Hold on folks, 'cause this is the wildest trip on the DISboards! July 2012 *NEW 9/9*

Mmmm .... those empadas sound good. We o e vinylmations, to and we love to trade them. My. Ew favorites are the ones that smell like, root beer, grape soda, popcorn, etc. We have the root beer one, but I want the grape soda one.
Wow, I was typing my last response as you posted your update!! :goodvibes: I love how your family will pose for pictures. Ours are more impromptu. ;)

I always wondered about the empanadas. Thanks, I will try them in September! Once I get to Mexico, I really want to go 'around the world'. Usually the boys just want to see the icee machine, the train, the candy shop, the kaki gori stand and Remi, at Chefs De France. :rotfl:

Yeah, our family poses a lot because I always do this trip video on our mac
computer which I always need a TON of pictures for!

Yes, you should definitely try that, and that's kids for ya! :goodvibes Although that kaki gori is SO good too!

We love eating in Mexico! it's one of our favorite places to eat at Epcot. It's just yummy!!

I've never understood Duffy. He just confuses me.

Love the pictures of you guys at the ball. I'm glad to know that we aren't the only ones that do it!! LOL!

I can't wait to get some vinylmations to trade! It looks like lots of fun and it might be something that my son will want to do.


Yes that was how I initially felt, but apparently the "story" of him was that
Mickey was going away, so Minnie made him a bear for him to think of her, or something like that. I mean, I figured that he was here to stay so why not hate on him lol! And thank you!:goodvibes

The vinylmations are SO much fun to trade. I bet your son would definitely
love it! Has he traded pins before? I used to trade them a lot, but now that I do vinyls, I think they are much more fun, because you never know what you are going to get! It's a surprise!

Joining in!! Looks like you had a blast so far but I hope it didn't rain too much on your trip!

Thank you!:) Well the rain wasn't too bad, although it did rain probably once
a day but only those short Florida downpours, not all day thank goodness!
Mmmm .... those empadas sound good. We o e vinylmations, to and we love to trade them. My. Ew favorites are the ones that smell like, root beer, grape soda, popcorn, etc. We have the root beer one, but I want the grape soda one.

Haha yes they are SO delish. Oh, those sound SO cool! I think I saw those at the parks too, but I didn't know they smelled. My favorite vinylmations are probably the ones from the park series. I collect a lot of other kinds too, but
those just really seem the be my favorites!:)
Romping around the UK

Once we got back from Epcot, we got changed into our bathing suits and all headed down to the pool. I was
very much looking forward to a nice refresher in the pool, before our ADR with Auntie Cathie and Uncle Matt AND their neighbors at 7 pm at the Rose and Crown Pub. Then, my FAVORITE Illumination!:goodvibes

Mom, Auntie Cathie, and Uncle Matt were enjoying the pool. Notice how it doesn't even look crowded, because it wasn't!


All of us cousins together!


Suddenly the lifeguards made an announcement that due to the weather everyone must get out of the pool, but could stay in the pool area. Hmm...it didn't seem to be bad weather to me?

Grace wanted to go up first to take a shower, so she headed up with
Bella, while I wanted to look in the gift shop and fill my mug in
Roaring Forks.

I stopped and got a picture of the Wilderness Lodge. So pretty!


After looking around, we all took showers and got dressed. Dad left early with Matt, Mark, Austin, and Dominic, because they wanted to watch the British band. My Dad REALLY loves that band, and Off Kilter. We all trekked over to Auntie Cathie's room, and waited for her to take a shower and get ready.

Us girls were all dressed up for dinner!


Once everyone was ready, we met up with Jen and Taylor and waited for a bus to Epcot.

We got a girl's picture!


We arrived at Epcot, and went to meet the guys at Off Kilter, where we assumed they were. Guess not. So,
we traveled down to the UK and found them watching the British band.
Oh, and about that whole pool problem. Auntie Cathie had stayed at the pool a little longer, and she noticed that there were people testing the pool and doing other things. Hmm...so I guess it wasn't the so-called "bad weather."

