ABCs of a Nursing School Grad Trip + FL Keys Mini Report;D is for: Dang! Last Chapter of this TR...

Not only does it get you all the way around the Showcase, but it gets you into the shops that you may not otherwise actually get into

i really like this idea, I'm pretty bad about skipping some of the shops in WS. May have to copy your scavenger hunt

And some of it’s actually not even made in China. Whoa. Contain your surprise.


please stand clear of the doors

por favor mantengase alejado de las puertas.......... whoa my margarita must be kicking in

or don’t want to wait in line for an hour for a to-go marg either, best hit it up before then. It’s always 5:00 somewhere.

note to self, be ready for avocado margarita at 11:00 am sharp :scratchin

I HATED Paris. I know many of you are in love with it and its people, I am not one.

What??? you hated Paris?? travesty! i'm totally kidding, I didn't love it either. The food, namely the pastries, yes, but I'm ok with never going back, much more to see..
Basically England owned all of Ireland it kind of invaded it and took it from the Irish people. Southern Ireland wanted independence as an entire island. The issue was Northern Ireland was mainly full of English immigrants so wanted to remain part of the British Empire. So a deal was done that Southern Ireland was given independance but Northern Ireland remained part of the UK. Southern Ireland was never happy with this. It wanted Nothern Ireland too. Much fighting has occurred since. Terriorism , bombs in England etc by the IRA. It was at it's worse in the 70's England had miltary in Northern Ireland. Lots of soldiers died. We had many bombs in London. My parents are Southern Irish. There is still much upset on this matter. Southern Ireland want a united indepenant Ireland. Northern Ireland want to stay in the UK. I hope this helps. To travel with a Southern Irish passport in the 70's and 80's was a nightmare. Going in holiday as a family we were questioned as if we were part of the IRA.

Yikes! That DOES sound like a horrible nightmare! I honestly had no idea it was so bloody. I was very young I guess at the height of it, so there's a pretty big gap there in my understanding of this bloody era.

If I had original sketches from Burnbank studios they would be given pride of place around the house.Especially if they were done by a relative.They would become a talking point for visiters to you.Been following the British history with intrest.Bonnie prince Charlie was also mostly about religion as well

Ok, OK!! LOL! You've convinced me! Time to put them up. :)

I love having Brits and other Europeans here; I"m learning a lot from you all!

Yes, European history is full of wars and conflicts that were motivated by religion. Here in Germany the worst catastrophe that happened until WW II was the 30 Year's War, which devastated whole areas in Central Europe. It was fought between the Catholic and Protestant powers and it is estimated that during its duration from 1618 to 1648 a third of the population in Central Europe was killed directly or indirectly (starvation, illnesses) by the war.

I'm pretty sure I studied this in AP Euro History, but sadly, I don't think I retained nearly as much as I'd have liked to. Interestingly, I just finished doing a little reading on this, and turns out as a result of this very war, the Plague of Milan was started by soldiers' movements into Mantua and Venice.

Hey! That's my home your dissing!

Well, I WAS playing Devil's Advocate.

And you answered nicely... there v.

Well, The Commonwealth comprises 1/3 of the entire World's population. Mostly it's a Human Rights club, but it doesn't really do all that well at it. Trade among members is pretty high too. There's the Commonwealth games that is held every four years. But... and this is just me talkin' it seems to be mostly kept together by inertia rather than any great political or socio-economic reason.

"it seems to be mostly kept together by inertia rather than any great political or socio-economic reason."

This is what I was wondering.

You wanna do reindeer poop you go right ahead.

He can be an outside reindeer. Although, that's what we said about the dog too, and now he's in almost 24/7.

Can I go small and to go Disney?

Yes. Yes, you can.

Okay, Dad.

Point taken. Still think I'd be a good honorary Member though.

Of which I'm sure we will see a photo at the appropriate time.

If I"m nice.

$25? Yeah I think I could swing that.

Good. Careful on Carousel #4.

When she's right, she's right.
And when I'm wrong, I'm very, very wrong.
i really like this idea, I'm pretty bad about skipping some of the shops in WS. May have to copy your scavenger hunt

Steal away; it's a fun little challenge.

por favor mantengase alejado de las puertas.......... whoa my margarita must be kicking in

Say what?! ;)

I wonder what else you'd say when that marg kicked in?

note to self, be ready for avocado margarita at 11:00 am sharp :scratchin

That's one I haven't tried yet. Need to.

