Planes, Trains & Antitussives, Alaksan Wonder Cruise - All done! Complete 11/21

Wow that is a great tour! I looked into a White Pass train excursion when we were going to do Alaska earlier this year, I definitely want to do that when we do go now that I've seen pics of it.

Your train car is nice, those seats do look much more comfy than the regular cars are.

It was very nice. The car had air conditioning too.

Yikes! LOL

Thank goodness that bridge was retired 50 years ago.


There were so many photos that deserved that description!

And there is someone who rented it!

I know, I was a little surprised, but there are a lot of people who like the rustic kind of life.

Are there hiking trails up there? Maybe they are hikers taking a break. Or maybe there is a train that stops partway to pick them up?

There are lots of trails, and from what another poster said, most likely the train behind us would stop and pick them up.

Beautiful pics!

Can't wait to hear about the Palo dinner

All I need to do is catch up on replies! The rest is written!

Enjoyed the ride along thank you!

You're welcome!

To answer your question peanut butter and jelly is not common in the UK. We have jelly sandwiches ( we call it jam ) and peanut butter but not as a mix. Also it is not common in schools now because of allergies.

Interesting. I never cared for Jam or Jelly as a child especially with peanut butter. I have begun to develop a taste for biscuits and jam in the last few years.

Oh my re your train journey the photos are amazing. I enjoyed the history thank you for that.

How long was the journey in hours?

The excursion lasted from 12:25 until 4:25 according to the DCL website. That included the time on the bus to and from the ship. I think the actual time up and down the mountain was about 2 1/2 - 3 hours. I wasn't paying attention to the time as the scenery was so enthralling.

I was hoping you would post a photo of 'cattle class' to compare. I thought it neat the train kind of performed an EE and reversed. Time for the other VIP to get the gas fumes!

I was glad to see that we had made a better choice of cabin.

The scenery is breathe taking. I was wondering you mention the tide, do you know are there only certain ship sizes and maybe times of year that can dock here?

I don't know anything about the sizes of ships and if they can dock. It appears that there were larger ships than the Wonder docked there.

We did a bus/train combo to the Yukon through Chilkoot Charters on 8/11. Train back to Skagway. Our train stopped twice to pick up people, first for hikers, and not sure who the second group were--we were surprised that the train stopped for them. So...I'd say this group is waiting for a train that is going to stop for them, maybe the next one!

Thanks for pointing this out! I probably would have been wondering about this had you not commented.

Love your trip report. I can't believe how much sun you have! We had typical 'Alaska' temperate rainforest weather--fog, mist, light rain the whole trip. Even doing the afternoon train back, we had a lot of fog (although much less than the morning train). Your pics tell me what we were 'supposed' to see.

You may be a little jealous of the rest of our days....we completely lucked out most all of the week.
Wow! Beautiful scenery! And lucky you having a clear day! It would not have been a impressive in the mist/fog/clouds.

Yes, it woud have been sad if it were rainy or foggy. However, in my mind it was always going to be a lovely day.

All the history stuff was interesting. So like you can't go if you don't have an onion?

I guess they didn't want the men eating bland tasting food. :rotfl2:

That's interesting that 3rd term women are not allow to stay in Skagway. It's not a very big town. How many people live there in the winter?

The Chamber of Commerce website said that there were 800 people who live there in Winter. Summer population depends on which cruise ships are in port.

I'd love to go back to Alaska someday! It's just so beautiful up there!

It really was! I would love to do a trip there staying overnight, but from what I hear is that it is very expensive.

Oh, sure. Now that you say it, it's obvious.


As I've said in the past Google is my friend.

Pretty good difference.
Don't know why, but I find tides interesting.

I had no idea that they fluctuated so much. I was reading another's TR when I found out about the changing of the boarding decks.

I'll never forget that day our knees met.

Actually it was more of the back corners of our chairs.

And here's a picture of them after we got back.

All gone!

Surprisingly they weren't all gone.

How was the sausage?

The sausage was very tasty. It wasn't spicy, but it had a good flavor. Once we were on the way back down and I noticed that everyone wasn't descending upon the food, I grabbed as many of the sausage kabobs and crab dip cups as I could!

