Welcome to the CAROUSEL of PROGRESS challenge for December 2015!!

The list of participants for December is up to date as of this moment and the Instagram user name list is in post #3 and is up to date as of what I have now. If you want to be added, just say the word!..............P
As for introducing myself... I go by my nickname "Shada" when I'm online, and I'm a big fan of a lot of geeky things. Disney ranks up there as one of my "true loves" in life, and Star Wars runs right along with it. I also enjoy Sherlock, Doctor Who, Firefly, Indiana Jones...the list of geekiness goes on. I love to sew, and I when I have time, I like to make costumes from different movies and tv shows.

:welcome: I am so impressed when people can actually sew! I have tried it now and then and can make simple things, but as soon as it gets complicated, I lose my patience...

I work at a bank but I'm an aspiring fiction writer. I have an agent and a book that I've written and am working on another one right now. The first book is a young adult novel but the second is a historical women's fiction. I hope to some day be a full time writer and make a living off of it!

How wonderful!! I will keep my fingers crossed that it works out for you!

A little something you guys don't know is this: my oldest child-DS13-has been to Disney 10 times and has never ridden Carousel of Progress!

Well, isn't there a trip coming up soon. I guess you know what you need to plan for your MK day!

I've been relatively successful in calorie counting with the Loseit app in the past few months to lose about 6 lb. It's not much, but I don't like to feel deprived, so I tend to go for a very moderate approach to weight loss.

I think you and I do have a similar approach!! :goodvibes

To date I have lost 60 pounds and only have 5 pounds left until I reach my goal.:woohoo:

Your success is truly inspiring! Well done!

did I mention I had almost totally no voice most of the weekend???

Oh, I hope you feel better soon! I was about to lose my voice over the weekend as well. Not fun!

Have I mentioned that DD comes home in.... 4 days.... yup just FOUR DAYS!! I am so excited to have all of my loved ones together and safe for the holidays! I couldn't ask for a better gift!

Gonna say TTFN! I'm off to do a parent pick-up duty and then I'll dash from school to my WW location and get ready for that! Then home to collapse in a heap! I'll see you all in the morning!.............P
It's time to step off the weight loss/weight gain Carousel and make some Progress!!

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“Man has a dream and that's the start
He follows his dream with mind and heart
And when it becomes a reality
It's a dream come true for you …..”

Have you had a dream about success on your journey to become healthier? Have you been trying to follow that dream with your mind and heart? Is it coming closer to becoming a reality?? Or do you feel like you've been going “round and round without going anywhere”? Well, get ready to make some PROGRESS!!

@pjlla - I. LOVE. THIS. THEME!!! OH my goodness. You are so clever! Kudos to you and your DD! I am so disappointed that DH and I didn't make it to Carousel on our trip. It's one of my favorites!

Obstacles: Disney World. I already know I'm having the Croque Glace ice cream treat the first day at EPCOT and the Be Our Guest strawberry cupcake. I'm so screwed. :laughing:

:love::love::love::love::love: Croque Glace :love::love::love::love::love:

Have I mentioned that DD comes home in.... 4 days.... yup just FOUR DAYS!!



Hi, everyone! I'm Megan. I joined these challenges earlier this year in preparation for my October wedding and Disney trip, and now that that's behind us, I'm turning my weight-loss focus onto healthier and happier living in general. I've been heavy my whole life and it's always been a constant struggle for me. I'm tired of not being able to find clothes I feel comfortable in and not being happy with how I look in pictures.

My primary goals and focus for December are not weight related, so I won't be weighing in or tracking my progress. Since it's a constant focus, though, I'd still like to hang around and participate in the thread and conversations. Just because I'm not tracking doesn't mean I won't be trying to progress! And for that I'll need all the help I can get.

I'm spending December preparing listings so that I can - hopefully - go live with an Etsy shop in January. I've said for years that my dream job would be someone paying me to stay home and craft... So I'm going to try and make it happen. I'm pretty much terrified. Ha.

That endeavor is going to be pretty time consuming and I'll be putting a lot of pressure on myself to make it happen, so I'm going to take the pressure off of my scale-watching. Hopefully that won't backfire miserably.
Hello everyone! My name is Megan, I am 26 years old, and live in the very cold state of Wisconsin. This is my third challenge on the DisBoards, and I am returning to my goal from my first challenge, with this being a big holiday month.

