WISH Away the Pounds Outstanding October Challenge -- Everyone welcome!

I have to be in court early in the morning, so I am going to post tomorrow's QOTD early. :)

QOTD for Wednesday, October 23:

Sometimes it's good to shake up your menu a bit, try new recipes or new ingredients/foods. When is the last time you tried a new recipe or new food? What was it? What did you think of it?

I tried a crockpot pineapple chicken recipe and couldn't even swallow one bite :rotfl2: I dumped the whole thing out & we ended up with pizza!

Another recipe (not even close to being healthy) that DH tried just this past weekend was a new lasagna recipe. It was delicious! He even made his own sauce and don't dump Ragu on it. And, this is coming from a man who ate Hamburger Helper and instant mashed potatoes regularly when I first met him!

I love Skinny Ms and Skinny Taste for super yummy, healthy recipes.


I just wanted to pop on and answer the QOTD in case I don't get back on tonight. DS goes to gymnastics tonight, so my friend and I are going to work out again together. I'll be trying the rowing machine fitness test that DH found for me. Then I'm planning on 10 minutes of rowing and 40 minutes on the treadmill.

If I don't find time to pop back on, I'll catch up tomorrow!

Hi! :)

I think I'm nearly over this cold. Today started my first 4-day back-to-backs in my Dopey training. Here we go! Today was a 3-mile walk-run. Tomorrow is a 4-mile walk, Friday is an 8-mile walk, and Saturday is :crazy2: an 18-mile walk-run. !!! That'll be my longest ever so far. I'm kind of looking forward to it, in a weird way. I'm definitely looking forward to the next two days of walks - with all the running lately, I think the walking will feel almost relaxing! I just have to budget enough time for it all.

A couple of folks have asked about Graze, and I can give you a basic rundown! The site is graze.com - they're invite-only right now. They're in the UK, and I get a box a week. It's $5/box, so not too different from buying a candy bar a day...but much better. You get four snack packs per box. They have names like Poached Pear, Boston Baguettes, Raspberry and Coconut Muffin, Japanese Nori Crackers, Bonnie Wee Oatbakes, Toffee Apple, Super Berry Detox, and Coco Paradise. Snacks are either dippers or mixes of finger things - they're big on dried fruits, and some have nuts. There are chocolate bits in some, coconut flakes in others, and there are savory as well as sweet snacks.

When you sign up, you can choose regular or light boxes - light boxes are all, I've found, 2-4 PointsPlus for those on the WW system. I don't follow low-carb myself, so I'm not sure what qualifies, but the snacks I have here range from 10.2 grams (nori crackers) to 31.3 (all dried fruit). Every box comes with an insert that has the full nutritionals (to the hundredth!) for each snack. You can rate snacks on the Graze site, so you can tell them never to send you something that you tried and didn't like.

DH subscribes, too, and has his boxes sent directly to his office. We both really like it. Some days I use a snack as part of my breakfast; other days, they're true snacks.

So that's Graze! :)

Tried a new recipe for this house yesterday - stuffed green pepper soup. It was yummy.

This sounds great. Thanks for the idea!

Wednesday QOTD: I've been brave with lots of things lately. Made a butternut squash pasta the other day (a hit). Before that, quinoa (not a hit), couscous (another hit). I usually don't get yellow and green zucchini but recently have made pasta ribbons with them as well as cooking them with tomatoes and Parmesan for a healthy veggie.

I keep reading about the zucchini pasta ribbons on MyFitnessPal. Glad you liked them. Have you tried spaghetti squash? It is one of my favorites!

I try new recipes quite often. Mostly because I don't do a great job of keeping my recipes that I like well organized. :rotfl: I'm always looking for quick and easy recipes in the various magazines that get every month. I tried this stew recipe this week-end and it was really good. It was a few minutes prep Sunday morning and whole day of smelling delicious dinner.

Provencal Beef Stew

2 teaspoons olive oil
1 1/2 pounds boneless chuck roast, trimmed and cut into 1-inch cubes
1 teaspoon kosher salt, divided
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, divided
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 medium onions, each cut into 8 wedges
8 garlic cloves, crushed
1/4 cup dry red wine
1 cup fat-free, lower-sodium beef broth
2 tablespoons tomato paste
3 bay leaves
3 fresh thyme sprigs
1 (14.5-ounce) can diced tomatoes, drained
3 cups (1-inch) slices zucchini
2 cups (1-inch) slices carrots

1. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Sprinkle beef with 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper; dredge in flour. Add beef to pan; sauté 2 minutes, browning on all sides. Place beef in an electric slow cooker. Add onions and garlic to pan; sauté 5 minutes. Add wine to pan, scraping pan to loosen browned bits. Place onion mixture in cooker. Add broth, tomato paste, bay leaves, thyme, and tomatoes to cooker; top with zucchini and carrots. Cover and cook on LOW 8 hours or until beef is tender. Stir in remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt and remaining 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Discard bay leaves and thyme sprigs.

6 servings (1 1/3 c)

Nutritional Information
Amount per serving
Calories: 271
Fat: 8.9g
Saturated fat: 2.8g
Monounsaturated fat: 4.1g
Polyunsaturated fat: 0.6g
Protein: 31.1g
Carbohydrate: 16.5g
Fiber: 3.5g
Cholesterol: 86mg
Iron: 4.2mg
Sodium: 499mg
Calcium: 57mg

Lia Huber, Cooking Light
MARCH 2009

That sounds fabulous!! I am always looking for new crockpot recipes and since I cook on the weekends, it won't be hard to do the prep and then move it to the crockpot. Thank you for taking time to post. :goodvibes

We went to a fancy wine/food event at a local snootie restaurant last week so I tried some really interesting "gourmet" foods. I don't like crab AT ALL, but I loved these little puffy crab things with a super yummy lemon sauce, ahi tuna tacos that (as I found out afterwards) had a foie gras sauce on them. YIKES!! Duck liver? REALLY!?! The worst part is it was tasty!

