BAD Disney Experience...

I am taking the stance that yes, Disney could and should have done something different in this situation. There was no reason to allow a 3 year old to sit there waiting for 30 minutes. This family should have been notified when snow white was feeling poorly that she wouldn't be coming back out and given the option to either wait to see if she changed her mind, given the option of waiting to find a replacement, or if they should just go on about their vacation.

Had the CM's been more caring then I doubt we would see the OP coming on the Dis complaining about their experience. They showed no compassion to a 3 year old child and in my opinion, poor judgement and customer service in allowing this family to wait 30 minutes for a princess that did not appear. Once again, the Disney can do no wrong crowd is out in full force. I am very sorry this happened OP. I would be upset as well. I don't think it would hurt to send an email to WDW and explain what happened to that perhaps they can place measures into effect that would prevent this type of thing from happening again.
Clearly you were missing the part of when I said to tell the PARENTS where to find her. The OP was making it like they were the only ones waiting for her. Could the cast member have whispered to her where Snow might be elsewhere? Yes.

The magic is kept under wraps regardless of the age of the person you are killing the magic for.

CM's in entertainment particularly can get in major trouble for doing what you are suggesting. But I guess the CM should have jepordized thier job so snowflake wouldn't be upset?

not to mention (again) Snow White doesn't appear anywhere else in Epcot or elsewhere on a regular basis for that matter.
I love reading all these threads about magical moments at Disney, and I think I'd read so many of them before my last trip I thought every minute would be like heaven. But the first day were were there with our 3 year old, we had this experience

That's the problem. Disney is still real life. It is not a fantasy world where nothing bad ever happens. Stuff happens that Disney cannot control, and you need to have realistic expectations for your vacation. I love Disney and love my vacations, but my expectations are realistic. The same people who annoy me in the real world will still annoy me in Disney World. Things are delayed or cancelled in the real work and can be delayed or cancelled in Disney World too. Realistic expectations are what lead to a happy vacation, not thinking that "every minute will be heaven."
I am somebody who never told my 3 year olds anything in advance because it is hard for them to understand things like this! I think The CM's should have done something. They should have told you that she was sick before you waited for a half hour. I would be annoyed as well. People get sick, it is unavoidable but they could have wanred you that she was under the weather and that she might not be out.

I think the CM's attention, rightly, was focused on Snow White. I assume she only told the handler that she wasn't feeling well, and that that person was tied up helping her poor sick coworker. She could have passed out, or been barfing up her lunch, or any had one of a dozen more serious things going on. All of which were much more important than giving a status report on the next character appearance to waiting guests, even if one of them was a terribly disappointed 3 year old.

Maybe there was a delay because Snow wanted to come out and see the little one, and figured she'd feel better after sitting for 20 minutes. And only then realized that she wasn't going to make it. Or maybe she passed out, or was in severe pain, and the CMs were staying with her while they waited for medical assistance.

I think we all need to remember that CMs are human, not animatronic. WDW has some of the most customer-focused employees you'll find anywhere, but they're not perfect, and then again, sometimes it isn't all about the guest.
What would have made your DD feel better? Or would an offer of something have made YOU feel better?

A mickey bar? Fast Passes? Front of the line to the other princess of your choice? WHAT?

How people allow stuff like this to ruin their day is beyond me. Your DD "just wanted to go home"...Seriously? Cause she didn't get to meet Snow White. If I had pulled something like that (crying to go home from the most magical place on earth where dad had just paid a fortune to go on vacation because I didn't get to meet a character, even at 3 years old)...well, suffice to say I never did pull anything like that.

It's up to YOU as the parent to "make it all better". NOT the CM's.
Hi Ginny, I'd love it if you did come back here and clarify for us because I'm trying to picture this scene and how it played out. You used the terms:
"cried and cried and cried"
"nothing I could do".

Your use of those terms puts a picture in my mind of a spoiled brat throwing total fit.

If there was "nothing" you could do, what would you expect a total stranger to be able to do?
I get what the OP is saying. It's not like people are expecting anything big but something to make the poor child feel better after being disappointed. We have had lots of little "magical" moments with cast members when little things go wrong---more than a shrug of the shoulders. We were there a week ago and at the end of the night, our ds wanted more than anything to go on Maelstrom in Norway and the ride broke down---he cried and cried. The girl felt so bad and talked so nicely to him asking what other rides he went on and what were his favorites and so on...and then she offered him some stickers---they all have them down there, lol! It did make him feel a little better. They could do something similar...something to distract the 3 year old from feeling so bad. It's amazing how silly we might think all those Mickey stickers are but to a 2-3 year old, they are like gold, lol :)
I don't like indifference and that it what I read into the OP's comment and to be honest, seeing a 3 yo hysterical isn't really magical for park guests... maybe all OP wanted was the CM to talk some more to her DD?