There seems to be a rhubarb theme here.

Yeah, reminds me of my grandparents. They grew it and made all sorts of stuff with it.

Nice of him.

He was rather attentive.

Where's Fran?

She was still in the restroom. I went with her to the back of the train to make sure it was an accessible restroom and she wouldn't need any help.

Ugh, gross. Hate that smell.

I once took a three day bus ride... or maybe it was two.... don't remember. What I do remember was spending quite a bit of time in the bathroom. Not being sick, although I felt it, but because there was a little tiny slot with fresh air coming in.

That sounds awful.

Holy smoke!

No kidding!

It was quite an endeavor.


Well, that sucks.

Ironic eh?

We're meanies.


Really! Didn't know there was that much tourism.

Well you figure that our ship had 2000 people and ours was the smallest ship in port. That's a minimum of 8,000 in port, but more likely 10,000+. I don't know how may people fit per car, say 50 x 14 cars = 700 people x 4 trains = 2800. That doesn't even scratch the surface of available passengers. And even if each train fit 100 people that still would only be about half the cruise ship passengers.

Sounds rustic... kinda fun for a night or two.


Oh! I didn't realize that they had multiple trains... traveling at the same time.
I thought there was one train that did four trips daily.

Considering the number of passengers when four cruise ships are in port they could use that many for sure.

Thanks, America!


Needs more bacon.


Look at all that stuff! Crazy!

I can't imagine having to carry all that stuff.

This photo made me realize that the trail's being maintained.
Someone's clearing out any rock that falls on the trail.

I would imagine though that it was slightly wider back over 100 years ago as well. How could they point it out to tourists if there wasn't a visible trail.

Pokémon Go.

Funny you should mention that. We left on our trip and the world was a normal place. All of a sudden we come back and my FB is exploding with people chasing invisible fictional monsters. I was like, "What the...?" And then I hear on the news that some "game" is taking the US by storm, and I wanted nothing to do with it.

Interesting. I had thought that you'd just get pushed back down, instead.

I'm glad it worked out the other way.

Thank goodness!

It was so much more fun!

We did! Or at least I did.

I'm doing my best!

Not much room in there. Keep your arms in!

Keep your arms and legs inside the ride vehicle at all times.


That's my favorite shot of the train trip.

Waiting for the train to go by so they can walk on the track or cross it maybe?

Seems a previous poster said the last train down picked up passengers.

You can really tell that it's a caboose now.

I wonder if that is more picturesque than a regular car.

Pretty standard for a northern town. Tough to find doctors who are willing to go.

I can see why. I bet the pay isn't so good and it's not a cushy place to live.
Goodness gracious, look at that list of stuff they had to bring! I hate being told what to do when I don't agree/understand it, that list would have put me off. I'm not bringing bacon, onions, or beans... And wow, the 33 mile hike, and not just once or twice :faint:

You would have probably had a tough time back then. Unless you lived on a farm, most people ate bacon and beans as they traveled well and were easy to store. I suspect back then you would have lived on potatoes! :laughing:

How sad the railroad was finished and the need was no longer there :( glad they found a use for it.

It's crazy how quickly the Gold Rush sprang up and then died.

I went to check out the excursions and there are so many for each port that I'd like to do.

There are so many that are great for Alaska, but when you take into account Fran's mobility level and the fact that they will not allow scooters on the excursions, it limits your choices quite some bit. I may do some excursions on my own on the February cruise, we'll see.

Gorgeous pictures. Yes, the more the merrier :)

Thank you for sharing the history as well.

You're welcome. You guys are really asking for it. I've taken tons of photos on the excursions!

Ok, I just want to know what evaporated vinegar is!:rotfl2:

Google was not my friend on this one. I really tried.

That train tour looks fun to do along with the amazing scenery. It has been ages since I have went on a train tour and it was nice seeing a steam engine when you got a shot of it.
Great update.

It was a very nice tour and I enjoyed the comfort of the train and scenery was beautiful.

I enjoyed all the history and the photos. They are so different from when we were there. We still had snow in the mountains and the river on the summit was a tiny channel of water surrounded by blue ice.


