WISH Away the Pounds Outstanding October Challenge -- Everyone welcome!

Evening all! Just checking in one last time before I watch Survivor with DS and head to bed! Didn't get everything on my list done today, but did fit in a few things that weren't on the list like making a batch of homemade chicken stock from Sunday's leftover rotisserie chicken.

Off for now! Working tomorrow, so I'm not sure when I'll have time to pop on..........P

Pam-What a great idea for the rotisserie chicken carcass! I've never done that. Thanks for the lightbulb moment!

Family report:
2 birthdays - DS12 and DS11 are now DS13 and DS12
1 family party
ECC championship and undefeated season
DS17 came in first place for JV 5K in 19:04
DS17 goes to Class LL race this Sarturday, it all goes well we will also be racing at State opens Nov 1
finally got DS13 a cardiology appt, Nov 1
DS13 and DS12 have their championship race on 10/30

Personal report:
weight loss is still hovering at 29 pounds for the year. I hope to be at 30 by the end of the month.
Loads of people noticed my weight loss at my parents party. That was nice!!
Princess 1/2 training has officially started -First run was Tuesday. It went ok. Not great but not bad. I have plenty of time to get it right.

Tomorrow will be 2 years since I have had soda. The cravings are finally at bay, and it feels really good.

Wow!! Kudos to you on the soda!!!! You should be so proud of yourself! And what a year you have had. I'm glad that people noticed your loss. You worked hard for it. :thumbsup2

:) My DS (he's 22) is doing the W&D with us this month. Originally he was going to run for time (he ran cc in hs and he's a boy...) but he didn't train enough, so now he's going to run with Mom.:thumbsup2 A tiny part of me is annoyed that he can train so little and run with us, but most of me is absolutely thrilled and wants him to finish feeling good enough to enjoy the party. I never read the Bingham book but Mike did and shared a lot of it when I did my first half in 2010. I am hoping the race in Nov is a highlight for me too. :) Thanks for sharing!

Have you tried the squash ribbons or I have even seen veggie "noodles"? I think we would like them, but don't know if I want to buy another kitchen tool? I agree on the spaghetti squash--it's one of my favorites and really easy.

Unfortunately Sugar seems to have taken another turn for the worse. The vet who is doing the acupuncture is still hopeful but she seems to have lost interest in her food and is not moving much again. :(

I don't know if I have ever purposely had jicama. What does it taste like?

When I was really on plan I was throwing kale in everything. Mac and cheese--throw in some kale. Soup--throw in some kale. Baked potato--add some kale. I steamed it in the microwave so it was just soft but not mushy. It is so good for you. Thanks for the reminder!


Rose - I am so sad for you that Sugar seems to have regressed. Sending you hugs, sweetie. Glad you have W&D to look forward to and that DS will run it with you. What fun! Oh, and jicama has the texture of raw potato but less starchy and it is kind of sweet and crunchy like an apple.

I have been having so much fun getting more & more used to jogging at 3am in 47 degree weather...........

I have decided NOT TO go to Napa Valley on January 9th!:confused3

Enstead, I will be opting in for the YMT vacations.com "tour of Sausalito California and the giant Sequoia Trees, etc followed by a guided tour of Muirr Woods.

I'm glad you are enjoying your early morning runs. Brrrr..... And your trip sounds fabulous!!! Great job on the loss!

last night I tried a new recipe - Turkey Scallopini.. it's just basic breaded turkey cutlets.. I tried to cut the carbs on my piece by only using the parm cheese (Vs. parm with bread crumbs) everyone liked it and DS said it moist so that was Winner Winner in my book - I'll make it again but I will pound it out a bit thinner so it doesn't need extra cooking time - it sort of darkened the breading.. I served it with geen beans for us all, mashed potato for Hubs, stuffing for Hubs and DS, and mashed cauliflower for me (I did partake in a 1 bite of Hubs potato and 1 bite of stuffing) lot's of dirty pots yesterday! but we all had a nice hot filling dinner together and that is the point !!

Your turkey sounds great!!

It was very good!
Thank you! I am feeling better today!

Glad you are feeling better! :goodvibes


When I was really on plan I was throwing kale in everything. Mac and cheese--throw in some kale. Soup--throw in some kale. Baked potato--add some kale. I steamed it in the microwave so it was just soft but not mushy. It is so good for you.

So far my fave has been kale with pine nuts and a little bit of garlic all tossed in EVOO. Being the typical male of the species, the DH said it was "too green" for him to try. :confused3 Such is my pain...:rotfl:

Pine nuts and garlic and EVOO make everything taste better! LOL!
So with another death in the family on Friday- I have gotten 0 exercise in.

I've been so careful with my calories though! Care not to cheat!

The scale actually went up a tad. :confused3

I am so sorry for your loss. :hug:

QOTD: I'm not a planner for my meals. I know it's bad and I always mean to plan but I just can't do it. I eat well though. Today's meal is quinoa and veggies for lunch. I had a Lara bar for breakfast and dinner will probably be my bean soup that always makes me lose weight!

In other news, my 13yr old fridge got on its last leg and died. So yesterday, hubby and I got a super fridge. It's a 4-door French door with sparkling water in the water dispenser as well as regular water! Come next week. I can't wait to fill it with healthy veggies!

