Hold on folks, 'cause this is the wildest trip on the DISboards! July 2012 *NEW 9/9*

Me again!! We love trading vinylmations too! If you still have the Phil...try using a magic eraser really lightly on him...just slightly wet...just don't rub too hard or the paint will come out.

There are a ton of Facebook groups out there that trade vinylamtions too...some people on there are really weird and sketchy but the majority of people are cool! :)
Your family reminds me so much of mine! Especially your dad because that's exactly how my dad acts! Like last year when we went he got picked to dance in monster inc show too and he danced soo crazy and he usually isn't like that and everyone was dying!!!! And I feel the same way about the tour groups! When we went in July they were there and tried to cutting us in line! They are just rude!!! Well I love hearing about your trip and keep posting! And I loved hearing about your whispering canyon meal because we are eating there when we come back in march!!!!!! :)
I am loving your TR!! My daughter is 15 and loves Disney too!! You are very entertaining and your family sounds like a ton of fun...:cool1:

Thank you!:goodvibes

Me again!! We love trading vinylmations too! If you still have the Phil...try using a magic eraser really lightly on him...just slightly wet...just don't rub too hard or the paint will come out.

There are a ton of Facebook groups out there that trade vinylamtions too...some people on there are really weird and sketchy but the majority of people are cool! :)

Oh darn! I traded him! That sounds cool, I should check that out!:thumbsup2

Your family reminds me so much of mine! Especially your dad because that's exactly how my dad acts! Like last year when we went he got picked to dance in monster inc show too and he danced soo crazy and he usually isn't like that and everyone was dying!!!! And I feel the same way about the tour groups! When we went in July they were there and tried to cutting us in line! They are just rude!!! Well I love hearing about your trip and keep posting! And I loved hearing about your whispering canyon meal because we are eating there when we come back in march!!!!!! :)

Hahaha aren't crazy dads the best!:thumbsup2 Yes, we saw tour groups doing that too AND they were just throwing their trash everywhere! Thank you so much, I'm glad you're enjoying it so far!
Day 4: July 14th, 2012

A Late Morning in Future World

Good morning everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying my TR so far, and there is MUCH more to come! I will do a small update now before I go out, and hopefully I can get another one in tonight, so enjoy!

The morning of our fourth day in WDW we decided to sleep late. It was a good idea, since we had stayed out so late. Our plan was to go to Epcot, go on like one ride, and then head over to the countries.

Well, our idea for sleeping late didn't work out very well. We all woke up at 9 am. Oh well. Since we had a lot of time, and we would be having a late lunch at Biergarten(YAY), we decided to head on down to Roaring Forks and get a breakfast.

I went down in my PJs, and we grabbed some coffees and sat down. Grace got the pancakes that she loved. Mom and Dad got the bounty platter, and I just shared a little bit with them, because I wasn't very hungry.

Afterwards, Mom did a load of laundry, we dressed and headed down to the bus for Epcot. Uncle Matt and Dominic had left earlier that morning, so we took Isabella and were on a bus by 11. Auntie Cathie was hanging back at the hotel and doing laundry for a little bit, and would meet us later. Their neighbors had headed home early that morning, so thankfully, no more huge group:cool1:. We arrived at Epcot, and I decided to get a picture of Grace trying to hold the ball, because I hadn't gotten her before.


Uncle Matt and Dominic were off seeing Captain EO and that area, which we didn't really want to do. Therefore, the one ride we REALLY wanted to do before the countries was Mission:Space. I had never been on it, and it was something I really wanted to try. I always was so freaked out about going on, and I'm not really sure why.