My Goal: To maintain my current weight, not gain any, and anything lost will be considered a bonus!

My Methods:
  • Monitor what I'm eating, skipping fast food for something healthier
  • Decreasing portions as often as possible. With the holidays coming up, this becomes more difficult, but not impossible.
  • Increasing the amount of water I drink
  • Increasing my activity, which is difficult for me right now since it is cold and snowy outside
Fun Facts:
  • Darling boyfriend and I are considering moving to the Orlando area once our lease is up here next summer!
  • I am a Disney Travel Agent with Academy Travel
  • I love to crochet and craft, and love to make Disney-themed things
Hello everyone! My name is Megan, I am 26 years old, and live in the very cold state of Wisconsin. This is my third challenge on the DisBoards, and I am returning to my goal from my first challenge, with this being a big holiday month.

My Goal: To maintain my current weight, not gain any, and anything lost will be considered a bonus!

My Methods:
  • Monitor what I'm eating, skipping fast food for something healthier
  • Decreasing portions as often as possible. With the holidays coming up, this becomes more difficult, but not impossible.
  • Increasing the amount of water I drink
  • Increasing my activity, which is difficult for me right now since it is cold and snowy outside
Fun Facts:
  • Darling boyfriend and I are considering moving to the Orlando area once our lease is up here next summer!
  • I am a Disney Travel Agent with Academy Travel
  • I love to crochet and craft, and love to make Disney-themed things

Off topic - do you enjoy being a travel agent? I've seriously considered it, but only if I could be a Disney specific one! Haha.
Hi All! I'm in for this month too! Last month my goal was 5 lbs and I only managed 2.5, but that's ok being that I was a little too optimistic with the holidays!

My goal this month is going to be 5lbs again! Plan: Really monitor and stay on track during the week. Just about every weekend is full of parties, dinners, or Disney. I want to enjoy those things, so I will be working hard during the week and adding more exercise so that I can still have some minor indulgences at these parties and such. BIG obstacles this month.... Hanukkah with some of the family (LATKES and SOUR CREAM!!! -- serious weakness for me), Disney the next weekend (my moms first visit so quite a few indulgences already planned), Christmas and New Years. The food doesn't get me at Christmas and NY as much as the drinks.... DH's family is Irish and know how to throw a good hooley!

Which brings me to my fun fact-- DH is half Irish and when looking for a place to get married, we couldn't agree on anything (all that is down here in South Florida is beach weddings or in a hotel... not my thang!). One night as we were looking at our Ireland vacation photos, I said jokingly that we should just abandon the whole idea of finding somewhere in America altogether and go get married in Ireland... and so we did! Just the two of us, two photographers, and a Celtic priest on the Cliffs of Moher. Some people say we are crazy (and we are!), but it was great fun, gorgeous, and just what we wanted!
Hi, my fellow WISHers! Thanks so much for hosting during this very busy month, pjilla!

I just took a wee break from packing and prepping for our first December WDW trip. We leave tomorrow at the crack of dawn. I worked the night shift last night and have been busy all day - hoping to be finished in time to get a good night's sleep.

I have a modest goal of losing 1.3 lbs this month. Currently, I'm 151.2 and I would love to start the new year under 150. My biggest obstacle is baking - I love to bake and sample goodies this time of year. The Disney trip is another obstacle, but I have most of my meals planned, will be walking miles, and feel strong!

I'll be MIA for the first week or so but I'm really looking forward to participating fully upon my return.
I'm in for December! My goal is to lose 5 pounds this month. After all the eating at Disney....I've learned that there are so many healthy foods I can eat at home that I like even better than a lot of the junk I ate there. Not that I didn't enjoy the junk...but my body did not like it. They say to listen to your body, so this month I am listening. I'm going to fuel with healthy foods this month. I've been sick since I came back, some kind of head cold, sore throat thing. I have gone for my first PT for my back and got the okay to go back to the gym. So...as soon as I recover...I'm giving myself the week off...I'll be joining the gym again. I LOVE THE CAROUSEL OF PROGRESS! It makes me feel happy. The song feels like an old friend...it reminds me of watching Disney on Sunday nights with my family when I was a kid. Watching the times change and the world change is somehow magical...even though it may make you feel a bit sad that time marches on, and your kids grow up and have families of their own...yet you are in the most magical place on earth where everyone can be kids again. Just look at all the adults wearing mouse ears! Disney feels timeless. There are no worries there, except getting to your fast pass on time. Something about me that I haven't mentioned....I got my motorcycle license when I was 58 years old. You are never too old to try new things! I will be 62 in January! I have 10 pounds to get to my goal weight!
I am so impressed when people can actually sew! I have tried it now and then and can make simple things, but as soon as it gets complicated, I lose my patience...