Oh, super cool!!! That fridge sounds fabulous!!!! I can't believe it has sparkling water and still water. Feeling a bit jealous here. :)

Oh goodness hope you calmed down a bit..

my plan is B = Scrambled egg beaters, with sautee onions ham and bit of cheddar cheese and a turkey sausage patty. (1.7 carbs)
S = activia light vanilla (4oz) yogurt with 2 TBL of frozen raspberries (3 carbs)
L = chicken salad on Romain leaves, 1 stalk of celery and 1 mini cuke and sugar free jello for a sweet (5 carbs)
S = Atkins peanut carmel cluster bar - it's almost like a payday! (2 carbs)
D = gorton's shrimp scampi served over sauteed cabbage and green beans (11.8 carbs)
S = if needed will be 1 serving of peanuts (2 carbs)
Grand total = 23.5 carbs (25.5 if nuts are added)

Great meal plan!! Did you stick to it?

I have managed to have breakfast at home every day this week which is the first in a long time. I learned I have to have protein or else lunch is going to be very, very early. :rotfl2: I have dinner planned that is a WW recipe for chicken sausage and tortellini soup. The big question is lunch. My WW meeting is at lunch time and then I have to get my haircut. I still have a couple of hours to figure out what I am going to do. :rolleyes:

A friendly reminder that tomorrow is weigh in day.

Nicely done on the breakfasts!!! Protein at breakfast can totally set me up for a successful day. If anyone here finds themselves hungry within an hour or two of breakfast, you might want to look at adding protein to your breakfast, even if it is just a couple of hard-boiled egg whites.

So how do you like mashed cauliflower? Does it really taste just like mashed potatoes?

Hope the meeting went ok.
I had one of those days too--though my job is not as important as yours, so probably not on the same level.:thumbsup2
I did not do well with my plan for today, but really I am so bleh, I am not even wanting to eat today.

Mike and I have talked a lot about the fact that since we have moved we still aren't in any kind of a routine. We were starting to get one and then the dog got sick. I plan better when I have a routine.:)

It is sleeting here. The high at this time of year around here is still supposed to be 70. Words cannot begin to describe how thrilled I am with the weather today.:rotfl:

I hope everyone has a good night.

Rose - UGH on the sleet!! Sorry you had one of "those" days, too. By the way, my job isn't more important than any job I can think of, only more consuming and often more aggravating. LOL! Sometimes, I really wish it were important, that I was changing or improving individual lives. Someday soon, maybe when I retire. :cool1:

I must confess, however, that this morning's meeting that was was so late that it never happened was with our bathroom designer - we are in the middle of a three living area renovation which includes our master bath. This summer, we did the hall/guest/kids' bath, so all of this is getting very old. We've been under construction since July 15 so I am a bit burnt out and a bit less tolerant. :blush:

Well, everyone, I have to apologize because I just couldn't be here as much as I would have liked this week. And if I had been, maybe I would have had a better result on the scale, too. :sad2:

I am supervising a HUGE renovation project my firm's 8,000 square foot office suite that is about to get underway as well as having some very time-consuming cases. And that's just at work. LOL! On the personal front, I feel like I am constantly sourcing items and elements for the master bath/dressing room/walk-in closet project. It's all coming together beautifully, so it is all worth it, but I am feeling pretty stretched at this point.

Have a great evening, everyone! :grouphug:
There seemed to be quite a few different ideas on Pinterest (especially if you want hot dogs for lunch every day :rotfl:) A thai noodle salad and stuffed peppers were a couple of ideas I saw. There is always the ubiqitous leftovers. A nice chili with beans and a bunch of veggie condiments would be good, too. Let us know if you find anything good. :flower3:

I still haven't come up with much. I usually take leftovers, but some days we don't have any. When I scrounge up some time, I'm checking out Pinterest for ideas. I'm hoping to find something that is quick to throw together in the morning with little cooking. I doubt that exists :lmao:

Is it selfish of me to be excited that my chiropractor will be at WDW during the Princess 1/2? :rolleyes1:rotfl2:

I told him to keep his phone handy!!

Super super busy this month but I figured I'd pop in for a second to let y'all know I'm not dead.

Family report:
2 birthdays - DS12 and DS11 are now DS13 and DS12
1 family party
ECC championship and undefeated season
DS17 came in first place for JV 5K in 19:04
DS17 goes to Class LL race this Sarturday, it all goes well we will also be racing at State opens Nov 1
finally got DS13 a cardiology appt, Nov 1
DS13 and DS12 have their championship race on 10/30

Personal report:
weight loss is still hovering at 29 pounds for the year. I hope to be at 30 by the end of the month.
Loads of people noticed my weight loss at my parents party. That was nice!!
Princess 1/2 training has officially started -First run was Tuesday. It went ok. Not great but not bad. I have plenty of time to get it right.

Tomorrow will be 2 years since I have had soda. The cravings are finally at bay, and it feels really good.

OK, DD is pestering me to go to bed.
Hopefully November will be a calm month for me so I can actually talk to y'all!! I miss all of you!

Sounds like you've been busy! Good luck to the kids in their races. My nephew has districts this Saturday and we'll see if he makes it to states again. It's supposed to be pretty cold that morning and he tends to do better in warm/hot weather.

Good luck with the training and congrats on the soda!

:) My DS (he's 22) is doing the W&D with us this month. Originally he was going to run for time (he ran cc in hs and he's a boy...) but he didn't train enough, so now he's going to run with Mom.:thumbsup2 A tiny part of me is annoyed that he can train so little and run with us, but most of me is absolutely thrilled and wants him to finish feeling good enough to enjoy the party. I never read the Bingham book but Mike did and shared a lot of it when I did my first half in 2010. I am hoping the race in Nov is a highlight for me too. :) Thanks for sharing!