I can imagine, you were on the first train. I remember looking at your photos and enjoying the changes in the ecosystems, but I didn't think there was much variance in other things like the snow and such. I guess I didn't realize that two months later it would be sunny and beautiful instead of icy and snowy like you experienced it.
Actually it was more of the back corners of our chairs.

Nevertheless... An unforgettable moment.

Surprisingly they weren't all gone.

Colour me shocked.

That's yellow, by the way.

The sausage was very tasty. It wasn't spicy, but it had a good flavor.

mmmmm sounds good.

Once we were on the way back down and I noticed that everyone wasn't descending upon the food, I grabbed as many of the sausage kabobs and crab dip cups as I could!


Yeah, reminds me of my grandparents. They grew it and made all sorts of stuff with it.

My mom used to make strawberry rhubarb pie. oh man it was good.

That sounds awful.

Nah. It was much worse.

Well you figure that our ship had 2000 people and ours was the smallest ship in port.


That's a minimum of 8,000 in port, but more likely 10,000+. I don't know how may people fit per car, say 50 x 14 cars = 700 people x 4 trains = 2800. That doesn't even scratch the surface of available passengers. And even if each train fit 100 people that still would only be about half the cruise ship passengers.

I had no idea there were that many ships/people! Holy crap!

Probably not?

Considering the number of passengers when four cruise ships are in port they could use that many for sure.


I would imagine though that it was slightly wider back over 100 years ago as well. How could they point it out to tourists if there wasn't a visible trail.

I would suspect you're right.

Funny you should mention that. We left on our trip and the world was a normal place. All of a sudden we come back and my FB is exploding with people chasing invisible fictional monsters. I was like, "What the...?" And then I hear on the news that some "game" is taking the US by storm, and I wanted nothing to do with it.

And...... it's already waning.

Keep your arms and legs inside the ride vehicle at all times.

But where's the fun in that?
I remember years and years ago... probably when I was around 16, my best friend and I went to the fair. We rode a coaster. I reached up and managed to touch a cross beam as we went up the first incline. I got a pretty good shock... and so did my buddy!

That's my favorite shot of the train trip.

I can see why!

Seems a previous poster said the last train down picked up passengers.

Ah! But... from where?

I can see why. I bet the pay isn't so good and it's not a cushy place to live.

I could be wrong about this... seems to me I heard a tale that (in Canada, anyways) docs coming from other countries had to sign a contract stating that they would spend a few years in the north before being able to practice in the south.
And it could be a complete fabrication.
I've been a very bad Dis-ser!!
Sorry for being MIA. Life just keeps getting in the way of 2D activities.

Catching up.

Congrats on the weight loss.
Your room in Vancouver looks great! The views are amazing and how awesome to be up to see the Wonder sail in.
I just love the embarkation pictures of you and Minnie. You look great in them.

What a great surprise package in your stateroom. That was a very nice gift from the Disser.
Shame that Fran wasn't feeling well. That's not a fun way to start a cruise.

Goofy! In an amazing outfit. Love it.

What amazing FE gifts. They are so appropriate for this cruise.

I love the Palo brunch. Such amazing, yummy looking food. So sorry that Fran didn't make it.
Hristo must know you pretty well by now; and vice versa.
Gin? You know why. You love that drink!

I'm envious of you spa time. I need a massage bad!
So glad to see Fran up and about for dinner. Your dress is stunning!
What an awesome drinks server. She really upheld the Disney tradition of looking after guests! So glad that your dad could have the wine bottle at the table.
Loving your food porn. Triton's looks delish!!

Icebergs!! Loving this TR. I was so far behind that there were so many days for me to binge read. Thank you, thank you for sharing the pictures and trip.
Hope you sorted out the hacked credit card.

What amazing cascades. Love the views of the glacier.

What an amazing 1st class cabin on the train. Glad you booked that!
The scenery is amazing! What awesome weather. So lucky to have blue sky.
And bonus to be upwind of the diesel on the way back.
Lots of pictures is GREAT.
That picture with the purple flower and the train with the scenery.....have you printed it out and framed it yet? STUNNING!

All caught up. Stunning, stunning, stunning. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for doing the research I was too lazy to do!

No problem!

I love the smell of diesel in the morning. Smells like...victory.