We walked over to it, and the line said ten minutes for the green line. I'm not such a crazy fool to do the intense one! Right as we made our way over a HUGE Brazilian tour group came cutting in front and got before us in line. GREAT. The second they did, the line jumped to 40 minutes. We decided to wait it out, seeing as we really didn't have anything else to do. It was crazy, because this tour group was SO rude. This girl just handed the CM her trash, and one was sitting on one of the ropes. A CM went over and made an announcement to not sit on rails. Then I heard another CM say to him, "that was pointless, because half the people in line don't even speak english!." He looked pretty annoyed, so I guess the guests aren't the only ones that get annoyed with the tour groups!

Here us girls are prepared for the green side! Woohoo!


There was some space thing suspended in the air, and the theming in line was pretty cool.


Grace and Mom had been on this before!


The Brazilians in front of us were throwing all their bottles and trash all over the floor, so Dad went and poked one of the kids and yelled at him not to litter in Disney! It was hilarious! The boy looked scared, and quickly picked it up! Lol:lmao:!

We waited about 20 minutes, which was DEFINITELY a lot less than 40 minutes!:thumbsup2

I was getting a little nervous, because I had no idea what to expect. Isabella was very nervous, because she was a first timer at this too. Well, we ended up loving it! I thought it was AWESOME! I was so glad I had tried it!

Next it was time to head over to the countries!

Coming up Next...dancing to a mariachi band, and stuffed to the max on German food!
Aw. We've been lucky. Never had a big problem with the tour groups!
When we got in line Dominic was given the lanyard with the card. It was funny because almost everytime we went on a ride

I have a question .... what is the lanyard for? I've seen those handed out at different rides in WDW. What are they haha
DisneyFanatic09 said:
When we got in line Dominic was given the lanyard with the card. It was funny because almost everytime we went on a ride

I have a question .... what is the lanyard for? I've seen those handed out at different rides in WDW. What are they haha

To help judge wait times! They scan when they hand it to you, vs when they get it back.
I tell you what, I think the tour groups are a pain. However, I love it when I see that they are from Brazil. I speak fluent spanish and it's not that far from Portuguese. My brother in law is from Brazil and has taught me how to speak the language. the look on their faces when they see this otherwise American looking person that knows how to speak their language is priceless. It's funny how quickly their attitude changes when they realize that I know what they are saying....

I can't do Mission Space. Between getting motion sick and vertigo, I get way too dizzy on the ride!! LOL!!

Can't wait for more!!
Aw. We've been lucky. Never had a big problem with the tour groups!

Haha yes you are lucky!:thumbsup2 Although if you haven't gone in early and mid July before, then that may be why, because I've noticed they are always there at that time of year.

I tell you what, I think the tour groups are a pain. However, I love it when I see that they are from Brazil. I speak fluent spanish and it's not that far from Portuguese. My brother in law is from Brazil and has taught me how to speak the language. the look on their faces when they see this otherwise American looking person that knows how to speak their language is priceless. It's funny how quickly their attitude changes when they realize that I know what they are saying....

I can't do Mission Space. Between getting motion sick and vertigo, I get way too dizzy on the ride!! LOL!!

Can't wait for more!!

Hahaha yes I would love to know what they were saying!
Aw that stinks, that's how I thought the ride was going to be, because I heard
it caused dizziness and it was very close to the screen, but it really wasn't as bad as I had expected. Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it:goodvibes
MickeyLuvrLauren said:
Haha yes you are lucky!:thumbsup2 Although if you haven't gone in early and mid July before, then that may be why, because I've noticed they are always there at that time of year.

Hahaha yes I would love to know what they were saying!
Aw that stinks, that's how I thought the ride was going to be, because I heard
it caused dizziness and it was very close to the screen, but it really wasn't as bad as I had expected. Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it:goodvibes

We've seen them, we just luck out and aren't usually at the same attractions. They do get in our way walking though.
Dancing away in Germany

We were on our way over to the World Showcase to poke around in Mexico, then head over to Biergarten in Germany for our lunch at 2 pm. Dominic was especially excited for this lunch arrangement, because he LOVES dancing there!

Dad texted Uncle Matt to meet us in Mexico when he was done on the rides, and Auntie Cathie was heading over to Epcot now, so she would meet us there too.

