Hold on folks, 'cause this is the wildest trip on the DISboards! July 2012 *NEW 9/9*

"Hellooo Humans!" and a trip to the Briar Patch

After our great lunch at Pecos Bill's, my Dad received a text from Uncle Matt. Apparently him, Mark, Isabella, Dominic, and Austin and Taylor had stayed in the park, braving it with no rain coats on. While Jen and Auntie Cathie went back to the hotel to do who knows what.

He wanted us to meet him, but we wanted to do something else first,
before traveling halfway across the park!

And that was...Splash Mountain!


The line said 40 minutes, but we
didn't mind. My family doesn't really mind waiting in lines at Disney. It turned out to be a 35 minute wait. That was because THEY were in front of us in line.:furious: And by THEY I mean TOUR GROUPS!!!! URGHH! This vacation was full to the MAX with these horrendous South American tour groups. I cannot even begin to
describe my hatred towards them! They literally drove us crazy the entire trip. You will most definitely
hear of more of our woes with them later on.

Due to the line, we also had to wait outside. Something that we don't have to do often.

I liked this just because I am a coffee lover, and it was just completely obligatory to take.


I loved this cute little house made out of
acorns! Little touches like that just make this ride.


Oh and here we are soaking wet. Although by now
the rain had basically died down.


Our main characters of this lovely ride:



"You may get wet"...Oh yes, just a little...;)

And soon, we were boarding our own log! One thing I do NOT love is when you take
a seat and your butt is automatically soaked!:rolleyes2

Smile guys! Oh..no? Well, ok. That's my family for you!


Sorry guys, but I happen to have A LOT of pictures
of this ride. What can I say, I was on fire! So sit back,relax, and enjoy.

Some of the unfortunate people heading to the Briar Patch. Of course that would be
us veeeery soon.


"How do ya do?"



A pretty waterfall that I never seemed to notice
on that ride.


We didn't actually get very wet on that ride,
because we were in the last two rows. Yipee!:thumbsup2 The ride was great, as usual.
I always sing along on this ride. I probably seem like such a weirdo to others, but
hey! It's Disney! My family always goes by the idea that it is completely necessary to act
like wackos here...because you will never see any of these people again!

Anyways, after Splash Mountain, we planned to go meet up with the other two families,
including Cathie and Jen who had just arrived at MK now at Monsters Inc. So we
trekked on over to Tomorrowland.

I saw this cute topiary on the way. I'm sure I probably already have a thousand of this
picture, but hey! Why not another?


Once we got over to the show, only Jen and
Auntie Cathie were there! Apparently, the others had decided to go on Space Mountain,
and Isabella had left her ipod touch on the ride! I do not really understand why
she would have brought that on with her in the first place, but I guess that it besides
the point. So, we had to stand there and wait for that problem to be taken care of.

Thankfully, Bella got it back! It was a good thing, because I'm sure that if it really was
gone, it would have cause a MAJOR dent in the trip!:faint:

Once everyone was accounted for, our group of TWELVE headed into the show.

I just love the theming in that room you wait in! Dominic decided that he was now an
employee of Monsters Inc.


Oh, and now it was time for the switching of
the bags, and Dad got to carry the large bag! He was mighty pleased.


We were ushered into the show, and Dad got
picked to be the person that has the urge to get up and dance. He actually got up and
danced like crazy! He really shook it!:banana: It was hilarious, because my Dad would
normally NEVER do anything like that! Our whole group was DYING laughing at him! And
I think half the audience was too!

After that funny show, we split up again, and just my family of four went onto the People Mover. It was really nice to just sit and relax. Although I shouldn't say that, because
I still had a whole vacation of walking ahead of me!

And this picture is why I LOVE Disney CMs!


You may not have noticed but that was a CM who
did bunny ears on my Mom! Lol that is just the funniest thing.:goodvibes

I got a couple shots while on the People Mover.



We grabbed some Mickey bars afterward for a quick snack. They are just heavenly!

Grace and Dad left afterwards to go back to the hotel, while Mom and I stayed to do
some shopping. The other two groups were staying in MK together, doing some rides. I bought a vinylmation keychain in the Emporium, and decided I just wanted to buy EVERYTHING! I always do though! Then, Mom and me hopped into the boat to WL. That is one thing I love about WL. I just LOVE taking those boats!

