Welcome to the CAROUSEL of PROGRESS challenge for December 2015!!

Hello To All My Supporters over the past months. I'm afraid I have to withdraw my volunteering for January. My life has taken a dramatic turn, very emotional and I'm off the rails with food right now as well. I don't have any reserves to even read these posts to catch up. My sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may have causes and I hope you will welcome me back in the future. For now, I have to disappear.
Just a brief check-in. I am starting to be in the mood that I really don't want to be bothered with work anymore. There is not that much that needs to be done before I go on vacation next week, but the little that needs to be done I just don't want to get started with... Arg! I actually don't hvae fixed hours, so once I am done, I can go home. Instead I decided to go shopping for new trousers (my only nice pair of pants is starting to be too wide. The last time I wore it, it was rather tight, so it went back into a dark corner of the closet, yesterday I took it out and wore it and I should have worn a belt with it...).
Hello To All My Supporters over the past months. I'm afraid I have to withdraw my volunteering for January. My life has taken a dramatic turn, very emotional and I'm off the rails with food right now as well. I don't have any reserves to even read these posts to catch up. My sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may have causes and I hope you will welcome me back in the future. For now, I have to disappear.

Oh, I am so sorry that you are in such a bad place!! Sending lots of hugs and I hope you will feel better soon. Don't worry about us! We will find another volunteer. Just focus on getting better and we are looking forward to your company on these threads again soon! I always enjoyed your posts and all the postiveness you brought to the thread! I hope you will soon find back to your fun and optimistic nature!

Thank you very much for at least popping in and letting us now!
Hi all! This is P's DD checking in for her today...life gets a little crazy this time of year. I'm sure she'll back tomorrow right on schedule!..........................L:fish:


Thursday, December 15th

Walter Elias Disney passes away at St. Joseph's Hospital just ten days after his 65th birthday. When the news of Walt's death reaches Disneyland in Anaheim, consideration is given to closing the park for the day, but instead it is kept open (as Walt would have wanted), but the flags on Main Street USA are lowered to half-mast.

On the CBS Evening News With Walter Cronkite, commentator Eric Sevareid states this about Mr. Disney: "He was a happy accident, one of the happiest this century has experienced. And

judging by the way it’s behaving, in spite of all Disney tried to tell it about laughter, love, children, puppies, and sunrises, the century hardly deserved him."


Tuesday, December 16th

Lillian Bounds Disney passes away almost 31 years to the day of her husband's passing.


Company vice chairman (and nephew to Lillian Disney) Roy E. Disney said ''This really is the end of an era for the Disney's, and it's ironic and somehow fitting that it should be at this time of year. Walt, in 1966, my dad in 1971, my mother in 1984, and now Lily have all gone during the 10 days before Christmas.''

Michael Eisner also said ''Lillian and Walt Disney and Edna and Roy Disney were pioneers in turning a creative vision through hard work and sacrifice into an American institution. For that, the world is grateful.''

Such a somber day in the history of Disney and of the world..... it is hard to imagine what the world would be like if Walt Disney had lived longer. Too bad that more wasn't known about the affects of smoking when he was younger. But we know LOTS now about good habits and bad habits and about things we can STOP DOING or START DOING to get healthier. So pick a habit.... a good habit to start or a bad habit to stop and make a commitment....not on January 1st, but NOW! Perhaps something as small as starting to floss more (I committed earlier this year to 5 x a week, but I've fallen away from that lately, so that is my Recommittment!) or as large as quitting smoking!! Maybe you will just commit to something around the house (I know I feel better when my bed is made and that is good for my MENTAL health) like keeping the mail pile current or the laundry caught up.
I'm so sorry! I'm glad you and everyone else is safe but I'm so angry on your behalf!!! I checked in this morning to heap virtual flowers on the newest MBA but now I'm just shaking my head at our current world. Also crossing my fingers that they just decide to give you an A.

At any rate, you are leaving for the World on Friday. Yay!!!!!!

The professor said that he'd let us know today or tomorrow what the plan is - so as soon as I know I'll share. I'm hoping the exam is cancelled or we just fill it out via blackboard. I'm boarding that plane to The World with my classmate on friday - hell or high water! :D

I'm glad you're okay! Such a scary situation.

It is a scary situation, but I cannot believe my first reaction was "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE EXAM!?" I had a Hermione Granger moment. Voldemort could be attacking campus and she'd want to finish the test. I am Hermione.

Hello To All My Supporters over the past months. I'm afraid I have to withdraw my volunteering for January. My life has taken a dramatic turn, very emotional and I'm off the rails with food right now as well. I don't have any reserves to even read these posts to catch up. My sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may have causes and I hope you will welcome me back in the future. For now, I have to disappear.

I'm so sorry that you're going through whatever it is you're going through. Know that we love and care about you - so tend to your personal needs and we'll send lots of love and positivity to you. <3

The professor offered us two options and in lieu of taking the final exam, I am opting to take the midterm grade plus 3 percentage points (giving me a 97% on the exam).

It's over! I'm done! It was dramatic and insane. BUT I AM NOW AN MBA!!!