How fun to run with DS! I hope he can keep up with you :)

Some recipes are just like that. :thumbsup2 I have made a couple of things over the years that even Mike won't eat--and he eats everything. ;)

How was the rowing machine on your back?

It's actually fine on my back. I noticed that I put it on a lower resistance and tried to row faster and I felt it more in my core.

Unfortunately Sugar seems to have taken another turn for the worse. The vet who is doing the acupuncture is still hopeful but she seems to have lost interest in her food and is not moving much again. :(

:( I hope everything gets straightened out and Sugar gets back to her old self again.

I am off to the Y this morning to run and then work. :) Mike has a late meeting tonight so I might just have a can of soup for dinner.

Hope everyone has a great Thursday! :)

I am so glad I am not the only one who grabs a can of soup!

QOTD for Thursday, October 24:
What's your food plan for today?

(I find that when I plan, I succeed. I am trying to get back into the habit of planning my all my meals and snacks, and not just breakfast and lunch.)

This is the wrong day for this question! I had no plan today and I definitely had a bad day. I do have a food plan for tomorrow that includes more veggies :thumbsup2

So with another death in the family on Friday- I have gotten 0 exercise in.

I've been so careful with my calories though! Care not to cheat!

The scale actually went up a tad. :confused3

Awww...take care of yourself!

QOTD: I'm not a planner for my meals. I know it's bad and I always mean to plan but I just can't do it. I eat well though. Today's meal is quinoa and veggies for lunch. I had a Lara bar for breakfast and dinner will probably be my bean soup that always makes me lose weight!

In other news, my 13yr old fridge got on its last leg and died. So yesterday, hubby and I got a super fridge. It's a 4-door French door with sparkling water in the water dispenser as well as regular water! Come next week. I can't wait to fill it with healthy veggies!

I never thought I would be jealous of a fridge, but I am super jealous! Enjoy!

Oh goodness hope you calmed down a bit..

my plan is B = Scrambled egg beaters, with sautee onions ham and bit of cheddar cheese and a turkey sausage patty. (1.7 carbs)
S = activia light vanilla (4oz) yogurt with 2 TBL of frozen raspberries (3 carbs)
L = chicken salad on Romain leaves, 1 stalk of celery and 1 mini cuke and sugar free jello for a sweet (5 carbs)
S = Atkins peanut carmel cluster bar - it's almost like a payday! (2 carbs)
D = gorton's shrimp scampi served over sauteed cabbage and green beans (11.8 carbs)
S = if needed will be 1 serving of peanuts (2 carbs)
Grand total = 23.5 carbs (25.5 if nuts are added)

How do you like the Gordon's shrimp scampi? I've never tried it and was worried it would be too rubbery.

It is sleeting here. The high at this time of year around here is still supposed to be 70. Words cannot begin to describe how thrilled I am with the weather today.:rotfl:

I hope everyone has a good night.

We had snow today :faint: I'm not ready for this!


Hey everyone! DH just started a movie (with Channing Tatum :thumbsup2), so I'm going to make it quick! I think I did pretty good on the rowing machine yesterday. I did 500 meters in 2:40. IF I had done it in 1:30 I would be have "Men's Health fit" according to DH's article. I was very pleased with 2:40, but I think I will do it every week to see how it goes. I ended up doing 10 minutes total after 30 minutes on the treadmill.

I am going to head over to Pinterest to look for some quick lunches. If I find anything that looks really good, I'll post it. Have a great night!

Hi, everyone! I'll be back later to catch up, but right now, I am waiting for my 8:30 meeting to start and I feel the steam coming out of my ears.

QOTD for Thursday, October 24:
What's your food plan for today?

(I find that when I plan, I succeed. I am trying to get back into the habit of planning my all my meals and snacks, and not just breakfast and lunch.)

Unfortunately, I haven't been feeling well. So soup was on the menu today!
My main goal is to start meal planning very soon so I can make better choices.

(and I made mine for the week too!:goodvibes)

Luv the new me just one possible issue........
Don't know just yet if I am gonna have to go out clothes shopping in a few more weeks & buy a lot of clothes-
(since I leave for SO CAL in 1,960 more hours)

Will keep ya posted.

Scale moved!!!! Why is it when I don't exercise, the scale moves? For one reason or another, my work-outs didn't happen all week and there you have it. Whatever, I'm excited!! :cheer2:
Unfortunately, I haven't been feeling well. So soup was on the menu today!
My main goal is to start meal planning very soon so I can make better choices.

Hope you are feeling better soon!

Luv the new me just one possible issue........
Don't know just yet if I am gonna have to go out clothes shopping in a few more weeks & buy a lot of clothes-
(since I leave for SO CAL in 1,960 more hours)

Congratulations on such a successful week! :thumbsup2

And having to buy new clothes is one of the great ways to visualise your success! You will see that with new clothes that fit properly you will look even slimmer than with the old ones that have become too large!

Scale moved!!!! Why is it when I don't exercise, the scale moves? For one reason or another, my work-outs didn't happen all week and there you have it. Whatever, I'm excited!! :cheer2:

Yeah for the scale movement!! :thumbsup2 Sometimes mixing things up is what gets the scale to move in my experience!


I have been rather absent recently, sorry! But the last few days of the month you will see more of me as I am taking over coaching as of tomorrow!

This has been a dreadful month. But I do have lots of stress at the moment as I am going to move to my new place at the beginning of next month and this has just occupied my mind so much that I had little time for meal planning and discipline. I am still a little above my start weight of the month. I hate that, I was so motivated at the beginning of October to hit my goal before Christmas. This has now become extremely unlikely. But I still have until next spring when I will hopefully go on another cruise. That has always been my goal to get to my goal weight before the cruise.