I love carrots (raw only) so I was pleasantly surprised to find I loved the vanilla carrots. I think they just cooked them with vanilla extract and yum! :thumbsup2 They also were kind enough to serve me some salmon instead of osso bucco, which, even though it was undercooked for my taste, was still really yummy. (STILL can't believe I'm eating fish! :hyper:) There was some some fancy dessert that I tried and a whole bunch (10!) wines I had never tried before. Overall, it was a really fun time with foods I never would have thought I'd enjoy. :yay: The best part was it was at a restaurant on Fort Lauderdale Beach with a full moon. Gorgeous!

Vanilla carrots? Wow! Never would have thought of it. Not sure I'd be able to bring myself to try some of those other things. Good for you!! (actually, I tried escargot on the Disney cruise. Something to brag about but not likely to try it again. LOL!)

GREAT, GREAT question!! My HOME space is very conducive to a healthy lifestyle. My fridge is almost always stocked a good variety of healthy choices.... fruits, veggies, low-fat dairy and cheese, eggs, salsa, guacamole, water, seltzer, flaxseed, salad dressings. My pantry holds plenty of healthy foods too.... oatmeal (quick cooking, regular, and steel cut), lentils, beans, protein powder, popcorn, whole wheat flour, green tea, nuts, organic all-natural peanut butter and other nut butters, vinegar, healthy oils (EVOO, sesame oil, coconut oil), chia seeds, dark chocolate cocoa powder, whole wheat bread and low carb tortillas.

I do have one basket of off-plan treats/snacks that I use for DS's lunches and such. They aren't terribly unhealthy, just not necessarily on my personal eating plan (Clif bars, applesauce packets, and such). They are down low, not near the other foods, next to where I keep the thermoses and his lunch sack. So I really have no reason to go into that cupboard other than when I am packing lunch for him. Out of sight, out of mind.

I keep my free weights handy in the bedroom, my treadmill is ready to be put to use on a moment's notice, my sneakers (all 4 pairs) are lined up neatly in the closet, and I have lots of exercise DVDs I can choose from. We try to stay active by doing lots around the house ourselves (yard work, painting, etc).

Where we fall short is the lack of family exercise time.... we always talk about taking a hike or going kayaking, but it rarely happens. We definitely need to find something we WANT to do as a family (well, at least the 3 of us that are here now). Perhaps we will pull out the Wii sports for the winter.... better than nothing!


I like to try a new recipe every few weeks, at least. I'm always looking for that new family favorite. Most recent new recipe tried was definitely a keeper (Ratatouille stew).... the one before that got tossed (it was edible but not a favorite.... apricot chicken).

New foods.... not as often. The most recent new food I tried..... I can't even recall! I had pumpkin risotto a few week ago in a restaurant. Does that count? It was good (not surprising) but not as pumpkin-y as I expected. I probably wouldn't order it again because it wasn't really worth the calorie hit. It's not that I am averse to trying new foods.... it's just that there aren't that many out there that I haven't tried (thinking primarily about unprocessed whole foods).


Happy Wednesday my friends! Hoping and praying that everyone is well and healthy today!

Sorry I didn't make it on here yesterday.... the day got away from me in a big way! But here I am, home today!! WOOHOO! Lots to do, of course, but I'm working on it. DH is gone today and tonight, so I won't be making anything big for dinner, so that takes that off today's schedule. DS is attending the first Math Meet of the season at the end of the school day today, so he won't be home at his regular time either. So lots of ME time today if I want to take advantage of it!!

I have some WW work that I MUST get done this morning on the computer and of course the never-ending laundry. I will be away this weekend for three days (between a Friday WW meeting and Parent's weekend at DD's college) and I am working tomorrow at school, so I MUST get some things done today that can't wait. But after the necessities I definitely see some SCRAPPING in my future today!!!

I allotted 45 minutes for computer "chatting" this morning and now it is gone, so I will be dashing off. TTYL when I take my "lunch break"!............P

Wow! You are so busy!! How in the world do you cram so much into any given day? Your productivity and organization are truly inspiring. :thumbsup2

As for your "spaces" - LOTS of great ideas there. You reminded me I need to bring oatmeal to my office and put almonds in my car.

You mentioned work for WW. I've often wondered how much prep the leaders must do. My leader is awesome and always so prepared, so I know you guys work hard getting ready for meetings. :hug:

My newest recipe is Stuffed Zucchini .. which we have found out we love! both the Hubs and myself.. I got the idea from my mom and modified to be lower carb..

Slice your zucchini in half the long way and hollow out the seeds fill the cavity with this meat mix (cooked sausage and ground beef with garlic and onion) and top with a few tablespoons of spaghetti sauce and shredded parm cheese.. bake 350 till it pierces easy with a fork.. Delish!!

That is going on the "to try" list as well. Thanks!


Okay friends! Four loads of laundry washed and hung on the line, 90+ minutes of WW training online done, emails and FB checked. Now time to make beds, eat lunch, do my 30 minutes of exercise (which will be yard work again today) and have some ME time!! I'm so hungry!!!!!...................P

See? That's what I mean!! How is the weather where you are? Did you do yard work in the rain? or is it nice there?

welp, I have hit a snag. Yesterday I went to the doctor for my hypoglycemia, and it's been dropping very low quite often. NO matter what I eat. So this morning I had a glucose tolerance test. It was very rough for me, thankfully I never fainted or *ahem* up chucked ...

