WISH Away the Pounds Outstanding October Challenge -- Everyone welcome!


The concert was amazing! I love that he wears a tux and not torn black clothing with piercings and tattoos all over him. I love that although he kind of has a potty mouth when he talks, his music is clean and old fashion yet current. I love that his voice when live sounds even better than on CD (when usually it's opposite). I also love that he's personable with his fans and that everyone from age 12 to 90 and everything in between came to see him and all love him. So yeah. He's great.
Here is a yummy french onion soup recipe from the Sunset Magazine Favorite Recipes Cookbook 1949 that is a family favorite:

Sunset Favorite Onion Soup (from 1949)

4 medium onions thinly sliced
1/4 c butter
3 c beef broth
salt, pepper, worchestershire sauce to taste
4 slices french bread, toasted with butter and 1/2 T parmesan cheese

Saute the onions in butter over very low heat until they are rich golden or caramel color. Add beef broth, salt, pepper, worchestershire sauce to taste. Cover and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes or until onions are tender. Float toasted french bread on soup and serve. Serves 4.

260 calories according to MFP.
Guessing 4 to 5 points on WW -- I'll figure it out someday and update this.

It's been added to the fabulous new recipe stickie!

Sounds delicious and better than my onion soup recipe! I"ll definitely put it in the "try it" recipe pile!

Thanks for making sure we got our recipe thread "stuck"!

Yes, that's what I thought, too. ::yes:: For my me time today I am going to take a nap. :thumbsup2

Hope it was a good one!

I still have my fushia on the front porch and they are still blooming. Has anyone had any luck overwintering their fushia? These are really good one and I think I may try. :flower:

Mums can be planted and will come back, Pamela, for you to enjoy.

I've never overwintered a fuschia, but they are so lovely, it might be worth a try!

I know mums can be grown in the ground, but they need to be pinched back in early July (around here anyhow) and I never remember and then by blooming time in September they are all long and leggy and falling over. So I gave up on them.

Enjoy the rest of your week-end and if you haven't PM'd your WI yet -- it's not too late!

Hope the rest of your weekend was wonderful! BTW, I want to share your story about hitting 100%+ on your ActiveLink every day lately... despite your injury! I think it will help inspire my members. Hope you don't mind (names will be changed to protect the innocent...;) ).

Finally, my scale moved downward again today! And that besides me feeling rather bloated. I am still higher than my October starting weight though (by less then a pound, so it is not toooo bad).

I used that positive energy from the scale to head out for a run for the first time since the beginning of August. It felt great, but also tiring. I definitely lost some stamina. Helen, I think you are a faster runner now than me! I just seem not to be able to run fast. :sad2:

But am very happy with myself. Yesterday I walked 4 miles in the wonderful autumn sunshine and today I went for a 30 minutes run. So this is a good exercise weekend.

Now I am going to pick up the book a friend gave me yesterday and read that for an hour as my weekend challenge! Thanks for that Lisa, I tend to just waste time a lot on weekends, but thanks to your challenge, I am now making an effort to do something that I know I will enjoy!

Good for you for getting your exercise done and enjoying it.... and then also taking time to RELAX!


It's not a soup as such, but an Indian dal. I make it thinner than the recipe calls for and eat it as a soup:

Tarka Dal (Recipe from Foolproof Indian Cookery by Madhur Jaffrey)

75 g (3 oz) yellow split peas (skinned mung dal)
75 g (3 oz) split red lentils (masoor dal)
I often use just red lentils and just realised that I never have had split ones...
1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
900 ml (1.5 pints) water
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoon olive or groundnut oil (this is where I change the recipe, it works well with just 2 teaspoons of oil, I have even done it with only one teaspoon)
1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds (I love cumin, so I use more)
2 hot dried red chillies
1 garlic clove, lightly crushed but left whole, then peeled

Wash the peas and lentils in water, drain. Put peas and lentils, water and tumeric in a pot, bring to the boil. Be careful, it can easily boil over and the water is very yellow thanks to the turmeric. Turn heat down when it starts boiling, partly cover the pot and let simmer gently for 40-45 minutes until the peas and lentils are very soft. The add the salt, turn off the heat and cover the pot.

Put the oil in a small frying pan (I use a non-stick pan) and set over a medium-high heat. When the oil is hot, add the cumin seeds, the chillies and the garlic. When the garlic has browned lightly (also watch the state of the cumin seeds you don't want them to burn, just be nicely toasted), quickly add the oil with the spices to the pot with the dal, immediately put the lid back on and let it trap the aromas for a few minutes.

The chilies do add a lot of spice, so if you don't like your food hot, use only one. I also find that they burn easily and that is not good either, so sometimes I take them out earlier.

I eat the soup with yoghurt. One of my favourite winter meals!

And now I go and post it over in the recipe thread!!

I would LOVE to try this because I've always wanted to try my hand at indian cuisine! I would definitey SKIP the chilies! I don't do spicy AT ALL! Another recipe for my "try it" pile!!

I'm really liking the sound of the tarka dahl Magdalene.....will need to buy some yellow split peas, but I already have everything else.

Decided to have another little run this morning...only 3K today, but took me to a weekly total of 20K, so good for the training. I had no pace today though, think I was tired out after my new PB yesterday.

Good for you on the 20K!! So impressed!!