Went to see a specialist about my headaches today and she is pretty sure it is a migraine. Still need to do some more testing. But one thing she told me is that regular exercise (like running, cycling etc.) is very important and has a positive effect on migraines. Never new that. She suggested a minimum of 3 times 30 minutes per week. That definitely gave me a new boost in motivation for my exercise.

Hope everyone else has a better Friday Weigh In than me!!
Thank you. :)
So how do you like mashed cauliflower? Does it really taste just like mashed potatoes?

No it does not taste like potatoes at all, least not the way I make it - I guess you'd have to like the taste of mild cauliflower, parm cheese and garlic.. I found it bland when I did try it with a drip of milk and butter so that is when I started to just mash it and shake in the cheese and garlic salt and pepper

Your turkey sounds great!!

Thanks it was very tasty.. won't do it often as it did see the scale go up just a bit the next morning (maybe the sodium in the parm??)

Great meal plan!! Did you stick to it?

Well, everyone, I have to apologize because I just couldn't be here as much as I would have liked this week. And if I had been, maybe I would have had a better result on the scale, too. :sad2:

Yes I stick to it with one addition - Atkins now has mini packs of M & M type chocolate candies and I had one of those for a snack for only 1 carb!!! I am happy happy (to qoute Phil on Duck Dynasty!)

And thanks for coaching this week!!!!

How do you like the Gordon's shrimp scampi? I've never tried it and was worried it would be too rubbery.

We had snow today :faint: I'm not ready for this!


Hey everyone! DH just started a movie (with Channing Tatum :thumbsup2), so I'm going to make it quick! I think I did pretty good on the rowing machine yesterday. I did 500 meters in 2:40. IF I had done it in 1:30 I would be have "Men's Health fit" according to DH's article. I was very pleased with 2:40, but I think I will do it every week to see how it goes. I ended up doing 10 minutes total after 30 minutes on the treadmill.

I am going to head over to Pinterest to look for some quick lunches. If I find anything that looks really good, I'll post it. Have a great night!


its pretty good, the shrimp itself is coated in the frozen scampi sauce so I just toss it in the hot skillet and fry it up then tossed it on top of some sautee cabbage instead of pasta. sometimes I use the garlic butter saute express and fresh shrimp and that is really good too..
HOLY SNOW -- so not ready for that yet hope it stays away for a while longer up here.. good luck with finding yummies on Pinterest

(and I made mine for the week too!:goodvibes)
Luv the new me just one possible issue........
Don't know just yet if I am gonna have to go out clothes shopping in a few more weeks & buy a lot of clothes-
(since I leave for SO CAL in 1,960 more hours)
Will keep ya posted.

GREAT JOB!!! yay for you - clothes shoppping FUN!!

Scale moved!!!! Why is it when I don't exercise, the scale moves? For one reason or another, my work-outs didn't happen all week and there you have it. Whatever, I'm excited!! :cheer2:

Woot it moved !!! Awesome work!!

I have been rather absent recently, sorry! But the last few days of the month you will see more of me as I am taking over coaching as of tomorrow!

This has been a dreadful month. But I do have lots of stress at the moment as I am going to move to my new place at the beginning of next month and this has just occupied my mind so much that I had little time for meal planning and discipline. I am still a little above my start weight of the month. I hate that, I was so motivated at the beginning of October to hit my goal before Christmas. This has now become extremely unlikely. But I still have until next spring when I will hopefully go on another cruise. That has always been my goal to get to my goal weight before the cruise.

Went to see a specialist about my headaches today and she is pretty sure it is a migraine. Still need to do some more testing. But one thing she told me is that regular exercise (like running, cycling etc.) is very important and has a positive effect on migraines. Never new that. She suggested a minimum of 3 times 30 minutes per week. That definitely gave me a new boost in motivation for my exercise.

Hope everyone else has a better Friday Weigh In than me!!

glad you are working with someone on the headaches.. No fun... and good tip about the exercise! Yay a new coach!!

forgot to add that I am down 8.5 from last weeks weight :) (or 6.7 from Monday) I've got my whole day's worth of food packed for the scrapbooking event starting tonight with my Atkin's frozen meal, cut veggies and SF Jello with Atkins M&M's and nuts for snacks and into tomorrow with an Atkins oatmeal bar for Bfast, salad with chicken and yogurt and raspberries for lunch, and the same dinner/snacks as tonight for tommorrow night too..

AND I also changed my Zumba day to Tuesday so that on Thursday's I can do a class with a friend called Hula Hoop and Jump Roping Combo class.. My friend has done it for 6 weeks already and says it's really fun, so I can't wait to try it.. (it starts 11/7 for 6 weeks)

(and I made mine for the week too!:goodvibes)

Luv the new me just one possible issue........
Don't know just yet if I am gonna have to go out clothes shopping in a few more weeks & buy a lot of clothes-
(since I leave for SO CAL in 1,960 more hours)


YIPPEE!!!! :cool1: :cheer2: :goodvibes

Scale moved!!!! Why is it when I don't exercise, the scale moves? For one reason or another, my work-outs didn't happen all week and there you have it. Whatever, I'm excited!! :cheer2:

I've stopped trying to figure out why that stinking little machine makes me so crazy! :rotfl: Take the loss and celebrate (sensibly of course! :goodvibes)

I have been rather absent recently, sorry! But the last few days of the month you will see more of me as I am taking over coaching as of tomorrow!