But I do feel pretty icky. I am currently eating an egg drop soup, not the best thing for a diet. But I had blood drawn 4 times today! I earned it!
I will hopefully feel better soon and get results on Monday. In the mean time I will continue to try and eat my best and continue running!

As for today's question,
I tried a crock pot meal last Friday that I really enjoyed. It was a lemon chicken and roasted potato dish. It took me maybe 20 minutes of prep ( and someone other than me could probably fix it faster, I can't peel potatoes for the life of me) I just put four quartered potatoes in, with four chicken breast. I rubbed the chicken with some oregano, pepper, and I added the juice of one lemon. And this was very good! I found it filling, even with only a few pieces of potato.

Have a great day everyone!

That sounds so simple to make and yet very tasty. I'm sorry about the hypoglycemia and especially for the rough time doing the glucose tolerance test. :hug: I hope you are feeling better by now.

Got behind again. And kind fell off the face of the earth there for a little bit. :)

I am kind of stuck, but not gaining so that is good.

Saturday we ran a 10k in the cold rain (47degrees). It was the most disorganized race I have ever done. We had to wait in traffic afterwards for over an hour. We were soaking wet and it was not too fun. But I finished and like to think I am stronger for it. ;)

Saturday night we went to a concert about an hour away and were stuck in traffic again for over an hour. Goodness, not a good day for traffic! Luckily we didn't have any snacks in the car or I might have gone a little crazy.:rotfl:

Today I take the doggie back for acupuncture (2nd treatment) and I am determined to plan some dinners and do something positive.

I have started 8 min meditation again.

Which answers the earlier qotd.

Two books I like:
The French Don't Diet Plan
8 Minute Meditation

Ok, jumping in from here. :)
Enjoy the rest of the day. :goodvibes

So glad your furbaby is doing better, Rose. I hope your afternoon went smoothly. Oh, and kudos to you guys for running in the cold rain! :thumbsup2

First snow of the season for us today  beautiful huge, falling, flakes that did not stick  ok- it was nice, now, no more please! J
As I skimmed the posts while eating lunch  wow  lots of life going on with everyone  kudos to all & especially those who are keeping on target with the challenge & balancing their lives with so much happening! ::yes::

Courage to Start & Marathoning for Mortals by John Bingham definitely the books that made me realize I could at least TRY to think about walking a ½ marathon- my take away was if you can make it to the start line you are a winner  then go have fun during the event! And yes  managed to complete two half marathons both at WDW (2005 & 07)with OhMom  those events will always be the highlight of my discipline in exercising! :love:
Most recent book that helped me get back into a healthier lifestyle was The 40-Day Diet Make-over by Penny Dickerson- a complete 40-day plan for weight loss, exercise & daily Bible devotions  I was in an on-line group who read the book & we all tracked our food & exercise on MyfitnessPal and supported one another  my take-away  an accountability group chatting most everyday does really help keep me in line!

My space is our home, keeping the kitchen & fridge free of junk food is the best way to succeed for me & DH! :thumbsup2

Monday tried a Pinterest recipe for friends who were over for dinner, tortellini soup  it was delicious! Crockpot easy  canned tomatoes, cream cheese (I used lowfat) vegetable broth, frozen tortellini & fresh spinach. I served it with freshly grated parmesan cheese & garlic bread  it was a hit! The tortellini I used was 240 calories a cup  1 cup of the soup was plenty for me  rich flavor and filling for sure! :stir:

That sounds great!

I tried a crockpot pineapple chicken recipe and couldn't even swallow one bite :rotfl2: I dumped the whole thing out & we ended up with pizza!

Another recipe (not even close to being healthy) that DH tried just this past weekend was a new lasagna recipe. It was delicious! He even made his own sauce and don't dump Ragu on it. And, this is coming from a man who ate Hamburger Helper and instant mashed potatoes regularly when I first met him!

I love Skinny Ms and Skinny Taste for super yummy, healthy recipes.


I just wanted to pop on and answer the QOTD in case I don't get back on tonight. DS goes to gymnastics tonight, so my friend and I are going to work out again together. I'll be trying the rowing machine fitness test that DH found for me. Then I'm planning on 10 minutes of rowing and 40 minutes on the treadmill.

If I don't find time to pop back on, I'll catch up tomorrow!


Jill - Have a great workout!

Hi! :)

I think I'm nearly over this cold. Today started my first 4-day back-to-backs in my Dopey training. Here we go! Today was a 3-mile walk-run. Tomorrow is a 4-mile walk, Friday is an 8-mile walk, and Saturday is :crazy2: an 18-mile walk-run. !!! That'll be my longest ever so far. I'm kind of looking forward to it, in a weird way. I'm definitely looking forward to the next two days of walks - with all the running lately, I think the walking will feel almost relaxing! I just have to budget enough time for it all.

A couple of folks have asked about Graze, and I can give you a basic rundown! The site is graze.com - they're invite-only right now. They're in the UK, and I get a box a week. It's $5/box, so not too different from buying a candy bar a day...but much better. You get four snack packs per box. They have names like Poached Pear, Boston Baguettes, Raspberry and Coconut Muffin, Japanese Nori Crackers, Bonnie Wee Oatbakes, Toffee Apple, Super Berry Detox, and Coco Paradise. Snacks are either dippers or mixes of finger things - they're big on dried fruits, and some have nuts. There are chocolate bits in some, coconut flakes in others, and there are savory as well as sweet snacks.