Having roasted root veggies (potato, onion, butternut squash, parsnips, carrots, sweet potato) with halloumi cheese, all nicely drizzled with some balsamic vinegar. I've got my plan of action sorted for lunches during the week......mostly involving crispbreads and laughing cow!!! No access to a microwave or a fridge makes lunches quite hard for me!

Yummied-yum-yum-yum on the roasted root veggies! That is one big thing I miss when I am eating low carb.... root veggies! I LOVE sweet potato and butternut squash!

Throw a container of baby carrots and an apple in your bag with the crispbreads and Laughing Cow cheese and you've got a pretty decent meal!

Hope everyone has had a good weekend, I'm going to find my little box of fall bits and bobs to do the fireplace with, and am burning a Yankee Candle combo of Harvest and MacIntosh for a lovely autumn smell.

I put out a few of my fall "bits and bobs" before DS's girlfriend arrived this morning. Amazing how much decorating I can do in 10 minutes when under pressure! :rotfl: I got out three of my four ceramic pumpkins, my small standing scarecrow for the mudroom steps, my scarecrow wall hanging, and my "Welcome Fall" sign for the mudroom railing. Plus I filled a small french flower canister with bittersweet vines. That's probably the most I will do until Halloween, at which point I will put my "Happy Halloween" sign by the mudroom door and turn around my biggest ceramic pumpkin which is actually a ceramic jack o'lantern. I keep it with the plain side out most of the time because I don't actually care for jack o'lanterns.

What kind of decor did you put out??

Hi, everyone!
Crazy busy weekend but wanted to check in here, even if only briefly.

Sounds like everyone is doing well. I am excited about starting my coaching gig tomorrow and catching up. ;)

Thanks for popping in on us! Can't wait to hear from you tomorrow!

i have been SO busy since wednesday that this is the first time i've even had a chance to look at this! my coworker came down sick on wednesday so my manager asked me to take over running the machine that my coworker usually runs so i was busy from start to finish wednesday through friday. it was nice though because it made the days go by very quickly. ::yes:: it also put me out cold in bed by 9:30 on friday night, lol.

But I do love that feeling of hitting the pillow when I am dead exhausted and sleeping like a log, don't you???

this weekend i did back to back races. yesterday was runner world's 10k and today i did a 13k the next town over. it was pretty ambitious and i'm definitely feeling it but i feel good about the decision. i also got three medals between the two races, one of which i wasn't even expecting, so now my medal holder is full and i need a new one, which is a good problem to have. :cool2:

WOW! I'm really impressed! Two races in one weekend? You are my HERO!!:worship:

i'm feeling good about how this week started so i am hoping that i will have a big week on the scale come friday as the last two weeks have been pretty small. :goodvibes

I'm going to cheat and put a link in for my soup, I thought I had it on a recipe card but can't find it. I used to make this a lot, a crockpot and then lunch on it throughout the week. The cabbage makes it delish!


well I spent the morning on the DIS, but on the cruise boards :smokin: DH and I are planning Alaska 2015 and it's maddening waiting for DCL to release the dates.

Lucky you! Cruising to Alaska is definitely on my bucket list!

otherwise, it was a low-key but nice weekend. i'm leaving tomorrow for a couple days in Amish Country with my bestie... thankfully the overload of carb mashed potatoes and noodles don't call out to me. hopefully we'll get a lot of walking in, some Christmas shopping done, and I won't backtrack on the progress I've made this month!

Enjoy your friend time!!


The concert was amazing! I love that he wears a tux and not torn black clothing with piercings and tattoos all over him. I love that although he kind of has a potty mouth when he talks, his music is clean and old fashion yet current. I love that his voice when live sounds even better than on CD (when usually it's opposite). I also love that he's personable with his fans and that everyone from age 12 to 90 and everything in between came to see him and all love him. So yeah. He's great.

GLad you enjoyed the concert.:thumbsup2


Evening friends! Work meeting today was thankfully short and included lunch, so it went quickly. Plus I got to hit Costco before heading home again and got stocked up on some essentials (strawberries, green beans, greek yogurt, cinnamon). But it seems like the whole day ended up being consumed by a 3 hour meeting.... between getting showered, dressed, ironing an outfit, putting on make-up, one hour drive each way.... took up a lot of my day for three hours of pay. :rolleyes:

But that being said, some of the new changes for WW for 2014 are exciting and I can't wait until everything is rolled out! Nothing earth shattering and for those who are on WW and love the system, don't worry. PointsPlus is still here! But I love some of the new stuff and since I have to talk about it every week, it is NICE that I will be HAPPY to talk about it! Plus it is exciting to talk to other folks who also want to help inspire people to change their lives by losing weight! It was a very rah-rah :cheer2: kind of meeting, but just what I really needed right now. My meeting numbers have been down and I know that they will probably continue to drop until the start of the new year and I was getting disappointed. Plus I learned a bit more about the new compensation numbers for leaders and while I won't get rich, it is certainly some good news!

