Anybody else have a teen going off to college in August, 2009?

is it the school? or doesnt she feels that she is learning anything usefull..

Geoff wants anti school last year.. seems like a bunch of folks were gonna drop out and travel europe to teach farming and such..( just cause your in Iowa doesnt mean you know anything about farming)..Never happened.. but it made good late night talks..

I don't know, it probably is partly the school. It's in a very small town that becomes even smaller when school's out. She lives there because her job is 30 minutes past the town so it's not feasible for her to live at home during the off times.

Carol was so passionate about what she wanted to do when she started but it seems she has lost her way. She's not doing well this semester. I've been trying to get her to take one of those career interest tests but she seems to think that it will tell her the same as when she was in middle school/high school. I've explained that she has two years in college under her belt and that there is a good chance that it will say something different.

I'm meeting her for dinner tomorrow night to have a talk. It may be that she will end up at home next semester. She keeps bringing up that she's interested in being a beautician. There's nothing wrong with that but she's never shown any inclination towards that direction. I've told her that it's a hard job, on your feet all day, dealing with good and bad customers and she should shadow my hair dresser for a day or two to see what it's like.

I'm going to also suggest one of those two year colleges like DeVry or Remington. Maybe getting an associates degree in something would be a boost to her self esteem.
a 2 year college is a good option, it lets her explore opportunities and gives her a goal that is in site..lots of students go to school, thinking they know what the want and change majors several times, or graduate and discover that it is not what they want.. so a 2 year school is a great idea.
I don't think I saw this thread when it was originally posted but I had a dd that started Aug 2009. She's now counting the months - 8 to be exact- before she graduates in May 2012. Time flies.
I don't think I saw this thread when it was originally posted but I had a dd that started Aug 2009. She's now counting the months - 8 to be exact- before she graduates in May 2012. Time flies.

wow she graduates in 3 years.. that is so great!!:thumbsup2 what did she major in?? What will she do after she graduates?? what about insurance??
wow she graduates in 3 years.. that is so great!!:thumbsup2 what did she major in?? What will she do after she graduates?? what about insurance??

Graduating in 3 years because the cost of college is all on her and she will save some money be graduating early.

She is attending NYU - Tisch; majoring in Film/TV; minor in English and Business Entertainment. She is hopefully going to enter the NBC Page program. She has had internships last year Dr. Oz for the entire year last year and she is interning at Jimmy Fallon this term.

She is a real go getter and she has been very lucky making connections; which hopefully will pay off when she tries to enter the NBC page program. If all else fails her bosses at Dr. Oz have begged her to quit school and work for them since her first semester as an intern.

Insurance - well if she has too she will have to pay for private insurance. I'm pretty sure the page program doesn't offer insurance even though it is a paid position.
wow she graduates in 3 years.. that is so great!!:thumbsup2 what did she major in?? What will she do after she graduates?? what about insurance??

I think my youngest who's a freshman at SFA this year will graduate before my oldest will. :confused3 She's changed her major so many freaking times....she'll be in school forever...
I think my youngest who's a freshman at SFA this year will graduate before my oldest will. :confused3 She's changed her major so many freaking times....she'll be in school forever...

I hear ya. My youngest who is a freshman in HS has a better handle on what she is going to do. Esp. if my oldest dd does what she wants to do and gets into Law School.:lmao:

I have an only son too, so I know how you feel. You asked how long will you feel the way you do, it depends, it's different for everyone. Our DS left for undergraduate school in 2005 1 1/2 hours away for 4 years, then 3 weeks after he graduated in 2009 he left for Japan and spent 2 years there. This fall he just came back to the U.S.A.....for his last year of graduate school at Stanford.

Even though he is on the West Coast and we are on the East Coast we are so happy that he's back in the U.S.A! We still miss him but at least he can come home for Christmas this year!

We are all very close so I think we all miss one another and just try to enjoy every minute with each other when we do get to spend some time together, even if it's on Skype!
Ended up with both girls home last night. Wasn't the original plan, but it was nice to see them both.

The original plan was that youngest DD would come home from SFA and oldest DD would be in Dallas for the Texas/OU game. Well....DD1 texted me from Dallas saying that she had a horrible migraine, no Excedrin and just felt miserable. She was staying in a hotel with about 100 other college kids so I knew she wouldn't get any sleep, so I asked her if she wanted us to go get her. She said yes, so it was Mama off to the rescue. It totally messed up my plans for a quiet Sunday morning since I have to leave in about 45 minutes to take her back so she can get on the bus and head back to Austin. But no way did I want to leave her there feeling miserable when she was only an hour away. (In DFW world, an hour isn't far).