What??? you hated Paris?? travesty! i'm totally kidding, I didn't love it either. The food, namely the pastries, yes, but I'm ok with never going back, much more to see..

Yes. A LOT more. So. France. So. Italy! Venice specifically!, Greece.....
I'm here now. Thanks. I have a lot of catching up to do. Do you still like PACU nursing? How was ACLS? They forgot to tell you once you passed NCLEX you had another test to pass, didn't they?:confused3
I'm here now. Thanks. I have a lot of catching up to do. Do you still like PACU nursing? How was ACLS? They forgot to tell you once you passed NCLEX you had another test to pass, didn't they?:confused3

So glad you're back!!!

Yes! I LOVE PACU Nursing! LOVE IT!! Not getting as many hours as I'd like right now, due to it being the beginning of the year, but it'll pick up and be enough again.

ACLS suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked. Hard. Pretty sure, "Jose" died about 14 times before I could save him. (Wonder how that makes my readers feel about having a heart attack? Eat your veggies, and cut out your stress, People! Because sometimes it's Adenosine, and sometimes it's Atropine....) But, good news is that I'm good now for 2 years. Bad news? My license is already needing renewing by my birthday in May. Has it really been a year!?!
Shall We Dance? A Real Life Little Update

I may “brag” about $350 meals at places that serve horseradish on sharkskin paddles (thank you @Captain_Oblivious), so I may as well brag about one that was not so fancy, but 100% as equally enjoyable for half the cost for 4 people too. You know what made this one special? That’s right, it was eaten in the company of my 3 lovely daughters during our Annual Girls’ Day out. Wish it had been here. Maybe someday when I win the lottery…

Let me begin by giving you a bit of background… Every year for the last 7, since coming “home” from Crapistan in 2010 (see I can do basic math), I have set aside one day for all of the girls in my family to be treated to a special day including a high end meal of some ethnic variety and a Broadway-style show, concert, or perhaps a ballet. Each Christmas they find out which show I’ve chosen as their gift, and then we together talk about which restaurant or kind of food we’d like to try. In years past, we’ve seen The Lion King, Phantom, Wicked, Broadway Divas, Wizard of Oz, and a couple of others. Each was paired with hmmm… Indian, Asian Fusion (the Wild Ginger in Seattle), Korean, Moroccan, etc…

Sometimes the lineup in Portland stinks, so we head to Seattle, as we did again this year. It just depends on what is showing. Seattle makes for a long trip if we do it in a day, but we have the option of spending the night in Olympia if need be. Except this year. But that’s getting ahead of myself.

This year, neither The Keller or “The Schnitz” in Portland offered anything worth going to… at least nothing that caught my eye. So, I made the decision to haul up to Seattle for The King and I. As I’ve mentioned in previous updates, it was one I’d seen as a young girl and it got me hooked on live performance. I was looking forward to showing my girls this one and to see if they would like it just as much.

We left our house for the 4 hour trek up to downtown Seattle at 10:00. We’d gotten ½ mile when I’d realized I’d forgotten the tickets. Yay. The good news is that I remembered before we were in Portland; the bad news is that had the tickets been in my purse, I wouldn’t have forgotten that too.

No huge biggie, my girls are big girls now, and carry their own debit cards (have I mentioned how much I LOVE having adult kids?!). Mikki offered to pay along the way and I’d just do an online transfer to her account. The other thing that made it a “no biggie”? About 10 years ago, servers stopped carding me. While devastating in its own way, it does make forgetting your ID less painful. So, the worst part of forgetting my purse was that my favorite lipstick was in there. Good thing I keep a backup in the car.

About an hour up the road, the hangries struck and we ended up at McDonalds. Dollar crapfee for me and a Junior Mac (yes, Mickey D’s food pretty much belongs in a garbage can) but it worked to tide me over until our dinner. The kids got something breakfasty. Satiated, Mikki continued driving. She’d offered to drive the whole way up as she knew she wouldn’t be able to help out on the way home. Why? Because she was pretty sick. As was Anara. It’s been a pretty tough winter for us with colds and flu, and this one had been lingering with her for DAYS. No worries, I’d rather be the one driving home at 2:00AM in the rain.

We arrived in Seattle around 2:00 and our plan was to visit Pike’s Place Market since we’d never done so. Or at least we thought we hadn’t. Parking costs just shy of a 3 day stay in a hospital in downtown Seattle, but we found a spot 2 blocks away for only $8 an hour. Which was about all the time we had anyway. At least it was in a garage and not too far of a walk. Hiking around the city in stilettos sucks. Using Mik’s GPS, we found our way dooooown the hill to the waterfront and into the Market.