We arrived over at the Mexico pavilion.


The first thing we wanted to do was hit the Mexican boat ride. I find that ride to be really cute and relaxing!

Bella and Grace were being very goofy.





I absolutely love the atmosphere in Mexico!


By now Auntie Cathie, Uncle Matt, and Dominic finally arrived! I went over and bought one of the oaxaca wooden animals. I had gotten a cat last summer, so this time I chose an orange cheetah. The adults went over to the bar and got some drinks.

A family photo! We have practically NONE of those!


I quickly snapped a picture of Bella and Dominic with the sombreros, because Auntie Cathie had banned hat wearing at Disney, in fear of getting head lice.:rolleyes:


Dad quite liked this interesting Mexico hat!


When we exited the building we noticed there was Donald Duck, and practically NO line! What!?


Then we noticed that the mariachi band was coming out, and of course we had to stay for that!


Mom suddenly had an ingenious idea to give her the camera to video tape us dancing. So there was Bella, Dominic, and me dancing around like a whole bunch of fools in front of the band. Grace opted out of looking like a weirdo with us...oh well. At least we might have entertained the people near us! Then the craziest thing happened Dad got right up there and started dancing! Not just any dancing...he was doing SPANISH dancing:rotfl2:! Unbelievable! After finally pulling Dad away, it was time to head over to Germany for a late lunch.

We had a couple minutes, so we looked around in the gift shops.

I asked the German girls if the boys could get a picture with them.


They then asked if we would ALL like a picture with them. Sure, why not! One out of two of our full family photos with two German CM's!:thumbsup2


As Mom and Auntie Cathie went over to check in, we got the obligatory picture in front of the lovely Biergarten doors.



We were seated right on the bottom floor by the dancefloor. Perfect!

Dad got himself a nice large beer. That thing was massive!



We all enjoyed our lunch, which was great of course. Our waitress was very nice and the food was YUMMY! I would have to say the best thing I ate was the cauliflower soup which is out of this world, and the pretzel buns to dip it in:thumbsup2.

The German band was out and playing.


With our tummies SO full, we jumped up on the dancefloor and owned it! We were the ONLY family on the floor! Everyone else sat there staring at us, but we didn't care we were having the time of our lives! Dominic did a solo dance full of wacky moves and cartwheels. Us girls all danced away, and then Dad came over and stole the show. He led us in a circle marching and clapping. It was hilarious! Although now my stomach was KILLING me! Not a good idea to dance around on a stuffed stomach!

Everyone enjoying their tasty drinks!


With our stomachs killing us, and Dad stopping at every nearest bathroom, we made our way back to Norway and see the rest of the countries after a fantastic lunch at Biergarten. Anyone that loves some tasty German food, a fun band, and tons of dancing should definitely go there! We go there every trip!

Stay Tuned...the heat+Chinese acrobats+melting caramel=NO ONE HAPPY:sad2:
:cheer2:What a great job of writing!! I have enjoyed every word and look forward to the next posting. I am going in December and this sure helps make the time go faster. Thanks for a great job!!!
I love the pictures from Biergarten. We are eating there for the first time on our upcoming trip. It will be our first time eating there.

I really love your writing. You make things feel real and like we are actually there with you. I can't wait to read more!!
I love the pictures from Biergarten. We are eating there for the first time on our upcoming trip. It will be our first time eating there.

I really love your writing. You make things feel real and like we are actually there with you. I can't wait to read more!!

Thanks, you will love it! It is such a fun place!

Thank you so much!:)
A Very Hot Afternoon in the Countries

When I had last left off, we were making our way back to Norway and try to hit all the countries. Key word TRY.

We got down to Norway, and let me just admire this Stave church. I love these!


All of us really wanted to go on Maelstrom, but the wait said 20 minutes. My family though it was just fine, but oh no, Uncle Matt would not hear of waiting 20 minutes for this. We finally talked him into it, and waited. It was definitely shorter than 20 minutes too!

