Why Not Now? Reaching weight loss and fitness goals in 2016--All Welcome!

I got a new Fitbit for Christmas. YAY! Planning on using it alot.

I don't have a fitbit, but I have been thinking about getting one.

For those of you with fitbits, PM me if you want to be a fitbit friend. For Rose, I highly recommend getting one!! Personally, I love the fitbit Zip. I prefer not to wear it on my wrist because I am afraid it will record more arm movements than leg movements! Whatever you get, you will love it. I got mine in October 2012 and I have done almost 15 MILLION step. It is really satisfying when you see your hard work add up. It helps me keep going!!

My next race will be the Dopey challenge in two weeks.

Hi Tim: I'll be doing my first Dopey with you! I did the Goofy last year -- I really wanted to do only the half but the half was full when I signed up and the only thing left was the Goofy. I survived it and decided to go for the whole thing this year! Then the whole thing will be complete when I do the Castaway Cay Challenge the next week! Best of luck to you. I was assigned Corral L but I may move back to M to be with my daughter. She needs me to be there to keep her motivated. Best of luck to you!

Hi I'm Melissa. Age 36 single mom with one 12 year old daughter. I weighed in up a bit after a few months of no progress but at least not back to my highest start weight. I was 315.3 yesterday morning. My goal is 150-175, I will evaluate more precisely when I get under 200 seeing as the last time I was even close to 200 was High school and the year or so after.

My challenge for the month are exercise(Dvds and Wii dancing when weather is not ideal) and walking. Cutting out more sugar and grains so I can get my fasting sugars in normal range and get off Metformin and the crazy stomach issues it causes. And losing 6 lbs.

My brother and I are discussing getting some passes at tax refund time and watching air fare for a Oct 2016 trip(to WDW) maybe or just drive but that just takes sooooo long from AZ but depends on a lot of factors. I hope we can pull it off its been too many years(6). Plus my 12 year old already losing interest in Disney stuff and I want a trip before she finds it too "lame".
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Hi! I'm Amanda. I'm 36 years old with 2 boys, 6 and 2. I've got 20 more pounds I'd like to lose. I started last September and lost 10 in a couple months just by trying to keep my calories at 1200/day. I've been off the diet since late October, but once New Year's and all the parties are over I'm ready to get back at it! My goal for January is 4 lbs, but I need to lose that in the first 3 weeks because we'll be at Disney the last week and I don't plan to follow any diets while I'm there.

I've restarted my fitness club membership and plan on going a few times a week. We also have an exercise bike in our basement I'll be using at least once a week. Good luck to everyone!
Question to think about for the day:
What is your motivation? Why do you want to lose weight? Why is this time different? What are your roadblocks?

There are lots of articles online on this topic but here is one to get started:

My motivation is to start to enjoy life again without pain and being uncomfortable. I want to lose to be able to do all of the things I want to do that my weight is holding me back from doing. My roadblocks are my own thoughts and people that try to sabotage my efforts.

Rose I can see the chart now :) My goal for January is 10lbs. I hope to lose a good chunk at the beginning.
Question to think about for the day:
What is your motivation? Why do you want to lose weight? Why is this time different? What are your roadblocks?

There are lots of articles online on this topic but here is one to get started:

Health and getting off meds and hopefully a WDW/Florida trip later in 2016. I want to lose weight to be healthy. I'll be completely honest I'm not sure what is different this time. :rolleyes1 Tons of roadblocks, bad habits, procrastination, balancing it all, living with people that have differing ideals for nutrition can all make it more difficult. Lack of energy is a huge roadblock for me. I have been dealing with increasingly worse anemia for the past 6 months or more. I have taken daily supplement for quite some time and bloodwork only showed slight improvements. I had just an injection in the office but may have to move on to iron infusions and referral to a specialist.
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A little late to the start but please count me in, Rose!! I'm Jude and (gulp) I turned 50 this year. And boy, did it affect my metabolism and where weight lands on my body. As in, just about everywhere now. Compounding my changing body/metabolism issues, the gym close to work closed last July and instead of running or lifting every day at lunch, I'm now just sitting at my desk. The friends I used to meet there really pushed me and now when I lift on my own I don't feel as if I'm really challenging myself. I'm not ready to state my weight but my goal is 4 lbs a month til I hit 140. Is that okay? I'm running my first (and last) marathon at WDW on January 10. My goals for the marathon: 1. Finish, 2. Finish upright, and 3. Don't crawl at any point. Seriously. My motivation? I want to feel comfortable. I don't right now. And I want to stop hiding behind other people in pictures, or stop avoiding the pictures all together. Time to take charge of me!!
Question to think about for the day:
What is your motivation? Why do you want to lose weight? Why is this time different? What are your roadblocks?