This has been a dreadful month. But I do have lots of stress at the moment as I am going to move to my new place at the beginning of next month and this has just occupied my mind so much that I had little time for meal planning and discipline. I am still a little above my start weight of the month. I hate that, I was so motivated at the beginning of October to hit my goal before Christmas. This has now become extremely unlikely. But I still have until next spring when I will hopefully go on another cruise. That has always been my goal to get to my goal weight before the cruise.

Went to see a specialist about my headaches today and she is pretty sure it is a migraine. Still need to do some more testing. But one thing she told me is that regular exercise (like running, cycling etc.) is very important and has a positive effect on migraines. Never new that. She suggested a minimum of 3 times 30 minutes per week. That definitely gave me a new boost in motivation for my exercise.

Hope everyone else has a better Friday Weigh In than me!!

Mag - try not to look at the move as anything other than a good thing - new surroundings, new things to explore, a new chapter. :thumbsup2 Having been a headache sufferer for years, exercise definitely does help! :thumbsup2 I think it has something to do with the increased blood flow helps open up the arteries or some scientific mumbo jumbo like that. :confused3 :rotfl2: All I know, is it WORKS!! :cheer2:

Rose - 99% sure we're going to do a photo op in front of the WWoS globe around 8pm Saturday night. I'm also shooting for a meetup under the back porch of the Boardwalk on Friday around 3 with a trip for ice cream. :cool1: I'll let you know for sure next week. If you're on DIS/FB, I'll have it posted once everyone gets back to me.

Another busy weekend on tap...Miami Hurricanes game on Saturday with our besties and my last big run before the Wine and Dine (10 miles) planned for Sunday. I know we're planning on going to our fave Mexican place after the game Saturday, so I'm going to TRY and be good. :scared: And very little tequila for me! :p I already told the DH, don't pack anything more than enough to make one little 'rita for tailgating and THAT'S IT!:snooty:

I got the numbers back from my bloodwork they ran for the insurance, and everything was in the normal range INCLUDING THE CHOLESTEROL! :confused3 The triglycerides were on the higher end of normal, but still within range, LDL's were normal, and HDL's were the high end of normal, (which I think is the good stuff?:confused3) I don't get it. Don't think the isnurance company knows what they're doing...:scared: At least I don't feel like I'm going to drop of a heart attack any second now. Geesh!

Have a great weekend everyone! :grouphug: :love:
Morning all and Happy Friday! I have just a minute to say hello before I must dash! I've got a WW training today and from there I head straight to DD's school for Parent's weekend. My overnight bag isn't packed yet, I don't know what I'm wearing to today's training, and I haven't had breakfast. So really any time to chat!

I should have time to pop on and chat tonight and over the weekend though. I'll be back to answer the QOTD and such then.

Hope you all had/have good new on the scale today. It was down just a tiny bit for me, but I'll take it!:thumbsup2

I must confess, however, that this morning's meeting that was was so late that it never happened was with our bathroom designer - we are in the middle of a three living area renovation which includes our master bath. This summer, we did the hall/guest/kids' bath, so all of this is getting very old. We've been under construction since July 15 so I am a bit burnt out and a bit less tolerant. :blush:

Well, everyone, I have to apologize because I just couldn't be here as much as I would have liked this week. And if I had been, maybe I would have had a better result on the scale, too. :sad2:
I think you have done a great job coaching! And the pics of the master bath are beautiful!

I think I did pretty good on the rowing machine yesterday. I did 500 meters in 2:40. IF I had done it in 1:30 I would be have "Men's Health fit" according to DH's article. I was very pleased with 2:40, but I think I will do it every week to see how it goes. I ended up doing 10 minutes total after 30 minutes on the treadmill.

There's a rowing machine at one of the Y's I've been going to....might have to try it. I feel like my upper body has turned into one big flabby mess. I've been going to strength once a week but don't know that it's enough.

Unfortunately, I haven't been feeling well. So soup was on the menu today!
My main goal is to start meal planning very soon so I can make better choices.
Feel better!


(and I made mine for the week too!:goodvibes)


Scale moved!!!! Why is it when I don't exercise, the scale moves? For one reason or another, my work-outs didn't happen all week and there you have it. Whatever, I'm excited!! :cheer2:
Congrats. Maybe you just needed some rest days. :)

I have been rather absent recently, sorry! But the last few days of the month you will see more of me as I am taking over coaching as of tomorrow!

This has been a dreadful month. But I do have lots of stress at the moment as I am going to move to my new place at the beginning of next month and this has just occupied my mind so much that I had little time for meal planning and discipline. I am still a little above my start weight of the month. I hate that, I was so motivated at the beginning of October to hit my goal before Christmas. This has now become extremely unlikely. But I still have until next spring when I will hopefully go on another cruise. That has always been my goal to get to my goal weight before the cruise.

Went to see a specialist about my headaches today and she is pretty sure it is a migraine. Still need to do some more testing. But one thing she told me is that regular exercise (like running, cycling etc.) is very important and has a positive effect on migraines. Never new that. She suggested a minimum of 3 times 30 minutes per week. That definitely gave me a new boost in motivation for my exercise.

Hope everyone else has a better Friday Weigh In than me!!
Have you tried a food challenge yet for your headaches? I hope the stress eases up. :)

No it does not taste like potatoes at all, least not the way I make it - I guess you'd have to like the taste of mild cauliflower, parm cheese and garlic.. I found it bland when I did try it with a drip of milk and butter so that is when I started to just mash it and shake in the cheese and garlic salt and pepper

forgot to add that I am down 8.5 from last weeks weight :) (or 6.7 from Monday) I've got my whole day's worth of food packed for the scrapbooking event starting tonight with my Atkin's frozen meal, cut veggies and SF Jello with Atkins M&M's and nuts for snacks and into tomorrow with an Atkins oatmeal bar for Bfast, salad with chicken and yogurt and raspberries for lunch, and the same dinner/snacks as tonight for tommorrow night too..

