"What's the Catch - Do I Not Get Bacon?" - 11/27 - TR started!

Hello everyone!


In honour of All Hallows Eve I will be switching up the theme of my update today. It's all about the spooks today folks!


Anyone do anything special for Halloween? I made sure to buy candy that I like, since we won't get any kids at our door (too far out in the sticks!) and I will spend the evening watching the door anyway, and maybe some Star Trek (NG) which I've recently become hooked on after 27 years of never seeing a Star Trek anything. :happytv: Then we head in to my Mother in Law's for fireworks, she puts them on every year.


We are now a mere 11 days away from our trip! Just one full work week left (and a day and a half this week too.)

I have another Day-to-Day plan post, and then one last (probably!) Photography Lesson for you today. I'll jump right to it!

Day 6

November 17

Our last real day in WDW and what do we have planned?

Boma - Flavors of Africa Dinner  7:45 PM

And that's it.


No really! You thought the previous day was easy going, well this one tops it. Our plan is to hang around our resort all day and really, fully explore and enjoy it.

I want to see the whole resort top to bottom!


I want to swim to my heart's content.


Definitely need to use the water slide!


Hopefully I'll get to take some pictures all over! Then for a nice late dinner it's off to Boma.


As many times as I've eaten here for breakfast, I've yet to have a dinner! I'm very excited for that, I love this place. We chose it also so that we don't have to leave the resort all day!

Of course, we just may change our minds...


...and leave the resort after all, but then we have that option if we do get bored. Good chance we will. We have enough park tickets if we wanted to go somewhere this day. There's a good chance I'll want to hit up some more Christmas season celebrations!


It will be another surprise and it's kind of exciting to go to WDW with a fully open day, free to decide where to go at the spur of the moment. Cool! :thumbsup2

So that's it for day 6. I hope to make it back again before I go. I've been better lately so it's a possibility. If anyone wants to follow me on Twitter or Instagram, I'm teekathepony on both and might get a few live pictures and updates in. If you'd like to be friends on Facebook, please feel free to PM me and I'll send out a request! :goodvibes


Photography 101

Lesson 11: General Disney Photo Tips

This lesson will be for a general list of tips for better photography in Disney World. Not the technical side -- we've done that already. These are some tips I've found and some of my own.

- Take the typical pictures. Yeah some will tell you not to waste your time taking the Castle from the front shot ("Buy a postcard instead!") but I say take the shot. Taking your own is more special than buying it, isn't it?

- Further to that last, make sure you take the posed shots in front of the icons. So typical, but necessary. Those are the ones I look back on most!

- Be sure to try new angles as well as the typical. Try to do something you haven't seen before. Try to tell a story with your photo. Think about the composition a little!

- Take pictures of the people in your party -- your kids, parents, partner, yourself. Without the people in some (most) of your pictures, they could be of anyone's vacation. I like to try to catch a picture of Johnny while he's getting a picture of the castle and unaware of me. I get some really nice ones this way. If you have kids, take pictures of them watching the parade/show/fireworks. It will mean more to you than any parade picture! If you don't have kids, do it anyway with whoever you're with! Try taking them from the back, get a little to the side, a little of their face for the expression, and maybe in the background, a little of what they're excited about.

- Stop worrying about how you look in photos. I include this because it's my biggest downfall. I hate pictures of myself, always. It's why I became a photographer -- so I could spend my time on the other side of the camera. The result... well sometimes it looks like Johnny went on vacation alone. If your self image is poor like mine, just remember how much your kids/parents/relatives/friends would love to see those pictures of YOU. I'm getting there.

- Make sure to capture the details. We all say it all the time -- that's what makes Disney different from any other amusement park, right? So that's obviously an important factor to you, right? So grab those light fixtures, interesting pathways, signs and hidden Mickeys.

- Seems obvious, but guys really, extra batteries! ESPECIALLY if your camera takes a lithium battery! AA batteries you can probably get in the park, but not a square lithium. Get an extra or two, have them charged and ready to go.

- One huge 64gb memory card... seems like a good idea but not always. If that one card corrupts, there goes everything instead of just a day or a time. And if, worst case scenario, your card does corrupt or you delete all your files by accident, stop everything! Take that card out, keep it safe, do not touch it again and do not take another photo with it. Get yourself a new memory card, continue with your trip and when you get home, get to a photography store and they can probably recover your pictures.

- If you're forgetful, like me, take pictures of your room number, parking space, rental car, Photopass card, passport, ID, anything that you could potentially lose and really need. Also, put your name and phone number somewhere on your camera and memory cards.