Got to meet DS's girlfriend (and her Mom) today. She is just adorable and it seems like they had a nice day together. They went apple picking and then went kayaking back at her house (guess she lives on a lake). They were together about 5 hours and then came home and were Skyping. Aaaahhh... young love :love:

Well, ready to watch this week's Amazing Race with my men! Not yet scheduled to work tomorrow, but I anticipate getting a call in the morning. TTY when I can tomorrow....................P
So the other am after work, I am driving & I see at a stop light intersection a well......."silly Goose" - (yes, I mentally called him something much stronger but hey.....this is a DISney website;)) - who was out JOGGING IN 45 DEGREE WEATHER!!:confused:

- (It is rare for weather to be a sustained COLD down here in Dallas / Ft Worth) -

He was wearing NO STOCKING CAP and NO GLOVES TO KEEP HIM WARM!! Just t-shirt, shorts and shoes.:rolleyes1

Then the light turned Green and suddenly I had a vision.....:3dglasses

I forgot mentally to mention to myself that on approx 3am Tues & Wednesday of this week (low of 45 & 47 degress respectively) guess what Ladybug & I will be doing??:confused:

YUP - ya guessed it!


*** DOH!! ****:headache:

NOTE TO SELF: Oh well.....looks like ya can lump L.B. & I ALSO into that catgory!!:laughing:

- (hey atleast we will be wearing our "WOOLIES.") -:thumbsup2

The above was meant for a rather strange giggle -

All is well down here in Dallas. Out to make a mean batch of Cajun Jambalaya Tuesday am after our cardio /core workout.:cloud9:


Good morning all! :goodvibes

Magdalene, congratulations on getting back into the running groove! Your Tarka Dal recipe sounds delicious! :cool2:

Helen, congrats again on your PB this week-end and great job planning healthy OP lunches for a tough work week! :cool1:

Hi, everyone!
Crazy busy weekend but wanted to check in here, even if only briefly.

Sounds like everyone is doing well. I am excited about starting my coaching gig tomorrow and catching up. ;)

Looking forward to it! Thanks for coaching! :thanks:

this weekend i did back to back races. yesterday was runner world's 10k and today i did a 13k the next town over. it was pretty ambitious and i'm definitely feeling it but i feel good about the decision. i also got three medals between the two races, one of which i wasn't even expecting, so now my medal holder is full and i need a new one, which is a good problem to have. :cool2:

i'm feeling good about how this week started so i am hoping that i will have a big week on the scale come friday as the last two weeks have been pretty small. :goodvibes

Congratulations on two great race finishes! Awesome! :yay:

I LOVE Paula Dean's "The Lady Chicken Noodle Soup." I'm not sure how healthy it is, but man it's good!

Sounds yummy! :) Most soups are not too bad calorie wise.

Molli, enjoy your trip to Amish country! :goodvibes


The concert was amazing! I love that he wears a tux and not torn black clothing with piercings and tattoos all over him. I love that although he kind of has a potty mouth when he talks, his music is clean and old fashion yet current. I love that his voice when live sounds even better than on CD (when usually it's opposite). I also love that he's personable with his fans and that everyone from age 12 to 90 and everything in between came to see him and all love him. So yeah. He's great.

Sounds like a ton of fun for sure! ::yes::

Hope the rest of your weekend was wonderful! BTW, I want to share your story about hitting 100%+ on your ActiveLink every day lately... despite your injury! I think it will help inspire my members. Hope you don't mind (names will be changed to protect the innocent...;) ).

I'm so flattered. :blush: Feel free. I'm at 108% for this week so far. :yay:

I forgot mentally to mention to myself that on approx 3am Tues & Wednesday of this week (low of 45 & 47 degress respectively) guess what Ladybug & I will be doing??:confused:

YUP - ya guessed it!


Some of us call those great running temperatures! :lmao: Enjoy your week!

Ten more days to hit your goals and make progress before Halloween. :hippie:
Good morning, everyone! I'll be back to catch up in a little while, but wanted to post the QOTD. :)

QOTD for Monday, October 21:
Have you read a book that has either inspired you or educated you on this journey to be healthy and fit? If so, what's the book and what did you take away from it?
Morning all! Yup, I'm at work today. She called about 9pm last night, so at least I was able to get an outfit ironed and plan my breakfast and lunch, so the morning went fairly smoothly.

I love today's QOTD, but I don't have time to answer right now, as the kids will be in here in about 4 minutes.... but I'll pop on mid-morning when they head to P.E. to catch up and answer the question.

Hope you all had a great Monday morning and a great start to your week! I can't believe how FAST October has flown by!

BBL to chat...............P
Marathoning for Mortals by John Bingham, helped motivate and inspire me to train for half-marathons and be confident that i could succeed
Good morning, everyone! I'll be back to catch up in a little while, but wanted to post the QOTD. :)

QOTD for Monday, October 21:
Have you read a book that has either inspired you or educated you on this journey to be healthy and fit? If so, what's the book and what did you take away from it?