AND I also changed my Zumba day to Tuesday so that on Thursday's I can do a class with a friend called Hula Hoop and Jump Roping Combo class.. My friend has done it for 6 weeks already and says it's really fun, so I can't wait to try it.. (it starts 11/7 for 6 weeks)
Thanks for the info on the cauliflower.
Those classes sound fun!
And holy cow that is a great loss! Congrats!

I think I am going to be a samer this week, but I'm going to give it until tomorrow. I didn't eat gluten this week, but ate a few too many things that could have been cross contaminated so my stomach has not been cooperating.

We have a 12 mile run tomorrow which I am just dreading. It has gotten cold here (hence the sleet) and my back/itband is protesting loudly.

I am going to yoga today so hopefully that will help.

Thanks for the good thoughts on Sugar. She goes back for acupuncture on Tuesday and if she isn't improving we might have to start having the hard talk with the vet.

Have a good Friday! :)
It is sleeting here. The high at this time of year around here is still supposed to be 70. Words cannot begin to describe how thrilled I am with the weather today.:rotfl:

Bummer! Hope the sunshine and warmer temps return soon. :sunny:

Pine nuts and garlic and EVOO make everything taste better! LOL!

It's that the truth? :lmao:

Thanks for coaching this week! :thanks: Good luck with all those construction projects. Soon you will be enjoying all the fruits of your labors. :flower3:

I still haven't come up with much. I usually take leftovers, but some days we don't have any. When I scrounge up some time, I'm checking out Pinterest for ideas. I'm hoping to find something that is quick to throw together in the morning with little cooking. I doubt that exists :lmao:

:rotfl2: You might have a point there.

Unfortunately, I haven't been feeling well. So soup was on the menu today!
My main goal is to start meal planning very soon so I can make better choices.

pixiedust: to you that you can shake this bug very soon. :flower3:


(and I made mine for the week too!:goodvibes)

Luv the new me just one possible issue........
Don't know just yet if I am gonna have to go out clothes shopping in a few more weeks & buy a lot of clothes-
(since I leave for SO CAL in 1,960 more hours)

Kudos to you for making goal! :yay: New clothes are a good reward especially with a vacation around the corner. :cool2:

Scale moved!!!! Why is it when I don't exercise, the scale moves? For one reason or another, my work-outs didn't happen all week and there you have it. Whatever, I'm excited!! :cheer2:

:woohoo: I have no words of wisdom for you on the vagaries of the scale. :rotfl:

I have been rather absent recently, sorry! But the last few days of the month you will see more of me as I am taking over coaching as of tomorrow!

This has been a dreadful month. But I do have lots of stress at the moment as I am going to move to my new place at the beginning of next month and this has just occupied my mind so much that I had little time for meal planning and discipline. I am still a little above my start weight of the month. I hate that, I was so motivated at the beginning of October to hit my goal before Christmas. This has now become extremely unlikely. But I still have until next spring when I will hopefully go on another cruise. That has always been my goal to get to my goal weight before the cruise.

Went to see a specialist about my headaches today and she is pretty sure it is a migraine. Still need to do some more testing. But one thing she told me is that regular exercise (like running, cycling etc.) is very important and has a positive effect on migraines. Never new that. She suggested a minimum of 3 times 30 minutes per week. That definitely gave me a new boost in motivation for my exercise.

Hope everyone else has a better Friday Weigh In than me!!

Sorry for the stressful month, Magdalene. :hug: That is a lot going on and the migraines on top of things do not help at all. :flower3: Soon you will be in your new place. Thanks for coaching. :thanks:

No it does not taste like potatoes at all, least not the way I make it - I guess you'd have to like the taste of mild cauliflower, parm cheese and garlic.. I found it bland when I did try it with a drip of milk and butter so that is when I started to just mash it and shake in the cheese and garlic salt and pepper

This sounds like a really delicious way to do mashed cauliflower! :thumbsup2 I was less than impressed when I tried the mashing a la potato. :lmao:

Be sure and let us know how you like your new class! :yay: Sounds like fun!

I forgot to check my ActiveLink last night so I only had 99% yesterday. :sad2: But I was at 108% for the week so it's all good. And I can finally start very slowly working out next week so I will be happy to hit the gym after two months. :yay: I need it because diet alone is not cutting it for me but no place to go but down. :hippie:

Another friendly reminder that today is weigh in day. Our final weigh in will be on Thursday, October 31st. That's almost a whole week to get to your goal. :teeth:
official whine - then moving on ....

I knew it was WI day -just why didn't my scale get the memo to go in the downward direction? :lmao:

ugh- I am back where I started the challenge BUT in reality I know that it is not "real" weight that I have packed on again- I have been up most of the week but seriously today had to be 3 lbs up???? This is the time that I say "it's just a number" get on with it! I have been pretty much in my calorie goal count this week and exercising as usual - probably did not drink as much h20 as I should and I have - indulged in bread/cracker carb calories that I had have not been having - boo - hiss - thankfully it's just a number! okay - that is out of the way! and moving on..........

