Anybody else have a teen going off to college in August, 2009?

WOW! I feel like I've been punched in the gut!! I posted earlier that DD's cardiac MRI and routine cardiology appointment was a success in July....well, I received a voicemail while I was at work the other day for DD stating she need to return a call to Children's Heart Center. Seems she has been referred for a new pulmonary valve. Her cardiologist had told us that her preliminary results looked great, but I guess once her Holter monitor results were looked at and measurement were taken from the MRI, they've decided to give her a new valve next month. I am beyond complete shock. We thought she had another five years left on her current valve.

On the other hand, we have to thank God for modern technology. This one won't be an actual "open heart" like before, but will be conducted through a cathetar. The surgeon's assistant said she would go for consultation one day, have surgery the next morning, and be discharged on day three. She assured me her energy level would multiply by leaps and bounds and she could be out running laps on day three or four.

No matter how many times they reassure us, it is still the scariest thing ever to have your baby have to endure another heart operation once again. This is something I will NEVER get used to.

Sorry for the long winded post. I'm still trying to talk this whole thing out and wrap my mind around it. Any prayers and pixie dust would be greatly appreciated!!!
WOW! I feel like I've been punched in the gut!! I posted earlier that DD's cardiac MRI and routine cardiology appointment was a success in July....well, I received a voicemail while I was at work the other day for DD stating she need to return a call to Children's Heart Center. Seems she has been referred for a new pulmonary valve. Her cardiologist had told us that her preliminary results looked great, but I guess once her Holter monitor results were looked at and measurement were taken from the MRI, they've decided to give her a new valve next month. I am beyond complete shock. We thought she had another five years left on her current valve.

On the other hand, we have to thank God for modern technology. This one won't be an actual "open heart" like before, but will be conducted through a cathetar. The surgeon's assistant said she would go for consultation one day, have surgery the next morning, and be discharged on day three. She assured me her energy level would multiply by leaps and bounds and she could be out running laps on day three or four.

No matter how many times they reassure us, it is still the scariest thing ever to have your baby have to endure another heart operation once again. This is something I will NEVER get used to.

Sorry for the long winded post. I'm still trying to talk this whole thing out and wrap my mind around it. Any prayers and pixie dust would be greatly appreciated!!!

Hello there....big hugs to you & I know what you mean. She will be OK and wow how exciting that she is going to have more energy. I have to say I am envious.:hug::hug::hug::hug:

We are still in process of figuring things out with my dd. She did the Holter monitor test and we have not gotten the results back yet.

After that she has to do a stress test and then cardiac rehab. It drives me up the wall that we don't have all the info yet.

Where she goes to school is not accepting of our insurance HOWEVER my dd has applied for AID and is getting everything paid for that is not covered by insurance (from her femoral artery surgery and medical testing). Not sure if you know about that, but I am passing it on to you....:thumbsup2

Best wishes and pixie dust to you and your dd.:wizard:
Alicia87--So sorry to hear about this setback. And, yes, thank goodness for modern medicine!!! Keep us posted on how it all goes and we will all be wishing you and your daughter the best.:hug:

As for my daughter, sometimes I have a little "saying" about her that I won't repeat word-for-word here;) but basically, if something can go wrong with her it will. Usually when she's on her own. When she was home for the past year, everything seems to go smoothly. On her own--a different story.

I may have posted that I took her up to school about 2 weeks early because they were having a job fair and she NEEDS a job while up there, for various reasons. It was a good move because she got a job that day, at the job fair.

About 3 days before school was to start, her advisor called her to go over her schedule (upperclassman pick their own classes several months prior to school starting and then meet with an advisor at some point before classes start). Because she's on probation there were a lot of restrictions on what she could take AND they have not officially accepted her community college credits because of probation, so it was hard. For instance, she took English 101 at community college but can't yet take 102 until her courses are accepted. Another story. Suffice to say, picking classes wasn't easy.

So she meets with the advisor and she tells her that the History she is signed up for is "too much like the one she took at community college." It's hard to tell--they are different course numbers and titles but apparently they are "the same". So they took her out of that one and put her in another which TOTALLY messed up her schedule and work schedule.