I haven't read the book yet, but the book from Runner's World looks very motivational! I have been inspired by many blogs and many "running diaries" here on the DIS Boards!
Definitely doing the happy dance this morning!
I know for some they run this, or even more than this. But this morning on my long run I managed to run a 5K!! This is my first time ever running this far in my life! I am truly proud of myself for coming this far along! I was feeling a little dejected because my family kinda brushed off my big news this morning, but it was at 6:30 this morning so I can't blame them. :lmao:
I am running a 5K race this weekend so this makes me feel so much better about it! I had a "okay" dieting weekend. Nothing I'd want to talk about :rolleyes1
So this morning it was back on track with a smoothie and muffin!
I have a doctor appointment tomorrow for my hypoglycemia, and I'm so nervous for the scale. Doesn't it seem like you weigh WAYYYY more at the doctor than at home. :lmao:

Have a great Monday everyone!
So the other am after work, I am driving & I see at a stop light intersection a well......."silly Goose" - (yes, I mentally called him something much stronger but hey.....this is a DISney website;)) - who was out JOGGING IN 45 DEGREE WEATHER!!:confused:

- (It is rare for weather to be a sustained COLD down here in Dallas / Ft Worth) -

He was wearing NO STOCKING CAP and NO GLOVES TO KEEP HIM WARM!! Just t-shirt, shorts and shoes.:rolleyes1

Then the light turned Green and suddenly I had a vision.....:3dglasses

I forgot mentally to mention to myself that on approx 3am Tues & Wednesday of this week (low of 45 & 47 degress respectively) guess what Ladybug & I will be doing??:confused:

YUP - ya guessed it!


*** DOH!! ****:headache:

NOTE TO SELF: Oh well.....looks like ya can lump L.B. & I ALSO into that catgory!!:laughing:

- (hey atleast we will be wearing our "WOOLIES.") -:thumbsup2

The above was meant for a rather strange giggle -

All is well down here in Dallas. Out to make a mean batch of Cajun Jambalaya Tuesday am after our cardio /core workout.:cloud9:



I agree with what Lisa said....some of us consider that PERFECT running weather! :lmao:

I'm so flattered. :blush: Feel free. I'm at 108% for this week so far. :yay:

So I'll be talking about you tomorrow night! :thumbsup2

Some of us call those great running temperatures! :lmao: Enjoy your week!

Ten more days to hit your goals and make progress before Halloween. :hippie:

Fingers crossed for a great weight loss week for ALL of us before the Halloween temptations hit!

Good morning, everyone! I'll be back to catch up in a little while, but wanted to post the QOTD. :)

QOTD for Monday, October 21:
Have you read a book that has either inspired you or educated you on this journey to be healthy and fit? If so, what's the book and what did you take away from it?

I LOVE reading books about healthy eating/living and weight loss. Even if I am not totally on board with whatever eating plan they recommend, I find that I always learn something. I did get rid of a few, but I've read "The Flat Belly Diet", "The Slow, Fat Triathlete", "The Volumetrics Plan", "You on a Diet", "The Omnivore's Dilemma", "The Protein Power Lifeplan". I took away something different from each of those.... usually a recipe or a new idea about eating in a healthy sustainable way for weight loss and energy. I also subscribe to "Nutrition Action" newsletter.... what a FOUNTAIN of information about health!

Favorite book to refer back to is probably "The Thin Commandments".... don't have it with me here, but I know I've quoted from it before. For those of you who are WW, "Success Stories" is a great resource. Currently you can only buy it as part of an Ultimate 360 kit, but it will be available separately next month for a limited time.

Definitely doing the happy dance this morning!
I know for some they run this, or even more than this. But this morning on my long run I managed to run a 5K!! This is my first time ever running this far in my life! I am truly proud of myself for coming this far along! I was feeling a little dejected because my family kinda brushed off my big news this morning, but it was at 6:30 this morning so I can't blame them. :lmao:
I am running a 5K race this weekend so this makes me feel so much better about it! I had a "okay" dieting weekend. Nothing I'd want to talk about :rolleyes1
So this morning it was back on track with a smoothie and muffin!
I have a doctor appointment tomorrow for my hypoglycemia, and I'm so nervous for the scale. Doesn't it seem like you weigh WAYYYY more at the doctor than at home. :lmao:

Have a great Monday everyone!

Congratulations on your new longest distance run! I can honestly remember the day I ran a full 5K (on a TM at the Y) and I was SO proud of myself! I too, didn't get much enthusiasm from the family, but DD can always be counted on for an "attaboy"! That is a great new accomplishment to cross off your bucket list!

Good luck at the doctor.... and YES, I think their scales are RIGGED! :rotfl:

Okay friends... my morning has gone quickly so far, but next up is some sort of science project that I don't have full instructions for! What a PITA! And of course, this is the day that the Principal is coming to hear them perform some sort of "Reader's Theater" project. :rolleyes:

Just had my snack because lunch isn't until 12:15 and I was already hungry! Love my steel cut oats, but it just didn't stick by me today.

Do you all believe that there is really just one weigh-in Friday left for October?? I'm sure that most of us are going to count our weigh-in on 11/1 as our final weigh-in for October (makes sense), but there is just ONE Friday left in the month!! :eek: How did it go so quickly!??? I have parent's weekend at DD's college this Fri-Sun and then DS and I leave the following Friday night for Minecon 2013 in Orlando!! I'd love to be BELOW my maintenance range for that weekend so I can have an indulgence or two, but if I can't I'm not concerned. DS doesn't care about food at all, so there aren't any big exciting treats that we are really planning or looking especially forward to.

The convention is all day Sat and Sun. Saturday night is a private party for ticket holders at IOA. I am excited about the possibility of visiting WWOHP, but since we still don't know all of the details, I'm trying not to get my hopes up.... but if we do get there, I will definitely be sharing a butterbeer with DS! I think that would tickle him to death! And then Sunday night we are having our "bit of magic" with dinner at DTD or a Disney resort. I'd love to do a character meal at the Contemporary or Poly, but I can't justify spending the $$ since the convention tickets were so pricey. But maybe a stop by the Earl of Sandwich or one of the new Disney food trucks.... or perhaps over to the Boardwalk area to stop for a Kitchen Sink sundae for supper! :rotfl:

Maybe I'll check out the menus on Allears today and figure out our plan for that night!