Coming up next...pool time and dinner!
I remember going to Disney as a teen, and it was something that i loved, and you are like me take photos of everything. I do that. My daughter is almost three and i can not wait to take her again when i getback to the states. I am so going to keep up with this one
I remember going to Disney as a teen, and it was something that i loved, and you are like me take photos of everything. I do that. My daughter is almost three and i can not wait to take her again when i getback to the states. I am so going to keep up with this one

Haha yes I do love to take pictures of everything at Disney! Thank you for
following along!:goodvibes
Great updates!! I love all of the rocking chairs at WLV lobby area!! The bird cage is very cool! We were there in winter once and the fire places are wonderful!

Sounds like you are having a wonderful trip so far!! Looking forward to more!
Love the pictures pf Splash Mountain!! We have never been on the ride before and that's one of our top must do's for this trip!!
Great updates!! I love all of the rocking chairs at WLV lobby area!! The bird cage is very cool! We were there in winter once and the fire places are wonderful!

Sounds like you are having a wonderful trip so far!! Looking forward to more!

I bet! I wish I could go then too! Thanks!:)

Great Start ;) Love the pictures - can't wait for more updates :happytv:

Thank you!

Love the pictures pf Splash Mountain!! We have never been on the ride before and that's one of our top must do's for this trip!!

Thanks! And oh my goodness, yes you must definitely go on that! You will love it!:goodvibes
"We need ketchup!!"

Once Mom and I got back to the room, our suitcases had arrived. We started unpacking with Dad and
Grace. Once the two other groups had returned from MK, we
headed down to the pool.

I had brought my great waterproof camera, so we were having a lot
of fun with it!




The pool area there is just SO
pretty. I absolutely love the waterfall, and I also love the fact that
the pool isn't always wicked crowded with people, which is a lot of
times the case at the resorts.

Dominic was especially a fan of the slide there. Literally, I do not
think he got off of it the entire time we were at the pool area!


After a fun time in the pool, those same two groups wanted to go to MK for the night, so they had a quick bite at Roaring Forks then left. We, on the other hand had a different plan.

We opted to stay at the resort and relax tonight. That is very odd for me to want to do, because usually I NEVER want to stay back at the resort! I
was just so tired though, I mean I did only get 3 and half hours of sleep!

We changed, and then headed down to the main hotel.

Dad also wanted his picture with the mickey too!


It was already like 8:45 pm, but
tonight we had decided to go to a restaurant we hadn't gone to in a
LONG time. The Whispering Canyon Cafe! I used to be picky when I
was little, so I hated it, so we would see how I liked it now. When we got to the desk, the woman said it would be about 30 minutes. The place didn't seem very full, but okay...:rolleyes1

To pass the time we walked over to the cute gift shop.

And of course Grace and I had to jump in for this shot!


The lobby just looked SO pretty
tonight. I love the totem poles too!:lovestruc


Of course five minutes after we left our buzzer went off! What a little trick they played on us! But of course that was only preparing us for all the crazy tricks that would await us this dinner! I mean, you can't go to this restaurant and not expect some crazy stuff!

Our waiter's name was Justus and I'm pretty certain he was our waiter our first time we went here, my VERY first trip! That is a long time!

The second I sat down the horse racing started, and he MADE me go!
Somehow Grace go out of it!

I guess it is just obligatory to look like a fool while doing this!


Here we are all ready for thsi
great meal to start!



The drinks arrived and Grace
got a vanilla milkshake.


I didn't have a milkshake but I heard it was wicked delicious. So that's good!:thumbsup2

Justus played other tricks on us too! He pretended to fall onto our
table with fake drinks that we thought would spill all over us! Oh, and
he swung a girl over from another table and made us shake hands with her. It was just hilarious!

He came over with an opposum and pan, and made Mom take a
picture of me eating it!


Then it was time to eat! We all
had the skillet. Which, in case you didn't know, is a big plate
filled with garlic mashed potatoes, pulled pork, beef brisket, ovenroasted chicker, barbecue ribs, corn on the cob, and cowboy beans. If something runs out, you just ask for more! They also start you off with cornbread and salad.

Once the food arrived, there came the best part! No, not eating it, calling for ketchup! Even though we had no use for it, we yelled across the room,
"WE NEED KETCHUP!" And soon every single bottle of it was on our table! It is so much fun! If you ever went there I would most definitely
recommend doing that, because kids really do thing it is SO much fun.