It's actually cool and rainy here today which would be the perfect chill with some coffee and Bailey's but now the plan is to take DD1 back to the bus, then DD2 and I are heading out to do a little shopping before she heads back to SFA.
Does she feel better this am?? Glad you were able to get her..and have both girls home :love: at the same time :love::cloud9:

Emailed Geoffs professor and international studies dept and Geoff about his trip and some details like vaccines , etc.. wonder who will answer me first?? :confused3:scratchin
Does she feel better this am?? Glad you were able to get her..and have both girls home :love: at the same time :love::cloud9:

Got her home last night and got some excedrin in her and thankfully she felt better about 2 hours after she got home. She doesn't have a bed in her room anymore (took it to her apartment in Austin) so she put some pads down on her floor in the room so she could sleep in there with her cat. DH offered to sleep upstairs on the couch if she wanted to sleep in the room with me, but she misses her cat so she decided to stay in her room.

She texted me after I dropped her off at the hotel this morning to head back and said everyone was hung over and miserable and she felt great and thanked me again for coming to get her last night.

She texted me after I dropped her off at the hotel this morning to head back and said everyone was hung over and miserable and she felt great and thanked me again for coming to get her last night.

glad she is better..MOM to the rescue :thumbsup2
Glad to catch up on everyone's kids!

I had my DD home this weekend also; she called Thursday night; said she had a head cold and just wanted to sleep in her own bed! Of all weekend for her to want to come home, we had a weekend trip planned to Penn State game, LOL! We checked out first thing Sunday and spent the day with her before she went back to her school last night, first I've seen her since she left in August! She will be back for Thanksgiving week, when she's having a melanoma removed on her thigh. But good news, the gallbladder issues are much better and pretty much resolved after the meds!
DD sent me an email this yesterday afternoon. Her friend is going to Peru for Winter break, (camping, hostels etc) to the tune of $2300. Uh no my have no money, and no way am I paying 2K for you to go to Peru so I can worry about you the entire time. It sounds like it would be a great time....but that is a definite NO!
nice to see the updates on all the kids-adults. :)

DD is coming home Wednesday for the Fall break. Didn't take enough of her sweats with her in August. She absolutely loves being in a house with more independence and resbonsibility. And it's definetly cheaper!

Now I have my other DD applying for next year!
Update on Carol - she signed a seven month lease for a different apartment. This is a complex that just outside of town, five minutes from school and much, much nicer than the one she is in now. She moves in two weeks. Instead of being all alone in a six unit complex during the school breaks, she'll be in a complex that has families and college students so she won't be all alone. Yay!

She's also applied for a Disney internship and has a second phone interview on Tuesday. It's for next summer so she won't miss any school. If she gets it, then I just might have to go for a visit. ;)
nice to see the updates on all the kids-adults. :)

DD is coming home Wednesday for the Fall break. Didn't take enough of her sweats with her in August. She absolutely loves being in a house with more independence and resbonsibility. And it's definetly cheaper!

Now I have my other DD applying for next year!

My 2nd DD is also in the process of looking at schools and applying for next year.
Great news with the roommates dog!! Roommate is taking the dog home this weekend and she's NOT COMING BACK!! :thumbsup2 I guess the girl left the dog in her room out of her crate for 10-12 hours and came home to find the dog had tore up everything and pooped all over the room.'s not a's a young untrained beagle...what did you expect??? :confused3

We're heading to Austin in an hour or so for her parents weekend. Bringing her dog for the weekend since she misses him. We're not going to the football game because Texas is sucking it up and we don't want to spend the money to see them get stomped. I think we're just going to go to her tailgate for a bit, go out to lunch and then watch some Ranger baseball tonight!
Baseball?? Really is that still going on..LOL:rotfl2:

Wanted to see how everyone is doing.. Geoff is coming home for a few days at the end of the month.I am gonna be glad to see him. Need to work on the vaccinces for Ethiopia we need to see what else he needs.. he thinks that he can graduate this spring.. gotta find out what is behind that and what he plans to do after graduation.. gotta be a BIG story.or maybe not..guess I can wait til he comes home.. of course if he get sick in Ethiopia, he is not going anywhere..

DS#2 is a freshman at U of ILL.. ( yes they lost to The Ohio State yesterday) so all those going through the application process. it is tough but it will be over soon.. if those kiids just cooperate..

DH and I are empty nesters for the first time ...
so we are going on cruises to celebrate.. well actually.. we leave for a 4 day dream to celebrate, then a Mexico Riveria for our anniversary ( plus it was dirt cheap) and Hawaii cruise next the empty nest!!


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