So the other am after work, I am driving & I see at a stop light intersection a well......."silly Goose" - (yes, I mentally called him something much stronger but hey.....this is a DISney website;)) - who was out JOGGING IN 45 DEGREE WEATHER!!:confused:

- (It is rare for weather to be a sustained COLD down here in Dallas / Ft Worth) -

He was wearing NO STOCKING CAP and NO GLOVES TO KEEP HIM WARM!! Just t-shirt, shorts and shoes.:rolleyes1

Then the light turned Green and suddenly I had a vision.....:3dglasses

I forgot mentally to mention to myself that on approx 3am Tues & Wednesday of this week (low of 45 & 47 degress respectively) guess what Ladybug & I will be doing??:confused:

YUP - ya guessed it!


*** DOH!! ****:headache:

I had to laugh because that is only a tad bit colder than what I prefer. Yesterday, it was 46 when I started my training walk and it only got up to 48 by 90 minutes later. I thought it was perfect! But, I'm curious. Why 3 a.m.? Do people actually do that voluntarily? LOL!

Morning all! Yup, I'm at work today. She called about 9pm last night, so at least I was able to get an outfit ironed and plan my breakfast and lunch, so the morning went fairly smoothly.

I'm glad you had enough of a warning this time. I'd be hard-pressed to get out on short notice as you so often do. You really do inspire me to be better organized before I go to bed at night. :)

Marathoning for Mortals by John Bingham, helped motivate and inspire me to train for half-marathons and be confident that i could succeed

So glad you said this. I agree! Do you find that you keep going back to it to refresh your knowledge on some points or to put one of his training plans on your calendar?

I haven't read the book yet, but the book from Runner's World looks very motivational! I have been inspired by many blogs and many "running diaries" here on the DIS Boards!

You'll have to tell us what you think when you read it. My husband reads Runners World every month and finds so much in there that inspires him, even though he is a very talented, dedicated and accomplished marathoner. But I love that there is something in the magazine for every level of runner.

Definitely doing the happy dance this morning!
I know for some they run this, or even more than this. But this morning on my long run I managed to run a 5K!! This is my first time ever running this far in my life! I am truly proud of myself for coming this far along! I was feeling a little dejected because my family kinda brushed off my big news this morning, but it was at 6:30 this morning so I can't blame them. :lmao:
I am running a 5K race this weekend so this makes me feel so much better about it! I had a "okay" dieting weekend. Nothing I'd want to talk about :rolleyes1
So this morning it was back on track with a smoothie and muffin!
I have a doctor appointment tomorrow for my hypoglycemia, and I'm so nervous for the scale. Doesn't it seem like you weigh WAYYYY more at the doctor than at home. :lmao:

Have a great Monday everyone!

Congratulations!!! :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: That is awesome!! :thumbsup2 You should definitely be proud of yourself. And be sure to tell your doctor, too.

I LOVE reading books about healthy eating/living and weight loss. Even if I am not totally on board with whatever eating plan they recommend, I find that I always learn something. I did get rid of a few, but I've read "The Flat Belly Diet", "The Slow, Fat Triathlete", "The Volumetrics Plan", "You on a Diet", "The Omnivore's Dilemma", "The Protein Power Lifeplan". I took away something different from each of those.... usually a recipe or a new idea about eating in a healthy sustainable way for weight loss and energy. I also subscribe to "Nutrition Action" newsletter.... what a FOUNTAIN of information about health!

Favorite book to refer back to is probably "The Thin Commandments".... don't have it with me here, but I know I've quoted from it before. For those of you who are WW, "Success Stories" is a great resource. Currently you can only buy it as part of an Ultimate 360 kit, but it will be available separately next month for a limited time.

Do you all believe that there is really just one weigh-in Friday left for October?? I'm sure that most of us are going to count our weigh-in on 11/1 as our final weigh-in for October (makes sense), but there is just ONE Friday left in the month!! :eek: How did it go so quickly!??? I have parent's weekend at DD's college this Fri-Sun and then DS and I leave the following Friday night for Minecon 2013 in Orlando!! I'd love to be BELOW my maintenance range for that weekend so I can have an indulgence or two, but if I can't I'm not concerned. DS doesn't care about food at all, so there aren't any big exciting treats that we are really planning or looking especially forward to.

The convention is all day Sat and Sun. Saturday night is a private party for ticket holders at IOA. I am excited about the possibility of visiting WWOHP, but since we still don't know all of the details, I'm trying not to get my hopes up.... but if we do get there, I will definitely be sharing a butterbeer with DS! I think that would tickle him to death! And then Sunday night we are having our "bit of magic" with dinner at DTD or a Disney resort. I'd love to do a character meal at the Contemporary or Poly, but I can't justify spending the $$ since the convention tickets were so pricey. But maybe a stop by the Earl of Sandwich or one of the new Disney food trucks.... or perhaps over to the Boardwalk area to stop for a Kitchen Sink sundae for supper! :rotfl:

Maybe I'll check out the menus on Allears today and figure out our plan for that night!