- As soon as you get home (or even while you're there, if you carry a laptop) back up all your pictures. Burn them to a disc and put it somewhere safe. I have a fireproof safe with a DVD of my wedding photos and each vacation. If my hard drive crashes, Flickr goes under and my house burns down, I still have a copy. You know, as long as there are disc drives. Which is kind of going obsolete too. But you get the point.

What are your photography tips? Let's hear them all and make a big list with them!

The pool and lobby look fantastic. I can definitely see you two being able to spend a whole day just exploring. I feel the same way about staying deluxe, if you're going to spend the extra money for the upgrades you might as well take the time to enjoy them.

Very useful Photography 101 tips. Ordering an extra battery for the camera seems like a no-brainer, but I never thought about it until reading your post. :upsidedow
Happy Halloween Wendy!! We used to go all out at work for Halloween where a lot of us dressed up and we had pot luck (I even won best costume). Sadly, after so many people were laid off, that pretty much went away.

I like the idea of resort exploring. See it all! There's nothing wrong with taking advantage of that amazing AKL.

I totally agree with all your "general" photography suggestions. I especially like the "candid" photos the most. These are the ones I always find the most appealing and most importantly, the most real.

I really don't like the idea of having one large memory card for exactly the reasons you mentioned. Multiple smaller ones I find is better. In the past, I would back up to a laptop (if available) at the end of the day too so I always had at least two copies at all times. Memory cards are so cheap now that a handful of 8GB is usually best in my opinion. That way you can store one in a safe place after a day or 2 and then just start fresh on a new one. If, God Forbid, you lose a card, at least it's not ALL your pics.

And of course the best tip of all... BACK UP!!!
Happy Halloween! First year with trick or treaters (just bought a house) and it is pouring BUCKETS. :sad: Le sigh. Oh well, more chocolate for me. ;)

Star Trek! Star Trek! Yay! And TNG is the best, IMO. Glad you've discovered it, even if you're late to the game!

If I don't "see" you before your trip - have an AMAZING time!!!
Your update made me SOOOOO excited!!! How gorgeous is that lobby? We get to wake up to that every morning!!!! Oh and that pool! I certainly hope it's warm enough to swim!

:clown: Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween Wendy!

Great photography tips! I took an extra battery for my 7D with me for this trip I just took. I went nearly went through both batteries each day. I also brought two chargers so I could simultaneously charge both overnight :rotfl:

I was so paranoid about something happening to my image files on the compact flash I took my laptop and my external drive with me. Ok, I had to bring my laptop for the conference but I did bring the external hard drive just so I could back up all of my image files each night. All in all, I think I had about 4100 RAW+JPEG files for each picture! Crazy :rotfl:

I'm so happy to see your trip being so close! Can't wait to live vicariously through you and your trip to Disney! :thumbsup2

Oh, and I did the opposite for Boma. Always done dinner never breakfast. So tried breakfast for the first time yesterday before coming home. LOVED IT!
The pool and lobby look fantastic. I can definitely see you two being able to spend a whole day just exploring. I feel the same way about staying deluxe, if you're going to spend the extra money for the upgrades you might as well take the time to enjoy them. Very useful Photography 101 tips. Ordering an extra battery for the camera seems like a no-brainer, but I never thought about it until reading your post. :upsidedow
Absolutely, that was our attitude too, if we are going to be at this amazing resort, we'd best make all the use of it we can!
Many people don't think of a battery until t he day before they go on vacation and some are hard to find!

Happy Halloween Wendy!! We used to go all out at work for Halloween where a lot of us dressed up and we had pot luck (I even won best costume). Sadly, after so many people were laid off, that pretty much went away. I like the idea of resort exploring. See it all! There's nothing wrong with taking advantage of that amazing AKL. I totally agree with all your "general" photography suggestions. I especially like the "candid" photos the most. These are the ones I always find the most appealing and most importantly, the most real. I really don't like the idea of having one large memory card for exactly the reasons you mentioned. Multiple smaller ones I find is better. In the past, I would back up to a laptop (if available) at the end of the day too so I always had at least two copies at all times. Memory cards are so cheap now that a handful of 8GB is usually best in my opinion. That way you can store one in a safe place after a day or 2 and then just start fresh on a new one. If, God Forbid, you lose a card, at least it's not ALL your pics. And of course the best tip of all... BACK UP!!!
Happy day after Halloween Rob! I was off yesterday, but we don't really do anything for Halloween at work. There are only 3 of us anyway! Lol
I definitely want to see as much of AKL as I can while I'm there. I can't wait to see it!
Glad you liked the general tips :) candid shots are always my favourite. They say so much more than "cheese!" Hehehe
I have a few 32g cards for video but even still, I'm always nervous. And I travel as light as possible so I never take a laptop. Thankfully (knock on wood!) so far no issues.