When you sign up, you can choose regular or light boxes - light boxes are all, I've found, 2-4 PointsPlus for those on the WW system. I don't follow low-carb myself, so I'm not sure what qualifies, but the snacks I have here range from 10.2 grams (nori crackers) to 31.3 (all dried fruit). Every box comes with an insert that has the full nutritionals (to the hundredth!) for each snack. You can rate snacks on the Graze site, so you can tell them never to send you something that you tried and didn't like.

DH subscribes, too, and has his boxes sent directly to his office. We both really like it. Some days I use a snack as part of my breakfast; other days, they're true snacks.

So that's Graze! :)


I am so in awe of anyone undertaking the Dopey Challenge! I hope your training goes really well. I can't believe you are already up to 18 miles on the full marathon training day. :worship:
Thank you so much for the info on Graze, Liz! I am definitely going to try it out. Ironically, I said yesterday that I haven't enjoyed my Goodies boxes, and this morning I got an email saying Goodies boxes are discontinued after this month. :confused3
I got slapped down by the smilie police on that post, so I had to do some serious editing. LOL!

QOTD for Wednesday, October 23:

Sometimes it's good to shake up your menu a bit, try new recipes or new ingredients/foods. When is the last time you tried a new recipe or new food? What was it? What did you think of it?

I recently had jicama on a salad at a restaurant and really liked it. When I finally found some at a farmers' market and bought it to try at home, I didn't get around to cutting it for about 4 days and by then it had some "weepy" spots and didn't smell right, so I threw it away. I am still determined to find some and try it.

The most recent new thing I tried was a Kale salad mix from Costco. It came with the mixed greens, poppyseed dressing, and a mix of cranberries and toasted pumpkin seeds. It was really delicious, though much more crunchy and interesting in my mouth than anything I've had in a long time. I still have half a bag left and will have that for dinner tonight. :goodvibes
This sounds a bit like a split pea soup! I'll have to try it. Any specific kind of lentils???

Nope. Just the regular greenish ones.

I don't really have time to read everything now. Just wanted to be able to start fresh on a new "page" (25). My ipad doesn't number the posts and I always have trouble remembering where I am. Thank goodness for paper stickies!!! I'll go back and try to catch up. Sorry. I'm a bit OCD and can't just jump right in!

My sub job ends tomorrow which is sad but also hoorah for the freedom I'm about to enjoy! The teacher said she's going to bring in macaroni and cheese for us all to share at lunch. I've been craving something ooey gooey like that so I'll have a small portion and then walk an extra thousand miles to burn off those calories! :rotfl2: :rolleyes1
Vanilla carrots? Wow! Never would have thought of it. Not sure I'd be able to bring myself to try some of those other things. Good for you!! (actually, I tried escargot on the Disney cruise. Something to brag about but not likely to try it again. LOL!)

But at least you can say you tried them!!

Wow! You are so busy!! How in the world do you cram so much into any given day? Your productivity and organization are truly inspiring. :thumbsup2

I guess I move fast and don't do everything that I would like to do. :)

As for your "spaces" - LOTS of great ideas there. You reminded me I need to bring oatmeal to my office and put almonds in my car.

You mentioned work for WW. I've often wondered how much prep the leaders must do. My leader is awesome and always so prepared, so I know you guys work hard getting ready for meetings. :hug:

Definitely more prep some weeks than others. I SHOULD allow more prep time, but I am always kind of rushing the day before my meeting.

See? That's what I mean!! How is the weather where you are? Did you do yard work in the rain? or is it nice there?

Well.. the morning was bright and sunny (but cold), but of course, shortly after I get 4 loads of wash on the line, the clouds rolled in. I left the stuff out there, but the last load of towels went into the dryer. Then of course, the sun came out again! :rolleyes2 It was sunny when I went out to cut brush.... and had a lovely "visit" from our resident porcupine! I guess I woke him from his afternoon nap when I was cutting some small pines near his home (he lives in the culvert under our driveway). He sat there long enough for me to run in and grab the camera. I got a cute picture to share on FB.

Anyhow.... lots of grey clouds today, but it never rained.

I am so in awe of anyone undertaking the Dopey Challenge! I hope your training goes really well. I can't believe you are already up to 18 miles on the full marathon training day. :worship:
Thank you so much for the info on Graze, Liz! I am definitely going to try it out. Ironically, I said yesterday that I haven't enjoyed my Goodies boxes, and this morning I got an email saying Goodies boxes are discontinued after this month. :confused3

I agree with you about the Dopey challenge!

Sorry your goodies were discontinued!!

I got slapped down by the smilie police on that post, so I had to do some serious editing. LOL!

QOTD for Wednesday, October 23:

Sometimes it's good to shake up your menu a bit, try new recipes or new ingredients/foods. When is the last time you tried a new recipe or new food? What was it? What did you think of it?

I recently had jicama on a salad at a restaurant and really liked it. When I finally found some at a farmers' market and bought it to try at home, I didn't get around to cutting it for about 4 days and by then it had some "weepy" spots and didn't smell right, so I threw it away. I am still determined to find some and try it.

I do like jicama a lot! I usually put it on salad or put it out with carrots and celery sticks with hummus!