We're here!

It was BUSY! And bustling. And had a FUN atmosphere! Packed in were row upon row of fresh fish on ice, colorful fruits and vegetables, handcrafted wines, art, and the flowers! It was veritable eye candy to a photographer, and there were MANY. And then there was me like over here… with my cell phone, kicking myself for not bringing the camera. Live and learn. I can easily see another trip up to Pike’s for a photoshoot. While I was busy taking photos, Anara was busy gagging herself along; she and fish do not get along.

Sampling is taken to a new epic level here at Pike’s and puts Costco to a crying shame. We noshed our way through stand after stand- fruits, jerky, wine, smoked fish… pretty much appetizerville for our dinner. We finally made it to the other end and things started to look rather recognizable. Huh? We started mentioning to each other that this was very familiar and as we got further in, we realized, yeah, we’d been there a couple of years previously when we also took in the Needle and the Chihuly Glass Museum (HIGHLY recommend this!). We just had failed to turn the right way to see the main part of Pike’s. Which was fine, it made for something new to see for this trip. Near the end of the market was a chocolate shop, and while I'm not a huge choco fan, my girls seem to be, and bought a few pieces to nibble on.

Although, no entirely intentional (how can you be with a cell phone?), I do like the movement this shot captured.

More eye candy:

Last stop... potty break. I will not interject my own opinion here into the Great Bathroom Debate, but this was highly amusing... and to think... in Seattle:

On the way out, we briefly stopped to enjoy the homemade sounds of this busking band. They were actually pretty good. I'd never seen a washtub base before, and they really sang a nice tight harmony.

All too soon, our time was up for parking and we needed to make our way over towards dinner anyway. GPSing it once more, we moved the car about 10 blocks over (just too far to walk) and found another garage. Even better! Only $6 for unlimited time on Sundays! WOOT! And best yet? Our restaurant was merely an elevator ride up. SCORE!! We still had about half an hour to kill before we checked into Il Fornaio, so ducked into Barnes and Noble for a bit. We browsed and Mikki ummm…. Got hit on. Anara came over to me where I was hitting up the cookbook section and breathlessly tells me “some guy is talking to Mikki! And, MOM!, they have their phones out!” Sure enough a pretty cute guy was chatting her up in the Christian devotional section and they are smiling and talking. And we’re just over here not-so-nonchalantly spying on her (that’s what families do). “MOM!! Stop them! She’’ll move to Seattle!” “Ummmm, nope. She’s 21 and has never had a date.” <keep talking, Honey….>

In the end, after all the amusement, it was time to head up the escalator towards the Italian fare we’d chosen for dinner. After some online research, I’d picked this one, the Il Fornaio, which has several locations in the West, because not only was it near the Paramount Theater, but we’d not done Italian yet for one of our Girls’ Day outings. That, and who doesn’t love pasta?

Because our reservation was for a very early 4:00, we scored a window table. It was a darkish restaurant, so having the ambient light was very nice. We each started with a cocktail off of the HH menu, but still pricey at $8 a drink. At that price, it had better have some booze in it. And they did. Basically, (2) $4 drinks in one glass. A twofer, so to speak. Better get some food onboard, yes? YES!

So, that’s what we did. I let the kids choose the appetizer, and since Mikki is my only real foodie, she did. And, of course, she picked the one appie that only she and I would come close to eating. I had to wonder how deliberately that was done. She KNOWS that her sisters hate fish- so that’s what she went with- the Antipasto di Pesce. Let me just say that Rebekah took full advantage of the arrival by noting that the calamari rings looked like “sphincters”. I’ll leave it at that. (Might I mention that I love having a fellow nursey daughter?) Yes, we laughed. A lot. I’m sure we were referred to as “the inappropriate table" from that point forward. The only disappointing part of it was that there was only 1 scallop. My favorite part of what was on the dish… and only one. There were 2 shrimp, but that was decimated before I took the photo.

It took us a fair amount of time to decide, but that’s ok, the bread service was generous and there was no holding back. Carbapalooza, Baby! Yes, please! Waiter!, more oil and basalmic.

Someone got a spaghetti something, Bek got the butternut squash and sausage ravioli, Anara got a bowl in minestrone and then nibbled off of ours, and I got the most heavenly hand rolled cannelloni with smoked bacon you can imagine. Smothered in cheese sauce and topped with oven-roasted mushrooms. Da bomb.