Ohhh...sewing gives you a very short fuse box in the temper department. I have been known to throw my work across the room from time to time. ;) You're not alone there! And it starts out with simple things. :)

I'm spending December preparing listings so that I can - hopefully - go live with an Etsy shop in January. I've said for years that my dream job would be someone paying me to stay home and craft... So I'm going to try and make it happen. I'm pretty much terrified. Ha.

Oooo...this sounds awesome! Can I ask what you like to craft? What will be in your Etsy store? :) Don't be terrified! Just go be awesome!!

I love to crochet and craft, and love to make Disney-themed things

Yay!!! A fellow crocheter!! Do you work on Disney-themed crochet projects, too? Any cool patterns you can share?

One night as we were looking at our Ireland vacation photos, I said jokingly that we should just abandon the whole idea of finding somewhere in America altogether and go get married in Ireland... and so we did! Just the two of us, two photographers, and a Celtic priest on the Cliffs of Moher. Some people say we are crazy (and we are!), but it was great fun, gorgeous, and just what we wanted!

This. Is. Awesome. That is all.
Wow.... I'm impressed that your kitty can handle all of that riding! The last 4 cats I have the pleasure of housing have all been car sick to varying degrees .... some within minutes, others it took a bit longer.

The one time we tried to medicate her (for our recent move), it was awful. She was sick everywhere! We took her to Disney's boarding place for our honeymoon because it was cheaper than our local place, and she was a breeze in the car! We let her have free reign of the trunk and she just slept the whole time :P I hope she doesn't have any issues with a longer drive, but I think that 5 hours each way to Disney was a pretty good test. Plus, my mom has consented to have her stay with us at Christmas (amazing), so I'll still get to see her most of the time we're traveling :) So much better than boarding her for two weeks!

I'm spending December preparing listings so that I can - hopefully - go live with an Etsy shop in January. I've said for years that my dream job would be someone paying me to stay home and craft... So I'm going to try and make it happen. I'm pretty much terrified. Ha.

So awesome! I go back and forth with this - I love crafting, but I'm not sure I'd still love it if it was my job and I had to make stuff other people wanted me to make :P But I love buying from Etsy - be sure to post your shop when you get it up and running; I'd love to have a look!

I am a Disney Travel Agent with Academy Travel

So cool! This is a job I would be interested in, but it seems really hard to get in with a legitimate company. Plus, it seems like it's a job with a lot of start-up work and not much immediate cash flow. I'm seriously considering looking into it if the next move we do doesn't come with a job for me like this one did! I got super lucky with how awesome the University people are here, but I'm not holding my breath for the same luck when my husband gets another position.
Hey guys! I'm back! After taking November off to focus on other some running-related stuff, I'm back for December. My goal for the month is 3 lbs, which will get me to an end of year weight of 140!
I like that we've got an instagram list! I'm slkworks on Instagram ... I'll start adding people once I figure out where I put my phone (I'm guessing its still in the kitchen from when I made my afternoon snack).

Also ... I've never done Carousel of Progress. Not particularly planning to do it on my next trip either. It's just not super high on my priority list and there are so many things to see that I never get to it. Can I still participate?

Okay, onto today's QOTD...

Just like the “DISNEY NEWS” introduced people to Disney, we want you to introduce yourself! If you have been a part of these challenges for a long time, feel free to tell us something about yourself that we don't already know! A funny fact, bit of history, whatever you would like! Just help us get to know YOU a little better!

