Come to the Dark Side...4 Weekends of Fun with the Force(Updated 11/12)

I'm so glad to hear that JJ is having a lot more success with the tics. This blesses me to hear! :)

It's fun watching JJ having such a great time at the SW days. Chewbacca was amazing!! :love:

What a treat!! Did he motion y'all over while he still had a line?
I just saw that on your PTR about the dates. Ah man! That's such a bummer, but at least they'll get you in by Christmas. I'm so sorry you won't be in by Thanksgiving.

It does look beautiful. I saw the new tile pics on fb. Are the bathroom walls pink?

Thanks. Very magical. :)

He has not done Mad Libs, but I'll have to look for the Star Wars ones. No, we don't have them. That would be a good fun way to review what he's been learning in Language Arts. He's learned nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs.

My mom's bathroom is pink, the girls bathroom is Cinderella's dress blue and my future Villain bathroom is gray.

I am okay with not being home for Thanksgiving, I figure that we will have a huge celebration later.

I would like to get them for JJ, but I wanted to make sure he didn't have them first.
I'm so glad to hear that JJ is having a lot more success with the tics. This blesses me to hear! :)

It's fun watching JJ having such a great time at the SW days. Chewbacca was amazing!! :love:

What a treat!! Did he motion y'all over while he still had a line?

Thanks. It was so nice to have a full day tick free and seizure free!

He was definitely in his element at SSW. Being singled out like that by Chewbacca was an incredible experience for him. He always has a line.

My mom's bathroom is pink, the girls bathroom is Cinderella's dress blue and my future Villain bathroom is gray.

I am okay with not being home for Thanksgiving, I figure that we will have a huge celebration later.

I would like to get them for JJ, but I wanted to make sure he didn't have them first.

Love the Disney theme for the rooms. Sometimes my computer's color is off, so I wasn't sure if the paint was pink.

He doesn't have them, but you sure don't have to get them for him.
Thanks. It was so nice to have a full day tick free and seizure free!

He was definitely in his element at SSW. Being singled out like that by Chewbacca was an incredible experience for him. He always has a line.

Love the Disney theme for the rooms. Sometimes my computer's color is off, so I wasn't sure if the paint was pink.

He doesn't have them, but you sure don't have to get them for him.

Oh I know I don't have to. I want to get them for him. I would have gotten them today but I wasn't sure whether he had them or not. After I get them I will message you on Facebook before I send them.
Today has been going relatively well. At JJ's appointment today, he had a leg tick. He practiced his deep breathing until it went away. But none since.

I was going to post pics from last night, but photobucket isn't cooperating.

The Chewie moment was very cool!

Megan's nails are pretty too. The dress looks like it was made for her.

Did I tell you that JJ has a performance while you're here? Unfortunately Dh works that night and Grumpy won't get out of school in time to go, otherwise I'd see if we could work it out to send someone to get you and Megan to see the play and take you back.

:cheer2::cheer2: JJ for working through your tic!!! so proud of him!

it does fit her well! first time she had red nails too!

what night? would love to see JJ perform! will have to check our schedule once you tell me which night, could always rent a car for the day

Oh my gosh Lisa! What an amazing picture! She is such a beautiful young lady.

Well our dates have changed so that we are going to move in on November 29. Two weeks later than originally arranged. It's all good. Everything is new and beautiful!

thanks Michele! hard to believe she's only 13 :scared: I'm going to be in trouble soon having the boys calling!

sure you are so excited to get back into the house, Christmas will be a wonderful thing to celebrate for you all this year :goodvibes
Oh I know I don't have to. I want to get them for him. I would have gotten them today but I wasn't sure whether he had them or not. After I get them I will message you on Facebook before I send them.

So sweet that you were thinking of him. :hug:
Glad he had a good day yesterday and only a little one he was able to get under control today.

Ok I had to laugh because James has been on a kick the last couple days with watching ride video's from Disneyland and some how watched the Pooh Ride at WDW. Now he's been asking for the one with the honey pot not the beehive. :rotfl2: Glad you guys got to ride it and not over the internet!!

Love the pictures!! I love seeing the smiles of the people in the background too. it looks like they could tell it was a magical moment happening then too.

Hope the rain stayed away for the JTA for Trev!
Glad he had a good day yesterday and only a little one he was able to get under control today.

Ok I had to laugh because James has been on a kick the last couple days with watching ride video's from Disneyland and some how watched the Pooh Ride at WDW. Now he's been asking for the one with the honey pot not the beehive. :rotfl2: Glad you guys got to ride it and not over the internet!!

Love the pictures!! I love seeing the smiles of the people in the background too. it looks like they could tell it was a magical moment happening then too.

Hope the rain stayed away for the JTA for Trev!

Sounds like James is ready to go back to Disneyland. Next year he'll get to try out the WDW Pooh.

Definitely a magical moment!
thanks for the kind remarks Tink & Judy on Megan's photo...I had a hard time with her getting a strapless & she had wedge heels too, but she looked so beautiful I had to get it for her!

It was a perfect choice Lisa. :goodvibes

Michelle...YEA for such a fabulous day! I am so happy to read that news and that JJ was able to enjoy his day quite successfully, I might add! :woohoo::woohoo:
I know that felt great. :hug::yay::yay::yay: It made me happy to read. :cloud9:
Day 10: Part 3 Trev’s MAW JTA

No rain!! The sun was shining. We headed over to JTA and took position at our favorite spot, the side of the stage. For some reason, people don’t seem to like to stand here. Maybe it’s because you have to stay behind the line so you don’t get run over by the Photopass photographer? Whatever the reason, it’s our favorite spot to view JTA.

