.

My mom - I might have forgot - is doing fantastic physically. A powerhouse. And she's 75 - it's unreal. I think I've said that about two hundred times, eh? Laughing. I don't think you all need to hear AGAIN that she's 75. I think it's a shock that my parents are mid seventies and don't look it. My grandparents looked old in their fifties. It will kills me when Jean turns 50 next year. Okay back to Mom.

We lost part of her. On a positive note even though she has anger/rage/frustartion sometimes (common) but she's a happy denentia girl for now and that's a blessing. SO lucky. For the last three weeks she's found the phrase "that's crucial" :rotfl2: and she uses it regularly even if it doesn't fit. The brain is so fascinating. So I have a cold. That's crucial. :goodvibes
Heehee! Lisarambles! :goodvibes

Lisa, I'm glad your mom is happy, I think I told you that my dad had Alzheimers (*$)@%&* I always spell it wrong! grph!) and he used to joke that they had him on a happy pill. It was still hard to see parts of him gone while replaced by this jolly old guy that would forget simple things. Anyway, I don't even know what to say...glad she's happy works I guess! :hug:

Kat, no likey the no AC! That sucks. Congrats on the weight though and maybe you'll lose a little more sweating?!?!? Trying to look on the bright side, hope you get it fixed and FAST!

Nancy, I kill lawnmowers and cars like you kill tires! :p

I'm glad you are back to running with no pain Rhonda! That's GREAT news!!! :cool1:

I'm having a beer...see how long that lasted? :laughing: I'm not even a beer-girl normally, but there was some leftover from the 4th, so it's free. I'll drink anything I can get my hands on most of the time, if I don't have to pay for it. :lmao:
Karen, I am so with you on the drink almost anything that's free! :)

AC is fixed, I guess. An outlet shorted out, likely because they are currently bypassing the board that shuts off the fan. I can't even tell you how royally annoyed I am by the whole ordeal.

A good 5 of those 12 were likely water weight. I am not doing a traditional "diet", just cutting out sugar, flour, starch, everything processed. The only bad part about it is lots of preparation time. Alcohol is allowed but only liquor and dry wine.
Lisa - you don't suck - I don't keep up. :lmao:

Your mom - lots to say. Hmm. About what you expected, right? Which isn't good but, I know...always making the lemonade, eh?

I'm packing for a trip and will be away from the board until Monday - just wanted to check in and say hi to all. :love:
dreary day here. I'm trying like heck to get caught up on some much needed housework. Bleh. I despise housework :laughing:

After I knock a few more things off my chore list I'll be back to re-do last nights post that was so viciously eaten by the disboard gremlins. :mad:
Getting back to my running routine. Out the door early today for three miles. Felt good, but I was GLAD to be done. I need to start building miles again.

Soon we're going work on sealing some ductwork in the basement. Anywhere we can reach is going to get a coat of goo. Then it has to dry for 20 hours with the AC off. Curious to see how warm it gets. I'm sure Kat has a feel for temp rise rate.

Food has been okay, not great. I'm hoping exercise endorphins will help me out here.

Hope everyone is starting a great weekend!

Hi Everyone!

So much to comment on but today we are heading to the seaside for a much needed relaxing day!

It is one week today till the Race For Life. One. Week. :scared1: The fact that its so close is making my brain hurt!

I need to prepare my sign (the sign that I wear on my back). I have a few names for it all ready (my Nanan and Grandad, a family friend Jenny, and a work colleagues sister Sarah). Its a in memory / in honour of sign, so if anyone has any names of anyone who is fighting the fight, or a memory of anyone they would like me to put on the sign please give me a name and on the sign it will go.

One week. How did it come around so fast???

Have a great day everyone :lovestruc
Kelly, so happy for you that your race is almost here.
I know you will do great, you are SO READY to Rock this Race!!!

Crazy busy weekend here. Tomorrow my baby is 4

At what age to you have to stop calling them baby? I don't think I am ready for them to grow up this fast.
Hi Everyone!

AC is broken again. At least today it's only 90. Not like it's new or anything. :headache:

Dietary changes going well. Down about 12 lbs now since June 13th, and I like this way of eating, so I think I am going to stick with it for a while. I don't even miss the processed foods or sugar.

90 degrees :eek: Its 70 here today and a little breezy and people are walking around like we are in the middle of a heatwave! :rotfl:

Fantastic on the 12lbs lost :cool1:

I am running again. I have been doing some PT sessions and am running pain free. Lots of weakness in the left hip. I blame vacation shoes. Whatever the cause, I have a sheet full of exercises that seem to be helping. Flick, the cat, looks forward to my exercise sessions.

Glad your hip is feeling better!

oh - and I'm currently researching recipes that use (and HIDE!) zucchini. It's only the first week of July and we've already been so *blessed* with the green gems that I don't know what to do with it all!

Zucchini = Courgette? I love courgette, I could eat it with everything!

My mom - I might have forgot - is doing fantastic physically. A powerhouse. And she's 75 - it's unreal. I think I've said that about two hundred times, eh? Laughing. I don't think you all need to hear AGAIN that she's 75. I think it's a shock that my parents are mid seventies and don't look it. My grandparents looked old in their fifties. It will kills me when Jean turns 50 next year. Okay back to Mom.

