WISH Away the Pounds Outstanding October Challenge -- Everyone welcome!

Good morning, everyone! I'll be back to catch up in a little while, but wanted to post the QOTD. :)

QOTD for Monday, October 21:
Have you read a book that has either inspired you or educated you on this journey to be healthy and fit? If so, what's the book and what did you take away from it?
Well I read the Atkins book cover to cover (well in my Kindle) and that is how I am trying to live now.. when I do follow his advise I am healthier and my blood sugar is in control.. as I said last week I've been out of control but have gotten back into my wagon and am trudging on.. it's only day 2 but accoring to my scale is 4.6 less and my blood sugar is 43 less! I just need to keep on keeping! thanks for the kind words and motivation.. I do appreciate it all..
So, how is everyone today? It is so beautifully sunny here and things are wonderful in my world. Our DD25, who had been away since October 10 on an 11 night Caribbean cruise, arrived home last night. I'd really missed her! And, our MAJOR "3 space" renovation project is moving along with some significant progress yesterday, so I'm in a pretty good mood. LOL!

Okay, time for the QOTD for October 22 (I was thinking about what I'd just said about WW):

Look around at the space you are in right now. We all have "spaces" that we can control or modify and others that we can't do anything about. Is the space that you are in conducive to a healthy lifestyle? What is in your space that inspires you or motivates you or assists your efforts? Are there any items or people in your space that make your journey more difficult? Can you do anything about those "detractors"?

Have a great day, everyone!

well my space "right now" is my work cube.. from here I can be on the internet and check the carb counts in the foods I like or might want to eat which is good.. I have many Disney things around which just make me happy but we are allowed to eat at our desk.. soooo I bring my lunch almost everyday even though we have access to a cafe in the lobby (where my Hubs works) and I don't keep anything money with me over $1 that way I can't go in and buy anything just becasue. some of my co-workers are enablers but some are supporters so I have to be careful who I listen too on what days.. LOL..
Today's QOTD sounds very suspiciously like a high school essay question and I almost feel compelled to write a five-paragraph essay! Almost.

I feel like over the past couple of months, my space has evolved to become more healthy. My fridge has tons of veggies and lean meats. The pantry stores beans and low cal cans of soups. And I don't think my flour and granulated sugar have been touched in months. Although I do still have cake mixes and chips in there, I have really trained myself to pass right over them and reach for the healthier options instead. The next order of business will be to clean the scrap booking area so that my mind can also become healthy!!! ;-)

This is exactly the kind of information I was hoping to read. I am sure many of us learn a lot about taking control of our environments based on what other WISHers have found to be successful strategies.

Well I read the Atkins book cover to cover (well in my Kindle) and that is how I am trying to live now.. when I do follow his advise I am healthier and my blood sugar is in control.. as I said last week I've been out of control but have gotten back into my wagon and am trudging on.. it's only day 2 but accoring to my scale is 4.6 less and my blood sugar is 43 less! I just need to keep on keeping! thanks for the kind words and motivation.. I do appreciate it all..

This is awesome!!!!! It is wonderful that you are seeing your very significant efforts paying off in such an objective, tangible way. Congratulations and keep up the great work!

well my space "right now" is my work cube.. from here I can be on the internet and check the carb counts in the foods I like or might want to eat which is good.. I have many Disney things around which just make me happy but we are allowed to eat at our desk.. soooo I bring my lunch almost everyday even though we have access to a cafe in the lobby (where my Hubs works) and I don't keep anything money with me over $1 that way I can't go in and buy anything just becasue. some of my co-workers are enablers but some are supporters so I have to be careful who I listen too on what days.. LOL..

Great way to take control, Michelle. The lunch temptation is a good example - by bringing what you are comfortable eating into your environment, you have reduced the temptation of going into an environment over which you have no control and in which you might be tempted. :thumbsup2 Ahhh.. the money thing is very familiar. For a while, I was sorely tempted at the coffee shop in the morning to get a bagel. Finally, I modified the behavior by keeping only $2 for coffee in my purse. Since I NEEDED the caffeine, it helped. ;)
QOTD for October 22:

Look around at the space you are in right now. We all have "spaces" that we can control or modify and others that we can't do anything about. Is the space that you are in conducive to a healthy lifestyle? What is in your space that inspires you or motivates you or assists your efforts? Are there any items or people in your space that make your journey more difficult? Can you do anything about those "detractors"?

My space right now is my office. I spend at least 10 hours here a day. There are many temptations outside my office itself and in our suite, and in particular in the kitchen. There are always animal crackers and dark chocolate hot cocoa, as well as whatever treats anyone has brought in and put on the table. In addition, many of my staff have candy jars or bowls on their desks. (those are less tempting, unless I am stress eating, in which case cardboard could be tempting).

In my office, I have eliminated all non WW point friendly foods that I used to keep here. Everything that is here now is 2 or 3 points value and I can fit in one of those treats each day easily. I've moved the popcorn out of my office and into the kitchen in the hopes that by the time I walk in there, I'll consider having an apple or some grapes before choosing point-ier carbs that provide no fuel to my body.

And, since I just booked our airfare for our trip to Europe next summer, I am going to put a photo in my line of sight that reminds me of the places we will visit, so that I will be inspired to get eat healthier and become more fit.
Hi, all! :)

I'm getting over a lovely head cold with sinus-y stuff that took up too much of my weekend/Monday...I still went out for a 3.25-mile training run on Sunday afternoon! Jeff Galloway said I could run with a head cold, and he wasn't wrong. :laughing: I felt a little more tired afterward than I would normally expect to, but I got it done. And DH was hugely supportive of my getting some extra rest, coming home early yesterday to take over with the kiddos while I napped for a bit. I think I've turned the corner on it! I definitely fed the cold a little too much, though; time to get that back under control...

QOTD for October 22:

Look around at the space you are in right now. We all have "spaces" that we can control or modify and others that we can't do anything about. Is the space that you are in conducive to a healthy lifestyle? What is in your space that inspires you or motivates you or assists your efforts? Are there any items or people in your space that make your journey more difficult? Can you do anything about those "detractors"?

I work at home most of the time, so my home is a major space for me. I have a dedicated office, and it's a floor away from the kitchen, so getting unhealthy stuff is an effort. I keep "good" snacks in the office. I subscribe to Graze, a snack service that sends me a little box of four snacks per week. I'm on the Graze Light plan, so everything is 2-4 points, and they're yummy! If I need a mid-morning snack, or I just get the munchies, I know I can down one of those without screwing up my points for the day.

My space today is on campus, and I'm currently working in the student center, where I can smell the Auntie Anne's around the corner. Must...resist...!

QOTD for Monday, October 21:
Have you read a book that has either inspired you or educated you on this journey to be healthy and fit? If so, what's the book and what did you take away from it?

I forgot to answer the QOTD yesterday but I am in the Marathoning for Mortals group. :goodvibes I love anything by Jeff Galloway, too, especially Running Until You are 100. :love:

So, how is everyone today? It is so beautifully sunny here and things are wonderful in my world. Our DD25, who had been away since October 10 on an 11 night Caribbean cruise, arrived home last night. I'd really missed her! And, our MAJOR "3 space" renovation project is moving along with some significant progress yesterday, so I'm in a pretty good mood. LOL!

Okay, time for the QOTD for October 22 (I was thinking about what I'd just said about WW):

Look around at the space you are in right now. We all have "spaces" that we can control or modify and others that we can't do anything about. Is the space that you are in conducive to a healthy lifestyle? What is in your space that inspires you or motivates you or assists your efforts? Are there any items or people in your space that make your journey more difficult? Can you do anything about those "detractors"?