I do hope that I can end the challenge with a lower number than what I started but, if not, I have challenged myself to daily log more steps than I had been & to journal my eating - I have not missed a day for journaling & only 2 free days of not getting 8k steps (allowed myself 1 free day a week) - so that is what I am continuing to think about not that stupid scale number!!

more later - off to tm - WISHing good WI's for everyone :yay:
I feel your pain! My scale didn't move for like 3 weeks! It's a cruel thing, that scale. Like your attitude, and you are right, it's just a number :thumbsup2
I have also slowed down with the weight loss numbers. So I am conducting a little experiment. For the last three days, I have been not very strict on what I've eaten. I've had pasta, sausage, and pumpkin dip with graham crackers. I've made sure not to overdo anything and still have small portions and used fat free cool whip and things. I also have not done my usual walks (that was partially due to the fridge breakdown and emergency fridge shopping).

So by tomorrow, I will be back to full healthy eating and see if the weight loss goes back into gear. Stay tuned, I'll keep the board informed on my little experiment results.
Thanks for all the encouraging replies!! I am happy to report that I did go out for a late evening run today after dinner. I am always sooo hungry when I get home after work that I cannot imagine running before dinner and then it often gets very late. Need to be better about this!

A big hug to all the others who like me don't have a good relationship with their scale right now!!! It's great to read that all of you are committed to having a better week next week! :thumbsup2
Hugs to you Magdalene........my relationship with the scales is not good this month either for some reason......I've been working really hard on the healthy eating, (OK there have been a couple of meals out, but only a couple) but I don't feel that my hard work is being reflected by the evil machine!

On the other hand....great news (Well I think so).....I went to the gym on Thursday evening and did my first ever 10k on the treadmill. It took me 1:21:10, but I am soooo proud of myself for not giving up (I was really tempted at around 7K when the gym aircon packed up!!!)

Off out in an hour or so to do my park 5K, I've discovered that half of a white toasted bagel with peanut butter is perfect run fuel for me......I can't run after eating anything more....maybe it will work for you Magdalene??? If I'm running straight after work, I eat it before I leave work...just take it ready toasted in the morning and eat it cold.

Still searching for a new laptop....can't believe how hard it is to find something actually in stock at the moment, I suppose all of the christmas offers will be coming in soon, so I'll have more choice (I'm due a new mobile phone mid November too)

Hope you all have a great weekend, I will be back to catch up later as I have the work laptop at home for the weekend.
Morning all! I'm here at DD's scool for pareents weekend. Using her tablet right now and I type on it worse than my iPad so I'll wait til later to do replies. Just wanted to check in. ROSE, prayers continuing for you and Sugar.

I got the numbers back from my bloodwork they ran for the insurance, and everything was in the normal range INCLUDING THE CHOLESTEROL! :confused3 The triglycerides were on the higher end of normal, but still within range, LDL's were normal, and HDL's were the high end of normal, (which I think is the good stuff?) I don't get it. Don't think the isnurance company knows what they're doing...:scared: At least I don't feel like I'm going to drop of a heart attack any second now. Geesh!

:woohoo: Congrats for great results on your bloodwork! :yay: All your hard work pays off in other areas besides the scale. :cool2: Enjoy your busy week-end.

Hope you all had/have good new on the scale today. It was down just a tiny bit for me, but I'll take it!:thumbsup2

Congrats on the scale going down! :yay: Have a great time with your kiddos this week-end and next week! :love:

Thanks for the good thoughts on Sugar. She goes back for acupuncture on Tuesday and if she isn't improving we might have to start having the hard talk with the vet.

Sending you, Mike and Sugar peaceful, healing thoughts. :hug:

Good luck with your 12 mile run. It will be tough in the cold but then it's my favorite time of training -- taper! :goodvibes

official whine - then moving on ....

I knew it was WI day -just why didn't my scale get the memo to go in the downward direction? :lmao:

ugh- I am back where I started the challenge BUT in reality I know that it is not "real" weight that I have packed on again- I have been up most of the week but seriously today had to be 3 lbs up???? This is the time that I say "it's just a number" get on with it! I have been pretty much in my calorie goal count this week and exercising as usual - probably did not drink as much h20 as I should and I have - indulged in bread/cracker carb calories that I had have not been having - boo - hiss - thankfully it's just a number! okay - that is out of the way! and moving on..........

I do hope that I can end the challenge with a lower number than what I started but, if not, I have challenged myself to daily log more steps than I had been & to journal my eating - I have not missed a day for journaling & only 2 free days of not getting 8k steps (allowed myself 1 free day a week) - so that is what I am continuing to think about not that stupid scale number!!

more later - off to tm - WISHing good WI's for everyone :yay:

Lots of scale frustration this week. :hug: You have a great attitude about it and a great plan to move forward regardless of what that silly old number happens to be today. ::yes::

I feel your pain! My scale didn't move for like 3 weeks! It's a cruel thing, that scale. Like your attitude, and you are right, it's just a number :thumbsup2

Exactly! :thumbsup2

I have also slowed down with the weight loss numbers. So I am conducting a little experiment. For the last three days, I have been not very strict on what I've eaten. I've had pasta, sausage, and pumpkin dip with graham crackers. I've made sure not to overdo anything and still have small portions and used fat free cool whip and things. I also have not done my usual walks (that was partially due to the fridge breakdown and emergency fridge shopping).

So by tomorrow, I will be back to full healthy eating and see if the weight loss goes back into gear. Stay tuned, I'll keep the board informed on my little experiment results.

I will be interested to hear how your experiment goes! :hippie: I think it is true sometimes you have to eat a bit more or differently to get your body to release weight.