Hi, I'm Sarah! I've been doing these challenges on and off for the past year plus (in fact, I think I hosted the December 2014 thread), but I'm still going to tell you guys a little bit about me
I'm 29 years old and live with my parents (and siblings) in good old NYC. I'm currently (mostly) unemployed, but I'm hopeful that a great opportunity will come around soon. I've always been a little overweight, but about 5 years ago I made it to within 10 lbs of my goal weight. Then my dormant depression decided to reappear, I was under a lot of stress and not doing well, and I ended up dropping out of grad school and putting on 25 pounds. I've lost some of that, but not enough of it. Right now I'm either in the low end of overweight or the high end of normal on the BMI scale, but my goal is to make it to the middle of the normal range.
My plan is to be more mindful of what I eat, track my meals and snacks whenever I can (so far I'm on track for today!), and continue exercising 6 days per week.
I'm Kosher-observant, which does limit what I can eat - I can't have pork or shellfish, I can't eat meat and dairy together (so thankfully I've never been tempted by cheeseburgers ... just veggie cheeseburgers, which are a little less bad), and I can only eat foods that are kosher-certified, which excludes some pre-packaged foods (although a lot of foods are kosher-certified, which is pretty cool). Sometimes it's hard to see products that I think I'd enjoy but aren't kosher-certified (like the veggie burritos I keep seeing at Target), but mostly it doesn't limit my eating as much as you think. Oh, and kosher eating at Disney is interesting ... almost every TS restaurant can provide pre-packaged kosher food with advance notice (personally, we love BOG), and some QS restaurants have pre-packaged kosher meals available on demand.
My favorite exercises are walking and running (but I do other assorted exercise too), and I love runDisney races. I actually did my first non-Disney race last week ... here's a picture of me running:

My biggest obstacle is me. I always find excuses. Whether its blaming stress or my family or just life ... I will look for any excuse that isn't just "I made a mistake." I need to remember that there is no "mistake" from which I cannot recover ... so I need to acknowledge the mistakes, learn from them, and move on.
Also ... the festival of fried food next week (Chanukah) is going to be a fun one.

Okay, I think that about covers everything you need to know about me.

And BTW, it is also National “Eat a Red Apple” Day! So go ahead.... grab a healthy, delicious apple for your snack today! Tell us when you ate it and what type it was!! Share a picture if you want! ......................P

Oh man, we're out of apples! (And even before we were out of apples, all we had were golden delicious ... I'm not wild about red apples)
I really need to put apples on the shopping list!

Ohhh...sewing gives you a very short fuse box in the temper department. I have been known to throw my work across the room from time to time.

Oh good, I'm not the only one. I thought it was just me.

Okay, that's all I got for today. I'm hoping to be an active participant this month, and I look forward to chatting with everyone!
Off topic - do you enjoy being a travel agent? I've seriously considered it, but only if I could be a Disney specific one! Haha.

Being a Disney-specific agent was what hooked me! I am fairly new and have only had a couple clients yet, but so far, yes, I do enjoy it!

Yay!!! A fellow crocheter!! Do you work on Disney-themed crochet projects, too? Any cool patterns you can share?

I have made some Disney themed kids' hats, and a few Mickey dishcloths. I am planning a Disney-themed blanket, but have put that on hold until after the holidays. I don't have any patterns, I just made them up as I went, but I could write them up if you want them!

So cool! This is a job I would be interested in, but it seems really hard to get in with a legitimate company. Plus, it seems like it's a job with a lot of start-up work and not much immediate cash flow. I'm seriously considering looking into it if the next move we do doesn't come with a job for me like this one did! I got super lucky with how awesome the University people are here, but I'm not holding my breath for the same luck when my husband gets another position.

It was difficult to find places that didn't seem like scams. However, with the company I am with right now, I am considered an independent contractor, but they supply all trainings and media-related things. The cash flow does take a while to start, as you need to build a client base, book their trips, and then get paid a month after their trip, but the up-front costs can be very low if you decide you want them to be!
I'm here! I love the Carousel of Progress and I love, love, love this theme!!

My name is Maggie, I'm 42, and have been on a quest to lose somewhere between 60-80 pounds since mid-June. I've been loving this group since I started participating in July and am excited to start. New month! I started out with my dog, my Fitbit, and MFP as my weight loss tools and joined WW after the first 15 pounds. I lost 5 more pounds, moved to the just plain overweight BMI club, and then just sort of ran out of steam. Instead of GETTING IT DONE, I spent most of October and November gaining and losing the same two pounds, dipping in an out of Onederland. Definitely not a fault of the program - I simply haven't been executing.