Happy Halloween! First year with trick or treaters (just bought a house) and it is pouring BUCKETS. :sad: Le sigh. Oh well, more chocolate for me. ;) Star Trek! Star Trek! Yay! And TNG is the best, IMO. Glad you've discovered it, even if you're late to the game! If I don't "see" you before your trip - have an AMAZING time!!!
Aww no fun! We are getting the rain now, and wind too! It's not nice. We didn't get any trick or treaters last night, as expected. Well, unless you count my dad showing up with some caramel apples!
I'm kind of addicted to TNG! I'm going to try to watch each series, this one was just on Netflix so I went for it! Lol Data is my favourite.

Your update made me SOOOOO excited!!! How gorgeous is that lobby? We get to wake up to that every morning!!!! Oh and that pool! I certainly hope it's warm enough to swim! :clown: Happy Halloween!
I know! It doesn't feel real! I literally can't wrap my head around the fact that I actually get to stay there. I also hope it's warm enough to swim, but then I'm also a Cape Bretoner and have tough skin and thick Canadian blood. :rotfl:

Happy Halloween Wendy! Great photography tips! I took an extra battery for my 7D with me for this trip I just took. I went nearly went through both batteries each day. I also brought two chargers so I could simultaneously charge both overnight :rotfl: I was so paranoid about something happening to my image files on the compact flash I took my laptop and my external drive with me. Ok, I had to bring my laptop for the conference but I did bring the external hard drive just so I could back up all of my image files each night. All in all, I think I had about 4100 RAW+JPEG files for each picture! Crazy :rotfl: I'm so happy to see your trip being so close! Can't wait to live vicariously through you and your trip to Disney! :thumbsup2 Oh, and I did the opposite for Boma. Always done dinner never breakfast. So tried breakfast for the first time yesterday before coming home. LOVED IT!
Welcome back, Dave! Happy Halloween!
I have only two batteries, but they last so long I think I'll be ok. I'll also have to just charge both each night! Wonder if I can borrow a charger from work... Hmm...
I'm not bringing a laptop, too bulky and I pack super light. I'll have my iPad, but nothing to back up my pictures onto. I'll have to take my chances and ignore my own good advice!
Yikes! 4100? Hahaha have fun going through those!

Sent from my iPad using DISBoards
10 days!!!!! :D oh my gosh I'm so excited for you!! I love day 6!! I highly suggest getting over to Kidani as well, they have 3 animal lookout areas and it's less busy than Jambo :)

Love that you suggest so many typical shots :) Often my family looks like they vacation without me too... : / To alleviate this I'm contemplating getting DH a camera for Xmas.... Something more compact.

If you don't get back on have a safe trip!! And have a TON of fun!! Also, just an FYI you are responsible for filling my Disney Xmas fix ;)
10 days!!!!! :D oh my gosh I'm so excited for you!! I love day 6!! I highly suggest getting over to Kidani as well, they have 3 animal lookout areas and it's less busy than Jambo :)
We were really hoping to get to Kidani too, I just want to see everything! 3 lookout areas? Yeah... good luck getting me home!:rotfl:

Love that you suggest so many typical shots :) Often my family looks like they vacation without me too... : / To alleviate this I'm contemplating getting DH a camera for Xmas.... Something more compact.
My DH has a camera... but he never thinks to get pictures of me! Hahaha oh well, I have my memories! Hoping your DH uses his possible future camera to include you :thumbsup2

If you don't get back on have a safe trip!! And have a TON of fun!! Also, just an FYI you are responsible for filling my Disney Xmas fix ;)
Thank you!! And I'll do my very best!
Hi guys! Happy Saturday! I'm at work (an hour and a half left to go!) and just stopping in to do my...









4 work days to go!!


I can't wait!!


As if that's not exciting enough, after work today Johnny and I are going to a tree farm to tag our Christmas tree!


We always do it the first weekend in November when the farm opens for tagging. We take the dogs and make a day of it! Unfortunately we always disagree on what kind of tree to get, but it results in some laughs and a good meet-in-the-middle tree too.

Next weekend is the long weekend for Remembrance day and that's the weekend we traditionally put up our Christmas lights!