Have a great day, everyone!

Thanks for coaching this week, Cam! :thanks:

I'm in my work space right now. Like many of us, I spend a lot of time here. I feel like this space is pretty much under control. I have healthy snacks available and, thanks to last month's WW habit I have my lunches planned for the week ahead of time. I try to stock the refrigerator for the week on Mondays so I am all set for the week. That usually works, except for when my co-worker, aka DH, helps himself to something I have planned for later. :rolleyes1 We have practiced together for over 20 years -- it's not for everyone but it works for us. :hippie:

My car space is okay right now, too. I currently have four pairs of running shoes in my car. :rotfl: I also have a couple of sets of workout clothes so when I can start working out again next week I won't have any excuses. Our commute is short so we can all usually manage to survive a short time in the car without food.

It's the home space that really could use some improvement. Like many aspects of this healthy lifestyle thing, I know what I should do but actually doing it is another story. :sad2:

Today's QOTD sounds very suspiciously like a high school essay question and I almost feel compelled to write a five-paragraph essay! Almost.

I feel like over the past couple of months, my space has evolved to become more healthy. My fridge has tons of veggies and lean meats. The pantry stores beans and low cal cans of soups. And I don't think my flour and granulated sugar have been touched in months. Although I do still have cake mixes and chips in there, I have really trained myself to pass right over them and reach for the healthier options instead. The next order of business will be to clean the scrap booking area so that my mind can also become healthy!!! ;-)

No essays needed but we always do appreciate a good "book" around here. ;)

Congratulations on evolving your space into a space to support your healthy living lifestyle! :cool2:

Well I read the Atkins book cover to cover (well in my Kindle) and that is how I am trying to live now.. when I do follow his advise I am healthier and my blood sugar is in control.. as I said last week I've been out of control but have gotten back into my wagon and am trudging on.. it's only day 2 but accoring to my scale is 4.6 less and my blood sugar is 43 less! I just need to keep on keeping! thanks for the kind words and motivation.. I do appreciate it all..

well my space "right now" is my work cube.. from here I can be on the internet and check the carb counts in the foods I like or might want to eat which is good.. I have many Disney things around which just make me happy but we are allowed to eat at our desk.. soooo I bring my lunch almost everyday even though we have access to a cafe in the lobby (where my Hubs works) and I don't keep anything money with me over $1 that way I can't go in and buy anything just becasue. some of my co-workers are enablers but some are supporters so I have to be careful who I listen too on what days.. LOL..

:woohoo: for getting back on track with your weight and blood sugar! :yay:

Excellent strategy for avoiding the lobby café! ::yes::

And, since I just booked our airfare for our trip to Europe next summer, I am going to put a photo in my line of sight that reminds me of the places we will visit, so that I will be inspired to get eat healthier and become more fit.

Congrats on booking your airfare! You will be in the Med before you know it! :cool2:

Hi, all! :)

I'm getting over a lovely head cold with sinus-y stuff that took up too much of my weekend/Monday...I still went out for a 3.25-mile training run on Sunday afternoon! Jeff Galloway said I could run with a head cold, and he wasn't wrong. :laughing: I felt a little more tired afterward than I would normally expect to, but I got it done. And DH was hugely supportive of my getting some extra rest, coming home early yesterday to take over with the kiddos while I napped for a bit. I think I've turned the corner on it! I definitely fed the cold a little too much, though; time to get that back under control...

I work at home most of the time, so my home is a major space for me. I have a dedicated office, and it's a floor away from the kitchen, so getting unhealthy stuff is an effort. I keep "good" snacks in the office. I subscribe to Graze, a snack service that sends me a little box of four snacks per week. I'm on the Graze Light plan, so everything is 2-4 points, and they're yummy! If I need a mid-morning snack, or I just get the munchies, I know I can down one of those without screwing up my points for the day.

My space today is on campus, and I'm currently working in the student center, where I can smell the Auntie Anne's around the corner. Must...resist...!


Liz, sorry that you have been feeling under the weather. :flower3: Kudos to you for going out and running! :worship:

I'm always intrigued by your Graze snacks. They seem like they have a really good variety of some fun and interesting things to eat. Looks like they are a U.K. company? :cool2:
QOTD Oct. 22nd-

My space would be my home. I work a lot on my kitchen island for school and work and I feel I have it under controlled like most of you seem to as well. In keep snacks out and drink lots of water. I also keep a little motivational quote on my desktop so whenever I feel a bad craving, I just read it and focus on how good I will feel if I don't cave into that craving! It works for me!:thumbsup2
I'm always intrigued by your Graze snacks. They seem like they have a really good variety of some fun and interesting things to eat. Looks like they are a U.K. company? :cool2:

They are! I love the variety - and you can vote things up or down so that if they send something you don't like, you never have to get it again. They actually just sent me four invite codes (they're all invite-based right now) - if anyone wants to give them a try, PM me & I'll send you a code!

it also put me out cold in bed by 9:30 on friday night, lol.

This is pretty much me every night :rotfl:

this weekend i did back to back races. yesterday was runner world's 10k and today i did a 13k the next town over. it was pretty ambitious and i'm definitely feeling it but i feel good about the decision. i also got three medals between the two races, one of which i wasn't even expecting, so now my medal holder is full and i need a new one, which is a good problem to have. :cool2:

Nice Job!!

i'm feeling good about how this week started so i am hoping that i will have a big week on the scale come friday as the last two weeks have been pretty small. :goodvibes

Here's hoping for a great weigh in :)

Here is a yummy french onion soup recipe from the Sunset Magazine Favorite Recipes Cookbook 1949 that is a family favorite:

Sunset Favorite Onion Soup (from 1949)

4 medium onions thinly sliced
1/4 c butter
3 c beef broth
salt, pepper, worchestershire sauce to taste
4 slices french bread, toasted with butter and 1/2 T parmesan cheese

Saute the onions in butter over very low heat until they are rich golden or caramel color. Add beef broth, salt, pepper, worchestershire sauce to taste. Cover and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes or until onions are tender. Float toasted french bread on soup and serve. Serves 4.

260 calories according to MFP.
Guessing 4 to 5 points on WW -- I'll figure it out someday and update this.

Ohhhh...thanks for this recipe! French onion is one of my faves.

Got to meet DS's girlfriend (and her Mom) today. She is just adorable and it seems like they had a nice day together. They went apple picking and then went kayaking back at her house (guess she lives on a lake). They were together about 5 hours and then came home and were Skyping. Aaaahhh... young love :love:

Sounds like a fun time. Yes, that young love...when you had no responsibilities other than school! Times sure change when you have to grow up :lmao:

Well, ready to watch this week's Amazing Race with my men! Not yet scheduled to work tomorrow, but I anticipate getting a call in the morning. TTY when I can tomorrow....................P

He was wearing NO STOCKING CAP and NO GLOVES TO KEEP HIM WARM!! Just t-shirt, shorts and shoes.:rolleyes1

That's pretty normal here in western PA!

All is well down here in Dallas. Out to make a mean batch of Cajun Jambalaya Tuesday am after our cardio /core workout.:cloud9:

Yummy! And, keep warm :)

Good morning, everyone! I'll be back to catch up in a little while, but wanted to post the QOTD. :)

QOTD for Monday, October 21:
Have you read a book that has either inspired you or educated you on this journey to be healthy and fit? If so, what's the book and what did you take away from it?

