Jiminy's June 2015 W.I.S.H. Weight Loss Challenge!! Any and All welcome to join!!

Well AZ is getting hotter by the day. I believe I will be going to Planet Fitness tomorrow to see about signing up getting too hot to take my outdoor walks comfortably. I want to keep these losses going. Tracked food today loosely. I know I'm off a tad. I look forward to spending some evenings at the PF working out. :) My friend was talking about joining with me but then was planning to move away out of state. She's staying but moving an hour away so probably won't have my workout buddy option at all. Not going to let it stop me though. Unless I go to LA Fitness because then my daughter could join next month. But the fee is more monthly there.

Pick the gym that you will be most likely to USE!! Sorry your workout buddy moved away!

So as a check in I didn't lose or gain this week. I had a terrible lunch on Wednesday because I went out and then yesterday I indulged a little for dinner too. Back on it today and hoping next week is much better!

Maintaining is important too!!

I'm down 2 out of 5 lbs., so 40%. I started late so I'm not quite halfway there, but I think I can still make goal by the end of the month! :) I realized this morning that I was able to get out of bed and walk without my feet screaming at me in protest, lol! Those first several days after going from not much activity to walking 10,000+ steps my feet were really complaining!

WOOHOO on hitting 40% !!

Checking in. Didn't gain or lose this this week. So I'll work twice as hard now.

I did find out I do not suffer from allergies, but have a weak immune system. :sad2: So now I know what's wrong and getting it back on track.

Set yourself up for success.
Well given the diets in the house (dad needs sugar free, low/no sodium, and heart healthy) we are pretty much cooking from scratch and healthy. Growing our own veggies. We plan to go and pick fresh fruit in season. My DH new job requires him to keep up with physical fitness. So we are working out together:yay:.

Sounds like you have a pretty healthy kitchen overall! And great that you can workout with DH!



Can I come back??? :flower3:

Yesterday was the first day of summer vacation and I did this today!

DD19 finished her first year of college about a month ago and came home with the dreaded Freshman 15. DD15 has unfortunately inherited my body type and has curves that seem to get bigger whenever she looks at food, and hypoglycemia issues that make eating and food a pain the patootie for her. And I don't even want to admit that I have gained back all the weight I lost last year and more. I am pretty sure if I were to step on the scale I would be very unhappy with the first number. So I am going to live in denial for a few weeks before I actually weigh myself. So we have all decided that for the summer we are going to cut out junk food (other than an occasional treat) and focus on healthy meals. Today we came up with some new and old options we want to have for dinners this week. We all agreed that we love salad so that or leftovers will be lunch. Tomorrow we will need to go grocery shopping for meat and veggies so the list is started.

SOOOOO happy to see you back! DD and I are both in need of returning to healthier eating as well, but she is home so little that every visit feels like a celebration! Need to stop the celebration eating however!! I predict a SUPER HEALTHY summer for us and our daughters!!

Checking in:

I'm at 50% of my goal (walk 3 times per week for 30 minutes). I've actually been walking 35 minutes once a week and 40 the other 2 nights so while it's a small increase, at least it's an increase.


Is it too late to join? I'm a newbie! I've been hanging out on the boards a while, but just realized this one was here!

My goal is to walk at least 300 minutes by the end of the month. Preferably in 30 min stretches four days a week.

NEVER too late!! Welome aboard!! Can't wait to get to know a bit more about you!!

Hey folks, checking in finally. I've been a bit of a downward emotional spiral for the past couple of weeks, which has led to me eating pretty much everything that isn't nailed to the floor, not going to the gym and not being able to run outside due to a foot problem.

So, what do we do when we hit rock bottom?

Plan another Disney vacation!

I haven't booked yet, I'm just waiting on a price check from my dad's travel agent but *fingers crossed* I should know by Tuesday! My parents are going down for free dining in November so the tentative plan is to surprise my mum for her birthday. =)

Hopefully the promise of a vacation will help me pull myself together. Sorry I've missed weigh ins and all that jazz, but I think I should be able to get back on track this week.

PS anyone planning on heading to WDW in November? I may be solo for a day and would love to have someone to hang with.