Now came the SECOND best part. Eating it all! Oh my GOODNESS, the
food was OUT OF THIS WORLD! My stomach growls right now just
thinking of all of that delicious goodness! Every thing on the plate
was cooked perfectly and we devoured it! I would go back now every
time we go to Disney!:love:

So, overall, I give Whispering Canyon Cafe two thumbs up! It was
probably my favorite meal of this trip, even though it was the first
day, and however surprising that may sound. The skillet was out of
this world, and the place was just so much fun. Our waiter did a
fantastic job playing his part. I would definitely recommend this
restaurant to people who want to have a lot of fun, and eat fantastic

Once our great meal was over, it was already 9:30 pm, so we scrambled over to the beach to see the 9:35 water pageant parade. I hadn't seen that in years, because we hadn't stayed at a resort on Bay Lake in a LONG time.

We stood on the beach and watched it, and it was so cute! Dad
seemed to really like the music, because he was dancing around
like a weirdo. Was it something he ate?

Afterwards, we walked around for a few minutes to go see the
pretty waterfall.

They had these awesome lights set up.


There's the pretty waterfall!


Then of course Grace and I
had to jump in front of it!


We were getting very tired
afterwards, so we headed up to our room. Dad went racing down the
hall, and then laid there waiting for us. I guess he really was tired...?


Grace and I slept on the pullout couch, and it was SO comfortable. It felt the same as the actual bed!

I set up a wake up call, we watched some tv, and then we all went
to sleep after a crazy, but fun, first day at Disney!

Coming up Next...Epcot and much more!
Oh no, not Tour Groups! I've never actually experienced them, but just the stories I've heard are enough to make you hate them! :furious: Glad to hear you liked Whispering Canyon though!
Oh no, not Tour Groups! I've never actually experienced them, but just the stories I've heard are enough to make you hate them! :furious: Glad to hear you liked Whispering Canyon though!

Hahaha yes they are HORRIBLE! The fact that they completely disregard any sort of rules there, is probably the most annoying part of it! :mad:
Day 2: July 12th, 2012

Morning in Epcot

The next morning I woke up at 7:15 am. Why had we not gotten our wake up call at 7? That was very odd.
I was just glad I had woken up when I did, or we would have had a good chance of missing rope drop! Oh no!:sad2:

I quickly got Mom up, and we trekked all the way to the Roaring Forks with everyone's mugs. I will admit, it was a bit of a long walk this trip, but it was also very peaceful. Anyways, we had a bit of a problem. The stairs were right near our room. So, Mom and I thought we could just go down them instead of walking down the long hall, and we would be right near the pool area. Or so we thought. Once we had shut the door behind us, we
realized that the door let out onto the grassy area below our balcony where guests weren't even supposed to be. Uh oh...:rolleyes:

We turned back to open the door, but what was this? The door was locked!
Now we were REALLY in trouble. Therefore we had to walk across the wet grass below people's balconies to get to the pool area. If you had
happened to be out on your balcony then, you would have seen quite a

After that interesting debacle, we made it to Roaring Forks, and I got my
delicious nescafe coffee. Everyone in my family hates it, but I think it is just fantastic. Of course everything in Disney is fantastic, though.

We brought the drinks back for everyone, and we all got dressed.

We had planned to meet Matt and Cathie's family, not their neighbors, at the bus stop for Epcot that day at 8. Yay Epcot!

We went over to their room to see if they were ready. Well, Matt and
Cathie weren't big surprise. But these excited kids sure were!


Then we made our way down
to the bus stop.


Us girls all had on the same Teva flip flops(LOVE these shoes) in different colors today, so of course there
had to be a picture of that!:cool1:


The bus ride to Epcot was quick, and we headed to wait at the turnstiles. I find the turnstiles to be a perfect
spot for people watching. I'm not really sure who these people were, but I thought they were pretty funny looking!;)


Soon there was the countdown,
and these streamers went flying through the air. Of course Dominic
had to run over and grab some! I definetely didn't remember the streamers and stuff in January.


Everyone began scrambling through the turnstiles. Then we had to listen to impatient Uncle Matt say how every line was going quicker than ours. He seemed to think that was the case every time we waited in those lines. Once we got through I tried to
have Bella pose like she was holding the ball. It kind of worked....not really.


And theres the pretty ball. I reminded everyone that we NEED to stop there later for Spaceship Earth. I love that ride!


I also noticed that instead of waiting behind the rope after going through the turnstiles, you just went straight to the ride this time. I wonder how long they had been doing that?

So, instead of waiting behind another rope, we were going straight to:


We walked straight up to Soarin', and Uncle Matt quickly grabbed us fastpasses to go on again. The line went by pretty quickly.