I actually cannot think of a book right now. But, I read lots of magazines including Women's Health, Self, Fitness, and different cooking magazines. Plus, I'm pretty much addicted to Pinterest and am always looking up healthy info there.

Definitely doing the happy dance this morning!
I know for some they run this, or even more than this. But this morning on my long run I managed to run a 5K!! This is my first time ever running this far in my life! I am truly proud of myself for coming this far along! I was feeling a little dejected because my family kinda brushed off my big news this morning, but it was at 6:30 this morning so I can't blame them. :lmao:
I am running a 5K race this weekend so this makes me feel so much better about it! I had a "okay" dieting weekend. Nothing I'd want to talk about :rolleyes1
So this morning it was back on track with a smoothie and muffin!
I have a doctor appointment tomorrow for my hypoglycemia, and I'm so nervous for the scale. Doesn't it seem like you weigh WAYYYY more at the doctor than at home. :lmao:

Have a great Monday everyone!

Congrats on the run. I bet you'll rock your 5k this weekend!

The convention is all day Sat and Sun. Saturday night is a private party for ticket holders at IOA. I am excited about the possibility of visiting WWOHP, but since we still don't know all of the details, I'm trying not to get my hopes up.... but if we do get there, I will definitely be sharing a butterbeer with DS! I think that would tickle him to death! And then Sunday night we are having our "bit of magic" with dinner at DTD or a Disney resort. I'd love to do a character meal at the Contemporary or Poly, but I can't justify spending the $$ since the convention tickets were so pricey. But maybe a stop by the Earl of Sandwich or one of the new Disney food trucks.... or perhaps over to the Boardwalk area to stop for a Kitchen Sink sundae for supper! :rotfl:

Maybe I'll check out the menus on Allears today and figure out our plan for that night!


Well gee, all that food talk didn't make me hungry or jealous at all :laughing:

...and had an "aha" moment. I just can't continue to be so obssessed about a number on a scale (that I'm not sure works in the first place :confused:). Do I feel healthy? Am I exercising and eating well? How do my clothes fit? I think the answers to these questions are what's more important (at least to me). I know this probably completely blows the whole point of this board, and my sincerest apologies to all of you, but I think sometimes we can get so centered on a number instead of the big picture. Thoughts??:confused:

Do not obsess over a number. Once I go over that, I felt so much better. I know I am trying my best and I feel healthy.

This weekend we may be going up to visit my sister. Her house was ruined in hurricane sandy. She did get a nice settlement but when the bids came through they ate up all her money and she would have had a house but no furniture or kitchen things. She had been looking around trying to get someone to help her out. In Aug she was contacted by a group that said that they could help her. They will even find her discounts on furniture. They started on her house a couple of weeks ago and this past weekend her house was pictures in a newspaper article and her house and you could see her in a tv news article. I am so happy that she is getting this. We did find out that the NFL is helping fund the project because she lives less than a mile from where the super bowl will be in Feb. YOu often wonder who gets picked for something like this and now I am very happy that she was one of them.

Off to get breakfast.

Have a happy and healthy day.

I am so happy for your sister! This must have been such a long, stressful time for her and your whole family.

Okay, time for the QOTD for October 22 (I was thinking about what I'd just said about WW):

Look around at the space you are in right now. We all have "spaces" that we can control or modify and others that we can't do anything about. Is the space that you are in conducive to a healthy lifestyle? What is in your space that inspires you or motivates you or assists your efforts? Are there any items or people in your space that make your journey more difficult? Can you do anything about those "detractors"?

Have a great day, everyone!

I am currently at home. I have exercise equipment and dvds here to use when I want (today I used the elliptical) and I have healthy food. However, I do have unhealthy things that DH and DSs eat (cookies, cereal, crackers). They are tempting and I try my best, but I do cave sometimes (had a few Doritos today...haven't had those for months).

Today's QOTD sounds very suspiciously like a high school essay question and I almost feel compelled to write a five-paragraph essay! Almost.

This made me :rotfl: I read and grade 9-12 grade English essays and the last thing I want to do is WRITE one!!

Hi, all! :)

I'm getting over a lovely head cold with sinus-y stuff that took up too much of my weekend/Monday...I still went out for a 3.25-mile training run on Sunday afternoon! Jeff Galloway said I could run with a head cold, and he wasn't wrong. :laughing: I felt a little more tired afterward than I would normally expect to, but I got it done. And DH was hugely supportive of my getting some extra rest, coming home early yesterday to take over with the kiddos while I napped for a bit. I think I've turned the corner on it! I definitely fed the cold a little too much, though; time to get that back under control...

Glad you are feeling a little better!

My space today is on campus, and I'm currently working in the student center, where I can smell the Auntie Anne's around the corner. Must...resist...!


Did you resist? I hope so!


I'm going back to the soup QOTD. I just remembered I make a "stoup" as Rachel Ray calls it since it's thicker than a soup, but not quite a stew. Anyhow, it's her Stuffed Pepper Stoup recipe. I found it on her website and it is super delicious (probably not super healthy).

Good evening everyone. I am finally getting a chance to check in after a busy weekend and a few stressful days at work. I am going to be sitting down in a few minutes to get a menu organized for dinners over the next 6-7 days and make a grocery list. I am going to try to incorporate more veggies in my day! It's getting cold here in PA (they even said that 4 letter S word may happen tonight or tomorrow night :scared1:). It's getting now where I will want warm lunches and not salads since it'll be so cold out. Does anyone have any suggestions of quick and easy lunches I can pack that are low/no carb? Thanks in advance :)

Okay, I am off to get the kids ready for bed and stalk Pinterest :rotfl:

I work at home most of the time, so my home is a major space for me. I have a dedicated office, and it's a floor away from the kitchen, so getting unhealthy stuff is an effort. I keep "good" snacks in the office. I subscribe to Graze, a snack service that sends me a little box of four snacks per week. I'm on the Graze Light plan, so everything is 2-4 points, and they're yummy! If I need a mid-morning snack, or I just get the munchies, I know I can down one of those without screwing up my points for the day.

My space today is on campus, and I'm currently working in the student center, where I can smell the Auntie Anne's around the corner. Must...resist...!


Liz - I am so impressed with how you are so disciplined with food even while working from home. Some of us would have a very difficult time with that. :rolleyes1

I forgot to answer the QOTD yesterday but I am in the Marathoning for Mortals group. :goodvibes I love anything by Jeff Galloway, too, especially Running Until You are 100. :love:

Thanks for coaching this week, Cam! :thanks:

I'm in my work space right now. Like many of us, I spend a lot of time here. I feel like this space is pretty much under control. I have healthy snacks available and, thanks to last month's WW habit I have my lunches planned for the week ahead of time. I try to stock the refrigerator for the week on Mondays so I am all set for the week. That usually works, except for when my co-worker, aka DH, helps himself to something I have planned for later. :rolleyes1 We have practiced together for over 20 years -- it's not for everyone but it works for us. :hippie:

My car space is okay right now, too. I currently have four pairs of running shoes in my car. :rotfl: I also have a couple of sets of workout clothes so when I can start working out again next week I won't have any excuses. Our commute is short so we can all usually manage to survive a short time in the car without food.