To top it off, we ordered the bread pudding a la mode to share 4 ways. Because dessert.

I, oops, I mean Michaela, settled the check and off we went to our showing. After the 4 or 5 block hike, we made with about 15 minutes to spare- which means RIGHT on time. Even had time to pee, where I promptly forgot the tickets on the TP holder. (I worry about early onset Alzheimers sometimes.) Baaack downstairs, get the tickets, baaaaaaaaack upstairs, peruse the playbill for a little bit, and then the lady next to me, I guess, notices I’m short. “Let me get you a cushion.” “Oh sure, thanks!” <wonders where these have been all my life> <proceeds to sit up 6 more inches with no obstructed view on a soft pillow for entire show>

Concerning the play itself. My girls were appropriately mesmerized. But for more reasons than you’d think. Some of you, my longer time readers (I didn’t say older, you’re welcome.), know that our family has spent quite a lot of time in Thailand, and in fact, Anara was born there in 2002. Since then we’d been back a couple of times for vacations and, even she remembers it quite vividly…even if she was only 2 or 3 when we were last there. She remembers getting amoebic dysentery and her hospital stay. She remembers the water taxis that would take us out to our own private island for the day and come back in the late afternoon to pick us up. She remembers going to the Night Market in Chiang Mai and shopping for silk. All that to say, my girls were completely bewitched by the Thai elements and sub-plots. The Uncle Tom’s Cabin play scene with the Thai dancing was especially entrancing for them. HUZZAH! Mission accomplished!

The drive home was fairly uneventful, except that driving on I-5 at 2:OO AM is dull. And I’m pretty sure when we pulled into Taco Bell we were cast into the Midnight Muncher Stoner stereotype. Yes, it’s legal; no we don’t. Just because you can; doesn’t mean you should. We’d have loved to have stopped in Olympia and spent the night at my DSIL’s place, but my girls were pretty sick and we didn’t want to spread the “love” so to speak. We got home at 2:45 Whistling a Happy Tune.

Up next… eventually: Part II of the Shop Around the World; Morocco- America.
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Also, in other news (@afwdwfan , @Captain_Oblivious , @franandaj , @pkondz , feel free to tag others you might be interested)

I contacted @Leshaface via FB the other day just to check in, say hi, and make sure everything was okay. She asked me to tell everyone hi, but there's been some really big things in her life including sick kids, job changes, etc... that she has to focus on. She hopes to be back by Spring, and wants everyone to know she's okay and misses the DIS a lot.
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Every year for the last 7, since coming “home” from Crapistan in 2010 (see I can do basic math)
Try telling that to your Nursing School Instructors.....:teacher:

So, the worst part of forgetting my purse was that my favorite lipstick was in there.
The horrors! :sad2:

As was Anara. It’s been a pretty tough winter for us with colds and flu, and this one had been lingering with her for DAYS.
Tell that girl she needs to suck it up and pull her own weight with her part of the driving..... o_O

No worries, I’d rather be the one driving home at 2:00AM in the rain.
Umm, didn't you say you forgot your purse.....and ID??? :scared:

Anara came over to me where I was hitting up the cookbook section and breathlessly tells me “some guy is talking to Mikki! And, MOM!, they have their phones out!” Sure enough a pretty cute guy was chatting her up in the Christian devotional section and they are smiling and talking. And we’re just over here not-so-nonchalantly spying on her (that’s what families do). “MOM!! Stop them! She’’ll move to Seattle!” “Ummmm, nope. She’s 21 and has never had a date.” <keep talking, Honey….>
I think the term was Little Miss Sassy McSmartyPants...... :stir:

Yes, we laughed. A lot. I’m sure we were referred to as “the inappropriate table from that point forward.
Aren't you pretty much ALWAYS at the inappropriate table? Coincidence......? I think not! :scratchin

I got the most heavenly hand rolled cannelloni with smoked bacon you can imagine. Smothered in cheese sauce and topped with oven-roasted mushrooms.
Mmmmm....bacon! :goodvibes
Try telling that to your Nursing School Instructors.....:teacher:

I don't always pass Nursing School, but when I do, it's by the skin of my teeth. ;)

The horrors! :sad2:

Hey, a girl's gotta look good now.