The most recent new thing I tried was a Kale salad mix from Costco. It came with the mixed greens, poppyseed dressing, and a mix of cranberries and toasted pumpkin seeds. It was really delicious, though much more crunchy and interesting in my mouth than anything I've had in a long time. I still have half a bag left and will have that for dinner tonight. :goodvibes

I saw that at Costco but didn't buy it.... now I wish I had. Maybe next time I'm there!

Nope. Just the regular greenish ones.

Okay, thanks.

I don't really have time to read everything now. Just wanted to be able to start fresh on a new "page" (25). My ipad doesn't number the posts and I always have trouble remembering where I am. Thank goodness for paper stickies!!! I'll go back and try to catch up. Sorry. I'm a bit OCD and can't just jump right in!

My sub job ends tomorrow which is sad but also hoorah for the freedom I'm about to enjoy! The teacher said she's going to bring in macaroni and cheese for us all to share at lunch. I've been craving something ooey gooey like that so I'll have a small portion and then walk an extra thousand miles to burn off those calories! :rotfl2: :rolleyes1

Glad you are getting some freedom! Good luck with the thousand miles! :rotfl:


Evening all! Just checking in one last time before I watch Survivor with DS and head to bed! Didn't get everything on my list done today, but did fit in a few things that weren't on the list like making a batch of homemade chicken stock from Sunday's leftover rotisserie chicken.

Off for now! Working tomorrow, so I'm not sure when I'll have time to pop on..........P
Is it selfish of me to be excited that my chiropractor will be at WDW during the Princess 1/2? :rolleyes1:rotfl2:

I told him to keep his phone handy!!

Super super busy this month but I figured I'd pop in for a second to let y'all know I'm not dead.

Family report:
2 birthdays - DS12 and DS11 are now DS13 and DS12
1 family party
ECC championship and undefeated season
DS17 came in first place for JV 5K in 19:04
DS17 goes to Class LL race this Sarturday, it all goes well we will also be racing at State opens Nov 1
finally got DS13 a cardiology appt, Nov 1
DS13 and DS12 have their championship race on 10/30

Personal report:
weight loss is still hovering at 29 pounds for the year. I hope to be at 30 by the end of the month.
Loads of people noticed my weight loss at my parents party. That was nice!!
Princess 1/2 training has officially started -First run was Tuesday. It went ok. Not great but not bad. I have plenty of time to get it right.

Tomorrow will be 2 years since I have had soda. The cravings are finally at bay, and it feels really good.

OK, DD is pestering me to go to bed.
Hopefully November will be a calm month for me so I can actually talk to y'all!! I miss all of you!
Courage to Start & Marathoning for Mortals by John Bingham definitely the books that made me realize I could at least TRY to think about walking a ½ marathon- my take away was if you can make it to the start line you are a winner – then go have fun during the event! And yes – managed to complete two half marathons both at WDW (2005 & ’07)with OhMom – those events will always be the highlight of my discipline in exercising! :love:
:) My DS (he's 22) is doing the W&D with us this month. Originally he was going to run for time (he ran cc in hs and he's a boy...) but he didn't train enough, so now he's going to run with Mom.:thumbsup2 A tiny part of me is annoyed that he can train so little and run with us, but most of me is absolutely thrilled and wants him to finish feeling good enough to enjoy the party. I never read the Bingham book but Mike did and shared a lot of it when I did my first half in 2010. I am hoping the race in Nov is a highlight for me too. :) Thanks for sharing!

I tried a crockpot pineapple chicken recipe and couldn't even swallow one bite :rotfl2: I dumped the whole thing out & we ended up with pizza!

Some recipes are just like that. :thumbsup2 I have made a couple of things over the years that even Mike won't eat--and he eats everything. ;)

How was the rowing machine on your back?

YAY! Thank you SO MUCH!!:woohoo: ................P
Should have done it a long time ago...You are very welcome!

Hi! :)

I think I'm nearly over this cold. Today started my first 4-day back-to-backs in my Dopey training. Here we go! Today was a 3-mile walk-run. Tomorrow is a 4-mile walk, Friday is an 8-mile walk, and Saturday is :crazy2: an 18-mile walk-run. !!! That'll be my longest ever so far. I'm kind of looking forward to it, in a weird way. I'm definitely looking forward to the next two days of walks - with all the running lately, I think the walking will feel almost relaxing! I just have to budget enough time for it all.

So that's Graze! :)

Enjoy that Dopey training. :)

This sounds great. Thanks for the idea!

I keep reading about the zucchini pasta ribbons on MyFitnessPal. Glad you liked them. Have you tried spaghetti squash? It is one of my favorites!

So glad your furbaby is doing better, Rose. I hope your afternoon went smoothly. Oh, and kudos to you guys for running in the cold rain! :thumbsup2
Have you tried the squash ribbons or I have even seen veggie "noodles"? I think we would like them, but don't know if I want to buy another kitchen tool? I agree on the spaghetti squash--it's one of my favorites and really easy.

Unfortunately Sugar seems to have taken another turn for the worse. The vet who is doing the acupuncture is still hopeful but she seems to have lost interest in her food and is not moving much again. :(
I recently had jicama on a salad at a restaurant and really liked it. When I finally found some at a farmers' market and bought it to try at home, I didn't get around to cutting it for about 4 days and by then it had some "weepy" spots and didn't smell right, so I threw it away. I am still determined to find some and try it.

The most recent new thing I tried was a Kale salad mix from Costco. It came with the mixed greens, poppyseed dressing, and a mix of cranberries and toasted pumpkin seeds. It was really delicious, though much more crunchy and interesting in my mouth than anything I've had in a long time. I still have half a bag left and will have that for dinner tonight. :goodvibes
I don't know if I have ever purposely had jicama. What does it taste like?