Plan for this month is back to basics since I've got a lot going on and I need to take good care of myself so that I've got the energy to keep going. I've got 10 more days of work at my current job (yikes) and then will be taking a few weeks off to study study study before starting my new job in January and sitting for the bar exam in February. I'm hoping the big secret impending changes to WW that will be announced next week will be the golden ticket! I weighed in this morning at 201 on the dot, had an ON PLAN day. Made time for meditation, 11,829 steps (mostly in the rain) , ate all of my daily points + only 1 weekly, and met every one of the good health guidelines.

String 30 more days like that together (with an exception or two for holiday festivities) and I'll have my best month ever! I'm trying to be realistic, however, and after taking a serious look at the calendar I'm aiming for a 4 pound loss this month. That will put me firmly in Onederland and will also be slightly more than 10% off my original starting weight. Not a bad way to end the year!
I'm here! I'm a little late but I'm here! Put me down for 10 lbs! I'm sticking with a nice healthy goal that will still make me push myself. I hope I crush it and form some healthy habits along the way. I have quite a few pounds to lose and am still at the start of my weight loss journey. I'll be training for my first half (I'm still salty about W&D) in February which may or may not be a ridiculous choice seeing as I live in the Northeast of the US and that's where the race is. Um.. about me, I have two bunnies that are spoiled beyond words. Like they have their own bedroom not a cage level of spoiled. I'm also not as alt as the Alice in my avatar, but I am a tattooed Disney fan.


Goal: Lose 10lbs

Plan: Calorie monitoring with MFP (I refuse to call it counting), and more cross training on off running days. That stationary bike will be my best friend come the first of January.

Obstacle: Oddly enough the holidays shouldn't be a factor for me as I'm not really celebrating like a lot of people do. My issue is me, and my excuses. Last month was full of them! Some valid, some not.
I'm spending December preparing listings so that I can - hopefully - go live with an Etsy shop in January. I've said for years that my dream job would be someone paying me to stay home and craft... So I'm going to try and make it happen. I'm pretty much terrified. Ha.

Good luck with this!! I think getting other aspects of your life sorted out is always a huge help for weight loss, too!

Increasing my activity, which is difficult for me right now since it is cold and snowy outside

Oh, yes! I am in the same boat here! Have you tried checking out some fitness DVDs? I really like the Jillian Michael exercises and a lot of her videos are actually on youtube as well.

Darling boyfriend and I are considering moving to the Orlando area once our lease is up here next summer!

I would never want to live in Florida, summers are far too hot in my opinion! But I hope you will be able to make it work for you!

One night as we were looking at our Ireland vacation photos, I said jokingly that we should just abandon the whole idea of finding somewhere in America altogether and go get married in Ireland... and so we did!

That is an amazing story and sounds like you did just the right thing for you!

I just took a wee break from packing and prepping for our first December WDW trip. We leave tomorrow at the crack of dawn. I worked the night shift last night and have been busy all day - hoping to be finished in time to get a good night's sleep.

Have a great trip!!

My biggest obstacle is baking - I love to bake and sample goodies this time of year.

Me too...

After all the eating at Disney....I've learned that there are so many healthy foods I can eat at home that I like even better than a lot of the junk I ate there. Not that I didn't enjoy the junk...but my body did not like it. They say to listen to your body, so this month I am listening. I'm going to fuel with healthy foods this month.

Great to have you back, sounds like you had a fabulous trip! I hear you on how much one's body gets used to get good stuff and not junk! However, I always find it difficult to transit back to the healthy eating for whatever reason. Hope you are successful with it!

I got my motorcycle license when I was 58 years old. You are never too old to try new things! I will be 62 in January! I have 10 pounds to get to my goal weight!

I love your attitude! And you are so close to your goal weight!!

Hey guys! I'm back! After taking November off to focus on other some running-related stuff, I'm back for December. My goal for the month is 3 lbs, which will get me to an end of year weight of 140!

Great to have you back for Decemner, Sarah!


Great picture of you!! Looks like you got a running skirt now instead of the jeans skirt you used to have. Looks great and must be more comfortable!!