My motivation is to be healthy, physically and mentally. Having reached the big 4-oh it has become clear pretty quickly that physical health really does start to decline with age! Mentally I feel better and more confident when I believe I look better.

Idk why this time is different. I DO know that since I've started my journey in Sept I've had a sense of calm and control like never before. I feel ready!

Roadblocks...sometimes I get lazy and don't want to plan or prepare and that leads to failure. Fail to plan, plan to fail.

Side note I was able to see the chart. I'd like my January goal to be 4 lbs.☺️
Question to think about for the day:
What is your motivation? Why do you want to lose weight? Why is this time different? What are your roadblocks?

There are lots of articles online on this topic but here is one to get started:

Here's my motivation:
3. I want to be able to wear all the clothing in my closet. And I want to be comfortable posing for pictures.
2. I want to set a good example and feel in control of my food choices.
1. I want to live. My bp was 175/110 several times this summer. I can't keep doing the same things over and over. I am carrying all of my extra weight in my stomach. I know it is effecting my health. Time for a permanent change. :)

Why is this time different--I just feel ready. Same as I felt in 2010. This might sound terrible but I feel like my levels of disgust and motivation have finally reached high enough levels that I am ready to tackle it.

My biggest roadblocks--the voices in my head ;) and my lack of planning.
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I'm in. I'm currently 33 years old. Yesterday, I weighed in at 148. My first goal is to lose 12 lbs by May. My January goal is 4 lbs.

Some background. I grew up an athlete but since then struggled with weight and terrible eating habits. I joined a gym 6 years ago and maintained at 136 for a couple of years. I got pregnant and gained 40 lbs! Within a year, I lost 37 and now a year later, I've gained 10 back. I work 2 jobs and struggle with the time, motivation and energy to exercise.

My immediate action plan (started yesterday):
1. Minimum of 25 mins of exercise 6 days per week
2. Minimum of 66 oz of water every day
3. No eating on the go, if I need to eat, I must pack the food from home
I love number 3! I think that is a great way to set yourself up for success!! With two jobs and I am guessing kiddos at home no wonder you struggle with time, motivation and energy. But you can do this! Hopefully the support will motivate you. :)

Lynda--good luck with your Dopey!

Hi I'm Melissa. Age 36 single mom with one 12 year old daughter. I weighed in up a bit after a few months of no progress but at least not back to my highest start weight. I was 315.3 yesterday morning. My goal is 150-175, I will evaluate more precisely when I get under 200 seeing as the last time I was even close to 200 was High school and the year or so after.

My challenge for the month are exercise(Dvds and Wii dancing when weather is not ideal) and walking. Cutting out more sugar and grains so I can get my fasting sugars in normal range and get off Metformin and the crazy stomach issues it causes. And losing 6 lbs.
Hi Melissa. Nice to see you. If you are thinking exercise is going to be a challenge, what about setting up a calendar for January where you schedule out what you are going to do each day. :)

Hi! I'm Amanda. I'm 36 years old with 2 boys, 6 and 2. I've got 20 more pounds I'd like to lose. I started last September and lost 10 in a couple months just by trying to keep my calories at 1200/day. I've been off the diet since late October, but once New Year's and all the parties are over I'm ready to get back at it! My goal for January is 4 lbs, but I need to lose that in the first 3 weeks because we'll be at Disney the last week and I don't plan to follow any diets while I'm there.

