Please tell me I'm not the only one who does this.

Do y'all go barefoot in a hotel room? The last time I went barefoot in a hotel was at Disney in 96 at one of the All Stars. Our feet were black after one evening... Never again. The hotel didn't even look dirty, but our feet told a diff story. We always carry along a pair of flip flops now ;)

I try not to be a germaphobe, but it's hard. We have started checking mattresses lately for bed bugs and when we come home, our suitcases and clothes stay outside till we can clean / Lysol them. Probably not necessary or even proper procedure, but makes us feel more comfortable.

i don't even go barefoot in my own apt!! then again, the carpet in my apt is probably 20 years old! :rotfl2: i definitely wear flip flops in hotel rooms, and i am nowhere near a germaphobe.
It's so easy to leave it all in the suitcase. We use Ziplock bags for underwear, and I might throw these in the drawers. We use cloth laundry bags for dirty clothes, and we put these in the drawers. The clean clothing stays in my nice clean suitcase. It makes it easier to repack to go home, because you never really unpacked.
We never do. I pull things out of the suit case, when it's worn we stuff the dirty clothes in a bag. Then when we are ready to leave, the bags of dirties get stuffed in the suitcases. I've never used the drawers.
I unpack everything if our stay is more than a couple of nights. However, before I put our clothes in the drawers I spray the drawers with lysol. And for dirty clothes I place them in a trash bag that I bring with us.
I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but I used to work in the health care profession and in an inservice class dealing with sterile procedures and such, we were told that if a germ crawled into a can of Lysol, it MAY die, but probably not. They said the claims of killing germs was completely false.:scared1: Take it for what it's worth.:confused3

If I'm gone for more than a couple of days, then I unpack. This past WDW vacation, I had a drawer for each member of the family. I also used a shoe organizer to keep stuff like phones, toileteries, small toys and misc. stuff organized so the vanity shelf wasn't covered. I had a folding duffle bag packed in my suitcase and used that as my hamper. At the end of the trip, I zipped it up and most of the clothes were in there ready for the plane. The two suitcases had souvenirs added to them as we shopped and they were also ready to go. Super easy and makes my packing to leave take only about 10 minutes and everything was organized well enough that I don't worry about stuff being left behind in the room.

Great ideas!!:thumbsup2

If we are in a hotel room for more than one or two nights we always unpack. I can't stand tripping over suitcases, and the whole room looks cluttered with them lying around. Up goes the shoe organizer. Shirts, slacks, dresses etc are hung in the closet. Foldables and unmentionables go into the drawers, along with those non-clothes items that don't go into the shoe organizer. Laundry bag sits on the floor of the closet.

I refuse to be a germaphobe- we (and our clothes) are just as likely to come in contact with cooties as soon as we step outside the room as when we're inside it. If I saw a drawer that was obviously dirty, then I wouldn't use it. If I really thought my clothes were in danger of being drenched in pathogens, I'd give the drawers a spray with Lysol.


We unpack and use the drawers. I had never heard of people using them for dirty clothes hampers! Can't they use a bag??? :sad2: I never sit on the bedspreads or go barefooted, though. I will still probably use the drawers, but I think I'll be packing more Clorox wipes this next trip!:rolleyes:
:blush: I'm a total unpacker. That's part of the beauty of DVC, we have room to unpack.

I also go barefoot.

I go hard. :hippie:
Too much Lysoling, Clorox Wiping and Antibacterializing is what is creating antibiotic resistant bugs.

We have been going to WDW and using the drawers for over 38 years. Have never brought any critters home. We walk around barefoot. Heck, anyone that walks around outside at home should not be freaked out. We touch the handrails at the parks and on the buses. We sit on the chairs and eat off the tables. My children are now 21 and 24, perfectly healthy and not damaged from using Disney rental strollers without being sanitized. I can't even imagine putting my toothbrush in the room safe. I am enjoying my vacation way too much to worry about such things. If you don't expose your children to germs, they will not build up any resistance.
If I/we are going to be someplace more than 2 nights, I have to unpack. I don't want to go digging through my bag for clothes and I want to be able to put the bag out of the way without the need to drag it out the next day when I get dressed.

I never give a thought to what could or couldn't be in the drawers. So far, I have survived. :thumbsup2
Since I ALWAYS overpack when I go to world...I will do half and half. I will put some of my things esp shirts/underwear ect... just to make my life a little easier and neater. ;)
Too much Lysoling, Clorox Wiping and Antibacterializing is what is creating antibiotic resistant bugs.

We have been going to WDW and using the drawers for over 38 years. Have never brought any critters home. We walk around barefoot. Heck, anyone that walks around outside at home should not be freaked out. We touch the handrails at the parks and on the buses. We sit on the chairs and eat off the tables. My children are now 21 and 24, perfectly healthy and not damaged from using Disney rental strollers without being sanitized. I can't even imagine putting my toothbrush in the room safe. I am enjoying my vacation way too much to worry about such things. If you don't expose your children to germs, they will not build up any resistance.