We don't turn them on until later, but we get them on the house while the weather's still warm and there's no ice underfoot.

I've been busy at work getting ready for Santa Claus.


You see our store takes and prints the Santa photos at the mall! I have been designing the print borders, signs and all other materials we may need because Santa starts just three days after I get back from Disney! Can you believe it? The holidays are a-coming, folks!

That's all for now, I have to get back to work, but have a great weekend everyone!
Happy single digits Wendy!!!! How exciting!

Loved your Halloween update. I actually did dress for Halloween, I need to get photos up on FB. I love to get creative but this year it was an out of the bag costume, not as fun but at least I got into the spirit!

As for your plans... I love Boma but I've never had dinner there. I would love to try that sometime. The pool did look fabulous although I didn't take a dip there the last 2 trips.

I'm all about extra batteries and plenty of memory cards. Once I had the camera in raw + jpeg mode and I couldn't figure out why my memory card was filling so fast. Doh!

I am a huge fan of Elf - that was an awesome gif!

Enjoy your final countdown!:)
YAYAYAYAYAY for single digits!!! So excited for you!! Have a fantastic trip!!!! :santa:

I find time flies once you're in the double digits! It sure did for me!

I hit that in two weeks, so I'm gonna cross my fingers that you're right!!

Hehehe when I see posts online about slowing down on Christmas until thanksgiving is over I like to remind everyone that my thanksgiving was over long ago! :rofl: (the benefits of being farther north -- shorter days = earlier harvests = earlier thanksgiving = Halloween is my only obstacle to christmas! )

Oh my gosh!! You just inspired me to be brilliant. LOL. I get the whole "can we Thanksgiving first" thing too.... and to me, Thanksgiving is okay. (I like it a lot better when my family ISN'T 1600 miles away!) But it's just a day... Christmas to me is a way of life.

SOOO... I'm going to start celebrating YOUR Thanksgiving! I'm a lot closer to Canada than I am to Plymouth Rock. Hahaha.

I've been busy at work getting ready for Santa Claus.


You see our store takes and prints the Santa photos at the mall! I have been designing the print borders, signs and all other materials we may need because Santa starts just three days after I get back from Disney! Can you believe it? The holidays are a-coming, folks!

You have the coolest job!!!! Enjoy!!
Oh yay, Christmas tree time!!! I love that! I pulled my little tree out of storage and have it waiting for.... well, it's just waiting for me to put it up I guess! I live alone, so Christmas starts when I WANT Christmas to start!

Hard to believe it's single digits already! Mine start at midnight. :crazy2:

I don't know if it's just me, but this is the time I worry about picking up a cold. Would it make me look crazy if I said I had a "I'm sick" plan in place as well as an anticipated plan for parks? :sick:
YAY for SINGLE DIGIT DANCE... And WOW that is a lot of dancing. I'd think you were excited or something. :confused3

Ah yes Remembrance Day. Since it's not a federal stat holiday, and since I work for a national company, I don't get that day off. But we do get "floater days" that we can use for these types of things. In fact. I won't be working a Monday again until December 16. The benefits of having a bunch of vacation days that have to be used before December 31.

And ELF!!!!!!!!!!!! I so love that movie. So much so that when it was in theatres I went to see it twice in the span of three days!!

Whoo! Single digits! :dance3:

That's so exciting. It's near impossible to accomplish anything when you're that close to your Disney trip. All you can think about is being in the parks and eating Disney food. :goodvibes Hopefully, you can get the Santa signs and borders knocked out quickly.

I cannot let Alex read your PTR; he's been nagging me about putting up our Christmas decorations before our trip, and if he sees that other people are already picking out trees, I'll lose that battle. :rotfl2: However, that being said, it's really cool that you go and tag your tree and take your dogs with you! I bet that's the perfect way to start the holiday season.
Whoo hoo!! Single Digits!

Can't wait to see your pictures! And I LOVE Elf! My kids love it too. They especially love the scene where he lets out that awesome burp after chugging down the whole 2L bottle of Coke. I bought tickets to go see the musical at the Kennedy Center in December for DD. Can't wait!
Yay, single digits!!!!! :banana::banana::banana:

Okay, Star Trek: TNG is the best ever! It's so addictive. That show hit the airwaves when I was 6, and we watched it from the start.
Once again, I have been missing in action. I'm glad I am here in time to help you celebrate your single digit dance.


The new glasses look great on you!