SO wish I was..... but I can live vicariously through you, right?? And a Disney vacation is always a great motivator to get those extra pounds off!

Bowing out this mo th guys. Sorry live just crazy and I keep missing deadlines here and then I feel guilty that I haven't posted. Wishing everyone the best of luck and hope to rejoin soon x

Don't bow out..... feel free to come on and say hello when you have a minute. We are a GUILT-FREE ZONE!! Chat when you can and that is good enough for me!!
So far this month, I have walked 10 miles and lost 2 pounds towards my June goal of 5 pounds. :daisy:


I do all of my "planning" on Saturday nights - I set up my to-do list for the week, my meal plan, and my exercise plan. I have it all set up in a Word document.
Here's a slightly redacted version of this week's list:
View attachment 102923

I don't have a huge amount on there right now (there will be more added as the week goes on), and some of my meal plans aren't complete, but having this done on Saturday nights makes my week a little easier!

OOohhhh..... a fancy spreadsheet! LOVE IT!!

Only down 1lb this week... But that's 10% of my June goal, which sounds way better. Got up a little later than I wanted so I'm scrambling to get in some treadmill time before work. Back later to catch up!

Sorry you overslept, but good job fitting in the TM anyhow!

Morning friends! The whirlwind summer has begun, grad party check, college orientation check, amusement day check, attending more grad parties check.,......begin packing for cancun

What a great month of newcomers and lots of chatting! I'm sorry for me that I'm missing out!

I'm at rock bottom again too....was doing so good that I allowed myself some slack with grad party food and drink, then eating out for 3 days in a row.....I'm feeling very fluffy and my clothes are snug. I have less then two weeks before we leave for vacation. I really really want to buckle down and get rid of some of the extra before going. I need avoid alcohol to keep my water retention under control and detox sugar :sad2:

I'm feeling "extra fluffy" myself.... today especially! I see a juice fast in my future soon! That usually helps me "reset" my system.


Hey all! Lookie here.... I've got internet! Borrowed a student Chromebook for the day. I've got students most of the day, but I should have a few minutes here and there to read as you all post. And I'm pretty well caught up for now, so feeling pretty good about that.

Off to hit the potty before my student arrives! TTYL..............P
You know in your heart that you must find a way to pull out of this downward spiral. But what to do?? Let's help a friend (or two) out here..... Please tell us what YOU do to recover or pull yourself up from that rock bottom place. How do you remind yourself that YOU are worth the effort??

I actually don't have any tips for this issue, as I've yet to pull myself back up! I have motivators for losing the weight (like I can't sit AND breathe at the same time in my wedding dress! :rolleyes1 :rotfl:) but haven't made much progress yet and have a hard time bouncing back when the scale doesn't change because it's so discouraging. So I allow myself one splurge night because I'm discouraged... which turns into more because, well, if I've already had one... And I wonder why I even bother getting up and wasting time on the treadmill or walking outside, because it's hard and hot and not making a difference. So I'm excited to see others' tips on this! I've tried putting pictures around of myself from when I weighed less as goals, or hanging the clothes I want to fit back into in plain sight so I can keep my goal in mind, but when you're making changes and they aren't working, it's really frustrating!

Squeezed in 20 minutes on the treadmill before work this morning. The plan is to fit in a 30 minute session with Daily Burn when I get home and do some weights sometime before I go to bed. Hopefully that will get accomplished. I'll be ok with just getting the weights in, but I feel like I need to ramp up my cardio.

We've got our first wedding shower this Saturday, so I'm really worried about staying on track... DH2B's family is hosting a couple's shower, and because it's the in-laws I don't want to not eat their food! But on the other hand, I don't do well with large groups of people focused solely on me in a setting like that, so I probably will be too anxious to eat haaaahaha. We'll see how it goes! Maybe I'll step up my game this week in anticipation. I didn't get in any treadmill time yesterday but I did mow the yard yesterday morning, so that counts, right? LOL.
Thanks for the encouragement Pamela. Think I will try to keep up with it all but if I don't post progress at the weekend I won't worry so much knowing that I've put it out there that I'm struggling to check in. Thanks for being so understanding. Today has been a better day as i managed to fit a walk in the park in this morning and eating is on track so far today. Just taking it one day at a to and trying to stay on course but between wedding plans and caring for my mum and working I've been known to throw in the towel and order carry out (more than once last week)! Resolving to eat home-cooked food at least 6 days this week and trying to plan better. Looking forward to reading everyone's tips later in the week :). Thanks again :)
QOTD for Monday, June 15, 2015:

It seems like a few folks are STRUGGLING this month to get/stay OP and there was a mention of hitting "rock bottom." We've all been there....one splurge day turns into a weekend of out of control eating... and then Monday's workout seems like an effort in futility. You know in your heart that you must find a way to pull out of this downward spiral. But what to do?? Let's help a friend (or two) out here..... Please tell us what YOU do to recover or pull yourself up from that rock bottom place. How do you remind yourself that YOU are worth the effort??
Sometimes little things can remind us that just the smallest change can make a difference. A reminder that just one or 2 days of good can really have an effect. I have only been back "on plan" for 2 days, but today can easily button a pair of shorts that were just a bit too tight to button last week. Not because I have lost any weight but because I am not bloated like I was. Just a few days of better eating makes a big difference right away. So don't worry about the long term, jump right back on the wagon and know that even a small setback is easy to counteract.
I know what it feels like to hit rock bottom. How I get out and push forward is Thur my DH,DS and awesome friends. I post on Facebook and they are my cheerleaders/support team. If I fall behind or start to give up, they turn into my coaches. I find it very helpful to be able to talk and get advice. Sometimes I need to be yelled/pushed lol. Having a group like this helps a lot.
QOTD for Monday, June 15, 2015:

View attachment 102978

It seems like a few folks are STRUGGLING this month to get/stay OP and there was a mention of hitting "rock bottom." We've all been there....one splurge day turns into a weekend of out of control eating... and then Monday's workout seems like an effort in futility. You know in your heart that you must find a way to pull out of this downward spiral. But what to do?? Let's help a friend (or two) out here..... Please tell us what YOU do to recover or pull yourself up from that rock bottom place. How do you remind yourself that YOU are worth the effort??

Since I have a few minutes today, I can answer the QOTD!!

While for many folks, taking it SLOWLY and getting back on track involves eating just ONE OP meal each day for a while, for me it works best to go HARD CORE for a few days.... like a long weekend of juice fasting followed by a week of super low carb eating (tons of greens and lean protein). That is usually enough to give me a significant change on the scale and that is ALL the encouragement I need to get myself back in the right place mentally! My pants are a little looser, my belly feels a little flatter, my energy is higher, and I get that "I CAN DO THIS" feeling! THat being said, I can't keep that up long term.... so I have to have a plan for a great OP (WW) week next.... that usually involves planning lots of yummy WW recipes, having lots of fruits and veggies pre-cut and ready for snacking and making sure that EVERY BITE is weighed/measured and tracked. I also need to push myself to get some mileage on my sneakers. For me this works best if I say that I MUST do at least a mile... and if I'm not feeling it, I can stop. I rarely stop before 2-3 miles are done!

gotta dash!.........P

ETA: Just found out that they changed my job for tomorrow and I get to go on a field trip! I was looking forward to working in the office, but a field trip sounds good too! Fingers crossed for good weather since this I will be going to an outdoor science center!
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I PASSED my exam this morning! What a RELIEF! I honestly had no right to pass it considering that I didn't actually learn anything - I only crammed.

I also ate so stupidly all weekend because I was completely stressing myself out about this test. So, gotta get back on that horse AND start studying the next course for my September exam. Perhaps I will behave more responsibly this time. You know... create and follow an actual schedule to cover the material and possibly even learn something this time... Yeah. We'll see.
Hitting rock bottom is such a hard thing...it makes you feel like everything looms large in front of you. This happened to me a couple months ago and I realized my weight had skyrocketed , I was overwhelmed and so discouraged. I found starting with baby steps was easiest. I promised myself that one meal a day would be a protein shake and I would do at least 1 loop around the small block in my neighborhood daily. I promised myself that I would accomplish those 2 small things for 7 days. That small positive move helped me feel less fluffy and by the end of 7 days I was able to add a couple more goals. Don't try to accomplish too much too fast, be gentle with yourself! pooh: pooh: pooh:
Just checking in. I am back from an amazing cruise through the Norwegian fjords. Unfortunately I was not able to withstand the temptations of the delicious food on the ship and the baked goods of Norway (Scandinavians are fantastic bakers, there is a reason that you call a Danish a Danish!)