Hmmm... Have heard of some of them, but I definitely am going to go check out the "Thin Commandments" on amazon. I'm intrigued.

So, what is Minecon? I know I could look it up, but would love to hear what you are expecting and what DS is expecting. Do I remember correctly that he is into Robotics? Does this have something to do with that?

Oh, WWoHP!!! Butterbeer!! FUN!! Howard and I went down a few years ago and stayed at the Portofino to get early entry and did much of WWoHP. It was awesome!! I really hope you and DS get to experience all the fun. :goodvibes

QOTD for Monday, October 21:
Have you read a book that has either inspired you or educated you on this journey to be healthy and fit? If so, what's the book and what did you take away from it?

I guess I'll answer now. :) Two that immediately come to mind are "The Courage to Start" and "Marathoning for Mortals", both by John Bingham. These books taught me so much about how to go from a sedentary existence to one where training to walk/wog a half- or full marathon was a routine thing. The books taught me everything from how to put a training schedule together to what to wear and how to modify my stride/gait to be able to go the distance. Having met John Bingham several times allowed me to read the books in his "voice," which I find to be very encouraging.

The other book that made a huge impact on me was "Overcoming Overeating". Wow! Eye opener. Made me look at the source of my food behaviors and to begin to understand how to take control and modify those behaviors.
I guess I'll answer now. :) Two that immediately come to mind are "The Courage to Start" and "Marathoning for Mortals", both by John Bingham. These books taught me so much about how to go from a sedentary existence to one where training to walk/wog a half- or full marathon was a routine thing. The books taught me everything from how to put a training schedule together to what to wear and how to modify my stride/gait to be able to go the distance. Having met John Bingham several times allowed me to read the books in his "voice," which I find to be very encouraging.

The other book that made a huge impact on me was "Overcoming Overeating". Wow! Eye opener. Made me look at the source of my food behaviors and to begin to understand how to take control and modify those behaviors.

Thank you!
I am defiantly going to look for these books on my Kindle, titles are what gets me to read a book and "The Courage to Start" and "Marathoning for Mortals" both catch my eye!
Wish I could say I would find something to do, but it will be after 10pm, so no stores open and I am NOT walking outside in the dark in the "big city" of Concord! Maybe I'll just go to Wendy's and get a coffee and use the wifi for a bit and maybe bring along a good book.

It's been a REALLY long time, but I remember that town! :rotfl:

Good morning, everyone! I'll be back to catch up in a little while, but wanted to post the QOTD. :)

QOTD for Monday, October 21:
Have you read a book that has either inspired you or educated you on this journey to be healthy and fit? If so, what's the book and what did you take away from it?

Funny you should ask this question at this moment. I was reading this on one of the blogs I follow, and it was one of those "felt like I just got kicked in the head" moments! My scale has been all over the place (I REALLY think it has to do with where I place it on the bathroom floor, and it's currently showing me being up 1.6 pounds. However, I'm not really sure if it was right in the first place, so I have NO idea what I weigh! :scared1: Then I read this...


...and had an "aha" moment. I just can't continue to be so obssessed about a number on a scale (that I'm not sure works in the first place :confused:). Do I feel healthy? Am I exercising and eating well? How do my clothes fit? I think the answers to these questions are what's more important (at least to me). I know this probably completely blows the whole point of this board, and my sincerest apologies to all of you, but I think sometimes we can get so centered on a number instead of the big picture. Thoughts??:confused:
I'm glad you had enough of a warning this time. I'd be hard-pressed to get out on short notice as you so often do. You really do inspire me to be better organized before I go to bed at night. :)

Sometimes it is a struggle to be/stay organized, but life is so much less crazy this year with DD away, I have no excuse to NOT stay organized and prepared!

Hmmm... Have heard of some of them, but I definitely am going to go check out the "Thin Commandments" on amazon. I'm intrigued.

So, what is Minecon? I know I could look it up, but would love to hear what you are expecting and what DS is expecting. Do I remember correctly that he is into Robotics? Does this have something to do with that?

It's a gaming convention (similar to Comic-Con) for folks (okay.... mostly boys/teens) who play MineCraft. DS chose this as his mother/son weekend this year. Until the IOA thing came into play I was totally NOT looking forward to the weekend. But now I'm kind of excited! He gets to meet lots of other gamers, folks who moderate the game, create things in the game, etc, etc. I don't really understand all of it, but since I'm running for "Mother of the Year" I'm going! (JK!):lmao:

Oh, WWoHP!!! Butterbeer!! FUN!! Howard and I went down a few years ago and stayed at the Portofino to get early entry and did much of WWoHP. It was awesome!! I really hope you and DS get to experience all the fun. :goodvibes

Fingers crossed, since that and my dinner at DTD is the "mom" part of this Mother/Son weekend!

QOTD for Monday, October 21:
Have you read a book that has either inspired you or educated you on this journey to be healthy and fit? If so, what's the book and what did you take away from it?

I guess I'll answer now. :) Two that immediately come to mind are "The Courage to Start" and "Marathoning for Mortals", both by John Bingham. These books taught me so much about how to go from a sedentary existence to one where training to walk/wog a half- or full marathon was a routine thing. The books taught me everything from how to put a training schedule together to what to wear and how to modify my stride/gait to be able to go the distance. Having met John Bingham several times allowed me to read the books in his "voice," which I find to be very encouraging.