It's the home space that really could use some improvement. Like many aspects of this healthy lifestyle thing, I know what I should do but actually doing it is another story. :sad2:

Kudos to you, Lisa!! What a great idea to keep workout clothes in the car. I am going to do that. I am going to pack a gym bag and leave it in my car. Thank you for inspiring me! :goodvibes

QOTD Oct. 22nd-

My space would be my home. I work a lot on my kitchen island for school and work and I feel I have it under controlled like most of you seem to as well. In keep snacks out and drink lots of water. I also keep a little motivational quote on my desktop so whenever I feel a bad craving, I just read it and focus on how good I will feel if I don't cave into that craving! It works for me!:thumbsup2

Great idea! Since I got a new computer at work, I don't have any kind of slideshow screensaver. I need to load all those inspirational quotes again and some photos. Thanks!

They are! I love the variety - and you can vote things up or down so that if they send something you don't like, you never have to get it again. They actually just sent me four invite codes (they're all invite-based right now) - if anyone wants to give them a try, PM me & I'll send you a code!


Liz - If you still have any codes left, would you be willing to PM one to me? No worries if they have all been requested already. It's so sweet of you to offer! Hopefully I will like it better than the Goodies box I've subscribed to - not much yet in there that appealed to me.

I actually cannot think of a book right now. But, I read lots of magazines including Women's Health, Self, Fitness, and different cooking magazines. Plus, I'm pretty much addicted to Pinterest and am always looking up healthy info there.


I am currently at home. I have exercise equipment and dvds here to use when I want (today I used the elliptical) and I have healthy food. However, I do have unhealthy things that DH and DSs eat (cookies, cereal, crackers). They are tempting and I try my best, but I do cave sometimes (had a few Doritos today...haven't had those for months).


I'm going back to the soup QOTD. I just remembered I make a "stoup" as Rachel Ray calls it since it's thicker than a soup, but not quite a stew. Anyhow, it's her Stuffed Pepper Stoup recipe. I found it on her website and it is super delicious (probably not super healthy).

Good evening everyone. I am finally getting a chance to check in after a busy weekend and a few stressful days at work. I am going to be sitting down in a few minutes to get a menu organized for dinners over the next 6-7 days and make a grocery list. I am going to try to incorporate more veggies in my day! It's getting cold here in PA (they even said that 4 letter S word may happen tonight or tomorrow night :scared1:). It's getting now where I will want warm lunches and not salads since it'll be so cold out. Does anyone have any suggestions of quick and easy lunches I can pack that are low/no carb? Thanks in advance :)

Okay, I am off to get the kids ready for bed and stalk Pinterest :rotfl:


I hadn't thought of Pinterest for fitness articles, though I've found some great recipes on there. Thanks for the lightbulb moment. And great job planning meals and a grocery list.
I have to be in court early in the morning, so I am going to post tomorrow's QOTD early. :)

QOTD for Wednesday, October 23:

Sometimes it's good to shake up your menu a bit, try new recipes or new ingredients/foods. When is the last time you tried a new recipe or new food? What was it? What did you think of it?
I have to be in court early in the morning, so I am going to post tomorrow's QOTD early. :)

QOTD for Wednesday, October 23:

Sometimes it's good to shake up your menu a bit, try new recipes or new ingredients/foods. When is the last time you tried a new recipe or new food? What was it? What did you think of it?

Tried a new recipe for this house yesterday - stuffed green pepper soup. It was yummy.
Wednesday QOTD: I've been brave with lots of things lately. Made a butternut squash pasta the other day (a hit). Before that, quinoa (not a hit), couscous (another hit). I usually don't get yellow and green zucchini but recently have made pasta ribbons with them as well as cooking them with tomatoes and Parmesan for a healthy veggie.
Good morning all! :goodvibes

We seem to be getting to that end of the challenge slow down -- a little less chatting, more than a few weigh ins missing. There are still 8 whole days left to make your October a success. Make your Halloween a treat this year! :cool2:

QOTD Oct. 22nd-

My space would be my home. I work a lot on my kitchen island for school and work and I feel I have it under controlled like most of you seem to as well. In keep snacks out and drink lots of water. I also keep a little motivational quote on my desktop so whenever I feel a bad craving, I just read it and focus on how good I will feel if I don't cave into that craving! It works for me!:thumbsup2

I love this quote idea -- thank you! :flower3:

They are! I love the variety - and you can vote things up or down so that if they send something you don't like, you never have to get it again. They actually just sent me four invite codes (they're all invite-based right now) - if anyone wants to give them a try, PM me & I'll send you a code!


Cool! Thanks! :cool2:

Ohhhh...thanks for this recipe! French onion is one of my faves.

The secret is to let the onions cook very slowly and get golden brown. Depending on your onion it could take awhile -- like an hour but it is worth it. :goodvibes

Good evening everyone. I am finally getting a chance to check in after a busy weekend and a few stressful days at work. I am going to be sitting down in a few minutes to get a menu organized for dinners over the next 6-7 days and make a grocery list. I am going to try to incorporate more veggies in my day! It's getting cold here in PA (they even said that 4 letter S word may happen tonight or tomorrow night :scared1:). It's getting now where I will want warm lunches and not salads since it'll be so cold out. Does anyone have any suggestions of quick and easy lunches I can pack that are low/no carb? Thanks in advance :)

Okay, I am off to get the kids ready for bed and stalk Pinterest :rotfl:


There seemed to be quite a few different ideas on Pinterest (especially if you want hot dogs for lunch every day :rotfl:) A thai noodle salad and stuffed peppers were a couple of ideas I saw. There is always the ubiqitous leftovers. A nice chili with beans and a bunch of veggie condiments would be good, too. Let us know if you find anything good. :flower3:

I have to be in court early in the morning, so I am going to post tomorrow's QOTD early. :)

QOTD for Wednesday, October 23:

Sometimes it's good to shake up your menu a bit, try new recipes or new ingredients/foods. When is the last time you tried a new recipe or new food? What was it? What did you think of it?

I try new recipes quite often. Mostly because I don't do a great job of keeping my recipes that I like well organized. :rotfl: I'm always looking for quick and easy recipes in the various magazines that get every month. I tried this stew recipe this week-end and it was really good. It was a few minutes prep Sunday morning and whole day of smelling delicious dinner. :cool2:


Provencal Beef Stew

2 teaspoons olive oil
1 1/2 pounds boneless chuck roast, trimmed and cut into 1-inch cubes
1 teaspoon kosher salt, divided
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, divided
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 medium onions, each cut into 8 wedges
8 garlic cloves, crushed
1/4 cup dry red wine
1 cup fat-free, lower-sodium beef broth
2 tablespoons tomato paste
3 bay leaves
3 fresh thyme sprigs
1 (14.5-ounce) can diced tomatoes, drained
3 cups (1-inch) slices zucchini
2 cups (1-inch) slices carrots

1. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Sprinkle beef with 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper; dredge in flour. Add beef to pan; sauté 2 minutes, browning on all sides. Place beef in an electric slow cooker. Add onions and garlic to pan; sauté 5 minutes. Add wine to pan, scraping pan to loosen browned bits. Place onion mixture in cooker. Add broth, tomato paste, bay leaves, thyme, and tomatoes to cooker; top with zucchini and carrots. Cover and cook on LOW 8 hours or until beef is tender. Stir in remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt and remaining 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Discard bay leaves and thyme sprigs.

6 servings (1 1/3 c)

Nutritional Information
Amount per serving
Calories: 271
Fat: 8.9g
Saturated fat: 2.8g
Monounsaturated fat: 4.1g
Polyunsaturated fat: 0.6g
Protein: 31.1g
Carbohydrate: 16.5g
Fiber: 3.5g
Cholesterol: 86mg
Iron: 4.2mg
Sodium: 499mg
Calcium: 57mg

Lia Huber, Cooking Light
MARCH 2009

I will add this to the recipe stickie.