I also brought back a hurting and stiff back as a souvenir. So saw the doctor today. He says that it is just a tense muscle, I am going to get some massages for that. Hopefully I will soon be fit again. Thinking of buying a foam roller as well, have been thinking about that for some time and think it might be good for my back!
This is long and I'm sorry but I'm frustrated and if I don't get it out I'll drown my sorrows with brownies.

I'm not so much focused on losing weight as I am on choosing healthier foods (for example, a banana instead of a donut) and counting my calories (staying between 1400 - 1500). My thought is if I look at it this way it will become a lifestyle change and the benefit is a healthier and slimmer me.

It took 7 or so days but I lost 3 pounds and was keeping it off. I allow myself 1 treat a week but this past Friday I allowed myself 2 treats (a McDonald's cheeseburger and a creme horn). On Sunday I weighed myself, like I do everyday, and I was up exactly 3 pounds. I was devastated.

Making it worse, my DH heard me complaining about myself and how stupid I was to have 2 treats and decided to weigh himself. He proudly announced, "Hey! I lost 7 pounds since I weighed myself a week ago!" I asked him if he was trying to lose weight, had he watched his calories, eaten better or exercised and he said, "No, I'm just way more active than you."

I said that my activity, or lack thereof, had no bearing on his weight loss and he must have been trying either through food choices or exercise. He said, "No, I told you, I'm more active than you. That's why I lost weight." He wasn't getting that if I walk (for example) 5,000 steps everyday and he walks 10,000 everyday, with no changes anywhere, that my being less active in and of itself will not cause him to lose weight.

Making it even worse on top of that, I walk alone and I've never been afraid. Ever. I'm really aware of my surroundings and I always have my cell hone with me. Last night there were two incidents and for the first time ever I was really scared. Nothing physically happened to me but it was still frightening enough that I decided to cut my walk short and head home. I'm going to have to change when I walk now and where I walk.

Thanks for letting me get all that out and know that you saved me from the brownies! :thanks:
This is long and I'm sorry but I'm frustrated and if I don't get it out I'll drown my sorrows with brownies.

I'm not so much focused on losing weight as I am on choosing healthier foods (for example, a banana instead of a donut) and counting my calories (staying between 1400 - 1500). My thought is if I look at it this way it will become a lifestyle change and the benefit is a healthier and slimmer me.

It took 7 or so days but I lost 3 pounds and was keeping it off. I allow myself 1 treat a week but this past Friday I allowed myself 2 treats (a McDonald's cheeseburger and a creme horn). On Sunday I weighed myself, like I do everyday, and I was up exactly 3 pounds. I was devastated.

Making it worse, my DH heard me complaining about myself and how stupid I was to have 2 treats and decided to weigh himself. He proudly announced, "Hey! I lost 7 pounds since I weighed myself a week ago!" I asked him if he was trying to lose weight, had he watched his calories, eaten better or exercised and he said, "No, I'm just way more active than you."

I said that my activity, or lack thereof, had no bearing on his weight loss and he must have been trying either through food choices or exercise. He said, "No, I told you, I'm more active than you. That's why I lost weight." He wasn't getting that if I walk (for example) 5,000 steps everyday and he walks 10,000 everyday, with no changes anywhere, that my being less active in and of itself will not cause him to lose weight.

Making it even worse on top of that, I walk alone and I've never been afraid. Ever. I'm really aware of my surroundings and I always have my cell hone with me. Last night there were two incidents and for the first time ever I was really scared. Nothing physically happened to me but it was still frightening enough that I decided to cut my walk short and head home. I'm going to have to change when I walk now and where I walk.