I am with you! I work in a hospital, I have seen what MRSA, C-diff, Acinetobacter (and so on) can do (which is kill at worst). But people have to realise that bacteria is friend as well as foe. Killing off good bacteria throws the bodies balance off and can make us sicker in the long run, not to mention the problems with overusing anti-biotics.

All hail the hotel drawer!

We unpack right away...makes the room neater without all the suitcases lying around waiting to trip us in the middle of the night! :rotfl: Now that being said, if a drawer *looked* gross, I wouldn't use it. Now to the people that put their *dirty* laundry in the drawers because the drawers aren't good enough for them to put their nice, clean clothes into...that's GROSS! (...and kinda rude :rolleyes:) I really think it's kinda selfish for you to put your dirty underpants in a drawer that was meant to be a convenience for other hotel guests...they do have those dirty laundry bags for you to use. :wizard:
*TheWigs* said:
We unpack right away...makes the room neater without all the suitcases lying around waiting to trip us in the middle of the night! :rotfl: Now that being said, if a drawer *looked* gross, I wouldn't use it. Now to the people that put their *dirty* laundry in the drawers because the drawers aren't good enough for them to put their nice, clean clothes into...that's GROSS! (...and kinda rude :rolleyes:) I really think it's kinda selfish for you to put your dirty underpants in a drawer that was meant to be a convenience for other hotel guests...they do have those dirty laundry bags for you to use. :wizard:

I for one use the drawers for dirty clothes ;) I
do however keep them in a laundry bag. When it's time to pack to go home, I grab the bag and all is done.
I NEVER unpack my clothes from my luggage and use the drawers and closets in a hotel. I basically live from the suitcase. Anyone else?

That sounds awful to me. As soon as we arrive, I unpack all of our stuff (family of 4). After inspecing the bed/drawers for bedbugs, of course. ;) We like to feel at home when we are on vacation. Digging through suitcases trying to find stuff is not something I would ever want to do while on vacation! To each their own, I suppose....
:blush: I'm a total unpacker. That's part of the beauty of DVC, we have room to unpack.

I also go barefoot.

I go hard. :hippie:

And you've live to tell about it!! :worship:

I wonder if most of us DVC members fully unpack. Since we have the luxury of space, I'm guessing yes.
Too much Lysoling, Clorox Wiping and Antibacterializing is what is creating antibiotic resistant bugs.

We have been going to WDW and using the drawers for over 38 years. Have never brought any critters home. We walk around barefoot. Heck, anyone that walks around outside at home should not be freaked out. We touch the handrails at the parks and on the buses. We sit on the chairs and eat off the tables. My children are now 21 and 24, perfectly healthy and not damaged from using Disney rental strollers without being sanitized. I can't even imagine putting my toothbrush in the room safe. I am enjoying my vacation way too much to worry about such things. If you don't expose your children to germs, they will not build up any resistance.

Couldn't have said it better myself!
And you've live to tell about it!! :worship:

I wonder if most of us DVC members fully unpack. Since we have the luxury of space, I'm guessing yes.

I can't imagine not unpacking. Sifting through my luggage for something sounds so unrelaxing. I'd rather use that first hour to get everyone situated and unpacked then the chaos that would ensue if we tried to live out of suitcases. :scared1: For 11 nights. :scared: With 6 people. :crazy:

I work in a hospital too. It takes a lot more than someone's dirty socks to scare me.

I'm guessing most DVCers unpack. The space is a such a vacation necessity now. :thumbsup2
I use packing cubes, so I just unzip em, then transfer to drawers. Any dresses/good clothes get hung up.

I don't purposefully keep my clothes from touching the drawers for germ reasons, it's just easier; As I empty out cubes by wearing the clothes, the dirty ones get put in the empty one...easy packing at the end of the trip. :)

My DBF is a germaphobe, so we usually end up giving most hard surfaces a spritz of Lysol. We're both slightly concerned about bed bugs (in that, going by TripAdvisor reviews, pretty much every hotel anywhere, even *nice* ones have had a report or 2) so the base of the bed & area get sprayed with Rest Easy (all natural repellant).

I walk barefoot, DBF won't, he brings 'travel socks', hahaha! We do unpack all our toiletries, gotta have those things out & organized along the counter.

These are the way we are at any hotel, not just Disney. :)
If our stay is longer then a weekend, we do unpack, hanging most, but using the drawers. And now thanks to this thread, I will be packing bleach wipes and cleaning everything before doing so. I had never thought about anyone using drawers for anything other then clean laundry. Now I know better. Lol


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