All of a sudden she can't make the hours that are scheduled for work. She lets them know, they sort of don't handle it well, and in the meantime she's got shift supervisors from the dining hall telling her she was expected at work and she's telling them "no, I've had a schedule change and Mr. Big Supervisor is getting me a new schedule." Mr. Big Supervisor never does this and finally someone else tells her that the way her new schedule is, they can give her enough shifts to total 11 hours and that is the minimum hours you must work to have an oncampus job.

My daughter now has no job and is running out of money. She has applied for dozens of jobs in the meantime but since she was "late to the game" even though she got there 2 weeks early:sad2: she can't seem to get anything.

The good lesson out of it is she sent me a text yesterday that said "OMG, I never knew how expensive it was to live on your own--I need a job so bad.":rolleyes1 Uh, yeah, I've been trying to show you that for at least 15 years.:rotfl:

With all that, she got sick last week with some Noravirus and a cold. Got sick in the middle of class, had to run out and throw up outside, in a pouring rain storm. Her phone was in her back pocket and got wet so the speaker didn't work for a day or two. She was nauseous for about 2 days with intestinal issues. I guess these college kids just get run down and then they are out and about with so many people that they just get sick. She was sick a lot when she lived in the dorm, so hoping now that she's in a house it won't be as much. She hardly ever gets sick at home.
Alicia87 hugs and prays for you and DD:grouphug: scary thing to go through..keep us informed..

Christine . things have a way of working out.. but the history issue, messing up her working is a pit..hope she finds a job..

dropped DS#1 off st school on saturday.. his roommate wasnt there so he just left stuff and waited for him so they can decide how the room will be..
It was hot in the room, but he knows the girls on either side and accross the hall.. said that it will be fine..he took my ancient weber charcoal grill, pans and dutch i guess he plans on doing some cooking..

Well, it is our first day as empty nesters.. really weeded, laundried, and starting working on cleaning the boys rooms and bath..nothing exciting ..yet..
Alicia and Mystery: :hug: to you both. I hope everything works out okay. :hug::hug:

Christine: at least she realizes how expensive it is to live on your own.
I'm sure things will start to turn around-- for the better. :)

My DD living in a house is definetly different. More freedom to go out which better not effects her grades. And it's pretty sad when we're consoling the ex-boyfriend, telling him he's better off. I love my DD but she can be a witch and she sure is not making this break-up easy.

Why can't 20 year olds appreciate the nice guys??

Geffric enjoy the empty nest period! We hope to join you next year.
My DD living in a house is definetly different. More freedom to go out which better not effects her grades.

While it's only 2 weeks into the semester, my DD has told me that now that she's in a house (rather than a dorm) she is sleeping a lot better than when she was there before in the dorm. She likes having her own room and there's not people coming and going at all hours. Just today, when I called her, she was in her room doing her homework, which for her was always a problem in the noisy dorm. I'm keeping my fingers crossed...
Alicia87 and Christine and everyone are things going???

Talked to DS and he is VERY excited to be going to Ethopia in January..( me not so much) he is being more realistic about it than spring.. worrying about the water and the food..but at least he is thinking and preparing himself that this is not a cruise or wdw vacation..
going to set up shots once he determines when he will be home..gonna need lots ( hep A and B, typhoid,Yellow fever, Rabies and Meningitis) and anti malaria pills too..
has arranged for several "kids" to spend a few days here as they leave from Chicago.. also said that after trip he will want to be here for a few days to recover..
and he had to get a new laptop..Tobishia died - the screen and hard drive crashed. so he had to get a new on..
Alicia87 and Christine and everyone are things going???

Talked to DS and he is VERY excited to be going to Ethopia in January..( me not so much) he is being more realistic about it than spring.. worrying about the water and the food..but at least he is thinking and preparing himself that this is not a cruise or wdw vacation..
going to set up shots once he determines when he will be home..gonna need lots ( hep A and B, typhoid,Yellow fever, Rabies and Meningitis) and anti malaria pills too..
has arranged for several "kids" to spend a few days here as they leave from Chicago.. also said that after trip he will want to be here for a few days to recover..
and he had to get a new laptop..Tobishia died - the screen and hard drive crashed. so he had to get a new on..