When I was really on plan I was throwing kale in everything. Mac and cheese--throw in some kale. Soup--throw in some kale. Baked potato--add some kale. I steamed it in the microwave so it was just soft but not mushy. It is so good for you. Thanks for the reminder!

The teacher said she's going to bring in macaroni and cheese for us all to share at lunch. I've been craving something ooey gooey like that so I'll have a small portion and then walk an extra thousand miles to burn off those calories! :rotfl2: :rolleyes1
:rotfl: Great attitude!

Off for now! Working tomorrow, so I'm not sure when I'll have time to pop on..........P
Have a good day. :)

Super super busy this month but I figured I'd pop in for a second to let y'all know I'm not dead.

Family report:
2 birthdays - DS12 and DS11 are now DS13 and DS12
1 family party
ECC championship and undefeated season
DS17 came in first place for JV 5K in 19:04
DS17 goes to Class LL race this Sarturday, it all goes well we will also be racing at State opens Nov 1
finally got DS13 a cardiology appt, Nov 1
DS13 and DS12 have their championship race on 10/30

Personal report:
weight loss is still hovering at 29 pounds for the year. I hope to be at 30 by the end of the month.
Loads of people noticed my weight loss at my parents party. That was nice!!
Princess 1/2 training has officially started -First run was Tuesday. It went ok. Not great but not bad. I have plenty of time to get it right.

Tomorrow will be 2 years since I have had soda. The cravings are finally at bay, and it feels really good.

OK, DD is pestering me to go to bed.
Hopefully November will be a calm month for me so I can actually talk to y'all!! I miss all of you!
Woohoo on people noticing your hard work!
Hope the cardio appt goes well. :)

I am off to the Y this morning to run and then work. :) Mike has a late meeting tonight so I might just have a can of soup for dinner.

Hope everyone has a great Thursday! :)
I have been having so much fun getting more & more used to jogging at 3am in 47 degree weather...........

I have decided NOT TO go to Napa Valley on January 9th!:confused3

Enstead, I will be opting in for the YMT vacations.com "tour of Sausalito California and the giant Sequoia Trees, etc followed by a guided tour of Muirr Woods.

Average temp for Souther California this time of year? = 55 degress for the high and 44 for the low -
w/ave winds of 20 m.p.h.:scratchin


Will take plenty of pics & video I promise.

Ladybug has LOST .6 of a pound since her last weigh in!!:cool1:

Oh Rose I'll keep you and Sugar in my thougths !

Go ladybug!! your trip sounds fun!

last night I tried a new recipe - Turkey Scallopini.. it's just basic breaded turkey cutlets.. I tried to cut the carbs on my piece by only using the parm cheese (Vs. parm with bread crumbs) everyone liked it and DS said it moist so that was Winner Winner in my book - I'll make it again but I will pound it out a bit thinner so it doesn't need extra cooking time - it sort of darkened the breading.. I served it with geen beans for us all, mashed potato for Hubs, stuffing for Hubs and DS, and mashed cauliflower for me (I did partake in a 1 bite of Hubs potato and 1 bite of stuffing) lot's of dirty pots yesterday! but we all had a nice hot filling dinner together and that is the point !!

Tonight the boys will have Chicken Tenders, Tator Tots and Green beans and I'll make myself some cabbage with scampi shrimp on top and eat some of the green beans too.

Be back at lunch for QotD
:) My DS (he's 22) is doing the W&D with us this month. Originally he was going to run for time (he ran cc in hs and he's a boy...) but he didn't train enough, so now he's going to run with Mom.:thumbsup2 A tiny part of me is annoyed that he can train so little and run with us, but most of me is absolutely thrilled and wants him to finish feeling good enough to enjoy the party.

Ugh! He's one of THOSE people! :rotfl2: If you're on the W&D board we're trying to arrange a meetup before the start and possibly the afternoon before. Will keep you posted. :thumbsup2

Unfortunately Sugar seems to have taken another turn for the worse. The vet who is doing the acupuncture is still hopeful but she seems to have lost interest in her food and is not moving much again. :(

:grouphug: and :love: to you and Sugar!

When I was really on plan I was throwing kale in everything. Mac and cheese--throw in some kale. Soup--throw in some kale. Baked potato--add some kale. I steamed it in the microwave so it was just soft but not mushy. It is so good for you.

So far my fave has been kale with pine nuts and a little bit of garlic all tossed in EVOO. Being the typical male of the species, the DH said it was "too green" for him to try. :confused3 Such is my pain...:rotfl:
Hi, everyone! I'll be back later to catch up, but right now, I am waiting for my 8:30 meeting to start and I feel the steam coming out of my ears.

QOTD for Thursday, October 24:
What's your food plan for today?

(I find that when I plan, I succeed. I am trying to get back into the habit of planning my all my meals and snacks, and not just breakfast and lunch.)
So with another death in the family on Friday- I have gotten 0 exercise in.

I've been so careful with my calories though! Care not to cheat!

The scale actually went up a tad. :confused3
QOTD: I'm not a planner for my meals. I know it's bad and I always mean to plan but I just can't do it. I eat well though. Today's meal is quinoa and veggies for lunch. I had a Lara bar for breakfast and dinner will probably be my bean soup that always makes me lose weight!

In other news, my 13yr old fridge got on its last leg and died. So yesterday, hubby and I got a super fridge. It's a 4-door French door with sparkling water in the water dispenser as well as regular water! Come next week. I can't wait to fill it with healthy veggies!
Hi, everyone! I'll be back later to catch up, but right now, I am waiting for my 8:30 meeting to start and I feel the steam coming out of my ears.