Anyways, once the show ended there began an immediate downpour. Lovely.We all ducked into the British shop and it was CRAZY crowded in there. We all looked around. Where was Dad? Looks like we lost a member of our group! Apparently someone had seen him booking it up to Off Kilter. Okay, I do not think they would be playing in this monsoon.

During all this confusion, I looked around and spotted a Duffy coloring
stand Kidcott station in the corner behind a wall of people. I grabbed
Bella and Dominic, and began coloring our Duffys!

Bella and I put our hearts and souls into it. Quite nice, don't you think?


And here's Dominic's lovely
piece of art:


We returned to the group, which had been looking for us..oops. Dad had returned! Good! While we waited for the crazy rain to slow down, we looked around a bit of the shop, and of
course tried on some of he merchandise!


It was nearing 7 pm, and it was only sprinkling, so we made our way over to Rose and Crown Pub.

It was CRAZY crowded because of the rain, and they sent us to wait over in the bar area where you could barely stand. Bella and I had had enough of the crowd, so we slipped out the door, and decided to take a little adventure around the UK!

I'm not certain who that girl was inside...


Bella and I really wanted to go in one of the phone booths, but once we did it smelled SO BAD of pee!:scared1:YUCK!

Hm, this whole UK talk gets me thinking about the Opening Ceremonies last night. That was pretty cool right?

I'm really sorry guys, but for some reason my Photobucket is now REFUSING to work properly:mad:! So, I will be back soon with the rest of this update!

Coming up Next....dinner and Illuminations!
"We Go On"...even through the rain

Alright, I'm back! I told you I would be! Photobucket is finally working again, so I can finish our second day up.

When I left off, Bella and I were venturing about the UK while we waited for our ADR at Rose and Crown Pub for 7, although it was MUCH past 7 now! Darn rain!:mad:

Bella was warming out by the fireplace...we were running out of things to do at this point.


We returned to the bar, and all
the parents were enjoying their drinks.


All of us kids:


We were making the best of the rain! The two kids you may not recognize are Matt and Cathie's neighbors, Austin and Taylor.

Then, Off Kilter was starting up, so of course Dad was all game for that, so we took off to see it.


Dad was just being crazy dancing around, and soon Bella and I joined in. We probably looked like the biggest bunch of freaks, but it was raining and we were hungry, and we just didn't care!

When we returned to the Pub it was finally time to be seated, YAY!:banana:

We had a nice waiter, and everyone seemed to enjoy their meals. Tonight we had a large group, so I don't really remember what everyone got, so you guys are out of luck. I would just say that it's probably not my favorite restaurant because there are not really many normal options. But my parents really love it.

By the time we were done eating, Illuminations was just about to begin, so we went and stood down by the water at the pub. The show was
fantastic as usual! Then it was time for the best part. Weaving our way through the crowds to get out of here. Now things were about to get REAL crazy!

I snapped a quick picture of the pretty ball all lit up at night.


As we reached the ball everyone decided they needed to use the bathrooms. Meanwhile, a large Brazilian tour group full of girls was coming by. Dad says to me, "what if we went and stood in the middle of their group?" I thought he was just joking, but sure enough he went running over. The rest of our group was just coming out of the bathroom so they got to witness this complete craziness. He stood right in the middle of the tour group screaming "WOOHOO!" and high fiving them all. The girls went CRAZY! They were all cheering and shouting. Probably the funniest thing I have seen, and SO out of character for my Dad! He hadn't even had much to drink!:rotfl:

So, we all walked out of Epcot laughing SO hard. Then, as we neared the bus stop we noticed that a bus was already there. We were already all hyped up from that last event, so Uncle Matt went RUNNING right across the parking lot! You're not supposed to do that! Bella and Dominic went chasing after him, and soon Mark took off too! It was just a crazy mess, and we STILL missed the bus! Oh well!

Once we got back to the hotel, everyone decided they would go swimming. Grace, Mom, and I opted out because we had just taken showers. I was sort of hungry, so we went to Roaring Forks and I got a frosted brownie. It was HUGE and DELICIOUS! It was softy and gooey and just yuuuummmyy.:cloud9:

We all headed back up to the room around 11 pm, and were soon fast asleep after an extremely long fun-filled day!:goodvibes

Stay Tuned...for a day full of Expedition Everest and much more!
Love that your Dad stood stood and high fived the tour group! Too funny!!
Day 3: July 13th, 2012

Beware of the Yeti!

