What odd or different item do you pack for Disney

I put smallmouth wash bottle, laundry soap, and small booze botes IN ziplicks in case of spills....anything that a spill is a pain. Use the gallon ones as vacuum bags to make items small in luggage....
I need to preface to say we fly to Orlando. With that said, I bring a collapsible closet shelving with about 5 shelves and hang it by the safe. Don't laugh but I bring a jar of my favorite Jif AND...wait for it...a loaf of bread. I put the bread in Ziploc disposable containers. When bread is gone just fill the containers with loose whatevers for the trip home. This way if we really aren't hungry we just make pbj sandwiches. I also have to watch my sodium so I bring low sodium tuna to put on salads. Yep, you read that right. I also bring the collapsible laundry basket and place it in the corner under the closet shelves. I also bring a baggie of Bounce and all the quarters I will need for washer/dryer/laundry soap.
Yes tums!! I forgot about this but we must have it for my little one every trip. I guess he is not used to Disney food.

On our first trip he was 5 and we were about to sit down for our first Ohana dinner when he started crying and screaming about his throat hurting. He was hysterical!

The Poly front desk got my husband a cab and sent them to urgent care. We thought maybe he had strep throat and he really couldn’t tell us. Turns out he just had reflux. o_O

Needless to say we always carry tums and he lets us know when he needs a tummy pill. :P
I also fell in love with the
Poly on that trip bc of how nice they were to my family. :lovestruc

Oh I have reflux too, so bad at times I have to sleep sitting up poor guy... Yea I need to add tums as well as my Nexium and zantac
I bring tea lights (from the dollar store) for night lights in the bathroom on the counter and the commode.
I always bring Lysol wipes to wipe down surfaces, especially the tv remote. I don't think the remote ever gets wiped down by housekeeping, and I think they are gross. The definitely get used a lot by everyone.
clothespin for the curtain.
a clock radio, because we like to look at the clock in the night and we don't have a smart phone.
This is fun, thanks for this thread, OP.
Great tips!

I got these ideas from the Dis:
Pop up cubes for storing change, magic bands
Over the door shoe organizer--- the best organizer idea ever! When ever the kids/DH would say "where's XYZ" I would tell them to look in the shoe organizer. It was perfect!! I put shoes, brushes, rain ponchos, scissors, coozies, water bottles....
Pop up laundry basket

We always bring:
White noise machine
Extra power strip
Our own Shampoo and Conditioner, then I take the small bottles for the gym back home
Extra wire hangers
Not just Disney, but when we travel, I usually take the below:

  • Ziplock bags (small and large)
  • Paper plates
  • Plastic cups
  • Paper towels
  • Plastic silverware
  • Non perishable snacks and microwaveable meals (soups, spaghettios, etc)
  • Gatorade and water bottles (to prevent dehydration)
  • Trash bags or plastic grocery store bags
  • Disinfectant wipes
  • Toilet paper (just one or two rolls for emergencies)
  • Liquid hand soap
  • Bandaids (regular, antibiotic, finger, and blister)
    • I take them all out of their boxes and put them in a small ziplock bag to save on space
  • Dramamine and / or prescription motion sickness meds
  • Motrin
  • Vitamin c / zinc
  • Scissors
  • Permanent marker
  • Painter’s tape
  • Pens / pencils
  • Small Notepad
  • Power strip
  • Portable Power Cells for charging phones on the go
  • HDMI cord and HDMI to lightning adapter
  • Blankets and pillows
  • Cooler
  • Collapsible storage cubes
  • Reusable fabric grocery bags
  • Folder with all necessary trip info (printed confirmation pages, hotel info, flight info, directions, tickets, itinerary, etc)
We don’t always take all of that if we fly. But, we usually drive and eat two meals most days in the room, breakfast and one other, so having plates and cups and silverware is really useful to us. But I will say, even just having all that for snacks is great as well. Also, with the exception of the couple of larger items, I can usually fit most of the above in a very small space.

For Disney we add:
  • Ears
  • Lanyards / magic bands
  • Glow in the dark stuff for nighttime shows (not paying park prices for that stuff)
  • Special Disney shirts
  • Autograph books
  • Pins (for trading)
  • Premade tip envelopes
    • for bellhop, housekeeping, etc
    • I just find it easier to hand out an envelope I have ready than to go looking through a wallet for cash only to find I don’t have the right denomination or am taking too long
  • Small souvenirs
    • themed to go with each day’s park
    • cuts down on buying expensive souvenirs in the park
    • They are usually pre-wrapped and depending on age of guests on trip might be magically left by Mickey or Tinker-belle
  • Empty suitcase or flat shipping box (if flying)
    • for packing souvenirs in for the return home
    • We have also shipped boxes of food down to the hotel; then refilled those boxes with souvenirs, and shipped them back. You just need to get a shipping label ahead of time to put on the box.