Tried a new recipe for this house yesterday - stuffed green pepper soup. It was yummy.

Sounds yummy! :thumbsup2

Wednesday QOTD: I've been brave with lots of things lately. Made a butternut squash pasta the other day (a hit). Before that, quinoa (not a hit), couscous (another hit). I usually don't get yellow and green zucchini but recently have made pasta ribbons with them as well as cooking them with tomatoes and Parmesan for a healthy veggie.

Pasta ribbons sound delicious! :cool2: Quinoa takes awhile to learn to cook properly for sure. ::yes::

Have a great day all! :goodvibes

Look around at the space you are in right now. We all have "spaces" that we can control or modify and others that we can't do anything about. Is the space that you are in conducive to a healthy lifestyle? What is in your space that inspires you or motivates you or assists your efforts? Are there any items or people in your space that make your journey more difficult? Can you do anything about those "detractors"?

I work in an office where about a third of us try to eat healthy, a third don't, and the rest just don't care one way or the other. Thankfully, my department for the most part tries to eat healthy the majority of the time. The crappy vending machines are outside our office in a hallway, so the temptation of seeing all those peanut M&M's isn't staring me in the face every time I go in the kitchen for more water. :thumbsup2

The CMO here gets aggravated every time he walks past my desk as I have a big picture of a girl running with the quote "you can't outrun a bad diet." He says it always makes him feel uncomfortable as he grabs yet ANOTHER handful of chocolate animal crackers I have sitting on my desk. He's a total junk food hound. :rotfl2:

One of my girlfriends is extremely overweight and lives for food. It's a running joke with all of us that as soon as she finishes one meal, she's already looking forward to the next. It's comical to say the least, but it's sad how much she really doesn't care. Especially with two girls, one of which is beyond active!

QOTD for Wednesday, October 23:

Sometimes it's good to shake up your menu a bit, try new recipes or new ingredients/foods. When is the last time you tried a new recipe or new food? What was it? What did you think of it?

We went to a fancy wine/food event at a local snootie restaurant last week so I tried some really interesting "gourmet" foods. I don't like crab AT ALL, but I loved these little puffy crab things with a super yummy lemon sauce, ahi tuna tacos that (as I found out afterwards) had a foie gras sauce on them. YIKES!! :scared1: Duck liver? REALLY!?! :faint: The worst part is it was tasty! :(

I love carrots (raw only) so I was pleasantly surprised to find I loved the vanilla carrots. I think they just cooked them with vanilla extract and yum! :thumbsup2 They also were kind enough to serve me some salmon instead of osso bucco, which, even though it was undercooked for my taste, was still really yummy. (STILL can't believe I'm eating fish! :hyper:) There was some some fancy dessert that I tried and a whole bunch (10!) wines I had never tried before. Overall, it was a really fun time with foods I never would have thought I'd enjoy. :yay: The best part was it was at a restaurant on Fort Lauderdale Beach with a full moon. Gorgeous! :love:
Good Tuesday morning.

It has been pretty quiet here. I had a math team meet yesterday. The bus driver took all the wrong roads to get us back to school. He got stuck on this one road and we were over a half an hour late getting back to school. At one point we weren't sure he was going to turn to get to our school. I had to remind him about a place where he could turn. He then had to get over 2 lanes to make the turn. Where do they get these people?

YIKES! I would be complaining to the bus company for sure! DD had something similar a few years ago with swim. The bus driver did not return to the meet to pick up the kids until nearly 90+ minutes after the scheduled time. He claims he got lost, but what we think really happened is that he went home for a nap (the meets are LOOOONG and the buses don't have to stay) and overslept.

Tonight I am sewing 2 dresses for a local theater company. They are doing White Christmas next month and these are for the 2 main characters.

I'd love to see pictures of some of your creations..... both costumes AND quilts! Did I ever show you the quilt that my Mom made for DD's 18th birthday?? It is spectacular!

This weekend we may be going up to visit my sister. Her house was ruined in hurricane sandy. She did get a nice settlement but when the bids came through they ate up all her money and she would have had a house but no furniture or kitchen things. She had been looking around trying to get someone to help her out. In Aug she was contacted by a group that said that they could help her. They will even find her discounts on furniture. They started on her house a couple of weeks ago and this past weekend her house was pictures in a newspaper article and her house and you could see her in a tv news article. I am so happy that she is getting this. We did find out that the NFL is helping fund the project because she lives less than a mile from where the super bowl will be in Feb. YOu often wonder who gets picked for something like this and now I am very happy that she was one of them.

Off to get breakfast.

Have a happy and healthy day.

So happy to hear that someone we "know" is getting some much deserved and needed help!

Good morning all! :goodvibes

Pamela, enjoy your trip to Orlando and MineCon. That is an amazing game -- DS was a big fan for quite awhile and continues to return to it. It's like Legos without the sore feet. ;) I am always amazed by all the worlds people have made.

Yup, I haven't stepped on a Lego in months..... but I still find them around in the oddest places! I dug one out of the flowerbeds this spring!

I am excited to hear about the WW changes. I do think that is one thing that they do well -- the are constantly updating the system to fine tune it. :cool2:

Thanks! THat is one of the things they mentioned was that folks DO always want something NEW to look forward to and if WW isn't providing "new" then people go elsewhere.

That article is really eye-opening and somewhat sad. It is wonderful that it struck a lightbulb moment for you. It is something we all should try to remember. I think I've posted it here before, but one of the most significant things anyone has ever said to me while I've been on this journey was from my doctor. I said "yeah, yeah, I know I have to lose about 50 pounds", and he said "Frankly, you are healthier and more fit than most of my patients who are at a "healthy weight" but who do not eat right and do not exercise. Don't beat yourself up. If you can lose pounds, you'll probably feel better and it will be better for your joints, but keep doing what you're doing. I wish I had more patients like you." We all have to remember that the lifestyle is much more important than the number on the scale. Thank you for sharing the article.

What a great ENLIGHTENED doctor you have! So many of them are just "by the numbers" kind of people.... they don't always see the HEALTH (or lack of) beyond the numbers.

I hope your weigh-in went well!

It did..... so I can relax for another few weeks!:lmao:

I agree, Lisa!! I think the refinements that have been made through the 360 plan are the first that have really encouraged members to improve their entire lifestyle and environment, not just food and activity.

Again, thank you and I AGREE! I think the advent of adding FREE FRUITS and veggies was just the right touch! It rewards you and encourages you to make the HEALTHIER choices when eating/snacking. And I love that we continue to encourage the ROUTINE of exercise. For so many years WW never addressed exercise at all (back in the dark ages of the 70's and 80's).

So, how is everyone today? It is so beautifully sunny here and things are wonderful in my world. Our DD25, who had been away since October 10 on an 11 night Caribbean cruise, arrived home last night. I'd really missed her! And, our MAJOR "3 space" renovation project is moving along with some significant progress yesterday, so I'm in a pretty good mood. LOL!

Glad your DD is home safe and sound. I can TOTALLY understand missing her! ;) Happy to hear the reno is going well.

Okay, time for the QOTD for October 22 (I was thinking about what I'd just said about WW):

Look around at the space you are in right now. We all have "spaces" that we can control or modify and others that we can't do anything about. Is the space that you are in conducive to a healthy lifestyle? What is in your space that inspires you or motivates you or assists your efforts? Are there any items or people in your space that make your journey more difficult? Can you do anything about those "detractors"?

Have a great day, everyone!