This morning I had set my phone alarm this time, after yesterday's problem. Although when I woke up around 7, my alarm didn't go off! I was just having SO many problems with this alarm thing:headache:!

Mom and I went down and got everyone's coffee and drinks again, and we got dressed. We met Auntie Cathie and Uncle Matt's family at the bus stop at 8 as usual, because today we were going to AK! This is my family's FAVORITE park!

We were there very soon, and heading through the turnstiles. We were all very excited for today!


We waited up by the tree for the park to open.


It took only a few minutes, and were racing off to, you guessed it:


We were all excited to see how Isabella would react on this ride, because the past couple times she had REALLY hated it! She is not a thrill seeker AT ALL!

There was absolutely NO line at all, and we ran through it. This is my
favorite ride!

I told Bella to try to make a face like that deer...I think it was pretty close!


I sat next to Dominic, because we are always ride partners on this one. Bella and Grace sat right behind us. I was a little bummed we didn't get front seat, but then I remembered I could always ask to sit there next time.

This was the before picture of Bella...she wasn't really sure what to expect.


Well, me and Dominic weren't scared!


And then we were off!

This time I noticed these sticks in the ground at the beginning of the ride. They look kind of like people, if you ask me!


At the point where you go backwards, I looked behind me and saw the sheer terror on Isabella's face. Yes, she was most definitely NOT going on this again!

The ride was great, and I was even able to snap the pictures of us on the ride! I love that the CMs don't mind if you take a picture of those.


There's Mom and Dad in the front of their picture.


A few of us hopped on it again, and decided to get FPs to use later.

Well Bella was terrified, but at least she was happy she tried it again!


Now it was time to go do something while we waited for our FPs to become ready. What better thing to do than go to the Maharajah Jungle Trek? My family loves the trails at the AK.

I was so excited to see when we walked in, that the big lizard(sorry the name escapes me) had moved from the spot that it is ALWAYS in!


There's the brothers together!


We went into the bat house, and Uncle Matt asked the lady SO many questions about them!


We went over to see the tigers, but they weren't really active. This whole trail area was CRAZY empty, probably because it was so early in the morning.



Mom and I in our lovely AK shirts:


I thought this was a pretty artsy picture.


We thought that this bamboo would make fora pretty cool picture! It actually did look kind of neat!


Pretty bird!


I asked all the adults to make a funny face. I don't think they really understood...:rolleyes1


By this time the children were getting restless, as you can tell from this picture.


That meant that it was time to go back to use our FP's!

Coming up Next....when you go on Kali River Rapids...you GET WET!
Soaking on Kali and a Safari

Alright, so when I left off earlier today, we were just leaving the Maharajah Jungle Trek, because it was going to be time for our FP's for EE. We were a little hungry though, and my family really wanted the vanilla chai they always get at a stand on the way there.

They got there drinks, and us kids all got some tasty pastries.

Everyone was VERY hungry!


While we sat at a table eating, we watched as suddenly an ENORMOUS tour group went walking past us. OH NO. We knew were they were headed! We all just hoped that they didn't have FP's. Uncle Matt, Isabella, and Dominic didn't want to go on again, so they waited.

Once we walked up to EE, we saw that the tour group DID have FP's BUT they were waiting off to the side. Thank goodness!

We hopped in line and walked right through. Once we got to the front, a man suddenly said, "Do we have a group of two?" and Dad just grabbed me, and we got front seat! Wahoo!

Dad was VERY excited we got front seat. He doesn't usually get to sit there!


After that ride, Grace and Auntie Cathie wanted to go on once more to use up there FP's. Of course they got in line RIGHT BEHIND the horrible tour group, so we thought oh great, they will be in line forever! We waited in the gift shop. Uncle Matt came storming in having a fit that they were waiting by Kali River Rapids, and it was a ten minute wait. Then, suddenly another tour group came up and the line turned to 60 minutes! WHAT!? He was not pleased! At least we would be able to get FP's for that one soon, so it didn't really matter.

