Orlando Smackdown: Dis vs. Uni. Ch.16 Japan Hates me, Just Hates me 7-13

Or the Great Bambino. Sulten of Swat. Colossus of Clout. Candy Bar. :rotfl:

Oh yeah, I always think "Is this cannibilistic?" when I eat a Baby Ruth. But I love them. Mmmmmm - peanuts and cholocate and caramel....great, now I'm drooling.

OK - Ruth, the dragon, is from Anne McCaffery's Dragonriders of Pern Series. He is a rare white dragon. I did actually read the book once, but I'm not a huge McCaffery fan, so I don't remember much. However, my Mom and two of my 4 (yes 4) sisters would re-read her books until the covers fell off, and then read them some more, so the book was around the house.
Have a great, safe trip Nebo and Smidgy! I'm sure we will try our best to keep the TR going, hopefully sans scary Nebo pictures. My retinas have been burned one too many times! :scared:

If you get a chance, try to find the black cat in the Osbourne lights and let us know where it was. DS had a great time finding it last year. Apparently, the cat placement moves every year.

Have a great time! ;)
OK - Ruth, the dragon, is from Anne McCaffery's Dragonriders of Pern Series. He is a rare white dragon. I did actually read the book once, but I'm not a huge McCaffery fan, so I don't remember much. However, my Mom and two of my 4 (yes 4) sisters would re-read her books until the covers fell off, and then read them some more, so the book was around the house.

I know I've read some of them... but that was a long time ago. I don't remember any of the dragon's names. But now I'll remember that one.
Yeah Ponzi!!!

Happy belated T-day everyone

Happy early Birthday

Have a wonderful trip!
Slipping out of lurkdom, to tag along on another fun ride.... :wave2:
This time I found the beginning before the end.
Wishing you a safe and magic-filled trip.

All right! This Lurkdom must be a pretty darn big place! Glad to have you with us now.

Oh yeah, I always think "Is this cannibilistic?" when I eat a Baby Ruth. But I love them. Mmmmmm - peanuts and cholocate and caramel....great, now I'm drooling.

OK - Ruth, the dragon, is from Anne McCaffery's Dragonriders of Pern Series. He is a rare white dragon. I did actually read the book once, but I'm not a huge McCaffery fan, so I don't remember much. However, my Mom and two of my 4 (yes 4) sisters would re-read her books until the covers fell off, and then read them some more, so the book was around the house.

Nope, sorrry, never heard of her or the Books, I don't read Porn.

Have a great, safe trip Nebo and Smidgy! I'm sure we will try our best to keep the TR going, hopefully sans scary Nebo pictures. My retinas have been burned one too many times! :scared:

Are you saying that my handsome, debonair image has been taking a hit?

If you get a chance, try to find the black cat in the Osbourne lights and let us know where it was. DS had a great time finding it last year. Apparently, the cat placement moves every year.

Have a great time! ;)

Yeah, Smdigy always goes in search of the kitty. Well, ok, she has twice now.
I always thought it would be fun to set up a stand just outside the Osbourne Lights selling wire cutters. :rotfl:

I guess I'll have to wait until we get back to see the baby's picture.
Um, Ponzi, you wouldn't would you?

I know I've read some of them... but that was a long time ago. I don't remember any of the dragon's names. But now I'll remember that one.

But apparently you don't hava any problems with the fact that she said that the dragon named Ruth is a "HE".
Funny, how ironic that movie is on right now, as we speak;
"How to Cross-Dress Your Dragon".

Ponzi, it's hard enough to believe that you never sang karaoke ever, but to never have listened to others doing it?
Don't they have taverns up by you? Where everybody knows your name? And they're always glad you c,,,, oh, ok, never mind.

Nice job again breaking my stuff down, so now enjoy your vacation, you've earned it.

Ok, guess that's it, Sianara

It's finally time to be leaving the house
we're going away to the land of the mouse.
Doesn't it always happen that way?

My watch died yesterday, my trusty Timex that never, ever comes off just up and died. I then drove to a gigantic grocery store where i shop where they also have a "Watch Repair" counter with a little Korean lady fixing stuff, but of course, it's the ONE day of the week when I got there that it was closed. Back to Monica's favorite store, Wallmart for a new one. I will have seizures if I go too long without a watch on.