Tell that girl she needs to suck it up and pull her own weight with her part of the driving..... o_O

Well, to be fair, she did do 50% of the driving. I did 25% and Bek did 25%. (See, math. )

Umm, didn't you say you forgot your purse.....and ID??? :scared:

IT's a myth that you have to have it on you. They have computers in their cars now and can EASILY look up your DL and record. (As long as they don't find the warrants!)

I think the term was Little Miss Sassy McSmartyPants...... :stir:

That would be her. Yes.

Aren't you pretty much ALWAYS at the inappropriate table? Coincidence......? I think not! :scratchin

Hmmm, come to think of it...

Mmmmm....bacon! :goodvibes

It always makes me sad when I hear about people hating Paris, and that the people were mean to them. :( I know that I probably had a better-than-average experience due to speaking French better than your average American, and I absolutely loved it. Except maybe in late winter, when everything is grey, grey, and more grey. But other than that, lovely.

I love your mother-daughter theater tradition! Sorry to hear it didn't go quite as smoothly as it could've. King and I was a childhood favorite, and iirc, it was one that my high school did back when I was in junior high, and they did special junior high performances during the school day.

Thailand is another place I'm curious to visit. I've heard a few stories from one of my friends who married into a Thai family (some are here, and some are back there), and it seems, well, interesting...
It always makes me sad when I hear about people hating Paris, and that the people were mean to them. :( I know that I probably had a better-than-average experience due to speaking French better than your average American, and I absolutely loved it. Except maybe in late winter, when everything is grey, grey, and more grey. But other than that, lovely.

I was sad too; it has a lot to offer, but the bad outweighed the good.

Grey? LOLOLOOOL! You do realize where I live, right? ;)

Grey from October- April. Only an average of 154 sunny days a year. :(

I love your mother-daughter theater tradition! Sorry to hear it didn't go quite as smoothly as it could've. King and I was a childhood favorite, and iirc, it was one that my high school did back when I was in junior high, and they did special junior high performances during the school day.

Only a few minor bumps, but all in all a really nice time! I'm getting the feeling that I wasn't the only kid who loved it. Huh!

Thailand is another place I'm curious to visit. I've heard a few stories from one of my friends who married into a Thai family (some are here, and some are back there), and it seems, well, interesting...

Just a beautiful, beautiful place. The people are so friendly and hospitable, and the tropical landscape is sublime! Well, I mean the food...THE FOOD!!!!! Pad Thai off of a cart for less than a buck! Did I mention a water taxi will take you to a private island? They just say,"Just look out there and pick one. I'll drop you off and pick you up, you name the time." For a dollar, you can have the entire island to yourself for the whole day! I could go on and on....
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Grey? LOLOLOOOL! You do realize where I live, right? ;)

Ah, but the buildings are also all grey! So when the sky is cloudy, and the buildings and cobblestones are also grey...

Just a beautiful, beautiful place. The people are so friendly and hospitable, and the tropical landscape is sublime! Well, I mean the food...THE FOOD!!!!! Pad Thai off of a cart for less than a buck! Did I mention a water taxi will take you to a private island, they just say, just look out there and pick one. I'll drop you off and pick you up, you name the time. For a dollar, you can have the entire island to yourself for the whole day! I could go on and on....

I just gotta get there...
I is for: I Came; I Shopped- Pt. 2

Continuing around Clockwise, because that’s how it’s done, we next WANDR’ed into Morocco. If you were wondering, yes, this is my favorite Pavilion. I adore how it so closely resembles the real Marrakesh, with the hidden back alleys and narrow paths winding this way and that. It’s easy to get “lost” with new tucked-away treasures around every corner. The exotic scents of spices and incense, the colorful fabrics hanging from rafters, and Eastern music lead me into an adventure every time I’m there. I ended up spending, as is fitting, more time in this area than in any of the others, and it took me a while to find just that right… something. The dawdling to find fun and unique photos hogged up a lot of time too.

And just being a dork.

In the end, I chose this little goody for $6.95. Works pretty well as a bar accessory. At least Mike thinks so. I haven’t used it yet. It sits nicely on the stove shelf next to the little UK bell, and a couple of upcoming items I’ll get to. Made in Morocco, under $10, useful, cute…. I’ll take it.

Oops! What’s that… Over there?! The Spice Road Table? Well, how awfully convenient, as this was the place to find and consume Drink Letter C! I’d done careful research, as you know, Dear Reader, and knew that today I’d find myself with a Cyprus Sun:

Cyprus Sun - Frozen; almond liqueur, cream de coco, orange juice and coconut milk $11.99

Just imagine it in a togo cup, K? I sucked at photos on occasion. If you press me, I'll dig out the receipt and post it for proof.