I've restarted my fitness club membership and plan on going a few times a week. We also have an exercise bike in our basement I'll be using at least once a week. Good luck to everyone!
Hi Amanda. A Disney trip is a great reason to be on plan for the beginning of the month. :)

My motivation is to start to enjoy life again without pain and being uncomfortable. I want to lose to be able to do all of the things I want to do that my weight is holding me back from doing. My roadblocks are my own thoughts and people that try to sabotage my efforts.

Rose I can see the chart now :) My goal for January is 10lbs. I hope to lose a good chunk at the beginning.
Great reasons to work on getting healthy! :)

A little late to the start but please count me in, Rose!! I'm Jude and (gulp) I turned 50 this year. And boy, did it affect my metabolism and where weight lands on my body. As in, just about everywhere now. Compounding my changing body/metabolism issues, the gym close to work closed last July and instead of running or lifting every day at lunch, I'm now just sitting at my desk. The friends I used to meet there really pushed me and now when I lift on my own I don't feel as if I'm really challenging myself. I'm not ready to state my weight but my goal is 4 lbs a month til I hit 140. Is that okay? I'm running my first (and last) marathon at WDW on January 10. My goals for the marathon: 1. Finish, 2. Finish upright, and 3. Don't crawl at any point. Seriously. My motivation? I want to feel comfortable. I don't right now. And I want to stop hiding behind other people in pictures, or stop avoiding the pictures all together. Time to take charge of me!!
Hi Jude. So nice to see you. I could have written huge portions of your post. We just talked last night about how I did not want to be in any pictures over Christmas--or actually for most of the year. I hate feeling like that, but I do. I miss my Y in Louisville and have yet to get into any kind of a rhythm since moving. As for the marathon--You can do it!! One of the hardest things I have ever done, but you have done MUCH harder things in your lifetime than I have and I am confident you will finish smiling. :)

My motivation is to be healthy, physically and mentally. Having reached the big 4-oh it has become clear pretty quickly that physical health really does start to decline with age! Mentally I feel better and more confident when I believe I look better.

Idk why this time is different. I DO know that since I've started my journey in Sept I've had a sense of calm and control like never before. I feel ready!

Roadblocks...sometimes I get lazy and don't want to plan or prepare and that leads to failure. Fail to plan, plan to fail.

Side note I was able to see the chart. I'd like my January goal to be 4 lbs.☺️
I like your description of calm and control. There is so little in life that we can actually control, but we absolutely can control what we eat.

I will edit the chart later today. No worries whatsoever if you don't want numbers on the chart. :) I decided personally that I needed to own where I was at, which is why I chose this format. Once we get going I will probably only edit once a week, but for now I am happy to make any changes that come up. :)

I wanted to share an article I read this morning that I found really interesting. I love this girl--she is so funny. But she does occasionally use potty words in her posts, so heads up on that. That is why I am not posting the link. If you are interested google PaleOMG, click on Community on the website. The article is called My Weight Loss Journey Over The Past Three Years. It was an interesting read on why 'too much' doesn't always work.
Question to think about for today:
How are you going to do this? WW, Atkins, Paleo, MFP?? None of the above??
I wish I could say that crossing my fingers and hoping for the best works, but I have tried that and it doesn't. :)
We have kind of talked about this a little bit, but what is going to be different this year? How are you going to set yourself up to succeed?

How to Lose Weight With a Busy Schedule
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A little late to the party...but doing my best to get caught up and then go back and meet my new friends on this journey!

Please introduce yourself.
I am Tammie...40 something (but getting closer to that 50 something). Wife and mother to 3. Of course a Disney Addict (planning addict is more like it). I have struggled with my weight all of my life and lately just can't seem to get a handle on it. I have PCOS and very close to being Type 2 thanks to the syndrome. I have figured out the active part in my life thanks to RunDisney but I have to get off this weight so that I feel better and I can be more active.

Do you have a goal?