As we waited, I tried to be a yeti! Not one of my most impressive looks...


They finally exited the ride, we poked around in the gift shop, and then headed out.

Goodbye Yeti, we will miss you!


Now we all walked over to use our FP's for the Safari that Uncle Matt had picked up while we rode EE. On our way we grabbed some Kali FP's to use later, because sure enough the line was HUGE. DARN you tour groups! And I will keep saying it!

We walked right onto the Safari. We didn't have that great of a safari, because it was kind of midday by now, but I still got a few pictures. Enjoy!




Soon we were exiting and saying our "Quaharini"s. Dad and I LOVE saying that, and will usually say it before the guy/girl actually does! We wanted to look in the store in Africa where you exit the ride afterward. Mom and Dad bought one of the large wooden giraffes for our African themed living room.

And Dominic just played around with the masks.


Grace and Bella each had some nuts too! I haven't ever tried them, but I've heard they are great!


I just LOVE the theming in this African area of AK!


Another tree picture! You can NEVER have enough tree pictures, right?


It was time to use our Kali River Rapids FP's! Yup, check out those awesome Fast passes.


The actual line didn't seem too bad for me. I'm sure it was just bad because of the tour groups, and now it was back to normal.

Mom quickly put her raincoat on. Now it's time to get soaked!


I VERY much like this chandelier in the queue. Just felt like telling you all.


Now it was time for the craziness to begin!


I sat with Dominic, and I think it's hilarious that he was just DYING to get soaked! I remember being that way about this ride when I was his age though. We would go on it OVER and OVER again until we were soaked! Hm, my parents must have LOVED that!


Dad and Uncle Matt sat together, while Mom sat herself. Auntie Cathie opted out on getting wet for this ride.


We've concluded throughout the years that the heaviest wait ALWAYS goes down backwards, so if our calculations were correct, THESE two fools would be soaked! YES! Oh wait, Dominic and I were right next to them! Nevermind, Oh no!

The ride was great! And yes, Dad and Uncle Matt got SOAKED! Of course, since we were next to them, Dominic and I got soaked too! He was SO happy about it though, so it was almost worth it...:rolleyes:

Grace and Bella were laughing SO HARD when the two brothers got wet! How can you not laugh at that?


Here's Dad soaked, and proud!


Well there's Kali River Rapids for ya, you're going to get wet!

Here's Dominic and I. Now do you believe that we were wet? NOT comfortable!


Well it was someone's smart idea now to make our way up and watch the Finding Nemo show that was starting soon. NO! I was soaking wet! I was dragged up there anyways. I was pretty cold in there, but it wasn't too bad. Although,I felt bad for whoever would sit in my seat in the next show because I left it SOAKED!

Here we are enjoying the show!



I love the music in this show EXCEPT for one thing. The "that's my dad" song by Nemo. Sorry to any people who just love that song. Dad and I make fun of it all the time. Therefore, throughout the show Dad sat there and lip synched while Nemo sang that part. It was hilarious, because he did it with SO much emotion! All of us were laughing so hard!

After that good show, we headed out. It was about 2ish, and everyone was complaining of extreme hunger, so we made our way to find a place to eat lunch...but where would we go?:confused:

Coming up Next...Isabella tries Bug's Life...how will it go?
Lunch and becoming an honorary bug!

Alright, time to begin another update! I hope everyone is enjoying the story of my trip so far! Any comments would be greatly appreciated!

So, when I left off we were just leaving Finding Nemo and we were all STARVING! It was already 2 pm, so of course we were! Where would we go for lunch, you ask? Why Restaurantosaurus of course!

The place was packed when we got in there, and we all went up to order. Mom and Dad each got a shrimp po boy, which I will personally say IS delicious. Grace and I got the 8 piece chicken strips to share, because we would NEVER have been able to eat two of those. Auntie Cathie and Uncle Matt both got the shrimp po boy too, and Dominic and Isabella had burgers.

Once we had our food, instead of searching for tables, all you do now is tell the CM the number of your group and she shows you to a table right away. It was perfect! Everyone really enjoyed their lunches, especially since we had been so hungry. Now that everyone was satisfied, it was time to ride Dinosaur! I LOVE this ride! Many of the members in our group were frightened of this ride, but they still go on it anyways.