The other book that made a huge impact on me was "Overcoming Overeating". Wow! Eye opener. Made me look at the source of my food behaviors and to begin to understand how to take control and modify those behaviors.

I am definitely going to look into that Overcoming Overeating book!!

Funny you should ask this question at this moment. I was reading this on one of the blogs I follow, and it was one of those "felt like I just got kicked in the head" moments! My scale has been all over the place (I REALLY think it has to do with where I place it on the bathroom floor, and it's currently showing me being up 1.6 pounds. However, I'm not really sure if it was right in the first place, so I have NO idea what I weigh! :scared1: Then I read this...


...and had an "aha" moment. I just can't continue to be so obssessed about a number on a scale (that I'm not sure works in the first place :confused:). Do I feel healthy? Am I exercising and eating well? How do my clothes fit? I think the answers to these questions are what's more important (at least to me). I know this probably completely blows the whole point of this board, and my sincerest apologies to all of you, but I think sometimes we can get so centered on a number instead of the big picture. Thoughts??:confused:

NO, NO!! I think we would all agree with you... it is NOT all about the number. You are SMART to look at the bigger picture because that is where the TRUE CHANGE is happening!


Evening all! Just a minute before I dash off to watch DWTS. Tomorrow is another early morning, but I'm not working. Instead I will drop DS at school, head to the chiropractor, and then to a WW location to do my employee weigh-in for October and THEN breakfast and coffee before I go to Bible study. I will be DARN HUNGRY by then, but I am so close to being above my maintenance range I need to hold off until after the scale.

I'll pop on after lunch tomorrow!......................P
Good Tuesday morning.

It has been pretty quiet here. I had a math team meet yesterday. The bus driver took all the wrong roads to get us back to school. He got stuck on this one road and we were over a half an hour late getting back to school. At one point we weren't sure he was going to turn to get to our school. I had to remind him about a place where he could turn. He then had to get over 2 lanes to make the turn. Where do they get these people?

Tonight I am sewing 2 dresses for a local theater company. They are doing White Christmas next month and these are for the 2 main characters.

This weekend we may be going up to visit my sister. Her house was ruined in hurricane sandy. She did get a nice settlement but when the bids came through they ate up all her money and she would have had a house but no furniture or kitchen things. She had been looking around trying to get someone to help her out. In Aug she was contacted by a group that said that they could help her. They will even find her discounts on furniture. They started on her house a couple of weeks ago and this past weekend her house was pictures in a newspaper article and her house and you could see her in a tv news article. I am so happy that she is getting this. We did find out that the NFL is helping fund the project because she lives less than a mile from where the super bowl will be in Feb. YOu often wonder who gets picked for something like this and now I am very happy that she was one of them.

Off to get breakfast.

Have a happy and healthy day.
Good morning all! :goodvibes

Pamela, enjoy your trip to Orlando and MineCon. That is an amazing game -- DS was a big fan for quite awhile and continues to return to it. It's like Legos without the sore feet. ;) I am always amazed by all the worlds people have made.

I am excited to hear about the WW changes. I do think that is one thing that they do well -- the are constantly updating the system to fine tune it. :cool2:

Then I read this...


...and had an "aha" moment. I just can't continue to be so obssessed about a number on a scale (that I'm not sure works in the first place :confused:). Do I feel healthy? Am I exercising and eating well? How do my clothes fit? I think the answers to these questions are what's more important (at least to me). I know this probably completely blows the whole point of this board, and my sincerest apologies to all of you, but I think sometimes we can get so centered on a number instead of the big picture. Thoughts??:confused:

Absolutely not an issue at all with this board which is truly about staying healthy and not being fixed on a number. :hippie: That's why we have the maintainer part of this challenge because the idea is that you come and stay. The crazy antics of your new scale are totally worth the epiphany that you had about numbers. ::yes::

Dona, that is such good news about your sister's home. :goodvibes It's been a long, tough year for her family. :flower3:
Good Tuesday morning.

It has been pretty quiet here. I had a math team meet yesterday. The bus driver took all the wrong roads to get us back to school. He got stuck on this one road and we were over a half an hour late getting back to school. At one point we weren't sure he was going to turn to get to our school. I had to remind him about a place where he could turn. He then had to get over 2 lanes to make the turn. Where do they get these people?

Tonight I am sewing 2 dresses for a local theater company. They are doing White Christmas next month and these are for the 2 main characters.

This weekend we may be going up to visit my sister. Her house was ruined in hurricane sandy. She did get a nice settlement but when the bids came through they ate up all her money and she would have had a house but no furniture or kitchen things. She had been looking around trying to get someone to help her out. In Aug she was contacted by a group that said that they could help her. They will even find her discounts on furniture. They started on her house a couple of weeks ago and this past weekend her house was pictures in a newspaper article and her house and you could see her in a tv news article. I am so happy that she is getting this. We did find out that the NFL is helping fund the project because she lives less than a mile from where the super bowl will be in Feb. YOu often wonder who gets picked for something like this and now I am very happy that she was one of them.

Off to get breakfast.

Have a happy and healthy day.

