What odd or different item do you pack for Disney

- Ponchos/umbrella

- Sunscreen, Tylenol, first aid supplies (very expensive to buy at parks or Disney resorts)

- Ziploc bags used to place all contents (except wallet) of bag brought into parks - really speeds up bag check and necessity for park security to pull out and open everything in bag

I always bring a supply of $2 bills - makes my wallet less cumbersome, than having to carry twice as many singles.
Carabiner clips (attach refill mugs to backpack), cut up sponge pieces that were drizzled with Dawn and left to dry overnight prior to trip (to REALLY clean the mugs and toss after use), clothespins (window curtains and swimsuits), shoe organizer (to hang from bathroom door or on shower or in closet to organize any and everything), a small pop up container (to store all Magic Bands and sunglasses to drop in easily on the way in the room and grab easily on the way out).
Moleskin to prevent or cover blisters. plastic bag(grocery size..target bags work good) to have in backpack in case we use our ponchos and they are soaked and I don't want to put them back in my back pack soaked. Plastic baggies to have in purse or bag to put phones/cameras in in case of rain or on kali river rapids. Gum, since they don't sell it in the parks. Small container of sunblock. Bandaids with neosporin on them if needed.
Ziplock bags, plastic bags, first aid supplies. Snacks that can be easily packed in a suitcase (Goldfish, jerky, breakfast bars). A bottle opener (for both wine and beer). Lots of dollar bills for tips.

My mother travels with her white noise machine.
a lot of the things mentioned, but i'll add:

Scissors! I always seem to end up needing some.

glow sticks/toys so we don't get conned into buying them from the carts at the night time shows. LOL The dollar tree has some great ones in lots of different shapes and characters right now!
Swimmer’s ear drops
Portable charger for phone
Extra phone cord
Night light
Cold meds
Muscle rub (for feet every night)
My family would buy those cheap spray bottle fans at the dollar store so we didn't have to pay like $8 for them in the parks on those ridiculously hot days. And a pack of bandaids purposefully designed for blisters. Because there was always that one person that brought new shoes on the trip haha.
These are great!!! I forgot about bandaids...
I'm liking the idea of the clips for the mugs.
Night light is great I once tripped and fell ended up on my back woke everyone in the room up lol
I'm wondering about the tide pen for stains?
I bring a lot of the same things as others, but I also bring a small sewing kit, Tums, and a small fold up tote bag in case we buy to many souvenirs to pack in our luggage.
These are great!!! I forgot about bandaids...
I'm liking the idea of the clips for the mugs.
Night light is great I once tripped and fell ended up on my back woke everyone in the room up lol
I'm wondering about the tide pen for stains?

I bring a Tide pen everywhere with me.
I was thinking of bringing cheapy flip flops to wear on the water rides and putting my sneakers in the back pack. I hate wet shoes!
I started doing this a few trips ago. It makes life ever so much better. The other thing I now bring is an extra pair of underpants for when I get totally nailed on Kali. I hate it when my shorts are almost completely dry and my underwear is still soaking.
I bring a lot of the same things as others, but I also bring a small sewing kit, Tums, and a small fold up tote bag in case we buy to many souvenirs to pack in our luggage.

Yes tums!! I forgot about this but we must have it for my little one every trip. I guess he is not used to Disney food.

On our first trip he was 5 and we were about to sit down for our first Ohana dinner when he started crying and screaming about his throat hurting. He was hysterical!

The Poly front desk got my husband a cab and sent them to urgent care. We thought maybe he had strep throat and he really couldn’t tell us. Turns out he just had reflux. o_O

Needless to say we always carry tums and he lets us know when he needs a tummy pill. :P
I also fell in love with the
Poly on that trip bc of how nice they were to my family. :lovestruc
I started doing this a few trips ago. It makes life ever so much better. The other thing I now bring is an extra pair of underpants for when I get totally nailed on Kali. I hate it when my shorts are almost completely dry and my underwear is still soaking.
I didn’t even think about bringing extra underwear. I’m glad you said something or I wouldn’t have brought any.


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