I'm pretty sure that's a movie quote.

Water from a stream?? That's got me sold.

I thought of you guys, it does sleep six!

And if you have super-vision.


Quite the climb!

Glad we had a train and attempting it on foot!

Cool! Bonus scenery!

Sure beats fogged in peaks.

I'd totally be messing with the passengers on this, too.

Somehow I don't doubt that. ;)

:faint: I've seen aerial shots of the trail where you can still see canoes and other supplies that got dumped along the trail, rotting where the people left them.

Why would someone bring a canoe to the Yukon? :confused3

Waiting for passports?

I like Pokemon better!

The things we do for our photos!:rotfl2:


Yup, that's the one. Right there. Amazing.

That one is my favorite of this day.

I love these shots of the train just clinging to the edge of the mountain.

I loved that it was so long that we could see the other end of the train, going around the mountain.

Hitchhikers. Don't pick them up!

We left 'em in the dust!

:scared1: We would never have survived!:rotfl:

Poor Julie would have been "kicked off the island" perhaps more than she was there!

Wow wow wow! What a neat update. I reread it because I swear I had posted but I guess not. :blush:

I'm glad you liked it!

I am pretty sure I would not have been a gold miner. the 150 lb of bacon alone would have killed me. :lmao:

Well you had a year to eat it. That's barely half a pound a day!

Love the scenery pics. The lunch looks a little odd. Glad you had your expensive ham sandwich. ;)

Technically it was billed as "light refreshments".

I also love the smell of diesel/gas. Growing up we owned a Union 76 Station and I have the best memories of it. Love that smell to this day. it reminds me of my dad. I think that's why I still insist on riding Autopia. :woohoo:

I think you're the only one loving that smell! :rotfl:

Finally I am all caught up. I have really enjoyed your pictures. I just wish Fran felt better, but thank goodness your parents were with you. Can't wait for another chapter. :)

At least she felt better enough on rhis day that she wanted to get off the ship.

I loved that train ride back in 2005, we took the bus up to the Yukon area, had lunch and then boarded the train in Carcross. You did a great job capturing the history and beautiful scenery. I can't image taking the trail back in 1898, it was sad how many people and animals didn't make it and died.

We looked at all the different options and finally decided that VIP was the way to go. It worked out great for Fran.

Love your trip report! We will be going on the first May 2017 cruise to Alaska. So many things to see!

:welcome: I think your weather may be different, but yes there is so much beautiful scenery!

I've finally gotten a day off and am not too exhausted to not just be asleep in bed. (I am in bed at 11:30 AM, just not asleep. LOL!) I loved your Skagway update! That train car looks over-the-top luxurious. WOW! Good move on the sandwich; train food kinda sux in general, luxury car or not.

I've gotten so far behind on my replies, and I don't even have a job to keep me from it! Everything else is sucking up my time!

The town itself did look rather touristy. Probably fun to stroll in, but to buy stuff.... not so much. Sounds like the signage could've been a bit clearer. I get super cranky too when I have to "go". I don't blame Fran one bit for being irritated about the confusion/delay.

It was a cute little town. Fran got some T-shirts, I got some chocolate, we got the pricey sandwich. The problem wasn't signage, it was the Activities Director who told us to go stand in the wrong line. He did feel really bad about it later.
Colour me shocked.

That's yellow, by the way.

I would have thought it more blue or red.

My mom used to make strawberry rhubarb pie. oh man it was good.

I think I was afraid of the word rhubarb when I was a kid. And pie. It took me a long time to try my first slice of pie.

I had no idea there were that many ships/people! Holy crap!

Some of these ships (like the Dream and Fantasy) can hold 4,000 people. The Wonder is really considered a "smaller" ship.

And...... it's already waning.

Thank gawd.

But where's the fun in that?
I remember years and years ago... probably when I was around 16, my best friend and I went to the fair. We rode a coaster. I reached up and managed to touch a cross beam as we went up the first incline. I got a pretty good shock... and so did my buddy!

You're freakin' nuts. Have I told you that lately?

Ah! But... from where?

Not. a. clue.