General packing:
  • Clothes (pants, shirts, underwear, socks, jackets, pajamas)
  • Park Shoes
  • Flip flops for shower / pool
  • Hat
  • Sunglasses
  • Phone and cords
  • Toiletries (Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, loofa, razors, shaving cream, wax strips, deodorant, toothpaste, tooth brush, brush, hair bands, makeup, chap stick, nail clippers, tweezers)
  • Crossbody purse
  • Wallet
  • Keys
  • Tote bag / beach bag
  • Paperback book
  • Rain ponchos
  • Beach Towels

I’m adding this trip:
  • Mini Lysol can (found at bed bath and beyond)
    • I’m really excited about this. It is super tiny. We always seem to get sick on vacation, so I’m hoping this helps. If you see a crazy woman lysoling everything in her path, that will be me.
  • Chip clips
    • I’m not sure why I’ve never brought some of these before, but this is a great idea. We always end up with open packages of stuff and using them to keep the blind shut is genius.
  • Tiny screwdriver
    • for removing the puck from the magic bands
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Not just Disney, but when we travel, I usually take the below:

  • Ziplock bags (small and large)
  • Paper plates
  • Plastic cups
  • Paper towels
  • Plastic silverware
  • Non perishable snacks and microwaveable meals (soups, spaghettios, etc)
  • Gatorade and water bottles (to prevent dehydration)
  • Trash bags or plastic grocery store bags
  • Disinfectant wipes
  • Toilet paper (just one or two rolls for emergencies)
  • Liquid hand soap
  • Bandaids (regular, antibiotic, finger, and blister)
    • I take them all out of their boxes and put them in a small ziplock bag to save on space
  • Dramamine and / or prescription motion sickness meds
  • Motrin
  • Vitamin c / zinc
  • Scissors
  • Permanent marker
  • Painter’s tape
  • Pens / pencils
  • Small Notepad
  • Power strip
  • Portable Power Cells for charging phones on the go
  • HDMI cord and HDMI to lightning adapter
  • Blankets and pillows
  • Cooler
  • Collapsible storage cubes
  • Reusable fabric grocery bags
  • Folder with all necessary trip info (printed confirmation pages, hotel info, flight info, directions, tickets, itinerary, etc)
We don’t always take all of that if we fly. But, we usually drive and eat two meals most days in the room, breakfast and one other, so having plates and cups and silverware is really useful to us. But I will say, even just having all that for snacks is great as well. Also, with the exception of the couple of larger items, I can usually fit most of the above in a very small space.

For Disney we add:
  • Ears
  • Lanyards / magic bands
  • Glow in the dark stuff for nighttime shows (not paying park prices for that stuff)
  • Special Disney shirts
  • Autograph books
  • Pins (for trading)
  • Premade tip envelopes
    • for bellhop, housekeeping, etc
    • I just find it easier to hand out an envelope I have ready than to go looking through a wallet for cash only to find I don’t have the right denomination or am taking too long
  • Small souvenirs
    • themed to go with each day’s park
    • cuts down on buying expensive souvenirs in the park
    • They are usually pre-wrapped and depending on age of guests on trip might be magically left by Mickey or Tinker-belle
  • Empty suitcase or flat shipping box (if flying)
    • for packing souvenirs in for the return home
    • We have also shipped boxes of food down to the hotel; then refilled those boxes with souvenirs, and shipped them back. You just need to get a shipping label ahead of time to put on the box.