Not quite the same but when we were entering an attraction DD fell face first into the pavement not 6 feet from 2 CM's at the gate. She flipped right out and had a bloody lip and nose. She caused a huge scene and they didn't come over to ask if she was ok as we were calming her down and cleaning her up.
I was pretty annoyed. I mean, other park GUESTS stopped to ask if she was ok.

I don't like indifference. I don't expect anything but being acknowledged when you are in a bad situation is nice.
My mom says some days are like that. Even in Disney World.

Last trip we waited in line for Mr. and Mrs. Incredible, only for them to go back when we were next in line and Frozone came out. Not a big deal. We came back later, were next in line, and the same thing happened. So we have 2 pics with Frozone and none with Mr. and Mrs. Incredible. We twice missed Baloo by seconds and got 2 pics with Terk. Mike Wozowski got sick and took off running while we were next in line. Although some CMs do have better attitudes than others. Even if they "do nothing" some can seem more understanding than others. But I never expected a CM to do anything about it. I was disappointed, the kids were disappointed, but we just explained the situation to our kids and moved on. That was it. Our trip was still magical.
What did you want them to do?


Gosh, you guys are tough. I am not one to complain, and in fact I didn't... there are some squeaky wheels that would have demanded attention, but I just told them it was a shame because she'd never waited 40 minutes so patiently in her life, then took my bawling child and walked away. After waiting 25 minutes longer than I was told... it would have been nice if someone had come out and told us earlier. I mean, first hour in Disney World ever, and this is what happens?

I suppose I would have liked some compassion, rather than shrugging and being like "Whatever." Smiles would've been nice. And yes, telling us where we might be able to see another character would have been great. Many cast members do seem to know how to go above and beyond... because I'm sure I'm not the first person this has happened to. Instead, they were really rude and indifferent.

You do not go to Disney World expecting to be treated like a number. You don't go there to have your expectations met, you go there to have them exceeded. That is what makes it Disney World. That's why we pay the extra $ to go there. Now, I know every organization has its bad apples, but there were several cast members there. If this is something that happens often and you have all experienced it, then I guess it wasn't a rare thing? Say it isn't so!
it is very hard for disney to make everyone happy every one gets sick somtimes at least you got to meet the 7 dwarfs that would have made my trip we only get to see dopey
While I agree that they really could not do anything.....instead of saying that Snow White was too busy perhaps the CM could have said the truth and told the little girl that Snow White was not feeling well; that Snow White was really sad not to be able to meet her and that maybe they would see each other when she was feeling better.

Sometimes it is all in the delivery with children. She still would have been upset but would have had something to look forward to later.

We are only getting one side of the story. I have to wonder how magical it would have been if Snow White had come out and barfed all over the child? Ka ka occurs.
First of all, you have to be careful about posting negatives out here on this board. You are going to get responses of 'what did you expect them to do, provide you service when it isn't their fault and they don't have to?'

There were several things the cast member could have done and none of them involve dragging a hurling Snow White back out into World Showcase. Perhaps getting the child a balloon with a sincere explanation and apology. Perhaps maybe getting the child an autograph book or pen and explain that it is for her to get Snow White's autograph later. Perhaps getting the child a small treat from one of the World Showcase stands.

It's called customer service. Look it up on Wikipedia. It's also called 'Magic' which Disney keeps telling us is their business.

Several years ago on our first trip after Test Track opened, we got to Epcot in the afternoon and the line for Test Track was a 90 minute wait. Because of our schedule, we were not going to be able to wait that long and we were not going to be able to come back the rest of our trip. Our son was disappointed but handled it well. The cast member that was working the end of that line struck up a converstation with my son. After talking with him, he took us to the front of the line for the ride. He didn't have to do that and our trip would not have been ruined had he not. But we remember that to this day and it didn't cost Disney one dime.

On our very first trip, we had reservations for breakfast for 8am at Crystal Palace. We left early but only one monorail was running that early and when we got to the station, we were really worried we were not going to make our reservation. We were the only one's waiting for the monorail. The cast members working the platform saw the concerns on our face and asked us what was wrong. We explained our situation. Without any request from us, he left and then came back and told us that he called the Crystal Palace and told them we were on our way and to not give away our reservation. Again, we remember that to this day and it didn't cost Disney one dime.

I have witnessed countless times where a child lost a balloon, dropped an ice cream bar, spilled a drink and a cast member replaced whatever was lost, dropped or spilled.

So, if you want to know, 'what did you expect them to do', the answer is 'respond with Disney service'. And no, that doesn't mean pay for my entire trip because Snow White had to leave and not come back. There were plenty of options available that wouldn't have cost much of anything but would have left a positive impression.
First of all, you have to be careful about posting negatives out here on this board. You are going to get responses of 'what did you expect them to do, provide you service when it isn't their fault and they don't have to?'