Thanks for letting me get all that out and know that you saved me from the brownies! :thanks:

I don't have any advice or suggestions or anything else for you. But, on each and every one of your points, I have totally been there!!

Several years ago, I logged my food, counted calories, and trained for and ran races of varying distances for about 9 months and over that time, I lost about 25 pounds. About 7 months into this effort, my husband decided that he would cut down to one Dr. Pepper per day, start eating breakfast (a fried apple pie) and stop ordering fries with his double cheeseburgers. He lost 40 pounds in 5 weeks. I mean, I was happy for him and all but, SERIOUSLY!!?! Thankfully, however, he had the good sense to NOT compare his efforts to mine because it very possibly would have endangered his health! :rolleyes1

And, I do know exactly how you feel about being "good" for a while and then "treating" myself only for the scale to report that my entire effort was wasted. I have been living this scenario repeatedly for the past year. I think my metabolism is getting old. Well, that and I suffer from an extreme case of defeatism lately. I "know" that I'll just put the weight back on, so I have trouble getting past the "why bother?". But, I'm trying. Even if it's only a few days at a time.

I have also gone through periods where I have felt less safe than normal. Typically, I have always been comfortable walking my neighborhood but, every once in a while, I have cut it short and headed home because "something" just didn't feel right. I think those feelings happen for a reason and we should always behave accordingly. You'll find something that works. Even if you just walk up and down your own driveway for 30 minutes. Which I have totally done.

Hang in there! And, good job circumventing the brownie trap! :thumbsup2
I don't have any advice or suggestions or anything else for you. But, on each and every one of your points, I have totally been there!!

Several years ago, I logged my food, counted calories, and trained for and ran races of varying distances for about 9 months and over that time, I lost about 25 pounds. About 7 months into this effort, my husband decided that he would cut down to one Dr. Pepper per day, start eating breakfast (a fried apple pie) and stop ordering fries with his double cheeseburgers. He lost 40 pounds in 5 weeks. I mean, I was happy for him and all but, SERIOUSLY!!?! Thankfully, however, he had the good sense to NOT compare his efforts to mine because it very possibly would have endangered his health! :rolleyes1

And, I do know exactly how you feel about being "good" for a while and then "treating" myself only for the scale to report that my entire effort was wasted. I have been living this scenario repeatedly for the past year. I think my metabolism is getting old. Well, that and I suffer from an extreme case of defeatism lately. I "know" that I'll just put the weight back on, so I have trouble getting past the "why bother?". But, I'm trying. Even if it's only a few days at a time.

I have also gone through periods where I have felt less safe than normal. Typically, I have always been comfortable walking my neighborhood but, every once in a while, I have cut it short and headed home because "something" just didn't feel right. I think those feelings happen for a reason and we should always behave accordingly. You'll find something that works. Even if you just walk up and down your own driveway for 30 minutes. Which I have totally done.

Hang in there! And, good job circumventing the brownie trap! :thumbsup2

I'll be honest, I thought about knocking him down and force feeding him a box of Little Debbie cakes. I'm taller than he is and, now that he's lost 7 pounds, I outweigh him. I think I could have done it. And while I'm not unhappy for him, I would be happier if it were me.

I've wondered if my metabolism is just too old. I'm not posting the exact age because I'm in denial but in less than a month I'll be turning a certain age, there's a 0 and a 5 involved. :scared1:
On my "millionth" time on this journey I was determined to go back to Disney no heavier than I had been on the previous trip.... but I only had about 14 weeks to lose about 30 pounds. I made it my MISSION every day to eat RIGHT ON TRACK and hit the gym every chance I got.... and I managed to lose about 35 pounds in those 14 weeks and returned to Disney just a little slimmer than I had been previously!

Love this! Do you have any tips or secrets for how you managed this level of success? A minimum amount of cardio? Cutting out/adding in certain foods? Specific exercises that worked or didn't?
Morning all! Sorry that this will be quick fly-by hello and QOTD as I am running a bit late!

Here is your QOTD for Tuesday, June 16, 2015:

Night owl or early bird?

Pink or red?

Mexican or Italian (food)?

Walking or running?