QOTD for Thursday, October 24:
What's your food plan for today?

(I find that when I plan, I succeed. I am trying to get back into the habit of planning my all my meals and snacks, and not just breakfast and lunch.)
Oh goodness hope you calmed down a bit..

my plan is B = Scrambled egg beaters, with sautee onions ham and bit of cheddar cheese and a turkey sausage patty. (1.7 carbs)
S = activia light vanilla (4oz) yogurt with 2 TBL of frozen raspberries (3 carbs)
L = chicken salad on Romain leaves, 1 stalk of celery and 1 mini cuke and sugar free jello for a sweet (5 carbs)
S = Atkins peanut carmel cluster bar - it's almost like a payday! (2 carbs)
D = gorton's shrimp scampi served over sauteed cabbage and green beans (11.8 carbs)
S = if needed will be 1 serving of peanuts (2 carbs)
Grand total = 23.5 carbs (25.5 if nuts are added)

So with another death in the family on Friday- I have gotten 0 exercise in.

I've been so careful with my calories though! Care not to cheat!

The scale actually went up a tad. :confused3
Oh my here is a :hug: for you .. sorry for you loss.. good job keeping on track..

QOTD: I'm not a planner for my meals. I know it's bad and I always mean to plan but I just can't do it. I eat well though. Today's meal is quinoa and veggies for lunch. I had a Lara bar for breakfast and dinner will probably be my bean soup that always makes me lose weight!

In other news, my 13yr old fridge got on its last leg and died. So yesterday, hubby and I got a super fridge. It's a 4-door French door with sparkling water in the water dispenser as well as regular water! Come next week. I can't wait to fill it with healthy veggies!

Yay for a new fridge!!!! enjoy when it comes!!
updated the recipe thread.

Thanks, Rose! :thanks: Sending good thoughts to you and Sugar. :hug:

Hi! :)

I think I'm nearly over this cold. Today started my first 4-day back-to-backs in my Dopey training. Here we go! Today was a 3-mile walk-run. Tomorrow is a 4-mile walk, Friday is an 8-mile walk, and Saturday is :crazy2: an 18-mile walk-run. !!! That'll be my longest ever so far. I'm kind of looking forward to it, in a weird way. I'm definitely looking forward to the next two days of walks - with all the running lately, I think the walking will feel almost relaxing! I just have to budget enough time for it all.

:woohoo: for Dopey training! :yay: I know you will do great and will have a great time. What a wonderful accomplishment when you are done. :worship:

Nope. Just the regular greenish ones.

I don't really have time to read everything now. Just wanted to be able to start fresh on a new "page" (25). My ipad doesn't number the posts and I always have trouble remembering where I am. Thank goodness for paper stickies!!! I'll go back and try to catch up. Sorry. I'm a bit OCD and can't just jump right in!

My sub job ends tomorrow which is sad but also hoorah for the freedom I'm about to enjoy! The teacher said she's going to bring in macaroni and cheese for us all to share at lunch. I've been craving something ooey gooey like that so I'll have a small portion and then walk an extra thousand miles to burn off those calories! :rotfl2:

Excellent plan for the mac and cheese! :thumbsup2 I know that you are going to enjoy your new found freedom. :cool2: Enjoy this nice sunny weather while it is here. :sunny:

Is it selfish of me to be excited that my chiropractor will be at WDW during the Princess 1/2?

I told him to keep his phone handy!!

Super super busy this month but I figured I'd pop in for a second to let y'all know I'm not dead.

Family report:
2 birthdays - DS12 and DS11 are now DS13 and DS12
1 family party
ECC championship and undefeated season
DS17 came in first place for JV 5K in 19:04
DS17 goes to Class LL race this Sarturday, it all goes well we will also be racing at State opens Nov 1
finally got DS13 a cardiology appt, Nov 1
DS13 and DS12 have their championship race on 10/30

Personal report:
weight loss is still hovering at 29 pounds for the year. I hope to be at 30 by the end of the month.
Loads of people noticed my weight loss at my parents party. That was nice!!
Princess 1/2 training has officially started -First run was Tuesday. It went ok. Not great but not bad. I have plenty of time to get it right.

Tomorrow will be 2 years since I have had soda. The cravings are finally at bay, and it feels really good.

OK, DD is pestering me to go to bed.
Hopefully November will be a calm month for me so I can actually talk to y'all!! I miss all of you!

:woohoo: for a great year so far, Buffy! You will be so ready for the Princess. princess:

Ladybug has LOST .6 of a pound since her last weigh in!!

Kudos to you for your early morning runs and congrats to Ladybug on her loss! :thumbsup2

Oh Rose I'll keep you and Sugar in my thougths !

Go ladybug!! your trip sounds fun!

last night I tried a new recipe - Turkey Scallopini.. it's just basic breaded turkey cutlets.. I tried to cut the carbs on my piece by only using the parm cheese (Vs. parm with bread crumbs) everyone liked it and DS said it moist so that was Winner Winner in my book - I'll make it again but I will pound it out a bit thinner so it doesn't need extra cooking time - it sort of darkened the breading.. I served it with geen beans for us all, mashed potato for Hubs, stuffing for Hubs and DS, and mashed cauliflower for me (I did partake in a 1 bite of Hubs potato and 1 bite of stuffing) lot's of dirty pots yesterday! but we all had a nice hot filling dinner together and that is the point !!