I could be wrong about this... seems to me I heard a tale that (in Canada, anyways) docs coming from other countries had to sign a contract stating that they would spend a few years in the north before being able to practice in the south.
And it could be a complete fabrication.

Interesting, but I would think it's one of those urban myths.

I've been a very bad Dis-ser!!
Sorry for being MIA. Life just keeps getting in the way of 2D activities.

Catching up.

You and that "having a life" thing. Me? I go on trips, go to band, cook/eat, and that's about the extent of it. I guess after tomorrow I'll be able to add swim to the list too.

Congrats on the weight loss.
Your room in Vancouver looks great! The views are amazing and how awesome to be up to see the Wonder sail in.
I just love the embarkation pictures of you and Minnie. You look great in them.

Thanks, a couple days ago I got myself all the way back to where I was the morning we stepped on the ship. My next goal is another 20 lbs (give or take). The Pan Pacific was oh so spendy, but it was so worth it not to hassle the luggage and boarding, especially with Fran feeling crappy.

What a great surprise package in your stateroom. That was a very nice gift from the Disser.
Shame that Fran wasn't feeling well. That's not a fun way to start a cruise.

That was so sweet of them, and I have Captain Mickey on my window of the French Doors behind the stove top, he reminds me of the trip and the sweet friends!

Goofy! In an amazing outfit. Love it.

I wish I had taken pictures of the characters that I didn't meet. Mental note for February Cruise....So many of them had great outfits for Alaska. I love the characters. I would miss them on a non-Disney cruise. I don't watch many Dreamworks movies so having them on a Royal Caribbean Cruise wouldn't help much in that area.

What amazing FE gifts. They are so appropriate for this cruise.

Thanks! I hope my other ship mates enjoyed them. We never ended up having any Hot chocolate so we brought out marshmallows home. I made Smores in the toaster with one bag. I still have one left and might do the same again!

I love the Palo brunch. Such amazing, yummy looking food. So sorry that Fran didn't make it.
Hristo must know you pretty well by now; and vice versa.

It is such a lovely Brunch! I heard they are making huge changes and the strawberry soup may be casualty. :sad2: It's amazing how we see him once a year or so, but he remembers we are from Long Beach. We talk about California (since the Wonder has been based out of there for a while in the Fall), and he talks about his leave at home with his wife and trying to cook dishes that he has learned in Palo. When we are there, he is like an old friend. And I think he actually genuinely likes us!

Gin? You know why. You love that drink!

Not that I love it so much, but I always try to volunteer for the first drink so I get a big one!

I'm envious of you spa time. I need a massage bad!

Darcy and I went a couple weeks ago to the fancy spa and still I need another massage. I'm going to see about getting one this weekend.

So glad to see Fran up and about for dinner. Your dress is stunning!

Thank you! Can you believe that I wore that on our first Disney cruise like 15 years ago!

What an awesome drinks server. She really upheld the Disney tradition of looking after guests! So glad that your dad could have the wine bottle at the table.
Loving your food porn. Triton's looks delish!!

She did go over the top for my Dad, but by the end of the cruise I wondered if she had something against me. She continually ignored me.

Icebergs!! Loving this TR. I was so far behind that there were so many days for me to binge read. Thank you, thank you for sharing the pictures and trip.

I'm glad you enjoyed the icebergs. I thought they were so cool!

Hope you sorted out the hacked credit card.

Even as late as last weekend, we were still dealing with fallout from the darned hacked card.

What amazing cascades. Love the views of the glacier.


What an amazing 1st class cabin on the train. Glad you booked that!
The scenery is amazing! What awesome weather. So lucky to have blue sky.
And bonus to be upwind of the diesel on the way back.
Lots of pictures is GREAT.

Thank you! It was definitely a great trip!

That picture with the purple flower and the train with the scenery.....have you printed it out and framed it yet? STUNNING!

I have not, but I think that one will make "the wall" along with my sunrise from Monument Valley shot.

All caught up. Stunning, stunning, stunning. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you!!!!!!
When we got back to the ship the tide was much higher.

We went back to the room where Fran took a nap. I took these shots of the higher tide.

I thought it was appropriate to show you my door with the limited decorations that I have. You see all my magnets are in my fish extender and well….