Grace and Isabella waiting in the line:


We finally got on and were seated in row C in the second row. We still had feet in our faces, but I didn't really mind. The ride was great! It is always so exhilirating, and I especially love the part at the end when Patrick says to unbuckle your seatbelts, and suddenly all you hear is the clicking of them. I know that sounds sort of weird but little Disney things like that make me happy!:goodvibes

Since our FPs wouldn't be up for a little while, we all decided to go over
to Living with the Land. We hadn't gone on that in January, because it was a 30 minute wait because of TOUR GROUPS:mad:. Yes, they had plagued our winter trip, as well. There was quite a bit of grumbling about this ride by Bella, Dominic, and Grace. Although by the end Dominic LOVED it!

It was time to head out of The Land for a little bit, so I snapped one
last picture.


And off we were to:


"Imaaaaaginaation!" Gosh I
just LOVE this ride. Even though it is sort of for young'uns
it never gets old to my family.

There was absolutely NO line. I mean, we were most likely the ONLY people in that building I think.

These kids were ready to journey into THEIR imagination!


I'll never forget my first trip
with them, and we told Dominic this was a roller coaster, and he was SO disappointed!

After this ride is the best part, when you can play around with all the
stuff. Bella was over there making some music:rolleyes1


I thought those swirly things were cool, so I demanded a picture of us with it.


We finally were able to drag everyone out of the gift shop, because it was time to go use our Soarin' FP's!

This time we got the C section again, BUT we got first row! Yay! No feet in our faces! Even though I don't mind all that much, it is still nice to have a clear view. We traipsed out of the ride after, and I noticed the standby line was already down to the entrance right where people walk in. WOAH that is long!

Now it was time to finish up that area of Epcot, and go to the Seas with Nemo and Friends! I really just want to call it the Living Seas, but oh well.You may be thinking, "but she won't be done...she had Captain EO!" But oh no, I WILL NOT be doing that. Thank goodness I was able to bypass that. Sorry to any big fans of that show, but ever since I saw it the first time, I have not been willing to go back in. Nor has my family. I'm just not a huge fan of the singing and dancing to get rid of the bad guy thing. It's just not my thing!PLEASE Disney, bring back Honey I Shrunk the Audience!

So, getting back on track, we walked over to the nemo area, to ride the clamshell ride. I really do not feel like typing out the whole name. You get the picture, right? Good.

Of course we had to pass these guys first. "MINE MINE MINE!"


There was a lot of people in line, but we ran through it all the same. I did stop to get a picture of the siblings though!


The ride was cute, and then we took a quick look through of the aquarium area. We have a big aquarium right near our homes, so we don't find it necessary to spend a lot of time in this one.

Once we exited, it turned out that Matt and Cathie's neighbors had arrived, and they met us outside of the exit. They weren't really sure what to do, and AGAIN stood there in indecision. My family knew that we wanted to go over to Mexico for some yummy counterservice there, so again we quickly departed from those two families, and it was my family of just 4 again.
So, off we were on our way to the World Showcase!

Coming up Next....stuck on Spaceship Earth and shopping, my favorite!:thumbsup2
Fantastic updates!! You know, I believe you when you said the skillet was really good, as it always looks so good, but then, when you said you like the nescafe coffee, I doubted you for a second. :lmao: Just kidding, I am just a coffee snob!

Looking forward to more great updates!!
Loving the update!! I love Soarin... It's one of my son's favorite rides.

Such great pictures. Can't wait for more!!
Joining in !! Loving your TR so far !! We are staying at WLV in September and we are super excited about it !!
Oh my gosh, I LOVE Figment! I seriously think he might be on of my favorite characters! :lovestruc:figment: Can't wait to see what happens next! :)
Fantastic updates!! You know, I believe you when you said the skillet was really good, as it always looks so good, but then, when you said you like the nescafe coffee, I doubted you for a second. :lmao: Just kidding, I am just a coffee snob!

Looking forward to more great updates!!

Thank you! Hahaha yes I understand that, because most people on here
seem to really hate it! It's not that I think it's the best coffee in the world,
but something about it being at Disney just makes me like it! I know that's a weird explanation, but whatever!

Loving the update!! I love Soarin... It's one of my son's favorite rides.

Such great pictures. Can't wait for more!!

Thank you!:goodvibes

Joining in !! Loving your TR so far !! We are staying at WLV in September and we are super excited about it !!

Thank you for joining in, I appreciate it!:thumbsup2 Wow, your trip is
coming up very soon, you will most definitely love it there!

Oh my gosh, I LOVE Figment! I seriously think he might be on of my favorite characters! :lovestruc:figment: Can't wait to see what happens next! :)

I know he is just adorable! Thanks!:)
Lunch in Mexico and more!