Coffee or tea?

Movie or book?

WDW or DL?

Cat or dog?

Adventures or relaxing?

Camping or fancy hotel?

Mickey or Donald?

Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks?

City or country?

Traveler or home body?

Night owl or early bird?
Night owl! But I'm trying to convert myself.

Pink or red?
I'm not a big fan of either, but moreso red. I've gotten pretty into coral lately, but that's as close to pink as I'll go! Haha, I've always been a blue/green/yellow girl.

Mexican or Italian (food)?
Mexican <3

Walking or running?
Walking. I'm not at a point yet where I can run. Plus I think I look awkward when I do it. :rotfl:

Coffee or tea?
Ewww, neither. I can handle frappuccinos from Starbucks but that's the closest I can get to drinking coffee. And I hate tea (I know, I know, it's a Southern sin)... I just can't get past the wateriness of either drink. If I'm drinking something that thin, there can't be a flavor to it, or it's just weird. By the time I make either of them thick enough that I can drink them, they're so unhealthy that it completely defeats the purpose LOL

Movie or book?

WDW or DL?
WDW, but because I've never been to DL. I'd love to get out there sometime.

Cat or dog?
Dog! I have the cutest most adorable dog in the world - he turns 3 next month. I'm such a dog mom - my Instagram is 90% pictures of my dog, and I'm ok with that. Plus I'm crazy allergic to cats. My eyes swell shut and my whole face starts itching.

Adventures or relaxing?
Both? Is that acceptable? It depends on the day.

Camping or fancy hotel?
Hotel, but nothing too fancy like a Waldorf or anything. I don't spend that much time in the hotel so I won't pay all that money for one. But I also wouldn't stay in a sketchy motel that looks like I'd catch something. Lol

Mickey or Donald?

Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks?

City or country?
Both. Depends on what we're talking about. My DH2B and I want to live out in the country so we can have a bigger house and lots of land for the same price, but I also want to be close enough to the city that I can easily get to a store or restaurant or entertainment when need be.

Traveler or home body?
Both! Mainly a home body, but only because of finances. If I had the money to travel anywhere, I'd be gone!

^ My QOTD answers are in RED. :thumbsup2

I did get in my weights yesterday, so I'm pleased! I weighed again this morning and was down another pound! That's 20% of my June goal now. :jumping1:

I decided to have a kind of chill morning today so I skipped the treadmill this morning and will do it after work - going to try for 45 minutes instead of my usual 30. I did get in just a little bit of weights this morning - I couldn't do too much because my arms feel like jelly from yesterday, haha, but some is better than nothing!

My boss, my doctor, and I have all decided that I need to cut down on some stress (wedding planning might be making me crazy :rotfl2: not Bridezilla crazy, just anxious crazy!) so DH2B and I are starting to take 20 minutes before bed each night to sit on the back deck (I might have a little bit of wine :rolleyes1) and unwind from the day. No phone, no TV, nothing. Last night was the first night we've done it, but it was so nice! We moved into a rental house in May that has a really pretty backyard, and because the owners retired to Florida, they left all of their deck furniture & cabana with us, so we've got this great deck and pretty yard and haven't been enjoying it! Such a waste.

And then I have to come to work in the morning :badpc: lol. We have a REALLY easy job and the managers are super laid back, and still there are 2 people that just. have. to. be. unhappy. I don't understand it. I spent the last 2 years managing a hotel and dealing with all sorts of drama 24/7, so I am unbelievably thrilled to be at the job I'm at now. But there are 2 people that just complain and complain and complain and complain all day, every day. I get so sick of hearing them! I can feel my blood pressure go up when they start in... and because I'm the newest person here (I switched jobs last October) I don't say anything. But it drives me insane!

Do any of you have to deal with something like that - people that are just determined to be negative, and make everyone around them negative, too? How do you handle it? Thankfully we're allowed to listen to music while we work, but some days not even my headphones drown it out!

Morning all! Sorry that this will be quick fly-by hello and QOTD as I am running a bit late!

Here is your QOTD for Tuesday, June 16, 2015:

Night owl or early bird?

Pink or red?

Mexican or Italian (food)?