GREAT, GREAT question!! My HOME space is very conducive to a healthy lifestyle. My fridge is almost always stocked a good variety of healthy choices.... fruits, veggies, low-fat dairy and cheese, eggs, salsa, guacamole, water, seltzer, flaxseed, salad dressings. My pantry holds plenty of healthy foods too.... oatmeal (quick cooking, regular, and steel cut), lentils, beans, protein powder, popcorn, whole wheat flour, green tea, nuts, organic all-natural peanut butter and other nut butters, vinegar, healthy oils (EVOO, sesame oil, coconut oil), chia seeds, dark chocolate cocoa powder, whole wheat bread and low carb tortillas.

I do have one basket of off-plan treats/snacks that I use for DS's lunches and such. They aren't terribly unhealthy, just not necessarily on my personal eating plan (Clif bars, applesauce packets, and such). They are down low, not near the other foods, next to where I keep the thermoses and his lunch sack. So I really have no reason to go into that cupboard other than when I am packing lunch for him. Out of sight, out of mind.

I keep my free weights handy in the bedroom, my treadmill is ready to be put to use on a moment's notice, my sneakers (all 4 pairs) are lined up neatly in the closet, and I have lots of exercise DVDs I can choose from. We try to stay active by doing lots around the house ourselves (yard work, painting, etc).

Where we fall short is the lack of family exercise time.... we always talk about taking a hike or going kayaking, but it rarely happens. We definitely need to find something we WANT to do as a family (well, at least the 3 of us that are here now). Perhaps we will pull out the Wii sports for the winter.... better than nothing!

Today's QOTD sounds very suspiciously like a high school essay question and I almost feel compelled to write a five-paragraph essay! Almost.

I feel like over the past couple of months, my space has evolved to become more healthy. My fridge has tons of veggies and lean meats. The pantry stores beans and low cal cans of soups. And I don't think my flour and granulated sugar have been touched in months. Although I do still have cake mixes and chips in there, I have really trained myself to pass right over them and reach for the healthier options instead. The next order of business will be to clean the scrap booking area so that my mind can also become healthy!!! ;-)

How great to mention a healthy MIND as well! Wish I had thought of it!

Well I read the Atkins book cover to cover (well in my Kindle) and that is how I am trying to live now.. when I do follow his advise I am healthier and my blood sugar is in control.. as I said last week I've been out of control but have gotten back into my wagon and am trudging on.. it's only day 2 but accoring to my scale is 4.6 less and my blood sugar is 43 less! I just need to keep on keeping! thanks for the kind words and motivation.. I do appreciate it all..

It can be done! I find Atkins to be a "tough" diet to follow for any length of time, but for some folks it is definitely the right choice. DH has been following the lifestyle since post-accident/recovery in early 2011. He lost about 100 pounds and while he had backpedaled a bit this summer, he is back on track and down to his low weight again and losing more (thanks to renewed dedication to the food AND a new gym membership). His "numbers" are great (cholesterol, etc) and he is probably healthier than he has been in all the time we've been married. I have worked pretty hard to make sure that he is satisfied with the food choices available. I've created/modified some recipes to be sure he has some healthy/on-plan treats available most of the time (other than just store-bought Atkins products). While it is a VERY different eating plan than WW, we have been able to find some "common ground" and can eat mostly the same meals these days. I know I've offered some low carb recipes before and I don't know if I ever followed through, but if you are looking for some treats, I have recipes for....

healthy peanut butter cups,
coconut pie,
chocolate truffles,
cinnamon toast pancakes,
peppermint patties,
layered mexican dip with lowcarb tortilla chips.

well my space "right now" is my work cube.. from here I can be on the internet and check the carb counts in the foods I like or might want to eat which is good.. I have many Disney things around which just make me happy but we are allowed to eat at our desk.. soooo I bring my lunch almost everyday even though we have access to a cafe in the lobby (where my Hubs works) and I don't keep anything money with me over $1 that way I can't go in and buy anything just becasue. some of my co-workers are enablers but some are supporters so I have to be careful who I listen too on what days.. LOL..

It is hard when you aren't always surrounded by like-minded folks. But limiting your available cash AND being sure you pack your own healthy, OP meals is a PERFECT solution!

QOTD for October 22:

Look around at the space you are in right now. We all have "spaces" that we can control or modify and others that we can't do anything about. Is the space that you are in conducive to a healthy lifestyle? What is in your space that inspires you or motivates you or assists your efforts? Are there any items or people in your space that make your journey more difficult? Can you do anything about those "detractors"?

My space right now is my office. I spend at least 10 hours here a day. There are many temptations outside my office itself and in our suite, and in particular in the kitchen. There are always animal crackers and dark chocolate hot cocoa, as well as whatever treats anyone has brought in and put on the table. In addition, many of my staff have candy jars or bowls on their desks. (those are less tempting, unless I am stress eating, in which case cardboard could be tempting).

In my office, I have eliminated all non WW point friendly foods that I used to keep here. Everything that is here now is 2 or 3 points value and I can fit in one of those treats each day easily. I've moved the popcorn out of my office and into the kitchen in the hopes that by the time I walk in there, I'll consider having an apple or some grapes before choosing point-ier carbs that provide no fuel to my body.

And, since I just booked our airfare for our trip to Europe next summer, I am going to put a photo in my line of sight that reminds me of the places we will visit, so that I will be inspired to get eat healthier and become more fit.

Love the idea of a trip photo to keep you on the straight and narrow! And remember to get up and move 5 minutes of every one of those 10 hours you are in your office! By the end of the work day you will have walked 50 minutes!!!

Hi, all! :)

I'm getting over a lovely head cold with sinus-y stuff that took up too much of my weekend/Monday...I still went out for a 3.25-mile training run on Sunday afternoon! Jeff Galloway said I could run with a head cold, and he wasn't wrong. :laughing: I felt a little more tired afterward than I would normally expect to, but I got it done. And DH was hugely supportive of my getting some extra rest, coming home early yesterday to take over with the kiddos while I napped for a bit. I think I've turned the corner on it! I definitely fed the cold a little too much, though; time to get that back under control...

How sweet of DH to be so caring.... and I'm impressed that you got out there. I would have had SUCH a hard time overcoming the "sick" excuse!

I work at home most of the time, so my home is a major space for me. I have a dedicated office, and it's a floor away from the kitchen, so getting unhealthy stuff is an effort. I keep "good" snacks in the office. I subscribe to Graze, a snack service that sends me a little box of four snacks per week. I'm on the Graze Light plan, so everything is 2-4 points, and they're yummy! If I need a mid-morning snack, or I just get the munchies, I know I can down one of those without screwing up my points for the day.

My space today is on campus, and I'm currently working in the student center, where I can smell the Auntie Anne's around the corner. Must...resist...!


I have heard about Graze, but it isn't in the budget for now. But I'd love to hear more about their offerings! It might be a great gift idea! Do they offer low carb snack??

I'm in my work space right now. Like many of us, I spend a lot of time here. I feel like this space is pretty much under control. I have healthy snacks available and, thanks to last month's WW habit I have my lunches planned for the week ahead of time. I try to stock the refrigerator for the week on Mondays so I am all set for the week. That usually works, except for when my co-worker, aka DH, helps himself to something I have planned for later. :rolleyes1 We have practiced together for over 20 years -- it's not for everyone but it works for us. :hippie:

Again, I'm loving hearing that the WW meeting topics are really coming into play in people's lives!!