Alright, so when I left off, I believe
my family was headed over to Mexico for some lunch. This was one
of the places that was at the top of our lists, because they food there is just SO good!

On our way there, I noticed this cute topiary of Phineas and Ferb.


We passed the shop that now sells a bunch of Duffy merchandise, and Dad wanted his picture!


Now, I will tell you something. I used to be a real hater of Duffy. I didn't really understand why he was there, and for some reason I just really disliked him. I didn't think he belonged in the cast of Disney characters. Well, when I went to Disney this January my
whole views for Duffy changed. After a CM told me his story, I really began to like him! Therefore, I just HAD to buy the Duffy vinyl at that store. It was just necessary, since I am a HUGE vinylmation collector. I mean you should see my collection at home!

Anyways, once we arrived at Mexico we ordered our lunch, and then sat over by the water. It was just really perfect weather that day.

We had ordered two orders of cheese empanadas for me and Grace, and then the big order of nachos for Mom and Dad. I really don't understand how one thing could be as amazing as those empanadas are. I just cannot explain to you how much love my family has towards them. I am telling you people, if you are in the Mexico area, TRY THEM! This is something you cannot miss out on!

While we were enjoying our fantastic lunch, who should come wandering up there but the other two families we had left behind! Guess they had decided to try here! Soon they had ordered and were eating as well.

After our lunch, we decided to head back to the hotel while doing some shopping along the way, while Jen and Mark's family were going to stay here.

Therefore we made our way back to Mouse Gears. I didn't end up buying anything, but I had gone there for a mission. This trip I had brought three of my vinylmations to trade, which I hadn't really done before. So, I brought it the counter and I immediately traded it.

This is what I got:


It was from the Robot Series, which I didn't really care for. He would most definitely be traded again. This
trading was monumental though. I began a vinylmation trading phenomenon for Isabella and Dominic at that very moment. Because of that trade, they soon bought vinylmations and became trading maniacs with me, throughout the trip! You will hear about that much more later.

After Mouse Gears we took a quick look in Art of Disney, which I am obsessed with.

Then as we headed out I saw this, and I remembered!


We HAD to do Spaceship Earth! I immediately told everyone, but they took one look at the line, and said no. I happened to notice, though, that the line DID look long, but it was moving extremely fast. Therefore, I was able to talk Dad, Uncle Matt, and Bella into it, while Mom, Cathie, Grace, and Dominic headed back to the

Yay! We got to go on! I was right, too, the line DID move fast!


We were seated in our time machines, and the ride began. Although on our return to earth we suddenly stopped. And in the most uncomfortable position! It was when you were turned around backwards, and were going straight up. We were stuck there for awhile too, in the pitch black dark. Not fun!:mad:

We finally got off, and headed out to leave the park. It was time to go swimming!

I really happened to like this fountain!


We had just missed the bus, so we had to wait a little bit for the next one, but it really wasn't that long.

I tried to get a picture of everyone holding the ball. Here's how
it worked out:

Uncle Matt did it pretty good!:thumbsup2


Mine was SORTA okay, I guess.


And Dad said, "I'm gonna make it look like I'm balancing it on my head!"


COMPLETE failure:sad2:

The bus was then there, and we hopped on and headed to WL!

Stay tuned, because there will be much more later today!:)

Coming up Next...romping around the UK!
Thank you! Hahaha yes I understand that, because most people on here
seem to really hate it! It's not that I think it's the best coffee in the world,
but something about it being at Disney just makes me like it! I know that's a weird explanation, but whatever!

I totally understand that!! I truly can't say I hate it, but I would rather have one of the cans of cold coffee!! Yummo! Between the sugar and the caffeine, I end up like this though! :dance3: Bringing my grandmuchkins along on my hyper ride.
Wow, I was typing my last response as you posted your update!! :goodvibes: I love how your family will pose for pictures. Ours are more impromptu. ;)

I always wondered about the empanadas. Thanks, I will try them in September! Once I get to Mexico, I really want to go 'around the world'. Usually the boys just want to see the icee machine, the train, the candy shop, the kaki gori stand and Remi, at Chefs De France. :rotfl:
We love eating in Mexico! it's one of our favorite places to eat at Epcot. It's just yummy!!

I've never understood Duffy. He just confuses me.

Love the pictures of you guys at the ball. I'm glad to know that we aren't the only ones that do it!! LOL!

I can't wait to get some vinylmations to trade! It looks like lots of fun and it might be something that my son will want to do.



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