General packing:
  • Clothes (pants, shirts, underwear, socks, jackets, pajamas)
  • Park Shoes
  • Flip flops for shower / pool
  • Hat
  • Sunglasses
  • Phone and cords
  • Toiletries (Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, loofa, razors, shaving cream, wax strips, deodorant, toothpaste, tooth brush, brush, hair bands, makeup, chap stick, nail clippers, tweezers)
  • Crossbody purse
  • Wallet
  • Keys
  • Tote bag / beach bag
  • Paperback book
  • Rain ponchos
  • Beach Towels

I’m adding this trip:
  • Mini Lysol can (found at bed bath and beyond)
    • I’m really excited about this. It is super tiny. We always seem to get sick on vacation, so I’m hoping this helps. If you see a crazy woman lysoling everything in her path, that will be me.
  • Chip clips
    • I’m not sure why I’ve never brought some of these before, but this is a great idea. We always end up with open packages of stuff and using them to keep the blind shut is genius.
  • Tiny screwdriver
    • for removing the puck from the magic bands
Omg that’s a lot of stuff
All of these suggestions are great, I do a lot of them. But my fave is... We only go once a year, so our planning includes a visit to Bath and Body Works. We choose a scent for that particular trip and get the body wash, lotion and body spray in that scent. (Save the Disney stuff for home). It's so lovely, and every time we smell that smell after our trip we are taken back.:lovestruc We've even bought the room candle in "the scent" before. mmmmmm
I need to preface to say we fly to Orlando. With that said, I bring a collapsible closet shelving with about 5 shelves and hang it by the safe. Don't laugh but I bring a jar of my favorite Jif AND...wait for it...a loaf of bread. I put the bread in Ziploc disposable containers. When bread is gone just fill the containers with loose whatevers for the trip home. This way if we really aren't hungry we just make pbj sandwiches. I also have to watch my sodium so I bring low sodium tuna to put on salads. Yep, you read that right. I also bring the collapsible laundry basket and place it in the corner under the closet shelves. I also bring a baggie of Bounce and all the quarters I will need for washer/dryer/laundry soap.
I'm not sure that you are staying on property, but the last time I washed clothes at a resort I had to use a credit card.
I need to preface to say we fly to Orlando. With that said, I bring a collapsible closet shelving with about 5 shelves and hang it by the safe. Don't laugh but I bring a jar of my favorite Jif AND...wait for it...a loaf of bread. I put the bread in Ziploc disposable containers. When bread is gone just fill the containers with loose whatevers for the trip home. This way if we really aren't hungry we just make pbj sandwiches. I also have to watch my sodium so I bring low sodium tuna to put on salads. Yep, you read that right. I also bring the collapsible laundry basket and place it in the corner under the closet shelves. I also bring a baggie of Bounce and all the quarters I will need for washer/dryer/laundry soap.
My son loves PB&J's and eats, at least, one a day. I think I'm going to have to borrow your idea!!
I forgot to add Lysol wipes lol now yall are gonna think I'm nuts but I'm a germaphobe about hotel sheets and comforters, so I bring my own thick comforter that I place over the bed to lay on and my own sheets and thinner blanket to cover with and our pillows... We drive so its not a problem in our biggest suitcase...
Whats funny/embarrassing in 2013 we stayed Poly CL and they were doing turn down service, mouskeeping was next door and when she saw me leave the room she stopped me to ask if there was something wrong...lol

Until they got rid of the comforters I packed a large quilt I would cover the bed with during the day on breaks. We went back almost daily for years for DS so I didn't want to get in the bed (I like a neat made bed at night) but didn't want to touch the comforter, so covered it. At night the bedspreads came off the bed and we used our own. Now with the sheet duvets, they pull them and wash them.
I pack a cloth laundry bag per Family member. We pack suitcases per person so this helps at the end of the trip too.

Always travel with a power strip good for the hotel room and the airport!
Omg that’s a lot of stuff

I know that’s what I was thinking when I saw it all listed out, but really it isn’t that much once packed.

We keep a soft sided cooler in the back of the car and keep most of the stuff in the first list inside it year around (the silverware, bags, paper products, and wipes). It doesn't take up much space and is really useful to have on hand in the car. Especially for day trips. Since, it’s already prepacked, it’s no big deal to take places.

It’s hard to believe, but pretty much everything except the food, drinks, blankets, and pillows, fits inside a carryon and a small tote. We never check luggage. And the blankets and pillows are more for the car ride, so we leave those if flying as well.

Sorry, I know I got a bit carried away. But I just kept thinking of things and wanted to write them down before I forgot them. We leave in a week, so this thread was a great way for me to get my packing list together.
I just ordered new full size luggage for dh and I and I wish it would get here so I could start packing some of these ideas! We are leaving Feb 1 but I like the whole "going on vacation!" lead up to going on trips Lol
I second the over the door shoe organizer... I hang it on the bathroom door, and all our toiletries, brushes, sunscreen, etc go in there. I also bring the collapsible shelves to hang in the closet area for my daughter's clothes.


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