My car space is okay right now, too. I currently have four pairs of running shoes in my car. :rotfl: I also have a couple of sets of workout clothes so when I can start working out again next week I won't have any excuses. Our commute is short so we can all usually manage to survive a short time in the car without food.

Are you officially back to running next week????

It's the home space that really could use some improvement. Like many aspects of this healthy lifestyle thing, I know what I should do but actually doing it is another story. :sad2:


QOTD Oct. 22nd-

My space would be my home. I work a lot on my kitchen island for school and work and I feel I have it under controlled like most of you seem to as well. In keep snacks out and drink lots of water. I also keep a little motivational quote on my desktop so whenever I feel a bad craving, I just read it and focus on how good I will feel if I don't cave into that craving! It works for me!:thumbsup2

We love us a good motivational quote around here! Feel free to share! BAMB used to be really good about getting those to us, but she is super busy with her own life and kids right now. Hopefully she will rejoin us when she is able! Buffy.... we miss you!!!!!

I actually cannot think of a book right now. But, I read lots of magazines including Women's Health, Self, Fitness, and different cooking magazines. Plus, I'm pretty much addicted to Pinterest and am always looking up healthy info there.

I love Pinterest too, but I don't look up exercise very often.... because when I do it makes me feel quite guilty that I am sitting there on my computer watching OTHER people workout!!:lmao:

Well gee, all that food talk didn't make me hungry or jealous at all :laughing:

Sorry!! I talk a good talk, but let's see what actually happens. DS is not a big "foodie" so my weekends with him usually end up with pizza! He wasn't in love with the idea of ice cream for supper and there weren't really any "must sees" at DTD, so now we are tossing around the idea of visiting the new AoA resort instead of DTD. I know it will make DD crazy envious.... especially since it was on our plans this past May and we never made it there. But it would be really cool to see something new at Disney. I'm also hoping to park at the Contemporary and do a monorail loop. But it might make me cry to be "so close but yet so far" from the MK!!!


I'm going back to the soup QOTD. I just remembered I make a "stoup" as Rachel Ray calls it since it's thicker than a soup, but not quite a stew. Anyhow, it's her Stuffed Pepper Stoup recipe. I found it on her website and it is super delicious (probably not super healthy).

I recently made a healthy stuffed pepper soup. We should compare recipes! I have a few recipes I've created that DD deemed "stoup" as well!

Good evening everyone. I am finally getting a chance to check in after a busy weekend and a few stressful days at work. I am going to be sitting down in a few minutes to get a menu organized for dinners over the next 6-7 days and make a grocery list. I am going to try to incorporate more veggies in my day! It's getting cold here in PA (they even said that 4 letter S word may happen tonight or tomorrow night :scared1:). It's getting now where I will want warm lunches and not salads since it'll be so cold out. Does anyone have any suggestions of quick and easy lunches I can pack that are low/no carb? Thanks in advance :)

Okay, I am off to get the kids ready for bed and stalk Pinterest :rotfl:


Warm low carb lunches? Let me give it some thought and I'll get back to you!

I have to be in court early in the morning, so I am going to post tomorrow's QOTD early. :)

QOTD for Wednesday, October 23:

Sometimes it's good to shake up your menu a bit, try new recipes or new ingredients/foods. When is the last time you tried a new recipe or new food? What was it? What did you think of it?

I like to try a new recipe every few weeks, at least. I'm always looking for that new family favorite. Most recent new recipe tried was definitely a keeper (Ratatouille stew).... the one before that got tossed (it was edible but not a favorite.... apricot chicken).

New foods.... not as often. The most recent new food I tried..... I can't even recall! I had pumpkin risotto a few week ago in a restaurant. Does that count? It was good (not surprising) but not as pumpkin-y as I expected. I probably wouldn't order it again because it wasn't really worth the calorie hit. It's not that I am averse to trying new foods.... it's just that there aren't that many out there that I haven't tried (thinking primarily about unprocessed whole foods).

Tried a new recipe for this house yesterday - stuffed green pepper soup. It was yummy.

Okay.... here is another mention of that soup! Where did you get your recipe? I got mine from the SkinnyMom website.

Wednesday QOTD: I've been brave with lots of things lately. Made a butternut squash pasta the other day (a hit). Before that, quinoa (not a hit), couscous (another hit). I usually don't get yellow and green zucchini but recently have made pasta ribbons with them as well as cooking them with tomatoes and Parmesan for a healthy veggie.

Good for you for trying so many new things! Keep trying the quinoa.... by itself it is pretty bland, but I like it in recipes and stews.

Good morning all! :goodvibes

We seem to be getting to that end of the challenge slow down -- a little less chatting, more than a few weigh ins missing. There are still 8 whole days left to make your October a success. Make your Halloween a treat this year! :cool2:

Thanks for that reminder!!!!!!!

I try new recipes quite often. Mostly because I don't do a great job of keeping my recipes that I like well organized. :rotfl: I'm always looking for quick and easy recipes in the various magazines that get every month. I tried this stew recipe this week-end and it was really good. It was a few minutes prep Sunday morning and whole day of smelling delicious dinner. :cool2:


Provencal Beef Stew

2 teaspoons olive oil
1 1/2 pounds boneless chuck roast, trimmed and cut into 1-inch cubes
1 teaspoon kosher salt, divided
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, divided
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 medium onions, each cut into 8 wedges
8 garlic cloves, crushed
1/4 cup dry red wine
1 cup fat-free, lower-sodium beef broth
2 tablespoons tomato paste
3 bay leaves
3 fresh thyme sprigs
1 (14.5-ounce) can diced tomatoes, drained
3 cups (1-inch) slices zucchini
2 cups (1-inch) slices carrots

1. Heat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Sprinkle beef with 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper; dredge in flour. Add beef to pan; sauté 2 minutes, browning on all sides. Place beef in an electric slow cooker. Add onions and garlic to pan; sauté 5 minutes. Add wine to pan, scraping pan to loosen browned bits. Place onion mixture in cooker. Add broth, tomato paste, bay leaves, thyme, and tomatoes to cooker; top with zucchini and carrots. Cover and cook on LOW 8 hours or until beef is tender. Stir in remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt and remaining 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Discard bay leaves and thyme sprigs.

6 servings (1 1/3 c)

Nutritional Information
Amount per serving
Calories: 271
Fat: 8.9g
Saturated fat: 2.8g
Monounsaturated fat: 4.1g
Polyunsaturated fat: 0.6g
Protein: 31.1g
Carbohydrate: 16.5g
Fiber: 3.5g
Cholesterol: 86mg
Iron: 4.2mg
Sodium: 499mg
Calcium: 57mg

Lia Huber, Cooking Light
MARCH 2009

I will add this to the recipe stickie.

I am DEFINITELY adding this to my "try soon" pile!!!

PHEW!! I made it through!


Happy Wednesday my friends! Hoping and praying that everyone is well and healthy today!

Sorry I didn't make it on here yesterday.... the day got away from me in a big way! But here I am, home today!! WOOHOO! Lots to do, of course, but I'm working on it. DH is gone today and tonight, so I won't be making anything big for dinner, so that takes that off today's schedule. DS is attending the first Math Meet of the season at the end of the school day today, so he won't be home at his regular time either. So lots of ME time today if I want to take advantage of it!!

I have some WW work that I MUST get done this morning on the computer and of course the never-ending laundry. I will be away this weekend for three days (between a Friday WW meeting and Parent's weekend at DD's college) and I am working tomorrow at school, so I MUST get some things done today that can't wait. But after the necessities I definitely see some SCRAPPING in my future today!!!