So I recycled the Bon Voyage package decorations for the door.

I went down to the business center to print out the prescription that the doctor had emailed us.

While I was looking for a place to fill it in Juneau with my cell phone, I decided to have a Melon Vine, one of my favorite drinks on the ship.

I changed my Google search from "Juneau Pharmacies" to "Juneau drug stores" and immediately came up with one in downtown. I called and found out that they had both medications and said that I would be there at 9AM when they opened.

I went back to the room and changed into my bathing suit and headed up to deck 9 for some jacuzzi time. I also got a Blue Margarita, but I didn't have anything on me but my robe and room key so no evidence. I spent a good amount of time up there. I had a Jacuzzi all to myself and that was very nice. I came back down and showered off the chlorine and got ready for dinner.

The show this night was Finding Dory and my parents went to see it. I'm sure Fran and I will see it eventually, like when we can record it on our DVR :sad2: We still haven’t seen it. She wore her “Finding Dory” Ren Spooner shirt to the park last Wednesday and I told her that we really need to see it if she wants to wear that shirt.

My parents showed up at the door while we were putting on the last of our clothes. Then as we're trying to walk out the door, Palo calls to make sure we're still coming. Evidently no one notified them that I had moved the reservation back 15 minutes.

Hristo was our server again and he took excellent care of us.

We started with the Antipasto platter.

Sorry I didn't take pictures until it was half gone.

Fran wasn't willing to share her Caprese salad, in fact she arrived at the restaurant in a crappy mood. Somewhere in there it got better. So we each got one.

Mom got the mushroom risotto. She cleaned her plate.

Dad got the newly refurbished Tuscan Bean soup. He liked his too.

At some point during dinner a Photo Pass photographer came by and took our picture.

Then it was time for the pasta course. While we told Hristo that Fran and I wanted the pasta in lobster sauce and Dad said he wanted the butternut agnolotti, Hristo insisted on bringing us share plates. No one wanted any of the others pasta and my mom didn't want any period. But he tried.

Lobster Sauce pasta

Butternut Squash Angolotti

We enjoyed it and then received our palate cleanser.

At this point we were given the menu for dessert, since a soufflé was in the mix.

Minnie was up on deck for a photo op.

[Continued in Next Post]
[Continued from Previous Post]

Then our main courses were served. I had the rack of lamb.

Fran and Mom got the Scallops.

Dad got the Dover Sole filetted tableside. It was quite the presentation.

The sunset happened while we were in Palo

Then came the soufflés. Everyone but me got the chocolate and loved it. They now have an Amaretto Soufflé which is now just as high on my list as the Grand Marnier. It was lovely and delicate but still oh so tasty!

We had our digestive aid and then headed back to the room. It was an excellent dinner!

We perused the Navigators and went to bed.

I thought it was appropriate to show you my door with the limited decorations that I have. You see all my magnets are in my fish extender and well….

Oh, how annoying.

So I recycled the Bon Voyage package decorations for the door.

They look very nice.

I changed my Google search from "Juneau Pharmacies" to "Juneau drug stores" and immediately came up with one in downtown. I called and found out that they had both medications and said that I would be there at 9AM when they opened.

I am glad that you managed to sort this out. At least I hope it is sorted.

I had a Jacuzzi all to myself and that was very nice.

Score. I like the idea of having a private Jacuzzi. I am hoping the same may happen every now and again on our transatlantic cruise.

I'm sure Fran and I will see it eventually, like when we can record it on our DVR :sad2:

I am in the same position.

Dad got the newly refurbished Tuscan Bean soup. He liked his too.

I am not sure that I would have liked the green stuff on top, whatever this was.

Minnie was up on deck for a photo op.

This is a really lovely photo.

They now have an Amaretto Soufflé which is now just as high on my list as the Grand Marnier.

Now that sounds good to me. I think if we do end up on the Wonder next year, I may have to try this.

Sorry for being so absent. I have been lurking all along and love your tales of your Alaska cruise. It all sounds so amazing!! This is definitely an experience that is on my bucket list!!
The problem wasn't signage, it was the Activities Director who told us to go stand in the wrong line. He did feel really bad about it later.