Soon we were boarding our viking boats.



We looked around in the gift shop for a little while, and of course we had to get a picture with the giant troll!


I saw this WICKED cute mug there. I literally wanted it SO bad! I mean how could you not want that?


Auntie Cathie ended up buying the Leila perfume there, which she had been dying for forever. She even got to meet the man who made the perfume!:thumbsup2

We made our way over to China, and looked around in the gift shop, although the best part of those shops there is the puppets!


Hello, is anyone there?


I love the garden area in China. It's just SO pretty. UGH I just LOVE the countries, I want to go back!!!:sad:


Everyone decided that they wanted to stay and see the Chinese acrobats. In all our years of coming to Disney we had never seen them! Yay! I love new things!

As we sat to watch the show, I suddenly discovered just HOW hot it was.The show was good, not my favorite though. The girls were good, but there was this one guy in a silver costume who's routine was just too long, and not very good. By the time I stood up I felt completely drained. Sitting in the sun had killed me. I was lightheaded, and I just felt awful. I also realized how thirsty I was, so I quickly got a drink and guzzled it down.

We trudged back over to Germany, and stopped at the little trading post area to bang on the drums.


We got to Germany, and stopped in Karamel Kuche, where I NEEDED to get a caramel! I got a delcious milk chocolate caramel. YUMM. By now though I was done with this park altogether and so was everyone else. I was fading fast, which NEVER happens to me at Disney. Maybe it was because I was up so late? We hopped right on the boat to ride back over to Future World. We decided we would just have to come back to the countries another day.

It was SO hot and my caramel was melting! It melted ALL over my dress, which DID NOT make Lauren happy, not at all:mad:!

On our way out, we decided to hop on Spaceship Earth, since there was no line, and half the group hadn't gone on it.


Uncle Matt was able to convince everyone that we NEEDED to stay longer, oh boy. When we got off the ride, we walked over to Innoventions, which was closing soon. The moment we stepped into the air conditioned building I felt IMMEDIATE relief. It was like all the pains I had been feeling had just gone away, and I felt refreshed and fantastic! Yay to air conditioning!:thumbsup2

We hopped in line for the very last showing of Storm Struck. Dad and I had done it in January, and we told everyone they should do it too, because it really is a cute show.

Sure enough everyone enjoyed it. If you haven't tried this one, I definitely recommend it! It is interactive with the audience, and just plain old cool!

There was another thing after the show that everyone REALLY wanted to do! That was Mission:Space. Hey, you couldn't expect me to go on it once and be satisfied, right?


The line was basically non-existant, and we went in the green side again. Dad, Auntie Cathie, and Grace decided to skip out on the ride this time, but it was Dominic's first time going on.


Dominic may look very happy, but he was pretty scared!


He loved the ride of course, and it was great the second time around too!

Dominic made his first vinylmation trade of the trip in the gift shop, adn got Yoda of course! What a lucky kid!

We went over to Club Cool which Dominic had been dying to go to.

Dad decided to pretend he was drinking from the Coca Cola bank! Ohhh Dad....:sad2:


Everyone tried the Beverly of course, and Dominic loved the taste of it, as he always does. Weird, right?

By now it was going to be 8 pm soon, and many people in our group wanted to go back. Dad and Uncle Matt wanted to stay for Illuminations but watch the British band first, so Mom stayed with me so we could save a spot. Auntie Cathie left with Grace, Bella, and Dominic to go swimming in the pool.

Coming up Next...Illuminations and nighttime swimming!
I'm loving your trip report! You seem to have such a fun family. And I really like your writing style too. Can't wait for more updates! :thumbsup2
Youre trip report is great so far! It sounds like you had so much fun! Youre family seems really funny and ummmm, interesting! Like my family!!!! Do you know where youre cousin got her tank top? I love it!


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