I'm also going to have to keep on eye on my skin this trip, I can't believe how white I am now, and I don't want to burn down there. Ok, that's it, this time I'm REALLY going. goodbye.
Have a fantastic, safe and fun time!! And hope you have a wonderful birthday Nebo!! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!
Nope, sorrry, never heard of her or the Books, I don't read Porn.

Well, technically, nobody reads porn.

I guess I'll have to wait until we get back to see the baby's picture.
Um, Ponzi, you wouldn't would you?

Nope. I wouldn't even come close to considering it. Some things are just not done.

Even by me.

But apparently you don't hava any problems with the fact that she said that the dragon named Ruth is a "HE".

D'oh! Completely missed that! Googled it and it's not a typo. Ruth the dragon is indeed a cross dresser.
Here! :yay:

I can't wait to hear all about your trip!!
Hope y'all have a wonderful and magical (injury free) trip! :goodvibes :hug: I'm sending lots of pixie dust and prayers for this one! You need all the covering you can get! ;) ::yes::

I hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving! :)
So now that our daring duo has a full day of vacay under their collective belts...

1. Was their room not ready resulting in the inevitable settling in by the pool and as soon as you're comfy cell phone call saying the room is ready?

2. Was Kung Fu Fighting blaring over the loudspeakers?

3. Who was the latest incarnation of Turtle Lady?

4. How many Sunny D's had to sacrifice themselves in support of this trip?


I'm gonna stop there, someone else has to continue the list.... I've left lots of room. :goodvibes
What was the Magic Depress journey like

When did the Yellow Jackets start buzzing

Will Nebo trip over the ordering podiums at the new BOG restaurant

Will he return to the scene of the crime?
Hi Nebo and Smidgey i know your gone.:hyper:
But i'm in. :cool1:
Nebo can you just act like a teenager and not get hurt? he he.::yes::
Hope you have a great trip. I miss Uni.....:(
I miss WDW.....:(
Can't wait to relive both thru your creative and awesome writing. hugs buddy....:thumbsup2

Did Nebo remember the medicine bag?

Are there enough vikes for this expedition?

Well since Nebo has branded himself as a DNTTATC (do not transfer to a Trama Center) I'm sure the good folks at WDW managed to take a small DNA sample while he was unconscious and now when he puts his little finger into the scanner all the bells and whistles will alert the EM CMs that he is on the premises and they will go out of their way to make sure nothing major happens.

Sure they will be watching and they may send a little mayhem his way for fun, for our reading pleasure, but as for emergencies, they got this covered.

But then again as he had shown us, ANYTHING is possible while in WDW.

As for US, I can only hope and pray he gets through that unharmed.
So now that our daring duo has a full day of vacay under their collective belts...

1. Was their room not ready resulting in the inevitable settling in by the pool and as soon as you're comfy cell phone call saying the room is ready?

2. Was Kung Fu Fighting blaring over the loudspeakers?

3. Who was the latest incarnation of Turtle Lady?

4. How many Sunny D's had to sacrifice themselves in support of this trip?


I'm gonna stop there, someone else has to continue the list.... I've left lots of room. :goodvibes

5. How many mornings did Nebo awaken she will not be disturbed?

6. How many vikes were required to make it through this trip and how many fuzzy cups were drunk?

7. Where does Nebo choose as his favorite early morning spot?

8. What is Nebo and Smidgy's favorite table service meal of the trip?

OK, that was off the top of my head....
Will Nebo sing at the fancy Karaoke place with the band? And will Smidgy join him?

Will we see a video taken by a kind stranger?

Will Nebo choke on chicken bones at the Hoop? but survive, of course.
Will he somehow manage a mishap while blowing out the candles on his birthday cake?


Happy Birthday Nebo! I wish you a safe and wonderful day!
Can we all chip-in to get Nebo an iPad for Christmas, then we can get live updates.

Excellent idea! Except everyone should chip in and get me one... plus airfare and accommodations in Florida.

Nebo isn't technologically adept, so I'll volunteer to transcribe his comments and post the live updates.

I know, I know... you're all thinking, "That pkondz, he's amazing. So selfless, so humble, so willing to pitch in and help out. Truly a man among men."

You, of course, would be right.


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