Did he feel badly enough that he comped you a drink?

but I didn't have anything on me but my robe and room key

But, but... you had your suit on, right?

in fact she arrived at the restaurant in a crappy mood

Uh oooooh... Glad it improved so everyone could enjoy dinner more.
Nice update!

Glad that you had a relaxing time in the Jacuzzi, awesome that you had one to yourself.

Sorry you forgot your FE.

Sounds like a great dinner at Palo. I Saw a few things that I would order from the pics of the menu. Was this a different menu for Alaska or the same as usual?
I would have thought it more blue or red.

Nope. Yellow. Because, science.

I think I was afraid of the word rhubarb when I was a kid. And pie. It took me a long time to try my first slice of pie.

Really! Wow. Who doesn't like pie!?!?

I want pie right now.

You're freakin' nuts. Have I told you that lately?

Ummm... it's been a few days, so you're due.

Interesting, but I would think it's one of those urban myths.

Could be. I didn't see anything on a quick Google search to back it up and I don't live up there anymore to ask.
When we got back to the ship the tide was much higher.

So I see! Interesting.

I thought it was appropriate to show you my door with the limited decorations that I have. You see all my magnets are in my fish extender and well….


So I recycled the Bon Voyage package decorations for the door.

Not bad!

I decided to have a Melon Vine, one of my favorite drinks on the ship.

mmm that looks good.

I changed my Google search from "Juneau Pharmacies" to "Juneau drug stores" and immediately came up with one in downtown. I called and found out that they had both medications and said that I would be there at 9AM when they opened.

Phew! How much were you panicking when you couldn't find any pharmacies?

I also got a Blue Margarita, but I didn't have anything on me but my robe and room key so no evidence.

I believe you.

I had a Jacuzzi all to myself and that was very nice.

::yes:: The worst is when there are kids in there yelling and splashing.

I'm sure Fran and I will see it eventually, like when we can record it on our DVR :sad2: We still haven’t seen it.


Fran wasn't willing to share her Caprese salad, in fact she arrived at the restaurant in a crappy mood.

Well, that's understandable considering she was feeling crappy.
Might as well have the mood to go with it.

Mom got the mushroom risotto. She cleaned her plate.

That looks so good. Want.
(Even though I just made some a couple of days ago.)

At some point during dinner a Photo Pass photographer came by and took our picture.

Fran looks pretty good for being under the weather.

Don't jump, Minnie!!

Then our main courses were served. I had the rack of lamb.

Oh, man.... I love rack of lamb... and haven't had it in years.

Dad got the Dover Sole filetted tableside. It was quite the presentation.

Looks like quite the production. Was it worth it?

They now have an Amaretto Soufflé which is now just as high on my list as the Grand Marnier. It was lovely and delicate but still oh so tasty!

That good, huh?

Looks like the critter from Alien.
Btw, using watched threads is totally messing me up. If I can't read everything as soon as I get the alert, I end up losing track of where I am in the threads!
Alaska is just soooooo beautiful!

You're poor little plastic bag FE. :( Clever though using the room decor as door decorations!

Dinner looks fabulous especially your lamb and the Sole. Were those sundried tomatoes and capers on the Sole? :cloud9:

How adorable is Alaska Minnie?
I loved your photos of the high tide. I was singing to myself the Blondie song 'The tide is high and I'm moving on'

Lol. I was laughing so much at your make shift FE! Loving your cute magnets.

I have not seen the buisness centre before on any of the cruise ships so thank you for the photo. Quite impressive. Did they charge a fee? That was great the a Pharmacy in Juneau had the meds in stock.

How delightful a Palo reservation. I am glad this placed a smile on Fran's face after feeling melancholy. I love the photo of you both.

Your selection of food looks good. The problem with that restaurant is selecting. Too many good things. Caught between the Dover sole and the scallops. They cook these to perfection in my book. Too many places over cook.

I love Minnie's Alaska outfit how cute!

Yum soufflé. I think it is great they offer an alternative to chocolate. Again shows how good the chefs are. Too many places will not go near this fabulous dessert. Too difficult to achieve. Very impressive for the small surcharge fee in my humble view. You would pay frightful amounts to dine in a place like that in the UK. Probably at least $200 a head.


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