Trev’s guide had his family standing behind all the parents. I went over and asked Jackie if she knew if Trev would be on the stage or on the ground. She said he was going to be with Darth Vader, that’s all she knew. So I suggested her family come stand with us on the side so she could see the stage better. Where they were standing the viewing would have been better for those battling Ventress.

Trev looked nervous at first. And once Darth Vader came out he looked like he couldn’t wait for his turn. But they kept putting him behind other children. In my head, I knew this was a good sign. Because when JJ did JTA this year, he kept being put in the back. When it came to his turn, he got the best part. The same thing happened with Trevor!

Wow, the force is strong with this one! Go Trev!

They had more things to do based on their itinerary for the MAW trip. JJ was hot and tired and was ready to head back to the resort and rest. We started saying goodbyes, but ended up both families walking the same direction. JJ spotted the Modal Nodes and had so much to say to one. He was trying to give JJ a FP for Star Tours. JJ explained to him that the ride gives him seizures so he can give the FP to someone else. He also told him he did a great job in Hoopla and that he loves their music. You'll also notice JJ is holding his air conditioner.

Then JJ posed for a picture.

The modal node started turning to walk away, but JJ told him that his friend is on a MAW trip and he's got to meet him.

We said goodbyes again and this time we did part ways. JJ was tuckered out. We spent the rest of the day and evening at our resort in the room. Got take out for dinner, watched tv, and relaxed.

ETA: It must have been before we left the park we stopped at Darth's Mall. They had some toys marked down 50% and we bought something for JJ. While I was shopping, he and dh went over to play Angry Birds. On the way over there, Ashley passed by them and stopped to chat. She was on her way to autograph signing. He was so happy for the chat. It was the best day ever.

Then he went to play the Angry Birds game. This time he hit the targets dead on. But they were out of prizes. His best day ever suddenly became the worse day ever.

So a sulking JJ joined me in line to pay for the stuff. I reminded him that he got a prize that one day before the game started. So he already had a bonus and he should consider that the prize for today. Dave walked by and stopped to chat. He had just flown in from NY. Once again it was the best day ever.


Michelle...YEA for such a fabulous day! I am so happy to read that news and that JJ was able to enjoy his day quite successfully, I might add! :woohoo::woohoo:
I know that felt great. :hug::yay::yay::yay: It made me happy to read. :cloud9:

Yes! We definitely celebrate those good days!
such a wonderful day for Trev! and happy you guys got to share in it!

think you missed my post from last night about JJ's play, let me know what day he is performing and hopefully we can work it out!
such a wonderful day for Trev! and happy you guys got to share in it!

think you missed my post from last night about JJ's play, let me know what day he is performing and hopefully we can work it out!

Yes, so sorry I did miss your post. I sent you the info.

:cheer2::cheer2: JJ for working through your tic!!! so proud of him!

it does fit her well! first time she had red nails too!

what night? would love to see JJ perform! will have to check our schedule once you tell me which night, could always rent a car for the day

thanks Michele! hard to believe she's only 13 :scared: I'm going to be in trouble soon having the boys calling!

sure you are so excited to get back into the house, Christmas will be a wonderful thing to celebrate for you all this year :goodvibes

We could probably send someone to go fetch you. The only thing is that these shows end up reaching capacity. Now, with a cast of 50, I'm sure it will be even harder to get a seat. Last show people started lining up at 5:30pm.
It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas!

From our Monday night out.

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Enchanted Tales with Belle

Looking forward to checking out the Jingle Cruise and the castle show sometime soon.

Sounds like James is ready to go back to Disneyland. Next year he'll get to try out the WDW Pooh.

Definitely a magical moment!

He is more than ready to go. The other day DH and I were talking about what to do for Thanksgiving. We had decided to go to my parent's house in Oregon (since I'll be able to relax up there) but then he called me about a week later on his way home from work and said How about we go ahead and go to DL. :scared1: WHAT!! So we priced it again and have been talking about it since. We asked the kids where they wanted to go for Thanksgiving 2 out of 3 said DL one said Grandma's!! WTH I thought I had them all trained right. :rotfl2: Jeremy is my hold out (he's the one who wants to go to Grandma's). So we're still talking but we're also saying it's probably smart to save the money and be able to do the extras we want to do next year at WDW. So we'll see what happens.

Love that Trev got to be the kid that got to do the special part of the show!! That is great!!! Glad you guys got to experience that with them!
How fun for JJ to be able to share the day with Trevor!

Love the Christmas decorations... makes me want to take a trip in December. When we arrive in January, the decorations will have just come down. :sad2:
thanks for sending me the info on JJ's bummed its the night we are flying to WDW :(
love the holiday decorations, can't wait to see them in person and really looking forward to the Jingle Cruise!
hope you are having a great day :goodvibes
Getting all caught up on Dis today....Love the updates on SWW. JJ and Trevor were just adorable together. That does sound like one of the best days ever - and the pixie dust with Chewbacca was amazing. The photo of JJ and Chewbacca hugging brought tears to my eyes! How sweet of Chewbacca to bring JJ in like that.

Glad to hear the tics have calmed down some and that JJ is able to control them some with his new techniques. OT seems to be helping in many ways.

The photos you posted of Christmas decorations make me want it to be Dec 2014 so bad.... thanks for all the info on the resorts. We asked my dh's sister and her husband to go with us. They went with us a few years ago after a bad car accident. I'm hoping this time will be even more enjoyable for them. Can't wait!

Still working on my grandfathers' estate. Hoping to get all of his clothes gone through this week. My grandmother went into the hospital last week. It was determined she had a small stroke (I honestly believe it happened at the end of the funeral). All is ok and I am happy to report she has been feeling her best the last two days (knock on wood!!).

When's JJ's theater shows? Sounds like he is doing really well!

Have a great day!!


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