Hi, thanks for asking.

After all this time, DD *finally* got a job. She will be working at a store in the local mall. Naturally, several stores offered her a job at the same time. When it rains it pours. She starts Thursday and maybe in 3 weeks, she'll finally get a paycheck. I've been REAL miserly handing out the cash.

Ethopia--WOW. I don't know if I'd be brave enough to do that. That's going to be such an experience!
Carol's decided she wants to learn bartending but she'll have to wait until January when she turns 21.

Her school played at Cowboy Stadium two weeks ago and I got to see her on the big screen. She's loving color guard.
Hi y'all! Haven't checked in lately, but wanted to share Carrielee's news. As of last Tuesday, she was:

accepted into the WDWCP!!!

She moves in January 16 and will be home early June. :banana::banana:
Congratulations to Carrielee and to you ugagdog, that's great news!

Hi y'all! Haven't checked in lately, but wanted to share Carrielee's news. As of last Tuesday, she was:

accepted into the WDWCP!!!

She moves in January 16 and will be home early June. :banana::banana:

That's awesome!!!! Alyssa wants to do that, but the timing is never right.
Hi y'all! Haven't checked in lately, but wanted to share Carrielee's news. As of last Tuesday, she was:

accepted into the WDWCP!!!

She moves in January 16 and will be home early June. :banana::banana:

That is awesome! Congradulations!! :cool1:
Alyssa called me last night majorly annoyed. One of her roommates thought it would be a good idea to get a dog. Not only any dog...but a one year old beagle that is supposedly housebroken, but has peed all over the apartment including ON THE COUCH!! The couch that WE bought for the apartment. I am pretty annoyed as well!! The girl that got the dog is never home and keeps texting DD and another roommate to "please let the dog out". DD wants the dog gone, but she (we) are big time animal lovers and don't want the dog crated 24/7 (which roommate does) nor do we want the dog to go to the shelter. But it has to go somewhere.

I'm mad about the couch and also extremely annoyed at people that make rash decisions about animals. "Oh Gee....I like dogs....but I don't know anything about how to take care of them...but I will get one anyway because they are sooooo cute!!!" :headache: I'm a pet's are for life person and you better think long and hard before you get one.
I don't blame her for bieng annoyed. Roommate titally should have discuseed that with everyone before doing this! My daughter's roommate brought home a hamster without discussing with my DD (they are in a dorm room) and my daughter was majorly upset, more about the lack of discussion than the hamster itself. Luckily her roommate is very respnsible about caring for the hamster.

I am a major dog fan, but that was just wrong!
I don't blame her for bieng annoyed. Roommate titally should have discuseed that with everyone before doing this! My daughter's roommate brought home a hamster without discussing with my DD (they are in a dorm room) and my daughter was majorly upset, more about the lack of discussion than the hamster itself. Luckily her roommate is very respnsible about caring for the hamster.

I am a major dog fan, but that was just wrong!

She got a text last night from another one of her roommates and said the roommate with the dog said it was my DD's fault that the dog peed on the couch because she didn't take her outside. Uh....No. It's YOUR dog....stay home and take care of YOUR dog!! She told me that the girl got the dog Saturday and Saturday night went to sleep at her boyfriends and expected the others to take care of the dog. How inconsiderate!!!
She got a text last night from another one of her roommates and said the roommate with the dog said it was my DD's fault that the dog peed on the couch because she didn't take her outside. Uh....No. It's YOUR dog....stay home and take care of YOUR dog!! She told me that the girl got the dog Saturday and Saturday night went to sleep at her boyfriends and expected the others to take care of the dog. How inconsiderate!!!

Sounds like that roommate is way to self absorbed!:scared1:
She wants the dog but not the responsibility.

On another note, I'm thinking Carol will be dropping out of college. It's just a feeling..........

is it the school? or doesnt she feels that she is learning anything usefull..

Geoff wants anti school last year.. seems like a bunch of folks were gonna drop out and travel europe to teach farming and such..( just cause your in Iowa doesnt mean you know anything about farming)..Never happened.. but it made good late night talks..


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