Solo: A Star Wars Story

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Black Panther came out 2 months before Infinity Wars. TLJ came out six months before Solo.

Solo is suffering from TLJ. Also suffering from the fact that a large chunk of Stars Wars fans don't trust those running LucasFilms with the franchise.

well, i know we don't agree on it being a "large" chunk, but clearly there is at least a small amount - so that doesn't help. But I don't think it is only that - coming 2 weeks after Infinity wars (I know I got to like 3 movies a year so chances of seeing 2 within 2 weeks of each other is pretty remote, even though it worked out this time). fears of the production challenges, concerns the actor doesn't pull off the main character well, just not really pining for a Han background story, and I am sure a ton more reasons had a lot to do with it

I think the reports of fairly crowded theaters on Sunday and Monday do speak to the positive word of mouth having a bit of impact .. .will be interesting to see what legs the movie has
Solo is suffering from TLJ. Also suffering from the fact that a large chunk of Stars Wars fans don't trust those running LucasFilms with the franchise.

I think that's wishful thinking by the small group of TLJ haters.

The reasons I listed above are having a much larger impact on Solo sales than this imaginary boychott.
So we finally went to see it yesterday. BIL was coaching state athletic event over the weekend. We took 3 kids 12, 7, and 6 who are all pretty big SW fans. It was first showing of day at 1:00pm and theatre was mostly full but nothing like buzz of TFA or TLJ. I went in with pretty low expectations honestly (didn't even buy tickets until Fri). However I really liked it and surprisingly the kids did too. I was a little worried them not being as familiar with the OT details, that missing out on all the Easter Eggs would take away from it. For them it was the action and of course they love Chewy(who doesn't!).

A couple of other posters hit on the highlights I was really curious 1. How he met Chewy 2. How he got the gun 3. How he met Lando. The gun was a little meh, but the other two exceeded how I thought it might happen. As someone else noted loved how it seemed Chewy was watching Han trying to decide if he trusted him or not. That whole interaction was my favorite part. Also I thought Woody Harrelson and Donald Glover were great. And given the impossible task I thought Alden acquitted himself well. L3 definitely fell short of K2.

Oh and that spoiler, wow never expected that but thought it was cool!
coming 2 weeks after Infinity wars (I know I got to like 3 movies a year so chances of seeing 2 within 2 weeks of each other is pretty remote, even though it worked out this time). fears of the production challenges, concerns the actor doesn't pull off the main character well, just not really pining for a Han background story, and I am sure a ton more reasons had a lot to do with it

Can I ask, didn't LucasFilms have control over most of these points?

They controlled the production, the casting, the marketing and the release date. Then some fans(maybe not a large chunk) were told "you just needed to stop watching at ROTJ because clearly the new movies aren't for you". Next movie? SOLO: A throwback to a time fore ROTJ. What the heck? I would have been surprised if it didn't fail at the box office.
Can I ask, didn't LucasFilms have control over most of these points?

They controlled the production, the casting, the marketing and the release date. Then some fans(maybe not a large chunk) were told "you just needed to stop watching at ROTJ because clearly the new movies aren't for you". Next movie? SOLO: A throwback to a time fore ROTJ. What the heck? I would have been surprised if it didn't fail at the box office.

From the beginning I questioned why it was coming out now rather than just sticking with the December dates that seemed to have worked so far
I think that's wishful thinking by the small group of TLJ haters.

Ah.... What? I am not really boycotting Star Wars, I just have no interest in it anymore. Folks can keep on with the "hater" bit all they want, but its not hate.... its disinterest.... which is probably worse for Disney.
and the release date.
I do wonder if The Disney Company has some say in that. They have to appropriately put Disney animation, Pixar, Marvel, Toon Studios, Star Wars, and Disney live action films throughout the calendar. In terms of release dates I am sure each arm talks to each other. So it could have been something Alan Horn/Iger wanted vs. Kathleen Kennedy. We don't really know there.
You're obviously still interested enough to come here and spread the doom and gloom.

?????? The box office numbers are what they are. I can only account for the 50$ that I saved by not going to see it. Clearly it was more than just me that stayed home.
the reviews aren't bad enough to blame it on the film quality IMO. the people i know who saw it (couple guys at my job) are star wars fans and signed off on it, saying it was solid if unspectacular. certainly not bad enough to discourage others from seeing it, so the 'word-of-mouth' probably is not bad enough to stop people from going. the 70% rating on RT kind of echoes that.

i just don't think people were hungry for this story. i know i wasn't, and i enjoyed episodes 7 and 8. we know how han's story ends now, so (IMO) we just didn't need this film. especially not for the 250-300m it cost disney to create.
If I was "disinterested" I wouldn't be here on this forum talking about it. I'd be doing something I'm interested in.