Sadly, this one was disappointing. It was VERY watered down and hardly had any taste at all, let alone any liquor in it. If it had at least tasted good, I’d have been happy. But just, no. Waste of $12; Steppe gives it a 2 Thumbs Down. And that was my quota for the day. No more until tomorrow, and see? Still 100% sober. It CAN be done, Friends.

Nevertheless, we now have:

A, B, C, D, E, K, L, M and Z taken care of. 9 down, and, <uses fingers to do math>…. 17 to go.

Moving on….

Japan is nice. I enjoy the bonsai and koi gardens a lot in there. I’ve eaten at Teppan Edo, and the quick service in years past and was satisfied, but not wowed. We have a thousand hibachi places around here, and frankly my Asian cooking is just better. But the landscaping and shops are tranquil and fun respectively, By now, the kids were with me again, (we’d gotten separated in Morocco; remember that photo of me in the fez? Yeah, the guy behind me found it way more amusing than my kids did.) and they were eager to hit up the Mitsukoshi. My youngest 2 have discovered Anime and are now intimately familiar with every karate-kicking, headbanded character known to man. Why is Japanese pop culture so attractive to kids these days? I don’t get it.

This time, it didn’t take me long at all. I’d already had an idea of what I wanted and quickly made my way to the back of the store. Past the Pick-a-Pearls (which I ABSOLUTELY ADORE, but not this time), past the Hello Kitty, past the fake kimonos….

All the way back to the ceramics, utensils and sake bar. No, I didn’t.

I like Japanese ceramicware, and thought a little glazed dish might be nice sitting on my kitchen counter (have you picked up on the fact, that I spend a LOT of time in my kitchen?) for garlic. For $5.25+tax, under $6.00!, I got my favorite souvenir, my most useful, and the prettiest. Whatcha think?

In and out of there quickly, as it was after 2:00 now, we hightailed it to our last stop for the day- ‘Murica. I don’t go there without seeing VOL, so we did. My kids were appropriately blown away, because A) Period costuming B) How can a human voice go that high?! And C) Acoustics. Pro tip: Sit on the floor under the dome. You won’t be sorry!

It’s a short show of only 2 or 3 songs, so 10 minutes later, we were in the Crap Shop. This wouldn’t take but 5 minutes as I already knew what I wanted here too. Well, I wasn’t 100% sure I’d do it, in case something UNDER $10 caught my eye, but nothing did. Back to Plan A: the VOL CD for $21 overpriced dollars. Why did I splurge? Because I bought the same $21 overpriced CD in 2010, and…. lost it. Shortly after our move back to the States, we moved from the temporary house we were put up in by our church to the house we are in now. Sadly, my CD and my pink Crocs were lost in that move. < is already braced for Pink Crocs jokes> Now, it’s in my car with other CDs that I enjoy while driving.

With that, we were done. Somehow, I lost the kids, while I stopped at a F&W kiosk (BIG MISTAKE!) and it took quite a while to hook up again. You see a pattern here, right….? I went down to the Friendship in Morocco, and kept texting and calling, and texting and calling, and…. You get the idea. I waited and waited; luckily the boat was still over at the Gateway and I had time to keep waiting.

That’s’ what we do concerning Disney Transportation. After about 4 days, they showed up and we ferried over to the landing and hoofed it, bused it, and hoofed it again back to our room to dress for the Party. No small amount of crabbiness ensued and you already know The Story of the Halloween Party.

This concludes DAY 1 of Steppe’s Shop-Around-the-World... Carry On....
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Your TR title caught this nursing student's eye!

Seems like I've got a lot of catch up to do on this one, but it looks like a blast. Time to follow along and start planning my own graduation trip!
More shopping............ :rolleyes: :sad2: But hey, bailed out by Voices of Liberty and a boat ride! That's a good recovery........... ::yes::
Your TR title caught this nursing student's eye!

YAY!! Another Nurse-y type! :D

:welcome::welcome::welcome: So happy to have you here!

Seems like I've got a lot of catch up to do on this one, but it looks like a blast. Time to follow along and start planning my own graduation trip!

YES! Graduation trips are the BEST! Feel free to steal any ideas that look fun.

More shopping............ :rolleyes: :sad2: But hey, bailed out by Voices of Liberty and a boat ride! That's a good recovery........... ::yes::

I try to intersperse it with less-than-mundane activities. ::yes::


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