I allotted 45 minutes for computer "chatting" this morning and now it is gone, so I will be dashing off. TTYL when I take my "lunch break"!............P
I have to be in court early in the morning, so I am going to post tomorrow's QOTD early. :)

QOTD for Wednesday, October 23:

Sometimes it's good to shake up your menu a bit, try new recipes or new ingredients/foods. When is the last time you tried a new recipe or new food? What was it? What did you think of it?

My newest recipe is Stuffed Zucchini .. which we have found out we love! both the Hubs and myself.. I got the idea from my mom and modified to be lower carb..

Slice your zucchini in half the long way and hollow out the seeds fill the cavity with this meat mix (cooked sausage and ground beef with garlic and onion) and top with a few tablespoons of spaghetti sauce and shredded parm cheese.. bake 350 till it pierces easy with a fork.. Delish!!

Pam ---

healthy peanut butter cups,
coconut pie,
chocolate truffles,
cinnamon toast pancakes,
peppermint patties,
layered mexican dip with lowcarb tortilla chips

I will take all those recipes.. fill up my PM box if you want .. :0) and kudos to you for making both plans work together and Yay for your hubby!!! It is the lifestyle for me because I do not want to be on meds for my blood sugar but I was having a pity party .. however its' over and time to pull up my big girl panties and get back on track! happy to say day 3 and down again this morning :) (5.7 total from Monday)
I love carrots (raw only) so I was pleasantly surprised to find I loved the vanilla carrots. I think they just cooked them with vanilla extract and yum! :thumbsup2

Interesting! I'll need to try this! I love cooked carrots!

They also were kind enough to serve me some salmon instead of osso bucco, which, even though it was undercooked for my taste, was still really yummy. (STILL can't believe I'm eating fish! :hyper:) There was some some fancy dessert that I tried and a whole bunch (10!) wines I had never tried before. Overall, it was a really fun time with foods I never would have thought I'd enjoy. :yay: The best part was it was at a restaurant on Fort Lauderdale Beach with a full moon. Gorgeous! :love:[/I][/COLOR]

Sounds like a delightful way to try lots of new stuff!!

My newest recipe is Stuffed Zucchini .. which we have found out we love! both the Hubs and myself.. I got the idea from my mom and modified to be lower carb..

Slice your zucchini in half the long way and hollow out the seeds fill the cavity with this meat mix (cooked sausage and ground beef with garlic and onion) and top with a few tablespoons of spaghetti sauce and shredded parm cheese.. bake 350 till it pierces easy with a fork.. Delish!!

I haven't made stuffed zucchini in a long time.... pretty much since we stopped growing our own squash. I miss it! Great job adjusting the recipe to suit your needs.

Pam ---

healthy peanut butter cups,
coconut pie,
chocolate truffles,
cinnamon toast pancakes,
peppermint patties,
layered mexican dip with lowcarb tortilla chips

I will take all those recipes.. fill up my PM box if you want .. :0) and kudos to you for making both plans work together and Yay for your hubby!!! It is the lifestyle for me because I do not want to be on meds for my blood sugar but I was having a pity party .. however its' over and time to pull up my big girl panties and get back on track! happy to say day 3 and down again this morning :) (5.7 total from Monday)

I'll send you the ones that I already have in my computer and then I will need to type up a few of them later.


Okay friends! Four loads of laundry washed and hung on the line, 90+ minutes of WW training online done, emails and FB checked. Now time to make beds, eat lunch, do my 30 minutes of exercise (which will be yard work again today) and have some ME time!! I'm so hungry!!!!!...................P
welp, I have hit a snag. Yesterday I went to the doctor for my hypoglycemia, and it's been dropping very low quite often. NO matter what I eat. So this morning I had a glucose tolerance test. It was very rough for me, thankfully I never fainted or *ahem* up chucked :worship:
But I do feel pretty icky. I am currently eating an egg drop soup, not the best thing for a diet. But I had blood drawn 4 times today! I earned it!
I will hopefully feel better soon and get results on Monday. In the mean time I will continue to try and eat my best and continue running! :)

As for today's question,
I tried a crock pot meal last Friday that I really enjoyed. It was a lemon chicken and roasted potato dish. It took me maybe 20 minutes of prep ( and someone other than me could probably fix it faster, I can't peel potatoes for the life of me) I just put four quartered potatoes in, with four chicken breast. I rubbed the chicken with some oregano, pepper, and I added the juice of one lemon. And this was very good! I found it filling, even with only a few pieces of potato.

Have a great day everyone!
Got behind again. And kind fell off the face of the earth there for a little bit. :)

I am kind of stuck, but not gaining so that is good.

Saturday we ran a 10k in the cold rain (47degrees). It was the most disorganized race I have ever done. We had to wait in traffic afterwards for over an hour. We were soaking wet and it was not too fun. But I finished and like to think I am stronger for it. ;)

Saturday night we went to a concert about an hour away and were stuck in traffic again for over an hour. Goodness, not a good day for traffic! Luckily we didn't have any snacks in the car or I might have gone a little crazy.:rotfl:

Today I take the doggie back for acupuncture (2nd treatment) and I am determined to plan some dinners and do something positive.

I have started 8 min meditation again.

Which answers the earlier qotd.

Two books I like:
The French Don't Diet Plan
8 Minute Meditation

Ok, jumping in from here. :)
Enjoy the rest of the day. :goodvibes
First snow of the season for us today – beautiful huge, falling, flakes that did not stick – ok- it was nice, now, no more please! 
As I skimmed the posts while eating lunch – wow – lots of “life” going on with everyone – kudos to all & especially those who are keeping on target with the challenge & balancing their lives with so much happening! ::yes::

QOTD for Monday, October 21:

Have you read a book that has either inspired you or educated you on this journey to be healthy and fit? If so, what's the book and what did you take away from it?
Courage to Start & Marathoning for Mortals by John Bingham definitely the books that made me realize I could at least TRY to think about walking a ½ marathon- my take away was if you can make it to the start line you are a winner – then go have fun during the event! And yes – managed to complete two half marathons both at WDW (2005 & ’07)with OhMom – those events will always be the highlight of my discipline in exercising! :love:
Most recent book that helped me get back into a healthier lifestyle was The 40-Day Diet Make-over by Penny Dickerson- a complete 40-day plan for weight loss, exercise & daily Bible devotions – I was in an on-line group who read the book & we all tracked our food & exercise on MyfitnessPal and supported one another – my take-away – an accountability group chatting most everyday does really help keep me in line!

QOTD for October 22:
Look around at the space you are in right now. We all have "spaces" that we can control or modify and others that we can't do anything about. Is the space that you are in conducive to a healthy lifestyle? What is in your space that inspires you or motivates you or assists your efforts? Are there any items or people in your space that make your journey more difficult? Can you do anything about those "detractors"?

My space is our home, keeping the kitchen & fridge free of junk food is the best way to succeed for me & DH! :thumbsup2

QOTD for Wednesday, October 23:

Sometimes it's good to shake up your menu a bit, try new recipes or new ingredients/foods. When is the last time you tried a new recipe or new food? What was it? What did you think of it?

Monday tried a Pinterest recipe for friends who were over for dinner, tortellini soup – it was delicious! Crockpot easy – canned tomatoes, cream cheese (I used lowfat) vegetable broth, frozen tortellini & fresh spinach. I served it with freshly grated parmesan cheese & garlic bread – it was a hit! The tortellini I used was 240 calories a cup – 1 cup of the soup was plenty for me – rich flavor and filling for sure! :stir:


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