On our way over we spotted Goofy! It appeared that he was heading out with a CM, though.


Oh no, a dinosaur!


We had our FP's for this ride that Uncle Matt had grabbed for us right before lunch too!


The line was probably the longest I've ever seen for this ride, so I was glad that we had the FP's.

When we got in line Dominic was given the lanyard with the card. It was funny because almost everytime we went on a ride this trip, Dominic was ALWAYS given it!


We were on very soon, and I was able to persuade Isabella to sit on the edge. I refuse to sit on the edge on rides! I have always had some odd fear of sitting on the sides, I'm not sure why!

I tricked her into sitting there, and she was not so pleased by the time we got off that ride! Everyone loved it though, and I was able to get this ride picture too!


You will notice that that is Mom who has her hands up to the camera! While Dominic and Auntie Cathie are completely covering their faces!

I traded my Robot vinymation I had just gotten in the Dinosaur gift shop, and got a bug. I still did not care much for that one, but I still had plenty of time to trade!


We began to head out of Dinoland to go to Bug's Life, and then head out of AK. I told Bella to go stand over there like she was driving a car. She was always that one person in our group that would go pose for a picture EXACTLY when I tell her to!:thumbsup2


We stopped for a photo on the bridge!


We went over to Bug's Life. We had finally been able to drag Isabella to this show. She HATES any type of bug, and was always very against this show, so we would see how this one would go...:sad2:

We put on our bug eyes!



Oh my goodness, she hated it. It was absolutely comical. When the part where the spiders came out, Isabella literally got up and then crouched on the floor with her hands over her head, as if she had a bear attacking her! We had people staring at her! Then, Grace had told her that at the end bugs crawled under her seat. Therefore, she refused to sit down at the end, and hovered over her seat! It was just the weirdest thing I had ever seen! Safe to say she would NOT be going to this again.

Everyone else loved the show though! Before it was time to leave, we went to look in all stores like Beastly Bazaar and Island Mercantile. I traded the bug vinylmation there for a Chewy one. He was alright.


After looking around, the 3:45 parade would be starting soon, but we opted not to stay, because we wanted to go back and relax before heading out to MK EMH that night.

We waited a few minutes for our bus, then hopped on. I absolutely love the music that the bus plays going to and from AK. Dad clearly did. He was pretending to play a pipe and sing to the music, making all of us laugh SO LOUD. Everyone on the bus must have thought we were SO annoying!
Oh well, we were having fun! Soon, we were back at the hotel for some relaxation!

Stay Tuned...EMH until we drop!
Stuck on Haunted Mansion, what's new?

When I last left off, we had just gotten back to the WL after a tiring day at AK. We decided to come back and rest for a little bit, before we headed out to MK EMH for the night. We would see how long we would last.

Dad stayed up in our room and took a nap. A nap!? Yeah, I would NEVER nap in Disney! Instead, the rest of us all went down to the pool.

After a little while, we came back, showered, and Dad and I went down to wait for the others at the boat dock. We planned to meet the other two groups, because we were going with Matt and Cathie's neighbors again at the dock at 7:30 pm.

Dad and I were pretty early, so we looked around in the main lobby for a i little bit.


We got bored and walked down to the boat dock. A boat was there, and Dad suddenly got all freaked out that we NEEDED to get on that boat! I told him no, we cannot leave before the time that we told everyone! By now, later in the evening, the Bay Lake looked SO beautiful while we were waiting.


Suddenly Dad just said he was sick of waiting and just took of to the boat, and then the boat left, leaving me! What!?:sad2: Now I was in quite a predicament. I had no idea if they had left their rooms or were on their way, and which way they were coming! No on decided to answer their phones, so I just stood there, waiting. I was SO mad Dad had just left me there! Once everyone got there AT 7:30 like planned, they were VERY mad about Dad's ditching of the group. Especially Mom, because he had all of our park passes!

Nevertheless the boat pulled up and we hopped on. Guess there was really NO need for Dad to take off, hm? We were on the little boat, which are the ones I like the most. They are SO cute, and I love sitting right on the water. It is so relaxing. Grace was enjoying her boat ride there.