Love your Day 5 "plans". How nice not to have an overscheduled day. We really enjoy T-Rex too. But Beware- portions are HUGE, so you may want to graze on appetizers or split a meal so that you can save room for



Mark and I were just talking today about how much we enjoyed the dessert party as we were looking at pictures from our summer trip.

Day 6 is awesome, too! Boma is my favorite restaurant at Disney (although La Hacienda is giving it a run for the money).

We tagged our tree last weekend. My son pointed out that it was a lesson in reverse survival of the fittest. The ugly trees are the ones that survive.

How do your cats do with the trees? Two years ago we couldn't stop the kittens from climbing into the branches, but last year was much better.

What are your photography tips? Let's hear them all and make a big list with them!

My camera tip is not really a photography tip, but a suggestion. The first picture I take on my memory card is my name and email address and sometimes cell phone number.

I like to think that most people are honest, and if I lose my camera, someone who finds it will return it if they are given adequate clues to how to reach me.

PS- Sent you a PM

Happy single digits Wendy!!!! How exciting!
Thanks Brenda!!

Loved your Halloween update. I actually did dress for Halloween, I need to get photos up on FB. I love to get creative but this year it was an out of the bag costume, not as fun but at least I got into the spirit!
I saw the pictures, you were too cute! Getting into the spirit is what counts.

As for your plans... I love Boma but I've never had dinner there. I would love to try that sometime. The pool did look fabulous although I didn't take a dip there the last 2 trips.
I love the atmosphere around Boma, it's so awesome! I can't say anything about the pool from personal experience, but I hope to soon!

I'm all about extra batteries and plenty of memory cards. Once I had the camera in raw + jpeg mode and I couldn't figure out why my memory card was filling so fast. Doh!
Ohhhh that will fill a memory card fast, that's for sure!

I am a huge fan of Elf - that was an awesome gif!
Me too, I've already watched it once this Christmas pre-season! :rotfl:

Enjoy your final countdown!:)
Thank you!!

YAYAYAYAYAY for single digits!!! So excited for you!! Have a fantastic trip!!!! :santa:

I hit that in two weeks, so I'm gonna cross my fingers that you're right!!
Well it worked for me, that's for sure!!

Oh my gosh!! You just inspired me to be brilliant. LOL. I get the whole "can we Thanksgiving first" thing too.... and to me, Thanksgiving is okay. (I like it a lot better when my family ISN'T 1600 miles away!) But it's just a day... Christmas to me is a way of life.

SOOO... I'm going to start celebrating YOUR Thanksgiving! I'm a lot closer to Canada than I am to Plymouth Rock. Hahaha.
Sounds like a great idea to me! :rotfl:

You have the coolest job!!!! Enjoy!!
I used to actually take the photos... that was not so cool. :rotfl: but I do love what we do in the store, it's a lot of fun, especially for someone who loves Christmas!

Oh yay, Christmas tree time!!! I love that! I pulled my little tree out of storage and have it waiting for.... well, it's just waiting for me to put it up I guess! I live alone, so Christmas starts when I WANT Christmas to start!
It's just Johnny and I here, and he would decorate for Christmas in September! I end up holding him back a little, but we do decorate fairly early. Whenever we WANT Christmas to start, you could say! :rotfl:

Hard to believe it's single digits already! Mine start at midnight. :crazy2:
Well in that case, happy single digits!! :cheer2:

I don't know if it's just me, but this is the time I worry about picking up a cold. Would it make me look crazy if I said I had a "I'm sick" plan in place as well as an anticipated plan for parks? :sick:
I have been fighting with something for a month, some days I win and some days it wins. I definitely know what you're feeling and no, it's not just you! I'd like to fight it off for good before we go!

YAY for SINGLE DIGIT DANCE... And WOW that is a lot of dancing. I'd think you were excited or something. :confused3
You'd think, eh? :lmao:

Ah yes Remembrance Day. Since it's not a federal stat holiday, and since I work for a national company, I don't get that day off. But we do get "floater days" that we can use for these types of things. In fact. I won't be working a Monday again until December 16. The benefits of having a bunch of vacation days that have to be used before December 31.
I was thinking it was a federal stat holiday. My little store closes for most holidays (my boss likes long weekends! :rotfl: ) so I tend to forget which are which. How awesome to have no Mondays until Dec. 16!!

And ELF!!!!!!!!!!!! I so love that movie. So much so that when it was in theatres I went to see it twice in the span of three days!!

I love it too! I own it and watch it at least four times per Christmas season! Hahaha

More replies later! I'm going to be late for work! :rotfl:


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