Also ... the festival of fried food next week (Chanukah) is going to be a fun one.

I had no idea that Chanukah has so much fried food. But it does sound delicious!

Instead of GETTING IT DONE, I spent most of October and November gaining and losing the same two pounds, dipping in an out of Onederland. Definitely not a fault of the program - I simply haven't been executing.

It is a new month and you can make it count!! I often have phases when nothing seems to happen. But then I realise that at least one thing happened: I did not gain any weight!! I always count that as success already.


Happy Wednesday everyone! I hope you are all still feeling that new month motivation!

I seem to be truly getting over my cold. Yesterday I finally got a decent number of steps again. I even went for a walk in the evening, because I could not resist snacking after dinner. So those cheese calories needed to be burned. I missed my daily goal, but still got a decent deficit. So, I am quite happy with myself. Then this morning I stepped on the scale and I am down over 2 pounds from yesterday. I am undecided as to what to do with my monthly goal. Do I take today's weight as my start weight or do I adjust my goal. I guess yesterday was just one of those days with the mystery pounds... I am leaning towards to just going for a goal of 5 pounds instead of 3 pounds, mainly because that will already put me at 40% towards my goal and that is a nice motivation boost.

I had my share of apples yesterday. Not really any totally red one. I had two Belle de Boskoop (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belle_de_Boskoop), a very sour apple that often is used as a cooking apple here, and one Elstar (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elstar). Elstar are the most common apples in Germany and I love them because they are sweet and sour at the same time and very juicy.
Dec 2

As usual, our first week will involve getting to know more about each other and ourselves! Tell us about your GOAL for this month and your PLAN to make PROGRESS on that goal! ( I noticed many of you did this yesterday when you introduced yourself.... that's great... you're ahead of schedule!) Also tell us how you came up with the username that you use here on the Dis!!!

And to know a bit more about Disney.....


Marc Davis begins working as an apprentice animator at the Walt Disney Studio. He would go on to become one of Walt's "Nine Old Men" and create such memorable Disney characters as Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Tinker Bell and Cruella de Vil! He also had a hand in helping to design all four of Disney's 1964 New York World's Fair attractions - Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln, The Carousel of Progress, Magic Skyways and "it's a small world".
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Great picture of you!! Looks like you got a running skirt now instead of the jeans skirt you used to have. Looks great and must be more comfortable!!

Yup. I've got that skirt, which I bought (and is amazing), plus a skirt I made out of stretchy fabric, plus two other old skirts that are a lot more comfortable than the denim skirt. My running wardrobe has increased by a lot over the past year.

I had no idea that Chanukah has so much fried food. But it does sound delicious!

It's one of those things that not everyone knows. The story Chanukah has oil as a big component, so there's a lot of frying foods in oil - latkes (potato pancakes), donuts, and pretty much anything else that you can fry in oil. It's delicious, but a little fattening.

It is a new month and you can make it count!!

This x1000!! Every month is a new opportunity for success!

As usual, our first week will involve getting to know more about each other and ourselves! Tell us about your GOAL for this month and your PLAN to make PROGRESS on that goal! ( I noticed many of you did this yesterday when you introduced yourself.... that's great... you're ahead of schedule!)

I kinda did this yesterday, but just to write it out more simply:
GOAL: Lose 3 lbs
  • Be a more mindful eater
  • Track my meals and snacks whenever possible
  • Exercise 6x per week (including running 3x/week)


Happy Wednesday, friends!
I had a pretty good day yesterday - mostly stuck to my plan (skipped one snack and had to modify my other planned snack because we didn't have celery), and got in some good exercise, including almost 4 miles of running!

Today may be a little harder than yesterday - the plan is to do some shopping with my sister, and somehow when I go shopping with my sister, I end up eating like my sister (aka more junk food than I would usually eat). I definitely have to put some effort into sticking with my planned meals, bringing a healthy snack with me, and planning what I will get at Starbucks so that I don't end up with a sugary latte. We were also planning to walk to the store (it's about 25-30 minutes), but with rain in the forecast, that may not happen, so I'll have to find another way to get in some exercise.

So ... that's what's on my agenda for today. How's everyone else's Wednesday looking - anything exciting going on?


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