Walking or running?

Coffee or tea?

Movie or book?

WDW or DL?

Cat or dog?

Adventures or relaxing?

Camping or fancy hotel?

Mickey or Donald?

Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks?

City or country?

Traveler or home body?
Used to be night owl but as I age I seem to be becoming the early bird!
Red, Italian, walking, tea, book, WDW, dog, adventures, fancy hotel, Donald, have to be Starbucks but only because we don't have dunkin donuts here, city and traveller for sure
Night owl or early bird? Early Bird

Pink or red? Pink

Mexican or Italian (food)? Oh my hard choice, but I think Mexican just outdoes Italian by the tiniest margin

Walking or running? Walking, never been a runner, plus with the weight I am right now it would be a bad idea :)

Coffee or tea? Tea

Movie or book? These days enough quiet time doesn't seem to come so I would say movie right now

WDW or DL? WDW, never been to DL

Cat or dog? Neither, but we have three dogs

Adventures or relaxing? Adventures

Camping or fancy hotel? Camping, but I do like a nice hotel

Mickey or Donald? Donald

Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks? Dunkin Donuts

City or country? Country

Traveler or home body?
Night owl or early bird?

Pink or red?

Mexican or Italian (food)?

Walking or running?

Coffee or tea?

Movie or book?

WDW or DL?

Cat or dog?

Adventures or relaxing?

Camping or fancy hotel?

Mickey or Donald?

Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks?

City or country?

Traveler or home body?
Night owl
I love to run and walk
Tea. Use to drink coffee , but can't anymore
Books all the way.
WDW. Never been to DL , but want to go.
Cat. I own 3.
I have to say both. I love going on adventures, but some days I just want to relax.
I want to say both. My version of camping would be a cabin in the woods. As for fancy hotel..I don't care for the super high end places (can't afford it first off) second I would be in the hotel as much because I would be out and taking in whatever area I'm in.
Dunkin Donuts . no Starbucks around here unless I want to drive an hr one way.
Both. I want to live in the country but still be close enough to the city for entertainment or stores.
Definitely traveler. I have a bucket list of places I want to see.
Well I had a bad weekend, I guess a lot of us are because I see a lot of rock bottom on here. I knew I was heading for a big fall off the wagon and I tried to stop it, but it didn't work. Friday nights are movie nights at our house (Disney movie and taking a ring off the weekly countdown to WDW only 12 left!!) so we do not walk and we have a snack (usually healthy youngest DD picked smoothies this week) so I did ok on Friday, however Saturday although I did good all day, measured and weighed all the food and counted it I decided that a little more was ok (and I didn't track it so) then we only walked a mile (usually we do 4+) then we stopped at Dairy Queen (yep I had a blizzard too), then Sunday DH and I were going out for dinner so I didn't track anything and ate A LOT more than I should have. Then we took the kids to Cold Stone Creamery and I had that mentality that since I already went over might as well do it right and well you know how that went. Then yesterday I did not track and did ok until I stopped at Tim Hortons for a large s'more Ice Capp and croisant in addition to my lunch I already ate and then ate too much at dinner. This morning I talked myself into stopping at Tim Horton's again, but when I got their I stopped myself and said nope today I will stop this nonsense and do the right thing. Although I have been resisting a lot of things today I am still not in the right mind set so I am trying to keep telling myself just how necessary it is. I think I will be ok for today, but I need to get this back under control.

I am hoping that I can get back to where I was a few weeks ago and get back to losing this weight. I hope everyone else is getting there!
Night owl or early bird?
night owl

Pink or red?

Mexican or Italian (food)?

Walking or running?

Coffee or tea?
tea (Earl Grey with some milk!)

Movie or book?
book (currently the second book of Games of Thrones)

WDW or DL?
DL (can't wait to go there this summer)

Cat or dog?

Adventures or relaxing?

Camping or fancy hotel?
fancy hotel (yes, I like adventures in fancy hotels!! ;-))

Mickey or Donald?
Donald (but truly my heart belongs to Minnie!!)

Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks?

City or country?
city (to live in, but I love spending time in the countryside)

Traveler or home body?


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