I am not stepping on the scale until January 7 when life gets back to a normal schedule and I am not tempted with food around me. But I know I need to lose about 60 pounds. And get back to a size 10/12. Not going for skinny (never will happen) but being comfortable in my own skin.

Question to think about for the day:
What is your motivation? Why do you want to lose weight? Why is this time different? What are your roadblocks?

To feel better, plain and simple...also to get back into life instead of hiding from people and mirrors. Why is this time different? Not sure if it is any different but I know that once I get that Type 2 diabetes lots of things change and it will be a defeat.

I am my biggest road block. A little cheat here a little cheat there and I totally go on a binge and tell myself I will start next week. Like I said, I have figured out the excercise part of this journey...but then I forget about the food part. When will I ever learn you cant exercise yourself to skinny.

There are lots of articles online on this topic but here is one to get started:

Question to think about for today:
How are you going to do this? WW, Atkins, Paleo, MFP?? None of the above??

My doctor and I have both decided that being PCOS that I am going to have to basically follow a Keto /Atkins diet. Carbs (even good ones) are not my friend. I know that I am not going to be 100% all of the time, but I am going for 98% all of the time.

I wish I could say that crossing my fingers and hoping for the best works, but I have tried that and it doesn't. :)
We have kind of talked about this a little bit, but what is going to be different this year? How are you going to set yourself up to succeed?

How to Lose Weight With a Busy Schedule

I am going to set myself to succeed by finding a group of people that will support me and kick my in the hiney. No giving up and quitting by February. I am also going to start a WISH journal and faithfully post daily to keep myself accountable...and make myself admit the Good the BAD and the UGLY.
Question to think about for today:
How are you going to do this? WW, Atkins, Paleo, MFP?? None of the above??
I wish I could say that crossing my fingers and hoping for the best works, but I have tried that and it doesn't. :)
We have kind of talked about this a little bit, but what is going to be different this year? How are you going to set yourself up to succeed?

How to Lose Weight With a Busy Schedule

I am really torn on the eating aspect. I have done WW many times and have found it isn't what it use to be for support. Tried Atkins once before lost weight couldn't stick with it for life. I think I am leaning towards MFP attached to my Fitbit.

I am going to do more relaxation exercise mixed in this other kids so I don't get too stressed out and overwhelmed. I have also set a km goal for 2016 for my self. These will be exercise km not just everyday walking km. Going to use my fitbit app to track my walks and keep a log of my km.

Focusing on over all health and not just food. I have had a eating disorder since grade 3 and have never had a good relationship with food. So if I try not to focus on that part I am hoping I won't get stressed out over it.
A little late to the start but please count me in, Rose!! I'm Jude and (gulp) I turned 50 this year. And boy, did it affect my metabolism and where weight lands on my body. As in, just about everywhere now. Compounding my changing body/metabolism issues, the gym close to work closed last July and instead of running or lifting every day at lunch, I'm now just sitting at my desk. The friends I used to meet there really pushed me and now when I lift on my own I don't feel as if I'm really challenging myself. I'm not ready to state my weight but my goal is 4 lbs a month til I hit 140. Is that okay? I'm running my first (and last) marathon at WDW on January 10. My goals for the marathon: 1. Finish, 2. Finish upright, and 3. Don't crawl at any point. Seriously. My motivation? I want to feel comfortable. I don't right now. And I want to stop hiding behind other people in pictures, or stop avoiding the pictures all together. Time to take charge of me!!

Good luck with the marathon. Good for you. I am still too chicken to commit to that big of a run :) You will do great. Those Disney runs are so fun and everyone is so supportive you will finish and will feel amazing after for accomplishing your goal.
Would love to join!!! I have been trying to loose my pregnancy weight since my last delivery 14 years ago... I am 51( yikes) I was 5'9" may have shrunk a little with age and I weighed in this morning at OMGOSH 189 ( BMI 27.9). I would love to loose 5lbs this month but my goal is 30lbs (BMI 23.5).