I snapped some pictures of a couple more things on the way there.



When we got off the boat, I realized how extremely crowded it was! It was WALL TO WALL. Yet who should be waiting right outside of the boat dock? Dad! Passes were handed out, we were through the turnstiles, and walking over to Main Street. Then, we noticed it. My family, at least, had been planning to see MSEP at 9, and it was only 7:45, yet the ENTIRE Main Street was taken up, by you guessed it! TOUR GROUPS! Ah well, we still had plenty of days to see it. Plus, if truth be told, I was ready for Disney to give MSEP the boot, and bring back Spectromagic! Although, a CM did tell us on our last day, that they will be bringing back Spectro in October! Yes! That means we will HAVE to go back, right Mom and Dad! The castle wasn't even lit up yet, because it haven't even gotten dark yet, and people were STILL all sitting down!


The castle looked very pretty. I think this spot is always the best place to get a castle picture. The bridge going over to Liberty Square.


We made our way over to Haunted Mansion, one of my favorites. If I were a CM I would LOVE to work here!


Bella, Grace, and I squished into the one doom buggy. I noticed this time, though, that the hidden mickey of plates on the table wasn't there! That was very odd! The ride was great, up until the end, when our buggy got stuck right before where you get off. We couldn't see what was going on, but Mom and Dad, the car before us, could. Apparantly someone had gotten sick on this ride, and the CM was taking FOREVER to pick it up! Needless to say, we were there for awhile! Once we finally got off, we weren't quite sure where to go next.

I will end this update now, but there will be more later! Don't be shy guys, keep the comments coming!:thumbsup2

Coming up Next....sore feet and many rides!
My DH and I did a back stage tour last year...the Keys to the Kingdom tour...one of the rides they take you to is haunted mansion. There is a story about those plates...apparently it was not part of the imagineers plan to have those plates look like a hidden Mickey and that the cast members at the ride move those plates to look like a hidden Mickey. Apparently, every so often, the imagineers go back through each ride and make sure that everything is how it is supposed to be so the imagineers must have just come through and moved it back! I wonder if the cast members have made the Mickey back again!!
My DH and I did a back stage tour last year...the Keys to the Kingdom tour...one of the rides they take you to is haunted mansion. There is a story about those plates...apparently it was not part of the imagineers plan to have those plates look like a hidden Mickey and that the cast members at the ride move those plates to look like a hidden Mickey. Apparently, every so often, the imagineers go back through each ride and make sure that everything is how it is supposed to be so the imagineers must have just come through and moved it back! I wonder if the cast members have made the Mickey back again!!

That must have been it! Wow, because on our very last day we rode it again and the plates were back to the Mickey mouse shape! Thank you for telling me!:goodvibes

Joining in! Looking forward to reading more:)

Thank you!:)

Loving this report! Keep the updates coming : )

Thanks, I will!
EMH until our feet hurt

When I left off, we had just gotten off of Haunted Mansion. Our large group of twelve couldn't seem to come up with a decision. I DO NOT like big groups! Too indecisive! Sorry!:sad2:

We had BTMR FP's that Uncle Matt had gotten right when we got into the park, so my family of four went off on our own again, while everyone just stood there, and went to ride BTMR! I was REALLY excited to ride this, because it was getting darker now, and it waaaaay better at night!

There were a lot of tour groups in line, so we had to wait a few minutes.


I was also excited, because it was my first time going on that ride since it had been refurbished. It hadn't been open when we came in January!:guilty:

We were ready to ride the wildest ride in the wilderness!


The ride was great! I loved how there was the saloon building, and it was all lit up at night! I definitely loved the little changes Disney had done with BTMR. It was great!

By the time we got off that ride, we still had not heard from the other two families, but we didn't really mind. It was going to be 9 soon, and we were getting pretty hungry. Mom, Dad, and Grace got dole whips, while I went and got some popcorn. YUM!:goodvibes

By this time MSEP was over, and we went over to stand and wait for MM&Y and Wishes! I like myself a spot right up in front of the castle. I DO NOT stand and watch it way down on Main Street. I need a nice up close view. While we waited I admired how the castle changed color. So beautiful.