:jumping1: :jumping1:
Hello To All My Supporters over the past months. I'm afraid I have to withdraw my volunteering for January. My life has taken a dramatic turn, very emotional and I'm off the rails with food right now as well. I don't have any reserves to even read these posts to catch up. My sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may have causes and I hope you will welcome me back in the future. For now, I have to disappear.

I'm so sorry and I, too, hope things turn around for you quickly. Know we're here if you ever need us.

I know I've been less involved the last couple of months, but I'd be happy to host January and help kick off 2016 for all of us, if you all would have me again.


The professor offered us two options and in lieu of taking the final exam, I am opting to take the midterm grade plus 3 percentage points (giving me a 97% on the exam).

It's over! I'm done! It was dramatic and insane. BUT I AM NOW AN MBA!!!

:jumping1: :jumping1:

Congratulations!! SO glad it's all finally behind you now, and with such a positive outcome when all is said and done! Nothing standing between you and the World now but a little bit of packing! :cool1::cool1::cool1:
Hello To All My Supporters over the past months. I'm afraid I have to withdraw my volunteering for January. My life has taken a dramatic turn, very emotional and I'm off the rails with food right now as well. I don't have any reserves to even read these posts to catch up. My sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may have causes and I hope you will welcome me back in the future. For now, I have to disappear.

So sorry you're in a bad place right now. I love your posts, especially your travel experiences and fun photos. Thanks for reaching out and updating us. Focus on you ; wishing you all the best.

It's over! I'm done! It was dramatic and insane. BUT I AM NOW AN MBA!!!

Congratulations!!! :cool1: :yay::santa:

QOTD -- recommitting to at least 20 minutes of cardio 5-7days/week
Congratulations!! SO glad it's all finally behind you now, and with such a positive outcome when all is said and done! Nothing standing between you and the World now but a little bit of packing! :cool1::cool1::cool1:

Is it sad I just had the realization that I have to pack tonight? For some reason I was just ready to board the plane without a suitcase.

We have a pile of clean laundry on our dressers and some darks that need washing. Now I have to estimate erratic Florida weather - LOL.

Congratulations @courtneybeth!!! Here are some dancing bananas to promote healthy celebration ;):banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:

I love the dancing bananas. It reminds me of the shirt I found on ETSY that I want to wear for my 1/2 Marathon in January.
Is it sad I just had the realization that I have to pack tonight? For some reason I was just ready to board the plane without a suitcase.

We have a pile of clean laundry on our dressers and some darks that need washing. Now I have to estimate erratic Florida weather - LOL.

I love the dancing bananas. It reminds me of the shirt I found on ETSY that I want to wear for my 1/2 Marathon in January.

I saw someone holding a sign that said this when I did the 10k earlier this year! I also saw a sign about a free beer which I never did manage to find. But you should totally rock this tank!
Hello To All My Supporters over the past months. I'm afraid I have to withdraw my volunteering for January. My life has taken a dramatic turn, very emotional and I'm off the rails with food right now as well. I don't have any reserves to even read these posts to catch up. My sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may have causes and I hope you will welcome me back in the future. For now, I have to disappear.

I'm so sorry to hear this. Your positivity and infectious joy has been such a pleasure on this board. Sending you thoughts, prayers, and virtual hugs! Take good care of yourself and check back in when you are able.
Hello everyone!! Seems like the end of year stress is getting to a few of us and things are slowing a bit down here... I am on my second to last day of work before my Christmas breaks and can't wait to have a full week off from work!

Yesterday I was struggling. I was doing really well all day and then I just totally went of the rails in the evening. I still managed a negative calorie balance for the day, but it really was not necessary. I really can't explain it... Hopefully today I will be more sensible!

And then I had a horrible night with waking up from strange dreams and it was far too hot in the bedroom. So, when I heard the rain when I woke up this morning, I cancelled my run. And now I am a bit angry with myself as I won't be able to go for a run tonight.
I know I've been less involved the last couple of months, but I'd be happy to host January and help kick off 2016 for all of us, if you all would have me again.

I think it would be wonderful if you can host January!! It is a great month to host as so many people are enthusiastic about starting off the year with losing the Christmas surplus pounds!!

Unfortunately I won't have any time for hosting until March (and with the recent fantastic efforts I am afraid that my hosting would pale in comparison...), but I am planning to be around as a participant and am very grateful for everyone who volunteers for hosting duties!! Like @pjlla this month despite all the Christmas business December brings with it!!
Hello To All My Supporters over the past months. I'm afraid I have to withdraw my volunteering for January. My life has taken a dramatic turn, very emotional and I'm off the rails with food right now as well. I don't have any reserves to even read these posts to catch up. My sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may have causes and I hope you will welcome me back in the future. For now, I have to disappear.

I'm so sorry to hear this. You are in my prayers and I hope that things begin to look up for you. I look forward to you returning to the boards.
So my ambitious plans of cleaning house, laundry, and packing were thwarted because the hubs wanted to go to bed at 9pm. Clothes are still piled on the dresser and he's aware that I need to get everything done and ready to go by 8pm. We're checked in for our flights and I'm distracted at work. I'm staring at weather conditions and trying to mentally pack in my mind for whatever I'll need.

I saw that Magic Kingdom is now installing metal detectors today - interesting. I'll let everyone know how that goes for bottle-necking through security. But 1 more day! 1 more day!


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