Sounds very yummy! :thumbsup2

It was very good!
Thank you! I am feeling better today!

Glad you are feeling better! :flower3:

When I was really on plan I was throwing kale in everything. Mac and cheese--throw in some kale. Soup--throw in some kale. Baked potato--add some kale. I steamed it in the microwave so it was just soft but not mushy. It is so good for you.

So far my fave has been kale with pine nuts and a little bit of garlic all tossed in EVOO. Being the typical male of the species, the DH said it was "too green" for him to try. Such is my pain...

:lmao: I have to agree with your DH, I'm not a big kale fan either.

Hi, everyone! I'll be back later to catch up, but right now, I am waiting for my 8:30 meeting to start and I feel the steam coming out of my ears.

QOTD for Thursday, October 24:
What's your food plan for today?

(I find that when I plan, I succeed. I am trying to get back into the habit of planning my all my meals and snacks, and not just breakfast and lunch.)

Hope your meeting goes well, Cam. :flower3:

My food plan is a bit fluid for today. ITA with you that planning is the key to success for me. :thumbsup2

I have managed to have breakfast at home every day this week which is the first in a long time. I learned I have to have protein or else lunch is going to be very, very early. :rotfl2: I have dinner planned that is a WW recipe for chicken sausage and tortellini soup. The big question is lunch. My WW meeting is at lunch time and then I have to get my haircut. I still have a couple of hours to figure out what I am going to do. :rolleyes:

So with another death in the family on Friday- I have gotten 0 exercise in.

I've been so careful with my calories though! Care not to cheat!

The scale actually went up a tad. :confused3

So sorry for your loss. :flower3: Great job staying OP. Hang in there! :hug:

QOTD: I'm not a planner for my meals. I know it's bad and I always mean to plan but I just can't do it. I eat well though. Today's meal is quinoa and veggies for lunch. I had a Lara bar for breakfast and dinner will probably be my bean soup that always makes me lose weight!

In other news, my 13yr old fridge got on its last leg and died. So yesterday, hubby and I got a super fridge. It's a 4-door French door with sparkling water in the water dispenser as well as regular water! Come next week. I can't wait to fill it with healthy veggies!

Ooo, nothing like a brand new shiny refrigerator -- love the sparking water dispenser. :cool2:

A friendly reminder that tomorrow is weigh in day.
Enstead, I will be opting in for the YMT vacations.com "tour of Sausalito California and the giant Sequoia Trees, etc followed by a guided tour of Muirr Woods.
Sounds like fun! :)

Oh Rose I'll keep you and Sugar in my thougths !
Thank you. :)
So how do you like mashed cauliflower? Does it really taste just like mashed potatoes?

If you're on the W&D board we're trying to arrange a meetup before the start and possibly the afternoon before. Will keep you posted.

So far my fave has been kale with pine nuts and a little bit of garlic all tossed in EVOO. Being the typical male of the species, the DH said it was "too green" for him to try. :confused3 Such is my pain...:rotfl:
:) I think the trick to kale is to not overcook it. The too green comment made me laugh.
I haven't kept up with the w&d thread. So please let me know if they schedule any meets. :)

Hi, everyone! I'll be back later to catch up, but right now, I am waiting for my 8:30 meeting to start and I feel the steam coming out of my ears.

QOTD for Thursday, October 24:
What's your food plan for today?

(I find that when I plan, I succeed. I am trying to get back into the habit of planning my all my meals and snacks, and not just breakfast and lunch.)
Hope the meeting went ok.
I had one of those days too--though my job is not as important as yours, so probably not on the same level.:thumbsup2
I did not do well with my plan for today, but really I am so bleh, I am not even wanting to eat today.

Mike and I have talked a lot about the fact that since we have moved we still aren't in any kind of a routine. We were starting to get one and then the dog got sick. I plan better when I have a routine.:)

So with another death in the family on Friday- I have gotten 0 exercise in.

I've been so careful with my calories though! Care not to cheat!

The scale actually went up a tad. :confused3
:grouphug: I am sorry. Be kind to yourself. The scale will move again.

In other news, my 13yr old fridge got on its last leg and died. So yesterday, hubby and I got a super fridge. It's a 4-door French door with sparkling water in the water dispenser as well as regular water! Come next week. I can't wait to fill it with healthy veggies!
Enjoy that new fridge! :)

my plan is B = Scrambled egg beaters, with sautee onions ham and bit of cheddar cheese and a turkey sausage patty. (1.7 carbs)
S = activia light vanilla (4oz) yogurt with 2 TBL of frozen raspberries (3 carbs)
L = chicken salad on Romain leaves, 1 stalk of celery and 1 mini cuke and sugar free jello for a sweet (5 carbs)
S = Atkins peanut carmel cluster bar - it's almost like a payday! (2 carbs)
D = gorton's shrimp scampi served over sauteed cabbage and green beans (11.8 carbs)
S = if needed will be 1 serving of peanuts (2 carbs)
Grand total = 23.5 carbs (25.5 if nuts are added)
That's a plan!

I have managed to have breakfast at home every day this week which is the first in a long time. I learned I have to have protein or else lunch is going to be very, very early. :rotfl2: I have dinner planned that is a WW recipe for chicken sausage and tortellini soup. The big question is lunch. My WW meeting is at lunch time and then I have to get my haircut. I still have a couple of hours to figure out what I am going to do. :rolleyes:
Hope it was a good meeting. :)

It is sleeting here. The high at this time of year around here is still supposed to be 70. Words cannot begin to describe how thrilled I am with the weather today.:rotfl:

I hope everyone has a good night.


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