There were several things the cast member could have done and none of them involve dragging a hurling Snow White back out into World Showcase. Perhaps getting the child a balloon with a sincere explanation and apology. Perhaps maybe getting the child an autograph book or pen and explain that it is for her to get Snow White's autograph later. Perhaps getting the child a small treat from one of the World Showcase stands.

It's called customer service. Look it up on Wikipedia. It's also called 'Magic' which Disney keeps telling us is their business.

Several years ago on our first trip after Test Track opened, we got to Epcot in the afternoon and the line for Test Track was a 90 minute wait. Because of our schedule, we were not going to be able to wait that long and we were not going to be able to come back the rest of our trip. Our son was disappointed but handled it well. The cast member that was working the end of that line struck up a converstation with my son. After talking with him, he took us to the front of the line for the ride. He didn't have to do that and our trip would not have been ruined had he not. But we remember that to this day and it didn't cost Disney one dime.

On our very first trip, we had reservations for breakfast for 8am at Crystal Palace. We left early but only one monorail was running that early and when we got to the station, we were really worried we were not going to make our reservation. We were the only one's waiting for the monorail. The cast members working the platform saw the concerns on our face and asked us what was wrong. We explained our situation. Without any request from us, he left and then came back and told us that he called the Crystal Palace and told them we were on our way and to not give away our reservation. Again, we remember that to this day and it didn't cost Disney one dime.

I have witnessed countless times where a child lost a balloon, dropped an ice cream bar, spilled a drink and a cast member replaced whatever was lost, dropped or spilled.

So, if you want to know, 'what did you expect them to do', the answer is 'respond with Disney service'. And no, that doesn't mean pay for my entire trip because Snow White had to leave and not come back. There were plenty of options available that wouldn't have cost much of anything but would have left a positive impression.

Excellent post! :thumbsup2 You have to be so careful on these boards not to post anything negative about Disney. People can be very harsh in their responses. I think the OP really just wanted some good customer service in response to an unfortunate and unavoidable disappointment. That's what we all expect of Disney. It's what makes it so special. :flower3:
LOL, while everyone keeps saying their first thought was "what did you want the CM to do?",
My first thought was "she was picking the flowers at Epcot?"
Perhaps it was a teaching opportunity for Mom. "So sorry you're upset but Snow White isn't feeling well and is resting. You do want her to feel better don't you? She will come out later". (as soon as casting can find a replacement).

This has nothing to do with customer service or magical moments. A cast member got sick and the poor handler (with who knows how much on-the-job experience) didn't know how to calm a hysterical 3yo that the mother couldn't calm either.

If the 3 yo was that hysterical, I wouldn't try to calm her down either. Perhaps the child has special needs? Most (all) CMs are not trained (nor should they be)to handle these problems.

Bad experience. Yes. Bad Disney experience. No.

(when she has tantrums elsewhere will you say "Bad Walmart experience". Come on... Don't blame the (normal-- it happens) behavior of a 3yo on Disney. And let's face it, if your 3yo did not have the breakdown, this thread would never have been posted.
Several years ago on our first trip after Test Track opened, we got to Epcot in the afternoon and the line for Test Track was a 90 minute wait. Because of our schedule, we were not going to be able to wait that long and we were not going to be able to come back the rest of our trip. Our son was disappointed but handled it well. The cast member that was working the end of that line struck up a converstation with my son. After talking with him, he took us to the front of the line for the ride. He didn't have to do that and our trip would not have been ruined had he not. But we remember that to this day and it didn't cost Disney one dime.

On our very first trip, we had reservations for breakfast for 8am at Crystal Palace. We left early but only one monorail was running that early and when we got to the station, we were really worried we were not going to make our reservation. We were the only one's waiting for the monorail. The cast members working the platform saw the concerns on our face and asked us what was wrong. We explained our situation. Without any request from us, he left and then came back and told us that he called the Crystal Palace and told them we were on our way and to not give away our reservation. Again, we remember that to this day and it didn't cost Disney one dime.

I have witnessed countless times where a child lost a balloon, dropped an ice cream bar, spilled a drink and a cast member replaced whatever was lost, dropped or spilled.

So, if you want to know, 'what did you expect them to do', the answer is 'respond with Disney service'. And no, that doesn't mean pay for my entire trip because Snow White had to leave and not come back. There were plenty of options available that wouldn't have cost much of anything but would have left a positive impression.

Replacing a lost balloon, calling to hold a ressie or bumping someone up in line is hardly the same as producing a pinch hitter for a sickly Snow White. Those things were within the power and authority of a CM. SW wasn't available and a polite cover story was about all that I'd expect. I've never seen anyone flamed here for a negative post that was reasonable. IMHO the OP's gripe was unreasonable.

Bill From PA


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