Thanks for all the encouraging replies!! I am happy to report that I did go out for a late evening run today after dinner. I am always sooo hungry when I get home after work that I cannot imagine running before dinner and then it often gets very late. Need to be better about this!

A big hug to all the others who like me don't have a good relationship with their scale right now!!! It's great to read that all of you are committed to having a better week next week! :thumbsup2

Congratulations for getting our for a run after dinner -- that is a big effort! :worship:

Hugs to you Magdalene........my relationship with the scales is not good this month either for some reason......I've been working really hard on the healthy eating, (OK there have been a couple of meals out, but only a couple) but I don't feel that my hard work is being reflected by the evil machine!

On the other hand....great news (Well I think so).....I went to the gym on Thursday evening and did my first ever 10k on the treadmill. It took me 1:21:10, but I am soooo proud of myself for not giving up (I was really tempted at around 7K when the gym aircon packed up!!!)

Off out in an hour or so to do my park 5K, I've discovered that half of a white toasted bagel with peanut butter is perfect run fuel for me......I can't run after eating anything more....maybe it will work for you Magdalene??? If I'm running straight after work, I eat it before I leave work...just take it ready toasted in the morning and eat it cold.

Still searching for a new laptop....can't believe how hard it is to find something actually in stock at the moment, I suppose all of the christmas offers will be coming in soon, so I'll have more choice (I'm due a new mobile phone mid November too)

Hope you all have a great weekend, I will be back to catch up later as I have the work laptop at home for the weekend.

Congratulations on your great 10k time! :yay: A 1:20 time or better gets you out of the last corral for a RunDisney race so you are starting off in a great place. princess: You will be amazed at how quickly you get used to the longer distance.

I was finally able to do two miles at the indoor track yesterday. It felt like I'd never left! :cool2: I'm not worried at all about speed right now, just building my miles back up very slowly and with no pain. So easy peasy to get 100% on the ActiveLink yesterday.

I was just sitting here minding my own business on the computer and got nailed in the head by a stink bug, aka western conifer seed bug. Ewwww! :crazy2: So I got to take my shower very early this morning and feel like I should be doing something even though it is dark outside and everyone else is asleep. The bug was safely returned to the wild. A national forest is at the end of the street so there are thousands of pine trees for that bug to be quite happy in outside. Even the pets know to stay away from them. :rotfl:

I will be updating weigh ins every day so feel free to PM me, if you haven't already.

Enjoy your week-end!
Hugs to you Magdalene........my relationship with the scales is not good this month either for some reason......I've been working really hard on the healthy eating, (OK there have been a couple of meals out, but only a couple) but I don't feel that my hard work is being reflected by the evil machine!

On the other hand....great news (Well I think so).....I went to the gym on Thursday evening and did my first ever 10k on the treadmill. It took me 1:21:10, but I am soooo proud of myself for not giving up (I was really tempted at around 7K when the gym aircon packed up!!!)

Off out in an hour or so to do my park 5K, I've discovered that half of a white toasted bagel with peanut butter is perfect run fuel for me......I can't run after eating anything more....maybe it will work for you Magdalene??? If I'm running straight after work, I eat it before I leave work...just take it ready toasted in the morning and eat it cold.

Still searching for a new laptop....can't believe how hard it is to find something actually in stock at the moment, I suppose all of the christmas offers will be coming in soon, so I'll have more choice (I'm due a new mobile phone mid November too)

Hope you all have a great weekend, I will be back to catch up later as I have the work laptop at home for the weekend.

Hi Helen, sorry to hear that your month has not been too good either!! But congratulations on the 10k on the treadmill! That's quite an achievement. And it is a fabulous time! My 10k times are usually just below 1:10 - and that is with added adrenalin of a race.

You are absolutely right about just having a snack before the run. The thing is that I just don't have the WW points to waste on any snacks. :confused3 And to be honest, one of by biggest problems is that I don't have the discipline to plan. I find it difficult enough to have the discipline to watch out for what I eat and track that. I hate pre-planning my meals as most of the time I don't want to eat the things that I have planned. I also can't have peanut butter in the house. Everytime there is a jar here, there is that one evening when I find a spoon which just desperately wants to be dipped into the jar again and again... :rolleyes1

But the plan is that after the move when I will no longer be able to walk to work (well, I still can but is going to be 4k) that I am going to run home. Just need to bring my running things with me, get changed and then run home. With that I kind of kill the dead commuting time and instead add exercise to the mix.

And good luck with the laptop search!! I have missed your regular messages on here!

Morning all! I'm here at DD's scool for pareents weekend. Using her tablet right now and I type on it worse than my iPad so I'll wait til later to do replies. Just wanted to check in. ROSE, prayers continuing for you and Sugar.


Hi Pam! I already have trouble posting form my IPad, so you are excused for not doing replies from the tablet!! ;)

Hope you have a lovely time at the parents weekend!


Hi everyone! I am going to be your coach through to October 30th! My name is Magdalene. After I managed to not be overweight anymore thanks to my weight loss success during the first half of the year, I am now struggling to get down to a weight that I will call my goal weight. October hasn't been easy for me, but I intend to finish strong and hope you all will join me in some outstanding last five days of the challenge!!

Question of the Day (for the weekend):

Here in Europe we already fall back this weekend to winter time. This means that we will get an additional hour. Unfortunately since it is in the night, I usually just sleep through it. But I was wondering what would be a better way to make use of that additional hour. So the question is: If you had a true bonus hour suddenly appearing this weekend which you could use for whatever you wanted, what would you do in that hour? Like me, catch up on sleep? Do something useful? Do something for yourself?


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