I got it the first time.

Infinity Wars has been the most anticipated movie since it was announced several years ago. Probably just behind TFA in terms of buzz. There was never going to be fatigue on that movie. Lets see how Antman and the Wasp comes out of the gate.

Why wasn't Solo a highly anticipated movie? A new Star Wars Movie. Leading up to the screen crawl of TLJ I was hyped up for a new Star Wars Movie, finally the continuation of TFA!

I can tell you if Antman and the Wasp had come out this past weekend I woulda seen that on top of seeing IW for a third time.
Why wasn't Solo a highly anticipated movie? A new Star Wars Movie. Leading up to the screen crawl of TLJ I was hyped up for a new Star Wars Movie, finally the continuation of TFA!

I can tell you if Antman and the Wasp had come out this past weekend I woulda seen that on top of seeing IW for a third time.

Well for one it was a film that not a lot of people asked for. I think most wanted to branch out away from the OT with something more during the PT era or even earlier. And you can't really compare the hype of IW vs. Solo. The only way to do that is if they made a standalone Solo, Luke, Leia, and Chewy movie and then have them culminate into Star Wars.
the reviews aren't bad enough to blame it on the film quality IMO. the people i know who saw it (couple guys at my job) are star wars fans and signed off on it, saying it was solid if unspectacular. certainly not bad enough to discourage others from seeing it, so the 'word-of-mouth' probably is not bad enough to stop people from going. the 70% rating on RT kind of echoes that.

i just don't think people were hungry for this story. i know i wasn't, and i enjoyed episodes 7 and 8. we know how han's story ends now, so (IMO) we just didn't need this film. especially not for the 250-300m it cost disney to create.

I was Ok with the idea of this movie from the start. EXCITED, would be an overstatement, but I was ok with it.

I figured Han's adventures were probably some of the more exciting and interesting, so why not?

Following TLJ, Black Panther, and then the epic Infinity War I can't say I was hyped or excited for this movie at this time, but I knew I would go to it.

It met my expectations. I was expecting a fun Indiana Jones meets Star Wars type of film and that's what it was. Much lighter than the last couple. The darker movies leave a much bigger emotional connection which this didn't have. But you need to mix some fun movies in with the epic ones.
I enjoyed the movie. I haven't watched Clone Wars or Star Wars Rebels, but now I want to - the movie made me interested in other parts of the Star Wars Universe outside of the how are the "common folk" if you will experiencing life in the galaxy. You see bits of it in Solo and bits of it in TLJ. I haven't read any books or comics, but may check those out as well.
It was interesting to me to see what Han was like prior to meeting up with the Luke, Leia, etc. - how he got his last name, how he met Chewy, how he got the gun and the falcon, etc. I also thought Alden did a really good job of portraying him - I feel like people were saying he was terrible and its why he wasn't in any of the trailers very much, etc. but he even walked like him...I thought he did well.
I enjoyed the movie. I haven't watched Clone Wars or Star Wars Rebels, but now I want to - the movie made me interested in other parts of the Star Wars Universe outside of the how are the "common folk" if you will experiencing life in the galaxy. You see bits of it in Solo and bits of it in TLJ. I haven't read any books or comics, but may check those out as well.
It was interesting to me to see what Han was like prior to meeting up with the Luke, Leia, etc. - how he got his last name, how he met Chewy, how he got the gun and the falcon, etc. I also thought Alden did a really good job of portraying him - I feel like people were saying he was terrible and its why he wasn't in any of the trailers very much, etc. but he even walked like him...I thought he did well.

as for the regular folks, I think a lot depended on what planet you were on. If it was something the Empire wanted resources from then they would go after it and take it over and control it and enslave the people (in some cases) - others that weren't viewed as a threat (say, Alderaan) were largely left alone and just monitored - though they would install a governor loyal to the Empire if need be
I got it the first time.

Why wasn't Solo a highly anticipated movie? A new Star Wars Movie. Leading up to the screen crawl of TLJ I was hyped up for a new Star Wars Movie, finally the continuation of TFA!

I can tell you if Antman and the Wasp had come out this past weekend I woulda seen that on top of seeing IW for a third time.
For many people the concept didn’t have any appeal. I know it isn’t for me. I don’t want a Han backstory, and it took some coaxing mentally to get myself motivated to see it.

I also don’t mind dissenting opinion. I can understand why it gets frustrating for some to hear over and over again, but it’s a discussion board not an agreement board
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