We lost part of her. On a positive note even though she has anger/rage/frustartion sometimes (common) but she's a happy denentia girl for now and that's a blessing. SO lucky. For the last three weeks she's found the phrase "that's crucial" :rotfl2: and she uses it regularly even if it doesn't fit. The brain is so fascinating. So I have a cold. That's crucial. :goodvibes

Glad to hear your Mum is physically well Lisa :hug:

Nancy, I kill lawnmowers and cars like you kill tires! :p

Karen - I don't kill electric appliances, they try to kill me :sad2: So far, the lawnmower, hoover and kettle have all tried (Yes, I have been electrocuted by all of these things :lmao:)

I'm packing for a trip and will be away from the board until Monday - just wanted to check in and say hi to all. :love:

Hi Liz :lovestruc
Hope you had a good trip, Im going to check out your FB pics!

Kelly, so happy for you that your race is almost here.
I know you will do great, you are SO READY to Rock this Race!!!

Crazy busy weekend here. Tomorrow my baby is 4

At what age to you have to stop calling them baby? I don't think I am ready for them to grow up this fast.

Thanks Jo! Yesterday I felt ready, today not so much! Maybe I'll feel more ready after todays run!

Oh, and my Mum on occasion still calls us her babies...the eldest is 33 this year and the youngest 26 :rotfl2:

I need advice on Kindles if anyone has one - it is my birthday next month - the big 3-0!! - and I am wanting to treat myself to a kindle (mainly because DH says we should live in a house not a library and maybe I should cut back on the amount of books I fetch home :rotfl2:), so - who has one, what do you think? Worth the money?

Today is my opticians appointment - I am thoroughly ashamed to say I think its nearly 4 years since I last went (should be every two years) and the only thing that has spurred me is that my niece accidentally knocked my glasses off my face onto the concrete floor (Its a long way for them to fall!) so I am going to pick some new glasses - quite exciting! :rotfl:

Hope everyone has a great day :hippie:
90 degrees :eek: Its 70 here today and a little breezy and people are walking around like we are in the middle of a heatwave! :rotfl:

Fantastic on the 12lbs lost :cool1:


90 is nothing - Tuesday it will be 101! :)

No real advice on Kindles - I have considered one but downloaded the Kindle free app for my computer and phone and tend to use that instead. I rarely travel without my laptop.
Good morning. Quick check in before I head to the gym.

The good news: I'm down 1/2 lb from last Monday

The bad news: on Friday I was down 2 :mad: Seriously. I don't understand how my body fluctuates so freakin' much.

But, a loss is a loss now matter how small (said in my best "Horton Hears A Who" voice :rotfl2:)

Kelly - E has a Kindle. She loves it. Maybe she'll come out and play a bit and tell you all about it :goodvibes
It's going to be 115 heat index here today! Thank goodness for the gym.

I have a Sony Reader, which is bascially just like a Kindle and a few of my friends have Kindles...I thought I wouldn't like them at all. In fact, I didn't purchase it, my MIL did, and I put it in the closet for 6 months b/c I had no interest. When I used it the first time I was hooked! I have over 200 books on it and can carry ALL OF THEM in my purse! It's like magic. ;) Frees up tons of space in the house, no need for books all over, it's easier to hold than a book, and looks just like one when reading. I thought it would be like reading a computer screen, but it's not, and I really like it!
I'm going back and catching up on a few things that I had previously attempted to respond to, but the DIS gremlins ate my post! ;)

Nancy - okay time to tell me so that I understand - could you give a size or a number or a feeling (like running a certain speed - biking a certain distance) something where you're feeling good so that I get it. I know hard to communicate what it feels like.

I would like to be down about 10 pounds from where I am now. Although the actual number isn't super important. But when I'm in that particular weight range my clothes fit MUCH better (some don't fit at all right now :headache:), I feel better - both physically and mentally. I feel better about how I look and I think that has an overall impact on my whole attitude. And I have more energy. I don't know if the increase in energy is due to carrying less weight, or better nutrition or a combination of things.

I know there are a number of reasons that gaining weight has become easier and losing it more difficult. Naturally there is age, which I can't control. So I have to just deal with that one. I need to get back to serious strength training to add muscle mass. That helps me tremendously. Of course, I'd prefer to be doing outside stuff in the summer so I have to make strength work a priority. That's hard, but I must.

And the other big thing is food itself. I'm trying to find the balance between what is healthy, what is affordable and what is practical. I'm using less and less processed foods (although it will be a cold day in hell before I give up my artificially flavored non-dairy coffee creamers :lmao:) I've become more and more "natural" in the past few years which is indeed better for me, IMO but it also often means more calories. I use real butter or olive oil - not the lower calorie substitues. As much as I can I'm avoiding things like artificial sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup & artifical colors. Organic if I can (again - practical, affordable :rolleyes1). No more things like Fiber One bars or sugar free popsicles :sad2: As a result it's been more of a challenge for me to eat the foods I want, in a quantities that will satisfy me and stay in a calorie range that is going to allow me to lose weight.

This next weigh in (15th) shiould be interesting b/c I read an article by Jackie Warner and she said 20 minutes can work with six days and intensity. So last week I shortened to that - not including warm up, stretching in cool down in that 20. So I do a three minute aerobic hard - and then two weight moves 2times - then three minute aerobic hard and blah blah.

I'm interested in hearing the results as well! I would think that your body would respond well to the change-up.

And I'm also in the "thank God she's happy" camp for Mom. Hard to watch, I'm sure. Stephens Grandfather suffered from Alzheimers and he was NOT happy. He was downright ornery. It was really, really difficult.

I'm packing for a trip and will be away from the board until Monday - just wanted to check in and say hi to all. :love:

Hope you had fun Liz! :goodvibes

Getting back to my running routine. Out the door early today for three miles. Felt good, but I was GLAD to be done. I need to start building miles again.

:thumbsup2 Ronda is back on the road again! :yay: How's your body feeling after the reintroduction to the pavement?


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