The shows started. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new parts added with the Tangled lanterns, and the new summer theme, with the Hakuna Matata part. It was just SO amazing! I cannot even begin to understand how Disney does that! Wishes was incredible too, but apparantly there was a storm watch or something, so Tinkerbell couldn't come out. Oh darn!

One thing I absolutely hate during the show, is when people try to push right through you with their whole family to leave. I just think it's rude when people are trying to enjoy the show, and you are noisily pushing through, and right in front of them. For a short person like me, I cannot have people obstructing my view! Those foreigners are NOTORIOUS for coming up during the show and standing directly in front of me. Like hello! I was standing right there watching this! Then I try to tell them, but of course they ignore me, because they don't speak english! Haha, sorry for that rant guys, I just needed to let some of my frustration out! I'm sure many of you feel the same way!

Anyways, other than that we had a LOVELY show, but we weren't quite done with MK yet! We still had a full night of EMH!

We went around the mobs of people, and headed over to Fantasyland. IaSW had absolutely NO LINE, so we went over to that. We hadn't gone in January because the line was 45 minutes long. I kid you not, 45 minutes! Crazy!:crazy2: Therefore, this was something we had to do.

I snapped a couple of pictures on this ride, ignoring Dad, who insisted that I was not allowed to do flash. I didn't hear an announcement, plus everyone else was...soooo....i can!:thumbsup2




After that, we met only Uncle Matt and Bella, because everyone else had returned back to WL. We went over to my favorite 3D show, Mickey's Philharmagic!


Dad suddenly decided he REALLY wanted to go on the Carousel. So him, Bella, and Grace hopped on.

We walked down towards Tomorrowland, and the Speedway had NO line, so we had to do that too! I had never been a fan of this ride, but since this January I have LOVED it! Since I will be driving myself in a year, I have been obsessed with the idea of driving, so this one is now a must! Grace and I wanted to go on again, but Uncle Matt and Bella decided to head back to the hotel.

After getting of the cars, we decided to go to Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin! By this time the park was only open to resort guests, so you had to have your keys. Dad only had Mom's and his, figuring they would just need the adults. When we got to Buzz, they were like "no, we need everyone's." Dad was pretty annoyed, and said well why wouldn't our kids be in the same room as us? They CM's said whatever and let us through, thank goodness! That was the ONLY ride all night that asked for all four of our room keys!

Here's Mom and I riding Buzz. I just have a VERY odd look on my face! I was probably trying to make a weird face for the camera!


I don't remember my score or anything, but I remember this time I did the best I'd ever done on that ride. This one is just SO hard, because you can never find which stinking red dot is yours!

We walked right onto Stitch after, which we hadn't done in awhile. It was pretty cute I thought. By now it was twelve and everyone was DONE. I begged Mom, and she decided to stay with me, while Dad and Grace went back to the hotel. My feet were hurting a little, but I still had more things to do!

Mom and I were on our own, and we walked back up to Fantasyland. An hour before it had been crowded...now it was DEAD! We basically walked right on to Winnie the Pooh, which even though I'm not a little kid, I still really like.

I was able to FINALLY snap a picture of Mr. Toad handing the deeds over to Owl. Yay!


I got a back shot of the castle as we walked by.


Peter Pan's Flight had about a 20 minute wait, so we went on that. It was nearing one by then, so we were pretty tired and ready to head back too.

We walked up in front of the castle, and I snapped a picture of it.


We looked through the Emporium, and then I traded one of the other vinylmations I had brought from home.


I got Phil from Hercules. I was REALLY happy about that, because I adore that movie! Sadly, he was really dirty and had a lot of pen on him. What do people do to their vinylmations?

Mom stopped in the candy store and got a toffee.

Goodnight, Main Street USA!


We took the boat back, and then fell right to sleep the second we got back to the room. It had been a VERY successful third day!

Stay Tuned...for tikkey tokkey tikkey tokkey, oy oy oy! And TONS of dancing!
I am loving your TR!! My daughter is 15 and loves Disney too!! You are very entertaining and your family sounds like a ton of fun...:cool1:


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