So happy to hear someone is helping your sister. Coming from just down south of New Orleans, I know the devastation a hurricane can cause. It can take a while to rebuild a life, but it does happen!
Good morning, challengers!!! Wow! We have a lot of participants but not as much participation as we might all hope. I really am hoping to see more people posting soon. :goodvibes

Thank you!
I am defiantly going to look for these books on my Kindle, titles are what gets me to read a book and "The Courage to Start" and "Marathoning for Mortals" both catch my eye!

I can't wait to hear what you think. I found that I couldn't help but be inspired. I hope you feel the "boost", too. :)

Funny you should ask this question at this moment. I was reading this on one of the blogs I follow, and it was one of those "felt like I just got kicked in the head" moments! My scale has been all over the place (I REALLY think it has to do with where I place it on the bathroom floor, and it's currently showing me being up 1.6 pounds. However, I'm not really sure if it was right in the first place, so I have NO idea what I weigh! :scared1: Then I read this...


...and had an "aha" moment. I just can't continue to be so obssessed about a number on a scale (that I'm not sure works in the first place :confused:). Do I feel healthy? Am I exercising and eating well? How do my clothes fit? I think the answers to these questions are what's more important (at least to me). I know this probably completely blows the whole point of this board, and my sincerest apologies to all of you, but I think sometimes we can get so centered on a number instead of the big picture. Thoughts??:confused:

That article is really eye-opening and somewhat sad. It is wonderful that it struck a lightbulb moment for you. It is something we all should try to remember. I think I've posted it here before, but one of the most significant things anyone has ever said to me while I've been on this journey was from my doctor. I said "yeah, yeah, I know I have to lose about 50 pounds", and he said "Frankly, you are healthier and more fit than most of my patients who are at a "healthy weight" but who do not eat right and do not exercise. Don't beat yourself up. If you can lose pounds, you'll probably feel better and it will be better for your joints, but keep doing what you're doing. I wish I had more patients like you." We all have to remember that the lifestyle is much more important than the number on the scale. Thank you for sharing the article.

I am definitely going to look into that Overcoming Overeating book!!


Evening all! Just a minute before I dash off to watch DWTS. Tomorrow is another early morning, but I'm not working. Instead I will drop DS at school, head to the chiropractor, and then to a WW location to do my employee weigh-in for October and THEN breakfast and coffee before I go to Bible study. I will be DARN HUNGRY by then, but I am so close to being above my maintenance range I need to hold off until after the scale.

I'll pop on after lunch tomorrow!......................P

I hope your weigh-in went well!

Good Tuesday morning.

It has been pretty quiet here. I had a math team meet yesterday. The bus driver took all the wrong roads to get us back to school. He got stuck on this one road and we were over a half an hour late getting back to school. At one point we weren't sure he was going to turn to get to our school. I had to remind him about a place where he could turn. He then had to get over 2 lanes to make the turn. Where do they get these people?

Tonight I am sewing 2 dresses for a local theater company. They are doing White Christmas next month and these are for the 2 main characters.

This weekend we may be going up to visit my sister. Her house was ruined in hurricane sandy. She did get a nice settlement but when the bids came through they ate up all her money and she would have had a house but no furniture or kitchen things. She had been looking around trying to get someone to help her out. In Aug she was contacted by a group that said that they could help her. They will even find her discounts on furniture. They started on her house a couple of weeks ago and this past weekend her house was pictures in a newspaper article and her house and you could see her in a tv news article. I am so happy that she is getting this. We did find out that the NFL is helping fund the project because she lives less than a mile from where the super bowl will be in Feb. YOu often wonder who gets picked for something like this and now I am very happy that she was one of them.

Off to get breakfast.

Have a happy and healthy day.

Dona - It is wonderful of you to use your talents for a local theatre company. You are really generous! Are the costumes the red dresses with the white trim that they wear in the final performance? or dresses for the "everyday" parts of the play -- Am I thinking of the right movie? The one where they are at a country inn? Would you be willing to post photos? I'd love to see them!

I am excited to hear about the WW changes. I do think that is one thing that they do well -- the are constantly updating the system to fine tune it. :cool2:

I agree, Lisa!! I think the refinements that have been made through the 360 plan are the first that have really encouraged members to improve their entire lifestyle and environment, not just food and activity.
So, how is everyone today? It is so beautifully sunny here and things are wonderful in my world. Our DD25, who had been away since October 10 on an 11 night Caribbean cruise, arrived home last night. I'd really missed her! And, our MAJOR "3 space" renovation project is moving along with some significant progress yesterday, so I'm in a pretty good mood. LOL!

Okay, time for the QOTD for October 22 (I was thinking about what I'd just said about WW):

Look around at the space you are in right now. We all have "spaces" that we can control or modify and others that we can't do anything about. Is the space that you are in conducive to a healthy lifestyle? What is in your space that inspires you or motivates you or assists your efforts? Are there any items or people in your space that make your journey more difficult? Can you do anything about those "detractors"?

Have a great day, everyone!
Today's QOTD sounds very suspiciously like a high school essay question and I almost feel compelled to write a five-paragraph essay! Almost.

I feel like over the past couple of months, my space has evolved to become more healthy. My fridge has tons of veggies and lean meats. The pantry stores beans and low cal cans of soups. And I don't think my flour and granulated sugar have been touched in months. Although I do still have cake mixes and chips in there, I have really trained myself to pass right over them and reach for the healthier options instead. The next order of business will be to clean the scrap booking area so that my mind can also become healthy!!! ;-)


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