1) walk on hour a day
2) drink 4 bottles of water a day
Question to think about for today:
How are you going to do this? WW, Atkins, Paleo, MFP?? None of the above??
I wish I could say that crossing my fingers and hoping for the best works, but I have tried that and it doesn't. :)
We have kind of talked about this a little bit, but what is going to be different this year? How are you going to set yourself up to succeed?

How to Lose Weight With a Busy Schedule
Going to be honest here--I have been thinking about this all fall, and I still don't have a good plan. When I lost weight in 2010 my plan was portion control (The French Don't Diet Plan) and HUGE amounts of cardio. It was not a good month if I didn't have at least 1400 minutes of cardio. And then I started getting injured. And I had to give up gluten. And it seems that since spring of 2011 I just have not felt great. Oh, and throw early menopause in there....So time to do something different.

While I still have not come to a decision on exactly what I am going to do, I have had a few AHA moments.
1. When looking at Whole 30 they talked about not whining that this is hard--cancer is hard, childbirth is hard, etc. This is just a change that we are embarking on to better ourselves.
2. My son and I were talking about stumbling blocks this morning and we talked about the mentality that many people (including me) pursuing weight loss use--tomorrow is another day. Or--you get a fresh start in the morning. I have used this mantra many times. I can't remember exactly what he said but what it comes down to is: If you are starting from scratch or from the beginning every day, you are never getting anywhere....
3. I love food. I love good food. Love it. I had a meal at California Grill last week that was completely vegetarian, had little to no dairy and was quite possible one of the best things I ever eaten. I want to eat GOOD food. I have a beautiful kitchen. A husband that likes to cook with me and absolutely ZERO reasons for why we eat crappy gf pizza or microwave baked potatoes loaded with cheese other than I am either really lazy or just absolutely setting myself up to fail day after day after day.
4. I need to COMMIT to something for 30 days. COMMIT. No quitting. The interesting thing about Whole 30 was the attitude of--Do it, or don't do it. But if you are going to do it, then do it right. Don't set yourself up to fail. If you cheat, start over. It's only 30 days.

I love the idea of Whole30, but as someone who used to be 100% vegetarian, I don't know if I can commit to that much meat. I am guessing I will come up with a hybrid plan.

So knowing that if I don't make some kind of plan I WILL FAIL here is what I am committing to for Jan 3-Jan 16:
1. Meal plan for each day including breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
2. 30 minutes of cardio activity planned and scheduled for each day.
3. Commitment to checking in here daily.
4. Minimum of 32 ounces of water a day.
5, Daily weigh in.

**Thanks for indulging my thinking this through. :)
Question to think about for today:
How are you going to do this? WW, Atkins, Paleo, MFP?? None of the above??
I wish I could say that crossing my fingers and hoping for the best works, but I have tried that and it doesn't. :)
We have kind of talked about this a little bit, but what is going to be different this year? How are you going to set yourself up to succeed?

I am a low carber. Not eating sugar and losing that craving is what gives me the sense of control and honestly I feel so much better! Plus, it works for me!

I am going to continue with what has been working and adding in this support system!

PLANNING is key for me. I need to KNOW what's for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I am going to drink my 4 bottles of water and my vitamins are going to be ready to go. My gym bag is packed and ready to go. It's so easy to just say forget it if your stuff is ready to go in the morning when we are in a hurry to get out the door!

R&M I love what your son had to say! I agree with what he's saying and would like to add not only will we never get anywhere but we don't have any success to motivate us or to build on!
Hi I would like to join this challenge. I plan to get rid of 80 pounds this year. My January goal is 5 pounds. I am at the highest weight I have ever been.
This time will be different because I plan to exercise when I am stressed. So I will will be exercising a lot this year.
My plan, which I haven't sat down and actually planned yet, is to lose about a pound a week doing a variety of things I've done before.

--cutting calories, sweets, sugar, sodas
--increasing water intake
--increasing my movements! Utilize my treadmill and work back up to running. Difficult as I'm recovering from plantar fasciitis but I'm so much better. Planning to start slow and increase my walking distance gradually. I've come back from PF before to lose 50 pounds. Just need to be careful and smart about it.


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